So, I received a random, unsolicited message yesterday, in part, telling me that I 'can come across as an asshhole' - glances up at signature thingy, and the name bestowed on me by the one and only Malicious Lullaby, my longest term writing partner and friend on here, and person who truly knows me; something I'd not have realised without being told!
What I'll never comprehend, and I've stated this on more than one occasion, is why people would give a flying fuck what some random, anonymous guy on the internet they've never spoken to, or interacted with in their entire life, has to say? As the maxim goes, '"opinions are like assholes - quite appropriate, in this case?,- everyone has one."
If you agree with mine, or see any merit in them, either all or some, great. And, if you don't, you're totally free, without animosity on my end, to think me an ignorant prick, either altogether, or just on one particular subject, and move on. Why, when my differences in preferences, words, thoughts and opinions are not directed at individuals, and I have not once, in the over three years I've been on BMR, messaged a person unsolicited to disagree with, or assert my opinion on, anything they've written, said or requested, nor placed mine anywhere but on my own threads, which no-one is obliged to read (or agree with), do individuals feel they're entitled to do so with me? Not that I don't enjoy the back-and-forth, being the competitive beast I am; simply pointing out a principle!
I also cannot seem to get through to some, no matter how often it's stated, my love of hyperbole, and that the great majority of what I write, including every single one of my 'rants', is done so in sarcastic good humour, with a smile on my face. Yes, that even includes this one! However, if any of my thoughts, words, preferences or opinions do happen to strike a nerve, it might be a better idea to, rather than bitch or complain about it to me, contemplate what it was about them that did, and why. Or, at least provide a valid, logical argument as to why you believe they are wrong.
And, to end on a momentarily serious note, am I proud of, or want to be seen an an asshole, by some people? Not at all, I have no feelings on it either way, you can't please everyone all of the time, and it's not done purposefully. I am who I am, and to some, that's asshole-ish, whilst to others it's (apparently, unless you were drunk, Mali!) lovable.
However, what I do know, is that when I find those people on the same wavelength, whose minds, personality and sense of humour mesh with mine, and/or those who can see beyond the literal words on the screen, it makes me not my changing for anyone, or attempting to suck-up to be popular, more than worth it. As well as leading to the best BMR friends, and most compatible and enjoyable writing partners and stories, which, in the end, is my purpose here, they'll gain access, without even trying, to a part of me that I don't allow many in to see.