Icing in my Life(Avengers)Moon/Krystal

Krystal Grimaced a little. "You must have came after the war where queen metallia destroyed our home, and mother sent us to the future to live on midgaurd. She used her last power to bring us all there, keep us safe from metalia. I never forgot you though Thunderball. I couldn't. I kept this with me always." She told him, holding unto the necklace carefully. She knew he would think about what she had told him. Steve watched this with a small smile, looking to the would be couple. Granted, he was still super worried about Loki, but had every confidence in Krystal. She had always been good at cheering people up, and she made amazing cookies! "So, she finally got the courage to tell you, huh Thor? So, what are you gonna do about it?" Steve asked, curious. He really only wanted to see them both happy.

"Thunderball, please still love me." She thought to herself as she walked into Loki's room, handing him a white chocolate bar. "Here Loki-chan. White chocolate with raspberry filling, just the way you like it." She told him softly, her tone calm and full of worry. She hoped she could help him feel better, because although she was very worried about him, she wanted more time with his brother as well. Her sister serenity had found her destiny again, why couldn't she have hers? It didn't seem fair that she had had to wait until a crazy asgaurdian tried to take over earth to see him again. Her Thor, her Thunderball.Krystal had waited a millennia to see him again, and now that she had him close to her again, she really didn't wanna let go. Loki was more important at the moment though. She knew she had to make him feel better before doing anything else, even being with Thor.

Krystal looked at her dear friend with big concerned eyes. "You're not a monster Loki-chan. Now stop saying you are. Do you remember spending time on the midgaurdian moon with Thor and two princesses when you were a child?" She asked, hoping to get his mind off his sorrows and to also help him get to know here better. The pretty young Senshi just wanted him to know that it gets better. Krystal squeesed his hand as she took a bite of her white chocolate bar, having given Loki the bigger one. She was very concerned about him, and everyone knew that chocolate made everything better. She fingered her hammer neck lase that was clearly visible on her neck, and wondered if Loki would recognise it. It may have been Thor that had given it to her, but he had been there. Slightly below the hammer was a necklace with a square sapphire blue jewel on it, that looked much like the johtan weapon. It was the one Loki had given her for her birthday in silver millennium. She knew He would recognise that, at least she hoped he would. Maybe If she reminded him of how much she and her sister had loved him back then he'd feel better.
Thor shrugged. "i don't know." he admitted softly before he smiled at her. "and i hope you will keep it for always." Thor glanced at Steve and smiled. "yes. she told me... and i shall have to find her a good courting gift..." he muttered. "but what to get her? roses perhaps? it is a midgaurdian custom, so i'm told..." he muttered. "i certainly don't wish to use a card..." he scowled, uncertain what to do. "do you suppose she might like a dead animal?" he asked hopefully. at the look he was getting he took it as a no. "i suppose not..."

Loki took the Chocolate in a flash and had a large mouthful crammed into his mouth in an instant. it was rather amusing how quickly Loki could abandon his propriety and manners when white chocolate was in his view. Alec had actually had to restrain Loki once when a shipment of twenty pounds of white melting chocolate came into the store for a special on various chocolate truffles. he had to be sent home that day to calm down. he came in the next morning wearing a face mask that many people used for allergies or working with dust so he wouldn't smell the white chocolate. "....Moon?" Loki asked, frowning. "...no. i..." he shook his head. "...They sort of... i don't remember much before my fiftieth birthday." Loki admitted. "They took the memories out, or blocked them somehow. it hurt a lot." Loki admitted as he sucked on his Chocolate. "sometimes i can remember things when i'm drunk though." he admitted. "in any case, there is nothing on the moon." Loki stated with a shrug. "nothing but dust and ruins. there might have been something there, a long time ago, but we never covered it in Histories... at least. i don't think we did..." Loki was already starting to calm down. the chocolate combined with Krystal always worked wonders. he frowned as he examined the second necklace, reaching out and fondling it a little. "i remember this..." he whispered. "i gave it to someone... so they would always know i loved them... that i would always be the best Big Brother ever... though, they where older than me..." he frowned, confused before he grimaced and withdrew back into his blankets. "it hurts to remember." no wonder Loki was so fucked up. he had admitted to being tortured before by the Chitauri and the creature that had essentially led them. but this was the first time he'd admitted that they'd actually done something to his mind.
Steve looked at Thor. "Well, I don't claim to know a whole lot about women, but when I first knew Krystal back in my own time, Bucky gave her blue roses and purple Lillys. He was really sweet on her. He always told me that girls loved flowers." Steve mused, remembering things Bucky had told him about women. The super soildier's brow furrowed a bit as he thought, trying to help Thor with his "courting gift" as he had called it. "I'll be right back." He told Thor, dragging tony out of bed with the promiso of pancakes and coffee, and bringing him to Thor. "Blue bird finally told him. Why don't you help him figure out a gift to give her? You have known her the longest out of all of us." He told the billionaire, then walking away and into the kitchen to make the banana nut pancakes he had promised him.

