Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Thor, the God of Thunder sighed as he remembered back to the last few years. It had all happened so terribly. Tyr, his older brother had an insane jealous streak a mile wide, but even Thor had never anticipated that the man would have Thor banished and then try to kill him with the Destroyer on Earth. Thor had killed his brother, though it had not been on purpose he still felt terrible about it. He decided to forgo the throne for now and simply spent time with his best friend, Loki Leaufeyson, First Prince of Jotunheim. There where reasons why Loki, who was in essence, very much a runt, was the future king of Jotunheim but Thor was unsure of them. It was Loki who had first given warning of the Chitauri, and it was Loki who had suffered the most at their hands, though their target had been earth. Thor had easily joined the Avengers in defense of the earth against the Chitauri warriors, particularly since he had thought Loki dead by their hands. He had been ecstatic to realize that, hurt beyond imagine, Loki was still very alive... and in a very foul mood about having been blown up. Even if that explosion had been the only thing that had saved him from the Chitauri's cruelty.

Loki was still weak five months after the attack and now they had a new problem to deal with. The realms of both Asgaurd and Jotunheim had both fallen into massive Civil Wars that encompassed the entire realms. There was no such thing as an innocent, and those with children had fled to one of the other, ore peaceful realms. Thor did the only thing he could think of. He contacted the Avengers, or rather, he contacted Tony using that fancy thing Tony had invented to allow them to contact each other during emergencies. Thor explained to Loki what was happening. How the Giants and the Aeser where fighting amidst themselves. One half of the two realms wanted peace between the Jotun and the Aeser. The other half wanted war between the Jotun and the Aeser. Creating the single biggest war zone the nine realms had ever known. Thor was no idiot, he knew the only chance they had at peace was to keep himself and Loki alive, so he begged Tony to let them stay with him for a few months until the Wars started to break up and calm down.

So, there Thor was, standing in Central Park with another man, who looked about the same height as any other human, so tiny compared to Steve, let alone Thor. This new figure was swathed in heavy slate gray robes so even his face was hidden, white gloves hit any hint of skin from the fingers. Considering it was the middle of summer, this got a lot of attention. Thor ignored the hawkers and led his friend to Stark Tower, ignoring the sour grumblings coming from under the gray cloak. They made it to the tower in record time, mostly because Thor wanted his best friend in the safety of the tower and they where practically jogging. “I hate you SO Much!” the acidic voice hissed once they where in the Tower, surrounded by Avengers. “i will NEVER forgive you for this!” the voice hissed as Thor rolled his eyes. “So you say, Loki. But you are too weak right now to defend yourself.” “So I sit in safety while my father and brothers die for me!” Loki hissed as he tore his robes off.

He did not look like most Jotun, he was more gray than blue, like a person who had gotten much too cold. His eyes where orange instead of red, but that had something to do with bloodlines that Thor didn't fully understand. “You think this is any easier for me!?” Thor demanded. “i'm letting my father and mother fight a war that is practically my making while I sit here on earth to help protect you!” Thor complained, Loki sneering, baring a fang. “as if I wanted your help! Torn out of my bed without warning or even a by your leave, stuffed into heavy cloth where I nearly roast to death all because you think I am Weak!” Loki snarled, looking furious, tossing his head, proving that those thick horns coming out of the top of his head where in fact, not fake. “simply because I am SMALL does not indicate...” “this isn't about your short stature Loki...” “Short! SHORT!” “you are trying to pick a fight and I refuse to allow it. Your time being held captive by the Chitauri-” Clint flinched, he had still had his mind taken over after all and still was struggling to properly recover. “-nearly killed you and you still haven't fully recovered. You need to REST, not fight in a war that your father and brothers are perfectly capable of handling.” “I hate you so much.” Loki hissed before turning his attention to the people gathered around them. The Avengers, complete with an Agent Phil Coulson, who had not died in the battle for earth.
Tony stared at them, watching the drama folding out in front of him with slightly worried eyes, wondering if his penthouse was about to be torn apart by warring gods. Sipping the drink he had poured he laid his head down on the counter and groaned. Natasha, from her post at Clint’s side, raised a eyebrow. Having not really left clint’s side since the battle of new york, she was finding Tony’s acceptance of people in his private space odd and interesting. Though it looked like he was starting to regret it. “Don’t look at me like that. I already feel the headache coming on...”He grumbled, his voice muffled a little from where he was laing on the wood before huffing out a sigh, rolling his eyes to look at the man in front of them, raising a eyebrow a little at the princes watching them.

