A Promise is a Promise (Atroxa & OstrichFromJoust)

Tamsin took a sip of her water, listening to the turian curiously as he pointed out that because of the way things had been a bit rushed with them, they didn't really know a lot of the basic stuff about one another that most couples would. She smiled a little, nodding as she set her glass aside, “I think that sounds like a pretty good idea.” She felt like she knew Vexus rather well as far as who he was, his personality, but she didn't really know a lot of the trivial things about him that would help with actually living him and being with him. His first question was a simple one, the girl laughing a bit, “Mint green, you?” She asked, curious about that bit.

They played one hundred questions throughout dinner, their food arriving in good time and tasting delicious. Between bites they'd ask one another whatever they could think of and offer up random tidbits as well. Tamsin told him about how she loved thunderstorms, and scary movies even though she was a big baby the entire time she watched them, she hated mustard, her birthday was October 5th, she loved to swim but had never seen an ocean or been to the beach, knew how to play the piano (though she was no expert at it), her favorite flower was the tiger lily, and she had a serious weakness for hard candies. There had been other things, as of course the questions had lead into full conversations much of the time, but those had been the basics. She'd found it very interesting to learn about Vexus finally though.

Once dinner was eaten and paid for, they left, Tamsin walking with him out into the gardens, her hand in his again. The Presidium was almost into night time, some light left to blanket the gardens in a fading dusk. Lights lined the pathways intimately, with other lights illuminating statues and fountains. She walked hand in hand with Vexus for the most parts, sometimes letting him go to stray away and get a closer look at some plant or another, but always returning to his side quickly. She was obviously having a good time. They finally came to the center of the garden, which consisted of a raised platform covered in what looked to be river stones, with picnic tables and benches arranged around a large fountain in the center. It was raised enough to allow a view over the entire gardens and allowed you to look out over the Presidium as well, and with the night cycle active, the shimmering cloud of the nebula was very bright overhead, even if it was only projected onto the screen that usually showed a blue sky during the day.

Tamsin was feeling a bit giddy as she looked around at the beautiful surroundings, a bit star-struck with a large smile on her face. “Ohh, it's so beautiful,” she commented quietly, smiling at Vexus before looking back around again.
"Decent choice, much more specific than mine. I like blue," he said with a chuckle. The questions went back and forth, sometimes eliciting a story or explanation. Even as the food came they kept talking, basically talking whenever they weren't chewing. Lots of details, he almost wished he could be taking notes to be sure he could remember all of it. His birthday was after hers, November 9th. He enjoyed horror movies too, but his favorites were more along action, or comedy, particularly enjoying B-level movies that were good because of being bad. He hated chocolate, he'd gotten sick off of it when he was younger because some levo-candy had gotten around on Palaven, and his friends thought it was cool to eat something their parents said they couldn't have. While it was rare to own your own car on the Citadel, someday he wished to own a Julser Zephyr, a sports-car known to be powerful and fast. Some Alliance marines he'd fought with got him into human basketball, and he enjoyed playing it when he could. He'd learned the nutac when he was younger, it was a stringed instrument that was essentially a turian guitar; actually he'd wanted to be in a band before he joined the military, but that dream had since faded.

It was a lovely time, the food was fantastic and the more he could learn about her, the better. He paid when the check came, once again trying to joke about the dine and dash before he slid his omni-tool to pay. They left into the gardens, taking her hand as they got up from the table. It was truly beautiful out here, all of the plants were well cared for to keep up appearances, along with the other pieces of art to create the pleasant atmosphere. As they reached the center, the light of the nebula above them created just enough light to make it fairly romantic, adding to the airs and beauty of the flowers and plants around them.

