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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I wouldn't go that far just for money. Especially since I am so against plastic surgery xD It doesn't always help and I find that in most cases, it just makes it all worse.

LOL that's because a man's genitals are not fair game one bit! I hear that shit hurts xD
Hey, with fifty million dollars, you'd have to be able to find a plastic surgeon who could do it properly!

That shit does hurt!


Well, the stubborn bastard has proven everyone wrong again. I'm sure it's his purpose in life.

Mum sent a text this morning, or thought she did - it didn't get through - to say that Dad had made a recovery overnight. The latest news I had was from my brother who said yesterday that, whilst still unconscious, he looked a little better. I didn't know until I went to visit him, that he'd awoken and was coherent, and that the nurses had even gotten him to his feet. The change from when I last saw him, where the best descriptor I can give it is that he reminded me of Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Next after his electro-shock treatment - is incredible.

Still not out of the woods yet, and the Doctor's said if his recovery continues, he could still be in Hospital for weeks, or possibly months (I'd wager on weeks), but it's a lot more positive. I recall when I departed last time, with the state he was in, saying to the Nurse, "What concerns me most is how mentally aware he is,?" so I asked him today if he remembered anything. He said yes, and that he was having nightmares in which he was dying whilst all of us family stood around laughing, and not offering any help. Not fun!

It's a strange feeling, going from the entire family only a couple of days ago wishing the end would come quick and painlessly, to the possibility now that he may eventually go home. I've thought about whether I should feel guilty, but no, I don't. All of us, even the Doctor's, didn't expect him to come back.

The most amusing moment was when a Nurse asked him to cough, and said if he did, she'd give him some water. He was like, "One cough for water?" She replied, "Yes," so then he smiled and arched his eyebrows, "Two for a beer?"

Yep, he's getting better, xd
Even if I did, the outcome would never be truly probable. Besides, all these celebrities and yahoos who get plastic surgery are deeply loaded and they have had botched procedures. That doesn't instill in me any faith at all in the 'science' of plastic surgery!

Really, really, really great news about your dad love <3 That's a hell of a miracle! Clearly, it's his mission in life to always beat the odds and prove everyone wrong! Admirable xD

Sounds like he is definitely getting better if he's already wagering for beers.
It's funny, when talking to Mum the other day, that's what she mentioned. You realise you don't really discuss these things a lot, until something like this happens. She said, "He was always told he couldn't do this because 'he wasn't educated', and 'came from the wrong side of the tracks', or that he couldn't do that, 'because he didn't have a Degree', and it just made him want to prove everyone wrong, and turned him into a fighter." Which has both its good and bad points when you're one of three boys all brought up to think the same way. Doesn't make for the most harmonious of environments at times, xD
Never, will be his answer. The same amount of times he's ever been wrong, xD

I think I've posted on this thread before, that one of things I recall most vividly that he said to us boys was:

"The only time I will ever be disappointed in you, is if I discover you walked away from something you believed in because you were scared."
No, we'll never back down if we believe we're in the right, which has gotten us into trouble at times, and made for some interesting family dynamics, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do. The more I think about it, the more I believe my poor Mother deserves a medal, xD

And thankyou, Mali, for all your support over the last week or so, for caring, and the laughs, and help in keeping my mind focused, and distracted. I appreciate it more than you know. You're awesome, and a great friend, xD


The mention of Angel Heart, and the discussion of a possible plot for a new story, caused my brain to go off on another tangent, and brought to mind:


In regards to my stories, a couple of partners have been caught up with real-life and postings have slowed, which is good with me, reality always comes first, but now I'm caught in that place of, 'do I really, really want to take on more, and end up stressing myself, or just wait?'
I'm not sure why exactly, but I have a disinclination to write against pre-made characters. It's most likely the reason, apart from a lack of knowledge about most tv shows/animes/video game worlds, that I don't do Fandoms. I think it's because I have no idea who my characters are going to be, or their background/personality, until I start to write them, and I like to keep that malleable, and adaptable to situations as they arise.

