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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Malicious Lullaby said:
But but...I need the utensils! I hate using my hands! They get all dirty! I know, I'm Indian and should be accustomed to this but unless it's Indian food, I don't like using my hands >.< Even with a burger.
And the pees looks like something regurgitated >.< I will take my peas un-mushed please! If they are unmushed, then I will eat with one hand while holding a beer :D

Don't worry, even Australians aren't uncultured enough to eat a floater without utensils! Actually, the floater is really only popular in one State; the mushy peas, I think, having come from the British (Idiot South Australians! I can say that because I was born there, xD).

I hope you meant peas! Fine, it's a deal, you can have a normal pie, without any peas at all, and beer, whilst at the footy. It's our equivalent of the American combination of Baseball and hotdogs.
Mr Quixotic said:
No, you can't. And did I mention to be a true Aussie, you need to eat it with one hand, sans cutlery, whilst holding a beer in the other!

This should be the sole requirement of Australian citizenship.

Bugger all this swear an oath, get a piece of cardboard, answer questions, get sponsored crap: can you eat a meat pie and sauce with one hand and not spill anything on you? Yes, you're in; No, get lost. :D
Malicious Lullaby said:
Interesting xD

Yes I did mean peas and not pees. Minor hiccup on my part but I fixed it lol.
Huh, I see that everyone has their own version and different interpretations of sports food. Fascinating!

So, you corrected it, like I'm allowed to correct your name when I accidentally spell it Mail, rather than Mali, without getting into trouble, right? :)

Lol, they do, and I know how much you love sport.
Malicious Lullaby said:
Exactly ^^ It's just you never do xD So that's why you get into trouble lol.

Not a huge sports fan actually lol.

I get into trouble before I have the chance to fix it. You're the one who always brings it to my attention, xD

Oh, really? I learn something new about you every day!

Off to my mate's down the coast this morning, and not sure when I'll be back; likely the second of January. Will be on the phone, but slow responding to PM's, if at all, as it's ancient, with a tiny keyboard, and a bastard to type on.

Early Happy New Years everyone; stay safe and have fun, my celebrations will likely be over before most of yours have begun :)
And back, a little tired, but relaxed and refreshed. They're the two people who understand me better than anyone else on this Earth, and who I trust more, even than my own family. To be reminded of that, by just spending a couple of days with them, drinking, bullshitting and having some deep conversations amongst the frivolity and laughs always puts me in a great frame of mind. I hope everyone else also had an awesome New Years. A few days at home, then down the coast on the weekend, with my eldest brother, to spend the day with mum on the Anniversary of Dad's death. Then it's back to work on the Monday!


As far as BMR and roleplaying goes, I did receive another message whilst away, telling me how 'intimidating' she found me/my threads, which, I guess along with my preferences, is one of the reasons I don't get that many approaches. It's funny how often I've received messages from people who've said that they've wanted to message me for a while, but it's taken them a long time to muster up the courage.

I don't see myself as in any way intimidating, although I will admit to being blunt and sarcastic. However, possibly the reason I can't see why others find me that way, is because my threads are subconsciously written from my own mindset as a subliminal challenge to attract those like-minded, 'not easily intimidated' people/partners/characters that I'm most (only?) interested in?

It does mean that BMR is pretty much a barren wasteland for me now, as far as finding new writing partners goes, however, the good news is that I've now got a couple of stories going on E. One that my collaborator has posted the opener for, and the second, that I'm writing the starter for. Surprise, surprise, it's a version of Internet Killers, so we'll see how that goes, with the original still open and active, albeit at an extremely slow place.

I'm optimistic with it being on a different platform, and with completely new characters, and a new partner with fresh ideas, that I'll be able to keep it separate enough in my head, so that the two don't meld into each other,. That was a problem when I tried writing it again once before on BMR, thinking the original was dead, exacerbated by the fact I reprised the role of Pete Norris in it, which I shouldn't have done. The dynamic between him and Analise Helm, or the two authors, which I was attempting to recreate, is specific to that story, and needs to come naturally.


Then, when I do receive a request, which, as is more often the case than not, is the complete antithesis of what I've asked for, and I thank them for the approach, whilst politely and respectfully declining, what happens?

I'm met with:

"Too bad. I see great possibilities. .......... Long , detailed and very experiential. Sorry you'll miss that."

