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Forbidden Desires ( loneiysong & CrimsonMaster )

Jamie, when Wolf came in, She gripped his hand but wrapped her arm tighter around Thomas. She sighed and looked up at Maria as she came in. She got into the long nightgown that she put in without saying anything. Moving with them to the front room, she sat down. She looked up not seeing Rain, but she knew she was probably keeping George in bed. She ran a hand through her messed up hair. She looked up and down and tears rolled down her face. She put her family in so much trouble.

"I am sorry everyone, I didn't mean to put you all in trouble." She swallowed and looked at Mathew. "I think...I may have given him permission to enter under false pretenses." She whispered but felt she should confess it. She drank her coffee. She was aware of passage of time, but every time she closed her eyes to blink, she saw Kreger. She looked up with Mathew came up with a plan. She could redeem herself, and she wanted to help. She nodded that she would help. She smiled and then nodded gently. She gripped his hand tightly.

"I promise, I will always love you, but the chance to help is too great. I want to make sure these blood sucking bastards get wiped out. And if I help, it will not be in vain." She whispered and then looked at THomas knowing he would hate her for saying she would.
Thomas wouldn't & couldn't hate Jamie for wanting to help. What kind of man would he be to hate the woman he loved? It showed how brave she was after what happened. Thomas was only concerned for Jamie's well being. Mathew said no harm would come to Jamie. He would make sure of that. J.P. had no doubt that Mathew could do what he said. Mathew showed extraordinary skills last night. His disappearance last night without either J.P., or Thomas knowing it. His sudden appearance during the fight between J.P., Thomas & the vampire. Then there was Mathew climbing the rear wall of the fort easier then a cat could. Thomas agreed to let Jamie act as bait. Mathew then laid out his plan. He said Kreger wouldn't show himself until Jamie was alone. This meant, Mathew J.P. & Thomas needed to be outside. Mathew figured that Kreger would send whatever forces he had to keep everyone busy. This would give Kreger the chance to strike. Mathew explained, Jamie gave Kreger permission to enter. It didn't matter whether it was under false pretenses, or not. He would now come for her. Mathew added that Kreger would fail, because he never did. It may sound like a boast, but Mathew was good to his word.

The rest of the day was spent getting ready for Kreger to come. Mathew took care of the soldiers bitten by the vampires last night. They wouldn't rise and help Kreger. Mathew made sure the some soldiers were equipped with weapons that would work against vampires. Silver was gathered to make bullets for J.P. & Thomas to use. Jamie was given a crucifix to use, just in case Kreger expected a trap and had a plan of his own. Mathew was polite as possible when he told Jamie to make Kreger feel welcome. She didn't need to do anything unseemly with him, but she should be pleasant. It was time for Jamie to spin her web again. This time however, she wouldn't be trapping someone for a lesson in sexual pleasure. She'd be trapping a vampire for killing. Night time came. Mathew, J.P. & Thomas left Jamie alone. This time she'd be waiting in the living room. Wolf, Rain, Maria & George were hold up in a locked bedroom. The door had a large crucifix hanging on the outside of the door. Garlic was hanging from the window. Wolf, Rain & Maria were armed with religious items. Now it was a waiting game for Kreger to show.
Jamie went through the day worrying. She bit her lip and knew that THomas would love her regardless, just be disappointed with her. Biting her lip, she laid down and looked at him and smiled wider.