Krystal looked at loki with kind and sympathetic eyes. "That sounds not so fun." she commented, vowing to kill whoever had hurt him so badly. She didn't like seeing him like this, though he was feeling better it appeared. "Want me to give you one of my famous massages?" she asked the god, smirking at him. She knew it would make him feel better, and she had been well trained. Krystal was many things, massage therapist was just one. She was also studying also to become a physical therapist, which required a full doctorate, and was almost finished, just two classes left. Krystal concentrated hard for a moment, and a purple sheeted professional massage table appeared in the room. "Now, how about that massage?" She asked, still smiling at him. She was really just trying to help, wishing she could undo the damage the chituari had done to him. Hoping beyond hope that one of his children would come see him. Particularly Hela. She knew that would cheer him up.

Meanwhile, Steve was slaving away in the kitchen, making stacks and stacks of all kinds of pancakes, as everyone liked something different. Krystal had mentioned how Loki liked white chocolate, so he made a batch of pancakes just for him with white chocolate chips and raspberrys, and blueberry ones with white chocolate for Krystal. When he was finished, he called everyone to breakfast, then took the pancakes to Loki. Steve knocked softly, hoping the god was feeling better. Krystal smiled as she heard the knock, telling him to come in. "I made breakfast for everyone, But these are special for you Loki. White chocolate raspberry pancakes. I have some raspberry agave syrup on the side for you too." He told the other, smiling meekly. He just wanted Loki to know he was liked and wanted. Hopefully this would help, as the super soldier was running out of ideas.
Thor sighed a little. "i do not know who this Bucky is you speak of, but i do not want to give her a present that another man has given her... it's just not right!" he complained. "....okay." Thor stated, watching the other leave, blinking a little. "yes! Tony knows the Little Song best! he will know what i should give to her! Flowers, i was thinking?" he asked hopefully. "i am told dead animals are not an appropriate gift for an earth female." he admitted. "so i am assuming making something out of said dead animal would also be bad." he mused. "i would cook her something, but i cannot roast a mutton without burning it. and i do not know how to use earth appliances..." he admitted, looking incredibly frustrated that he could not think of an appropriate gift before he paused. "...perhaps a live animal? you humans keep such things do you not? you call them... pets, yes? she likes Cats i think? i could fetch her a feline of some manner?" he wondered, watching Tony closely for signs of approval. "...i have just the thing." Tony promised with an impish little grin as he took Thor by the arm and led him down to his Lab.

Loki shrugged. "i don't remember it much. just that it hurt a lot." he admitted as he munched on his chocolate. at the word massage he perked up again and peeked out from underneath the blanket hopefully. "...yeah, okay." he agreed as he slipped out from underneath the blankets and onto the massage table, wearing only his Asgaurdian silk sleeping pants. when Steve returned, he was met with am amusing sight. Loki was draped over the massaging table, as limp as a rag doll with a very contented smile on his face and bits of white chocolate still sticking to his lips. "hhhhmmmmmm" was Loki's only response to the breakfast, cracking open an eye to examine the mound of pancakes, reaching out he took one and took a big bite with another happy contented sigh. Loki was rather touch starved, so he tended to be very much a hedonist. actually he was a lot like a cat, content to simply lay there and let you stroke him until your arms got tired, and then pouted when you stopped. even just simple hand holding was a source of great pleasure for Loki. "good." Loki murmured, reaching out and dipping the pancake in the syrup and returning it to his mouth, perfectly content to simply lay there and eat and enjoy life for a while. the melancholy seamed to have been dispelled, as it usually was after a massage like that.
Before leaving to get tony, Steve smiled a little sadly. "He was my best friend when I was a kid, and in the war. He was killed in action, unfortunately." He told the other, walking out to Tony's room. When he was with Thor, Steve walked out again, going to bring loki his pancakes. Steve chuckled when he saw the sight before him, Loki laying like that on the massage table. "Well, I'm glad to see you're feeling better, Loki. I was really worried." He told him, and Krystal just smiled knowingly. She knew they were destined for each other. She watched as Loki ate, chuckling a little. He was so funny sometimes, the way he ate. It was quite adorable actually, now that they both thought about it. Not even Tony would be able to deny that.

There was a ring on her phone, and she picked it up. "Yes director fury? What is it you need?" She asked politely, watching as Steve frowned. He just had to send them all on a mission now... didn't he? Steve sighed. "What does he want?" Steve practically growled out, scowling. Krystal sighed a little. "Of course I'll tell them director. Okay. Goodbye." She frowned a little before beginning her tale of the winter soldier. "He's a contract killer frozen 70 years ago by Hydra. Recently he was found and thawed, but now he's on a mission to kill every S.H.I.E.L.D agent he can find, and has already attacked Clint's apartment. Its our job to track him down. Loki-chan, I'll keep you shielded." And with that, she ran quickly back to her room, grabbing a metal locket from her dresser drawer, returning swiftly.

Steve looked at her kind of funny when she returned, holding what looked like a metal heart shaped locket. She handed it to Loki. "Loki-Chan, If someone or something breaks into the tower, Press the button on this locket. It will form a version of my magical shield around you. Tony and I developed this tech when we were 12. Its a wonder he never thought to put it in his suit." She explain, causing Steve to sigh in relief. At least Loki wold be safe from attackers. That was at least a small comfort, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something from his past was about to bite him in the ass. "70 years? That's pretty specific" he thought to himself, shaking his head. There was someone in the back of his mind he couldn't shake. Bucky. He hadn't a clue why, but that was how he felt. There was both a glimmer of hope and a twinge of regret. How could he have put his friend through that, if it was him. Something inside him knew it was.