Bringing back characters I've created before in a cameo role, as Silva and I have done in our current scene, and possibly Mali and I could do as well in our latest, is a concept I like, however, to me, knowing too much about a main character before you start inhibits flexibility. It's also fun for my mind, which enjoys lateral thinking, to improvise a motive, cause or previous event to explain why a character would/could react to a situation in a particular way, and later need to do it again in a similar scenario where his reaction may be vastly different, even diametrically opposed, whilst keeping it non-contradictory and ensuring the character's nature/background remains consistent with what had previously been improvised on-the-spot.

Now to contradict myself, xD. Yesterday, lately being in the mood for something dark, an idea out of nowhere (basically a full starting post) popped into my head, for how I could realistically reprise the role of a pre-existing/pre-made character; that of Peter Norris in Internet Killers; as the main protagonist within the context of a second story, and simultaneously bring about a resolution to the first. It also made me realise how much I wanted to.

I'm not sure which it is I miss most, the story itself or simply writing as Pete. I think it's the latter. My other stories, with characters I love/loved writing just as much, and who will forever remained burned in my memory, such as Parker Kane, Adam Levine and Hawthorne Tisch, to name a few, have all either come to a fitting finale, naturally ran out of steam, or are still alive on the page, so he's the only one I've ever really felt 'died before his time', and it continues to nag at me, xD.

I don't really hold out much hope of finding a partner on BMR, and although I did have some interest when first posting my thread to Elliquiy, I'm resisting from searching for it there as, despite having one active story, I'm finding it difficult to become invested in the site, or to be drawn to write on it as much as here, though that may change over time.

It wouldn't be the same, anyway, as it it'd require a new Pete, not the old one as he was. To do what I really want, my partner would need to have knowledge of, or an interest in reading, the first story, and know the characters - more likely here on BMR - which then depletes the small pool of those who may have been interested in the theme itself to begin with, even further.

Oh well. R.I.P Pete Norris, xD


Still waiting on news with what's happening with Dad. He's much better than he was, and now the main concern is his kidneys. What he suffered was Septic Shock, which has a mortality rate of around fifty percent, and can cause permanent damage to organs. Whether he'll require ongoing dialysis won't be known for a couple of weeks, and then, if he does, his heart may not be strong enough to take it. As the Doctor said, if we do get to that stage, 'There's only one way to find out.'

However, you realise that there are people in worse situations than you, and how caring/thoughtful some can be. Whatever happens, Dad's lived his life, and made his choices, but in the bed next to him is a twenty year old American who, in a sad irony, as we aren't know for our dangerous ski-runs when compared to the US, travelled here with his ski-team, had an accident, and has now been in a coma for three weeks, with no hope of recovery. His entire family has been by his beside, reading aloud to him, yet through all they're experiencing and their own grief, his Mother still had the thoughtfulness to approach mine and express her happiness at how much better my Dad was doing.
In good news, Dad's kidney's have started working again, he won't be required to have ongoing dialysis, and has now been moved from Intensive Care to a Ward. Not sure how long he'll remain in Hospital, or how active he'll be when he does leave. He wasn't in the best of health before he went in; a lifetime of acting as if you're indestructible, and still twenty years old, will eventually catch up to you; but compared to where he was last week, it's amazing, and he's in a positive frame of mind.

Mostly! From his expression when the Doctor stated he was going to have to start listening to his wife when she told him he shouldn't do something, or exert himself, and that was going to be put in writing, I think he may have had momentary second thoughts about whether he'd rather be dead, xD

Thanks to those who've expressed their support in the last couple of weeks. It's awkward to do with a 'stranger' or to know what to say, but it's helped distract my mind from real-life, and escape from those who were all also dealing with it in their own various ways, and provided a smile or three. Thanks :)


In bad news, my Australian Rules Football team lost it's playoff game last night, so that's the end of their season! They're called the 'Swans.' With such an intimidating name, how could you not win? It's got me beat!


In other good news, looks like I finally have another story soon to start, and in somewhat of an ode to my Father, I'll be playing an investigative journalist. Watch out for a little voodoo as well!
Don't you hate it when you draft a long response, later go back to edit, and realise you hadn't actually saved the latest version!

Damn, I was happy with that post, too, xD


It's only small in the scheme of things, but I'm pleased that one of the first decisions our new Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has made is to scrap the awarding of Knights and Dame's honours. I have no idea why, but Tony Abbot reintroduced them, which is one of the reasons he became so unpopular.

