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Forbidden Desires ( loneiysong & CrimsonMaster )

Right now, it was all about fucking Wolf and his tight little asshole. Thomas however did want to leave Rain out. He would fuck her just as hard later on, but for now, she could join in. Thomas jerked away on Wolf's cock while slamming into his ass. He told to lay under Wolf and get her face close to his cock. Thomas said he wanted to put Wolf's cum to good use. It would cover Rain's pretty face and enter her mouth. Wolf & Rain hadn't had sex yet. That would all change. They would become lovers as well. This was a house which the adults who lived here did so in open sexual relationships. Each of the adults was a lover to the others and there was no jealous. " Cum for me baby......Cum all over Rain's pretty face. " Thomas seductively whispered into Wolf's ear. This whisper wasn't private and could be heard by everyone in the room. Thomas was getting very close to his own climax. Soon he'd explode inside the young man's hot ass.
Jamie watched as Thomas took control. She grinned as he gave rain an order. Jamie could not tear her eyes away from the joined Thomas and wolf, but she could hear Rain standing up and moving so she was under wolf her face facing his cock. Rain had wanted to know wolf for a long time, but she was no where near as good as Jamie.

Wolf looked down at rain. Sweat was beading across his forehead as he grunted and moaned. Wolf had fucked Jamie's asshole and was always curious as to what it felt like. It felt like heaven. He could almost feel Thomas in his intestines. When he whispered in his ear, he rolled his eyes up and let out a shuddering groan as he released a large torrent of cum into rains face. She squealed in delight and held his hips as she drank whatever landed in her mouth.

His ass gripped Thomas even tighter as wolf panted his balls dumping all over rains beautiful face and hair.
Thomas loved how Wolf's cock felt when he began pumping out cum. It was like his cock was pulsating with every jet of cream. Thomas could feel the cum flowing straight out. He looked down over Wolf's should too see Rain's pretty young face becoming covered in a white coat. This made Thomas smile wickedly. Perhaps now, Rain would find it in her to take what she wanted. Time to use those lessons Jamie had been teaching her about control. Thomas then closed his eyes. He could feel Wolf's ass tighten around his cock. " Keep cumming baby......Keep cumming. " Thomas groaned out as his own climax was reached. Letting out a another groan, Thomas began filling Wolf's asshole with cum. Thomas jammed his cock deeper up inside hot Indian teen's ass. Soon, Wolf's ass was packed with Thomas's warm cum. Thomas reached his free hand upwards to Wolf's face. He turned the teen's head just enough so they could make eye contact. " You're my little ass whore now baby......Don't ever forget that. " Thomas said while grinning from ear to ear. He then leaned in and kissed Wolf on the mouth. His tongue slipped into his new lover's mouth. Thomas held Wolf's still hard cock out for Rain to use. He figured she'd know what to do with it now.
Wolf arched his back and moaned out wickedly. He reached down still keeping his balance and gripped Rain's face and pulled her lips to his cock to clean. He blushed as Thomas called him baby. He groaned, he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. Thomas' warm calloused hand on his sensitive flesh felt amazing. Rain licked at the tip letting the cum rain down over her. But then a whole new sensation hit him. Thomas filling his intestines with his seed. He howled his pleasure feeling Thomas stop up any possible route of escape in his ass as his ass gripped him. He panted and rocked his hips forward and back. He had never felt like this.

Wolf turned his face to Thomas and smiled. "I am your filthy little slut, come to me if you are ever lonely." He growled and kissed back and ran his tongue along his deepening the kiss. He panted and rocked. Rain leaned forward and began to lick and suck Wolf's cock clean. She then leaned down and kissed and licked the cum that escaped his ass clean.