The winter soildier, James "Bucky" Barnes, was crouched on a roof on the outskirts of Brooklyn, just watching. It was his mission to destroy all S.H.I.E.L.D agents, or at least that was what he was told when they woke him from his 70 years Of icy hell. Hydra had brain washed, rinsed, and dried, though the former WWII vet still got flashes. Mainly of a woman, one he knew he had loved, and a man, his best friend, Steve. The flashes were usually short and few and far between, but today, they were coming like a river. "Why am I seeing all this?!" Bucky wailed, falling to his knees. Today was gonna be a long day.
Thor blinked, looking a little surprised. "i am sorry to hear that My Friend..." Thor admitted, gently squeezing Steve's shoulder. "but a warriors death is an honorable one, and i am sure he is Drinking in Valhalla." the Heaven of the Gods. a warrior could only get into Vallhalla if they died an honorable death. in battle, or defending the innocent. if you died a 'common' death, and where pure of heart and soul you went on to the Summerlands in Nifelhiem, a land ruled by Loki's daughter Hela. if you where of evil heart, or had sins or regrets, you went to the Plains of Woe or the Pits, depending on your crimes. some people, like Pedophiles and people who tortured others for fun, killed for fun, or did other horrible, horrible crimes, went to the lowest Pit, and they never came back out. others where sentenced to a level of the Pits, one for the lowest ranked 'criminals' and thirteen for the pedophiles and other sickos. once you payed for your sins and where cleansed, you could move up to the next level, until you where allowed into the summerlands. it was all very confusing.

Loki grunted as he realized they where finding amusement in him, but he didn't care. he was free of pain, he could sit up all by himself now, and he had food. he was much too content to care. "i am not feeling better." Loki stated. "if you wish for me to feel better, you will immidiatly resume touching me, and bring me more food of this wonderful quality." Loki demanded after he'd finished his last pancake. "your all lucky that i am too injured to be horny or i would be humping the walls." White chocolate did that to him sometimes. "Winter soldier?" Loki asked sluggishly. "sounds like a bad fairytale villain." he mumbled. "Disney should patent that." he looked up suddenly. "Hydra? they are the ones that where able to make a copy of the Tesseract... but didn't they all die with the fall of Hitler?" well. someone was paying attention to earth history after all. he took the necklace and wrapped it around his head, glancing at her. "thank you." he whispered, kissing her forehead before she left. after she was gone, Loki crawled under the bed and waited. hoping against all hope that nothing would happen while the Avengers where away. he wondered if he shouldn't give Alec, Tiffany, and River a call... they could help protect him. so, he did.

Clint and Natasha where waiting just outside of the apartment they shared, looking only a little annoyed. neither was hurt at all. "Hey! don't worry, we're not hurt, we weren't actually in the apartment when it was blown up." Clint admitted with a shake of his head. "Shield is trying to locate the Winter soldier now." Natasha admitted with a shake of her head. "Shield is also trying to figure out more about who he is." "what did he look like?" Tony asked, frowning, annoyed that he'd gotten all suited up for nothing. "well, he was wearing a mask, and he has a metal arm." Clitn stated with a roll of his eyes. "cute ass though." Natasha admitted, smirking as she got several glares for her comment.
"Yes, I hope so. We were on a mission when he died. I still feel responsible for not being able to hold on." Steve told Thor, looking rather sad. He was still dealing with the death of his friend. It had been very painful for him, especially since he had promised Krystal back then he would return him safely. She and Bucky had been engaged. He wondered what Krystal had done when she heard of both of their demises. He imagined she cried. In all honesty, Krystal had really not changed much since he had first known her in the 40's. She was still the ambitious, headstrong, sarcastic and loving girl he had been friends with before. Steve wondered what Krystal would do if she saw Bucky again, if his theory was correct, that is. He did notice that she wore the engagement ring Bucky had given her a lot. He wondered if she was wearing it now. Steve glanced at her hand, and she was indeed wearing it. "Blue bird, why'd you choose to wear Bucky's ring today?" He asked, watching her for a reaction.

Krystal blushed a little. "I don't rightly know Steve. It just seemed right to wear it today." She said, looking to the super soldier with a confused expression. Why would he ask that? He knew it was nearing Bucky's birthday. She always wore it then. The pretty bluenette chuckled and made more of Loki's pancakes appear on his plate with little effort. She was good at manipulating matter, and making things appear for someone, either out of thin air or from another room. She chuckled at Loki's comment about the winter soldier. "You're right. It really does." She agreed with a laugh, smiling and blushing a little as he kissed her head. He had always been so sweet to her. At first she had chalked it up to him remembering who she was, but when he told her he didn't remember, she knew it must just be because he liked her. That made Krystal happy. She had always liked him too.

