Baka and Test: New Semester! (Jugger82 x FemShep)


Jul 1, 2013
The Normandy SR-2
Name: Emilee
Age: 16
Class: F
Avatar's Guise: Thief or Rogue
Personality: Laid back and flirty
Best Class: History and English
Other: Does her work and studies, but not as much as she should and really doesn’t care too much

Name: Sheryl
Age: 16
Class: E
Avatar’s Guise: Kusarigama Master
Personality: Teasing and outgoing
Best Class: Math
Other: Has a her eyes set on Freya to be her wife

Name: Iris
Age: 17
Class: F
Avatar’s Guise: Giant Claws Master
Personality: Playful, lazy, and sassy
Best Class: Athletics
Other: She’s lazy when it comes to work, but not with sports

Name: Keri
Age: 16
Class: B
Avatar’s Guise: Archer
Personality: Sweet and Kind hearted
Best Classes: All Round
Others: She’s a hard worker, but also a person pleaser so she’s easy to control

Name: Lyra
Age: 17
Class: A
Avatar’s Gusie: Swords man
Personality: Serious and uptight
Best Classes: All round
Others: She has a hard time being loose and relaxed due to her work focused lifestyle

A new year has begun at the Fumizuki Academy, a special school where students were placed in certain grade average classes based on their academic scores. The higher the grades, the higher the class, and the better the benefits. The different classes could challenge another class to a war where they use the school's special program to summon avatars with a teacher's permission. Though the avatars couldn't hurt other students directly, they all have different power levels based on their latest tests scores on their last test in the subject that's been challenged. So naturally it pays to be in Class A, or the strongest class. The goal of the war is to defeat the other class' student representative or leader. When the winner is decided the classes swap classroom supplies which Class A has the most prestigious items while Class F has the opposite. Those whose characters are defeated by reaching the health of zero are forced to take supplementary lessons to restore their health and the class that loses has to wait three months before challenging another class for war.

It sounds cool, she guessed. Emilee thought about the ways of this new school having to prepare herself for what was ahead of her, though honestly she didn't care too much. Sure, fighting with avatars is cool and she was pretty good at video games, but the studying part sounded boring. Emilee studied every now and again, but really she was too busy with her games to care about that. Probably why she ended up in Class F to begin with, oh well. Maybe in there she won't have to work at all and instead just bring her 3DS to school everyday. Besides, why study so much if she wasn't gonna use it in life anyway? It's best to just lay back and enjoy life while they're young, but she could tell by the school uniform that she had to wear that this wasn't the case.

After walking past the other classes, she had to admit, Class A did look fancy like a upper class rich school while the others were growing less impressive as the grades went down. Finally, she reached to her class: Class F. The sign was made from a old piece of wood that dangled by one chain...bad omen for things to come. Once she opened the door, Emilee got a good look at the classroom before her. Mats for chairs, boxes for desks, no chalk for the chalkboard, a old podium...great. Softly she sighed and decided to sit in the back corner. She placed her bag down beside the tomato box that was now her desk and sat down on the dirty flat mat, crossing her legs Indian style despite being in a skirt. Even though it would make her skirt shorter and easier to see up of it didn't seem to bother or embarrass Emilee. Instead she just pulled out a box of pocky and started munching away at the chocolate covered stick with her hand holding her head up with a bored expression.
Name: Nathan Stone
Age: 16
Class: F
Appearance: (BMR Avatar)
Avatar's Guise: Lancer
Personality: Perverted and Teasing
Best Class: Technology
Other: Slacker

Name: Darian O'Brien
Age: 18
Class: A
Avatar's Guise: Paladin
Personality: Rich-Person complex
Best Class: All-Around
Other: Top of the class

Name: Artemis Adams
Age: 18
Class: A
Avatar's Guise: Sorcerer
Personality: Hot-Headed
Best Class: History and Science
Other: Known as the 'Magic Devil'

Name: Tristan Powers
Age: 17
Class: C
Avatar's Guise: Gunner
Personality: Calm and Collected
Best Class: Math
Other: Flunked purposely to help the underdogs.