"I'm glad you like it," he said as she spoke, chuckling as his hand reached into a pocket. "Tamsin, while I was setting things up for tonight, I got to looking into human customs involving couples and marriage. I know we've been jumping around the usual timeline, so things have been weird, but a bride is supposed to have something. So, I wanted to give you this, to show that I really care about you, that even though we've had a weird story so far, it's been amazing and I look forward to what's next," he said, rambling on as he lifted his hand, thumb reaching between his long fingers to open up the small box that was held in them. It was a ring, silver looping into a sort of claw shape that held the gem, a small diamond. Nice, pretty, but not too extravagant, different than the typical ring, like they were. Again, it was a special night. Now he just hoped she wouldn't hate it.
Tamsin was still looking around as he put his hand into his pocket, not seeing him do it and only turning around when he said her name, giving him a happy, curious look. Her head cocked to the side a little though when he told her he'd been looking into human customs, giving a soft laugh but feeling flattered none the less. She realized he was rambling a little, but she didn't care, her face turning a little red but a smile permanently stuck on her face as Vexus told her that he cared about her, and that he had enjoyed their weird little journey so far. Again she didn't know what to say, she opened her mouth to tell him something though, feeling like she should after he had put himself out there like that. But the words caught in her throat as he presented the small box in his hand.

She didn't know why it was so jarring to see, Vexus was her husband, it wasn't like this was an actual proposal, but still, it was very unexpected, and very touching. “Ohhh, I love it,” she whispered, moving closer to him and holding out her hand. She left it up to him whether he wanted to put it on her finger or simply hand it to her and let her put it on, either way she admired it once it was on her finger, beaming happily. “Thank you,” Tamsin told him, suddenly leaning up to put her arms around his neck, having to go up onto her tip toes to do it, and nestling her body against his in a tight hug. Without even really thinking about it, she pulled back a bit and pressed her lips to the hard plates of his mouth in a soft kiss.

Just as quickly as it happened though, Tamsin pulled away, her face bright red as she dropped back down and stepped away. “Sorry,” she told him quickly, realizing he might not even know what a kiss was, she didn't think turians kissed... he'd said though that he'd looked up human customs but, well, it was still a little embarrassing.
His mandibles pulled back, a bright smile on his face as he took the ring out of the small box, slipping it onto her finger. He'd made sure to remember which one it went on, there was a certain finger that meant you were with someone, the second one from the small, end finger. She liked it, and that was worth it, making the evening a good one. His arms slipped around her as she suddenly hugged him, squeezing and holding her tight. "I'm glad you like it," he said, before his mouth was taken by hers in a kiss.

They actually did kiss, though it was fairly new to them, other races sort of being the ones to introduce showing affection in such a way. Turians were a race of action, of words, so they spoke it and then...went past kissing, but it was a good way to show your feelings that the asari really brought on. Humans having it as well just proved that it was a nice thing to do, and he was certainly enjoying it with Tamsin. Of course, it was a bit strange, her lips full and fleshy pressing against the plates that covered his teeth, metallic and hard. It was more about the feeling though, the affection, and as she slipped away, he was smirking.

"Don't apologize, that was nice," he said happily, taking her hand in his, long dual fingers wrapping around hers. "So do I have to buy a ring every time I want to kiss you? That will get expensive," he teased, looking over the beautiful view of the garden and the stars next to her.
Tamsin was still obviously embarrassed even when he assured her that she had nothing to apologize for, glancing down at their hands as his fingers wrapped into hers. She laughed though when he joked about having to buy her a ring to get a kiss, “No, just take me out to an expensive restaurant. I have standards you know.” She smiled up at Vexus, squeezing his hand gently and nestling against him as he looked up at the stars. Tamsin was sure this was the best night of her life.

They stayed like that for some time, silent mostly, a sharp contrast to the flurry of conversations they'd had over dinner in an attempt to catch up to where they should be in their relationship now as far as getting to know one another. Then it was time to go, the gardens closing soon and all. They caught a taxi home, Tamsin sitting curled up close to her husband, her fingers playing with the ring now on her finger. It felt more official and real now. “You know,” she told him quietly, “despite everything that's happened... I'm glad I met you. Tonight was amazing.”

The taxi stopped and she got out after Vexus, walking back to their apartment with him, her hand still wrapped in his.
"I guess I'll have to take out a loan, then. This could end up being a very expensive relationship," he joked, glancing down to her as she leaned against him. His mandibles were back, teeth exposed as he smiled widely, gaze moving back to the view of the nebula above them. Pretty successful night.

