Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Nov 30, 2010
There were few things in the world as beautiful as New York City at night. The gleaming skyscrapers, the traffic that never stopped, and Stark tower was the pinnacle of modern engineering, a shining beacon in the darkness. And from the penthouse the world gleamed at her feet, and the man who had built it was much like his tower. A beacon of hope, even if he didn’t find it in himself. Couldn’t see how the world saw Tony Stark, Iron man.

Sipping the drink he had poured her, Elena Lancaster sat poised on the bar stool, long smooth legs crossed as she listened to the billionaire ramble. Staring out at the dark skyline she smirked to herself. While she’d known he was a genius, it had never been so obvious than in this moment, listening to him speak about projects or what he was going to do tomorrow, or...anything. Tony’s head jumping from one subject to the next as easily as water running down a hill. Picking him up in a bar, which was odd in itself considering he had a fully functioning bar at home, not that she was complaining, had always been the plan. The easiest way to find out what she needed to know. But as she sat on the barstool watching the city, she watched the elevator doors open, watched the rest of the team walk out, and knew she’d made a bad mistake.

She hadn’t realized the Avengers were actually living with him.

Turning her head slightly as she watched the reflections in the glass, she turned back to her drink before she caught sight of the reflection she knew would be there, the silent archer watching the scene, careful to let her hair hide her face from the glass as she turned to tony who was still talking on the other side of the bar, pretending to listen to him so intently she wasn’t willing to pay attention to the others. Sipping the alcohol, she prayed the others would just brush it off as Tony stark just bringing someone new home that could be forgotten as soon as they were out of the room, cause she was so fucked if they didn’t.

Tony paused mid thought, frowning at the others, his brown hair sticking up every which way.”-hey. Can’t you guys see I’m busy?Seducing another scientist isn’t as easy as I make it look, and she’s beautiful so go away.”Tony said smirking as he looked at the dark eyed blue eyed beauty in front of him, before looking at the other’s. Ever since Pepper had walked out on him after the Killian incident, he'd devolved back into his old ways, easily falling into a lifetime habit of coping by sleeping with anything that moved and drinking enough in a single sitting to kill a elephant. And at the moment, he didn't need them complaining about everything.
RE: Missing Parts(kady/moon)

Clint Barton was a very simple man, at least that's what most people thought. in truth he was extremely complicated, very sensitive, and very, very emotionally unattached. it wasn't that he didn't like his teammates, he did. he just wasn't all that emotionally invested in them. he would be upset if they got hurt, but he wouldn't miss them really. he had not let anyone into his cold shell for so long, that he wasn't even sure he'd miss anyone at all. oh he went through the motions, he made sad faces when Coulson was mentioned and he smiled when someone made a joke, but it was so much easier to just, not feel anything. numb. only Natasha and Fury knew just how empty Clint was inside. he had always been shy about getting close to people, but after Budapest, he had been hurt too deeply. he simply withdrew and no amount of therapy had drawn him back out. it was only because he wasn't suicidal, active or passive, that he was still a Shield member. sometimes Clint didn't wonder if that was why Loki had taken him, or maybe it had just been a coincidence that he'd just been there at the wrong time. he didn't know and he certainly wasn't going to ask Loki.

Loki was, in fact. back on earth, wearing what amounted to a shock collar and a monitoring anklet. if Loki was not within fifty feet of one of the Avengers at all times, he was given a warning zap. if he was not within fifty feet of an Avenger in the next minute, he was very painfully dragged into the nearest Avenger. the Avenger wasn't hurt, just Loki. it had taken a lot of work and experimentation to get Loki settled into a moderately comfortable lifestyle... even if he did hate them all he at least stopped insulting them every time he saw them. and he had proved helpful. Clint had been outraged when Thor had brought Loki back with the information that Loki was sentenced to community service. and that the Avengers where going to be his keepers. Loki had to help the Avengers during battle, but he'd also proven to be very useful in the house keeping. Loki couldn't stand messes, so he tended to pick up after the Avengers when Steve was too tired, or too busy to do it himself. plus, with Loki's magic, the birds didn't poop on the windows, so they never had to hire window cleaners. it amused Clint to no end that Loki had basically become a house maid. he was even doing the laundry. Jarvis told Steve and Loki that someone's hamper was full, and one or the other set about doing it. Steve used the washing machine, Loki used magic. the clothes got equally clean but the two men had made almost a competition of it, because each was convinced the other wasn't cleaning properly. it was enough that Even Clint thought it was funny as hell.

