The Dragon Princess {Sweetnothings}

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Sep 28, 2013
The news that had reached Azula's ear the other week had no doubt been troubling to her. One of the spies she had planted onto Iroh's ship had sent a message her way, going from carrier bird to carrier bird, speaking of the return of the Avatar in the South Pole. The sixteen year old Princess of fire had doubted it until her spy wrote of airbending, and she knew that this was not some fever dream on his part.

Worrying news indeed. If Azula was to topple her father, she would have to accelerate her plans, gather the right allies that she needed and work to ingratiate herself with this young Avatar if she was to avoid being caught in his path.

But first, there was one ally she needed- a friend that Azula had not spoken to in some time. The armoured young woman padded between the circus tents, moving past cages housing wild captured animals, and all the performers. They had been quick to bow in her presence, knowing full well ow dangerous it was not to show the royal family the proper respect. The ringmaster had been quick to point her in the right direction, and Azula casually pulled open the tent-flaps to Ty Lee's tent.
Life at the circus was much simpler than her childhood home. There were no screaming children, and sisters who were fighting each other. To Ty Lee, this was the life. She couldn't have asked for anything better than this. Of course everyone had heard of the Avatar's return. For Ty Lee, that was not a problem. He wouldn't be getting in her way at least.

Who would the Avatar be going after? The Fire Lord perhaps. He was continuing the war and not letting it stop. The airbender would want peace every where in the world. That would makes things so much easier. Plus, she would finally get to go to Ba Sing Se without after to worry about getting caught by the warriors there.

Someone had told her that one of her old best friends was coming to visit. Azula hated visiting her. She hated the captured animals' smell and the atmosphere of the circus. By now, Ty Lee knew by now not to force Azula to come here. The circus performer was busy doing her hair in a long single braid. After finishing that, she began practicing her act, doing various flips. She stopped when she saw the flaps open. "Azula? You really came?" Ty Lee laughed softly, walking over to her and hugging the princess tightly.
Ty Lee had certainly... Grown since the last time the two of them spoke. Azula wanted to get her eyes tested, there was just no way her bust could be that large. Before she could say a word, the hyperactive acrobat hugged herself to the princess, making Azula tense up from the unwanted contact.

Those breasts certainly felt real quashed up against her own. "I wouldn't lie about something this important," shevsaid sternly, shoving her embarrassment aside. "You've heard the message I take it. The Avatar reappears after a hundred years... This means I need to move my plans forward. And I need your help" she admitted.
It must've been at least nine years since they had last talked to each other. After a fight about something, they just stopped talking to each other. Ty Lee pursued her interest in being an acrobat, and Azula pursued her interest in throwing out her father from the throne. Two different paths.