Krystal smiled. "You're welcome, Loki-chan." She said with another smile before walking away, going to tell the others. She made her explanation to Bruce quickly, as he looked as if he was working on something very imprortant. Next, Krystal walked down to the lab, knocking on the glass softly. "Tony, mission time!" Was all she said before she headed back to the elevator, transforming into her normal battle outfit, which looks something like this. She waited for them all to arrive, Bruce and Steve being the first. Krystal was sitting on the couch when they came in, all ready for battle, the blue moon on her forehead sparkling as mischeviously as her eyes. "So, you guys ready to catch a killer?" She asked, and was met with two simple nods from Steve and Bruce.on the inside though, Steve wasn't so sure. What if the winter soldier really was bucky? He wasn't sure he was quite prepared for that, but he took a deep breath and waited for the others, hoping his hunch wasn't true.

Krystal hugged Clint and Natasha when she saw them, happy to see they were okay. She had been worried. Even though most of the avengers were older than her, she still worried for them. They were her friends, and she didn't want to see any of them hurt. Krystal looked around the area, searching for the winter solder with her eyes. "Tasha, I probably agree." She said with a laugh at her ass comment, stiffening when she saw him. Seconds later, she was in his arms. She looked into his eyes and saw so much pain, and she removed her glove to better take off his mask. For some reason, he wasn't attacking her. Krystal dropped his mask, and a loud gasp could be heard. "Bucky?" She said loud enough for the other avengers to hear, though she was on a rooftop now.

The winter soldier looked at her, his eyes holding so much pain. She stoked his cheek. He knew this woman, he knew he did. He just couldn't speak to her. Not after what he had done. Bucky's eyes showed remorse, and Krystal wasn't sure what to think. Her hand was still on his cheek, so she used her power to look into his soul. "It's gonna be okay, buckeye." She told him softly, knowing now that this wasn't a trick. That he remembered her, if only slightly. Krystal had purposefully used her nickname for him, hoping to bring a shred of her Bucky back..

Steve watched the scene. His hunch had been right. It was bucky. He jumped up to the rooftop, taking his mask off. "I thought you were dead, Bucky." He breathed out, tears brimming in his eyes. Bucky's eyes fixed on his friend, and then to Krystal. He fell to his knees, an uneasy smirk appearing on his face. "Yeah, and I thought you were smaller" Bucky replied, his grin getting easier as Krystal wrapped him in a hug. They had their best friend back. It was painful though, knowing that fury would likely throw him in jail for his crimes. Krystal cringed at the thought. "He's been through enough director. Please let him stay with us." She though to herself as the all floated back down to the ground, sorrifully handcuffing him and bringing him to the hellicarrior. Now the fight for Bucky's freedom would start.
Thor nodded. "i can understand my freind. i too wish i had never dropped Loki into the Abyss." he admitted. "i thought him dead for a very long time, i blamed myself. when he returned, only to cause pain and mayhem... well, i can't help but feel guilt over that as well." he admitted with a sigh.

"...Bucky?" Loki asked curiously, looking confused. "i thought you liked Thor?" he asked, slightly confused. the whole 'reincarnation' thing confused Loki on the best of days. no matter that he himself had been. several times. but he lived for hundreds of thousands of years in-between each reincarnation. and he didn't actually remember his past life, only the Allfather retained full memories. oh Loki knew his past life had been as crappy as this one, and the time before that and so on and so forth, but he didn't have actual memories, just vague sensations that he'd done this all before. he decided to ignore the Bucky thing in the face of more pancakes and hummed happily as he dipped them in that wonderful syrup and swallowed them down. "hey! Spangles." Loki chirped suddenly, staring at the man. "you better come back safe so you can make me more pancakes." he demanded before he settled into his bed, with help, and called River, Tiffany and Alec to come keep him company. he hated being alone.


Natasha smirked a little before she grimaced. "ugh, don't call me Tasha." she ordered. "Nat is fine." she assured the other. she gasped as the winter soldier appeared and Thor prepared to smack the man down for daring to harm the Lady Krystal when he paused. the thing wasn't attacking? he hesitated when he saw the mask come off and Krystal's recognition of the man and he bit his lip. this was the man Steve had been talking about. "...is he a threat or not?" Natasha demanded after a moment, uncertain if she should shoot him or just let Krystal deal with him. "...smaller?" Thor asked, confused as he examined Steve, his head cocked. "i am most confused." Thor admitted after a moment. "is this Bucky capable of reincarnation like the Lady Krystal, or was he brought through time like Steve, or immortal in some fashion?" he asked. he'd worry about Krystal's over familiarity with the man later. "i will go to the Shield with you, Lady Krystal." Thor decided. "i can smell the taint of magic in... Bucky?" he asked, looking at the man. "he is not entirely responsible for his own actions." Thor explained, looking at Steve. "you will come too, Friend Steve, as you know him the best." "i'll go back and check on Loki." Natasha promised, Clint groaning at the makeshift order. he didn't want to go anywhere near that rat bastard. but, he wasn't about to fight with Natasha about that.
Steve nodded. I know exactly what you mean, Thor. If bucky hadn't of died, Krystal could have been happy. She and him were engaged when he died." He told him, his eyes showing great guilt. He had hated knowing that he had failed Krystal. She had been everything to him in those days, treating him like a person even when he was small still. She had never judged him, though she did worry. It was a shame he couldn't bring her Bucky back to her. He was still dealing with Bucky's death. Him falling devastated him. Many nights he had wished it was him so Krystal could have been happy with bucky and their son, James Jr. He hoped Krystal would get a chance at happiness like that with Thor.

