A Promise is a Promise (Atroxa & OstrichFromJoust)

Vexus laughed, shaking his head. "Yes, celebrate me getting shot. That's exactly what I meant," he said, speaking up a bit so his voice would carry to the kitchen. He was glad that she'd found a rhythm with their food, the whole dextro/levo thing made it hard for them. It was just something they had to deal with because of the whole different species thing, basically being extremely allergic to the other kind of food. She was good though, and they were able to make it work.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we get a fine if we don't have enough dates in a quarter. Something you have to keep an eye on with marriage," he joked, taking a minute to think about it. They'd done calm and romantic, something energetic and fun could be good. Especially since he'd be stuck on the couch for the next few days. "There's a few clubs on the Citadel, we could go out to one, do a little dancing, get some drinks, maybe?" he suggested, though he wasn't much of a dancer, it could be fun to hang out there with her.
Tamsin worked in the kitchen as he tossed out an idea on how they could celebrate and get their date quota up so they didn't get fined. She laughed softly, shaking her head a little at the things her husband said when he was joking around. Vexus' suggestion of going to a club made her pause though as she cut up the meat for his meal, her brows arching a little as she put her leftovers in the microwave. “A club?” she repeated unsurely, “Could be fun... but I've never really drank before, or danced....” Tamsin frowned a little, thinking about all the ways she could embarrass herself.

She finished up cooking and the microwave beeped to announce it was done, so she grabbed their plates and walked into the living room, setting Vexus' down on the coffee table and sitting on the edge of the couch with her own plate in her lap. “I'll go if you promise not to laugh at me,” Tamsin offered with a shy smile.
"Well there you go, first time for everything, right?" he said, calling out to respond. Something more lively could be fun, and he'd heard good things about the places on the Citadel. Obviously some were more shady and wouldn't exactly be date material, but some others on the better Wards or Presidium could be fun and hopefully wouldn't end up being work. Dates typically didn't go too well when you witness a crime and have to take someone in.

As the food was finished his plates shuffled as his nose picked up the smell, giving a light smile. She was a good chef, and had taken up the dextro food pretty quickly. "Thanks," he said, leaning over to grab the plate, giving a slight grunt as he did. It wasn't quite painful, just uncomfortable, thanks to the medicine. As bad as the food was, they knew their stuff about healing people, surprise surprise. Taking a few bites, he gave a chuckle at her response. "Hmmm, no promises," he said with another laugh. "Hell, I'm not even that good myself, so no judgement here. Should still be fun."
Tamsin sat and ate with him, talking a little, watching tv, just relaxing. She liked this, it felt normal. She hadn't thought she could ever feel normal again after everything that had happened, but she did, and she was happy. And she had Vexus to thank for all of that. She didn't know what she would have done without, she'd rather not think about it really, considering that it would probably have been a very dark and painful path. Tamsin was grateful for the life she had here on the Citadel with her husband, it wasn't at all where she had thought she would be even just a few weeks ago, but she couldn't say she really regretted any of it, though she did sometimes still miss her parent.

She spent the next few days playing nurse to Vexus, getting him back up to snuff for work, he went back still sore and not quite ready to get back out on the beat, but he could sit at a desk and do paperwork. Which she knew was absolutely thrilling for him. It felt strange not having him around anymore so she went back to looking for work, Tamsin had enjoyed feeling useful again and wanted a job now more than ever. The day that they planned to go out on their second date though she had good news. She waited eagerly for Vexus to come home, excited to go out with him again and excited to tell him that she'd found a job.

Tamsin had just gotten out of the shower when she heard their front door open, a towel wrapped around her head to keep her hair from dripping all over the place and her fluffy blue bathrobe wrapped around her frame. She came out of their bedroom, smiling warmly at Vexus. “Hey, another exciting day in the bull pen?” She asked, her skin still rather pink from the hot water, using the term they used for where they had all the desks for the beat cops corralled together.
Bullet wound aside, it was a great evening. Sitting with her here, just watching TV and relaxing together. Truth was, even though he kept up the confident act, he was worried too. Now that he had more than himself to think about, things like that were on his mind a lot. It was hard not to think like that, about something happening to either of them, especially with what they'd gone through. They were lucky, but he pushed those thoughts away, this was a nice night with his wife and he wasn't going to let some bad thoughts ruin it.