Even in the silence as they stood there, close to each other, watching the stars and the view, it felt nice. Vexus could enjoy talking to her, or just being with her, it's what made this so easy, why he liked her so much. Eventually the moment had to end though, it started to get late and they needed to get back. Getting a cab, he sat in the back with her and they instantly got close, making him smile again as he caught her admiring the ring. He was just glad she liked it, the whole nice moment they'd shared might not have happened if she'd thought the ring was ugly or bad.

The cab took them from the Presidium back to Kithoi, dropping them off at the stop near the apartment. His hand wrapped around hers again as they left the taxi, walking to the apartment. It was a bit awkward, as you usually dropped someone off after the first date, you didn't go back to the home you shared with them. Didn't mean they couldn't have some fun, though. "Well, here we are, your place. I had a great time, think I might be able to see you again sometime?" he joked, turning to face her as they got close to the door, smirking.
Tamsin walked with her husband back up to their apartment, her hand in his and overall feeling very happy after one of the best nights of her life. It was still surreal to her, but it was starting to sink in, she had just never once imagined that she would end up here on the Citadel like this. Let alone married to a turian, and under the circumstances that they had ended up being more or less forced to come together under. She wasn't complaining though, far from it, it seemed that meeting Vexus had been for the best, and that marrying him might have been one of the best decisions she could have ever made, even if she hadn't had much of a choice.

When they reached the door to their apartment, she felt that bit of awkward breaking of the mold as well, since traditionally at the end of a first date, and hell several of the first few dates, one person was usually dropping off the other. But instead they were coming home together, she was just going to ignore it, but Vexus seemed determined to make this as much of a first date as possible, and in his usual style. The girl laughed a little, smiling up at him. “I don't know, I've got a pretty busy schedule but maybe I can pencil you in,” Tamsin joked back to him.
The smirk stayed on his face, mandibles pulled back. That was another thing that made her great, always going along with his stupid jokes. Most turians were so serious all the time, but that's what made him different. Why not have some fun? "Well gee, if you think you can squeeze me in, I'd sure appreciate it," he said with a chuckle. It was a joke, but at least he could make it seem like a regular first date. Really though, like he'd said earlier, he liked their odd story, how they'd gotten together. He could have done without the bad, but overall he was pretty happy right now.

Still holding her hand, he moved it up to look at the ring on her hand again. "Jeez, how did I not notice that before? You're married? Well let's hope he doesn't see this," he said, arms moving around her to pull her close as he leaned his head down to kiss her again. He wanted to giver her a "good night" kiss even though they'd both be going into the apartment. It felt like a good way to end their first date, a pretty successful one at that, he thought.
Tamsin liked his sense of humor, it was always a little surprising to her really, with how serious most turians often were, but that just made it even better to her. So she smiled and laughed softly as Vexus kept up their playful exchange, shrugging a little with a coy expression. “I guess we'll see,” she laughed softly. When he pulled up her hand to look at the ring, she laughed again, trying to suppress a giggle as he commented on her being married, though she grew a bit more serious when he leaned down to kiss her. Tamsin let him pull her close, nestling her body against his and leaning up as he leaned down, more than happy to share another kiss with him.

The girl's green eyes closed and her arms came up around Vexus' neck as he kissed her. Usually 'good night' kisses were brief, nervous pecks, but they were a little past that point obviously. Her lips pressed against the hard plates of his mouth felt a bit strange really, she'd only kissed two other people in her life but they had both been human. So Tamsin was still used to having another pair of soft, malleable lips to work with, but she wasn't complaining. There wasn't anyone else she would rather kiss. After a moment though she pulled away, hearing some one walking down the hall and looking over her shoulder to see an older female turian that was one of their neighbors. She was giving them a perplexed look as she stopped at her door, but that just made Tamsin suppress a laugh and she pulled away, taking his hand with one of hers and unlocking the door with the other. “Come on,” she shook her head, pulling him along inside with her.
His arms went around her torso, wrapping against her waist to hold her close as they kissed. Even with the difference in their skin, her used to kissing humans and him other turians, it just felt right with her, the hard pressing gently against the softness of hers, enjoying every moment of their closeness. As she suddenly pulled back, breaking the kiss, he made a disappointed noise, but then saw why as he turned his head to match her gaze. His mandibles gave an embarrassed flutter. Ah. He gave a quiet, awkward laugh in his flanged voice, arms pulling away to release her. He gave a nod to their neighbor as she looked, she shook her head and walked into her apartment. Lovely.