Turnbull was actually head of the Australian Republican Movement, which a few years ago was responsible for a referendum being held on whether Australia should became a Republic, and once and for all, cut our ties with Great Britain and remove the Queen of England as our Head Of State. It was ultimately unsuccessful, but I have renewed hope that it may soon become a reality.

Many people probably won't be surprised to read that I have about as much time for the concept of Hereditary Monarchial rule as I do for the concept of a Supreme Being who demands to be worshipped for no other reason than "I'm more powerful than you, and if you don't, I'll torture you for eternity." Yep, even if I did believe he existed, I sure wouldn't be worshipping him! In fact, I see many similarities between the two.

And as my brain has a habit of running, uninhibited, off on Philosophical musings, and I find myself googling random shit, I often come across quotes and articles that strike a chord, which I then have to place somewhere I know where to find again, because that book-marking thing takes way too much organisation!

What If I'm wrong? (text copied from here)

“But what if you’re wrong?” So goes the common question posed to atheists by Christians. Putting aside for a moment the obvious retort (what if they are wrong and another religion is right?) I decided to really organize my thoughts a bit. What would I say if I was wrong, the Christians were right, and a moment after dying I found myself before the blinding majesty of Yahweh with Christ at his right hand?

Oh. Oh dear. I see. Well, I guess this is about as close to incontrovertible evidence for your existence as I could have ever demanded. Actually, as a good skeptic I pray you won’t get offended if I entertain the possibility that I’m experiencing a hypoxia-induced hallucination. But, I’ll just go along with this for now.

I’m not going to kneel or anything if you don’t mind. That would kind of be shutting the barn door after the cows have run out, don’t you think? Besides: by your will, I was thrust into life in a very undignified manner and state, so the least you could do would be to let me leave it in better circumstances. And really, that would be the very, very least you could do. You know, now that the initial shock of being dead is starting to wear off, I find myself getting angry. I’m trying to restrain it, but this whole situation is… absurd. According to most accounts, this is the part where you judge me. Who the hell are you to be a moral judge? You’re a sadistic, genocidal sex-obsessed tyrant. All my life, I laughed off those Christians who accused me of “hating God”. Like I told them, it wasn’t that I hated you; I just genuinely didn’t think you existed. But I did hate the idea of you. I didn’t see evidence to believe in any gods, but you in particular seemed like a logical contradiction. I was glad that the Bible was a work of-seeming-fiction because the belief that all of the most terrible things in the world were, at the worst, designed by or, at the best, permitted by an all-powerful conscious being was too horrible to not hate. It’s oddly refreshing to find that all this time I was outraged at something more tangible.

Or is this the part where your grand plan is revealed, your “mysterious ways” made clear? Will you say the magic words and suddenly I’ll understand how a child being raped, murdered, and left in a ditch fits in with your infinite benevolence? Will starvation and disease make sense? Because you know, I don’t think I want them to make sense. If that’s part of your omniscient knowledge, then I don’t want that part. I guess its fitting: humanity’s first act of defiance was to want knowledge, to be more like you. Then let my last act of defiance be choosing ignorance so that I can be as unlike you as possible.

This is all perfectly futile. You know me better than anyone. You know my mind. You know how I thought. You know – and had the power over- all the circumstances in my life that meant your very existence seemed impossible to me. After all, you “knit me together in my mother’s womb,” didn’t you? So am I just a casualty of free will, then? You wanted worship from people who could choose to worship you and, to satisfy your ego, decided it was a fair price to create people whom you knew wouldn’t choose you and would face eternal torture for it. You know, even if almost everything had been perfect, a world free from pain and death where everyone would freely choose to spend an eternity with you – except for one person, and yet you made him anyways… then you would still be infinitely more evil than all the worst of humanity combined. You’re going to judge me? On behalf of all that’s good and decent in your creation, I judge you. I may have been a willful child, but you were a terrible father.

I can’t say I’m really inclined to beg for my soul now, given what I said about you knowing me perfectly. Even so, supposing mercy’s still an option (and that last rant didn’t kill my chances), I guess it’s worth a shot. I can’t pretend I have any love for you, but no principle is worth being damned over if it can be helped. What shall I say in my defense?

