Icing in my Life(Avengers)Moon/Krystal

Thor smiled. "it is good to stay in practice." he stated simply. "i meet many humans and i would not want to break one on accident." he admitted. "i have known Krystal a very long time, and Onyx as well. i could tell you verily a many stories they would probobly wish i never spoke of again." Thor admitted, his eyes glittering playfully. "what are those?" Bucky asked, picking up the books, his head tilted. "oh..." he whispered, amazed at the pictures inside of them. "one book for each life?" he guessed. "that's impressive." he admitted as he flipped through one half-heartedly, simply to do something with his hands as he smiled. "thank you JJ." he whispered, looking at the other. "oh come on! why does everyone take her side! that's not fair!" Tony complained, sulking before he blinked. "...JJ used to change my diapers?... that's... creepy." Tony admitted, looking a bit weirded out. "nah. you have your mothers face." he admitted with a smile. "you look just like her, you really do." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "i'm sorry. i'm still a bit... out of sorts from the mind thing." he admitted, shaking his head. "yeah. it took Clint a few days to recover from the mind control too." Tony admitted as he came back with a tray of everyone's favorite drink. "just take it easy for a few days." Tony suggested. "you have tons of people to help you." he promised with a smile.

Loki settled into Steve like he belonged there, and maybe he did. "i might need a chair." he admitted, shaking his head. "but i can go out." he admitted with a smile. "i just won't be able to walk around too much. but your a good, strong man right?" he asked. "you could push me in my wheelchair." he mused as he blinked. "why should you being attracted to men mean anything?" in the culture he'd grown up in, love was love no matter the gender. they didn't really have words for differences in attraction, though Loki had been on earth long enough to know that people seamed to think some loves where not as 'right' as others. "Humans are weird." he admitted.
JJ smiled back. "Yes, I suppose you are right" he said, his eyebrow piquing at Thor's comment about stories. He would have to ask him to tell him some at some point. His mother had told him many stories of silver millennium, but he was curious about ones Thor could tell. It would be interesting to hear it from another point of view. JJ smiled again as he saw his father pick up one of the books. "More or less. I'm glad you're enjoying them." He told his father with a smile, chuckling at his boyfriends antics. "Because we like her better. Now go make some hot drinks." He said with a smirk, kissing tony softly but passionately. He planned to ravage him later. JJ looked at his father, smiling a little. "Do I really?" He asked, nodding at Bucky's confession of still not being quite right after the mind control. Krystal simply raised an eyebrow. She had another theory, but she kept it to herself. When Thor returned to his rooms, she would confront him about her hunch, provided he wasn't crashing to hard to be yelled at.

Steve pulled Loki in as close as he thought her could, and laid back on the bed. "Yes, I can push you around, even carry you if you prefer. We should plan on going out soon. You seem kind of stir crazy." He said with a smile, stroking the others hair. Some soft jazz music can be heard in the room, and Steve kisses Loki's head. "Yes, humans are weird. When I was a young man, being gay got you killed. Now its more widely accepted, but me, the symbol of all american goodness being gay? That probably won't go over very well." He admitted with a sigh, realizing just how stupid all that hipocrasy really was. "Someday, I hope that earth takes on a more aeser look on love." He mused, giving Loki a tiny peck on the lips.
Thor smirked a little and nodded at JJ, promising he would tell those stories even if he had to sneak around to do it. mostly because he liked to annoy his lovers and because he wanted JJ to like him. "we could look at them together." Bucky decided with a smile. "i don't remember much." he admitted with a shake of his head. "all that time on the ice fried my long term memory." he admitted. "the Doctor thinks my memories will come back with time, but i was never very patient." he admitted with a shrug. "but i give you Sex!" Tony protested. "and awesome toys! i do!" he complained even as he headed off, Bucky snorting. "is he always like that?" he asked curiously. "usually." Thor admitted with a chuckle. "he is, as he says 'providing comic relief', but honestly i think he just doesn't like it when we get emotional." Thor admitted with a chuckle. "yeah. you really do." he admitted with a smile as he tugged on JJ's hair gently. "i'm sorry about you're hair though, i bet it never lays flat. that's mine. i used to hate it." he admitted with a chuckle. "Steve used to threaten me with a pair of scissors anytime it got longer than an inch, because it just wouldn't behave."

he smiled a little. "well. i wouldn't mind being carried, but it would get uncomfortable after a while." he admitted. "i'm always stir crazy. it bugs me that i can't do anything." he grumbled. "i mean, i can read a book, but i want to do something that involves moving. like baking." he admitted before he smiled. "hmm. Jazz. i like Jazz." he admitted as he snuggled into the other. "i suppose." Loki admitted. "...besides... Aeser's are just as bigoted as Humans are. they can't stand you if you're not a full blooded Aeser. half breeds and demi gods are scorned, or even outright loathed." he admitted. "humans are just clever apes to most of them, and Thor get's a lot of shit back home for being such good freinds with 'clever monkeys'. that's why he almost always stays here on Midgard. because he can't stand the hypocrisy and bigotry. especially when nearly all of it is aimed at me and the people Thor loves and adores." Loki admitted. "the Vanir are about the only species in known existance that cares nothing for your name, your breeding stock or your sexual orientation." he admitted, shaking his head.
JJ smiled at his father. "That sounds like a good idea, dad" he told him, fingering his hair a little. His mother had always thrust upon him products to keep his hair tame, and he had to admit, they worked, though if Krystal had picked them out, they tended to smell like cherry blossoms. She had always had an unhealthy obsession with the scent after living in japan so long. Krystal smiled and looked to her son. "I make sure to give him the best hair care products money can buy. He and tony use it like water." She said with a chuckle, remembering the time iron man had accidentally mistaken her bleaching solution for the shampoo. He was blonde for months after that. It was one of the more amusing things tony had done. Krystal only had the bleach around because she had wanted to put streaks of light blue in her hair. It hadn't lasted more than a day though, because once she transformed into her senshi uniform, her hair reverted back. Krystal put it up at number 3 on her annoying scale.