Um, if I was particularly concerned about the possibility of 'missing' out on something that was of interest to me, by declining, I wouldn't have declined in the first place, would I? That'd be just silly!

So, why feel the need to come back with that?
Just about to head down the coast with my brother to see Mum, and will likely be back late tomorrow. Then, Monday will be my first day back at work for two weeks, and I'll likely be brain-dead/exhausted for the first few days, catching up with all the crap and emails that continued to build up even while I wasn't there!

So, to give myself breathing room, expect PM replies and conversation to be slow, probably until mid next-week. Fortunately, I'm up to date with all of my stories, both on here and E, but any responses I do get also likely won't be looked at until late next week; which means feel free to take your time with those. Don't let that stop you throwing any OoC my way, though :)
Sending you a drink Mr. Quixotic (even though you snubbed me when I first joined months ago). Sounds like you had a wonderful New Year's. I happen to have worked all through the holidays cause well end of the year stuff in the financial world waits for no man (or in my case woman!).

But cheers to you, I hope you enjoy your weekend.
Lady Shadow said:
Sending you a drink Mr. Quixotic (even though you snubbed me when I first joined months ago). Sounds like you had a wonderful New Year's. I happen to have worked all through the holidays cause well end of the year stuff in the financial world waits for no man (or in my case woman!).

But cheers to you, I hope you enjoy your weekend.

Thank you for the drink, Ms Shadow. I do recall us speaking, and I'm not too sure if snubbed is the right word. If I recall correctly from our conversation, you write on yahoo, which I don't, and also our preferences didn't really align.

No matter, my weekend is going well; just relaxing outside on the balcony on a balmy simmers simmers evening, taking a well earned, shirt break from my family.. Sorry to hear you had to work through the holidays, but hope you at least got to enjoy Christmas and New Year. Cheers, and a drink, to you, too.
Mr Quixotic said:
Thank you for the drink, Ms Shadow. I do recall us speaking, and I'm not too sure if snubbed is the right word. If I recall correctly from our conversation, you write on yahoo, which I don't, and also our preferences didn't really align.

No matter, my weekend is going well; just relaxng outdide on the bakcony on a bakmy simmers simmers evening, tsking a well earned, shirt break from my family.. Sorry to hear you had to work through the holidays, but hope you at least got to enjoy Christmas and New Year. Cheers, and a drink, to you, too.

Ahhh I see you do remember! But I don't think we actually spoke. I never got a reply from you as I recall. And as far as Yahoo goes, I still write on there sometimes, but I have grown since then as far as my writing goes. I have no idea what your style is or what you were looking for, and you seem to be very popular on here so I don't want to burden you with any requests.

But that won't stop me from sharing a drink with you though! I am glad you are relaxing on a warm Summer's evening (Aussie right?). I am enjoying a wonderful insomnianic night in NYC, as the cold snow is brewing outside, I have a soft light with my laptop and some warm whiskey which I will gladly share!

I did get to enjoy Christmas and my New Year cause fuck, I am in NYC, how could you not? Haha. But cheers to you and your relaxing summer evening, and good luck with the writing too!
Lady Shadow said:
Mr Quixotic said:
Thank you for the drink, Ms Shadow. I do recall us speaking, and I'm not too sure if snubbed is the right word. If I recall correctly from our conversation, you write on yahoo, which I don't, and also our preferences didn't really align.

No matter, my weekend is going well; just relaxing outside on the balcony on a balmy simmers simmers evening, taking a well earned, shirt break from my family.. Sorry to hear you had to work through the holidays, but hope you at least got to enjoy Christmas and New Year. Cheers, and a drink, to you, too.

Ahhh I see you do remember! But I don't think we actually spoke. I never got a reply from you as I recall. And as far as Yahoo goes, I still write on there sometimes, but I have grown since then as far as my writing goes. I have no idea what your style is or what you were looking for, and you seem to be very popular on here so I don't want to burden you with any requests.

But that won't stop me from sharing a drink with you though! I am glad you are relaxing on a warm Summer's evening (Aussie right?). I am enjoying a wonderful insomnianic night in NYC, as the cold snow is brewing outside, I have a soft light with my laptop and some warm whiskey which I will gladly share!

I did get to enjoy Christmas and my New Year cause fuck, I am in NYC, how could you not? Haha. But cheers to you and your relaxing summer evening, and good luck with the writing too!