The giddy teenager laughed when she felt the fire princess tense up after hugging her. Ty Lee pulled away with a smile on her face, and her big eyes sparkling with memories. "My help? What could I do to help you, Azula? To be honest, I don't know what to do to help. I'm just an acrobat. Ooh. I could be a spy. Would that help?" She started jumping up and down, laughing softly.
Azula gave a small sigh "You know what you can do, and don't think that coy act can fool me. I know all about your chi blocking techniques, and your martial arts skills. That kind of ability can come in handy," Azula said, flicking a few stray locks of hair back into place. The other reason, which she did not wish to disclose, was because Ty Lee acted as a bit of a moral guardian to her. She would be able to keep Azula from getting too despotic or out of control... hopefully. "I do realise I'm asking much of you to come with me, but... well it will be just like old times. And I really do need you..."
Ty Lee did a back handspring to land in her chair to sit. The young acrobat tilted her head. That was something she had made sure wouldn't get out of the circus. She did learned chi-blocking from one of the instructors. She didn't want Azula finding out in case she had plans to use it for bad, but the fire princess herself came here to ask for her help. "It's wonderful of you to have heard that I'm an expert at chi-blocking," the acrobat said while seeming to think of the offer. Going with Azula meant putting her career on hold. The circus leaders would understand. She was their leading money maker for them. "I would love to go with you Azula. Plus, you seem really stressed out."
"I am not stressed out..." Azula lied. The truth of the matter was, she had a lot on her mind right now, and if she were to misstep by even the smallest margin, she would find herself rotting in the deepest cell in the Boiling Rock for treason. Still, she had to press on. She had come too far to even think of turning back. She approached her friend and sighed before giving a thankful hug of her own, stiff and awkward compared to Ty Lee's own. "But thank you."
"And I'm not flexible," Ty Lee countered, shaking her head. Despite not being in contact in the past 9 years, the younger female knew by now when Azula was lying. Over the years, she definitely perfected it, but it was still clear for Ty Lee. Before the fire princess had set foot in the tent, she knew she was going to say yes. She wanted to take the chance of getting to go on an adventure of taking over the fire kingdom with her best friend. The acrobat laughed softly and hugged her back. "You're welcome any time. Now, when are we leaving?"
They left that night, moving in a small convoy of vehicles packed with soldiers Azula knew to be loyal to her and her cause. She handpicked every guard and footsoldier and engineer, knowing full well they wanted her to succeed her father. They had believed in the cause at first... until they realized the extent that Ozai was going to go to. Azula had offered a chance to let Ty Lee stay in the same tent as her, and the dark-haired royal slowly stripped off her chest armour, revealing the white bandage wrappings over her modest bust. Well, modest to Ty Lee anyway. The teen sighed "You can share my bed too... I trust my 'endowment' won't cause any trouble for you?"
After packing everything she had and could bring on the trip, they left. Azula, her, and two guards for the two them were in the middle of the convoy of vehicles. It was so fancy compared to the other trips like this. It was fun being in the back of a carriage and watching the sky just to be fun. Finally, they stopped and rested. She even helped set up camp. She laid beside her sleeping mattress as Azula stripped off her clothing. "Really? I would love to share your bed. I don't mind your little addition. I'm sure nothing will happen," Ty Lee said as she stood up and began taking off her clothes. She was one of the few people who knew her secret. She started with her shirt then her pants. She also had bandages around her chest, but it did nothing to keep her large breasts still. In her underwear and bandages, she crawled into the bed they were to share.
"It's not little..." Azula replied, frowning slightly. She had simply been born with a certain something between her legs, though she never really stopped to dwell on it or curse it's presence. To her, it just made her feel a little more.... unique. She slipped into the bed, laying flat on her back with a white linen loincloth covering over her extra appendage. Try as she might, it seemed there was no escaping the fact that she and Ty Lee were pressed together a little... intimately. It certainly sent some blood running south, a tent forming steadily under the duvet of the sleeping bag.
Ty Lee managed a quick giggle at Azula's correction. Only a few people knew of the fire princess' addition. She considered herself lucky to know such a shocking secret that could ruin Azula's reputation, but she knew she could never give up a secret like that. She hoped for a safe day of traveling tomorrow silently before turning on her back to face Azula. It was a little chilly tonight, so she pushed herself a little closer to her. She closed her eyes, sighing softly. She began to sleep, her large bust rising and falling with each slow breath.
Azula cursed under her breath when she felt the soft flesh of Ty Lee's bosom pushing into her arm, the feeling of the joyful girl's mirth filling the teenagers body up. Well if she was fast asleep, then hopefully she could jerk off in peace and get rid of the heat that had been filling her groin ever since they met up earlier today. She slipped the covers off her body, revealing the shocking length and girth of her futa cock. She took in a deep breath, and with skilled hands the princess slowly began to stroke at her dick.
Tonight couldn't be any better. This was like a sleep over. Except this was for a coup against the fire lord in a field. It was quite exciting. Ty Lee mumbled some incomprehensible words as she shivered. As a result, she moved closer to the princess. It was weird that fire benders were just naturally warm. A strange sound causes the acrobat to slowly opened her eyes. At first, she couldn't see anything in the darkness before her eyes adjusted. When they did, her eyes widened at the sight of Azula with her hand around her cock. "Azula?!" She gasped, sitting up quickly.