JJ chuckled at his lover as he slapped his ass playfully. "Hmm, yes. You do. Is that assof yours ready for the missile?" He questioned, licking his lips. He had inherited both his parents snarkiness and appetite for sex. JJ had a plan though. He smirked wickedly, whispering into Tony's ear. "Why don't you go to our bedroom, strip naked, and wait for me with the blind fold and gag." He softly whispurred, running his fingers down Tony's body teasingly. Tony wouldn't know what hit him tonight. Both their endorphins would be at an ultimate high. Krystal giggled a little at JJ's antics, remembering the night she had stayed over and heard tony and JJ going at it. She hadn't realized though that it was her son! That morning she had ran into JJ in the kitchen, as she was sipping her tea. She had no idea he had been ton's bed partner that night, or any other night for that matter. JJ smirked a bit, giving Tony's ear a quick nibble before watching him walk away. "You better do it, tony!" He called seductively before smiling back at his parents and Thor. He hugged them. "I'll see you guys later." And with that, he disappeared out the door, heading for he and Tony's room. Krystal chuckled a little. "He's just like you onyx mi'love. Now, Thor dear, I'd like to speak to him alone. Would you mind?" She asked with an angelic smile, planting a feverish kiss on the thunder gods lips. Neither Thor nor Bucky could have guessed she was about to confront him about his using.

Steve smiled and gave Loki a kiss in the head. "Good to know. After tony is through defiling my nephew I'll ask him to build you a foldable wheelchair. One that can be stored in a bag and carried over my shoulder or attached to the very back of my Bike. Would you like riding with me on the motorcycle?" He asked curiously, wondering about what the godling liked and disliked. He was however, pleased to know Loki enjoyed jazz music. That was certainly something he could relate to. He stroked the other's hair gently as he was cuddled into. "I can understand that. I like baking too. Doing it from scratch is very rewarding. Back in the 30's, when I was still a pipsqueak asthmatic, Penguin and I used to stay up as long as we could baking. Bucky came home at a late hour, so we had to make sure there was good hot food for him. He worked hard for us. Bucky's like the brother I never had." He admitted, smiling at the old memories of burning his hand on krystal's fresh made cookies and Bucky coming home and them all eating and then curling up together in the king sized bed. He had lived in simple times. He snapped from his reverie as he intently listened to what else Loki had to say. "Well, perhaps we need to become more like Vanir." He stated, making a mental note to Google it later. He was curious about Loki's history, and wondered how much of it was truth. He decided he would ask him at some other point. He didn't think Loki wanted to remember, and he didn't blame him one iota.
Bucky smiled a little. "does she get you Cherry Blossom scented hair products too or has she outgrown that?" Bucky asked as he ran his fingers through his own hair. even while on the Ice and unable to remember, he had always adored the smell of Cherry Blossoms, now he remembered why. "you've got Tony using it now?" Bucky asked, looking amused. "well at least he'll fit in well." he admitted with a chuckle before wrinkling his nose at Tony.

"it's always ready for the missile." he teased with a smirk. he was always ready to have sex, he wasn't called the richest Nympho in the world for nothing. "....fuck JJ!" he gasped, sounding stunned, he was always a little shocked when the sweet gentle JJ said such filthy things. it made his blood boil with lust. he turned and sprinted down the hall, wondering if he could find a way to tie himself up? he'd have to build a machine for that. "that was kind of creepy." Bucky admitted with a chuckle as Thor nodded. "of course not!" Thor chirped, kissing her back. "i will go to the kitchen and make us all Poptarts!" he decided as he headed off, Bucky lifting an eyebrow. "...Poptarts?"

Loki chuckled a little. "i think you're nephew is the one doing the defiling actually." he admitted with a chuckle. "that would be great actually." he admitted with a chuckle. "....uh... that's the thing that goes really fast without doors right?" Loki asked, looking extremely skeptical. "...how do you keep from falling off?" he asked. Loki didn't really like Cars, buses, trains, planes, or motorcycles. they freaked him out. he'd ride it, but he doubted he'd like it much. "it would be nice." he admitted as he yawned. "sorry... i'm tired again." he admitted as he leaned against Steve, closing his eyes for another nap. "...thank you." he muttered after a moment. what exactly he was thanking Steve for though was a mystery.
Krystal chucked. "Yeah. I just love my cherry blossoms. You know that buckeye." She said with a smile, looking to the now former winter soldier. Now he was just her Onyx again, and that's the way she liked it. Never again would he have to kill unless it was necessary, and all the avengers had pretty much accepted him, particularly Natasha, who had worked with him when he was winter. He had trained her actually, though Krystal was unsure if he knew that or not. She laughed a little. "Of course. He's one of those men who enjoys using woman's hair care. Keeps his hair from being to spiky when he showers." She said, contemplating how she would confront him about his using. She had to go about this delicately, or he might never forgive her, which she couldn't bear.

Krystal chuckled. "Well bucky, he is your son. You bisexual flirt." She said, amused at her son's antics. He was good for a laugh here or there. Tony had always been a bad influence though JJ had been having sex much longer than tony. It was actually quite hilarious to think there was someone out there who had gotten laid more times than the tony stark. Krystal smiled at Thor. "Thank you Thunderball. And make mine blueberry please?" She asked with a smile, watching him walk away and giggling at Bucky's funny expression. "They're a type of pastry you put in the toaster. You'll like them." She told him with a smile, walking over and cuddling into him. She took in a sharp breath, and then exhaled. "So, how long have you been shooting up? And don't lie. You know Loki taught me how to tell." She said, a mischevious smirk on her face to tell him not to panic. She was aware, and she'd help him through whatever it is that caused him to start. She hugged him close to her. "I'm here for you, Onyx. Always." She whispered kissing his head gently.

