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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I don’t either. Granted, I was eight when he got elected his first term so I didn’t care but around his second term, I started to car because I was older and started understanding how his presidency and lack of leadership was affecting our country.

Wow, he’s really an asshole. This is why it’s apparently not good to have a Republican take office because they are all so deeply religious, for the most part, that they actually try to link state and church together. It’s been separated for a reason and a damn good reason! But people are passing laws and bills to try and skirt around that and still let religion heavily impact nationwide decisions and it’s so stupid. The fact it even took five to six years to legalize same sex marriage in all the states is effing stupid. The fact that it even existed to not legalize it was so unconstitutional.

He along with all the others who share his viewpoints are what make this country and the path it’s taking so stupid. It’s time like this or with the Donald Trump campaign where it’s not so good to let people vote because they’ll vote for the stupidest reasons. I’m so mixed about it but I don’t say anything because I don’t know enough either to really make any statements. It’s all meh >.<

Is that what her husband did? xD I mean I know about the whole Monica Lewinsky thing but the cigars too?
It's much the same here, we've a deeply religious Prime Minister, who's refused to allow his Minister's a conscience vote on Same Sex Marriage (here, you're expected to vote with whatever the party decides), and promised to sack any who 'Cross the Floor', and allows his religious views to rule Policy Making; Abortion, Stem Cell Research, Euthanasia, Sex Education, etc, etc. His predecessor from the same party placed Pastor's rather than qualified counsellors into Public Schools, which was thankfully ruled as unconstitutional by the Courts.

Our first Female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, was also the first leader I'd ever heard of to have the balls to come out and state directly that she was an Atheist.

Apparently Monica Lewinksy masturbated with a cigar whilst Bill watched, or that's the story. But they never had sex!
Malicious Lullaby said:
Wow. For some reason I did not think Australia would be so deeply religious. I don’t know why >.<

DAMN! Really?! That I didn’t know. I thought she went down on him.

We're actually not. Nowhere near as much as the US, but we still have that hangover, and those devoutly religious folk who get into positions of power are unfortunately disproportionate in number compared to the general population. Wealth, Family Influence, a Private Religious School Education, and an ability to raise up the ranks in politics seem to all go hand-in-hand.

•64% of Australians support marriage equality,
•A majority of Christians (53%) support marriage equality,
•76% of Coalition voters want Abbott to allow a conscience vote,
•75% believe the reform is inevitable, and
•81% of young people (18-24 years) support marriage equality

And he still won't allow it.

She went down on him too, but they still never had sex!
Damn that’s unfortunate. I mean in the US, the entire country is religious. Oh my goodness, we actually people and protestors on campus today picketing with signs that basically said if you’re not Christian you’re a sinner and you’ll go to hell. I can’t believe the university allowed that! I rolled my eyes, laughed to myself and plugged my ear buds in and put on loud music and scampered off as a picketer came near me. Fuck no! I would have drop-kicked him.

Yeah but a president isn’t supposed to do that, let alone in his office xP
Hey, it was free entertainment, that's probably why they were allowed on Campus. I tend to stop and debate them. It's quite fun, actually. Then tell them, that if there was a Hell, the company would be much more enjoyable anyway.

That could be why he was impeached. But they still never had sex!


And of course this conversation has made my mind wander!

Another piece of prose from Robert Green Ingersol which always brings shivers to my spine when I read it. The man had a way with words.

How long, O how long will mankind worship a book? How long will they grovel in the dust before the ignorant legends of the barbaric past? How long, O how long will they pursue phantoms in a darkness deeper than death?

How long, O how long will man listen to the threats of God, and shut his eyes to the splendid possibilities of Nature? How long, O how long will man remain the cringing slave of a false and cruel creed?

How touching when the learned and wise crawl back in cribs and ask to hear the rhymes and fables once again! How charming in these hard and scientific times to see old age in Superstition's lap, with eager lips upon her withered breast!

By this time the whole world should know that the real Bible has not yet been written, but is being written, and that it will never be finished until the race begins its downward march, or ceases to exist.
I would but I have only fifteen minutes between both classes and have to make it all the way to the other side of campus too. That's more important to me than debating some religion fanatic xP

If they did he'd be divorced xP I'm surprised that Hilary didn't divorce him. I don't care, I would. Once a man is unfaithful to me, it's a no-go-no-more.
Malicious Lullaby said:
I would but I have only fifteen minutes between both classes and have to make it all the way to the other side of campus too. That's more important to me than debating some religion fanatic xP

If they did he'd be divorced xP I'm surprised that Hilary didn't divorce him. I don't care, I would. Once a man is unfaithful to me, it's a no-go-no-more.

