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Forbidden Desires ( loneiysong & CrimsonMaster )

Wolf stood beside Jamie's desk when she asked if he was ready. This was something Wolf had been dreaming of for a long while. Since meeting J.P. Wright, Wolf had wanted to become a lawman. J.P. had become a hero to the young man. Wolf, like Thomas & Jamie stayed in contact with J.P.. The Harper family were good friends with the United States Marshal. After what they had been through, it was only natural to become close. Jamie was always pestering J.P. about finding himself a good woman. J.P. still carried the sting of losing his wife & son during the war between the states. It would be a few more years before J.P. would meet the right woman. Her name was Katie Brooks and her adventure would bring them together. " I'm ready Jamie.......I won't let you or the town down. " Wolf said as he stood proudly waiting for Jamie to pin the star on him. She also had two other stars. These were for deputy town marshals. Right now, only one other person would be needed.
Standing up, she smiled broadly. Jamie walked around and opened the box, still so Wolf wouldn't be able to see. "As Mayor of the Fort Apache, I hereby designate you as the marshall of this town. The laws and rules yours to uphold, the people yours to protect, and I could not think of a better or more capable person." She smiled and pinned a golden five pointed star that said "Fort Apache Marshall" in a circle around a center on his vest and kissed his lips. "Make me proud marshall." She smiled and moved around the desk to see what eles she needed to do.
Jamie skillfully kept the badge hidden until it was pinned on Wolf's vest. This was a very proud moment in his life. This moment was only surpassed by the day his daughter with Jamie was born and the first day he made love to Jamie. Once the kiss was broken, Wolf promised to protect the town and it's people. Wolf had no office yet. A jail & office would have to be built. This was one of the details which needed discussed during the council meeting. It was easy to just say build it, but the town government had no money. There was no way of paying for the supplies needed. The town also needed a proper town hall. A place where the town business could be done. This meant that some form of taxes needed to be implemented. Jamie had a full plate to deal with when the council meeting started.
Jamie knew that soon people would not like her. They would not like her at all. Once she started saying, honeymoon was over, they would be calling her a whore, slut, and all the other colorful words she knew she was. "Until you have a building, you can share this office with me." She smiled and looked at Wolf. She sat down at her desk and looked over her list. Building a town hall with capabilities in case of a disaster. She was thinking of building a government building on top of the jail. She smiled. That would make sure that both were running efficently.

"Wolf, what are some of your first concerns and your needs?" She looked at him and canted her head and smiled wider.
Wolf agreed that they could have the jail inside the town hall. It wasn't common for a small town, but it would cut the construction costs. Wolf thought for a moment before answering Jamie's question. He needed lots of things, but since he had no office, those things could wait. Wolf did speak of having a deputy. He said it would be nice to have an extra set of eyes. Hiring a deputy would mean another person on the town's payroll. Right now there were 6 people working for the town. Adding a 7th would make the need for taxes imperative. Jamie had to remember that the people of this town were uses to paying taxes. It wouldn't be like their town was the first to have such things. Every city & town acrossed the country paid taxes. Her own husband's military pay came from taxes. As did every soldier's pay who served in the armed forces. Paying taxes was a normal part of everyday life and had been so since after the revolutionary war. Like it, or not. Jamie had to set the base for this town's government. If she didn't do it, someone else would. And that person may not have the town's best interest at heart.
She folded her hands and then looked up. She would have to generate more jobs for people to pay taxes. She scratched her ehad and nodded. She looked at Wolf and smiled gently. Taking a deep breath, she nodded and then looked at him.