Jamie grinned and listened to Mathew. She nodded and looked at Mathew when he told her that she should be polite. This guy was either very obtuse, or he didn't realize that she was trying to be nice to him when he first got there. With a sigh, she shook er head and then looked at the crucifix that was given to her. She had a rosary that her mother had left her, but it did not have a Jesus on it. She put it in a place that Kreger would never notice. She smiled and then nodded and waited alone. Leaning back, she shut her eyes and began to doze off as she waited for the vampire to come.
Mathew's senses were on alert. He knew when Kreger finally came back to the fort. Kreger remained outside watching the soldiers walking around at the top part of the inside wall. All seemed as it did the night before. Kreger wouldn't need much time to take Jamie. He believed her to be weak willed. That was far from the case. There were vampires that one could call handsome, or beautiful in the case of female vampires. Kreger wasn't handsome in his human form and becoming a vampire didn't change that fact. It did however give Kreger the power to cloud minds. This power worked on those with weak wills. Kreger would no longer affect Jamie, not since she learned what his plan was. Watching the soldiers, Kreger was able to time when it would be right to send someone inside the fort. This job fell to Juan, who climbed the wall and entered the fort. He was close to the front gate and opened it. Kreger had four humans working for him. These men were drifters for the most part. The type who would sell their guns for money. It didn't matter to them what Kreger was, or what he did. They just wanted the gold which he was paying them. These four men along with Juan and three other vampires entered the fort. They started to battle with the troopers. Kreger planned for this to keep everyone busy while he claimed his prize.

Kreger slipped into the fort as chaos unfolded. He moved quickly towards the house. Kreger could sense Jamie was up front, in the living room. He would play no games with her this time. Kreger came for her and he'd get her. Walking up onto the porch, Kreger moved to the front door and opened it. He stepped into the house, still dressed in the same dirty brown coat and hat. Kreger smiled seeing Jamie there.
Jamie snorted feeling him and woke up. She turned to Kreger and then smiled a bit. Standing up, she moved forward adn then bit her lip. "SOrry I screamed before, you scared me." She purred to him. Watching him, she canted her head. "I was hoping you woould come back. It looked as if you had what could please a woman." She reached between his legs and took hold of him and stepped forward and then kissed his neck and whispered to his ear. "Take me far, far away from this boring life."

Jamie played the part, she felt sick with this man. Not like Thomas, Wolf, or even the priest. She wrapped her arms around him tighter and began to suck on his cold ear and growled softly. She smiled adn looked at him and grinned as she continued to stroke him.

"Still want to taste me?"
Kreger hadn't figured on Jamie being so willing to join him. He thought she would react differently. Most women would freakout, or at least act scared. Jamie was showing the side which Kreger had sensed from her. The sexual side which put many under her own spell. Kreger sly smiled when Jamie spoke of take her away. That was like sweet music to his ears. Her growls made him want more from her. Kreger groped her ass roughly. He spoke of taking her tonight. Kreger would turn Jamie, then take her away. That would make sure Mathew couldn't keep Jamie from returning as a vampire. Kreger wanted to have sex with Jamie. He wanted to enjoy the warmth from her body before draining the life from her. He didn't have the time for that. He planned on his people to keep the others busy for just a short time. Just long enough for Kreger to take Jamie now. He told Jamie to bare her neck for him. Then he would take her away from this boring life.
She bit her lip. Fear filled her, but she was the bait. She shifted and stepped closer and moved her free hand from his cock and moved it ton her pocket and made motions like she was stroking herself, but she was gripping that crucifix that Mathew had given her that she transfered to her pocket. Reaching up with her other hand, she pulled her hair to the side and bared her neck to him and moaned softly and encouragingly to him.