Steve chuckled. "Oh, believe me Loki, its both with those two. JJ's as bad an ass whore as tony." He said, a smile gracing his face. When Loki asked about the motorcycle, Steve simply nodded. He smiled again. "Its a lot like riding a whose or some other large animal. You use your balance to stay on." He explained, a twinkle in his eye. He did so love his bike, but If Loki didn't, he'd be happy to drive the vintage Packard Krystal had got him. It did have modern conveniences, but they were simple enough that Steve could understand. He smiled wider as Loki agreed. "I'll take you out sometime when you're feeling better." He said, stroking the godlings hair softly and singing a lullaby Krys had written when she was pregnant with JJ. "Its okay, don't apologize. Just sleep love" he told him softly, smiling as he was thanked. He sang softly until Loki fell asleep, and then he too settled in for a nap.
Bucky chuckled a little and nodded. "Cherry Blossoms always made me feel better." he admitted with a shake of his head. "yeah, Stark seams to have gotten his father's hair." Bucky agreed. "poor man." he mused before he smirked a little at her. "hey, i was a man whore and proud of it until i met you. it's good that my son takes after me." he stated, quite pleased that JJ was so much like him. he had a feeling that while JJ had a high sex drive, he was pretty loyal to Tony. "sure thing!" Thor promised as Bucky repeated the request for Blueberry. "i know what a poptart is." he complained, smiling even as he rolled his eyes. "i'm just not sure why he wants them of all things." he admitted before he went stock still, as tense as a concrete block. "..." there was a long pause and then he slowly relaxed as he realized she wasn't angry, upset, but not mad. she wasn't going to yell. "...not sure." he admitted finally. "a while... years maybe. it's hard... the memories... and the ice.. it's hard to be sure." he admitted, chewing on his lip. "i'm not sure how i started or why..." he admitted, swallowing thickly.

Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "well, the Moonfolk have a higher sex drive than most people do." Loki admitted. "JJ might only be half Moonian but he still has the drive of one. and Tony is Tony." he admitted with a smile before he pondered. "well... that doesn't sound so bad. i'm an excellent horse rider, and my skills on a thurrin are par none." he admitted with a smile. "if i don't like it, i'll just make you push me home in the chair." he decided. "don't leave okay?" Loki mumbled after a moment as he closed his eyes, letting the lullaby sweep him into pleasant dreams.
Krystal smiled a little at that. "Probably reminded you of me, even when you were unable to remember me." She said matter of factly, giving him a kiss on the lips softly. "Onyx, you were always a flirt, even after we got engaged. Sometimes I wonder if you did it just to see me beat people up." She added with a chuckle before smiling at Thor as he left. She cuddled into him, entwining their fingers. She knew he was probably scared she'd yell. Truth be told, she really wanted to, but couldn't bring herself too. Maybe she'd let JJ later, she wasn't sure. "Onyx, I care about you, and the thought of you using scares me. I know how much it would take to keep you going with that metabolism of yours. I just got you back. I don't wanna have to loose you again." She stated simply, eyes full of pain and on the verge of tears. She looked at him, taking in his words, using the contact to look into his memories. She shuddered a little at seeing all the things he was subjected to as winter. They had made him addicted, more or less. "I think that a little bit of bucky still lived in winter, and that piece wanted to forget, so you turned to cocaine." She stated, her theory probably pretty correct. She knew him all to well.

Steve chuckled. "You're right about that. But if both his parents are moonian, wouldn't it make him full s they are?" He asked quizzically, making an adorable face. He smiled widened as he was told Loki would try riding the bike. "I think you'll like it. But if not, I'll have Krys drive it back home one wheel you back." He said, knowing that she was the only other person who could drive it, aside from bucky, but he never trusted bucky to drive. He had always been horribly reckless, and would probably crash trying to impress Krystal and Thor. steve smiled and laid a chaste kiss in his love's heade, pullin him in close. "of course I won't loki." he whispeed, settling into a nap after the godling had drifted off.
he nodded. "it makes sense." he agreed before he smiled rather sadly. "was i? i can't remember." he admitted with a shake of his head. "a lot of things are disjointed." he admitted. "it's like a puzzle. you can see a lot of different pieces, but until they're put together you can't really make sense of the picture. it's like i have a hundred million different puzzles all broken up in my head." he admitted before he tensed as he waited for her to yell. when she didn't, he was thrown off a little. "it's alright, i'm in control. i promise. never more than once a day, ever." he promised her. "and neer above a certain limit. i know i have to do that. i've been. it's hard. i try but then..." so he had been tryig to quite, he just couldn't because of the ice, and hydra. who had probobly been dosing him themselves. "i think they tried to kill Bucky." he admitted. "but Bucky was too stubborn to die..."

"no i don't think so. James was human when he and Krystal became mates. so i'm pretty sure JJ is half human." he admitted. "i'm not sure on that though, moonians are very strange even by Asgardian standards. no one knows how a moonian really works except for a moonian. and even then i can't be sure they understand it all." he admitted with a smile. "they are always shifting, always changing, moving." he admitted. "like the wind." it was pretty obvious that Loki had a deep fascination and adoration for the moon people. he wouldn't know it, but the Jotun people often worshiped moonians. Jotun's had no sun, instead it was the moon that gave them life and food, so it only made sense that they would worship people who lived on and one with the moon. "or she could just shadow step me like a sane person." he pointed out. "i know she knows how." he grumbled before he smiled as he tucked himself into Steve and went to sleep, the necklace Stee had given him clutched tightly in his fist as if it would save him from his own darkness.
Krystal looked at him and nodded, kissing him on the lips softly. There was deep concern for her fiancee in her features as she softly stroked his cheek. "I understand, onyx. 70 years is a long time to go without knowing yourself. I can help you quit. I know you want to, and I can help you. No one is gonna dose you unexpectedly. Hydra can't hurt you any longer. They do, and I sick your older brother obsidian on them. Bruce doesn't remember who he was though. I'll get to fixing that after I revive dai and sapphy.' She said with a light chuckle, giving him another kiss on the lips as she cuddled close to him. It had really sucked not having sex. She was a virgin. She chuckled a little to herself, thinking about that. 'Well, I'm horny as hell, and I'm sure you are, cause you always are, so, when Thor comeback, wanna have sex? I've been dying of selibasy, onyx." She pleaded, running her thin fingers down his chest.

