Icing in my Life(Avengers)Moon/Krystal

Krystal chuckled. "It is, it really is. He's a lot like you." She said, smiling at him. Krystal nodded at his next few comments before she chuckled at him, smiling. "Its true. I did enjoy fighting back then, but I was much better at healing. I could never take orders very well." She said, cuddling into him sadly "I wish you could have met him onyx. He would have loved you, and not just because you're Stevie's best friend." She said sadly, silently crying into his shoulder. Krystal moaned out loudly, the pleasure comforting her, but if Phil had seen her like this he probably would have freaked out. He had always treated her like a daughter. She didn't let that bother her, instead focusing on the boys. Krystal pouted. "Onyx.. you don't have to use those! I'd prefer you get me pregnant!" She said with a small smirk, watching her fiancee give her boyfriend head. "That.. might be one of the sexiest things I've ever seen." She commented, just watching.

"True. Krystal doesn't much show how she feels." He said with a sigh, cuddling into Loki. "The violin? Ask bucky. He'll help teach you." He added, smiling as he kissed his head.he loved cuddling with Loki. He fit so well with him.

JJ moaned as tony thrust into him, knowing how much that made tony hot. It made him almost as hot as it made him to hear tony whimper. "Oh tony! Yes! Such a good kitten! God I love you tony!" He moaned out, feeling tony drop his load. He knew this time would be the time he'd get pregnant. Oh, he couldn't wait to have a child with tony.
Bucky smiled a little and gave her a slow and gentle kiss, trying to ease her pain before he froze and stared at her, eyes wide, stunned. "okay." Thor agreed with a shrug. "Thor! you can't just agree to that!" Bucky protested, flushing hard. "i mean... that's not..." "why ever not? if she desires to bare our offspring, then she should be allowed. do you not love her?" "of course i do!" "what better way to cement that love than to create life with one another?" "....uh..." Bucky blinked and realized that he was following outdated human laws again. "...i'm not sure i'm safe to be around a baby...." he whispered before smirking at her. "of course it is. Thor stop trying to hold back, i like having my face fucked." "by all the nine and the unholy." Thor hissed, gripping Bucky's hair tightly and thrusting obediently.

Loki blinked, surprised. "Bucky plays the Violin?" he asked, blinking a little. "interesting." he muttered, his head tilted a little as he snuggled the other.

Tony mewled eagerly as he heard the other moaning, his hips thrusting faster and harder. as best as he could being that he was still tied up. "yes. JJ. please... oh god!" he moaned as he shuddered, flooding JJ with his seed, panting hard as he hung limp in the ropes. exhausted and sated. "...I love you." he whispered. it wasn't something Tony said often, because he was always terrified of loosing the people he loved. he tried to say it to JJ though, as often as he could manage. more worried about JJ leaving than he was of loosing the other.
Krystal kissed him back, the contact easing her pain a little, though she really did miss her philly. He had always been there for her, even as a child. She had never known a time where he was not there for her. Krystal chuckled at their argument. "Onyx, its not taboo to be pregnant when you marry anymore. Besides, JJ's been bugging me for siblings since I was 17. He's quite adamant about it actually..." she said, simply watching bucky suck Thor off. It was beyond sexy. So much so, she could feel herself getting wet again.

Steve nodded. "Yeah, he does. He's really good at it too. Krys says he played the violin for her on the moon a lot." Steve said, smiling. He kissed the top of Loki's head. "Yes, I suppose it is a little known fact. I'm sure Krys still has his old violin. If you ask him about it, I'm sure he'd play." Steve added, cuddling closely.

JJ smiled, pulling off tony and letting the other down, moving them to the bed as he tenderly kissed tony. "I love you too, tonykins." He said, smiling as he got the salve out of the bedside table, rubbing it anywhere he knew the other needed it. The nickname was something he had actually picked up from his mother, but he knew tony didn't mind it when he called him that. It was a lover vs friend thing he supposed, cuddling into tony. "I promise you love, I'll never leave, no matter what. I love you." He said, slipping a metal ring on Tony's finger, on his right hand. "This is a promise. As long as we wear these, we'll always be together, no matter what." JJ explained, tenderly kissing tony again.
Bucky fidgeted a little, not certain he wanted another child when he hadn't even gotten to know JJ... well, he'd let Thor go first, then she'd have his baby and Bucky could help raise the baby instead of the little thing being actually dependent on him. ease into it or something. "well... okay." Bucky muttered as he went back to letting Thor fuck his throat. he'd missed that quite a bit. "you go first." Bucky ordered when Thor finally pulled away, panting. the Thunder god chuckled and turned his attention to Krystal, pulling her into a kiss as he slipped two fingers into her to make sure she was wet and open enough.

Loki smiled. "i'd like to learn." he agreed with a smile as he watched Steve rest. amazed that he could feel so content and happy. he'd never felt like that before. never.