Vexus hated to admit it, but it was a nice break from work and life over the next few days. He tried not to be too bothersome for her, but it was a bit hard being confined to the couch all day. Finally he was well enough to head back to work, though he wouldn't be doing too much. His side was healed enough to go out, but not quite enough to do all parts of his job. Lucky him, there was plenty of paperwork though, and they could use the help. Even though it was boring, he was still glad to get back to work. At least, on the way there and a little ways into the first day back. The next couple of days back, not so much.

Still, it helped having such an awesome person to come back to. Vexus came through their front door, glad to be back; their next date was tonight and he'd been looking forward to it for a while. Not so much the making a fool of themselves trying to dance, but going out and doing something lively would help after the last week or so. "Totally. The Sargent had me file reports for some of his cases, it was really bad ass.," he said with a chuckle, walking over and giving her a kiss. "I've been looking forward to tonight, I'll be fun to go out and actually do something. You have a good day?"
Tamsin gave him a bright smile as she got a kiss from him, returning it along with a quick hug. She nodded at his question, trying not to look too excited. She was sometimes painfully aware of how much younger than him she was, and didn't want to look like too much of a kid in his eyes, so she avoided what she thought might be considered immature. Still, she couldn't help but beam a bit. “I did,” she confirmed, “I got a job.” She beamed up at Vexus, fidgeting a little in excitement. “Nothing impressive, just a clerk at a store a few blocks down, but they want me to start in a few days,” she told him.

“I'm going to blow dry my hair and get ready, we'll eat then head out, sound good to you?” She asked him, heading back to their room and doing just that. She dried her hair, got half-ready, whipped up something quick for her to eat, leaving Vexus to his leftovers, and ate. “So where are we going anyway?” She asked curiously as she put away her dishes, knowing there were quite a few night clubs on the Citadel. She'd never been to one at all, only seen them in movies, but she had no idea how accurate those were.
There was a decent difference in their ages, just a few more years and he would have already been in the military when she was born. Granted, turians joined pretty young, but still. It was something that just randomly came up, but honestly he rarely thought about it. They had the difference in age, but it didn't seem to matter for them. The big difference in race made up for it, hell, their story could almost be a TV show, they just needed a wacky side-kick. At her nod his eyes brightened, waiting to hear about it, mandibles curling back as he saw her excitement. "Hey, that's great!" he said, taking her in another hug, this one bigger as he lifted her up a bit, then set her back on her feet. "I'm happy for you, now we really have something to celebrate."

Vexus nodded, getting into his leftovers, his turn for them with their system. "There's a place on Kithoi, towards the Presidium, that I hear is pretty nice, Club Eezo. I've never had to go there for work, so that's a good sign. Drinks, dancing, games, all kinds of fun," he said, finishing up his food so he could change and get ready as well.

Vexus changed into some nicer clothes, waiting for Tamsin to get all ready before they headed out. Hailing a cab, it took them down towards the Presidium. In another decent part of the Wards, Club Eezo was easily for a younger crowd, they fit right in the demographic. The music could be heard from outside as they got closer, eventually moving their way through the crowd to get to the door, Vexus taking care of the charge to enter. Though it was a decent area, Vexus made sure to keep Tamsin close. "Here we are," he said as they got inside, speaking up for her to here over the music. Looking around, they had a few choices to start, the bar, the dance floor, a place for gambling and arcade games, with people everywhere.
Tamsin went and finished getting ready when she was done eating, and then left with Vexus, her hand wrapped up in his as it always was now. She was admittedly a little (very) nervous, but she was excited too, trying to show more her excitement than her nervousness on the ride there. When they got out she anxiously straightened her skirt, a tight black one that stopped just above her knees, looking around curiously. She'd straightened her short black hair and done up her makeup a little darker than usual, and put on a dark green slightly metallic sleeveless top.

She walked inside with Vexus, now used to the curious and slightly confused looks they often got when they went out together. Most people here though didn't seem to be paying them any attention. They were too busy doing their own thing, or just didn't care. Tamsin would definitely think that it would be people more around their age who would care less than the older generations, still clinging to the hurt feelings of the war.

She looked around, then back to Vexus, leaning up slightly and raising her voice to make sure he heard her, “Should we get something to drink?” She asked him, not really sure what in the world she would even get, but well, better to just go ahead and get that part started. Tamsin wanted to try alcohol, though she was a little nervous about not knowing her limit. That would be just great, get drunk and make a fool of herself.
Vexus was kind of glad she'd chosen to get some drinks first. He was just as anxious as she was about getting out on the dance floor, with just as much experience. Still, it would be fun, basically to be here with her. Besides, with alcohol, it doesn't matter how good of a dancer you are, everyone is great. He nodded, giving a smile and squeeze of her hand, moving with her through the crowd toward the bar. In here there were barely any stares, no one seemed to care that a turian and a human were holding hands, close together and sliding through the people together. Hell, there were probably more like them here.