"Ohh I am ready..oh yes." She moaned louder and louder hoping her men would come and do this before she was bitten.
Outside, the action was fast & furious. J.P. was the first to break free and head for the house. He entered the house seeing Kreger holding Jamie in his arms. Kreger was ready to sink his teeth into Jamie's neck. " I'd let the lady go if I were you.......Because if you want her......You gotta go through me. " J.P. stood in the doorway, in his hands he carried a double barreled sawed off shotgun. Kreger let out a low growl as he pushed Jamie way. The push wasn't hard, but enough to move her away from any harm. Kreger then turned to face J.P. " Ah.....The Marshal.......Your laws like your weapons mean nothing too me.......Do your worst Marshal. " Kreger was wearing a grin as he spoke. He held his arms out at his sides and slightly raised. J.P. said nothing, he just pulled both triggers and fired the weapon. The shotgun blast took Kreger off his feet and tossed him backwards onto the floor. For a few seconds, Kreger didn't move. Then he groaned and growled at the same time. As he rose up, the damage done by the shot was clear. J.P. had peppered Kreger with silver buck shot. It was deep enough to kill him. but it was enough to disfigure the vampire. His skin bubbled and boiled where the shot entered his body. This was seen on the parts of his face where the shot entered there. Smoke could be seen coming from the spots covered by his clothing. Kreger struggled to his feet. He growled like an animal. His eyes were deeply bloodshot. " I'll rip the beating heart from your chest for that! " Kreger snarled out while J.P. remained unfazed by the threat.
Her eyes flew open gracious to see JP. She gasped and felt the deep rumble of a growl escape teh vampire. She honestly thought she was going to die being bait. Jamie gasped as she was thrown back. Her eyes went wide. She then bit her lilp to hide the smile. Good ol' JP. She would have to offer him a good hand job for a job well done.
Kreger came at J.P., but since his shotgun was now empty, it was used as a club. J.P. struck Kreger over the head with the metal barrels. This drove Kreger back again, but it didn't stop him. He came at J.P. one more time. J.P. pulled his pistol, but didn't get the chance to fire it. Kreger grabbed J.P.'s wrist. A struggle started, but Kreger was clearly stronger. J.P. was forced to drop his weapon. Kreger then started pushing J.P. back towards the open door. As they reached the door, Kreger was impaled through the chest by a sword. He stumbled backwards as Thomas entered the house. Kreger looked down at the sword sticking in his chest. He started to laugh as J.P. & Thomas looked on. Kreger grabbed the sword and slowly pulled it from his body. Thomas's sword wasn't made from a metal which would hurt a vampire. Not unless Thomas cut his head off. Thomas however couldn't swing his sword. J.P. had been in the way at that time. Kreger pulled the sword out and dropped it down at his feet. He told Thomas & J.P. they would suffer for this. Kreger said once Jamie was turned, she feed on their bodies for her first meal. This was followed by a wicked laugh.
Jamie felt the crucifix in her pocket watching JP. But when Thomas was added to the mix, she jumped up. She looked at the vampire's back to her. She pulled out her crucifix quietly. She then pressed the crucifix with the redeemer pressed against his crotch right over his femoral and then snarled into teh vampire's ear. "This is for all my friends that I have lost in the name of evil and hatred." She then jerked her hand up quickly under his shirt and pressed it against his heart and grinned.

"Don't you love my embrace?"
Kreger cried out in great pain when the crucifix was pressed against his body. It burned his flesh just as holy water would. It burned worse then the silver still inside his body. Jamie was very brave for this action. It was causing Kreger much pain, but she had pissed him off. Kreger lashed out at Jamie. He was like a wild animal gone crazy. The crucifix was knocked from her hand. Kreger was ready to rip Jamie's throat out for what she did. Before Kreger could act, Thomas & J.P. grabbed him and pulled him away from her. She couldn't be involved with the fighting. Jamie had to remember the life inside her belly and how much that baby needed her alive. Kreger threw Thomas & J.P. off showing his strength was still there. Just then Mathew appeared in the door way. " Thank you al for keeping out guest company........But I'll take over now. " Mathew's voice brought a wave of fear over Kreger's face. It was clear to anyone looking at him. Mathew walked up to Kreger and back handed the vampire acrossed the face. This blow sent the vampire twisting into the area and against the wall. Mathew walked over to Kreger again. He leaned down, grabbed Kreger around the neck and lifted him off the floor. Mathew's strength was on display for all to see. Those who knew of Mathew's powers always said he was a gift from God.

Kreger had heard story of this vampire hunter. Non of which he believed until now. " What are you!? " Kreger growled out while his feet were being held above the floor. Mathew pulled a silver stake from his coat. " I'm a gift from God........And your worst nightmare. " Mathew said before jamming the stake into Kreger's chest. The vampire let out a death cry while his body was torched and turned to ash. Mathew bent down, picked up the stake and twirled in his his fingers. He turned and fleshed Jamie, Thomas & J.P. a smile. Mathew announced that it was over.
Jamie had acted without thinking. When Kreuger stepped for her, she knew in that moment that she was fucked and not in a way she usually preferred. This was bad. Stepping back, she chewed on her lip, her fingers and arms around her unborn child. Stepping back, she saw Thomas and JP try to restrain him, but he was going to fuck Jamie up.