I think his definition of 'sex' is rather narrow, and whatever they did do would be enough to cause you to divorce him anyway, xD



Thought I'd share an unsolicited message I received the other day from a user on here, and (part) of my response:

namedeleted said:
Mr Quixotic said:
I sometimes wonder if you are all just talk and wouldn't be able to actually carry out on your promised erotica. I wonder if you aren't a pretentious ass who would not know how to handle a truly strong woman.

Well, that message was purposeful, wasn't it? Did it make you feel better, sending it, and attempting (I do say, attempting) to insult someone you don't even know, or have never spoken to, and has never directed a comment to you personally.

She then went on to apologise, and to say that I had 'gotten into her head'.

That's something I've never been able to understand, and don't think I ever will. Why people actually care about the opinion of an anonymous stranger over the internet.

People you know, and respect? Sure. That's when opinions matter to me, and may have some effect. But that of someone you don't know from Adam, and never exchanged a word with? I don't get it.

Anything I have to say is not directed at individuals, and I've never approached anyone with an unsolicited negative comment, and never will. An opinion is just that - everyone has one -, not a fact, so if you happen to agree with someone's, great. If not, then just roll your eyes, think them an idiot, and move on!
This is what happens when you call someone's bluff when they're not bluffing. Unless you know them, I don't recommend doing it because you make an ass of yourself. So...this person who sent that to you, really man an ass of themselves. Plus I just think it's rude. Now I will never understand why a lot of females on here who might read your request, would get on the defensive side to even want to send you that because it's not like you're asking for anything in particular that is so shocking! Neither are you insulting anyone really. How is it an insult to want to play opposite a strong female character and with a partner who will contribute as much as you do? Just like you, I don't understand that. It's a real head-scratcher xP
Thanks Mali. I knew I could rely on you.

That thread is really just as much about finding people who are on the same page in regards to a liking for, and appreciation of, sarcasm and hyperbole, as for anything it actually 'says'.

In the end, it's no different from the plethora of female request threads, which state "I don't play with sub men," and "I want a male who contributes to the plot."

In regards to insulting anyone, it's not directed at anyone, so that can't be my intent. However, if an individual takes it at being aimed at them personally, maybe they should think about why they've interpreted it that way.
Oh of course! I mean I laughed when I read that message because you made a very valid point and your entire request thread points out really good points too. Females don't always need to play the victim without cause--or the victim in general. Believe it or not, women are strong. Otherwise then Women's Suffrage was for nothing. And by the way, back in the ancient times, before the entire world became a patriarchal society, women were in rule. And to further point out how strong women are, it took thousands of years for men to actually conquer them. Women can put up one hell of a fight and that sex in particular, has come a very long way considering the very domineering thumb that men of this patriarchal society push down onto them.

So for a guy to say that he doesn't want your typical 'submissive' or a weak willed woman with no spine, no fire, no oomph, it's actually the biggest compliment ever. So...people who do take it to heart or as an insult as if you're 'insulting' them personally without even trying to, really need to look deep inside of themselves. Or, as it is becoming my favorite expression, 'get your head out of your effing ass and get some fresh air.' xP

The thing with me, is that I not only believe women are as capable as males, but if that's the case, they should be as capable. It's absolutely nothing to do with D/s as people use the term, and doesn't negate the natural tendencies in that area of both genders, but intellectually to do with desires and motivations, the ability to 'want' something, and to take action to achieve it. They're human qualities, not ones which should be gender specific. How that gets viewed as 'sexist' by some people is beyond my comprehension; to not put that expectation on them, would be. It also has to do with me wanting collaborative story-writing to be truly collaborative.

You reminded me of a good quote I came across the other day, xD


Lol, I like that expression. And, my favourite, often used here is:

"You need to take a spoonful of cement, and harden the fuck up, Princess"
And that’s totally understandable and I believe that too. So all the people who say ‘men are sexist pigs’ well I mean, some can be but it’s not helping if we as women don’t actually rise up and grasp full and firmly by the balls, what belongs to us too. Rights include women now because they actually fought for it. Men didn’t fight on their behalf. Women actually fought and until enough of them rose up to fight it and claim what belongs to them too, it was never going to happen. It’s why it took so long. But I’ll stop speaking history. (Obviously, because I can actually comprehend what’s happening in history, I want to tell the world xP)

I like that quote. She’s not being subservient, she’s simply stating the truth.

