A Promise is a Promise (Atroxa & OstrichFromJoust)

Tamsin smiled, glad that he wasn't too put out about her wanting to have a few more drinks before they tried to dance again. Her face turned a bit red though when Vexus said that having a hot wife meant that sometimes guys were going to hit on her. She was enjoying flirting with him, they joked around a lot all the time, but it was usually pretty innocent, a bit flirty, but not too much. Tonight though they were being a bit more forward with one another, and she liked it. “Well, it's probably just a matter of time until I have to chase some one off you then,” she teased him back, grinning despite herself.

She laughed a bit after that though, “But hey, at least we know a bit of that training paid off, that elbow was pretty good huh?” She asked him, beaming a bit. Tamsin had never been a very aggressive or violent person, a year ago if some one had grabbed her like that, she probably would have froze up and just waited for some one to help her. Hell she probably would have been like that even just a few months ago. Vexus had helped her feel more confident though. “Maybe I should look into becoming a cop,” she arched her brows at him and smirked, knowing that that was probably the last thing he wanted, “I'd probably look even hotter in uniform.” She grinned at him, obviously joking. The Salarian turned up with their drinks, handing Tamsin a surprisingly small glass of purple liquid that was glowing slightly.

“Believe me, it's strong,” the salarian smiled at the confused look she gave him, handing Vexus his beer, “Enjoy your drinks,” he nodded his head and walked off to another table.
"Probably. Now I've got two bullet scars, that's like double the attractiveness," he said with a chuckle. It was fun, being a bit more flirty with each other than usual. Vexus teased a lot and she shot right back, but tonight it was going past that. The drinks were probably helping, and the atmosphere was just right. With everyone on the dance floor grinding up together and those not dancing still close to who they were with, it put certain things on the mind.

"It was. Won't be hard to chase anyone away with those moves, a few elbows and punches to the first floozy that comes by and they'll all be hanging back," he said with a smirk, joking of course, but glad to see his work really put into place, that she could defend herself. He saw that change in her from when they'd first met, glad to be a part of it. "Oh, yeah, you'll love it. If you want a taste, I can bring some of my stacks of reports home with me," he said. Though he often complained, he did love being in C-Sec, it was just a bit dull right now, confined to a desk thanks to the wound. At her suggestion, he smirked, nodding some. "Probably, wouldn't mind seeing it," he said, cutting off as the salarian came to their table with two drinks.

He took the beer with a thanks, sipping as he saw what he'd brought Tamsin. His eyes widened a bit, recognizing the liquid. "Heh, that's definitely strong, I wouldn't have too many of those," he said. It was small, but it didn't take much of that stuff, he remembered hard mornings after some nights in the military when they'd gotten a hold of a bottle. He took another drink, enjoying it, waiting to see what she thought of hers.
Tamsin as definitely being effected by the drinks and the atmosphere, which was really the reason people brought dates here if you got down to it. It would take something like this to really nudge them into that new territory though, they were married, but they might as well still be dating, just in a very unusual manner. They were growing more comfortable with one another, progressing, and this was just the next natural step, flirting and becoming more intimate with one another. There really hadn't been time for it until now. And Tamsin had still been too unsure of herself to consider being more forward, Vexus could have made a move, but if anything later on, it could have been viewed as him taking advantage of someone in a very fragile state. Now though, she was stronger and more confident, and more comfortable with him.

Right now though she was a bit preoccupied with her drink, arching a brow at the turian as he warned her that it really was pretty strong. “I won't,” she laughed softly, feeling a bit nervous now, but after eyeing the glowing liquid a bit she took a sip and found it was incredibly sour, with a sweet aftertaste. Tamsin's face screwed up a bit, shaking her head, “Woah!” she laughed, “Tastes like this candy we used to eat when we were kids, we'd dare one another to try and eat one without spitting it out they were so sour.” She braced herself a little and took another sip, her face tightening again but not as badly.

“Okay, I think I'm getting the hang of it,” she laughed, taking another drink, a fuller one this time, and pursing her lips against the sour but sweet taste of the liquid, her lips and mouth starting to glow very softly from the liquid. “Anyway,” she blinked, “Get me a uniform and maybe I'll try it on just for you,” she winked, the alcohol making her a bit bold.
It was hard not to be, with the imagery, all the heat from the crowds of people around them, drinks flowing, loud, rhythmic music bumping along. Vexus was having fun, though mostly because of the time with Tamsin, clearly both of them weren't exactly up for all that the club had to offer, needing some more drinks in them to give dancing another shot. That was the point though, another date night with his wife, getting closer, learning more about the other. It was all still weird, married, yet they'd only been together and known each other a few weeks.

Vexus sipped at the beer, interested in how she'd like her own drink. He chuckled as she took the first bit, face contorting a bit from the initial sour taste. "Yeah, it's sour and sweet, but you don't get much of a burn from it. That's where it gets you," he said, drinking more of his own. Some of those drinks can creep up on you, and that's definitely one of them. Goes down like candy, and then a little while later the world's spinning beneath you. "Yeah, you're getting it, good job. A nice variety for your first time drinking."