Krystal smiled. "I do. Quite a lot, Loki-chan. But bucky is someone from my past I just never shook. Steve, you know why." She said sort of cryptically, watching Loki eat his pancakes. It was apparent he was enjoying them, and both Steve and Krystal were happy because of it. At least the food was helping him feel a little better. Krystal helped the asgaurdian back in bed, and kissed his head, smirking at Loki's comment. She could see between the lines of it. Steve nodded. "I promise I will, reindeer." He told him with a goofy and lopsided grin, walking away to get changed.

Krystal smiled widely and practically glomped him when bucky made the comment about Steve being smaller. "You're alive! I can't believe it Bucky, your alive!" She yelled, watching nat. She knew he wasn't a threat. "Put your gun away, nat. He's not gonna hurt us." She added, looking at her with a smile. She hugged bucky continuously, old feelings popping the surface. When he kissed her, her eyes widened, but she kissed back, her old engagement ring catching Bucky's eye. "You still wear that, bluebelle?" He asked, and she just nodded. Krystal had always worn it before she was killed, but now that she had been reborn? She only wore it around his birthday and their anniversary. It just happened that tomorrow was his birthday.

Steve smiled. "I guess you were right to wear it today, bluebird." He said, watching as Thor appeared. He agreed with Thor's deduction, though he suspected it was slight jealousy that brought him to follow Krystal. "Good idea. And I'll explain the smaller joke later." Steve added, smiling at all of them. Krystal smiled too, reluctantly handcuffing Bucky. She didn't like having to do it, knowing he wouldn't hurt any of them, but she also knew he would only be handcuffed when they got to the helicarrier. "He's been frozen by hydra. Similar to what happened to Steve, though they did it on purpose. Steve did it because he didn't have another option. The magic youmsense is the dormant magic he posseses as a son of the black moon, and residue from the tessersct that they used to brain wash him. I've see his memories." She said, looking sypathic towards bucky. They had tortured him. She wished she could go back in time and save him.
Thor nodded before frowning as he realized Krystal had been engaged. he wasn't sure what that meant. he decided to worry about it later.

"hmm well, as long as you like Thor. he adores you, you know. the great lump." he admitted with a smile. "sometimes, the past isn't meant to be shaken off." Loki stated wisely. "sometimes, you need the past, to survive the future." he admitted with a smile as he watched them leave. he would never admit it, but he liked Steve... he would never have a relationship with the man. he was Loki laufeyson after all, he would never deserve such happiness... but he could enjoy the attention while he had it at any rate.

Tony blinked a little and tossed his head, raising the shield over his face so he could see what was happening better. Natasha and Clint hesitated a moment longer before they tucked away their weapons. "but he blew up my house! can i hit him at least?" Clint complained. "my first edition, signed copies of the Hannibal series was in there!" he complained, sulking before wondering how this was going to pan out. Thor refused to let jealousy rule his actions. clearly Krystal adored Bucky, loved him even and Thor was NOT going to turn Bucky into paste... he was not. he wanted to, very much. but he wasn't going to. "Hydra... they seam to be popping up here and there." Clint admitted. "Bucky is the son of one of your people?" Bruce asked Krystal, looking surprised. "that must be how he survived the freezing process. most, if not all humans would never survive being put on ice. we've been trying, but it's failed every-time." he admitted. "the tesseract..." Clint muttered with a violent shudder as he looked at Natasha. "well, lets get him to Shield and under Stark Control. James is an impressive Warrior, he would fit in well with the Avengers i think." Bruce admitted, looking shocked as Thor growled. the Thunder God adopted a look of innocence, but sulked the rest of the way back to Shield.

it took hours, the questioning of Bucky was long and intensive. Fury asked where Bucky had been, what they had done to him, why they wanted him to attack the avengers, where he'd woken up, what happened before he was frozen, everything that could be asked, was asked. finally though, they where able to convince Fury to release Bucky into Avenger custody. Loki was quite relieved that there had been no battle, though he had not showed as such. he just sniffed at the two assassins who had come to talk to him and returned to the Poker game he and his freinds where enjoying. using massive bags of M&M's as 'chips'. Loki was winning when everyone returned, Clint was bankrupt and kept getting smacked for stealing Natasha's 'winnings'. Thor immidiatly vanished into his guest room to sulk while everyone else worked on getting Bucky comfortable and contained. if he fell under, or was still under Hydra control they didn't want him to go ape-shit in the tower after all.
Steve nodded. "Well, I better go make those pancakes" he said, walking away to leave Thor to his thoughts.

Steve smiled. "You're so wise, Loki." He stated simply, but on the inside he was sort of confused. Did Loki know something about the winter soldier that he didn't? Was his hunch correct? He didn't know, but he knew it would most likely all be explained at soon. Krystal nodded her head. "Wise words, Loki-chan. not that I would expect anything less from you.' She said with a smile, watching him. Before she left, she left a pearl of wisdom of her own. "Don't let your misplaced guilt get in the way of your happiness. Blaming yourself for being manipulated won't change that it happened, so don't beat yourself up about it." With that she walked out of the room with Steve, leaving the asgaurdian prince to his thoughts.