When Mathew came she saw fear and smiled broadly when Mathew appeared but her jaw dropped when he lifted the vampire up. She could not help but stare open mouthed as Mathew easily dispatched Kreger. What the fuck was going on?
Life returned to normal at Fort Apache. Kreger and his vampire had been destroyed. The humans who served Kreger and lived through the attack on the fort were given a trial at the fort. They were found guilty on a number of charges. Thomas was sending them to the territorial prison at Yuma. There they would spend the rest of their lived behind bars. Since J.P. was a United States Marshal, he would take those men to their new home. Over a week had passed since the events of those dark nights. The evil was gone and everything was pleasant again. A photographer was sent for. He came to take pictures of the gathering. Mathew posed for pictures with all the members of the Harper family and J.P. One picture featuring J.P., Thomas & Mathew was copied so each man would have a photo. The pictures that Mathew took with Jamie, Marie, Wolf, Rain, George & Thomas were proudly displayed on the living room wall inside the house. Time came for Mathew to leave. He blessed everyone with a wish of good health and fortune. Mathew told Jamie that she was very special. God made her the way she was and she should never change. He said that Jamie should be who is was and not what other people thought she should be. Mathew left on the stage that day. No one was sure whether they'd meet him again, but it was possible.

J.P. was the next to leave. His prisoners were tied up and ready for their trip to Yuma. J.P. bid everyone goodbye before he rode out. Working in Tucson, it was very possible that J.P. could pop up again. For now, it's was time to move on. Jamie & Rain were pregnant with the newest members of the Harper family. With the family growing and the possibility that Jamie & Rain could and would get pregnant again. Thomas decided to surprise Jamie with something special. He bought some land 10 miles west of the fort. It was 3000 acres of land boarding the Apache Reservation, the river, the fort and California. Thomas took everyone out too see this area. He told them of his plan to build a huge ranch where the family could live for generations. It would be a place where the family could be themselves away from people who think what they do is wrong. Later that night, back at the fort. Dinner was over and everyone was relaxing in the living room. George had long since been in bed. Maria was also down for the night. This left Jamie, Rain, Wolf & Thomas alone in the living room. It had been a rough few weeks for Jamie. Not only had she been faced with death and becoming a vampire. She hadn't been getting sex regularly. It came when it could be given, but with all the guests and goings on. It was just something that was put aside. Jamie's devilish side was ready to spring out. She had a plan for Wolf & Thomas. A plan which would making them closer then ever before.
Jamie smiled as she saw Mathew off. She thanked him for all he did. She kissed his cheek and after he blessed her, she smiled and kissed his cheek again. "I hope you find love, someone who makes your blood burn with desire, and fuck, I hope they know how to please you, because you deserve it." She smiled adn then bit her lip and stepped back watching him ride off into the sunset. She bid J.P. goodbye as he was leaving.

She was again suprised when Thomas said that they were going to have their own house and it was going to be large. She was so excited. Her own house. It was going to be beautiful.

Later on a night she was sitting and stroking her large belly. Rain was sitting in a chair and watching Thomas and Wolf. Jamie grinned. She looked at Wolf and THomas and kissed Thomas deeply. "Honey, have you ever fucked a man's asshole?" She growled to him stroking his cock.
Thomas wasn't just surprised by Jamie's question, he was stunned. After all the years they had been together and she needed to ask if he'd ever fucked another man? Jamie should know who Thomas's lovers had been. Nothing was ever hid from her. Thomas never fucked another man, nor had he thought about it. Sure, since Jamie fucked his ass, Thomas wondered about what getting fucked would be like. Still, having sex with another man never crossed his mind. " Darling........You know very well who my lovers have been........There has never been another man in my life. " Thomas said while laughing. He wasn't taking what Jamie said seriously.
"I do my love, I do." She smiled and then grinned and stroked his face. "Wolf, my love? Have you ever fucked a man, or been fucked?" Looking at Wolf she smiled. When he shook his head, she then grinned and stroked her stomach. "I want you to stand, and..." She leaned in and whispered softly to Wolf's ear. A blush covered his features and as he pulled back to look at Jamie, she kissed him and then moved to the other side and leaned back and grinned wider.