Name: Freya Armstrong
Age: 16
Class: E
Avatar's Guise: Whipper
Personality: Superiority Complex
Best Class: All-Around
Other: Loves women and domination

Average Class Scores
Class F: 0-150
Class E: 130-300
Class D: 250-400
Class C: 400-550
Class B: 550-700
Class A: 700+

Nathan sighed as he sat in Class F...the worst class available at Fumizuki Academy. How he got such horrid grades, he'll never know...for he knew he was smarter than this! But apparently there was a mishap with his paperwork and the school got lazy and threw him into Class F for the semester. He would sit in front of Emilee, not really paying attention to the girl as she came in and sat behind him. He was just lightly dozing off all the while wondering...Why? Why was he part of Class F. He thought he'd at least get Class C but apparently this was not the case...and he sighed...falling backwards onto his back, head looking above him with his eyes closed...and suddenly he'd open them, only for his face to go red as he was looking right up Emilee's skirt. His face was red and a little bit of blood began to lightly drizzle from his nose as he eyed the girl...not even knowing if she was watching him or not.
At first Emilee didn't even notice the boy that sat in front of her was staring up her skirt. Really she was focusing on the pocky stick she was munching on and looking around the class to see who else got into this poor excuse of a class, but when she finished her pocky stick and looked down the box to get a new one, that's when she spotted the boy in front of her. Though she didn't yell or slap him like most girls would have. No, this could be fun. She pulled another pocky stick out of the box and spoke. "You know, if you're gonna stare up my skirt wouldn't it be better to do it somewhere more...private?" She asked with a seductive tone then gave her pocky stick a slow lick in a suggestive manner.
He would blush as he suddenly realized he had been caught by the girl, and sat upright, turning to look at her with a grin. "Oh heh...excuse me. I was just laying back and noticed so I thought I'd take a peek. You know your panties are rather cute~" He said teasingly and held his hand out for her to shake. "Welcome to Class F, newbie." He said with a smile. "I'm Nathan of your fellow classmates and I'll be here for the next semester. Heh...hopefully we don't bring Class F down right?" His smile seemed genuine despite a trickle of blood going down his face somewhat from his panty viewing.
Emilee couldn't help, but smile at boy before her after all he seemed like an interesting character, more interesting then the others in this class so far. As she took his hand to shake it, she decided to play around with the pervert. "You're pretty cute too, maybe if you invite me over sometime you'll get to see more then just my panties. I'm Emilee and honestly whatever happens in here happens. Oh and you got something here." Emilee leaned in using her thumb to wipe away the blood running down from his nose making her thumb rub over his lips for a brief moment. "Hmm...your lips are soft..." Emilee said softly so only he could hear.
He blushed even more madly, feeling steam start to come off of his face as she continued to flirt with him. He sat upright, finding that she was indeed interested in him...or at least he thought so. "Oh? Is that a fact?" He said with a grin as he leaned forward, eyeing her eyes as he spoke seductively toward her. "If you think they're so soft...maybe I could get to see how soft yours are against mine?" He wondered how far this girl would be willing to go...Especially since they literally just met and hadn't known each other for more than ten minutes.
She chuckled softly at the sight of Nathan blushing before her and even adjusting himself from her simple moves, but seemed unfazed by his staring eyes. Her eyes stared right back into his with a almost daring gleam in her eyes. Honestly Emilee loved playing games, especially mind games and she was curious to see how far Nathan was willing to take his perverted ways. So she smirked at him softly. "Seems fair since I've gotten to touch yours already, but perhaps you'll like to make it into a game? You know the pocky game right?" She asked holding the pocky stick in her hand. "The one with two people taking at bite on either side until they meet in the middle?" She grinned then placed one end of the pocky in her mouth and lifted up the other end for him to bite onto...if he'll do it.
He blinked...hearing the girl...and nodded. "Of course I'd play that with you." He said with a snicker and began to start nibbling on the end of the pockie stick. He wondered how far they'd be willing to go. He had never played this game before, so he wondered how exactly they were supposed to 'win'? Just keep going until their lips touched? That seemed easy. He would proceed to take more of the pockie stick into his mouth whenever she would as well...
Emilee smiled as she watched him start to nibble on the end of the stick almost enthusiastically. He was really going to do it. Well it'll be interesting to see if he'll be able to actually kiss her by the time they reach to the last bite. She'll make sure it's him that kisses her if it did come down to it. After he took a few nibbles, Emilee closed her eyes and took a bigger nibble then he did to prove how serious she was with this game. Their lips still a good distance away, but will eventually get to the point she wanted it to be.
He shrugged lightly and began to nibble more and more on the Pockie stick, unable to tell if the girl had any other motives on wanting to play this with him and caught no hostility from her as he played. He got closer to her lips with each large nibble, and wondered what her lips would feel like on his. He gave her a playful wink the next time she'd look at him, and enjoyed the taste of the pockie stick that he was nibbling on.
When Emilee opened her eyes halfway to see how close his lips were to hers, she caught him winking at her. Softly her lips smiled as she returned the wink with a more flirtatious one. Softly she took another nibble this time her head tilting to the side like she was readying to fit her lips in with his for a full kiss. Emilee began to enjoy this game on a deeper level other then a simple mind game, she began to wonder how soft his lips would be too and maybe even completely willing to actually kiss him, after all...he was really cute.
