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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

It's Christmas Eve evening here, and I won't be around much for the next couple of days, so to all my writing partners and BMR friends,

although it is a little disappointing that:[/color]]




So, whatever you believe in, whatever your religion (or absence of such), and however you celebrate the day, I hope you enjoy it, and time spent with family and friends. Thank you all for being the awesome, varied individuals you are, and Merry Christmas :)
Merry Christmas to you, Quix.

Don't forget to enjoy the Aussie tradition of sinking a tinnie or two around the BBQ on a stinking hot Chrissy Day. :D
Sync said:
Merry Christmas to you, Quix.

Don't forget to enjoy the Aussie tradition of sinking a tinnie or two around the BBQ on a stinking hot Chrissy Day. :D

Thanks, Sync. I did, indeed, enjoy throwing a few prawns on the barbie, and standing around it, sinking a tinnie or two and talking shit with my mates, on a sweltering hot day, whilst the sheila's spent it nattering amongst themselves in the kitchen. Even on Chrissy day, in good 'ole Aussie barbie tradition, the twain shall not mingle for more than five minutes, xD In a few hours, it's off to my brother's, to do it all over again. Hope you had a good one, too.

Malicious Lullaby said:
Hey i understood the Aussie speak that sync wrote! My studying is paying off!

Happy Christmas quix. Were you naughty or nice this year? My boobies, which have the ability to accurately guess someone's naughty or nice factor say naughty ;)

Merry Christmas to you too, Mali :)

I'm proud of you. Next it will be an A in Australian Literature; as if that phrase isn't a contradiction in terms,

Damn, you've got some awesome boobies there! (Hmm, I've a feeling that wording has been used before by some other guy, on some other woman, in some other context!) Anyway, moving on, they were right. I was naughty, but in a nice kind of way!

I don't even have to ask with you; you're always naughty for Christmas, hoping Santa will spank you for it. Enjoy the day.
Mr Quixotic said:
Sync said:
Merry Christmas to you, Quix.

Don't forget to enjoy the Aussie tradition of sinking a tinnie or two around the BBQ on a stinking hot Chrissy Day. :D

Thanks, Sync. I did, indeed, enjoy throwing a few prawns on the barbie, and standing around it, sinking a tinnie or two and talking shit with my mates, on a sweltering hot day, whilst the sheila's spent it nattering amongst themselves in the kitchen. Even on Chrissy day, in good 'ole Aussie barbie tradition, the twain shall not mingle for more than five minutes, xD In a few hours, it's off to my brother's, to do it all over again. Hope you had a good one, too.

Yup. Tinnies down the hatch, snags and prawns on the barbie, add a few burgers and steaks, drown it in dead horse, talk crap while getting shit-faced and the sheilas gossip and tidy up afterwards. Good times. :)

Mali - translate, please? ;) Or, if you can't, maybe those awesome boobies of yours can? o_O
Sync said:

Mali - translate, please? ;) Or, if you can't, maybe those awesome boobies of yours can? o_O

Yes, Mali, please translate!

Malicious Lullaby said:
LOL. I will dominate all Literature courses! How is it a contradiction in terms?

I really do :D They're quite a catch. Lol now that's a contradiction in terms xP

Yes I am! And yes he did! :D He used the plate that had the cookies he polished off before.

After your awesome efforts this semester, I'm sure you will. Oh, because Australia's such a comparatively young country, and some of us enjoy taking the piss out of our "lack of history, culture and classic literature"; European-settlement wise anyway, the Aboriginals are on the world's oldest civilisations, with plenty of history, and unique culture, although the majority had no written language. Name me one Australian Novel that belongs with the American and British classics? xD

See, you couldn't! However, we do have a few of what we consider classics over here, and that gives me an excuse to quote a passage from one that's always struck a chord with me, written from a point of view of an Italian Immigrant in the 1950's, xD

“There is no better way of life in the world than that of the Australian. I firmly believe this. The grumbling, growling, cursing, profane, laughing, beer drinking, abusive, loyal-to-his-mates Australian is one of the few free men left on this earth. He fears no one, crawls to no one, bludges on no one, and acknowledges no master. Learn his way. Learn his language. Get yourself accepted as one of him; and you will enter a world that you never dreamed existed. And once you have entered it, you will never leave it.”

John O'Grady
They're A Weird Mob

Santa sounds like he's good at improvising, however, you will need to be even naughtier next year, so you get the paddle and not someone else again!

A few days rest and relaxation, before I head down to my mates for New Years. Then back for a few more days, before my eldest brother and I go visit Mum the following weekend. Cannot believe time goes so fast; the 8th January will be the first anniversary of Dad's death, and we don't want her to be alone for it. My other brother will be working, running the kennels, and Mum is spending this week with him.
Sync said:
Mr Quixotic said:
Sync said:
Merry Christmas to you, Quix.