I tried to be good without you. You told your followers to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and visit the sick. I did those things, not because you told me to or because I thought I was “storing up treasure in heaven”. I did them for their own sake, for the sake of my neighbors. When I saw suffering, I tried to help instead of saying a quick prayer to you and believing I’d done something. And when I didn’t help and suffering continued, I held myself responsible instead of concluding it was just your divine will.

And I was content with one life- in fact, despite how terrible life could be, I was usually quite grateful to have one. I didn’t demand more. I was content to create my own meaning in the meaningless chaos, to find love in all the pain, to find the beautiful simplicity in the apparent complexity. And I have to say, you may have failed basic ethics but you sure had a deft hand when it came to creating the cosmos – not least because you did it in such a way as to make yourself seem irrelevant. The splendor of the night sky, the incredible diversity of life, everything. Quantum mechanics? That was crazy, I loved it! And relativity? You were on a roll that day, really. I saw nearly all of your creation for what it was: wonderful. I didn’t look at an exquisitely intricate world and call it fallen. I didn’t look at a newborn baby and call it sinful. I didn’t look at my seemingly finite life and call it inadequate.

So you created us because you desired companionship and love? Well then, you needed me. But I didn’t need you. I grew up and took responsibility for my own life. If that really is the greatest crime of all, then there’s nothing more I can say. The deck was stacked against me, but honestly, I can’t truly say I have any regrets. Heaven, hell, oblivion… your move, God.

Though I still think I’m probably hallucinating.


Dad's recovery continues. Visited yesterday and, of course, after being told that he'd need rehabilitation/physio on his leg, he went all out to prove the medical advice wrong, and walked a lap of the ward. His mind's also alert enough; he managed to initiate a debate on politics when I was there, xD

He may still be in Hospital for two or three weeks (he says one), but things are looking more positive all the time. The only real concern now is that the initial bacterial infection which led to all this still hasn't responded fully to antibiotics, and there's a chance it's gotten into the bone. I don't really know what that means if it has, but an ultrasound in the next couple of days should be able to tell.
I feel the pain of that! XD At the very least you hadn't lost all the post as I did (and darn, did it happen so many times already!).

Your father never ceases to amaze me. So far, every time you talked about your dad, it put a smile on my face. I just hope my own parents will be that tough and stubborn as they grow older! XD I'm guessing he is one heck of an awesome grandpa, haha!
Sumi said:
I feel the pain of that! XD At the very least you hadn't lost all the post as I did (and darn, did it happen so many times already!).

Your father never ceases to amaze me. So far, every time you talked about your dad, it put a smile on my face. I just hope my own parents will be that tough and stubborn as they grow older! XD I'm guessing he is one heck of an awesome grandpa, haha!

And you'll never guess whose story it was, either? xD I've done it a few times, and now when it happens, all I can do is just laugh.

Some probably think I'm exaggerating, but I'm understating, if anything. I've never met anyone like him. However, I'm not sure who really deserves more credit for perseverance and determination; Dad, or my Mum for dealing with his antics. It's weird to hear my Niece and Nephews call him 'Poppy', as that kind of cute term is the last thing that comes to my mind, xD. I'll send him over to talk to your parents, though you may regret it! xD
Mr Quixotic said:
And you'll never guess whose story it was, either? xD I've done it a few times, and now when it happens, all I can do is just laugh.

Some probably think I'm exaggerating, but I'm understating, if anything. I've never met anyone like him. However, I'm not sure who really deserves more credit for perseverance and determination; Dad, or my Mum for dealing with his antics. It's weird to hear my Niece and Nephews call him 'Poppy', as that kind of cute term is the last thing that comes to my mind, xD. I'll send him over to talk to your parents, though you may regret it! xD

I kind of had a feeling it was our story, but I somehow hoped until the end that it wasn't. XD The hope dies last! You're much better at handling feels, it seems. I usually feel like I've just died a little inside whenever I lose a post on which I've worked hours.