Nathan would see her head turning so that their lips would together, and he'd take the last bit of nibble to kiss her lips tenderly. He pushed the rest of the pockie into his mouth so that his lips would press against hers, touching them gently and tenderly as his face began to heat up, having not expected for her to simply allow him to do this so easily...and was somewhat expecting her to retaliate somehow for having made such a bold jump forward so he could kiss her.
Even though Emilee was a bit surprised to see the jump Nathan made to kiss her lips, she wasn't mad at him at all. Normally she didn't care about people kissing her, but this time she actually liked how Nathan was gently kissing her. What a perv...on the first day of school too. Oh well, might as well indulge in it since his lips felt so warm and soft against her own. Instead of pushing him away, Emilee placed her hand on his cheek as she moaned sweetly into his lips with her own cheeks blushing softly as she kissed him back tenderly.
He saw her face begin to flush as she kissed him as well, and wondered if she was really that interested in him. They were kissing and there was no negative repercussions cause of he was simply enjoying himself now. After some moments, he pulled away from her and the hand that was placed gently upon his cheek and smiled at the girl. "Mm...Not a bad way to start off the first day of school." He said with a grin as he looked at her red face...though he was pretty sure his own face was red due to his own blushing nervousness.
Nathan was the first boy to make her blush in such a long time...maybe she really was interested in him in more ways then she thought, he definitely seemed to like her judging by his red face. She smiled back at him softly after removing her hand from his face and even chuckling softly. "It's the most interesting one I've had yet...we should play that game again sometime where we aren't surrounded by other people." She suggested giving a satisfied smile.
He nodded in agreement, having wanted to definitely see where a private bit of fun would take them. He stretched a bit and looked to the class, wondering if this was everyone. "So...What made you come to Fuzuki Academy, if I might ask?" He said with a grin, and realized something about the girl. "Er...excuse me...I don't believe you've even given me your name yet despite me telling mine to you."
Emilee looked around to see the students around in the class were doing their own thing, it didn't seem like any of them even noticed what happened between Emilee and Nathan, but either way she was just glad to have such a interesting start to her day. Then she returned her eyes on Nathan teasing him. "Already we kissed and you don't know my name? I'm Emilee" After a soft chuckle she answered "Honestly I came here because of the avatar system. When I heard about it, the system sounds like a fun RPG like game so I decided why not attend? The other schools are boring as hell anyway, so I'm hoping this one will be more exciting and so far, it has been." She grinned giving a wink.
He snickered as he looked at her with an evil glint in his eyes. "Heh...You came here just for the avatar battles and didn't even know about the class placements eh?" He grinned and pointed toward the class. "You're either as dumb as everyone else or just lazy if you got stuck with Class F. Not what you'd think it would be, eh? Heh...Well you're at fault for not trying hard enough if you're ever gonna complain about the classes. Me? I'm just lazy. Didn't really care for the test so I slacked off during it."
"I knew about them, I just didn't care enough to cram the night before. Honestly I have more fun things I could be doing." She gave a teasing smirk towards him. "As long as I get to battle with my avatar I'm happy, hell it might even convince me to study more often." She shrugged a little looking around the classroom at her fellow slackers or idiots. "I wouldn't call myself lazy, I just don't care what happens." She said softly taking another pocky stick and munching on it.
He laughed as he heard her say that she would study more if the avatar battles were to entertain her enough, and he simply shrugged. "I think thats the point of them really. Heh...A fun little system of battles based on our test scores...who wouldn't cram to become much more powerful and win riches for their class from the other class?" He grinned, watching her eat more pockie sticks and laid down, his head near her bottom as he looked up at her. "Curious to know what your entrance score was."
"That would make sense, the whole class war and avatar battles sounds like fun and to get stronger you have to be smarter, but think about it, if I tried harder, I wouldn't have gotten to kiss you on the first day." She smiled leaning back a bit with her hands on the wooden floor. She looked down at him answering "I think it said I got a 146 on the test. What about you?" She asked curiously stretching her legs out a bit.
He blinked. "Woah 146 and you didn't even try? You nearly made it to class E." He grinned and laid his head on her lap after rearranging himself. "129...Literally on the verge of them deciding to put me in Class E or F. It seems for you, they decided to just throw you into Class F. I'm assuming Class E was full." He snickered and looked over to her. "Know anyone else at this school? Or are you coming here with a clean slate?"
Emilee smiled softly seeing Nathan place his head on her lap which, as expected, didn't bother her really. After he finished speaking she stuck a pocky stick in his mouth while answering. "Yeah, I guess it was full. Honestly I would probably fit better in there since I'm not as lazy as some people." She teased by looking at him directly, implying that Nathan was lazier then her. "But at the same time, I just wanna relax and have fun so this class seems perfect for that." She smiled softly running her fingers through his hair playfully.