Jamie watched. When thomas was done and pulled out, she jumped him like a ravenous dog, pinning him against the wall until she used his cock to find her release. She fell asleep and couldn't remember what happened but the next morning she woke up in a bed surrounded by her lovers.
The passion from that night of love, grew as the days turned into months and the months into years. Thomas continued to fuck his faithful little slut, Wolf. He also enjoyed Jamie, Rain & Maria. In time, Wolf & Rain grew closer sexually. This brought the makeshift family even closer. Jamie & Rain soon had their babies. Both women had girls which delighted their fathers. Wolf & Thomas were proud to have had children with Jamie & Rain. Maria also ended up getting pregnant and having a baby. It wasn't clear who the father was until the child was born. After the boy was born, it was clear that Thomas had fathered another child. His third with as many women. It was Jamie's idea to name the boy Micheal Harper. It didn't matter who the mother was. All the women loved and cared for the children as if they were their own. With all the new additions to the family. It was a good thing Thomas had planned on building them a larger house outside the fort. Thomas hired the men and Jamie oversaw the construction. This was to be her dream home. A place for love, understanding and peace. Jamie of course, got her own special room again. This one was better then the first one in Washington. Because the house belonged to the family and wasn't rented. It was a beautiful home with plenty of trees around. It had barns for the animals and fields for planting. There was even a piece of grown where fruit trees were planted. The house was a mansion. It had 14 bedrooms, a large kitchen, a music room, a large living room, a huge dinning room and Jamie's special play room. The house also had private bathrooms for each bedroom. It was a magnificent structure.

As the years passed by. A town started building up around the fort. It was a town where whites, Indians, Mexicans and others of color could live in peace. The town took it's name from the fort which remained in operation. Thomas was still in command even though he no longer lived on the post. The years continued to bring happiness. Daniel left West Point and was placed at Fort Apache. This trilled Jamie & Thomas. It wasn't long after Daniel arrived that he was fucking Jamie once again. His education continued when Jamie introduced Daniel to the joys of male love. Jamie delighted in the sight of Thomas & Daniel fucking each other. Other visitors came and went. Clayton & James visited many times. So did Joesph & Martha. Jamie again spun her web and introduced Joesph to having sex with men. Joesph ended up fucking every male in the house. Rachel arrived with a surprise no one expected. This surprise was a good one and brought everyone together for a wedding. Rachel found herself a man, which she was happy to share with everyone. He was a well hung black man named John Henry Jackson. There were very few places where an inter racial couple could live. Not every place was like Fort Apache. Rachel & John decided to stay. Jamie loved this idea because she loved John Henry's big black cock. It reminded her of days gone by on the plantation. There was a huge orgy which followed Rachel & John's wedding. Jamie, Thomas, Wolf, Rain, Maria, Clayton, James, Daniel, Joesph, Martha, Rachel, John Henry and Grey Eagle took part. There was a lot of sucking & fucking going on to the wee hours of the next day.

The town of Fort Apache grew into a nice small town. The old trading post became the General store. There was a doctor in town, a barber shop, a blacksmith, a dress shop, a telegraph office and two saloons. The only thing it didn't have was a church. That all changed when Father Paul Wilson arrived. Unlike Mathew, Father Wilson wasn't young. He was a man in his early sixties. Father Wilson was in great shape for a man his age. He was a normal priest and not part of Mathew special order. It was like God had smiled down on Jamie and delivered her just what she wanted. A new virgin to take in the most wicked way. Something she had longed for ever since meeting Mathew. The year was now 1875. The new church sat on the far side of town. It loomed as a reminder to Jamie of her dark desire. A desire which she planned on living out.
Jamie was slowly aging but becoming more and more beautiful. Whenever a woman in Fort Apache or the indian village were to be married, brides and grooms came to ask Jamie how to bring pleasure and how to recieve pleasure. Jamie soon began to put together a book on the many pleasures and things to look out for. She was enjoying herself. Every night she had pleasure being given and recieved. She was blessed. She was excited one night when Maria became round with child. She helped Maria, stroked and rubbed every inch of her she could want. She laid with Maria constantly and protected her much like a mother bear would protect her cub. She even was the midwife when the baby was born. What she recieved was a child that bore a strong resemblance to Thomas and then bets were paid off. She assumed it was Thomas and bet heavily.