it had been Bruce's idea to go out and have a team bonding exercise at the Bar. namely, getting drunk and bitching about each other until they didn't hate each other anymore. it didn't work. Bruce couldn't drink, Steve couldn't get drunk, Loki refused to drink and Clint wouldn't drink in such a public setting. Tony had vanished halfway through the night, no doubt with a sexy woman to fuck. something which seamed to amuse Tony to no end, being that he was pretty sure that Tony was Gay. he took great pleasure in flirting with Tony. Clint snorted at Tony's complaint and offered the other a scowl. "we where supposed to be doing a team building exercise." "of which i wanted nothing to do with. if you where going to leave Stark, you could have at least had the decency to take me with you instead of making me suffer the indignities of listening to your people bitch about stuff... my, she IS pretty." Loki stated, smirking as he walked around to study Elena. "come now, Tony is just so boring, is he not? why not spend the night with a God instead? we at least have manners, and i've had centuries to practice the art of making a woman scream." he flirted, his eyes glittering let her know that he was just fucking with Tony... not that Loki wouldn't have sex with Elena if she offered. she WAS very beautiful. "Loki! get away from that poor girl! no one wants to hear you murdering more innocent victims." Clint complained "oh come now, i haven't murdered anyone in weeks!"
Tony smirked looking amused at Clint’s complaining, shrugging. “You knew taking me into a bar would result in me bringing someone home. Don’t act all surprised.”Tony snickered flicking a glance at loki, rolling his eyes. “Why would I do that?that would have meant keeping you with ME.” Elena flushed a little as Loki moved over her, turning her head, black curly hair sliding easily around her shoulders as she looked up at Loki, careful to keep mostly facing away from Natasha and Clint, the only two would might, be able to pick her out of a crowd. At least thinking her dead would keep them from making the connections until she was already got, hopefully. “I’m not so innocent, and he is very good looking.”Elena purred, and unlike her normal voice that held strands of europe in her accent, there was brooklyn in her tone now, slipping so easily into the mask that she sounded like she’d grown up next door to the good captain instead of herself.

Tony rolled his eyes,”When did this become ‘steal my date’ time?I want to screw her, go away guys.” “.....So very polite Stark. I think I’ll be going.”Elena said as she slipped off the stool, trying to keep relaxed and easy as she walked around loki to move towards the elevator, shuddering a little. Refusing to acknowledge just how much hearing clint talk, seeing him felt like a sucker punch. Ducking her head a little as she neared them, letting her hair soften her features as she moved towards the elevator to leave.

“....”Natasha stared at teh woman walking towards them, raising his eyebrows a little, looking thoughtful bemused at the flirting between tony and loki, cause she was pretty sure that the only one who didn’t know was tony, that he was attracted to the god. Looking at the dark haired woman she frowned slightly looking curious, because the sexy beautiful no doubt intelligent woman walking towards them was stone cold sober, and not anything like any of the women tony’d been dragging home lately.
Clint snorted. "good point. blame Bruce. he's the one who insisted we go there." "i forgot that no one here drinks except Natasha." the 'Jolly Green Giant' stated. "oh, you know you want me Stark." Loki purred. "your just jealous that i have a better ass than you do." Loki stated, smirking at Tony before he smiled slyly at Elena. "i am good looking, almost as gorgeous as you. though i have to admit, you do have me beat." Loki flirted. "it became steal your date day when you began boring this poor woman with your drunken babbling. scientist or not, a woman needs attention Stark, not unending monkey babble." Loki stated with a sniff. "you are nothing but a heathen." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes as he offered her a sweet smile. "allow me to see you home? i can't leave the building, but i can at least be polite and walk you to the door." he offered with a smile as he offered her his arm and led her past the elevator, giving her the chance to hide her face behind his body. "would you care for a late night snack before you go home?" Loki offered with a smile. "as an apology for Tony's horrible manners." he offered. "i have Pizza in my room. and some Ice-cream as well. we could have a.. party, just the two of us?" he offered with a smirk.

"...you know, for a megalomaniac criminal... he's pretty smooth." Clint admitted, sounding amused. "i've never seen someone steal a girl from Tony before. but then, i suppose ladies love a bad boy." he admitted with a chuckle. "bad luck Tony." Clint stated, his voice tight. he had noticed how very much the mysterious woman had looked like.... but he didn't want to think about that. not at all. he wanted to go get drunk, fuck Natasha, and then drown himself in the bathtub for a while. he didn't want to think about Budapest... not at all.
“Natasha doesn’t count. She’s russian, drinking doesn’t bother her.”Tony frowned a little making a face at Loki.”You do not have a better ass then me, reindeer.” Elena smiled looking up at Loki, “Well, it’s good to know you know when you’re beaten Loki.”Elena said looking amused.”And he was fairly amusing to listen to,...but you’d pay attention to me?”Elena said wondering just how much she could find out about clint from loki, and wondering if it would be better to just leave....but now that she’d seen him, she couldn’t leave. At least...it hurt her to consider walking away from him, even if she kne she had to. Soon. “I would like that.Goodnight Stark.” “Goodnight Elena.Feel free to come back when he disappoints.”Tony said frowning in annoyance that Loki was indeed stealing his date, which just made Elena smile as she walked with Loki, her head turning just a bit to look at Clint as she passed him to get to the elevator, before returning her eyes to loki’s face. “Hm.... A party would be nice.”She said simply as she smirked up at him just as easily as they got onto the elevator, though she didn’t visibly relax as the doors shut, she took a deeper breath, relaxing as Clint was gone. Maybe she really would get away with crashing into his life again without him realizing it.