"Calm down, Hawk. I'll reconstruct your apartment. Every thing will be put back as it should." Krystal said with a laugh, amused by his comment. He could be such a whiner sometimes, you know, for a master assassin. She nodded at his other comment. It was alarming, since she remembered when Steve took down hydra, freezing himself in ice because of it. This was all to weird. Krystal nodded at his comment, as did Bucky himself. "Onyx (Bucky) and I are not related. Though, in silver millennium, the time of peace for our side of Yggdrasil, we grew up together. He has two brothers, Diamond Sapphire, Who unfortunately killed each other due to the manipulations of a evil being known as death phantom. I am sure that his memories are still fuzzy, But I do know that he will not hurt hurt you. As for him surviving the freezing? that is because his DNA, like mine, is slightly different from a human's its a lot like that of Stevie's from the serum." she finishes with a small sigh, looking to Bucky sympathetically about the deaths of his brothers. She would have to revive them later for him. As she was talking though, she was mentally putting the building back together, knowing full well what it had looked like. soon it was back to normal, but Krystal frowned a little. "I know Hawk. its okay." she told him soothingly, smiling a little at Bruce's proposition. Bucky would make a good addition. Steve's head picked up at the thought of Bucky joining the team, but he could see that clearly Thor did not like that idea. Clearly, the thunder god was jealous.

Bucky stayed close to Krystal during the ride to shield, and the both talked animatedly in ancient moonian. Every minute with Krystal was bringing back more memories. He looked into her eyes, and then at the rest of the group, then finally at Thor. "Please do not hate me simply because I still love her, Thor. We used to be friends, remember?" he told the thunder god, wondering if he did remember. Aeser were known for living as long as a silver millennium native, which was at least a thousand years. Bucky answered every question Fury asked, determined to, as Nat would say, "wipe the red from his ledger." He did not want to do what he had done, but he was forced to, having been turned into hydra's own personal murder puppet, as he put it. It was a scar on his soul he would have to carry for a long while. Bucky was so relived to be able to follow Krystal and Steve, he nearly cried, and it would have been the first time in 70 years had he actually had.

The former winter soldier squeezed Krystal's hand as they entered his new room in the Stark tower. He kissed her head softly, much like he had done when he was a prince. "Go see him. I'll be fine. Just being near you is soothing away what hydra has done." Bucky told her in a firm yet gentle tone, his eyes both concerned for his friend, and also there was his love for her. He had broken his promise, and now that Thor was back in the picture, he knew he would never get his chance to make that up to her. Krystal nodded her head and did as she was told, her suit now changed into her princess dress. She knew just as well as Bucky that Thor needed her right now. She knocked on the door lightly, smiling a little to herself. "Thunderball, can I come in? i wanna talk." she told him in a soft voice, slight worry at the edges of it.

Steve checked on Loki, and was pleased to see he was having fun. "I'm still in one piece, reindeer" he told the other, grinning wide. Loki's apparent happiness was a welcome change, as he hated seeing him sad. Loki didn't deserve to have to be punished the way he was punishing himself. The thrall had just been to strong for him. It was nothing to be ashamed of.
Loki snorted. "i speak from experience, not from wisdom." he stated simply. "if you ignore your past it only hurts you even more. and sometimes the past is the only thing giving you the strength to keep going." he admitted before he stared at her before he looked away. she was right of course, save for one thing. he didn't want to be happy and he didn't deserve forgiveness.

Clint huffed a little and crossed his arms and sulked. "fine but my coin, stamp, bottle cap, Magic the Gathering, Baseball Card, Hot wheels, and glass figuring collections better be perfect!" he complained. just because he was a dick and a hoarder. though Natasha made him keep his... collections, perfectly organized... actually some of the things in his collections where worth well over a thousand dollars. some of them over $600. most of it was rather worthless, at the moment, but in another century his entire collections could be worth well over a million dollars, even if he wasn't alive to enjoy it. "Onyx?" Clint asked, sounding like he wanted to laugh. that was a pretty crappy name. but so was Diamond and Sapphire. ugh. he didn't really understand what she was talking about, but so long as she trusted him, he supposed he wouldn't hate the guy. it wasn't like he couldn't understand, being that he'd had his brain taken over himself. "so he does the whole 'reborn' thing that you do?" he asked, Thor snorting. "all of Krystals people are reborn. i imagine after the destruction of the Moon cities and the Moon Palace, their souls where reborn into human bodies for protection." Thor mused.