Rain was always moving into Wolfs bed when all went to bed. She fucked him constantly, constantly grabbed at his cock or gave him looks. Her baby was a beautiful dark rust colored baby with black little tufts on its head. Rain had called her Desert Flower. Rain never parted long with her baby and held her close. Even when she crawled into Wolf's bed, the baby was wrapped in several blankets in an odd leather type nest on the ground sleeping away.

Jamie had developed a thing for betting. Betting when a woman would cum that Thomas was fucking. How many times a person would cum. She even took to teh saloons in her men's clothing, once her baby girl Anna was born, and played poker. She even twisted Thomas' arm to teach her how to shoot better. She was turning into a right good cowboy. But she always remained true to her little George who was now 7. George had taken to the new church and constantly volunteered and read the bible. George was a child coming into his own. He was quiet, but Jamie could see a quiet compassion. He constantly thought of Mathew and wrote to him. Jamie suspected he would grow up to hunt the supernatural. He constantly begged for stories of vampires, werewolves, and other creatures. He even began to make up his own, constantly drawing pictures of ghostly women who roamed the desert of teh west trying to find their lost loves.

Jamie was always coming to pick up George from the new church where he turned the coin he had been given thoughtfully in his fingers. Little George was wise well beyond his years and this was something Jamie cultivated. That was how she met Father Wilson. She usually came into the church dressed in her chaps and white shirt that was tied below her breasts and barely buttoned. Jamie still lactated for whoever wanted it. She found babies of the house would cry until she came in and held them to her breasts. But she had encouraged Maria to keep lactating because there was something in it that soothed Jamie herself. She walked forward seeing George holding the coin in one hand and his crucifix in another his lips moving soundlessly. Jamie grinned and sat a few pews behind him and kicked her feet up on a pew and lit a cigarette contemplating the large Jesus on the Crucifix.
Jamie got good instruction on handling firearms. Not only did Thomas help teach her. Jamie also learned from J.P. who passed through the town every once in a while. He had gained a reputation for being a fast gun. Some said J.P. was the fastest in the west. Jamie soon became a damn fine shot and pretty quick on the draw. The town was very expecting of Jamie and her ways. The people who ended up settling here became very open minded. Jamie had become a sexual teacher for many adults in town. When a boy, or girl came of age and needed to learn about sex. The parents always called on Jamie. It wasn't uncommon for Jamie not to be available. During times when she was busy. Jamie always had Rain & Maria to help teach what Jamie taught. When Jamie's book came out, it could be found in every house around the town. The book held years of love, passion & pleasure within it's pages. It was one adult book which wasn't looked down on. The only one who was clueless as to Jamie's ways was Father Wilson. He was still new in town. Father Wilson was surprised that George took such a liking to the church. Most boys his age weren't keen on going to church. They'd rather be out playing. Father Wilson did find Jamie's dress style a bit odd. He didn't often see women running around wearing men's clothing and carrying a six gun on her hip. Seeing how Jamie wore her shirts was a bit unsettling for the priest. But he wouldn't judge Jamie based on how she dressed. Ultimately, he would judge Jamie on what was in her heart.
Jamie smiled seeing Father Wilson come in and raised an eyebrow her hand rolled cigarette between her lips. She grinned and winked softly to him. She then spread her legs so only he could see. She began to rub with her hand between her legs and winked at Father Wilson again. She puffed on her cigarette and tehn leaned her head back. She knew she would shock the priest at first, but there wasn't a man in town who hadn't tasted Jamie's fruits. She just insisted they piss inside her before they were done. They usually exchanged goods or favors. She got some high quality whisky, tobacco, but seh was alway fair. She opened her eyes to sneak a peak as to what the Father was thinking.
Father Wilson came in and saw Jamie sitting there. He returned her smile while waving. It was then that Father Wilson noticed how Jamie was sitting. This was quite shock in many ways. One, Jamie was a married woman. Second, she was sitting so seductively while in church. This wasn't one of the town's saloons. It was the town's house of God. Father Wilson would have chastised Jamie for this, but George was around. This was another reason why Father Wilson was shocked. Jamie shouldn't be acting in this manner with her son in the same place. That was just wrong and she damn well knew it. Father Wilson flashed Jamie a disapproving look. Clearly he was now upset by how Jamie was acting. This wasn't at all good.
Jamie smiled and righted herself as George came out of his prayer and then walked forward to Father Wilson and said he was going home now. He turned and left putting his crucifix around his neck. Jamie stood up and walked up to Father Wilson and canted her head and grinned. "You know Father, if you don't like how I act..." She spoke as she walked forward to him. "You could always spank me." She growled to him looking down breathing her smoke on him.
Father Wilson was even more shocked by how forward Jamie was. When she came up and said about spanking her. The poor man almost had a stroke. Father Wilson never heard a woman speak in this manner before. Those that did, weren't the types who came to church. Father Wilson started coughing when the smoke was blown into his face. Jamie was beyond brash. She was down right sinful in every sense of the word. " Mrs. Harper.......You may dress like some trampy cowgirl......But I would think a woman of your stature in this town would hold herself to a higher level.......And not act like some common saloon girl looking for a fast dollar. " Father Wilson spoke decently, yet firmly when addressing Jamie. He wanted her to know that her image was that of a trollop. " How can you even dare come into this house of God dressed like that?.........You're the town's leading lady and should be setting a better example for other women and your own children. " Father Wilson hoped his last line would make Jamie rethink this town tramp image.
"Trampy cowgirl." She barked a laugh the smoke curling around her red lips and she pulled the cigarette from her lips and grinned broadly to him and chuckled canting her head. "I am at a high level. I am a creature of pleasure and sin. Yet I do believe that God does love me cause he continuously continues to bless me." She smiled adn stepped forward and looked at him.