Wolf stood up and stood in front of Thomas and bit his lip and slowly and almost shyly took off his loincloth and knelt before Thomas and began to take off his clothes becoming bold. When he took Thomas' cock in his hand, he became bold and began to suck on Thomas' cock and played with his balls while he sucked and shut his eyes smiling wider.
As the events began to play out, Thomas remained stunned. He never expected Jamie to be so bold. Jamie was showing a new wicked side. Thomas always loved how open Jamie was and how she wanted others to be just as open. Still, Thomas never thought Jamie would want too see him with another man. Truth be told, it was only fair since Jamie enjoyed having sex with other women. Thomas enjoyed watching her do his mother, sister, Maria & Rain. Watching two, or more women fucking each other was a great turn on for men. As Wolf came closer and removed his cloth covering his cock. Thomas's eyes grew wider. This was the first time Thomas had looked at another man in a sexual way. Thomas remained frozen while Wolf lowered himself down. It wasn't long before Wolf had Thoma's cock out and inside his mouth. Thomas leaned his head backwards and moaned. Wolf had some talent as a cocksucker, there was no doubt about that. Thomas reached his left hand out and pulled back Wolf's long black hair. He hair had fallen in the way of Jamie's view. Thomas looked over at Jamie & Rain. He asked if this is what they wanted too see? If they wanted too watch him & Wolf fucking each other as lovers?
Wolf looked up at him and smiled as his hair was pulled back. He looked up at Thomas with his eyes and winked. He sucked until Thomas was wet and hard. When this was done, he pulled back and listened as Thomas asked teh question. Jamie grinned.

"Yes, honey, I want to see you fuck a man. My brother and my father fucked each other the night before I left. I want to see you and Wolf show the brotherly love that I have shown every female that came in here." She growled and laid back and rubbed the tip of her fan against her pussy and smiled wider. Rain was still a bit shy to ask what she wanted for but she was having no objections.
Thomas loved Jamie without conditions. He'd do anything to make her happy. If she wanted too see him fucking another man, then Thomas would do that. Thomas was surprised too hear that James & Clayton had fucked each other. That was a secret which Thomas didn't know until now. He wondered how long the father & son shared their special love? Once Wolf pulled back from Thomas's cock. There was a long moment when nothing happened. Thomas slowly stroked his dick while waiting for Jamie to say what she wanted next. Jamie was in charge here, Thomas & Wolf were just her boy toys for the evening. They were providing the entertainment while Jamie & Rain looked on and fingered their pussies.
Jamie grinned and then looked at wolf. She had given him all the instructions that he would need. Reaching down, he pulled Thomas to his feet and kissed him deeply. He shut his eyes. Their hard naked cocks were pressed against each other. Wolf groaned and after breaking the kiss, he moved to the couch and bent over it. Jamie looked at Thomas and smiled. Wolf reached behind him and spread his ass cheeks in an invitation and blushed.

"Fuck me with that hard, fat cock please. Please Thomas. I want to feel you inside of me." He groaned. His hard cock was dribbling precum in anticipation.
It was odd for Thomas to kiss another man, but when he closed his eyes, it didn't seem any different from a woman. Thomas figured that it was the same for everyone. He guessed that Jamie must have felt a little weird when she first kissed another woman. It was natural for a person to experience a little apprehension when trying something sexually new for the first time. Thomas, like Wolf moaned into the kiss. The feel of Wolf's cock touching his, turned Thomas on even more. Like the kiss, it felt odd, but the hardness & the warmth coming from Wolf's cock felt amazing. The kiss was broken and Thomas watched Wolf move to the couch. His eyes watched as the hot looking young teen bent over and spread his ass cheeks. There right before Thomas was Wolf's tight little asshole. It was just waiting to be fucked. Thomas realized that he'd be taking another virgin ass. Wolf never had anything expect a finger inside his asshole. Thomas stroked his hard cock while coming up from behind Wolf. The young teen had a fine looking ass. Wolf was a handsome young man. Some would even say his was pretty for being a man. Thomas spit on to Wolf's asshole before rubbing the head of his cock against it. Thomas looked over at Jamie & Rain. He asked them if they were ready for the show. Thomas then began to slowly sink his cock into Wolf's oh so tight ass. Thomas cursed out at how tight Wolf was. Perhaps it was just Wolf's muscles? Perhaps Wolf was just naturally tight back there? Thomas wasn't sure. What he did know was that it was fucking incredible. Thomas had half of his cock buried in Wolf's ass. He then slapped the young Indian's ass. " Are you my bitch!?......Are you my little tight ass bitch!? " Thomas growled out as he grabbed Wolf by the hips and jammed his cock straight in.
Wolf did feel weird, but this was a request straight from Jamie. He blushed into the kiss feeling Thomas cock. This felt so right. When he bent over the couch and spread his ass, he felt Thomas spit on his hole. He moaned. Now he understood why men of his tribe sometimes fucked and were fucked by other men. The feeling of submitting was glorious.