Thor glanced at Bucky and sighed. "i know Onyx." he muttered softly. "it is not you i am upset with... and it is not her either." he assured Bucky. he did indeed remember Onyx, he, Loki, Diamond, Sapphire, Serena and Krystal used to race across the Moon together, and often went to Asgaurd to ride the various beasts there as well as cause chaos and mayhem. Loki didn't remember anymore, but Thor did. he remembered when they used to be happy. now nothing was the same. he sighed as he sat in his room, staring at the massive bundle of flowers he had picked and bound himself, taking care to pick off every single thorn. flowers all held a special meaning. he had a single red rose enveloped in eleven lavender roses. he had been going to give it to her as an opening Courting gift. the single red rose meant 'i love you'. the Lavender roses meant 'Love at first sight.' the single rose in the middle was a symbol for utter devotion and a promise to stay with her forever while the eleven indicated he loved her very deeply. all together it basically meant 'i loved you from the second i saw you, for now and always.' now he couldn't decide if he still wanted to give them to her. from what he'd seen humans where very big on only having one lover... and honestly, Bucky was more suited to her than he was, and he needed her more... he hadn't known Onyx had been reborn and that he had been about to Bond to Krystal. he hadn't known Bucky even existed. back when they where all children, Onyx had been too young to care about girls like that. now Thor was having trouble connecting that image of his once best freind to the Bucky that now existed. he nearly crawled out of his own skin when the knock came at the door, he'd not been expecting company. "come in, please." Thor agreed, how could he say no to her? he did at least try to stuff the flowers out of sight... not that he particularly succeeded, all he did was crush them under a pillow.

Loki looked up as Steve entered, looking relieved for a second before it was covered up, River looking up from his cards as Tiffany scowled at her hands, Alec deciding to raise the betting pool. Natasha smirked, matched his bet and raised again as Loki revealed his cards, making everyone groan. Loki had won again. "dammit! your cheating!" Alec complained, scowling at Loki who sniggered but didn't deny it.
Krystal nodded. "Very true, Loki." Krystal and Steve agreed, looking to the prince. The pretty bluenette sighed before she left. She knew he felt as though he didn't deserve forgiveness. He was so wrong. It hurt her to know he was feeling so defeated.

Krystal Laughed at her friend. He could be such a prick sometimes. She sighed a little at Clint's reaction to Bucky's former name. "More or less you are right, Thunderball. My mother, Queen serenity used the last of her power to save us all and have us born on the same planet. She hated seeing Serena's struggle to see her fiancee, Endymion of earth. His reincarnation in this life though? Most of the time I want to beat him senseless." she told them all, continuing to explain her past for her friends and for Bucky's benefit.

When they got to the tower, Krystal settled bucky in. "My room is just across the hall. Holler if you need anything buckeye." She said with a small smile, kissing his head before leaving the room to go to Thor's. She walked into his room, a small smile on her face. She could see the crushed roses under the pillow and knew what they meant. He was trying to court her. She walked toward him and pinned him to the wall. It was something she had mastered long ago. "Onyx changes nothing about us, Thunderball. I love you." She told him firmly, giving him a deep and passionate kiss before releasing him from her grip. She squeesed his hand and cuddled into him. "Now stop sulking, Thunderball. I love you." She whispered into his ear, pulling him into a hug.

Steve caught the relief in Loki's eyes, and he smiled slightly. "looks like you're having fun. think you could deal me in?" he asked, wanting just to spend some time with the godling, regaurdless of Loki's protests. Steve knew now he was in love with the handsome mischief god, but Loki wouldn't let him near. Steve chuckled at Alec's comment. "He's the god of mischief, Alec. What do you expect!" He said with a smile, waiting them play their game and waiting patiently to be dealt in.
Thor was fidgeting a little as she walked in and blinked, wide eyed as he found himself stuck to the wall. "what are..." he asked, pausing as she spoke, his eyes filling with relief. she loved him back, she did! he kissed her back, eager to taste her, eager to truly be with her, but... he felt bad too. "i love you too." he whispered. "but what about Onyx? he loves you too. i don't want to take you from him. nor him from you. you love him to i know you do." he admitted, offering her a smile to show he didn't mind. "human's done do three way relationships from what i understand..." he muttered, feeling terrible about getting in the way of Krystal and Bucky's relationship.

Loki offered Steve a small smile and nodded. "someone give him some betting supplies." a pile of candy, which had evolved into skittles, m&ms, Gummy bears and worms, and some hersheys kisses. "i expect him not to cheat me!" Alec complained. "i gave you a job!" "A Job i'm better at then you are." "that's not the point!" "it so is." Loki stated, smiling and relaxed. with his freinds and 'family' around him, he was much more calm and open to Steve's advances. plus, he wasn't depressed at the moment, so he was even more open. "so how did the fighting go?" Loki asked curiously.
Krystal laughed heartily and gave him a quick peck. "Now, I'm not completely human am I?" She asked with a smirk, cuddling in close. She liked being close to him. Lunarians, while they had their limits, were similar to aeser in their sexual practices, and in love. You could bond to more than one at a time. She had usually stayed with Thor though, since Onyx had been to young at the time to see her like he did in their life in the 30's. Krystal smiled. "Its gonna be okay. We can work it out, though it maybe complicated. Onyx is very understanding, and he does love you. I'll think of something, I always do, Thunderball." She told him reassuringly, giving him yet another kiss. His lips on hers were like magic. She loved the feeling. She pulled him close to her, nibbling at his ear. It was a sign of affection and reassurance. "Its gonna be okay. Its true I love you both, but I am quite crafty, I know we can make this threesome love work, and you're not getting in the way. I'll think of something." She reiterated yet again, giving him a peck on the lips. Krystal looked at Thor before she walked to his door to check on bucky. She knew he needed her, and she knew Thor needed her too. She decided to stay a little longer, though in the back of her mind she was worried about him. She knew he must be feeling beyond guilty.