I do remember, I have a memory like an elephant when it comes to screen names, people I've spoken to before, and conversations, no matter how far apart, or how long ago they were. As for what I had for breakfast this morning, I'd need to go back and check; just the way my brain works. In regards to my style, and what I look for, I do have a couple of request threads floating around, as well as some stories, which would provide an idea.

Australia, yes, and insomnia is no fun, but at least you had a bottle of whiskey for company. Thanks for sharing.

And coming home to a real computer, I'm embarrassed at how bad the typing from my phone was, especially since I thought it was okay at the time. Nothing I can do about your quoting my original, but at least I can go back and fix mine. Reading it is hurting my eyes! :)


Back from the coast, all went well, and Mum handled the anniversary of Dad's passing like a trooper, as she does with everything. She's one tough, lady, my Mother! Although, she is at the stage now, after a year, where she's beginning to wonder, 'what's next', and 'what does the future have to offer', which I think is only natural. I'm sure she'll figure it out.


Don't you love it when you receive a detailed response to your thread, which demonstrates compatibility with what you're looking for, - only to discover when you go to reply that she's a new member with no thread or posts, and PM's disabled, therefore you have no way of responding! As rare as actually finding independent-minded, non-submissive female characters, capable of assuming responsibility for themselves, who bring their own motives/agency/intent to the table, rather than just reactively piggy-backing off of the male's, if not even more rare - which is really saying something -, I can only hope you see this, or my thread post!
How to get on Quix's good side? Send a PM that contains a request for the complete opposite of what I'm looking for, and then, to top it off, with complete sincerity and continuing in the vein of all that came before it, conclude your message with:

"Also, is it alright if I call you "Sir" OOC? I'm just feeling very submissive."

Where's that brick wall, again?


Can I not it make it any fucking clearer with my threads that even simply having the terms 'Sir' or 'Master' emanate from someone's mouth, or as is the case with BMR, fingertips, in my direction, makes me want to throw up in revulsion at the implied, nauseating, desire for subservience of the person or character who utters them?
Forbidden Fruit said:
Its okay, sir. Relax :)

Aww, thanks, Fruit. You're so obsequiously caring, and always seem to know the precise words to say, to soothe my hyperbole. For that, I'm happy to make an exception to my rule.

So, be a good, little pet, and go fetch me a beer and a sandwich?
Mr Quixotic said:
So, be a good, little pet, and go fetch me a beer and a sandwich?

Awww. See Quix? That wasn't too hard. Keep this up and you'll end up with so many RPs :)

*brings beer and sandwich like an obedient pet*
I could not think of anything I'd love more, than a plethora of submissive women - a cliche trope BMR doesn't see enough of - to write opposite of, but I'm not so sure my post helped. The tone might not have been quite assertive enough!

And, damn it, now I'm going to need another, to be a taste-tester! (Not that I don't trust you, Fruit!) Keep this up, and I'll soon need a harem of pets! Or, should that be a menagerie?
Fingers are getting itchy, as haven't been able to write anything for over a week and a half. As usual, my awesome partners, please do not take this as a prod, just me having some time on my hands, and clearing my head, because hopefully you're all aware that the relaxed, no-hassle, no-stress, no-pressure pace of each individual story is something I love (and need!). and the reason for my itchy fingers boils down to the fact that I now only have three active roleplays in total here, and one on E. Two more are on hiatus, awaiting real-life to hopefully ease up enough on my partners to allow them to return, and one presumed abandoned.

It's the least number of stories I've had going, virtually since I've first joined BMR, but happy to say things are looking up. Have two in planning, and it's funny how they work out, as one is with someone who I've been dancing around writing with, on and off, for almost three years, but we could never seem to find quite the right concept to suit both our preferences, or, when we did come close, the time.

I coincidentally ran into her again on E, she initially not knowing who I was, and even better than it appearing as if we've finally found both that concept and the time, is, although we started our plotting on E, we'll be moving it all to here. The other has been in planning for a while, and should hopefully start in the not too distant future. Both will be quite different from each other, and anything else I'm currently writing, providing that variety, and ability to write different personalities and character types, I need.