Steve smiled and kissed Loki's hair. "I'll ask penguin later then. She'll be able to explain it." He told the other, cuddling into him. Loki's admiration of Krystal and moonians in general was endearing, especially since he knew how much his best friend loved Loki. He was like a brother to her. Steve looked a bit confused at his next comment. "What do you men, shadow stepping, and knowing penguin, probably." He said, agreeing only because he knew Krystal was very talented, not because he understood what Loki was talking about. He smiled a little as Loki fell asleep, cuddling into him as he wrapped his fingers around his boyfriends.

When JJ saw tony kneeling by their bed, he licked his lips. "That's a good boy. Now, stand." He ordered, handcuffing tony to the ceiling before attatching the blindfold. "If you want to tap out, click this pen twice. Understand?" He asked waiting for an answer before stopping and pulling out the whip, a collar and two nipple clips, attaching them to tony as he waited for an answer, not putting the gag on until he heard it. hen he got a great idea, coming back with a fresh new vibrating cock ring, putting it on his lover to stop him from Cummings. A submissive tony was his most favorite thing.
Bucky shrugged. "i don't remember much, about what i did." he admitted softly. "but i remember the pain, and the deaths." he admitted. "i'm not sure i want to quite... it, it makes the pain hurt less..." he admitted, his voice wavering. fearing he would upset her, but unable to lie. not to her, never to her. "...i have a brother? i don't remember that..." he admitted, blinking. "Dai? Saphie?" he asked, looking completely baffled. "are you a necromancer?" lathing onto the one part of the conversation he had somewhat understood. revive. he'd dealt with a Necromancer once. bloody mess that had been. what little of it he could remember had contained a lot, like a very lot, of blood. "....uh... yes." he decided. "i do want to have sex." he agreed, pulling her in for a kiss.

Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "yeah. you ask her." he agreed with a yawn. "Shadow stepping, it's when you use the darkness of shadows to step between the planes light and the planes of shadow. you literally travel around the speed of light because your entire being changes into particles of lighted energy that follows routs carved by the shadows." he explained with a smile. "humans get sick when you transport them that way." he admitted with a snicker. "it takes more magic than i have access to though." he admitted before drifting off.

Tony swallowed eagerly and got to his feet, helping the other to chain his hands, his naked body trembling with the excitement. "yes Master." he breathed as he clicked the pen twice, JJ always insisted he do the action as well, to show he truly understood the Safety out action. he moaned eagerly as he felt the clips clamp tightly onto his sensitive nipples, tipping his head back to make it easier to place the collar in place. he opened his mouth like the good boy he was for the gag, and whined through his nose when the cocking was settled into place. some people could cum even with a cock ring in place. Tony was not one of them.
Krystal nodding, understanding. "JJ will help too. He's a therapist, after all. Course, dating tony, you kinda have to be. Tony suffered some pretty awful abuse when he was captured in Afghanistan a few years ago. Took all JJ had not to utterly kill the ones responsible." She told him, rubbing his back soothingly. Krysyal nodded again before speaking. "Yes. You have 3 brothers. Obsidian, the eldest, aka Bruce banner, Diamond, who's a year older, and sapphire who's a year younger, and no. I'm not a necromancer. Not in the strictest sense anyway. I use part of my blue imperium crystal fuelled quickly replenishable life force to revive those who have died. I'm not entirely sure how it works though. They just kind of appear. Sometimes I do it by accident by thinking about that person to much." A sheepish smile on her face as she explained the last part. !she smirked at him and kissed back, running her hands down his back before she pulled away. "Let's wait for Thor. I don't want either of you to ever feel slighted." She said, smiling at him as she cuddled closely, hoping Thor would show soon, or she might not make it, horny as she was.

Steve nodded. "That's sounds wicked cool. Maybe I could ask Krys to teach me that. The 3 months I was on Leave with her after Bucky's supposed death, her powers well, they kind of rubbed off on me. I thought it only temporary, until I was fighting with hydra and her shield went up around me, despite her being in another country at the time, with no contact to me. I can generate it on command now." He admitted, having not told anyone of that fact, because it was kind of embarrassing. The reason they transferred was because of the serum. Her powers tuck to him in a small dose because of his worthiness. Course, he didn't know this until much later. What he didn't know was that she was hiding a child from him. Well, it wasn't so much she was hiding the child, she just never had a chance to tell him, things even more complicated now that bucky had dropped in their laps. Krystal wasn't her mother biologically, but she was the only mother she had ever known. She was really the daughter of Steve and peggy. Unfortunately, she died in childbirth. Krystal planned on telling him tonight, boy was he in for a surprise!

JJ smirked. "That's a good kitten." He purred into Tony's ear before he bit down on itplacong the gag on his lover's mouth. His smirk widened as he grabbed the whip. But not before adding one more touch. He walked to the freezer, smirking wider as he came back, inserting a opaque pink butt plug in Tony's ass. "You look so pretty tony. All tied up like this." He crooned, running thin fingers all over his lover's body, teasing him before putting the cock ring on the highest it could go. Tony wouldn't be cumming for awhile. JJ cracked the whip on Tony's back, makining it into a double crescent. The same mark he bared. He smiled. "Oh, would the kitten mind if I took a picture, just for me?" He asked, his erecsion throbbing under the heat of what he ward doing to tony. Taking the gag off, he replace it with a new one, smirking. "Suck me." He ordered, looking to his lover expectantly as he showed his foot long member down Tony's throat.
he blinked. "....my son is a crackpot doctor?" back when he was growing up, Therapists where for crackpots. people who where too insane to mingle in polite society. cray people where looked upon with degradation and fear. now, Bucky had never disliked them, he knew they couldn't help it, but they did freak him out a little. he didn't understand that a lot of people went into therapy these days, sometimes just to talk or handle emotional upsets. "Bruce banner is my brother? how come he didn't tell me?" he complained with a frown. Bruce banner didn't know. he hadn't regained his memories. he just thought he was Bruce Banner, a kid whose father ws so fucked up he developed a multiple personality. the second personality which now turned into a hulking green rage monster. "...i have no idea what your talking about." he admitted to her. "but i want to have sex..." he complained. "you brought it up! your being mean." he complained, sulking as he often had back in the days before Hydra. it was an old amusement.