“....Shut up barton. I didn’t see you doing any better.”Tony scowled looking very annoyed. “That’s cause I’m going to fuck his brains out soon, and not even your playboy model can compete with that.”Natasha said nudging clint a little, tilting her head, knowing they should be going, knowing he was upset."Come on...I want a shower."she muttered heading for her bedroom, not giving him any choice but to follow.
Loki grinned a little. "i so do, see? i dress better as well." he stated, lifting the tail of his own shirt and running a hand down his ass. showing just how well those leather pants, not from any earth animal, accented his shapely ass. "oh most certainly, you have my whole and undivided attention." he promised with a purred whisper. "please Stark, i'm not so drunk i'd fail to get it up." Loki stated with a sniff before offering her a smile as he led her away and into his own room, two floors down. as far away from them as he could get from the others without causing himself issues. "so. you are here for a reason, yes?" Loki asked with a smile as he moved over to his small kitchen and digging out a large tub of Ice-cream. "Neapolitan, or Chocolate ripple?" he asked with a smile. "your not really here to get laid, i know that. but if you feel the need, my body is yours for the taking." he offered with a chuckle. "in the meantime, i do have to be sure your not here to cause trouble. it would be bad for me if you where here to harm one of those idiots up there."

Clint smirked. "i wasn't the one trying to seduce her Stark." Clint taunted as he shook his head before he smirked at Natasha. she was one of the only people who could tell what he was actually feeling. "you know, Loki would stop picking on you if you just admitted he was sexy!" Clint commented with a smirk as he let Natasha lead him away, his fingers trembling in hers. seeing someone who looked so, so much like... her, it hurt deep in places he had long since thought where dead.
Tony tilted his head as he watched Loki feel himself up pretty much, shaking his head. “No you don’t. Just stop.” Elena muffled her laughter looking amused as she looked between the two, finding the snarky flirting quite amusing, “We’ll have to just prove him wrong wont we?”she said shooting a look to the glaring billionaire before following Loki downstairs. Looking bemused as she settled onto the bar stool, raising a eyebrow. “Are you so sure I’m not here just to have sex?”she said looking amused as she flicked a look over the good looking god before sighing. “Chocolate Ripple.”She said taking a bowl from him as she turned to stare out the windows, shaking her head.”No.I’m not here to hurt them....I hadn’t realized they were actually living with him really.”She huffed, annoyed that she hadn’t considered Tony would let them have some of the space in the tower. “....I came to make sure Barton was indeed okay.”She muttered, knowing enough about the god....or at least the legends of Loki, to not try to lie... At least not to much.

“He is not!” “I don’t like him, but even I can admit he’s got some serious sex appeal going on.”Natasha snickered a little as she headed for the bedroom, "...those two just need to get the fucking over with...it'd be easier to live with them..."She muttered as she closed the door gently before turning to look at him, gently running her fingers through his hair.”What do you want from me tonight, Clint?”She muttered willing to do whatever he wanted as long as he stopped looking like someone had just kicked his dog.
Loki smirked at Tony. "what a Jealous response Tony. are you sure you're not just unhappy that i'm better at sex than you are?" he asked with a smirk before winking at Elena. "we most certainly will." he agreed before he smirked at her as she settled into the Bar. "i am a God, darling. the God of lies. not to mention that i noticed how you tensed when the others walked in. you where planning something naughty no doubt." he mused with a grin before he blinked. "Barton? he's... unharmed... mostly." Loki admitted. "...he's not exactly someone i'd trust with my life but he's mostly fine." Loki admitted as he slid over the Ice-cream. "admittedly i might have scrambled his brains a little but he seams to have recovered..." he paused. "maybe i should apologize for that... oh well." he mused, offering her a sly grin as he leaned forward. "so. shall we simply sit here and chatter like old ladies and make Tony think i fucked you, or should i make you scream in wild orgasm after orgasm?"