He looked back to their apartment as she took his hand. His embarrassment faded as he looked back to her, giving a smile as she unlocked the door for them and they headed inside. "You're inviting me inside on the first date? What kind of turian do you take me for? I'll have you know I'm an officer of the law," he said with a chuckle, closing the door behind them. The rest of the night went quickly, as they changed from their dressy clothes, talking about how it had gone, making plans for the future to do more dates, other things they could do on the Citadel. He was happy as they went to sleep, glad that it had been a successful night, all around.

With their first kiss in the bag, they continued past that night, and the two were closer than ever. Sharing more at hellos and good-byes, random moments when he was home, they were truly in the honeymoon phase of the relationship: everything seemed perfect for the two of them. Vexus was happier than he'd been in a while, and his thoughts were on her as his omni-tool went off, a call from his superior. "Sir? Yes, of course, on my way," he said, getting up and moving. Seems some gang activity had increased on one of the wards, one they thought a lot of refugees had sneaked onto during the riots. With lots of unregistered, desperate people, they were easy targets for the gangs, for jobs, or recruits. Vexus got ready, ensuring his pistol was loaded. Always better to have it and not need it.

A few hours later, back in the apartment, a holo display on the stand near the couch suddenly formed, lighting up. It was a home phone, not one that was often used, but there nonetheless. A ringing went off, the display showing 'Answer' and 'Ignore' buttons, along with a display of who was calling. The name read 'Huerta Memorial Hospital.'
Tamsin was definitely enjoying their little honeymoon period, the days following their first date, and their first kiss, had a sort of blissful golden glow cast over them. They'd crossed another little barrier together and she found it was more comfortable than before to just curl up with him on the couch, his arm around her and her body nestled up against his, sometimes practically in his lap. They shared small kisses here and there, especially if one of them (usually Vexus) was coming or going, but also just when they felt like it. It was an innocent sort of intimacy but intimacy none the less. One she realized she'd been craving since they'd started being more open with one another on how they felt.

She was looking forward to their future, and it was easy to forget that the galaxy was in a state of turmoil as she went about her day in a sort of haze. She'd still had no luck in finding a job, and kept up her dedication to contribute how she could, cleaning up the apartment and cooking, she was getting better with turian cuisine, or at least Vexus told her she was. The apartment, which had been a bit bare and well... obviously a bachelor pad, started to feel and look a bit more homey as she'd grab little things she liked here and there. Tamsin wished she'd had some one take a picture of them the other night, as she realized most married couples had some sort of picture of themselves, she'd have to make sure they got a picture the next time they did something together.

The girl had just gotten back from doing some quick grocery shopping, seeing their female turian neighbor in the hallway and giving the woman a friendly smile as the turian watched her curiously. They said nothing though, and Tamsin wondered if the neighbors gossiped about them. No doubt if that turian woman had told anyone about what she'd seen they would know now that they were a couple. She was secretly amused by the thought, but as she neared her door she heard the phone ringing and opened the door as quickly as she could. The bag of groceries was deposited on the counter as she passed by, hurrying to answer. It was odd to get a call like this, but she hesitated for a second when she saw where the call was coming from, feeling her heart jump up in her throat a bit.

Her fingers brushed the 'answer' button quickly, and the screen displayed a salarian in the white uniform of a doctor. “Yes, is Tamsin Borin-Darrow in?” he asked in that usual quick, salarian manner.

Tamsin blinked a little, immediately feeling nervous. “This is her, is something wrong?” She asked, trying to stay calm.

The salarian looked a little confused, “You're Mrs. Borin-Darrow? Your husband is Vexus?”

“Yes,” Tamsin answered, her tone a little irritated now, before repeating, “What's wrong?”

“Ah, I'm Dr. Ceran, your husband was admitted here to the hospital a bit ago, he was injured on duty, a gun shot,” Tamsin gasped and her face paled but before she could ask the doctor hurried on, obviously expecting some sort of outburst, “He's fine! Don't worry, nothing life threatening, but we of course are required to inform you if you would like to come check on him.”