His eyes caught the soft glow the liquid left on her tongue just before her mouth closed, and on her lips as she smiled. Vexus chuckled a bit, leaning in close to give her a light kiss, not able to help himself. Her lips were sour from the drink, giving their kiss an interesting sensation. "I'll keep that in mind, might be hard to explain to one of my fellow officers if I try to borrow theirs though," he said, leaning back. The glass she had for her drink was small, being a strong liquor, and almost gone from the drinks she'd taken. "One more and we try again?" he offered, looking around for one of their servers to bring another round.
The club wasn't really Tamsin's scene, she was quiet and a bit on the shy side, but she was with Vexus so she was enjoying herself. She knew that that meant that they were good together, when she could have fun in a situation that she wouldn't enjoy otherwise. This was good to do though, get out of their comfort zone a bit, learn about one another. It was all a little weird to think about sometimes, the fact that they were married but only on their second date. Tamsin wondered if this was how it was to be in an arranged marriage, not really getting to know your spouse until after you were already married.

She blinked a little as Vexus leaned in to kiss her, the gesture a little unexpected, but she smiled and returned it none the less. It was unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome. If anything she was left a little disappointed when it didn't last very long, she could have kept kissing him and been perfectly happy. Still though, Tamsin gave a laugh as he joked some more about her wearing a C-Sec uniform. “Well, just tell them you need it for 'extracurricular activities',” she teased, though she felt a bit silly teasing about something that they hadn't even actually done. Their interactions so far had been rather innocent and mild really.

Tamsin took another sip of her drink, which was almost gone now, a pleasant and persistent buzzing in the back of her head having developed by this point. So when he asked about another round of drinks before trying to dance again she nodded, draining her small glass and setting it aside. “Yeah, another one of these I think, they're good,” she grinned, her mouth and lips still glowing.
It was a bit weird to joke and tease about things like that when all they'd done so far was kiss. Vexus was hesitant to do much more with everything that had happened, to both of them. They were both back on their feet though, maybe they could move along soon enough. That was probably the alcohol bringing those thoughts on, though they were bringing out some stuff he was keeping pushed away because of the circumstances. Whatever it was, he was having fun tonight with her, no matter what happened.

He nodded, following her along and downing the rest of the beer. Less strong than the previous drinks, but definitely enough to keep the buzz going and fuzz his mind some more. "Sounds good," he said, looking up for someone to come by. The salarian from before eventually spotted him looking around and came over, grabbing their glasses and taking the order to repeat their drinks. "You enjoyed it, I see," he said, giving a chuckle as he spotted the slight glow of her lips, then headed out to grab their drinks. Vexus thanked him and smiled as he looked back to Tamsin. "I'm sure we'll be awesome after these next drinks, that's all it takes to gain a sense of rhythm and dance moves, right?" he said with a chuckle.
Teasing was a good way to work them both into it, even if it felt a bit silly. Tamsin was honestly rather nervous about the prospect of having sex with Vexus. She'd never had sex at all and she certainly had never thought her first time would be with some one who wasn't even a human. She supposed that there would at least be no preconceived notions, on her end anyway, she did wonder about his experiences though. They hadn't really talked about sex, but she assumed he wasn't a virgin, considering both his age and what she knew about turian culture, sex wasn't held with the same sort of mix of taboo and reverence as with humans.

She laughed softly as the salarian commented on her glowing mouth, which obviously meant she had liked the drink. “Yeah it was pretty good!” she agreed, smiling as he left before looking back to Vexus as he spoke of them trying to dance again, hopefully improved. “I don't know if drinking actually makes you a better dancer so much as it makes you not care about how foolish you like,” she laughed. The salarian returned a few moments later with their drinks then left again. Tamsin, knowing what to expect this time, drank this one a little more easily, and more quickly, and by the time she was done that pleasant buzzing in the back of her head had multiplied.

“Alright! Enough drinking, let's go dance!” Tamsin beamed, not thinking she was that drunk or anything if she felt this hyper. In her inexperience, she was relying on how it was portrayed usually in movies, with some one being sloppy and slow, she felt more energetic though, so she ignored the way the club had started to spin a little and grabbed Vexus' hand, tugging him along with her onto the dance floor. There were more people on it now, so she ended up much closer than she had been before, so she decided to just forget personal space and ended up pressed against Vexus, trying to copy the people around them but also move with the music, the deep, throbbing bass making her entire body vibrate.
Vexus chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, that's true, that's usually how it works. If you're lucky, you won't be on shore leave with your squadmates that can film it," he said, laughing again as he remembered the night. Luckily he hadn't been the only drunk one, so he wasn't alone in his embarrassment. He thanked the salarian as he dropped off the drinks, sipping the beer at first. As he saw Tamsin downing hers quickly, he matched her pace and drank his beer faster. He was definitely drunk, perhaps not as much as she was though, especially with the last two she'd taken down fairly quickly.

"Round two, here we go," he said, getting up with her as she grabbed his hand. His vision was slightly unstable as well, the club shaking in his sight as they weaved their way through the mob of people. Finally they stopped, turning to face each other and try again. The people around them pushed them close together, she seemed to embrace it and press her body up against him. He smirked, putting his arms around her. They were right, the drinking didn't make them better, but they certainly cared less about doing it and what anyone who happened to see them thought. In truth, that was probably what most of the people around them were thinking as well, just trying to not embarrass themselves. He tried to find the beat of the music, moving to it with her in his arms. It was definitely the closest they'd been, close before but not with such...gusto. "This better? I think we're getting it," he said with his mouth close to her ear, stealing another kiss on her jaw as he kept them moving.
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