“If you two are done arguing, will you please fill us in on how the war’s going.”Tony snarked, sounding extremely sleep deprived and annoyed, because well, while he wanted the others there, because they were his people, and his people needed protected because he didn’t have a lot of them, didn’t mean he was any happier with actually sharing his space with any of them.
Clint was grateful that Natasha had stuck by his side. finding himself under the control of some beast that had no human emotions, thoughts, or ideals had been traumatizing enough that he had actually been insane for a week or three after he'd been recalibrate. even now he sometimes woke up from nightmares, screaming in the horrific guttural tongue of the Chitauri. "...i apologize." Loki said softly. "that was undeniably rude of me." he admitted with a sigh. "the Wars are going... badly." Loki admitted, swallowing thickly. "Andborg is dead." he explained softly, Thor's harsh intake of breath informing them all that this was a big deal. "and Falfalah has fallen." "Loki... oh gods... i'm sorry..." Thor whispered, horrified. "....they even smashed the statues..." Loki admitted, swallowing thickly. "uhm. what's Falfalah?" Clint finally asked, Loki turning to look at Clint. "Falfalah is a Temple, our most sacred. the Goddess of Life and Death rules there. it is there that all Jotun are born. It is where all Jotun are buried." Loki explained, his voice tight. "it is where we consecrate our people. and where we become Bonded. it is literally, the most important place in all of Jotunheim and those Monsters...." Loki had to pause and take several calming breaths. "they have denied Her, and thus, have abandoned the Jotun way of life. win or lose, the Fallen will never be welcome within her Icy embrace, in life, or in death." Loki admitted, blinking those orange eyes at them as Clint shuddered.

"...the War in Asgaurd is actually going fairly well." Thor reported softly. "Father and my brothers are, how do you say it freind Tony? Kicking the Ass?" he asked with a grin. "Odin tasked me with protecting Loki. he is the First Prince of Jotunheim. which means that even if his side loses, he can still take the throne and start again in peace. all the women and children have fled Jotunheim, so once it's safe they can return and rebuild. only if Loki survives. if his brother the Second Prince where to take the throne... i fear Tahlblindi would not stop at Asgaurd in his thirst for power." "Tahlblindi will die if he ever tries to claim the throne." Loki stated with a sneer. "The Winter Queen will not allow such a bloodthirsty creature to rule Jotunheim." Loki admitted, his voice suddenly tired and Thor sighed. "Loki. you need to sit down. your on the verge of collapse." "i'm Fine." Loki hissed even as his legs did give out, Thor catching him easily and settling Loki into a kitchen chair. "Curse this and curse you!" Loki complained, though he looked much more ashamed than angry. "Loki... they sucked out your very life force. you are allowed to be tired." "it's been months, Thor! how long will i have to suffer this?" he complained, letting Thor fuss over him without complaint now.
“Well, as one undeiniably rude person to another, I forgive you.”Tony said, being himself, and simply trying to get a smile, even if his worry was hid behind sarcasm and amusement before wincing. Tilting his head as he glanced towards thor, before swallowing. “ would...”Tony stopped, needing to stop the rambling, the insatiable need to know about everything and anything, seeing how upset loki was over it, and not wanting to question him on everything and everything like had to to thor, the man was trying to be senstive, even if pepper told him he failed utterly. “I am sorry. It seems that senseless desctruction is not simply a human flaw as I thought. I wish it was not true.”Tony said watching them before flicking a look to Thor. “yes. Kicking ass.”He smirked a little.