“Yes, of course! I'll be right there, thank you,” she hung up quickly, not really having the patience to linger and make nice before she hurried back out of the apartment. The doctor had assured her that he was fine, but Tamsin still felt worried, even a little afraid. She knew first hand that his job could be dangerous, but well, she'd sort of forgotten. She made her way to the hospital quickly, stopping at the front desk to tell them who she was and who she was looking for. The asari gave her the same confused look as the salarian before telling her what room her husband was in and Tamsin hurried back off, knocking lightly, before she passed her hand over the door's UI to open it, stepping inside tentatively.
As the door slid open, a familiar, flanged voice could be heard, loud and in the middle of a story. There was a slight slurring to his words, implying he wasn't quite all there at the moment. Might have something to do with the painkillers they'd given him to help with the wound, along with the antibiotics. Vexus was on a bed in the room, bottom half under the sheets, upper half bare besides the bandages around his torso. While in pain and recovering from surgery, he seemed to be doing all right. "No! Doc! I swear, there had to be a dozen of them! Krogans, all going berserk, and I took all of them on. They just got lucky," his flanged voice ranted on to the salarian checking the machines next to him. "Of course you did, Mr. Borin, all on your own," he muttered, flipping through the screens. He was the doctor who'd called, Dr. Ceran.

Also in the room, standing on the opposite side of the bed, was a human, wearing a C-Sec uniform. He had short, almost buzzed brown hair, and blue eyes. A muscular build, fairly tall and athletic. Currently he had his arms crossed, shaking his head and laughing at the turian's creative rendition of what had happened. "Yep, buddy, that's exactly how it went down. The rest of us just stood there and watched you," he said, smirking and looking to the door, hearing it open. "Someone you know?" he asked, glancing to Vexus with the smirk hanging on his face.

Vexus's mandibles pulled back, grinning wide as he finally saw her. "Tamsin! Honey! You're here!" he said, leaning up toward her, but grunting some as he immediately fell back. Dr. Ceran sighed, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I told you not to move around too much yet," he said, looking to Tamsin. "We want to keep him here over night, but he's doing rather well. Surgery went fine, we just want to observe for the night and he should be able to go home tomorrow," he said, giving a nod to the three and heading out. After wincing some from the movement, Vexus looked back to his wife. "Oh, this is Derrick, he works with me at C-Sec, and he hid from the gangbangers while I did all the work, then brought me here so he could say he helped," he said, motioning to the human standing by.
Tamsin paused just inside, catching the tale end of some story that Vexus was telling, and it sounded pretty outrageous at that. She was more concerned with trying to tell how injured he was. She saw the bandages on him but besides, that, he really looked alright, and he was sure acting like he was alright, though she was sure a lot of that had to do with probably being on pain meds. He didn't notice her right away, in fact, it was a human C-Sec officer standing nearby who finally noticed the blonde girl standing unsurely near the door. She blinked a bit though when he, like everyone else, definitely didn't think that she was Vexus' wife, did no one at work even know he was married to a human?

Now was hardly the time to be wondering about that though, the girl hurrying forward a little bit as Vexus tried to greet her but seemed to just make things worse for himself. She hovered next to the bed nervously as the doctor explained, sighing a bit as she nodded, glad that it wasn't anything serious, and they'd be keeping him until morning just to be safe. “Thank you doctor,” she told him before he left, then looked to Vexus as he introduced the human, Derrick, giving him an apologetic, sheepish smile, “Uh, hi,” she said, holding out her hand nervously, “I'm Tamsin, uhm... Vexus' wife...” she explained, since apparently he didn't know, "Thank you for making sure he got to the hospital okay."
Derrick's eyes widened a bit, then he smirked again, extending his own hand to give her a firm shake. "This is the famous Tamsin then. This guy won't shut up about you, but I didn't know you were actually married," he said, raising a fist to punch him teasingly, but realizing where they were, decided against it. "Of course, he would have done the same for me-"

"Damn right I would! This guy is the best," Vexus said, rather loud still. He clasped a hand on the human's shoulder. His mind was pretty out of it from the meds, he'd only been out of surgery for a little while. "Almost as good as I am!" he continued. Derrick chuckled and shook his head. "You just get some rest, and you can head home tomorrow, with your lovely wife. I'm going to hear that story when you get better, by the way."