I like your favorite expression too. I’m not about being whiny. I used to be whiny when I was in high school but high school was like the huge spoonful of cement that hardened me up. Here’s the formula for a great way to harden up by the way:

High School Drama + Severe Breakdown = No more whining.

So all of this just means Quix, the ones who send you messages like that or ignore your requests or run away from you by not responding when they send you a request, just means that they were never going to be anywhere close up to par with you :D

Take it as a compliment, not discouragement.
Realize, it’s easier to tell someone that than to actually do it xP
You may need to teach me some History, so keep listening in your class. It's not my forte, xD

As they say, "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger", so as hard as High School may have been, those experiences are probably going to have their benefits as well.

My request thread is there to find what I'm looking for. If people don't like it, they're free to click the back button and move on, as I do with those I read, and don't interest me. It can get frustrating at times, but as I said to Vic the other day, my 'frustrated' rants need to separated from me, xD.

The funniest thing I find, is that people have accused me of being 'egotistical' and 'thinking I'm too good for them' and whatever, etc when you know I don't have that high an opinion of my own abilities, and my thread in no way mentions, or says that I believe I do. Regardless of whether I was looking for one-liner or multi-paragraph stories, the principle behind what I'm asking for, ie the type of character I want to write against, would be exactly the same. They just seem to miss the entire point, and focus on something which hasn't even been said, and is nowhere near true, xD
Oh I will xP I’ll go off on tangents and it’s nothing else but the fact I am excited that I am actually retaining the information. Otherwise, US History can be really boring >.< Well…after getting their independence from England that is >.<

I agree and it did make me stronger. And it’s not like it all stopped right after high school. No, it took until I was twenty. So it’s only been three years since that but I feel like I am really coming into my own and hopefully I only progress and not digress.

I just don’t think it’s not exactly a person’s territory to tell someone else that their thread is rude when it’s not. If it’s actually insulting then yeah, it can be a problem but when it’s not…I mean no one is asking for your opinion on the thread. If you want to role play, message. If not, move along, like the All American Rejects song xP

If you’re ‘egotistical’ for stating what you want and what you don’t want, then fine, you’re ‘egotistical.’ If you’re too good for them because you know what you want and don’t beat around the bush for it, then fine, you are too good for them. If you’re ‘sexist’ because you want something different, collaboration and a partner who can put out a character to mesh well with yours and actually put effort, then one, you’re not sexist and two, those people are ignorant and don’t know what a sexist really is. If you look up ‘sexist,’ you will find Donald Trump’s name xP
I'm glad you're retaining it; I used to tune out in History class. It's probably why I'm hesitant to take on Historical stories, I'd make a fool of myself, xD

I'm sure you will, and just think about how much you'll be able to empathise with, and help, your own students.

It can only possibly be considered rude if they believe I'm referring directly to them, or taking up arms for those they believe I am referring to. And why would they think I'm referring to them or others, unless they identify themselves or those others in relation to with what's being said? If that's the case, then doesn't that mean it contains some truth, and then why should the truth be considered rude? If they don't identify with what's being said, and it contains no truth, they've got no reason to consider it rude, because it has no bearing on them. It's just some idiots unfounded and unsubstantiated opinion.

As I mentioned in my first post, the opinions of those I don't know, and have never previously spoken to, are water off a duck's back to me. I'm more surprised that people actually do care, than anything else.

Not only Donald Trump. Hereby introducing Tony Abbot, Prime Minister of Australia, xD

I am too, trust me. I feel smart xP Lol. I still think you’d do so amazingly for a Jack the Ripper role play. Remember, that’s all ours. No one else’s xP

I hope so!

People always care what others say. And the ones who say ‘I don’t care what people think (unless they actually mean it)’ are always the ones who care the most.

He’s a douchbie >.<
Maybe if he tried ironing, he’d understand how tiring and stressful it can be on the back!
I was watching Ink Master’s last night and there was an episode where one of the female tattoo artists competing was experiencing really bad pain because she has endometriosis. Now, don’t get me wrong, she’s been a complete bitch the entire season, like truly wickedly evil. But when a guy says that a girl needs to suck up the pain, he ahs no effing idea just how painful it can be. Period cramps alone are painful. I don’t want to imagine how painful they are when a woman has endometriosis because it’s worse! I hate men like that.

Yet us women are supposed to know better than to kick a man in the balls because that’s pain. –snort- Men and women have it equally bad!
That's cause you are smart. Yep, Jack the Ripper is all ours, maybe the twist is that the ripper was female?