As expected, it took them a little while to get through the people and line up to the bar. Vexus had something in mind, but he knew Tamsin might not even know what she would like. As they got through the people, he brought up his omni-tool, connecting it to the club's network. They had their menu available to view, so he motioned to Tamsin to poke through it and see if there was anything she might like, explaining anything she might have questions about. It was a whole new thing when you could drink for the first time, especially if you'd waited and didn't know what the different drinks were. As they got to the bar to order, he put in his and let her voice her own, having him start up a tab for the two of them. A short time later they got their first drinks, Vexus moving them along to find a table. Eventually getting there, he sat and smiled. "Finally, huh?" he said, raising his glass to her.
Tamsin had no idea what she wanted, but she followed along anyway, sticking close to Vexus with her hand in his, letting cut a path through the people. She felt more than a little crowded, there were probably more people in this club than had lived in her entire town, but she tried not to let it make her too nervous. Once they got to the bar she listened as he explained a few things while she looked through the menu, biting her lip a lot. Tamsin finally just picked something that sounded like she might enjoy it, carrying it carefully to a table, glad that the sitting area was a little less crowded.

She smiled at Vexus, lifting her own drink a little before sipping at it curiously, it was a sweet, fruity concoction, Tamsin figuring that was probably the best thing to start out with. She could definitely taste something bitter about it though, which she guessed was the alcohol. It wasn't bad, but it would take some getting used to. “Not bad,” She told him, having to keep her voice raised when she spoke so that he could hear her. She kept drinking, feeling a little awkward, but finding she was enjoying her drink as she got used to the taste of the alcohol.

She finished her drink, a pleasant buzzing already building in the back of her head, smiling at Vexus, “Hmmm, I think I feel it,” she chuckled softly, obviously a real light weight. That wasn't surprising, considering she was young, pretty small, and that she had never even had a drink before. “Can I have another?” Tamsin asked, looking around for one of the scantily dressed waitresses that were walking around.
Vexus took a drink of his own, a whiskey and cola. A lot of the standard drinks had found their way to both types of life forms, bars and clubs often having two versions of each. It was good, made well with a good mix, he got a few drinks down and set it on the table. As for Tamsin, while it was cliche, he'd assumed she'd go for something like that. Fruity, colorful, lots of flavor to overtake some of the alcohol. A good starter for someone who hadn't had a drink before really.

He chuckled, seeing that she finished it rather quickly, mandibles pulled back in a smile as he laughed. "Liked it, huh? Great," he said, looking up to find a waitress as well. After a few moments he finally got the attention of one, an asari in a very short skirt and low cut top taking his order then leaving to get the two of them another round. He drank at his own to finish it as well, though it wouldn't really affect him as much as Tamsin had been by hers. He'd joined the military at fifteen, he'd been drinking almost since then, age not being much of a factor when you were on the line with other soldiers doing the same. "So where's the job at?" he asked, leaning in close so they wouldn't have to be so loud to hear each other.
Tamsin smiled as he ordered them another round of drinks, tapping her toe gently in time with the music as they waited. She looked at the turian as he asked about her new job, smiling at him and shrugging a little, leaning in to answer him, “It's just some second hand shop. It's like most of the shops, there's not actually anything there, just that kiosk. I'm there to answer questions and give it a 'human' element. My hours will probably be kind of weird at first, but once I'm there for a while hopefully I can get a set schedule.” She didn't really like the thought of missing out on what little time she did get to spend with him because she was working late.

She gave Vexus a bright smile as she stayed leaning in close to him, leaning in just a little more to plant a quick, affectionate kiss to his cheek. It was about then of course that the waitress returned, Tamsin sitting up to accept her drink from the Asari. “Thank you,” she piped happily, sipping at it. “So,” she said loudly, leaning back a little, though not as much so she could still sip at her drink, “Was that the first time you've been shot?”
Vexus nodded as he listened, keeping his head turned slightly to hear her. Clubs were definitely not designed for conversations, even right next to each other they had to lean close to hear the other. Though he wasn't complaining about being close, maybe that was part of the point. "That's awesome, I'm happy for you, I told you it would come together," he said. They'd picked a great human for their element, he thought. She would be great to work with people, help them with whatever they're looking for. "Can't wait to hear about it."