"Do I scare you father? Do you wish I were some whore looking for a fast dollar?" She smiled adn pressed him against the altar and then looked over it and smiled and then back to him and then grinned. "I do deserve a spanking..." She moved and bent over the altar and pulled down her pants showing him her bare ass and wiggled it for him. She was of course dripping wet and ready.
Father Wilson took a step back when Jamie came forward. Her boldness was beyond anything Father Wilson had seen before. He was sure that Jamie was possessed by some demon. She spoke of being blessed by God. Father Wilson had doubts that God would ever bless someone so sinful. " I do not wish you were a whore looking for anything Mrs. Harper.......But perhaps you'll have better luck at the Lucky Dollar. " the Lucky Dollar which Father Wilson spoke of was one of the two saloons in town. Both places, Jamie was very popular for obvious reasons. " Now I'm sure you have something else to do........I'll not keep you from whatever depravity is in that black heart of yours. " It had become clear too Father Wilson that Jamie wasn't the woman he thought she'd be. Jamie did have status and a high level in this town. Father Wilson didn't know everyone in expected Jamie for who and what she was. They relayed on her for a great many things. Father Wilson then and walked towards the alter. He knelt down on one knees and form the cross over his body.
Jamie growled. She turned around and let her chaps and jeans slip down. She watched him move towards the altar. Walking to him, she sat before him stepping out of her jeans and chaps and laid back exposing her bare pussy. She then grabbed his hair and forcefully pulled him down onto her pussy as she was leaning against the altar and groaned. "Taste it, it won't bite." She giggled and then began to grind his face into her pussy and took one of his hands and then slipped it into her pussy and moaned letting him feel her heat and wet and smell her.
Father Wilson didn't know what was happening until he was forced into Jami's pussy. He never saw her walk in front of him. His head was down in prayer when she did this. He never saw her sit down and spread her legs open. His eyes were closed as his was praying for Jamie's soul. Suddenly, Father Wilson found himself felling forwards. Someone had reached out and grabbed him by the hair. Father Wilson soon found himself face first against Jamie's soaked pussy. The smell was unlike anything Father Wilson knew of. It smelled sweet, yet had a musk. Father Wilson tried to pull back. He tried to plead with Jamie not to do this, but it was all in vein. Jamie's grip was firm. This was like some nightmare which Father Wilson couldn't wake from. Yet, part of him began to respond to what Jamie was doing. He found his tongue licking at her pussy lips and clit. When she pulled his hand inwards. Father Wilson found himself finger fucking her pussy. Then it happened. Something that hadn't happened to Father Wilson since before he became a priest. Back when he was still a young teen. His cock was growing hard. Father Wilson was licking away at Jamie's pussy like a thirsty dog drinking from a bowl of water. His fingers furiously working at the opening between her legs. Father Wilson was acting like a sex starved demon now. Jamie had hooked herself a prize catch this time. Getting a priest to do down on her inside the church. Now that was wicked.
She groaned feeling him plead and beg. But then he soon gave. They all gave. Leaning back, she smoked on her cigarette and sighed softly and leaned back moaning in pleasure. The father was a sex starved being, she let him finger her and lick her clit like he wanted. She smiled and then looked up to an upsidedown Jesus and smiled.