Natasha swallowed hard, not wanting to laugh at the look on tony’s face at the mention of a winter queen, curious but definitely not nearly as curious as the billionaire was. He was definitely going to kill himself if he couldn’t ask questions. “I don’t know jotuns, but you are obviously not fine.”She said studxying the man, shooting tony a glance. “Thor? I did set up rooms for you guys-well, pepper did, but I helped- if you want to put him in bed...”
Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "senseless destruction is not a human characteristic. it is a sentience characteristic." Loki admitted simply as he accepted a glass of water from Thor and drained it down. "i am... better than i was." Loki admitted with a sigh before he glared. "i am not a child who need to be put abed!" he complained, Thor snickering. "shut up Odinson before i give you a tail!" Thor shut up, but his eyes still danced with laughter. "you mentioned... them. what happened?" Clint asked softly and Loki grimaced. "They needed a power source." Loki explained. "they chose me. they strapped me in and used me as a power conduit, draining my magic, and then my life force. admittedly, the... Metal Man? has very good timing. had he been five minutes later, there would have been no closing the portal, and i would have been dead." Loki admitted. "i'm very annoyed that you blew me up however." Loki admitted. "i was in the mother ship when that... bomb? struck it." he admitted. "filthy parasites." he admitted, sighing as he closed his eyes. "i'm tired Thor. i wish to go to bed now." Thor had to stuff his hand in his mouth to keep from laughing at Loki now. and even Steve was fighting back a few chuckles. to have protested being put to bed, and then demanding to go to bed... yeah he was one bratty little shithead.

"i am sorry about him." Thor said after he had gotten the exaughsted godling into bed and comfortable. "he is tired and grumpy. he's not usually so argumentative." Thor admitted with a smile. "he's hard to handle sometimes but he is my closest freind." he admitted. "oh, and Tony? please, feel free to as Loki any questions. he loves to hear himself talk and loves even more to talk about his people." he admitted. "i would answer your questions but... i don't actually know all that much about the Jotun. he starts talking, i get bored, he hits me for not paying attention and then we go riding or wrestle or something more entertaining." he admitted with a sheepish grin. "thank you, as well, for taking us in. Loki won't admit this, but he's still very sick. the Chitauri where literally five minutes away from killing him, simply by draining his life energy. he finds it very frustrating being so helpless but there's nothing we can do about that." he admitted. "he should settle in well to this realm, he's been studying earth since i told him about it. he finds you and your people extremely fascinating." Thor admitted. "you will find him almost as curious as yourself, Friend Tony." Thor admitted with a grin.
Tony bit his lip to keep from saying what he wanted to to the idea of the shorter man being a child, because well....he didn’t want a tail. Wincing a little at the idea of loki being used as a power source, a hand covering the arc reactor without really being aware of it, protecting his own power source, shuddering before smirking. “I always have amazing timing....well, if you would have rather not had me blow them up, I’m sure you can complain about it all you want.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before snickering at loki’s demand to be put to bed.

Tony glanced at thor, shrugging as he sipped his drink.”It’s fine. It’s weird being on this side of the conversation though. Usually it’s me being tired and grumpy.”He snickered a little before looking up at thor, tilting his head.”really?It really wont upset him?”He asked and even as he stared at thor you could see the questions and demands for information piling up behind the billionaire’s quiet calm before smirking.”Well, like he said, I did nearly get him killed, blowing them up and all. Least I can do in taking you in.”Ahhhh, despite the time passing since he’d become iron man, and had his team move in, the billionaire was still obviously uncomfortable with thanks and feelings. “Hm, I’m a fascinating kind of person. He can study me all he wants.”Tony said with a wiggle of his eyebrows .”...urgh tony, do you have no standards?” “I will have you know, I have very high ones, and they include foreign royalty.”
Loki snorted a little. "i wish you might have come earlier." Loki stated dryly. "however, i will endeavor to reward you for rescuing me, unintentional as it was." Loki stated with a rather playful smirk.