Wolf gasped as Thomas pressed his cock, which was wet from his own sucking, pressed against his asshole. He bit his lip and moaned feeling the force behind Thomas' power and gasped. When Thomas commented on how tight he was, wolf commented "I am not the tight one, you are just that big." He whispered gasping feeling that cock slip into his ass. He moaned and soon began to rock his hips when Thomas was half way in. He could see Jamie fingering herself and knew spring was doing the same. When Thomas asked he panted and moaned.

"Fuck yes, I am your little tight ass bitch and you are my big cock lover." He groaned and gasped moaning loud as Thomas pushed his cock in all the way. He could feel how deep Thomas was. He could feel his nuts almost against his own. Felt Thomas' possessive hands on his hips.

"Honey, as you fuck him, I want you to give him a hand job. Show me what you like. Bite his neck, call him a slut, whisper how well he is doing in his ear. Take him like the sex hungry monster you are." Jamie was leaning back on her couch watching them with unmasked delight.
Thomas never knew fucking another man could feel so damn great. Really it shouldn't be surprising since men & women both had assholes. It was just the stigma which society placed upon same sex couplings that kept Thomas in the dark to this pleasure. As usual, Jamie had again showed her husband the joys of leading an open sexual life style. Thomas had fucked Jamie's hot ass many times. He was also the one who took Rain's anal virginity. Now he was fucking Wolf as if the young man was a woman. Thomas listened as Jamie told what she wanted done. She was in total control, as usual when sex was involved. Thomas flashed Jamie a grin before slapping Wolf on the ass. He wanted Wolf to know who his master was and who's white cock his tight ass belonged too. Thomas reached down and pulled Wolf up slightly. He began kissing softly on Wolf's neck. While doing so, Thomas told Wolf that he was his little slut. He nipped at Wolf's neck then moved up to his ear. Thomas playfully bit Wolf there as well. His hand slipped around the Young stud's body. Thomas took Wolf's full erection in his hand. He began pumping away while telling Wolf how much he enjoyed fucking ass. Thomas said he'd fuck Wolf tomorrow and the next day for Jamie & Rain's viewing pleasure. He told Wolf that he was a sex toy for Thomas to use. While speaking, Thomas pounded Wolf's asshole very hard. His fist jerking furiously away on the hot teen's cock. Thomas then looked over at Rain was seemed strangely silent. The thought crossed his mind that perhaps Rain didn't like watching two men having sex with each other. Thomas asked Rain how she liked the show?
Wolf arched his back and howled as he was spanked. "Ohh my asshole is yours. Yours for your thick hungry white cock." He panted and rocked his hips and moaned as Thomas kissed his neck. Shutting his eyes, he sighed. He chuckled as Thomas bit his ear and neck and then bit his lip. When Wolf felt Thomas' hot hand wrap around his cock, he moaned and rocked his hips forward and back panting and moaning. He nodded and moaned.

"Oh fuck me harder, please...." Wolf howled in pleasure.

Rain was watching and stroking herself. When Thomas turned his attention to her, she blushed and then nodded biting her lip. "I wish you were fucking me that hard."
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