Tony smiled as he was let down, his legs like limp rubber bands as he made his way to the bed, ignoring the cum dripping down his thighs. "i'm going to yell at your mother for that." he muttered, as he always did. protesting simply to protest. he hummed, relaxing into the aftercare and smiled a little as he hear JJ promise to never leave. Tony knew better, but he liked the effort. and then he realized there was a ring on his finger and he jerked straight into a sitting position, face pale and a shocked expression on his face. "what?! you. are you really?! but i'm. you can't. i'm not!..." he stuttered, certain that JJ didn't really know what he was doing. "i'll be old JJ! in like, ten years i'll be old and you won't love me anymore!" he protested. "you can't promise me this!" he whispered, burying his face in the others chest even as he covered the ring, as if worried JJ might try to take it away. he wanted it, so bad. he wanted to be JJ's husband forever, but Tony was also so afraid that he would get old and wrinkly and dumb and JJ wouldn't love him anymore.
Krystal nodded. "Good. Now stop being paranoid Onyx. You'll do fine." She reassured, knowing he was freaking out about being a dad again and his metal arm and things like that. Which to her was stupid, because she knew that he was gonna do fine. She was clairvoyant. She saw things before they happened. Krystal kissed Thor back with vigor, moaning into it as he stretched her withe his fingers. She slipped the condom off, and made a bottle of lube appear in her hand, rubbing it onto his cock, knowing he'd like the hand job, but also so he slid better into her pussy.

Steve smiled, wrapping his arms around the thinner man. "Bucky will help teach you, and we'll play the piano and violin together for as long as you'll have me. I'm quite unsure if this serum will let me age or die, even." He said with a chuckle before adding. "Besides, if I do age, Krys will just make me some potion and I'll be young again." He said, kissing the other's neck. teve blushed. All this closeness to Loki had given him a boner.

JJ sighed a little. "Anthony Edward stark, how many times do I have to tell you I love you and won't leave for it to get through your thick genius head!" He said in exasperation before he chuckled. "Tony, I want to marry you. Have a family with you, everything." He added, before he smirked, pulling the other in for a kiss. "Stop worrying about aging. Mom has that covered already. Your choice. Aging potion once a year, which may or may not temporarily turn you 11, or needle injections with her or my blood. The needle injection is quicker and works better though." He said, knowing Tony would probably take the potion, only because he knew how much his boyfriend hated needles.
he shook his head and refrained from commenting. he knew the truth even if she didn't. he would make a terrible father. he couldn't be trusted around such a helpless little thing. Thor eagerly groaned as he felt her hand on his thick shaft, removing his lips from hers only long enough to place them on her neck instead, kissing and licking and sucking as he slid his fingers out, and his cock in, sliding into her slowly and carefully. he was a big man after all, and she was so tiny. he knew what could happen if your where a mite too vigorous during sex. the last thing he wanted was to tear Krystal in some unfortunate and painful place or even break his own cock as he had done once before he truly knew what he was doing. that had been very, very painful.

Loki smiled a little and nodded. "you play the Piano?" he asked softly. "will you play for me sometime?" he asked hopefully before he blinked. "she can do that?" he asked, blinking a little before he smiled as he was kissed. it was a shame he was still too weak and sore for sex.

Tony paused at the use of his full name and stared at the other, wide eyed and a little shocked before he smiled sheepishly. JJ had helped Tony a LOT with his self esteem issues, but they where still there. Tony had never gotten over the blatant betrayal from his mother, the verbal and mental abuse from his father and the horror of everything that had led to his becoming Iron Man and after. he still had his moments where he honestly doubted every good thing he had in his life. "sorry JJ." he whispered as he tucked himself into the other. "you're not getting anywhere near me with a needle. i can handle being eleven for a while." well, no he couldn't, but he was hoping he wouldn't remember it.
Krystal rolled her eyes. He was being so paranoid for no reason. It kinda hurt actually, considering she knew they'd both get her pregnant tonight. To her, he was still bucky, metal arm or not. Besides, she could always magic him up a real arm if she thought that would ease his worries somewhat. She smirked as Thor started to moan to the feeling of her hand job, enjoying hearing him on her her lips. She pouted a little as he stopped kissing her, but moaned again as he started to lick and suck at her neck, her nails digging into Thor's back one eyes going wide as he put his cock into her pussy. "Fuck Thor, that feels good!" She moaned, gripping at the thunder god's shoulders as he thrust, moaning loudly, almost screaming out his name.

Steve smiled. "Of course. I'll be honored. I'll bring you down to my suite in the tower tomorrow and play for you then, how does that sound?" He asked, nuzzling at Loki's neck. He chuckled soft into Loki's ear. "Course she can. Kryes is a master with potions. She's shown me her magic books before. She's got thousands of them in her mansion. I bet if you ask her, she'd bring you some you probably haven't read." Steve commented, snuggling into the other. He liked being so close to Loki. Shame he was still healing.

JJ pouted a little. "You should be." He said, pulling tony in closer to him as he pressed a kiss to the manic genious's head, chuckling a little. "I figured you'd take the potion. I'll have mom make some up in the morning. My sister will be here in the morning. Mom's finally got the time tell uncle Steve about his daughter." He said, softly stoking and playing with the brunettes hair, chuckling a little. While JJ and sarah weren't related by blood, he was as close to as if she were. JJ was about 6 moths older than her though. He couldn't wait to see steve's reaction. Poor Steve was going to be shaken for sure. JJ chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll have Jarvis tape his reaction so you can watch, tony." He said, knowing his lover would enjoy that.
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