I'm sure.

They do, and so do I, don't get me wrong. However, only if it's someone I know and respect - if not them personally, at least their knowledge of or expertise in whatever it is they're providing their opinion on, but a random stranger? Who cares. The other thing is that I when I do fuck up, I'm probably more critical of myself than anyone else could ever possibly be, xD

He is a douche. There's worse, but I couldn't find any more quotes with images.

I've copped a few hits in the balls, and whilst that's bad enough, I'd still take it over cramps and childbirth any day!
Ooh I like that twist! Could be a lady of high nobility too and she's killing whores because she does not like them one bit! Or something xP

That makes sense. I'd like to say I am the same but sometimes, people I don't even know, can get to me. Like my first semester at UNLV, when I first took advanced composition, in our peer group I was actually offended when one of the critiques from my peer was really harsh and he really didn't need to be so harsh, neither should he have even said anything since his blog was shit in my opinion xD But it bugged me and I changed my blog because of that one critique. Sure, I'm in that peer group with them but I don't know them. Yet I still changed it because it mattered and struck a nerve. But I do agree with you on the whole being the hardest on yourself. I think everyone is like that too.

Ugh, could it actually get any worse? >.< He needs to bring himself out of the 1920's and bring himself to the new millennium!

I don't think you'd want to...
Yes, maybe she's a Royal, who looks down her nose at the lower classes, and especially the whores! (You may want to correct the space for the 'does' and the 'not', xp)

They tend not to get to me. All our joking aside, I actually like to be told I'm wrong, and some of my more provocative statements are made so that I can evaluate/consolidate my own real opinion from the feedback and arguments I receive in response. In your case, I would have asked for them to explain to me exactly what they didn't like about it, and made up my mind whether it needed to be changed, or not, from there.

Don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, xD I've posted this before, but since I still find it hilarious (and a little scary), I'll post it again!

(I did! xP Thank you for not quoting my mistake lol)
Exactly! That could work. How would your character come into play? Rather…what would be your character? xP

You have some really thick skin because I hate when I am told I am wrong. I mean I can understand in some scenarios but otherwise, I want to murder someone who tells me I’m wrong xP
Well he just said ‘Why should I even care about this part of history?’ and I wanted to write back to him, ‘Why should I care that you want to simplify your life?’ But I didn’t because that would just be provoking.

LOL!!! This guy is a joke! He’s worse than Bush and Trump combined! Goodness, I didn’t think that was possible. Okay, maybe he’s not worse than Trump. He and Trump may be on the same page in fact xP Their ‘not-so-sparkly-page’ xP
Was Abbot voted in or just appointed? Because that’s just bad judgment…
Well, I was thinking he could just be an innocent and naive boy, who Jacq(ueline) the Ripper, for no good reason at all, decides to save from the streets and have sex with before she eviscerates him. However, if you want long-term, maybe she could take him back to the Castle, place him in the Dungeons, and turn him into a sex-slave, instead?

I do rather, and I'll admit, I sometimes forget that other people's skins aren't as thick as mine. For me, debate, conflict and argument is used as way to help form my opinions, and not taken personally.

He is a joke, and he was voted in, after our first female Prime Minister was basically thrown out.
Is that sarcasm? >.< Because I don't see you playing that kind of character at all!

Hehe, I am not a confrontational person at all so if someone get's in my face--unless I'm seething red rage angry--I tend to shy away.

Why was she thrown out? And how did he get voted in if people hate him?
No, it's not sarcasm! That's the type I get asked to write all the time, with the roles reversed, so why shouldn't I get the opportunity to play it myself once in a while? I don't actually think I could either, I'd get too bored.

Blame my upbringing. I was raised to not shy away from it, and to question anything or anyone that didn't make sense to me, regardless of where it came from, or who said it. It's also an ingrained part of my personality.

I think a lot of dissatisfaction had to do with her being female, or that caused there to be more focus on any decisions she made, and there was all sorts of drama and back-stabbing going on between her and another potential leader, so when her term finished, everyone basically hated the party, and voted for the other.
Yeah but you’d be so bored playing that kind of role, I know you xP Besides, I’ll be the first to shoot you down because I hate playing a female character against a male slave >.< I’m sorry, it’s just not the way I roll so I’m gonna have to ask you find a different character in your arsenal love xP

I’ll bet. You seem like the type. I do not want to cross you. (I have once and we all remember how that went, right? xP)

People are strange. And stupid >.<
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