"you where with her when she was pregnant?" he asked with a smile. "bet that was fun." he muttered with a snicker before he smiled at Steve. "Moonians value, above all else, honesty, valor, and values. their magic likes you because you are loyal, brave, and above the work of evil." he admitted. "given that your Serum seams to have a touch of magic to it, it probobly stores and uses moonian magic. i could probobly let you borrow my magic too if i had access to it." he admitted. "it's a good thing. it means that you could easily be welcome in any of the more noble nine realms, and the Vanir themselves would welcome you." he admitted. "it takes a very rare, and noble soul to be able to use mooian magic." he admitted.

Tony whimpered eagerly as he was called Kitten. he always protested it of course, but secretly, he loved it. he groaned as he felt the teeth pinching his ear and he arched into it, wriggling just a little in the hopes for more. he gasped, jerking as the ice cold butt plug slipped inside of him. he'd already prepared himself so it slipped in easily and settled into place, making Tony keen and whine. he squealed, hips jerking as the vibrator turned on, his cock throbbing, trying and failing to cum. Tony had a hair trigger, which was one of the reasons why he loved orgasm denial so much. he cried out at every stroke on his back, trying to beg for more through the gag, but all that came out was whimpers whines and moans as he struggled to hold still so he wouldn't ruin the strokes falling on his back. by the time JJ was done, Tony was lax and limp, sunk deep in his subspace. the place he loved the most. he opened his mouth obediently and took that thick cock to the root, too far into his subspace to register the need to gag. he did swallow though, repeatedly as he sucked, bobbing his head, using his mouth and tongue like the good little cock sucking whore he was. this was what he loved best, giving up all control.
Krystal chuckled. "Yeah. He has two other medical degrees as well. He's also a baby doctor and a normal MD. He probably wanted to impress you, once you were reborn and found me again. Little did we know you were still alive. It still applies in JJ's eyes. He just wants you to be proud off him." She said, smiling at hiim as she kissed his head. Krystal rubbed his back, smiling at him still. "That's because Bruce doesn't remember being Obsidian. I theorize if I give him his sword, it might jog his memory. It was your father's sword. The legendary sword of the black moon legacy. Much like mine. We used to play with it as children." She said, smiling at him and kissing him hard. She drew hearts on his chest before leaving the bed. "I'll be right back. You just sit tight. I'll go get Thor and we'll have all the dirty sweaty sex we want" she purred, kissing him again before walking away and to the kitchen, seeing Thor. She wrapped her arms around the sexy thunder god. "Hey Thunderball. Bucky and I decided we wanna have sex. Come join us?" She aid, smirking innocently, though her eyes showed pure lust for him. She was so damn horny. 7o years was a long time to not have sex, particularly for a moonian.

Steve chuckled. "Yeah I did. It wasn't as long as I expected though because they called me back when the found out hydra's plan. After that, I was frozen for 70 years. I feel guilty I couldn't be there for Krys in that time of need, but it all worked out for the best. I'm sure bucky feels much the same. He missed out on his son growing up" he stated before making his thinking face, cuddling into his boyfriend. It was freeing to even just thinking it. "That makes a lot of sense." He said before his eyes lit up with excitement. "Your magic too? That would be the bees knees! I've always found magic to be quite fascinating.." he added, blushing a little at Loki's praise as he explained why Krystal's magic attached to him. It was very flattering.

Tony's wimpers were arousing his lover more and more, and he was getting close to his limit. His trigger had always been the sounds of tony whimpers. It was cute and yet so sexy the man could just melt. JJ moaned loudly as he played with Tony's hair, pulling at it as the man sucked. "Oh, such a good kitten. Keep on licking, and maybe you'll get some milk." He purred, enjoying the feel of Tony's mouth on his cock. For being a noted playboy of women, tony sure was good at oral. He moaned out one more time, before dropping his load into his lovers mouth, and taking it out. He removed the gag and the butt plug, plunging his thick cock into Tony's cute and tight ass. "No talking, but make as many sounds as you like, kitten." He ordered, stroking the other's cheek as he thrust inside him.
he blinked a little. "that's really impressive actually." he admitted. "i never even finished middle school." he paused. "at least, i don't think i did." he admitted before he smiled. "JJ will always be someone to be proud of, even if he was nothing more than a teacher or a janitor. you raised him as a good and noble man Krys." he admitted with a smile. "he's a good boy... man." he muttered before he blinked. "oh. well. if you think it might work, might as well try it." he agreed with a smile. "i can't imagine that was very safe." he pointed out before he groaned as she traced shapes on his chest. that was just mean. "yeah. you get Thor." he agreed. Thor was struggling to make the toaster work again. it wasn't that he couldn't figure it out, he knew how it worked. it was that what little magic he did have, was enough to make the stupid thing act weird and burn his food or worse, refuse to work. "..." he blinked at her before he nodded, licking his lips. "lead the Way." he purred back, ignoring how the toaster was refusing to heat... and give back his poptart. Tony would fix it later he supposed.

he nodded a little. "do you remember things? from when you where frozen i mean? where you aware, or did you dream or anything?" he asked, sounding rather fascinated. "Asgard has something similar, for if we get hurt too badly." he admitted. "we are put to sleep, very deep, and we know nothing, and we don't dream or nothing, until we're healed enough to not die. then they wake us up." he admitted. "i hate it, so much." he admitted as he shook his head. "Bucky will make up for lost time, he's enamored with his son already." he admitted with a smile. "yes, my magic too. i should have access to it again in a matter of another few weeks." he admitted. "just don't tell Thor." he ordered with a smile. "he'll be annoyed."