"You did good Heavenly Father creating Wilson." She purred and arched her hips and moaned rolling her eyes as he was getting into the swing of it. She wrapped her legs around under his arms and moaned softly biting her lip.
Father Wilson couldn't get enough of Jamie's pussy. It tasted damn good to the father. This was his first time eating a woman's cunt. Father Wilson showed he had skills in this area. His finger pumped quickly in and out while his tongue danced over and around her clit. Father Wilson was acting like a wild beast. Jamie had unleashed a wild side that the father never knew he had. Inside his pants, Father Wilson was very hard. It had been many years since the last time this happened. It felt strange, but it also felt damn good. After eating Jamie for another few minutes. Father Wilson finally rose up. He looked down on Jamie like an animal looks at raw meat. Father Wilson ripped his black shirt open. The shirt was the ripped from his upper body. Father Wilson was pretty fit for a man of his age. He undid his belt before undoing his pants. The pants and underwear were soon off. Father Wilson's fully hard cock was there for Jamie too see. His cock was a nice size and would certainly please Jamie. Father Wilson moved on top of Jamie and without saying a word. He jammed his cock all the way inside her pussy. Father Wilson began pounding Jamie right there in front of the alter. He leaned down as his cock slammed her. " You wicked woman.......God help me......But I love you. " Father Wilson growled out into Jamie's ear. His confession of love wasn't meant to be a sign of true love. It was a sign of another type of love which one could call lust. There was never any thoughts of stopping in Father Wilson's mind. There was never any signs he wanted to stop. All he wanted was to fuck Jamie right her and right now.
Jamie gasped and moaned and arched her back and panted. It wasn't long till she was close. But he reared up with his hair wild and he began to tear at his clothes. She giggled a bit. There was a little known secret that anyone knew about Jamie. She loved seeing men frantic like this. A wild beast. She gasped and rolled her eyes up as he plowed his cock into her. She wrapped her legs around him and panted hearing the goblet that held the wine for rituals rattle and shake atop the altar. She groaned.