Still keen on complementing them all with an incredibly dark scene, along the lines of Internet Killers, and almost had one up and running on E, but, I ended up pulling out, due to not getting the right OoC vibe (I think I've mentioned a few times how important OoC communication and compatibility is to me, in remaining invested in a story?) However, immediately after sending that message, I received interest in it from another, who I did get a good initial vibe from, but haven't as yet heard back from after I replied. Fingers crossed!
So, I received a random, unsolicited message yesterday, in part, telling me that I 'can come across as an asshhole' - glances up at signature thingy, and the name bestowed on me by the one and only Malicious Lullaby, my longest term writing partner and friend on here, and person who truly knows me; something I'd not have realised without being told!

What I'll never comprehend, and I've stated this on more than one occasion, is why people would give a flying fuck what some random, anonymous guy on the internet they've never spoken to, or interacted with in their entire life, has to say? As the maxim goes, '"opinions are like assholes - quite appropriate, in this case?,- everyone has one."

If you agree with mine, or see any merit in them, either all or some, great. And, if you don't, you're totally free, without animosity on my end, to think me an ignorant prick, either altogether, or just on one particular subject, and move on. Why, when my differences in preferences, words, thoughts and opinions are not directed at individuals, and I have not once, in the over three years I've been on BMR, messaged a person unsolicited to disagree with, or assert my opinion on, anything they've written, said or requested, nor placed mine anywhere but on my own threads, which no-one is obliged to read (or agree with), do individuals feel they're entitled to do so with me? Not that I don't enjoy the back-and-forth, being the competitive beast I am; simply pointing out a principle!

I also cannot seem to get through to some, no matter how often it's stated, my love of hyperbole, and that the great majority of what I write, including every single one of my 'rants', is done so in sarcastic good humour, with a smile on my face. Yes, that even includes this one! However, if any of my thoughts, words, preferences or opinions do happen to strike a nerve, it might be a better idea to, rather than bitch or complain about it to me, contemplate what it was about them that did, and why. Or, at least provide a valid, logical argument as to why you believe they are wrong.

And, to end on a momentarily serious note, am I proud of, or want to be seen an an asshole, by some people? Not at all, I have no feelings on it either way, you can't please everyone all of the time, and it's not done purposefully. I am who I am, and to some, that's asshole-ish, whilst to others it's (apparently, unless you were drunk, Mali!) lovable.

However, what I do know, is that when I find those people on the same wavelength, whose minds, personality and sense of humour mesh with mine, and/or those who can see beyond the literal words on the screen, it makes me not my changing for anyone, or attempting to suck-up to be popular, more than worth it. As well as leading to the best BMR friends, and most compatible and enjoyable writing partners and stories, which, in the end, is my purpose here, they'll gain access, without even trying, to a part of me that I don't allow many in to see.
Malicious Lullaby said:
People are strange. And rude. And uncouth. But on a totally different note--thank you for all the shout outs hehe--when was I drunk and called you a loveable ass hole? I don't recall... Mostly because I may have been drunk lol.

Oh, it wasn't that bad, the tone was reasonably friendly, and not aggressive or attempting to insult, but in my mind, it's just like, "What's the point of your message, what are you trying to achieve, why not just click the back arrow and move on?"

And, when are you not drunk, Mail, when are you not? Sometimes I wonder if you'd ever be friends with me, sober. However, not as much as I wonder if you'll ever be sober!
Came across a quote yesterday, in my random googlings, which struck a chord in regards to previous comments I've made on this journal. Funnily enough, although I'm sure our interpretation/reading of it's meaning of it is in totally different contexts, it's from the Marquis De Sade; a man who definitely did not share my antipathy towards submission and submissiveness. No matter what you think of him, it's hard to deny the man was one who danced to the beat of his own drum. To me, an admirable quality in anyone.



My 'rants' don't usually come so close together, but sometimes, there's just cause :)

"Now you've told me what you want to happen to your character, can you tell me what your character is going to attempt to make happen for herself?"

Is the above concept really that difficult to comprehend, or write? It appears to be, for I continue to be met with "Huh, what-the fuck, you are joking, aren't you?," type responses whenever I ask it.

"My character have motives of her own, and goals, that she'll take action - independently of a male's influence and of her own volition, based on her own wants - in an attempt to achieve? Sorry, they don't do that sort of thing, that's too, um, what excuse can I find, oh, yeah, 'dominant', and like, hard work, and I'm only here to have them treated as one-dimensional objects of attention, lusted over, seduced, dominated, and raped; yes, all in the same story; by the male, without having to offer anything of interest in return.