Tony whimpered again, well aware of what it did to JJ. sometimes, he stayed as silent as the grave, making JJ work for those delicious sounds. it had been too long since they'd been together for games like that. he moaned as he heard the praise, swallowing and sucking faster and harder, eagerly using every trick he had for a taste of the other. he moaned eagerly as he swallowed every drop, sucking it down before whining as he was told he couldn't talk, wiggling as the plug was removed, panting and gasping, but not talking. because he was a good boy. and not talking, being unable to talk, was something he loved. even if it was only a mental restraint, he loved it. almost as much as he loved feeling the other sinking inside of him, filling him in all the right ways.
Krystal smiled. "It sure is. He has his own practice a few floors down from us. tony completely remolded it for him. I'll show you a little later if you want." She said, smiling at him. She knew that Bucky was proud of his son, but JJ didn't, so she knew he would be constantly trying to make him proud until the supersoldier actually said it. Krystal smiled again. "Thanks bucky. I did my best. It was hard to do it alone, but, Howard helped when he could. I've never understood how he could be so good with JJ and Sarah, and emotionally damage tony the way he did." She said, before taking a breath. "Sarah is my adoptive daughter she's Steve's daughter. Peggy died in childbirth, so she's only known me. The serum keeps her young." She explained, knowing he would be curious. Steve hadn't known he was gay when he slept with Peggy, and even if he had, he wouldn't have admitted it. That was a death sentence back then. Krystal gave Bucky one last kiss before she walked out, chuckling at Thor struggling with the toaster. "You're adorable, you know that?" She stated, getting on her tip toes to kiss him hard. When he agreed, she popped them back to Bucky's room, and she kissed them both smirking as she told Jarvis to put on some music, locked the door, and began to strip slowly, enjoying giving them a show.

Steve nodded. "I wasn't aware of things around me, but I did dream. Mostly about dancing with Peggy and helping Krys with JJ. When I woke up, JJ and Krys were right there for me, helping me ease into life." He said, thinking back. It had been almost 4 years since Loki had attacked, and 5 since he had been found and thawed. It felt so surreal sometimes, being in the 21st century, but at the same time, he loved it. It was fun to discover things in the new world, and Krystal took him to Tokyo a few times. He loved it in japan. It was everything he is. Part of the past in the future. Steve nodded. "Yeah, he is. I can't wait to watch Thor Krys and him explain their relationship to him." He snickered, cuddling into him. He kissd Loki's hair. "Yeah, that'll be fun. No, I won't tell him." He promised, curling up as close to the other as he could.

JJ moaned, the sounds of Tony's whimpering almost putting him over the edge. "Fuck tony. Such a good kitten you are." He moaned out, pulling at Tony's hair. When he pulled out, he heard more whimpers and it was pushing him closer to his limit. he plunged his cock into tony's ass forcefully, growling possessively. "You love it when I don't let you talk, huh kitten? It turns you on" he crooned, running a finger down tony's body, tugging at the nipple clips slightly. He loves the sounds tony makes.
he shook his head. "Howard was obsessive. completely obsessed over Steve. my kid was close to Steve because i was Steve's best freind so he was kind to JJ. Tony wasn't anything like Steve, so Howard had little interest in him." he muttered. "whose Sarah?" he asked curiously. "...Steve had sex?" he asked, looking utterly baffled. "does Steve know he has a daughter?" he asked, more than a little stunned. "she'd have to be right around JJ's age... Steve was frozen just a few months after i was i think..." he admitted. "so he must not know. not unless you told him already?" he asked, looking a touch concerned. Steve wasn't going to handle that well. not at all. Thor huffed. "i am most NOT adorable... the stupid Toaster is at fault again!" he complained, distracted as he was kissed and dragged back tot he bedroom, Bucky snickering as he watched Thors slightly dazed expression. "she is that amazing, yes." he agreed as Thor blinked.

he blinked. "you dance?" he asked, looking rather eager. "i love dancing." he admitted with a smile before he studied the other. "you slept for a long time..." he admitted. "it must have been hard to adjust to this new century... all these new, weird things..." he muttered, shaking his head before he snorted. "i doubt JJ will be surprised." he pointed out. "seriously though, don't tell Thor. he doesn't know i can degrade the bindings." he admitted as he tucked himself into the other with a yawn. "Odin will do bad things if he finds out." he mumbled.

Tony mewled eagerly as his hair was yanked. he loved that, so much. his head was very sensitive, a few scratches and a couple of yanks and he was instantly in the mood for anything. and when JJ talked to him like that... he whined eagerly as he was fucked hard and talked to, gasping as he tried to nod, making as many sounds as he could, egging JJ on, eager for more, gasping hard, arching as his nipples where tormented, crying out as he tried to thrust himself backwards, his ass clenching tightly, making rather desperate sounds. he wanted to cum, so badly. he couldn't though, the ring prevented it, no matter how desperate he was getting. he both hated, and loved it when JJ was mean like this.
Krystal looked to bucky. "That's true. He was rather obsessive. When JJ got older, I worried that Howard would try raping him, or Sarah. He got really drunk once at one of his parties and did. I wanted to kill him for hurting JJ, but I didn't, because tony had to be born first, and JJ wouldn't let me. He took it all in stride." She said, looking to bucky before nodding. "Yeah. He had sex. Peggy was about 2 months along just before I had JJ. Sarah's about 6 months younger than him. No, he doesn't know. We've been so busy, I've never had a spare moment alone with him to tell him, and fury's to scared of me to tell him himself. That's why you were able to stay with us. I threatened him pretty good." She said with a smirk, giving him a kiss. "You'll meet Sarah soon. I told her to come to the tower. Tony's been wanting to see her." She added, walking away and to Thor. "Yes you are, and I know its the toaster, Thunderball." She giggled, pulling him to Bucky's room and then proceeded to strip, smirking at them. "Okay, who wants me first?" She asked, now wearing nothing at all, her hair down like the like it.