"don't you mean 'usually Tony is a spoiled brat?' you must be jealous that Loki is usurping your position." Clint teased Tony. "seriously though, is he always that color?" "of course. apparently being so pale skinned is a trademark of his power. most Jotun are rather more... blue." Thor admitted. "like, very blue." Thor admitted with a smile. "and no, Tony. he won't mind." he assured the other. "he might get upset, but he will tell you if he doesn't want to talk about something." he admitted with a smile. "i can answer a few questions at least." Thor admitted. "i don't know how much i know, but i can do my best." Thor admitted before he chuckled at Tony's perversion. "Tony.. he's grey! he has horns... he has orange eyes!" Clint complained, Thor lifting an eyebrow. "you do not find Loki attractive?" "fuck yes. i'm saying he probobly thinks we're ugly." "Loki sees beauty in all things." Thor admitted with a chuckle. "and he is... how do you say it? a slut? he enjoys physical pleasure very much." he admitted with a grin. "he would most likely welcome Tony's, and anyone else's advances." Thor admitted, turning to look at Tony. "now. what did you want to know? i'll answer what i can."
“I always try to come on time, and not early at all. But I would have endeavored sooner if I knew you ewre waiting.”Tony said his smirk just as playful.

“Hey!I am not a spoiled brat. I resent that.”Tony frowned looking at clint, twitching a little because he knew he was. He totally was. And his team indulged him, to the point that they usually just let him go, and dragged him out of the lab when he needed it. Looking thoughtful as he considered that, “Good.”he said sounding pleased that he’d be able to ask Loki whatever he wanted before grinning at Clint’s words. “So?Horn’s would be awesome. Something to hold onto while-” “Stop!Stop there.”Natasha ordered rolling her eyes before smirking. “See?I’m beautiful Clint.Even thor said so. I wish he was feeling better, then I wouldn’t feel as bad trying to sex him.”He said snickering a little before huffing as Natasha laughed. “Ohhhh, so he really is usurping Tony’s spot. Not only a spoiled brat, but a man-whore.”She teased. Tony rolled his eyes thinking about it, before smiling at thor. “Tell me about his family. And jotunhiem itself.”He said wanting to know what the war was destroying, and who loki’s family was, simply because he didn’t want to ask loki, because he knew the kind of worry the man had to be feeling over them, and he didn’t want to make loki think about them.
they all snickered at that. they knew the truth and no matter how much Tony denied it they knew he knew it. "his family... that i can answer." he admitted with a nod. "Loki's Father is Leaufey. his 'mother' is Farbouti. though both are male." Thor admitted with a smile. "Jotun do not have females." he admitted with a chuckle at their shocked expressions. "they have Pater and Patra. the Patra are the 'mothers', they carry the babies." he explained. "his Patra, Farbouti is the King of Jotunheim." he admitted with a smile. "Loki has Three brothers. Helblindi, his elder. who denied his claim to the Throne and instead took command of the military. Helblindi is currently on the front lines, fighting for Jotunheim's peace.... Loki's younger brother Byleistyr is the one whose causing all the problems. he thinks that Loki has no right to the throne because Loki is..." here Thor paused and cast a wary look around and actually whispered the next part. "tiny..." clearly, Loki had size issues. "he thinks that Jotun should not be 'peaceful' and thinks that their 'reliance upon outdated principles' is a weakness they cannot afford. because of this, it is basically a civil war being faught between two brothers. Helblindi and Byleistyr are literally the leaders of the two fractions of the civil War, though Leaufey and Farbouti are on Helblindi's side."