His mandibles were pulled back, smiling as she gave him a kiss. This was nice, even with all the people around they were getting some good time together. He leaned back up as the waitress returned, nodding a thanks and taking his drink. He quickly downed the couple gulps left in his other, letting her take the glass. Tamsin was already sipping at hers, leading him to chuckle. She was certainly taking to it well for her first time drinking. He came back in so they could keep talking, sipping at the drink. "No, actually. Once back in my military days. There was this small insurgent group taking out turian temples on some colony planets and our unit had some intel on where they'd hit next. We got in a firefight and I took one in the leg. Not too bad, just a flesh wound, not enough to give me a limp or anything. I've been pretty damn lucky with my bullet wounds, all things considered," he explained, the story taking his mind back to those days. His hand moved to his leg to where the scar was, grateful that his wounds weren't too serious. "Besides, chicks dig scars, right? I should be thanking them, I needed a few and some good stories. What about you, obviously not gunshots, but anything ever happen back on the farm?"
Tamsin was having a surprisingly good time, she'd thought she'd feel strange with so many people around, but she felt even less exposed than when they were at the restaurant. There, there had been just enough people for her to really feel the stares, but few enough that there hadn't been much to distract everyone from them. Here though, they were just another couple in a sea of people, no one bothered to take notice of them. She liked the pounding music, and her drink tasted pretty good, so she was having a good time, leaning in to listen to Vexus tell her about the other time he'd been shot, laughing when he mentioned chicks digging scars. “Well I never thought much of them but on you, yeah,” she teased him before sipping at her drink.

When Vexus asked if anything had ever happened to her on the farm she choked a little and laughed hoarsely, coughing a bit before she got her breath back, “Sorry, just made me feel like I was in Green Acres or something with that question. It's an old Earth show about a bunch of country people living in a place called Green Acres.” She cleared her throat softly, “I got hurt plenty, we all ran around outside a lot, but uh, scars?” Tamsin turned a little so he could see the back of her left shoulder, where there was a slightly jagged, faint scar, “I feel out of a tree and onto some farm equipment, ripped my shoulder up pretty bad.” She turned back around and sipped her drink some more, “And then there was the time... oh wait, no... that's an embarrassing story.”

Her face turned a little red and she laughed nervously, before sighing and shrugging her shoulders, “But what the hell?” She drank a little more from her glass, face still a bit red, “Well, there was this boy that I liked when I was about fifteen, and well, living in a small town, there really wasn't a lot of privacy. So one night we sneaked out to one of the barns to be alone. There was an empty stall but we couldn't get it open so he climbed in and went to help me get in as well.” She stopped to laugh, hiding her face with her hand a little, “I was wearing a dress, and as I was climbing over, he got a little... distracted, and I slipped, and got a nice big scrape and a lot of splinters in my left inner thigh. It wouldn't have scarred if I had gotten it healed properly but we were both too embarrassed to tell anyone so it never got looked at properly...”
Vexus chuckled. "See? Works every time. Even just pretending you have scars," he said back, taking another drink. It was again made well, probably using the good stuff. Nicer places like this tended to, get the most out of the clientele. Might be a bit expensive at the end of the night, but it didn't matter. A fun night out every once in a while was worth it, and he was fine on money. Besides, it was kind of fun to see the effects of it starting to hit her. Blushing more, the bigger laughs, and just at two drinks now.

He grinned as Tamsin choked a bit, his question apparently bringing up some sort of memory. "Well that's what you get when you grow up on a farm, you should know that," he said with a chuckle, keeping leaned in to listen to her own stories. His gaze moved up as she turned, looking at the scar along her shoulder. "Nice one," he said, nodding. While not a good memory, it was nice to hear about her past, where she came from and grew up. Maybe he could hear some better stories later.

"Embarrassing, huh? Then all the better to tell it," he said, a bit surprised she was actually going through with telling it. Perhaps another sign of the drinks taking their effect? Either way, she was going ahead with it, and he was glad to listen. Vexus couldn't help but laugh as she told it, quite the unique place to get a scar. "So I'm guessing you won't be willing to show off that one then?" he teased with a chuckle. Yup, good night.
Tamsin's face turned bright red at his teasing question about showing in that scar. Anyone who knew they were married without knowing the actual circumstances of their marriage would think she was very strange for getting embarrassed over her husband teasingly asking to see a scar on her inner thigh. And even knowing their circumstances she still felt a little silly for turning shy and flustered, he was her husband after all, but still, she couldn't help it. “Well, I...” she was was refusing to make eye contact right then, but then forced herself to do so, looking at him, a bit of a glint to her blue eyes, “You'll see it one day I'm sure.”