Steve nodded. "I do, a little. I'm not very good though. I'm sure you'll give me some pointers? We'll have the band play something slow." He said, cuddling into his lover. He sighed a little at type next comment. "At first it was, but Krys and JJ were with me very step of the way. JJ sometimes talks about a girl named Sarah, though. I sometimes wonder if JJ's bi.the way he talks about her so fondly." He replied, before laughing. It was true, JJ probably wouldn't be. He knew his mother all to well. "I promise I won't, Loki. Unless something happens to you again, my lips are sealed." He told the other, gently stroking down his muscled body gently.

JJ smirked. "Getting ready to cum, kitten? I'll tell you what... you let me cum again inside me, and I'll do the same for you. You'd like that, wouldn't you, kitten? For me to cum in you, and then permission to cum inside me?" JJ purred before adding. "Answer, tony. Speak" it came out like an order as he whipped Tony's ass with the riding crop. "I said speak!"
he nodded before he went rigid with rage. "that filthy bastard touched my Son!?" he demanded, his eyes alight with fury. "he's lucky he's already dead!" he snarled before he forced himself to calm down, forced the Winter Soldier back. it wouldn't do to go mad and hurt someone he cared about or worse, attacked Tony because he looked too much like Howard. "...Steve's going to be pissed, i hope you know that." he pointed out. "i hope i'll get to meet her too." he admitted with a small smile. "it is the toaster!" he complained before he glanced at Bucky who smirked. "who says we're taking turns?" Bucky demanded, moving, quick as a flash and pulled the woman onto the bed with her two men, pulling her into a kiss even as Thor nuzzled her neck and kissed his way down to her plump, perfect breasts.

Loki smiled. "i'll teach you." he promised. "and we can practice here. there's these amazing things called Stereos that play music stored on these flat pieces of circled glass." he admitted. "it's really amazing." he admitted with a smile. "i like Soft rock, hip hop and pop rock the best. they're bouncy without being repetitive and annoying." only Loki would like a kind of music because it was 'bouncy'. "good." he murmured as he slipped off to sleep. content to simply sleep in the others arms.

Tony whimpered at the suggestion, nodding eagerly. he yelped at the smack to his ass and gasped, arching eagerly. "yes! Fuck, JJ, Master, Sir! Yes! please! i want. i want to cum! let me cum inside you! oh God please.. please i need. i need so bad!" he mewled, clenching tighter around the cock inside of him. "please. please. JJ please!"
Krystal nodded. "Yes, he sure is. Took all I had to not kill him when JJ came out pregnant." She said, rubbing his back to help keep him calm. At his next comment, she nodded again. "I know. But It was something I preferred to tell him privately, and after everything that's happened, we haven't had a moment aLone. He will meet her. I'm going to introduce them after I tell him. I named her, actually. Sarah Margaret rogers. She knows her her father is, but has no idea I'm not biologically her mother. She never wanted to know, I guess. Oddly enough, she looks like me, though peggyy's her mother." She explained, making a picture appear to show him. It was a recent picture, and it showed her and JJ. Krystal chuckled at Thor's cuteness. "I know it is Thor. I'll fix you some pop tarts later." She promised, giggling as she was lifted and put on the bed raising her eyebrows. She kissed bucky back, pulling at Thor's hair and moaning into it as she kissed him harder. God she loved them.

Steve smiled. "That sounds wonderful Loki." He said as he kissed the other's head softly. He absentmindedly drew shapes on Loki's chest as they cuddled, and he smiled at the other. "Pop music is cool. I've never really heard any american pop though because Krys is convinced that it rots brain cells. She only listens to Japanese pop." Steve said, cuddling close. He turned Loki's head slowly to kiss his delicate lips. "Its no problem, reindeer." He said, smirking a little before letting Loki settle into his arms and sleep. He waited up for Krys though, sensing she had something to tell him, not knowing just how monumental it would be.

JJ chuckled as he ran his fingers down his lover's body. "That's a good kitten. Now, I want you to talk as dirty as you can to me. I'm almost there, kitten." He purred into Tony's ear before biting the flesh. He loved seeing tony like this
Bucky went very still, very very still and he turned to stare at her. "...Krystal... JJ's a male.... males can't get pregnant." he pointed out, looking far more freaked out by the idea of a male pregnancy than he had about anything else he'd come across since being 'rescued'. "well you should tell him soon before someone else does." he warned, deciding to ignore the fact that JJ had a kid from his own... womb. he'd love the little child as much as he did JJ no matter how they where... born. "well, i'm sure Steve will tell her stories about both her mothers." he admitted with a smile. "wow. she's really cute." he admitted with a smile. the boys both grinned as they took advantage of her willingness, Bucky's fingers sliding low to gently stroke her tender folds while Thor proved he truly was the god of Fertility by stroking every sensitive spot she had on her front, and not just her breasts.

Loki beamed at Steve, delighted that there was something they could do together. well, other than look at art and stuff. Loki did like Art. "Japanese Pop is awesome too." he admitted. "very bouncy." he mumbled as the touches soothed him even more. "i like kisses." he mumbled with a smile as he let himself sleep. feeling safe and confident in the others arms. nothing could get through Steve.

"...f..fuck. JJ please. oh god i love the way your fat cock plunges inside of me. it's like your trying to turn me inside out. fuck you feel like heaven. i want you to cum inside me. flood my insides with your mark. please, oh GOD i need to cum. please, JJ please, fuck. please!"
Krystal laughed. "That's true in a normal case, but JJ is not normal. He's a shape shifter. His body responds differently to cum than a normal mans. If he's to excited or scared to control his body, it reacts and causes pregnancy. Don't worry, you probably won't have to worry about that." She said looking sad as she guessed what he was thinking. "He miscarried. JJ was in a car accident when he was around 5 months and still able to drive." She said, her blue eyes sad. Even though she hated Howards guts for hurting her baby, she had wanted the child to live. It was unfair to punish the child for the sins of the father. She smiled at him after that. "Yes, I hope he does. You know, if I hadn't have been pregnant, I probably would have kicked hydra's ass with you and Stevie." She said with a smile. Krystal started to gush then. "Isn't she just adorable? I love my little patriot. She's just like her father, actually. Its quite adorable. S.H.I.E.L.D actually call her "small captain" when Phil was alive she was like his air. He was a bit of a cap fanboy." She said with a chuckle, but you could see the sadness in her eyes. Phil coulson had been an amazing man. Krystal moaned out as she was touched. "Oh fuck... oh fuck.." she said over and over, morning out their names. Between Thor's hands roaming all over her body and Onyx touching her sweet spot, she was almost over the edge to cumming on his fingers.

steve smiled, keeping on touching him. it was soothing for him as well. he had never really had anyone to hold like he did with loki. it was nice, to be sure. 'yes, qite bouncy. nothing like the other stuff krystal listens to. i believe she refers to it as Emo?" He questioned, pressing a kiss to Loki's hair gefore kissing his lips again. It was quite amazing. "I like them too. Especially kissing you." He stated softly, cuddling the man as he slept, wanting him to feel safe.