However, after they've been 'shown the light' enough to have learned what it is they truly crave, and have always desired, but never possessed the self-awareness or mental acuity to figure out for themselves, they will, in eternal gratitude for having had their, up until that moment, pointless lives, made complete, forget about what an abusive asshole your character was, and fall in love with him, subsequently expecting to be wined and dined, not to mention roses on Valentine's Day. Because, you know, girls deserve a little romance, too, and, like all else, it's your characters job to provide it."

No, not a synopsis of Fifty Shades of Grey (well, actually it is, but that's beside the point!) but the typical female characters/story themes I continue to be approached with on here.

Although I've managed to get up to date on my stories, apologies for the relative lack of OoC chatter the past few days, and to those I'm in planning with, awaiting a PM response. It's crazy at work, exacerbated by the fact that tomorrow is a Holiday, and in true Aussie spirit, I'm taking advantage of that, and also having Friday off to make it a four-day weekend! Why the hell the government changed the policy from having all holidays on a Monday, to the day they actually fall, I don't know, as half the population will also be taking the day after off, so employers lose them for two rather than one!

Tomorrow is Australia Day, also known to some as 'Straya Day' and to others, as 'Invasion Day'. I won't get into the politics of the last, although it is fair to say that I have mixed feelings about celebrating it, and find Anzac Day more of the one where everyone seems to pull together in what it means to be Australian. The 26th of January is to celebrate the anniversary of the landing of the First Fleet at Botany Bay in 1788, and the raising of the British Flag at Sydney Cove. After Captain Cook had claimed the East Coast of Australia in 1770, the British decided that this new land was far enough away to transport the worst of the worst of their criminal class to, such as the poor, unfortunate souls who dared to steal a loaf of bread in order to feed their families, with the First Fleet including about 1,500 convicts.

It's the convict background that's had such an influence on Australian culture, including - in generalised terms - our rebellious nature, disdain for authority, unique, larrikin sense of dry humour, 'she'll be right' attitude, and treatment of others, regardless of if it's the toilet cleaner or Queen, as equals, bowing not to position or status. We're probably the only country in the world where a song about a sheep-stealing hobo narrowly missed out on being voted in as our national anthem, and who'd be proud of having an ex-Prime Minister in the Guinness Book of World Records for his ability to drink a yard glass of alcohol faster than anyone else. Or, to, after another Prime Minister disappeared when going for an early morning beach swim, never to be seen again and presumed drowned, commemorate his loss with the opening of 'The Harold Holt Memorial Swimming Centre.'

Although it has it's share of problems, I've always been thankful that I was born in this wonderful country, but overt patriotism isn't our game. We'd rather the take the piss out of ourselves, and pretend we didn't care. So, in the spirit of that, and the good intent of the day, a couple of videos :) (The grey-haired guy in the first one, about a minute in, drinking the beer, is the ex Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, referred to above.)


The next is rather juvenile, however, I still got a couple of laughs out of it, as it does kind of highlight, in an exaggerated way, some of the differences between Aussie and American culture, and respect for, or deference to 'Country' and authority, which I've always struggled to put into words when attempting to explain.



Have a funny feeling that this new only-once-a-week bumping policy is going to make me write even more random bullshit on here. I'll need something to do rather than sit, staring at the screen, hitting the refresh button, and jumping up in excitement when, every six hours or so, the view count actually moves up by one! On that note, does bumping once a day or once a week really make that much difference to approaches; except for new members? Both show that you're still actively looking, and don't most regular users recognise others by name, and already know if they'd be interested in writing with a particular person or not? Does sending a thread back up to the top of the page change their mind on that? Though, pondering those question won't stop me from bumping whenever I get the chance, xD

A couple of new stories in relaxed-pace planning, but still craving to play another dark, provocative serial killer character, as with one of the stories I was doing so in, dead, and the other extremely slow, I'm badly missing being able to write an evil, sadistic psychopath. Had one in discussion on E, which, unfortunately didn't pan out, as my potential partner wasn't as keen to make it as graphic as I was, or include a few of the more provocative elements I wanted to include. From my perspective, there's no point in writing such a theme, if you're not going to go all out, although finding someone on the same page with that can be difficult. However, having located a couple previously, I do know they're out there!
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