"No! I don't need to stay here, Doctor's crazy. Let's go now," he said, using his hand on his friend as leverage, long fingers gripping his shoulder to pull himself up from the bed. It surprised him, stumbling back a bit as the sudden weight pulled him down. Also as Vexus stood, the sheet of the bed falling to the floor, it was suddenly obvious that his C-Sec uniform was completely off, and that the hospital gown he should be wearing was resting on a chair to the side of the room. Besides the part that was bandaged, the metallic carapace of his body was all on display for his friend and his wife.
Tamsin shook the other human's hand and gave a slightly sheepish smile, glad that her husband had apparently talked about her a bit, and apparently said good things. “Well, good to hear,” she smiled, looking back down at Vexus when he spoke loudly, apparently not really having much volume control with the meds. “Vexus, you don't have to shout, we're right here,” she laughed, looking at Derrick as he said goodbye, nodding a little, opening her mouth to assure him that she'd take good care of him. Vexus, though, seemed to disagree about the arrangement of staying in the hospital over night.

“Vexus!” she protested as he tried to get out of the hospital bed, grabbing him gently as he started to fall, trying to keep him from just crashing to the ground. So she and Derrick were left supporting the now naked turian, Tamsin's face turning red and averting her eyes towards the ceiling out of embarrassment. This wasn't how she imagined it'd go when she saw her husband naked for the first time. “Come on, back in bed,” She sighed, helping Derrick to try and get Vexus back on the bed, “And stay there, that's an order mister. Doctor said you're staying here over night and so do I."
"Damn it, Vex!" Derrick called out, suddenly being brought down as the tall turian pulled on his shoulder, his weight starting to bring him down too from the surprise. He shifted, putting his own weight into holding the man up with Tamsin's help. "God, why aren't you wearing the gown?" he said, looking away from him, unable to keep from laughing as they helped Vexus back into the bed. Well, more like forced, as gently as they could. "Now stay there and rest, doctor's and wife's orders," he said with a chuckle, stepping away now that he was back in bed, and more importantly, covered up.

Vexus struggled against them, but not very hard. Too much effort and his side started to hurt, so basically he pushed a bit and gave in, letting them put him back into the bed. The meds didn't help, keeping him a bit drowsy, he welcomed the bed's comfy embrace now that he was back in it. "Fine, fine, fine," he said begrudgingly, crossing his arms. "If I have to."

"You do. That's what happens when you have a wife, her word is law. I've got to get going, you get better. I'm going to hear about this when you get back," he said with a chuckle, patting him on the shoulder and looking to Tamsin. "It was nice to meet you, take care of this idiot," he said with a smile, giving the two a wave and heading to the door, exiting as it slid open.

Vexus waved back as his friend left, then looked to Tamsin once he was gone. "I don't know if they told you, but I got shot." He was also apparently very blunt when dosed up.
Tamsin kept her eyes turned skyward as much as she could as they half helped, half forced her husband back into his hospital bed. She did have to look occasionally to make sure she was doing it right but she did as briefly as possible. She'd never seen a turian naked before, he definitely looked different from a human but she had known that, still. She was curious, but now was hardly the time, so she helped Vexus get back in bed despite his protests and struggling and looked at Derrick as he finally took his leave. “I will,” she smiled when he told her to take care of him.

She heaved a sighed when he left, looking at Vexus as he spoke, shaking her head slightly and laughing under her breath, “Yes, they told me.” One of her hands found the closest one of his own to her, twining her fingers into his like she usually did. Tamsin frowned a little, looking at their hands then back to the turian, “Are you okay? I mean, you're obviously alright... but are you?” Tamsin had no idea why she was blathering like that, sighing again, “I was worried about you...” She admitted quietly, looking back down at their hands, “If something happened to you... I don't know what I'd do.”

The girl looked up quickly and blinked her green eyes at him, “And not just because, well, I'd probably be kicked off the Citadel if you died. I care about you.” She meant to clarify that so that it wouldn't seem like that was why she was worried, but explaining it aloud, she thought she just sounded defensive.
"Good, it's their job," he said with a nod. If it was possible, he seemed to be even worse with the jokes when under. Seeing Tamsin worried, being serious about the situation, helped to sober him up some. Enough to get slightly serious himself. He frowned, long fingers gripping around her hand, giving a squeeze. "Yes, I'm all right. I mean, it hurts, but I'm fine. I'm here," he said, giving a light smile. He understood, the worry about leaving for work in the morning and not coming back that night came with the job.