Clint smirked. "Denial is not just a river in Egypt!" he called before he grinned at Natasha. "Loki's going to have to initiate, and you know he won't because he hates all of us. and for the most part, the feelings are mutual." he pointed out before he shuddered as he leaned into her, letting her touch sooth him. "i... i don't know..." he whispered, sounding as hurt as he felt. "i don't know. it hurts... i don't understand why it hurts..." he whispered, feeling the emotions clogging his throat.
Elena studied the god for a moment before sighing. “...That’s because you all weren’t supposed to be there! I didn’t know Stark shared his precious private space with other people.”She growled looking annoyed before studying the man, before relaxing more, relief in the look before she hid it, slipping as easily behind a mask as natasha and clint did. “You should. Apologize I mean.”She said before smirking a little, sticking the spoon in her mouth and swallowing a bite of food. “Sorry, Godling, you’re not my type.Besides, you have a billionaire who’d rather be fucking you then me.”She said before moving to get up, “I better be going.....”She said though she actually did look sad at the idea before pausing. Turning to look at him,”....If I spend the night with you, would I be able to have breakfast with Barton?”She asked curious, because now that she’d seen him again, she didn’t want to leave. At least not without having a conversation with him but...”You know what...nevermind. This has to be one of the worst ideas I’ve ever had....”She muttered looking lost and confused before swallowing. “I have to be getting home...”She said glancing at her watch, and looking at her phone to make sure no one had tried to get ahold of her, and seeing that she had no messages... She paused, clearly torn between wanting to stay, and go.

“I know, but its also going to happen. Angry sex and all that.I bet you anything.”She muttered before sighing, wrapping her arms around him tighter, “I know it does Clint. It hurts because....Elena....mattered to you.”She tightened her hand in his hair, curling her body against his, trying to decide if it would help or hurt.”...Loki’s got a girl down there you know...who looks like her....you could go see if he’d share...it might....help. I mean, you never really got a goodbye. Say goodbye now.”She said quietly, because no matter what, even if she hadn’t come up with the idea, she knew he would have already thought of it, needing to know just how much he was falling apart, using his willingness to seduce a lookalike as a guidestone to see just how fucked they all were.
Clint snorted a little. "remind me to be far, far away from the tower when they finally have at it." he ordered with a chuckle before he cringed at her. "i don't like how it hurts..." Clint whimpered, looking so broken and frail. it was the most expression he'd ever shown since Budapest. "Elena was...." Elena had been his everything. Elena had been his life. after that mission, he had been intending to retire, and marry her. he knew how much she loved being an Agent, so he had been intending to quite so she could stay with Shield, and be married to him. since fraternization was strictly forbidden. and then he had failed to stop the badguy. he had failed his mission, and he'd gotten her killed because of it. "..can i do that? can i really do that?" but it was a rhetorical question, because he was already heading out the door, his masks back up as he headed down to loki's rooms.

Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "one, this isn't exactly his private space." he pointed out. "two... i think he's kind of lonely. Pepper left him because he was an ass and i honestly don't think he'd survive if someone wasn't taking care of him. i still don't think he's realized that i'm the one that makes his Coffee in the morning." he admitted with a grin. "i'm certainly not going to apologize. that would indicate i had some sort of remorse for my actions." Loki pointed out. "and if they think that, then they might think i have feelings." he sneered. "feelings, such a human sentiment." he scoffed. though it was pretty obvious that Loki did feel a little bit bad about what he'd done... and he too was rather lonely. "that's true. you're not exactly my type either. much too breasty." he pointed out with a smirk. "yes, you would be able to have breakfast with Barton." he agreed. "he's a creature of habit, he always has breakfast at exactly eight fifteen in the morning. it always involves eggs, and bacon, sometimes sausage. though he might have cereal, pancakes, or whatever else we might make as well." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "the question is." Loki stated to her. "can you really feel content leaving, when you haven't seen for yourself?" he asked softly before he glanced up at a knock and with a shift of magic, his clothes where disheveled his hair was messed up and his shirt was unbuttoned. he tossed her a wink, clearly thinking it was tony on the other side of the door.