" said he had three brothers." "...ah.. yes i did. Andborg was the priest of the Holy Temple. and Loki's youngest brother. he's dead, no doubt killed by his own brother when he tried to defend Falfalah." there was a long silence at that. "Jotumheim is a place of remarkable natural beauty." Thor admitted, changing the subject. "it is all crystal, ice and snow. it's so bitterly cold, but that's fine because there is a drink we can take to make us resistant to the cold. there are mighty beasts there, but every last one of them are tamed to the Jotun. it is like... it is so hard to explain it properly." Thor admitted with a smile. "of course... with the War. the land is... dying." Thor admitted. "the land is bleeding red, mourning the life spilled..."
“I wonder why.I mean, most species don’t go down to one gender without a reason, I wonder if they know or...”Tony stopped as he realized he was rambling a bit before focusing on what he was hearing. Frowning slightly as he considered that. “Well, he’s still taller then me.”Tony pointed out, making a face at the idea of someone being denied something simply because he was smaller then others. After years of being the smallest kind on the block, tony stark was always willing to stand up for the runt. “What sort of principles are we talking about?I mean, if you ceded on some, you might be able to stop the war in compromising.”Tony said. Ha, as if he was one to talk about compromising when everyone knew he had to have everything or nothing.

His features tightened a little at the idea of the brother being killed simply because he was a priest, before swallowing around the bitter taste in his mouth. “...It sounds beautiful.”he said his eyes going a little unfocused as he considered just how beautiful everything had to be. And like his mother had once told him, ‘winter wasn’t always cruel, or the cold always bitter’. It seemed that jotunhiem was a thing of beauty.” long will it take them to kill the land?I know its dying now, but is there a certain point, where it will collapse?And what will happen if it does?”
Thor shrugged. "i have no idea. though, they would say that the Patra are not males, they aren't females either and they all have dicks so..." he shrugged. "it is probobly a cultural thing that is beyond my understanding." he admitted with a smile. "yes. but compared to a Frost Giant, who span anything from fifteen to seventeen feet tall?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "...Principles as in the one Religion that almost every single Jotun int he world followed until just recently." Thor stated simply. "it would be like one of your Kings, or a president deciding that 'Christianity is an outdated religion' and proceeds to destroy anything that connects to that religion, including killing the catholic pope and anything remotely Jewish. they might even go after the Eastern gods of Allah, or after Buddah because he preaches peace just like the christian god does." Thor admitted. "no, there will be no 'negotiating' there. the Lady Mother is not their only deity but she is the most important. she is the one who created the Jotun, and she is the one who cradles them in death." Thor admitted. "it would be, not unlike walking up to the Pope and saying 'God is worthless, let's put one of the Angels on a pedestal'. that is very much what Byleistyr is attempting to do."