"I am not wicked, I just know my purpose on Gods earth." She moaned. Jamie was not worried about the man's declaration of love. She knew that men and women when they said they loved her, they meant like one would love cake or a well cooked steak. It was nothing compared to the way that Thomas and Wolf and the rest loved her. She held him close panting and rolled her eyes moaning.
Father Wilson held nothing back. He pounded Jamie's pussy hard. It almost seemed like he was trying to pound her straight through the floor. Father Wilson humped her like a horny dog. His cock pressing deeply into her before pulling back. Father Wilson never pulled his cock from her pussy. It always remained inside of her. The pounding continued until Father Wilson's groans came quicker. He was so damn close to cumming. The thought of pulling out never crossed his mind. When his climax reached it's peak and finally exploded. Father Wilson kept his cock inside Jamie's pussy. He in fact jammed it as far as it would go. His body started to shake and quake each time his cock spurted cum in her pussy. Father Wilson cursed out worse then most of the guys who hung around the saloons. The sex he shared with Jamie made him feel that good. He was lost in the pleasure and no longer acted like a priest. Father Wilson had broken his vows along with committed many sins. He just fucked a woman and did so in the church right at the alter. Add to that, Jamie was married. Father Wilson most certainly held lust in his heart for another man's wife. As he was coming down from his climax. Father Wilson could be heard growling. His ejaculations were slowly coming to an end. He had filled Jamie would plenty of warm cum. Suddenly Father Wilson collapsed onto Jamie breathing heavily. His life as a priest had come to and end. Father Wilson had no regrets about that happening.
Jamie leaned back and panted moaning loudly. Encouraging him so often with a "FUCK ME HARDER" or "Oh GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD!" She had given birth to two children, and the priest was not nearly well hung like sweet Rachel's dark chocolate as she so affectionately called him. She gripped his hair and screeched as she came hard against him squirting her juices hard and long over him. She sighed feeling him cum inside her. A soft giggle escaped her as he swore. She leaned back sweating and wiped the sweat with the back of her hand and held Father Wilson to her breast sighing and grinned.

"Now you are truly a priest." she teased. She leaned back and sighed and then bit her lip and shifted feeling his large load inside of her. "I need you to piss in me to finish your deed. It is how this saloon trollop keeps from getting pregnant. Only my husband gets that pleasure." She growled. Of course she carried Wolf's child, but he was like her husband too.
Father Wilson laid there just enjoying the feeling of being inside Jamie. God, she felt so good. Sex was better then Father Wilson thought it would be. He just assumed most people did it for making babies. He understood that some did it for pleasure. But it wasn't until he enjoyed the sweet sex with Jamie that the one time priest really understood why people had sex. It was amazing and truly a gift from God. Jamie was also a gift from God. Father Wilson no longer had any doubts about that. He was sure Jamie was placed on Earth to be a sex expert. Someone who could show people the path of pleasure wasn't a sin worth going to hell for. Something that damn good, couldn't be that bad. Father Wilson heard Jamie's request. This was the strangest thing he ever heard, but he didn't question her. Father Wilson had wait a bit before the urge to pee came. He kept his cock inside her pussy until then. Father Wilson flooded Jamie with warm piss. He joked that Jamie must be a hit with the guys at the saloons. Here was a hot woman who they could fuck, then turn around and piss inside her pussy. That was quite kinky in Father Wilson's book. He of course had no idea whether Jamie had sex with the guys in the saloons. It was said as a joke and not something he knew for a fact. After peeing inside Jamie. Father Wilson finally moved off her. He reached down to help her to her feet. The former priest then captured Jamie in a deep passionate kiss. His tongue slipping into her mouth. They shared the kiss for a few moments before he offered Jamie the chance to clean up. He was sure she wouldn't want to walk around town with her pussy soaked with piss. " My life as a priest is over.......But I can always become a Minister. " Wilson said while leading Jamie to where she could wash up. At least ministers could have sex without breaking any vows. The former priest most certainly wanted to have sex with Jamie again. He made sure she knew this.
Jamie grinned as he pissed inside her. She laughed and nodded. "Yes I am. I am a symbol of unity amongst the people." She smiled adn rocked her hips as he pissed inside her and then sighed. She stretched out. She then stood up and grinned adn nodded. "I would love to clean up thank you." She smiled adn walked with him after grabbing her pants.