She leaned away from Vexus, sipping her drink, which was almost gone, her face still red, cheeks burning with how hard she was blushing, “Not exactly something appropriate to show off there though,” she laughed, before changing the subject. “So, how many more drinks do I have to get in you before you'll join me in making complete fool of ourselves on the dance floor?” Tamsin asked him with a grin.
Vexus just laughed as she got flustered and red, taking a sip of the drink. It had just been him teasing, maybe a bit of the alcohol after two whiskeys and not much food on the stomach. Still, they were married, so the topic was something that would come up, he was treading lightly considering the circumstances of everything that had happened. Still fun to tease her about it though. At her comment, his mandibles did pull back into a smirk. A tease right back at him, but at that look in her eyes he couldn't help but get a little glad to hear it.

Still, he chuckled again at her face, red as it could be. Embarrassed but having fun, pretty much how he'd planned the night would go. "Right, probably illegal too. We'd have to ask a cop," he said. Afterward she brought up the dance floor, Vexus gave a nod and knocked back the few more sips that were in his glass. He might stand to have a little more in him before making an ass of himself, but what the hell? She'd been embarrassed enough with their conversation, he might as well join her. "I think I'm just buzzed enough to be all right with it. Shall we?" he said, offering his hand before they stood to move through the crowd once more.
Tamsin was a little surprised when he suggested they could go dance now, not having expected that. She'd thought they could have another drink or two first but well, she'd brought it up, so she couldn't exactly refuse. So she took Vexus' hand, standing up and following him through the crowd. She felt nervous all over again, her heart beating a little faster in her chest as they headed for the dance floor. She could hear it pounding in her ears, or maybe that was the bass from the music, she wasn't entirely sure. Either way, Tamsin found herself finally on the dance floor with Vexus, feeling very awkward and nervous.

There were enough people that she found herself pressed in very close to Vexus, she leaned up close to his ear so he could hear her speak, still having to raise voice even then. “I think I might have needed a few drinks to do this,” she half-joked, her face having turned a little red all over again. Why in the world had she suggested this? She should have just stuck with being teased about suggestive scars. Tamsin was far from brave, or even very bold, she'd never really danced before except for at a few small town parties but that was a completely different kind of dancing from this far more primal, energized indulgence that everyone else was partaking in.
Vexus probably could have used another couple of drinks as well, but decided that if he waited and drank until he had no reservations about it, they might not be physically able to do it. So, might as well get to it. Maybe he'd turn out to be a prodigy and just be amazing at it? That happened all the time, his odds had to be pretty good. Moving them through the people, he kept close to her, telling himself that it would be fine. No one would pay attention to them anyways, they'd just be doing their own thing and couldn't care less about an awkward, inter-species couple with poor moves that didn't know what they were doing.

It seemed very sudden, they were moving through the crowd to the dance floor, and then they were just there. Bodies were all around them, moving with the lights and beat of the music, some seeming actually coordinated, others just moving and grinding with a partner or whoever they were by. It caused him to make sure Tamsin was close, that she wouldn't get pulled out and dragged away in the sea of strangers, if only to keep some other guy from doing...whatever that drell seemed to be doing...with her. "Don't worry, if anything, people will pay more attention to the stiff, awkward turian trying to not hit anyone than they will you, so there's that," he said, smirking. He took in the music, the backing rhythm, the downbeat to move with, trying to see what others were doing and just doing his best to follow along.
Tamsin couldn't believe she had actually suggested they go dance, she wasn't drunk enough for this! But what the hell, it wasn't like he was going to divorce her for being a terrible dancer, and he'd never danced before either. She supposed it would, if nothing else, be a funny story to tell one day, how they made complete fools of themselves on the dance floor. Of course, all that was well and good, actually swallowing her pride and doing it was another manner. She glanced around, trying to see what everyone else was doing, but that just embarrassed her even more. She didn't know if she was comfortable doing that in public, especially consider she and Vexus hadn't even done anything in private either.

She stepped back a small bit, frowning a little, “I don't think I'm up for this,” she told him, having to shout to be heard over the music, “Let's just head back to our table and have a few more drinks.” Another step, and she felt some one grab her arm. It wasn't a hard grip, but it was still firm enough to be clearly done on purpose, not an accidental or passing touch.