"Jotunheim is very beautiful." Thor agreed with a smile. "but those questions i do not have the answers to." Thor admitted. "whatever happens Jotunheim won't 'collapse' it will simply turn ugly and bitter. hostile and horrific and it will twist the remaining Jotun with it." Thor admitted. "it's already happening. the Jotun who are most affected, are already joining Byleistyr which is only making the problem worse." Thor admitted. "no wonder Loki's so upset." Steve muttered. "can you imagine having to watch your own world die?"
“Huh.Maybe I’ll ask Loki.”Tony said his mind churning over that, to curious by far for his own good before wrinkling his nose.”Okay...well, then yes he is...shorter then that.”Toyn said wincing a little at the idea of being that much of a runt before wincing, “Damn. Fucking hell, they’ve all gone insane.”Tony cursed a little. “I thought you didn’t believe in god.”Natasha said watching him. “I don’t, but I still understand the principle of what the prince is trying to do.”He said looking annoyed at that, sighing quietly, running his hands through his hair as he downed the last of his drink. “Even if they are not in jotunhiem?”he asked, wondering if they were going to have to deal with a hostile and horrific prince before wincing at steve’s words. “We will help you thor, any way we can.”Natasha said watching the man, because as a russian, she was used to watching her ‘world’ the country of her birth, collapse on itself and change, and it didn’t make it any easier any time it happened.
he nodded. "yes, asking Loki would be best." he agreed. "yes, he's very much smaller than the others of his kind. he was picked on a lot until he got a proper grasp of his magic." Thor admitted. "yes, Byleistyr has gone very much insane and he's dragging many Jotun down with him." Thor admitted. "the problem with Jotun's religion? the Deities actually exist." he admitted softly. "at least, sort of. Loki's explained it to me but i just don't understand how something can exist, but not be alive..." he shook his head. "no. those that are outside of Jotunheim will not be affected." Thor promised. "that is why the families all left. if Helblindi fails, and Byleistyr takes over, those families will not return to Jotunheim ever again." Thor admitted. "their deities will literally prevent anyone who is still sane from entering the accursed planet from what i understand." he admitted. "i am more worried about Jotunheim than i am Asgaurd." he admitted. "we have no such deities on asgaurd, and our realm will be unaffected by the fighting. even more so, i doubt the insurgents will be able to defeat my Father and brothers." he admitted. "i'm the most worried about Loki. he is a very emotional person, and connected to his people in a way i have never seen. i fear the more his world is affected, the more sick he will become." Thor admitted with a sigh as he accepted a glass of alcohol from Clint.
“Yea, I was picked on to until they figured out I was wickedly good at fucking up their electronics.”Tony snickered a little at the thought of his days in MIT, getting picked on before tilting his head a little. “That’s....weird. But...sorta like how the norse were. I mean...evidently they adopted asgardians as their deities but you weren’t here so...yea..”Tony sighed trying to work his mind around that before sighing looking relieved. “Good. At least that is one worry to not have to think about.”he said before glancing towards the hallway, tilting his head slightly. “We’ll talk to him, thor. Maybe he knows how we can keep it from driving him insane.”he said also worried because thor was worried, about how much the man was connected to the land. Surely if the land was killed and it’s people insane, the man sleeping in his tower wouldn’t fair much better.
Thor chuckled a little. "hacking their Facebook profiles probobly helped." Clint mused with a grin. "we have periodically come to the earth." Thor admitted. "once there was a massive natural disaster and we had to come to the earth for a few months." he admitted. "while the Lava cooled and hardened and we could rebuild Asgaurd. the Vikings took us in, overtime the legends became myths, and myths became deities.... though, a lot of it is wrong." Thor admitted with a snort. "most of it is wrong." Thor admitted. "i don't know if Loki can break his connection to the land." Thor admitted with a sigh as he rubbed his eyes. "i'm sorry, i am very tired. if you don't mind i'm going to get some sleep." Thor admitted as he stood up and headed out.

several hours later, Jarvis informed them that Loki was awake and had destroyed the speakers in his room. Loki was examining a broken speaker quite intently trying to figure out where the voices had come from. "good afternoon. are you aware that you have a Voice that doesn't belong to anyone?" he asked, looking up at Tony. "i am certain that there is no such thing as ghosts, but i cannot begin tp imagine how you have a voice without a physical form." he admitted, looking quite baffled.
“Well, informing everyone that the quarterback had a small dick on his own face book, helped alot.”Tony said looking amused before sighing quietly. “Go, sleep. We’ll be okay. We’ll watch over you guys.”Tony said watching him go.

Tony paused in the doorway, studying the jotun biting his lip to keep from laughing at him.”I know. It’s my computer program that runs my house. He’s...sorta like a ghost I guess as in he can speak and interact with people, but doesn’t have a body.”He said looking thoughtful considering that. “Did you need something?”He asked looking at him slightly worried.
"thank you, my freind." Thor whispered, gripping Tony's shoulder before heading off to get some sleep.