Nearby a cat girl known as Iris was looking at them curiously. They seemed to be a couple judging by the way they were all over each other like that and she could have sworn she saw them kissing earlier. Oh well, it really shouldn't be her business on their personal affairs, but she couldn't help watching them from a distance out of the corner of her eye.
Nathan laughed and nodded. "You're right. This is definitely the perfect class for that mindset then." He said with a grin, before hearing the door opening to Class F...And five Class A students entered the classroom, one of them wearing a rather long scarf. "Good evening, representatives of Class F. My name is Darian O'Brien and I am the valedictorian at this school. I am here to welcome you all to Fuzuki Academy...and to give you all a warning. You are nothing but the runt of the litter, and have nothing to show for it. Your classroom is just barely presentable and I warn you not to fight in any battles...lest you want to lose more than you already know." He grinned and flipped his hair back before grinning once more. "Have a good semester." He said, before leaving the classroom. Upperclassman picking on the lowerclassman it seemed. Nathan simply shrugged. "The hell was that? Did he say Valedictorian? Like...smartest person at the school?"
When the door opened, Emilee's attention turned to the door to see the handsome Class A student step inside. Already she didn't like the look of this guy and the attitude he gave sort of pissed her off. So what if he was top of the class? Besides what kind of guy just walks in lowering them just because they're not as smart or willing to work as he is? That doesn't mean he's better then they are, but Emilee just rolled her eyes and looked back down at Nathan. "It seems like. Though he seems more of a douche bag with a pole up his ass to me." She sighed. Iris wasn't too happy about the way he acted either, but she wasn't gonna do anything about it so softly she muttered. "Asshole..."
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