"It's dangerous, but I'm always going to come home. That's a promise. You don't have to worry about your citizenship being taken away this soon," he said with a smirk at the end, teasing a bit about her outburst of worry about being kicked off the Citadel. That would be an awful side effect, of course, but he knew she wasn't just worried about that. "I care about you too. No way I'm gonna let some dumb gangster with a lucky aim take me away from you."
Tamsin was glad that he at least seemed to sober a bit when he saw that she was actually worried about him, but she tried to lighten up when he comforted her, returning the soft squeeze he gave her hand. She smiled at Vexus when he promised that he would always come home, trying not to look upset about that but it was clear that she was anyway. “Don't promise me that, please,” She told him, giving up on the smile finally. Tamsin was thinking about her parents, the promise they had made her, a promise that they couldn't keep. They had tried, she was sure of that, but it wasn't something they could help. And this wasn't something he had any real control over either.

She quickly brushed away a tear she hadn't realized that had formed, not wanting Vexus to see it, and forced the smile back on her face, trying not to act so dramatic. “Cause if you break it then I'll be very very upset with you,” she tried to joke, sniffing softly. She looked around though and let go of his hand when she spotted a chair nearby, grabbing it and pulling it nearby before she took his hand again. “Unfortunately for you, being stuck at the hospital does mean you'll have to eat their food,” Tamsin smiled. It seemed to be a universal truth that hospital food was just awful, bland and soft when it should be firm or tough when it should be soft.
The smirk slipped away from his own face as her face hardened, her words making him realize what he'd reminded her of. He hadn't thought of that, but promising her something might not have been the best word choice right now. He would do his best to keep it, but they both knew it wasn't entirely up to him. Today could have turned out a lot worse if the bullet hadn't missed his vital areas, or if he'd been hit more than once. It wasn't something he could completely control, but he'd try his damned best to keep it.

"Well no one wants that, I'm sure the wrath of Tamsin is much worse than a Gray Striker's bullet," he said, the smirk back on his face, glad she was smiling, even if she was forcing it to get past the bad thoughts. He chuckled as she mentioned hospital food. It was definitely true that wherever you went, hospitals cared much more about you not dying than having a tasty meal. As long as you didn't starve, you were fine. "Well I hear you can almost tell what kind of meat they serve here, so lucky us," he joked, taking her hand again as she sat down.

Besides the food, the night went by as well as it could being in a hospital. Vexus got some rest, though that may be because they gave him another dose of painkillers and he tried to get up and leave again, so they gave him something else to "help" him sleep. He needed it, rest and relaxation for a while, along with the meds was the doctor's orders, and in the morning they were allowed to leave. They gave him some basic clothes to wear home, since the uniform he'd arrived in wasn't quite wearable anymore. They got in a cab to head back to the apartment, Vexus moving a bit slower than usual to take it easy. "I don't think I'll be giving that hotel a very good review. They only had one bed, and the food was awful. They did drug me up so there's that, but still. Thumbs down," he said as they left the cab, he paid and they started the walk back to the apartment.
Tamsin knew that he meant what he said, even if it had maybe not been the best wording, he would do his best to always come home to her after his shift. She also knew that losing him had been a risk she had just had to accept when she'd married him, even if she hadn't really had the time to think about that right then. It hadn't really solidified in her mind until later, things had happened so fast, there had been no time for long term thinking. Vexus was a good man though, or turian or whatever, she knew she'd gotten lucky as hell with him, smiling when he joked about her wrath.

She'd spent the night in the hospital room with Vexus, trying to keep him from acting up, which became very easy after he tried to get up yet again and they had just knocked him out with painkillers. She was very glad to go home the next day, sore from trying to sleep in the chair in his hospital room, keeping a very close eye on Vexus as they made their way from there to a taxi and then to their apartment. Tamsin had to admit though that she was looking forward to having him to herself for a few days, even if it wasn't under the best circumstances.