Loki blinked a little. "computer?" he asked curiously. "so he was supposed to be there?" he asked before looking down at the speaker in his hand. "oops." but considering he was still dismantling the thing he clearly wasn't all that repentant. "hmm? need something? oh, yes." Loki stated, as if he'd forgotten. "i was hoping for some food. i haven't eaten since breakfast... yesterday, or maybe the day before. i'm not sure." he admitted as he stood up fluidly, abandoning the speaker now that he had decided that he could glean no more information from it. "so, tell me about this 'Computer'. Thor has told me you are a technologically advanced species." he admitted, his eyes shining with curiosity. "is this 'Computer' one of the technologies that your people are so famous for?"
“Yes, a computer. A AI. Artificial intelligence. And yes, but it’s okay. It just gives me a chance to redo the speakers in here.”he said snickering a little amused that loki wasn’t all that repentant about dismantling the thing. Tony winced at that, “Come on. Cap’s here somewhere. I can’t cook, but I can get him to. Or clint. Clint’s good at food to.”Tony mused before smirking as they left the room, “No. Well, I’m famous for it, as it’s the best version of a AI to exist, but yes, it is one of them. J, put coffee on would you?” “Of course Sir. Good morning, Sir Laufeyson.”Jarvis greeted coffee already started in the kitchen. Yes, tony was that obsessed with his coffee he’d programed it so jarvis could start it with a command.
he blinked a little. "how can it be artificial? intelligence is intelligence, is it not?" he asked curiously. "is that what those are? what is their purpose?" he asked curiously. "i would assume it's a method in which to transfer noise, but is that their only function?" he asked as he followed the other. "Cap? ah, right, Captain America. Thor has spoken about him too." Loki admitted. "he was frozen and carried through time." he smiled a little. "very fascinating." he admitted. "Coffee? this is a drink, yes? Thor said it's quite disgusting." he admitted, looking amused as he moved over to the coffee machine, examining it intently. "fascinating! it's making hot water and pouring it through dirt. and this makes coffee?" he asked, frowning a little. "why drink mud-water?" he had mistaken the grounds for dirt. "oh my but that does smell good." he admitted. "what is this?" Loki was like a curious child. poking his head into everything and touching everything and asking endless questions. but he was also very willing to answer questions asked of him, and he was more talking to Jarvis some of the time than he was to Tony. he asked about the microwave, the fridge, the canned food in the cupboards, the thermostats, the phone, the laptop sitting on the kitchen table, the dishwasher, everything there was to ask about.
“It is. But most people have a body, Jarvis is a intelligence that I programmed, created in the lab instead of being born.”He said before nodding. “Yes. And yes that is their only function.”he said before smirking a little. “Hm, I wouldn’t get to close to him ice boy, he’s not fond of the cold anymore.”Tony said though the words sounded serious there was enough amusement in tony’s eyes to let loki know he was only teasing him, inviting him to try to be friends, to understand humans. “And it is. But it’s not dirt.Ewww... It’s a plant’s seeds, ground up. Then water goes through them.”Tony explained smiling a little as he settled in to explain, answering questions when he was asked them, and more then a little amused that loki was talking to jarvis without freaking out like thor had done the first few times he’d done it. “J?Can you see if Steve’s done with his workout yet, and if he’d be kind and make breakfast so I don’t accidently poison myself or Loki?” “Yes sir....he’s on his way. He’ll be there as soon as he showers, sir.”Jarvis said after a moment.
Loki nodded. "so in other-words you think it's artificial because you 'made' it." Loki scoffed. "i make things all the time and none of it is Artificial." he stated with a sniff. "i'll make sure to flirt excessively with the Ice Man." he agreed with a smirk. "ah, like the Tea you humans are so fond of. dried plants that are fermented. yuck." Loki muttered as he shook his head. he did try the Coffee though and he loved it with a few spoons of sugar and a splash of milk. "you know, i'm rather surprised that your handling me so well." Loki admitted, looking amused. "even the Aeser find me rather... unsettling. the color of my skin, the color of my eyes, the horns." Loki looked rather curious as he studied the other. "yet you look at me without fear, as if i look just like you. it's rather... interesting." Loki admitted, studying Tony before turning his attention to the Laptop and poked a few buttons. "what an amazing thing, this eeternet." he muttered, cocking his head as he typed into the search bar, as Jarvis instructed 'how Coffee is Made' and then clicked on one of the safe links provided. "amazing! and you can find anything?" "almost everything." Steve agreed as he walked in, a little damp but perfectly clean. "what would you like for breakfast?" "meat." Steve snorted at Loki's flippant remark. "any particular kind of meat?" "...i don't know earth meats. i'm going to assume you don't have rodent." "uh... no. gross.." "...insects?" " gross." "...equine?" "....sort of. i'll whip you up a breakfast steak, hows that?" "sounds pleasant." Loki agreed. "can i watch?" "of course." "what kind of meat is that?" "Cow." "what is a Cow... oh, that's handy." he mused as he studied the Laptop that Jarvis was now controlling and had a picture of a cow and some wiki information on them on the screen. "very interesting."