"oh... Clint?... well... i'll see, hold on." Loki stated before shutting the door and glancing at her. "he wants to fornicate with you. he seams to think that if he fucks a woman who looks like you, he'll be able to move on or something." Loki admitted, looking slightly baffled by the thought process of Barton. "i'll put your ice-cream away shall i? and i can glamor your face a little so you don't look exactly like yourself so he won't suspect. but i certainly won't make you have sex with him." Loki stated with a shrug. "as long as your gone by morning, he won't suspect that you're really you..." Loki thought so anyway.
"I rhink we'll all need to be far away when it finally happens."she muttered gently stroking his hair."I know she was,clint,I know."natasha muttered looking vafuely amused as he left.hopefully.this would help.
"Tony stark lonely...interesting idea.and since you haven't poisoned his coffee...at least I hope not...he probably doesn't care who makes it."she snickered a little before smiling,amused that he was denying the feelings she could see. She was always like natasha,easy to dead a mood even if it was hidden. "I'm sorry,but most people like my breasts.just go visit stark if you want someone else breasty."shs snickered before smiling widely,amuaed that even after 3 years clint was still eating the same thing."...well maybe I'll stay then.."she looked thoughtful then annoyed at his question.because she really didn't think she was capable of walking away smirking and laughing out loud as he changed slightly,knosing who he thought was on the other side of the door,looking startled when she realized it was clint.

Elena's eyes went wide as she looked up.at the god not wuitd believing what she was hearing.swallowin hard she nodded a little."you look baffled loki."she teased a little befors running her fingers through her hair again and looking unsure but needy."...do it.jut a little,he'll notice if you change it to much from what I really look like."she muttered remembering shat he said. Tonight,nd gone by morning. She could do that. Shuddering a little as she waited for him to set the illusion, she smiled leaning up to kiss his cheek."thank you."she muttered scared of what she was doing but needing to do it.taking a deep breath before she opened the doo,giving him that sweetly politely interested face tht was nothing of what she was really feeling at bding in front oc him and knowing he wanted her."hello. Clint,right?"
Loki snorted a little and shook his head. "i'd be in trouble if i tried to kill any of the Avengers. i AM on house arrest after all. if they all die, or if i kill one of them, i'll have my Magic pulled out. it's very painful, and no one survives it." he admitted. "not worth the risk." he admitted. "well, i don't mind breasts..." he mused. "i just don't like them per-say." he admitted with a smirk. "besides, flirting with tony is much more fun than actually fucking him. he'll just cry that i raped him or some such nonsense. or regret it. it's much better to make him, come to me." he admitted with a grin before smirking at her annoyance and heading for the door.

"i am a bit baffled. i'm not sure how sleeping with someone who reminds you of someone will help..." he admitted with a shrug. "but, if he wants to emotionally scar himself, i certainly won't stop him." he admitted, carefully fixing her face so that she looked extremely like herself, but not. it was easy. just a slight lengthening of the nose, curve her ears just a little more, change the eye color just a shade and perfect. all better. "you're very welcome... oh and if you could refrain from telling anyone that i was nice to you outside of bed, that would be great." he admitted with a smirk. "i have a reputation to uphold after all."

Clint stared at her for a long moment and then swallowed thickly. "yes, i'm... i'm Clint... Loki... explained?" he asked, looking pale and shaken but under control. "you... don't mind? i mean... i know it's weird but i... i never got to... or even..." he sighed and closed his eyes. "i'm sorry i'm just nervous. i've never asked a woman to sleep with me like this before..." he admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "you really don't mind that i'm... going to pretend your someone else? because if you do i totally understand and i won't bother you again... god you look just like her though..."
“Hm, I’m sure tony says fucking him would be quite good though....and he will come to you know. He’s fighting with you, which is always better then ignoring.”Elena smirked a little before wincing. “because we never got a proper goodbye. He just told me to stay away.”Elena shrugged, not realizing what Clint thought. The two had two very different stories of what happened that night in budapest and the months that followed after, and the truth was somewhere inbetween....it’d take time and patience to sort it out, once they found out. “Of course.I’ll tell them you were horrible out of bed, and amazing in it.”She snickered as she walked for the door.

“He did.and I don’t. I mean, I could be thinking about someone else you know.”She teased a little, though she was smiling there was a quiet sadness in her eyes, wondering just what was going on in his head. “I do?Well....that settles it. Let’s go, fuck, sleep, maybe feed me....”She muttered nudging him a little, nudging him to get to the elevator. “Come on, Clint.”She ordered, quiet as they went up to his apartment/floor, frowning ever so slightly as she looked around at the elegant-no doubt tony’s decorating- but bare looking walls. Only seeing two pictures, one of her and natasha each, and one of her and clint together, feeling unsteady as she stepped out of the elevator she turned to look at him, “Dance with me.It’ll be a little less weird then just falling into bed, if we have just a few minutes together.”She offered him a small smile moving over to the cd player, her heart aching as she realized he still had her collection of cd’s mixed in his own. Feeling utterly confused. This wasn’t a apartment of a man who’d moved on, it was one of a man desperate to hold on. Which utterly confused her, and for the moment she shoved the mystery of that aside, in favor of holding him again. Choosing a cd she turned to face him as aerosmith’s ‘don’t want to miss a thing’ started to play. “Dance?”She said holding out a hand to him, her expression serious. Just wanting him to relax.
Loki snickered. "he'll succumb to me eventually." Loki admitted with a smirk. "it is very fun to get him riled up though... maybe i should try ignoring him? that seams to piss him off more than anything." he admitted with a snicker. "good! now go fuck your buddy." he ordered, flopping onto his bed with a leather bound book written in a language she probobly wouldn't recognize.