"Nonsense, priests have sex. Just not with girls all the time." She joked. She smiled adn moved into the shower and began to wash and then shut her eyes enjoying the feel of soap and water. When she was clean and dried she dressed again.
The former priest wasn't sure what Jamie meant when she spoke of priests having sex. It was against the church rules for priests to have sex. They couldn't engaged in sex in any form. He was also puzzled by her talking about not having sex with girls all the time. His mind just couldn't wrap around what Jamie was driving at. He wondered if Jamie was saying he should fuck other men? What Jamie seemed to suggest went against everything Wilson had been taught while becoming a priest. Having sex with a man was a bigger sin then having sex with a woman. Wilson returned to the alter and picked up his clothing. His shirt showed the signs of raging desire he had for Jamie. It made him laugh. The former priest put his pants on before heading for his room. He needed to write a letter and leave the church. He would then make this church into a non denominational one. It would make a better fit in this town. Wilson had no doubt that Jamie was a symbol of unity in this community. He knew Jamie would be a symbol of sex, love, caring and kindness. Wilson again laughed when he thought of what the first church social would be like. It would most likely breakdown into a free for all of sex. Like the Roman orgies of old.

The town was active outside the church. No one could guess that Jamie had just taken the new priest. It wouldn't be a surprise too hear the news. It was just something no one was expecting just yet. People were coming and going from the different shops & stores. John Henry was busy working at his blacksmith business. After deciding to stay at Fort Apache, John Henry opened the blacksmith & fix it shop. He was always good with his hands. Jamie knew he was good with other things as well. John Henry was pounding away on his anvil. The hammer he held was pounding on a red hot horseshoe. John Henry was a hard worker. He fixed wagons, made furniture by hand and could fix damn near anything. The heat from the forge made the sweat rundown over John Henry's well built body. His chest was large, his arms powerful. John Henry had been a slave until the Union won the war. Once he was freed, John Henry went looking for a new life. He ran into Rachel during a stay in St. Louis. Rachel was roaming around the country exploring her sexual side. She was showing off those things Jamie taught her. Rachel met John Henry and fell in love with this stud. In many parts of the country, a black man & white woman couldn't live in peace. Rachel knew from letters she got from Thomas & Jamie that Fort Apache wasn't like other places. That's why Rachel & John Henry came here and decided to stay. Rachel warned John Henry about Jamie. She knew how much Jamie loved a well hung man and that she enjoyed being with black men. John Henry knew all about the open relationships which Jamie started. He certainly enjoyed her lifestyle. There was always a hot pussy to fuck, or tight ass to fuck.
Jamie finished dressing and walked out into the hot sun and smiled stretching. Looking up, she smiled waving to Rachel and invited her to dinner tonight and skipped off in her jovial air she was used to.

Rachel was roaming around in a very revealing dress. She even had a dainty parasol. She was wearing her hair up in the fashion she liked to have John Henry pull down in his wild lusts. She carried in the crook a basket. Rachel had learned very well from Jamie's correspondance that she also offered to friends of friends needing to spice up their sex lives. She hummed a song and then came to the blacksmith shop and saw her John Henry, dripping sweat, just teh way she liked him. Licking her red lips that begged to be kissed and John Henry awoke to every morning stretched around his fat cock, she walked inside and it was hot. Closing her parasol, she walked to him and ran her long polished nails down his back and bit his shoulder.

"Greetings my big black stallion, how goes it? I brought you some lunch. Because Jamie ordered us to dinner." She giggled and then patted a spot near the table that she had perched herself on. She began to unpack the lunch, it was a special paper wrapped sandwhich and some home made beer that was Rachel's specialty. She then looked at him and then grinned. "I saw her today, you know? I passed her, had that 'I just had sex' glow."
John Henry was always happy too see his sweet, innocent looking Rachel. Thanks to Jamie, Rachel wasn't as innocent as she looked. In fact, Rachel worked to become just like Jamie. It was something that Rachel wanted since Jamie took the young girl under her wing. John Henry stopped working and joined Rachel at the table. He laughed when she spoke of Jamie's order to be at dinner. When Jamie wanted someone at her dinner table, they came. Turning down the offer just wasn't done in this town. John Henry said that they better be there. He began eating while Rachel spoke of seeing Jamie outside. Rachel said how she just had the fresh, just fucked glow about her. Again John Henry laughed. It was odd when Jamie didn't have that look. Seemed like Jamie was always fucking somebody. Jamie was like the queen slut of the town. Everyone worshiped the ground which she walked on. He asked Rachel if she knew who Jamie had fun with?
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