She laughed softly at his 'review' of his stay at the hospital, “Well you did refuse to put on a hospital gown and kept trying to get out of bed, so they probably weren't that thrilled with you either.” She hovered close to Vexus as they walked, nervous about him having trouble walking or staying up. Tamsin got the door to their apartment open and followed him inside. “Okay, couch or bed, your choice, you need to lay down and stay there. And we're not in public anymore so I have no problems putting you in your place,” She teased him, “Want me to cook you up some real food?”
"Well I don't see how that's my fault," he said as they walked, getting close to the apartment. Even though it was one night, he was glad to be out of the hospital. Just being there felt like something more was wrong, now that he was released it was just resting and getting better. If Tamsin wasn't here, he would probably get pretty restless being away from work for a while. It would be nice to stay home with her, have a few days to hang out together. There was a slight upside to getting shot, he supposed.

They got back and headed inside, Vexus gave a chuckle at her orders. "Yes ma'am, I'll take the couch," he said, first heading into the bedroom to drop off his things and change into some resting clothes. "Some real food sounds amazing, thanks," he said, looking back with a smile, then heading into the bedroom. A couple minutes later he emerged in his comfy sleeping clothes, perfect for being lazy and recovering on the couch. He moved there quickly, sighing contently as he got off his feet. With the medicine he wasn't hurting too bad, but he was pretty tired. "I guess you're stuck with me for the next few days, am I going to interfere too much with your daytime plans?"
Tamsin just smiled and rolled her eyes a bit when he opted for the couch the way he did, going to the kitchen while he went to change and pulling out what she needed. She tried not to think about how if things hadn't gone as well as they have for Vexus, that he wouldn't be here anymore. Instead, she tried to concentrate on making him something to eat that he'd actually enjoy and help give him back some of his strength. When he reemerged she had some water boiling on the stove, and chook meat thawing to be cooked up. As far as Tamsin could tell, chook meat was pretty much like the turian version of chicken.

She left the kitchen to walk over to the couch and check on Vexus, wiping her hands on a towel as she approached. His question made her laugh a bit, “Oh yeah, going to have to tell my boyfriend that he can't come over for a few days.” She teased him before she bent down to press a kiss to the hard plates of his forehead, her hand running over his fringe lightly. Straightening up, Tamsin sighed a bit, taking a hair band off her wrist and pulling her hair back into a pony tail. “So am I going to have to arrange for you to get shot when I want you to myself for a few days?” She asked Vexus, smirking at her husband, “Nothing fatal of course, just a glancing blow of course.”
Even though he hadn't been on his feet very long, it still felt good to get off them. Who knew you would feel so crappy after you'd been shot? It was news to him. "Yeah, that'd be nice. Be a little awkward, if I'm here. Feel free when I'm gone though," he said, giving a smile as she leaned close, kissing his forehead. It did suck that it took him getting shot to have this time, but it was nice. Plus he would get to just sit on the couch and hang out, so that's a plus.

"I know a guy, he's good, he'll be able to make sure it's just a flesh wound every time. Plus, chicks dig scars, so win win," he said with a smirk. He liked their little back and forth with the teasing, it had always been his thing and he was lucky to find someone that could give and take. It kept things fun. "When I'm better we should do something, go out and celebrate and what not. Plus I figure we should be getting our date stats up, since we're all out of order."
“Celebrate?” Tamsin laughed softly, “Celebrate what? You getting shot?” she asked as stood up and went back into the kitchen. She was still close enough that she could hear him, though he would have to speak up a little. The young woman set to cooking them dinner, putting some dextro-pasta in the boiling water and checking on the meat she had had thawing for him. She had some leftovers to eat so that would be her meal. Tamsin had worked it out so that she really only had to cook one meal at a time, making enough for leftovers for the next night. The way it came out, either she or Vexus were eating leftovers while the other ate a fresh meal.

“A date sounds good though, we definitely need to up our quota on those,” She smiled as she worked, glancing over her shoulder at Vexus. She enjoyed the easy way they talked and joked, he felt comfortable and familiar now, even though they had only been together for a short time and certainly under odd circumstances. “What were you thinking?” Tamsin asked him, thinking that she should probably start looking around too. She didn't want him to always be the one deciding where they went.
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