When you put it like that, your mother is the real hero here for dealing with him. XD And d'awww, that's such a cute nickname! It is hilarious though, to imagine that after all the stories you've told us about him. Oh, please do! My own dad is pretty stubborn, but it's most of the times at the wrong moments! XD
Nope, it was definitely our story. I do throw a little tantrum for about two seconds, swear at the computer, and blame everything else but me, before I laugh, xD

I'm pretty sure all Dad's are stubborn, or just men in general!

I didn't realise that so many people would get a laugh at the stories. I was mostly just putting them out there to clear out some of the thoughts that were running through my own head. So now, as it looks like he's going to be around for a while yet, one more to show what can happen when you cross him, and then I'll shut-up! I only know this one from my brother, who worked for him for a while after he finished school, and I'm still undecided whether he should be proud of himself. In the end, I think she deserved it:

Anyways, he was managing a small suburban newspaper, and discovered that one of his journalists had leaked a story to the Metropolitan daily - a cardinal sin - so his immediate reaction was, "That's it, she's gone." However, a number of his other staff managed to settle him down, and convince him (or so they thought) that she shouldn't be fired, particularly since it was her 30th birthday that Friday, and she'd been super excited about it all week. So, he said nothing and everything carried on as normal, until the Friday, where the conversation went something like this:


"Morning, I hear it's your birthday today?"

"Yes, it is, I've been looking forward to it all week."

"That's great, Happy Birthday. Now get the fuck out of here. You're fired."

As I said to him in his Hospital bed the other day, "You just got better to piss people off, didn't you?" xD

So your brother did this or your dad did the firing?
I’d be terrified to ever work for someone like him.

I would cry in the private comfort of my home, I would bitch about him behind his back and then continue to slave and kill myself for the job. Especially if I liked it a lot.

Male bosses are mean :[
Dad, my brother was just working for him at the time, and told me about it.

And hey, the woman did the wrong thing. It was traitorous!

I actually worked for Dad for a while, too, on Holiday's and stuff, chasing up debts. If a business owed them money, and wouldn't pay up after I'd called them a few times he used to walk into the store, wait for customer/s to show up, then, in as a loud of a voice as he could, say "Now, about that debt you owe, and refuse to pay." He usually came back with a cheque.

Female bosses can be mean, too!
Oh okay. No I agree that she should have been fired. I just think he did a dick move to wait on her actual birthday to do it xD He should have just fired her right away. Perhaps people shouldn’t tell your dad what he should and shouldn’t do because it seems he doesn’t so much retaliate but he goes above and beyond >.< xD

They can be but men are scarier! Especially ones in suits with chiseled looks and good hair…I read too many eroticas xD It’s harder when you find your boss hot and then he ends up being such an asshole and so mean and then it’s like ‘but he’s so hot…and even hotter when he’s mean…’ I don’t know xD
I think he believed it'd have a greater effect, which I'm sure it did, and he doesn't like to be fucked with.

I can't say I've worked with many of those types of male bosses. Possibly they only exist in fiction, and erotica? Or maybe I'm just not attracted to men in suits with chiselled looks and good hair, so haven't noticed!
Like they shouldn't have known already!

Damn, Mali. I thought we were going to keep that between us! Why can't I find my own Christian Grey!

I wouldn't care how gorgeous she was; let's just say that I'm my Father's son when it comes to people trying to tell me what to do, xD
You’re right. It’s not a secret at all xD Especially if he’s the boss lol.

LOL! Because you’re just too ‘mmfff’ for him and you’d give him a run for his money xP

LOL!!!! Of course. You wouldn’t even think about wanting to spank her hide for being such a bitch?
I like those first two words, you should use them more often. Oh, sorry, you already do!

Why thank you, Mali, you're too kind.

In fantasy, yes, but in reality, no. That'd provide the impression I gave a shit about her bitchiness, xD
LOL! You wish! You’re too much of a cocky bastard for me to use it more often <3

I try. Consider it in lieu of saying what I said in my previous in the first line xD (notice how I won’t say the actual words, even though it would be so much simpler? xDDD)

Mm that’s an interesting way to see it. I do like the way your devious minds work my dear Quix <3
Not cocky, just a smart-ass, xD

You succeed. And yes, I did notice, I'm still smiling, xD

I think I may have told you, one of my motto's is, "The best way to piss someone off is to be happy, and not let them get to you."
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