Azula gave an annoyed grunt as she was suddenly snapped from her lustful thoughts, glaring over at Ty Lee. Even in the darkness, her glare could make most people flinch away in fear. "Do you mind? I'm in the middle of something," she said, continuing to glare. She breathed out a sigh of annoyance and shook her head "It's your own fault. Pressing into me like that with those impressive boobs... how am I not supposed to react to that?" the sixteen year old royal added.
Ty Lee stared at Azula in horror. It wasn't a problem until now. It was strangely...entrancing. Something like this was new and exciting to the teenager. The sight of seeing Azula's cock in her own hand was interesting. It was obvious Azula was irritated that she had woken up, and she was scared that maybe she would be punished for it. Being a naive young woman, she bit her lip. "Did you want me to help you, Azula? I wanted to make up for interrupting you," she asked, looking up at the princess shyly.
Azula made a small gulping noise, and she was thankful the darkness concealed the hint of pink in her cheeks. Sweet Spirits... had Ty Lee always been so adorable? Well, yes, but that hadn't been an issue until she grew up to be a beautiful and curvaceous teenager. Azula always had wanted to try sex, and it seemed likely only a woman would understand her current situation. She sighed then "Very well... it's only appropriate given that you got me this way in the first place." She lit the nearest candle with a spark from her finger, illuminating the tent so Ty Lee could see the princess' naked body.
Despite growing up in a house full of girls, Ty Lee knew nothing about sex. It was something she never thought about. Plus, she didn't really think about it. She was part of the circus. There weren't that many people who she would consider suitable for her body. Azula, on the other hand, was perfect. She was beautiful, and she had a cock. What could be better than that? Ty Lee never thought she would be in the same with her about have sex probably. She smiled softly and nodded. After seeing Azula fully naked, she thought it would be best to get naked also. She stood up and undid the bandages around her chest slowly and teasingly for the fire princess. Finally, she slid out of her underwear at the same slow, agonizing pace. "I'm not sure what to do other than that."
Again she made a small gulping noise, heating up under the skin as she surveyed all of Ty Lee's glorious creamy skin, and those amazing breasts that she both admired and envied. "I know some things, so just let me take the lead," Azula said, pulling the busty brunette in a little closer, her moist labia gliding teasingly against the engorged head of her dick. She hesitated for a moment and then calmly said "Brace yourself," before beginning to slowly pull the brunette down her long and hard cock.
This was completely different than what Ty Lee has ever done. The thought alone of undressing for someone outside of her family was enough to make her turn red. After revealing her fit body to Azula, she waited for her to tell her something. It was obvious Azula knew more than her considering Ty Lee only masturbated a couple of times before this. She moved her hands to rest on the fire princess' shoulders. She softly gasped as she felt her lower lips rub against Azula's large cock. She bit down on her lower lip, only to let out a muffled cry once she was slowly pulled down on the length. "A-ahh. I-it hurts."
"I imagine it would. So buck up and take it," Azula replied. Being kind and nurturing was something not exactly in her nature, but the raven-haired princess simply had no idea how to sound encouraging on this sort of thing. But she couldn't have Ty Lee whining and had to shut her up somehow... She leaned in and claimed the jovial acrobat's mouth with her own, her tongue elegantly exploring her old friend's mouth whle their breasts quashed together, her fat futa cock steadily loosening up Ty Lee's tight depths.
All Ty Lee could dare was offer a glare towards the princess. If only once in a life time she could be nice and caring, that would be great. Preferably right now. To help deal with the pain, the acrobat closed her eyes and counted to ten over and over again. Simply not watching it happened lessened the pain. She snapped her eyes open when she felt Azula's lips against her own. It felt...nice. She moaned softly once the pain disappeared and was replaced by the pleasure. She rocked her hips slowly while pushing her tongue against the beautiful princess'.
So this was kissing... well it did feel oddly pleasant, and certainly nicer than the old books would make it out to be. She really could get used to doing this, particularly with other girls. Azula continued to mingle her tongue with her lovers own, the heightened pleasure making her heat up under the skin. Soon she was able to move more properly, rocking Ty Lee's loosened pussy up and down her impressive length and girth until she was growling and pressing herself to go faster. One of her hands took a firm grip on Ty Lee's large right breast, kneading at it out of curiosity, groping happily.
The whole idea of kissing had frightened Ty Lee for many years. The countless failed childhood relationships made her scared, but this was different. This was with Azula and not some teenage boy. Maybe because of this, the acrobat thought. I'll be on the throne with Azula. Two Fire Empresses. As she was pulled away from her thoughts from the mounting pleasure, she started to help the older teen with moving. She moved her hips and up down while she moaned. "A-Azula..." she moaned.
Despite her poise and confidence, and indeed even her ability to seduce with the most casual acts of her body language, the princess was still a teenage virgin. As such, her stamina was not what she would have wished it to be. Azula went with as much force and strength as she could muster, the noises of flesh hitting flesh echoing throughout their tent. And then at last she gave a long moan into the flesh of her lovers neck, thick jets of cum shooting up into her womb and filling her comfortably. Azula flopped back, panting harshly for breath after the release knocked the wind out of her.
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