"Keep your eyes peeled. A deputy we can do." She wrote down that as a talking point and under it wrote taxes along with the possibility of generating jobs. She was not sure how the town would go about doing this. It would happen, it would show itself to her as long as she paid close attention and listened.
Wolf had faith in Jamie. He was sure she could make this all work. One thing Wolf wasn't sure about, was who should be his deputy? There were a few people on his mind. Wolf knew that Thomas & Daniel worked for the US Government. They couldn't serve in civilian positions. Wolf left Jamie alone with her thoughts. He felt it was time to show the town they had a lawman. Wolf walked out of the saloon and made his way down the one street town. In his mind's eye, Wolf could see the growing bigger. More buildings, more streets and more people. Rachel soon arrived at the lucky dollar. She went straight into the back where Jamie sat at her desk. Rachel was the first of the council members to arrive for the meeting. She glanced down at the paper Jamie was writing on. Rachel was wearing a very low cut dress. She looked at the paper puzzling over what was written. " Working on something important? " Rachel asked, she wasn't sure what Jamie was doing. She wasn't even sure why Jamie wanted her on the council.
"Nope just working on a list. Please sit." She leaned back and groaned looking at the ceiling. Her father always paid taxes, Thomas and herself always paid taxes, she wondered how it could be done without making it horrible for everyone involved. She had many ideas from making it to a sliding scale to just making everyone pay a little extra when they bought goods just so it wouldn't be one great lump sum at one point.

Looking at Rachel she smiled. "How are you doing by the way?"
Rachel took a seat while saying she was doing well. She continued to glance at the paper which Jamie had in front of her. Rachel didn't know much about taxes. She knew people paid them. Her parents did, Thomas & Jamie did. It accrued to Rachel that the town needed a large business to go along with this smaller ones. Everyone in the family knew that Joesph & Clayton had become business partners. Clayton was sending cotton, corn, wheat and other items North by sea. Joesph who owned a shipping company provided the ships which transported the items. Once there, other companies owned by Joesph transported the items to stores, or factories where they could be processed. The cotton was sent to mills before going to a textile plant. Rachel knew it was costing her father a small fortune to send items west. She figured the costs could be cut if some cotton was sent west. Rachel suggested that Jamie should build a mill & a textile factory here in Fort Apache. She said Clayton could send cotton by train. The cotton could be milled here, then made into clothing. Jamie & Thomas would be going into business with their fathers.

Grey Eagle came in followed by Gertrude & Mr. Fields. The three walked into the area of Jamie's office when Rachel was speaking of her idea. Mr. Fields pointed out the one flaw in Rachel's plan. The trains didn't come to Fort Apache. Grey Eagle suggested that Thomas could help in this area. He was after all a General in the army. Rachel also said the Harper's & the Smith's were wealthy families. It was possible for them to influence the railroads to come to Fort Apache. She added until then, cotton could be dropped off at the nearest rail head. It could then be picked up and delivered to Fort Apache by wagon train. Fort Apache was becoming a regular stop by wagon trains heading for Southern California.
Jamie listened and figured up the jobs that Rachel's idea generated. She wrote it down on the list of paper nodding. It was a great idea. She even said so. Then wrote under the factory ideas "railroad" she continued to write as everyone put their ideas back and forth.

When they had reached a lull, Jamie spoke of her idea for taxes. She asked them whether they thought taxes based on the families income was a good idea or a small tax on everything purchased. She looked at the group hopeful for their input.
Both of Jamie's ideas on taxes held pros & cons. Mr. Fields said local governments didn't taxes individual goods. That was something with the federal government did. He suggested a tax on income which was normal for local governments. At this time, very few around the town were paying taxes unless they bought items from his store, or another local shop. Many of the families had farms and grew, or raised what they needed. Once a factory could be built and people hired. A tax on income would pay off. Grey Eagle wanted too hear more on the small tax Jamie spoke of. He wouldn't speak his mind until all the facts could be heard.
Jamie nodded and then thought.