JJ smirked. He loved seeing tony such a mess like this. It was beyond sexy. "That's a good kitten. Beg for it. Beg to be able to cum inside me. Beg for it, kitten." JJ ordered as he got ready to cum. Tony's state was making him so hot. "I'm got your milk, its going inside you, kitten" he purred, biting at Tony's neck as he came harder than he ever had.
he blinked a little. "so he can change his appearance like Loki can?" he asked curiously before he paused, frowning. "i don't know how i knew that..." he admitted, shaking his head. "can JJ turn into animals and stuff too? that's kind of awesome." he admitted before he grimaced at the news that the baby had died. he wasn't sure how to feel about that. upset probobly, anger... he didn't really know. "you probobly would have." he admitted with a chuckle before he pouted at her. "but then again, i didn't know you where pregnant, so you probobly could have gotten away with it." he admitted, sulking. "...whose Phil?" he asked, looking confused. both boys chuckled as she swore, Bucky removing his mouth from hers and setting it on her cunt instead, licking and stroking and sucking on her in all the best ways as Thor claimed her mouth for his own.

Loki snorted. "it's depressing." he grumbled. "my favorite is Celtic music actually." he admitted with a smile. "Loreena McKennitt is my favorite." he admitted with a smile as Jarvis obediently started playing The Mask and the Mirror Album.

Tony moaned, groaned, mewled and gasped as he shuddered and squirmed. "yes. Please. JJ, Sir, Master! please, please. i need.. i need. please. oh god please, please please please please." Tony was too desperate now to do anything other than plead. "yes. yes. inside! cum inside me! fill me up. fill me up so full." he pleaded panting hard, mewling again as he felt those teeth in his neck, shuddering violently as he tried to cum. tried, and failed. all he could do now was babble in gibberish.
Krystal nodded. "Yes, he's quite adept at turning into mostly anything, especially people though. Sometimes he shifts into me while Tony's around just to freak him out. Its quite hilarious." She said chuckling a little as she showed him footage from the last time it happened. It was always amusing to test Tony by shapeshirfting into a totally different person. If he was good, JJ rewaeded him, if not, JJ walked away for a week and didn't let him see him. Krystal laughed again. "Yeah, you're probably right I could have, but I didn't. I knew you'd yell at me, even if you hadn't known I was pregnant." She said, before her eyes went sad, tears threatening to come to her as she looked to bucky, cuddling into him. "Phil was like another father to me. He was the sweetest, kindest, funniest person I ever knew. I miss him dearly. I know Loki regrets killing him quite a bit." She said, her eyes watering. She wanted her papa-philly back. Krystal moaned out at the touched her, and gaspesd as bucky started to lick her wet folds. She kissed Thor back hard, burying her fingers in his long blond hair, deepening the kiss even more.

Steve smiled. "Oh, I see. Well, Krys always took comfort in sad music." He admitted, cuddling him as he listened to the music. "She has a beautiful voice." He commented, not at all surprised that Loki would like something like this. Somehow it felt like him.

JJ smirked and bit at Tony's neck again as he let his load out. "Such a good begging kitten" he purred, Twisting his head to kiss tony lovingly before pulling out. "Are you ready to cum inside me, my little kitten?" JJ asked, smirk on his face as he took the cock ring off with a quick motion, plunging himself on his lover without warning. "Thrust." He ordered, smirking and moaning.
he had to smile. "that's really amusing." he admitted. "and kind of mean. he get's that from me." he teased, snickering a little before he smiled at her. "your right, i would have yelled at you." he agreed. "back then, a woman had no place on a battlefield." he admitted. "you where a much better healer than you where a soldier back then." he admitted as he smiled before he sobered. "oh Krystal, i'm so sorry to hear that.." he admitted softly, wrapping his arms around her before he comforted her the best way he knew how. through sex. the men took turns driving her insane before Bucky finally pulled away and moved into the bathroom, coming back out with two condoms. "what are those?" Thor asked, curious as Bucky handed him a larger size. "they're condoms, to prevent pregnancy." "...you can prevent pregnancy!" Thor asked, looking stunned. "aside from the not cumming inside the woman? yes." "...amazing!" Thor admitted, looking rather stunned. "we don't have anything like that on Asgard." he admitted, examining the thing in his hands. "how does it work?" "here. i'll show you." Bucky promised, a glint in his eyes as he took it out, pulled Thor out of his pants, slid the condom on and swallowed Thor to the root, making Thor cry out in pleasure and thrust, shocked by the sudden blowjob.

Loki nodded. "it expresses what she doesn't show." Loki explained. "Loreena is a beautiful artist." Loki agreed. "i've been trying to learn how to play the violin because o how pretty her music is... it's not going well." he admitted with a chuckle.

Loki whimpered and mewled as he was kissed. "yes. please. JJ, please. oh god please!" he gasped, crying out as he was suddenly inside that tight, hot, slick heat. "fuck! fuck! fuck!" he wailed, hips moving on their own, thrusting fast and hard, completely unable to control himself as he let his load out, spilling deep inside of the other after jut a few thrusts, milking himself out into JJ's ass before he simply hung there, trembling, unable to do anything but hang there and pant.
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