"...that's true..." he admitted with a smile, sheepish and awkward. "uh. yeah." he agreed as he let her back him into the elevator and into his rooms. everything was bare, he didn't even have clothes hung in the closet, it was all packed in his bags still, ready to go on a seconds notice. but even then, there where no pictures, no posters, nothing to show he had been living there for almost six months now. "Dance?" he asked, looking startled. "i haven't danced since..." he swallowed. "yeah. lets dance." he agreed softly as he let her set a disk in place, shuddering at the song. "ironically correct..." he muttered as he took her in amr and started to dance with her, sighing softly. "thank you for this." he murmured softly. as they danced, he did indeed relax, and at the end of the song he kissed her deep and gently guided her tot he bed, slowly stroking her hips, as he had always used to. he'd loved holding her hips, claiming she was as dainty as a flower, and yet so strong. so powerful. he kissed a line down her neck, stroking her body, tasting her flesh, imagining she was Elena... not yet realizing that she WAS Elena.
“Yes, dance.”Elena smiled quietly watching him, resting her head on his chest as they danced, closing her eyes.”Your welcome.”She muttered content to just follow his lead. Moaning quietly as she kissed him back, shuddering as he stroked her hips, letting him guide her towards the bed. Shuddering in his hold because it was such a turn on to feel those big capable hands spanning nearly the width of her waist, she was so small compared to him. Shuddering as she tugged at his clothes, hands touching everywhere she could reach, she hadn’t slept with anyone since the last time she’d been with him, so she was coming undone quickly under his hands. Shifting away long enough to undress, squirming out of her shirt and pants, leaning back on the bed as she looked up at him, not realizing she'd made a mistake, to far gone to realize that the gleaming arrowhead on a silver chain shone like a captive star against her skin, shining a light on who she really was, since it was the last present he'd ever gotten her.
he moaned as she moaned, a shudder running down his spine as he helped her strip him, and then herself vefore he froze, tense and coiled as he stared at the necklace. it had cost him a fortune, and it had been one of a kind, with his and her name etched into the back. he reached out with trembling fingers and flipped it, staring at the two names as if it was mocking him. "...Elena?" his voice sounded... broken, betrayed, furious. he stood up, staring at her with eyes that looked at her as if she was some kind of monster. he swallowed thickly, looking so horrible shattered. "....so. you're not dead after all." he whispered, his eyes and voice going blank. no emotions there at all. "well then..." he muttered, staring at her before he turned and left, uncaring that he was only wearing his underwear as he headed for Natasha. he needed Natasha... or he was going to do what Fury had always feared. eat a gun.

"...it wasn't a look alike..." he explained to Natasha in that inflection-less voice. no tone, no emotion. just deadness. "she's not dead. that was elena. she still wears the same perfume. and she had the necklace. i remember, i got it, so it would match the ring..." he admitted, blinking at nothing, seeing only thin air. "she's not dead... why isn't she dead?" he asked gripping the gun that Natasha always kept on hand, just in case. he examined it for a moment and then turned to Natasha. "is she a ghost, do you think? should i shoot her? if she's a ghost, she'll go away if i shoot her, right? because she can't be alive... no... because if she was alive, then that means she's betrayed me... and that just can't be true..."
Elena paused looking startled as he reached out from her, cringing backwards as he touched the necklace, but didn’t move to pull away from him.”.....clint...”She whispered quietly looking up at him, looking so confused before frowning. “No, I’m not. You knew that.”She said looking confused as she watched him go before sighing quietly, getting dressed. Pausing in the living room she looked worried, confused. Having no idea what to do before pausing at his kitchen table, writing a single note, a 10 digit number....her cell phone number. No other explanation or thought, a simple decision really, to want him to reach out to her. Standing there as she stared at the note, before rubbing a hand over her face and heading for the door. Not sure what to do, but knowing she couldn’t be in this tower when the rest of the avengers freaked out, because she had no doubt that they were going to want to hurt her for upsetting him.