“Exactly. IT wasn’t real before I made it, so it was artificially created.”tony said shrugging a little before smirking. “Good. Ice man needs to loosen up.”tony smirked, having picked up a new nickname for the captain, and if it made him think of the movie top gun, that could just be his inside, private joke. “...I’m sleep deprieved. I haven’t slept in like...39 hours. I’m accepting of everything at this point. Probably why I’m being this talktive really....wait till I sleep then I’ll be a moody bastard....who will still be curious about you and the world and everything else.”Tony rambled a bit before snickering as loki discovered the computer.”Internet.”he corrected before nodding. “Most things.”Tony answered at the same time steve did, smirking as he looked at him. It was never any hardship to look at the good captain fresh from a shower. Looking amused as he listened to them talk he laughed.”It sorta depresses me that you just used your first internet search to find a cow and coffee.”
Loki grinned a little and nodded. "yes, the Ice Man should get VERY loose." he purred playfully, his eyes sparkling with laughter. "ah i see. yes sleep deprivation does some very interesting things." Loki agreed. "seams as if all i do lately is sleep." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you can ask me things if you like." Loki assured the other with a smile. "i'm assuming Thor gave you a rundown on my family at the very least? because i would prefer to not speak of them as of yet. it still... hurts." he admitted, eyes clouding over. the betrayal must have been terrible. he smiled a little as Steve walked in and he winked at Tony. "well i need to learn these things." Loki admitted with a smirk. "so. Captain..." Loki stated, slowly advancing on Steve who tensed. "you are looking very handsome today." Loki admitted, a red flush spreading across Steve's cheeks. "how about you help me... settle in?" "not Gay!" Steve squeaked, looking horrified that he was being flirted with and very much unsure of how to deal with that. "...Gay?" Loki asked, looking confused as Steve cleared his throat. "i don't like cock..." "...i don't understand." "i don't like males. i like females." "...aaah! that's right, you are a duel gender species. i had forgotten. what a pity."
“Hm, I am sure he will be. He’ll enjoy it.”Tony snickered, oh he was a evil,evil man sometimes. “Well, I’ll trade you. If you stay up I’ll go to sleep. I can’t sleep. My head keeps telling me things to invent and wont shut off and I told Cap I was giving up drinking which helped and I’m really trying to make the promise last longer then a week.”Tony said before nodding sadly.”He did. As someone with my own family issues, I knew better then to ask you about them.”Tony said tilting his head, his eyes soft with sympathy before smirking as he watched loki flirt, he really was evil sometimes. Especially when he was sleep deprieved, and watching the good captain blush and squeak always amused him. “Not so much a pity, as a disappointment. The whole male population of gay men is depressed that he doesn’t like them.”Tony snickered a little, because despite genuinely liking the good captain, he just couldn’t help but to tease him especially when a prince from a land who didn't know better gave him the perfect excuse to do so
Loki snickered a little. "i much doubt that." he admitted with an impish grin. "i could assist you." Loki admitted. "there is a simple spell that can trigger your somulus state. you'll sleep naturally for hours, and have no medicated side effects." Loki admitted. "and you can't get addicted to it because it's your own body's natural occurrence so i can do it anytime you need to sleep." he admitted with a smile before that smile turned pained. "yes well... thank you." he muttered softly before the grin turned sly as he examined the Cap. "what a pity." loki murmured, sliding his hands up Steve's perfectly sculpted arms. "i have never seen someone with such gorgeous muscles..." he paused as his stomach growled and Steve started to laugh. "now i know your fucking with me!" Steve stated. "if you liked muscles you'd be dating Thor! fuck you Tony!" Steve complained, Loki huffing. "well there goes my fun." he complained. "how did you know it was Tony's idea?" "it's always Tony's idea."
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