"I was just thinking, that if we had a bit of tax added on to all goods, saloon gals, whiskey, produce from Mr. Fields, even what the natives sell, could all go towards the tax. That way, even visitors could add to the whole of the tax. I think after the railway goes through here, and I will try my damnedest to make sure that does happen, our visitors will help upkeep our Fort Apache." She looked around the group.
Grey Eagle liked Jamie's idea and it was the one he would support. Mr. Fields also felt it was worth a try. The wagon trains stopping here and buying supplies would certainly add to the town's coffers. They were seeing at least one wagon train each week. Each wagon train had 15 to 20 wagons. There was normally one family to a wagon. By the time they reached Fort Apache. These families were in need of supplies. Since these families bought in bulk, it would mean more in tax money. Even after the trains came, it would still keep the money flowing. Grey Eagle & Mr. Fields voted yes on having a tax on items sold. Rachel thought both ideas over before voting yes on Jamie's plan. It was now up to Gertrude. Once she & Jamie voted, they could move on to other business.
Gertrude nodded and smiled. "I vote aye." Jamie grinned and signed a note beside the list and the. Went into the next item of business.

"Now we need to discuss a town hall and a jailhouse. I was thinking of maybe putting those two together for the time being. Although town hall would be nice if it had an emergency shelter and other things. A jail with an emergency shelter sounds potential danger to me."

She raised an eyebrow waiting for input.
No one had anything against the town hall and the jail being together. For now, that is. Mr Fields did raise concerns of having them in the same place. As Jamie had also stated, there was danger in having them in the same place. If a shelter was needed. You wouldn't want some outlaws hanging around where children could be. He agreed that they could be in the same building. After a few years though, they should have a separate buildings. It was agreed by Mr. Fields, Grey Eagle & Rachel to put the two places together.
Gertrude and Jamie voted it as a temporary thing. She looked around at her group and smiled. "Last item that I wanted to speak on. Fair laws. Since grey eagles people were here long before the first Americans planted foot here, I say that the Apache people always be on the council if not mayor. At least one." She smiled and looked at grey eagle and the other people.
Jamie's request was not only reasonable, it was fair. It was true that Grey Eagle's people lived here longer then the white man, but all things being equal, they weren't the first. The Apache weren't the original occupants of this land. This land was taken from the Pueblo by the Apache many years ago. Such things happened long before the white man came west. One tribe taking over anothers hunting grounds. Even among the Indians, there was war. Grey Eagle explained this to those who didn't know. Jamie's request was voted yes by Grey Eagle, Mr. Fields & Rachel.
Gertrude nodded but there was something halting behind her eyes. Jamie noticed and said nothing. Gertrude was never anything but fair to the natives. Jamie smiled and nodded.

"Is there anything else we should talk about?" She tapped her pen against the paper. She would have to write out these laws in big fancy words and then get these people to sign it.
Rachel suggested that Jamie's idea be written up so it would say this. There will always be at least one member of the Apache people on the council, or as mayor. This law can never be changed, or altered in anyway. Only a direct decedent of Grey Eagle could change this law, or alter it. It was agreed on before the meeting moved on. Mr. Fields brought up the need for a proper bank. The town so far had no bank. He said most of the town's people were keeping their money at home. This wasn't a safe practice with outlaws & bandits beginning to roam the west. Mr. Fields said Thomas & Jamie would be the town's biggest depositors. They would set a good example by being the first to make an account. He suggested they could use general store until a bank could be built. Mr. Fields had the only safe in town. Rachel & Grey Eagle agreed as long as Jamie & Gertrude did.
Gertrude frowned. "There is a saying my father used to always tell me, don't put all your eggs into one basket." She rubbed her face. "Until the matter with deputies is settled, I perfer to keep my money personally in the morgue." She sat back and shook her head. "I don't feel safe doing that."