Tamsin looked over quickly to see a handsome young human grinning at her, then grinning at Vexus, “Yeah man, just head back to the table, she can dance with me instead.”
That thought was basically how Vexus felt. It was something to try, something to laugh about later. They had a couple drinks in them, so what the hell? He could have done with a couple more, but might as well get it out and done with while they could. Everyone else seemed to be having fun. Maybe that's how it happened, you were supposed to pretend like you were having fun because everyone else was, because they thought everyone else was. A vicious cycle. Still, there he was, moving to the powerful bass of the music, trying to find some sort of rhythm before too many people noticed how bad they were.

Then she moved away slightly, causing him to cock his head, stopping his "dancing." Vexus nodded, seeming they would be throwing in the towel. Bit of a disappointment, he was just starting to get the hang of it, wasn't he? If she wanted to head back though, that was fine. It was all fine until the guy grabbed her arm. The plates near his eyes slid close, narrowing his vision. He took the few steps over to them, shaking his head. "No, I don't think that's going to happen, pal. I'd take your hand off her."
The man scoffed loudly at the turian's demand, “Get off it plate face!” He growled, still holding onto Tamsin's arm, “The lady said she doesn't want to dance with you!”

“No I didn't!” Tamsin growled, suddenly elbowing the man in the side, making him let her go and stepping back close to Vexus. He tried to grab her again but she managed to slip away quick enough, glaring as she tucked herself under the turian's arm and against his side. “He's my husband you moron!” She snapped, her eyes shooting daggers at the other man.

“Husband?” The man growled incredulously, still holding onto his side, trying to hide how much the girl's jab had hurt.

Tamsin held up her hand with the ring on it, “Yeah, husband.” She glared at him, before adding, “And he's a C-Sec officer so if you've got any brains you'll back off.”
While his face remained angry, in fact his scowl growing, a tiny part of him was happy to hear the insult, that this guy was truly a jerk. It meant he got to put this punk in his place. Or he would have, if Tamsin hadn't done it for him. She hit him in the side, the man letting go of her arm. She moved close to him, his own arm instinctively going around her and holding her close. "Yeah, husband, so not much interest in random assholes at the bar," he said. His body turned a bit, putting him between the two.

He was lucky she'd been able to slip under his arm quickly, and that he'd missed the second attempt. If he'd grabbed her again, this wouldn't have ended well. His mandibles pulled up a bit, smirking some as she threatened him with Vexus's job. "Move on, try not to bother anyone else. Come near her again and the only action you're going to get is from your cellmate," he said over the music, waving him off and walking with Tamsin away, back to the table area. "Sorry for that, assholes wherever you go. So, get another drink?"
Tamsin glared out from under her husband's arm as the turian followed up her threat with one of his own that made her smirk at the other man triumphantly, feeling bold enough to flip him off as they walked away. She stuck close to Vexus, her arm around him, glad that that guy hadn't pressed the issue, she knew that it could have very well seemed like she was lying about him being a C-Sec officer but it would be believable considering how many of them were turians. And while she would love nothing more than to see that guy put in his place, she didn't particularly want Vexus to end up having to work on their date. That would kill the mood faster than that jerk had.

So she smiled at Vexus as he mentioned getting another drink, “Yeah, let's do that, maybe a couple more and I'll have the guts to actually dance,” she laughed, smiling up at him. She walked with him back to their table, which was still open though their glasses were gone, and they no sooner sat down than a salarian swung by, asking them if they wanted something to drink. Tamsin told him to just bring her something strong, deciding that if she was going to dance she'd probably need to have a lot of liquid courage in her system.
While turning the night into work and having to arrest the guy would basically ruin their fun, a small part of Vexus would enjoy it. One, putting the guy in his place, walking him out past any friends or other random girls he'd tried to hit on, and two, he hadn't done any real police work in a while. Reports and paperwork until he was back up to snuff, until the wound was healed. This was much better though, he'd much rather spend the rest of the night with Tamsin than have a few moments to get back to book someone and spend the rest of the night at the station. He kept her close as they moved back to the table, also surprised that it was open still. They hadn't been gone long, but in a place like this people were like vultures when it came to an empty table.

"Right, another couple of drinks and we'll go for round two. If we aren't aware we're embarrassing ourselves, it's like it never happened," he said, looking to the salarian that came for their glasses and getting their next order. Deciding to change it up, Vexus went with a beer this time, the salarian nodding heading away to get that and something strong for her. "I've got to keep in mind that having a hot wife means other guys are going to try to hit on you, live and learn, I suppose."
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