Don't forget to enjoy the Aussie tradition of sinking a tinnie or two around the BBQ on a stinking hot Chrissy Day. :D

Thanks, Sync. I did, indeed, enjoy throwing a few prawns on the barbie, and standing around it, sinking a tinnie or two and talking shit with my mates, on a sweltering hot day, whilst the sheila's spent it nattering amongst themselves in the kitchen. Even on Chrissy day, in good 'ole Aussie barbie tradition, the twain shall not mingle for more than five minutes, xD In a few hours, it's off to my brother's, to do it all over again. Hope you had a good one, too.

Yup. Tinnies down the hatch, snags and prawns on the barbie, add a few burgers and steaks, drown it in dead horse, talk crap while getting shit-faced and the sheilas gossip and tidy up afterwards. Good times. :)

Mali - translate, please? ;) Or, if you can't, maybe those awesome boobies of yours can? o_O

Does sinking a tinnie mean smoking some special grass?
If that’s the case then this is Quix’s translated sentence:

Thanks, Sync. I did indeed enjoying throwing a few prawns on the grill and standing around it, smoking a couple of joints and talking with my mates, on a sweltering hot day, whilst the ladies spent it chattering (or gossiping?) amongst themselves in the kitchen. Even on Christmas Day, in good old Aussie BBQ tradition, the twain (I don’t know what that means lol) shall not mingle for more than five minutes.

Is that close to right? 90%? :D
Close, very close; a tinnie is just a can of beer, and we actually sunk a few stubbies (bottles), rather than tinnies, but you got pretty much all the rest right. Twain is an old term for 'two'. I'll give you an A :)
xanaphia said:
I was going to ask if it was 2017 there yet, but it's looks you guys are still having summer, so I'll come back in six months.

Lol, we're not quite that far ahead of you Xana, but if you do come back in six months, you can join in another of our traditions; Christmas in July! Lucky us, we celebrate it twice a year, but, unfortunately, still don't get snow for either! :)


I have this sudden craving to pluck an antagonist character of mine from a dead roleplay, and create a new story with him as the male lead and protagonist. Something dark and violent, the guy is a pure arrogant, misogynistic asshole, and that he caused some people who followed the original story to message to tell me how he'd affected them, and how they despised him, makes him one of my favourite creations. However, not sure how to go about it, as to bring him in 'as is', which is what I'd want, would require potential partners having prior knowledge of the character, or if it'd actually be proper to do so.
I was actually meaning for Mali to translate my follow-up, but what the heck. Boobies ftw. :cool:
Oh xD Well it's basically the same. You threw beers in a trash---?--add a few burgers and steaks--I don't know what drowning it in a dead horse means and I don't think I want to lol--and of course the ladies gossiping. That wasn't hard to translate. Ish. xD Happy now Sync?
"Tinnies down the hatch" means "we drink our beer"; "dead horse" is rhyming slang for "sauce", most commonly tomato (you Yanks call it tomato ketchup); "getting shit-faced" means "getting very drunk". Good try, though. :D
You might have completed the wrong exam paper, but since you did such a great job of that, the A still stands! As Sync mentions, 'Dead Horse' is tomato sauce, which goes best with a 'Dogs Eye' Or Meat Pie :)
...could almost start a Forum Game thread along the lines of: What does this Australian Word/Phrase refer to? ;)
Malicious Lullaby said:
Yay thank you! So ketchup and meat pie? Together?

Yep, that's right, Mali! You should try one.

Sync said:
...could almost start a Forum Game thread along the lines of: What does this Australian Word/Phrase refer to? ;)

We could, indeed!


I set myself a roleplay writing target at the start of this year of 100,000 words, not being sure exactly how much that was, or the effort it'd require, and if it was realistic in either being too difficult or easy to achieve. I'm happy to say, neither of the latter, as with the post to my latest story, - appropriately enough, it being the one with Xana as she inspired me to do it -, my total word count for 2016 just hit 100,376!

Now, I'll wait for Xana to scoff at my pathetically low number, as hers is probably well over half a million! :)
Malicious Lullaby said:
I always did want to try a meat pie:)

If you're going to try one, you might as well go all the way, and enjoy a pie floater:


A delicious combination of fatty meat off-cuts and gravy, encased in pastry, floating in a bed of mushy peas, and covered in tomato sauce.

Now there's some Aussie culture!
Malicious Lullaby said:
Dunno about the mushy peas...can I have it without the mushy peas?

No, you can't. And did I mention to be a true Aussie, you need to eat it with one hand, sans cutlery, whilst holding a beer in the other!
But but...I need the utensils! I hate using my hands! They get all dirty! I know, I'm Indian and should be accustomed to this but unless it's Indian food, I don't like using my hands >.< Even with a burger.
And the peas looks like something regurgitated >.< I will take my peas un-mushed please! If they are unmushed, then I will eat with one hand while holding a beer :D
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