Jamie frowned and nodded. "That would be a problem if an outlaw came and saw one safe." She bit her lip.
The town needed a bank, but Mr. Fields was willing to set aside the subject for now. He'd rather have everyone on board instead of having two members against this matter. The job of deputies shouldn't be up to the council. It should be Wolf's job to pick who he wanted. This was Mr. Fields position on that subject. Grey Eagle agreed that his son could pick a deputy. Rachel had no problem with Wolf picking his own deputy. Wolf was a smart young man and a good judge of character. Rachel then asked how much the town marshal and the deputies should be paid? Mr. Fields said that topically a town marshal earns 35 to 40 dollars a month. Deputies earn between 25 & 30 dollars a month. This of course didn't mean they couldn't pay theirs more, or less for the month.
"Now I am not saying that we should choose who the deputy is. I just think that if we start collecting money in one place, is dangerous while we only have one marshall." She smiled adn looked at him and raised an eyebrow. She nodded to each of those. "The marshall shall get 35 dollars a month then. When and if our taxes proves beneficial, we will give him a raise based on the work." She nodded and smiled.
The last subject which Mr. Fields brought up was about a telegraph. He said the only telegraph which Fort Apache had was inside the fort itself. Mr. Fields said that it was used for military messages only. He believed the town should have one for private messages. Mr. Fields said it wouldn't be hard to run a wire into his store from the pole going into the fort. His store could serve as a telegraph office until one could be built. Rachel & Grey Eagle had no problem with this. It seemed like a good idea to have a private line which the town's people could use. A few moments later, Wolf walked back into the saloon. He made his way into the back as the talk of a telegraph came to an end. Wolf announced he had picked John Henry to be his deputy. Being a deputy marshal wouldn't interfere with John Henry's business and it gave the town two men who would watch over things. John Henry also lived closer then Wolf did. It seemed like a good idea to have at least one law officer close to town. Wolf asked what everyone thought? Mr. Fields, Grey Eagle & Rachel loved the idea. Rachel was of course a bit bias because he was her man.
Gertrude and Jamie were both for the idea of a telegraph whole heartedly. They voted for it and Jamie wrote it down. Looking up, she motioned for Wolf to come in. She smiled and greeted him. He talked of John Henry becoming the deputy and that brought a smile to Jamie's face. He had muscle, brain, and everything else a deputy would need. She nodded to him and smiled.

"If he is for the idea, give him the position, but make sure that his little lady and him have talked about it." She nodded and looked at him.
The meeting had broken up. It was pretty successful for the first meeting of the town's council. They touched on many bases, passed laws that were needed and had a plan in place for the town's future. Not everyone was happy with what was happening around Fort Apache. Silas Meacham, the local Indian agent hated that a town was growing. It was bad enough that Martin Barkley opened and still ran his trading post at the edge of town. Then Mr. Fields opened his General Store and allowed the Indians to buy goods there. Grey Eagle and his people no longer needed the supplies they once got from Meacham. They no longer were getting spoiled beef, or getting ripped off on the corn & flour they should get. Between the trading post & the general store. Grey Eagle and his people were finally getting a far shake. Meacham left Fort Apache and went to Washington. He wanted something done about this town and those whom he blamed for this. Meacham of course blamed Thomas & Jamie over what was happening. Sadly, for Meacham, there was nothing the Indian Agency in Washington could do. They couldn't stop a town from building up around the Apache. Non of the town was on government owned land. The free land around the Apache had been bought by Thomas & Jamie. They then sold the land to homesteaders in order to build the town.

Meacham was powerless to stop what was happening. He was however, still the Indian agent in that area. Meacham returned to Fort Apache on the day of the first town council meeting. It wasn't until the meeting was over that Meacham found out that Grey Eagle was on the town council. He stormed from his office and head straight for the lucky dollar. Meacham burst through the doors and quickly spotted the usual suspects. Grey Eagle was still seated. Mr. Fields & Rachel were standing and speaking with Wolf. Meacham wasted no time. He crossed the floor between the swinging doors and the backroom quickly. " Have you lost your God damn mind woman!.....You can't put a savage on a town council! " Meacham screamed out before he spotted the badge Wolf was wearing. His eyes seemed to catch fire. Burning bright with anger. " You really have lost what mind you had!.......No sane person would make an Indian a town marshal! " While Meacham was ranting. Grey Eagle just sat there. He always tried to ignore Meacham when possible.
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