“You’re absolutely sure?”Natasha asked her features tight with anger and pain, sitting next to him. “I don’t know Clint. I’m sorry I sent you down to get her from Loki....do you want me to go deal with her?”She asked, her hand twitching a little, wanting to disarm him but not wanting to upset him even more, before pushing to her feet, holding out a hand, needing him to give her the weapon, not knowing what he was going to do.. “Come on.I’ll go kick her out, and if its a fucking ghost, I’ll kick its ass, if it really is her, I’ll do the same.”
Clint stared at Natasha and nodded. "very sure..." he admitted softly. "her face was a little different, and she has a new accent, but it was her without a doubt." he admitted, blinking at her. "...yes, alright." he agreed, letting Natasha take the gun, his fingers falling limp. he didn't try to reach for a new weapon. "i'm going to have a shower..." he decided, turning to move into the bathroom. it seamed that this latest disturbance had somewhat broken Clint. he'd always been a little... off kilter after Budapest, but now he was point blank emotionally dead. for the moment anyway. it was like a poor attempt at self control. he'd break down later, break things, scream, cry, rant and all around have a temper tantrum to the biggest degree, but for now, he was doing everything he could to break the pain, stop it, hide it, make it go away. he paused as a knock sounded on the door and he swung around to answer it, looking only a little startled to see Loki there. "i saw the girl leave and figured it hadn't gone well." Loki admitted. "come. we will spar." Loki ordered, a glint in Clint's eye was the only warning Loki would get. it was rare for Loki to do something nice for someone, but there he was, basically inviting clint to beat on him. Loki would never admit it, but he liked living on earth, in the tower with people who didn't sneer at him simply because he wasn't the same as them. he liked having the freedom here, even if he was trapped. he could mostly do what he wanted, act how he pleased. he didn't have to be perfectly dressed all the time or well spoken. he could be who he was, without worrying about the nobles being insulted. so, he would do what he could to protect the people here, the people who where giving him a chance to repent his sins.
Natasha sighed quietly watching him before looking up at loki, startled to see the man. Looking thoughtful as she watched them, wondering what in the world compelled loki of all people to be nice, before deciding that there was somewhere else she needed to see, and since she knew he slept just as badly as the rest of them, she decided to put tony’s boundless energy to good use. She could at least give Clint some answers.

The next morning Tony looked tired as he slipped into the chair across from clint, tilting his head a little. Amused that even after the emotional night-and Natasha had told him some of it, enough to understand- the man was eating his routine breakfast. Sliding the note card over to him he studied the man as he read the address for a small bookstore in brooklyn. “Natasha said not to give it to you, but I thought I would give you the option. Cause it seems everyone wants to steal my date.”The billionaire sipped his coffee, though he was his usual snarky self, the usual smirk in place, there was a quiet worry in his eyes, and even after nearly a year of being a team, tony still had issues admitting he cared about the others. So he snarked and snarled, and did small things that proved he cared, “I’ll even go with you if you want. I mean, I’ve been ordered to go to a board meeting, skipping would be awesome.”He said offering not because he really wanted to skip, but because natasha had told him offering clint a chance to confront Elena was a bad idea, but he still did it, because his friend needed to figure out what was going on, if only to let go. And yes, he knew it was a bad idea, but he knew he should get some closure, and that he could have his friend's back while he did it.
Loki glanced at Natasha and sneered at her, just as nasty as ever, though when he spoke to Clint again, his voice was calm and comforting as he asked Clint if the wanted to use gloves or fists.

the next morning Clint was indeed feeling much better after beating on Loki. he felt a teensy bit bad, but oh well, the bastard deserved it anyway. "...what is it?" he demanded, picking it up, his eyes flashing cold. "no. she left. she let me think she was dead nstead of just telling me she didn't want to be with me anymore. i mean, who the fuck does that?!" Clint demanded, shoving the address away from him angrily before smacking tony's hand away from it. "Don't touch that!" he demanded, shoving it into his pocket, watching as Loki walked in. without a shirt. Clint knew exactly what Loki was doing. Loki had two black eyes and a split lip and a very nice bruise forming on his forehead. his torso and back where also littered with bruises, big ones. Clint had to wonder if Loki let him hit him on purpose so that Loki could get sympathy points from Tony. "Morning Peons." Loki stated as he dug in the frudge for food that wasn't filled with preservatives, which tended to make him feel ill. because he couldn't eat boxed, or heavily processed food, the Avengers had taken on a much healthier lifestyle since he'd 'moved in'.
"Someone who has good reasons for things they do.spies don't just disappear...well until they do.but anyways,youd probably feel better finding out but again,I'm horrible at the feeling things so I probably have no idea what-"he yelped a little as clint snatched it from him,looking bemused.wondering if clint really would go see her before looking at loki his normal greeting on his lips."morning bas-clint....just because you're having a bad night doesn't mean you should beat up loki for sleeping with her."tony frowned at clint though there was concern in his eyes for the asgardian...not that he'd ever admit to it."...shouldn't that have healed by now?I mean your a god.."tony frowned harder actually looking curious because he still hadn't figured out how much better his healing was over humans.
Clint shrugged. "she's nothing but a traitor." he grumbled, feeling all torn up inside all over again. there was no way he was going to go find out the truth.... "...shut up. i'll beat on him when i want." Clint growled, stalking out of the room as Loki rolled his eyes. "oh let him beat on me, he hits like an old lady anyway." Loki stated as he bit into an apple. "it will heal eventually. my magics more focused on the broken ribs." Loki admitted simply. which was a dirty dirty lie. there was no broken anythings. Clint resisted the urge to laugh as he heard Loki playing up his injuries. he didn't mind, it was funny as hell and no one would yell at him for it. if anyone had the right to beat on loki it was him. and if Loki used that as an excuse to get Tony to pay attention to him, who was Clint to argue? it wasn't as if he hadn't done the same with... but he wasn't thinking about that... "By the way." Loki stated, grinning as he studied tony. "you're looking very cute today." he admitted witha grin and another munch of his apple as he headed off to relax in the hot tub. Loki just loved the Hot Tub.
"I wouldn't let him hear you say that. Getting your ass kicked again for making fun of him won't be fun."tony snickered a little before his frown deepened concern darkening usually amused eyes."any serious breaks?"he asked.while he might not be a doctor,he could get bruce to look at them if needed. He was such a sucker sometimes.blushing ever so slightly at loki's praise he smiled."of course I'm cute.I'm tony stark."he said as he sipped his orange juice following loki out to the hottub."isn't it to hot for the hot tub,reindeer?"

"Mr.barton?there is a ms.michaels down in the lobby to see you sir."jarvis said breaking clint's train of thought.so. elena had returned once she'd stopped panicking and could think clearly enough to talk with him, prepared for anything cause she knew just how unhappy clint was going to be,if he did talk to her at all
Loki shrugged a little. "wouldn't bother me any." he snarked, even if he did glance at the door cautiously to make sure Clint wasn't about to come back in. "no, they're all clean. they wouldn't have broken anyway if i hadn't landed on the table." Loki lied with a shrug. "you are Tony Stark." he agreed. "but you're not just Tony Stark you know." Loki stated as he stripped off his pants, leaving on a pair of swimming trunks, since Bruce had complained that sitting in the hot tub nude was unsanitary. "no, it is not too hot. please remember that i am a frost giant. we practically crave heat." he admitted as he sank into the hot water with a happy sigh. "pluse, heat and hot water is a great magic conductor. i'll heal faster in the hot water." he admitted with a smirk. "are you by any chance, going to join me mister Stark?" he asked, grinning slyly at the other. "have you finally succumbed to my will and decided to let me seduce you?"

Clint froze in place and his eyes narrowed a little as he considered what he was going to do. talk to her, not talk to her? well, she'd gone to all the trouble to come back, even knowing he was point blank pissed off at her... so... he sighed. "Bring her up to the Commons Jarvis." Clint ordered. he wanted to have it mostly private... but he also wanted people to be able to get there quickly if he truly lost his temper and tried to kill her or something. he could, and would do it... he knew it, so he wanted at least some sort of safety measure in place. he settled himself into a chair, crossed his arms and scowled at the floor. what the hell did she want!? hadn't she hurt him enough!? he didn't even look up when the elevator opened. "say what you wanted to say and get the fuck out." he demanded, stroking a knife attached to his hip. would he get in trouble? probobly... but he was a good agent and she, technically, hadn't done anything wrong... he couldn't just kill her.
Tony snickered a little at the snark, amused that the man had made sure Clint wasn’t coming back in. Making a face as he calmed, realizing that the breaks weren’t that bad before tilting his head.”Hm, and what else am I then?”He asked curious about the frost giant’s opinion, settling into one of the patio chairs by the hot tub, resting his feet up on the edge, leaning back enough to be able to see into the common room. “I do, but I would think being a frost giant would, you know, make you want the cold.”he said thoughtfully before frowning, huffing a little. “Of course not. I can spy from out here without getting yelled at. Clint’s got company.”Tony said glad Jarvis had told him what was going on, well at least he could watch to make sure Clint didn’t lose control.

Elena swallowed as she stepped into the common living room, looking around her for a moment, then looking at him. Watching him stroke the knife for a moment before easing closer, moving to the table against the wall, perching on the edge of the table, watching him nervous. “...I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have run last night, but I knew I’d disobeyed your request that I didn’t see you, but after I found out about Loki....I had to know you were okay...I’d just miscalculated...hadn’t realized you had moved in with Stark....I just wanted to apologize for upsetting you so much, and seducing you...I’ll just...be going then.”She muttered moving away, heading for the elevator again.
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