Meanwhile, Bucky sat on the edge of his bed, stripped down to only his boxes and a dark tank. He had to get that armor off. He wondered if Krystal would burn it if he asked her to? It was now only a source of pain for him. He decided he needed a shower and a shave. He remembered how krystal had hated "kissing a cactus" as she phrased it. He quickly stripped and washed himself down completely, washing his hair at least 6 times to get out all the caked dirt and blood. He had been a monster. There was no way she'd take him back, not with prince Thor around. It was true he was a prince too, but he could never amount to mighty Thor. She had never know in silver millennium how much he really loved her because he hid it for Thor's sake. Would he be stuck in that situation again? His mind swirled with questions, but he couldn't take it. "Auugh! Why am I such a fuck up!?" He yelled to the wind, taking a small seringe from his bag, and pokimg it into his armpit. Now he was calm, and he threw away the evidence, burying it under his armor in the trash. "She's never gonna forgive me for this, but the cocain keeps the nightmares away.' and with that, he flopped on the bed and fell into a dreamless, peacful sleep.

Steve smiled slightly as he watched alec and Loki's funny banter, and was handed some betting supplies. "Surprisingly, there wasn't any fighting at all. He did try to kidnap Penguin, but as soon as she saw him, I'm guessing her magic or energy broke the trance he was under. I was right. It was bucky who's the winter soldier. Kind of surreal, really. Seeing my dead best friend not dead." Steve told the other, going into more detail as he did so. In truth it was rather traumatic for the captain to see his best friend. He saw him fall in the alps. He had felt guilty about it for years, and now more so because of the pain the fall inevitably caused bucky. The Russians had taken over his mind and made him their personal puppet.
Thor blinked. "are you not? you are a human in this lifetime, yes?" he asked looking confused. "well, i suppose being that you have previous memories you would not be, despite having been raised as a human in this lifetime. but Onyx... i mean, Bucky, does not have the same memories as he should. would he be open to such a thing?" he asked, looking rather upset. "you are right, you always make everything alright." he agreed with a nod and a small smile as he hugged her, kissing her gently. "you should go and check on Onyx... i mean Bucky." he sighed. "it is going to be hard to call him by the name he has chosen in this life." he admitted. "i keep thinking of him as Onyx." he admitted. "or, perhaps we might go and check on him together? i cannot imagine how he might be handling the things he has done." he admitted. "he might need a great many reassurances." Thor admitted. "he was always very sensitive about such things.

"he tried to kidnap Krystal!?" Loki demanded, his eyes narrowed as he stared at Steve before he blinked a little. "...oh. so he's not a threat. that's alright then." he muttered as he settled back down before blinking at Steve. "he is an old freind of yours? should you not be glad to see him alive after all?... of course, if he's been brainwashed, i suppose he's not feeling too kindly about himself at the moment..." he admitted, biting his lip. "should you not go and comfort him?" Loki wanted to be selfish and keep Steve to himself while he was in the mood to enjoy the man's company but he knew how suicidal one could fee after being released from the power of the tesseract and Loki vaguely recognized the name as someone that Steve had cared very much for. and there was a niggling thought in the back of his mind that he was important to Krystal somehow, but he didn't want to try and force the memory. even the vague memories made his mind itch.
Krystal nodded her head. "I think so, but he'll need some time to regain his memories." She said with a small smile, kissing him back. She liked being with him like this, as she had never had a chance to be with him in silver millennium. As Thor so elequently pointed out, the moon kingdom was destroyed before they could marry. Krystal smiled at Thor, pecking his cheek. "You can come if you like, Thunderball, but I don't know how he'll react. I think that he thinks you hate him for stealing me in my last life." She told the thunder god with a sigh. She was very worried about bucky, and something told her she had every right to be. Loki had always joked that she was like a mother hen, but it really was quite true. Even though she did not yet have children in this life, her mother's intuition was still as sharp as one of Clint's arrows. She could tell when there was something wrong, and she knew that it had something to do with his past as winter. What she didn't know was just how serious it was. She giggled a little. "Don't worry about it. I never really called him bucky in the 30s, unless we were with Steve, so he's cool with you calling him that." She reassured, smiling a little. Krystal pecked his lips softly and gave him a small hug. "Come, let's check on him." She told him softly, moving to the door.

Bucky would be awakened by the knock at the door, still kind of high. It wore off quickly for him because of all the experiments both red skull and the Russians did on him. To them he had just been a puppet they could use for their own amusement. Bucky called lightly. "Come in penguin, you too Thor." He said, watching as Krystal stepped in first. She was as beautiful as ever. How in the name of rah he had ever gotten her in the 30's was beyond him. Though, he wasn't a user then, so maybe that had something to do with it. When Krystal saw him, he was in only a pair of cotton lounge pants. She tried to hide her lust. Her eyes were full of concern though.

"Are you feeling better, onyx?" She asked, looking every bit like her mother as she worriedly scanned him for any possible warning signs. She found none. Bucky sighed, knowing she was trying to figure out his secret. He wouldn't let her. "I'm feeling a little better, penguin. Though, I still feel like a monster. I've butallly murdered so many, blue." He told her, looking like he was about to cry. "I still hear the screams.." he lamented, covering his face in his hands. Krystal walked over and sat next to him, rubbing his back soothingly. She smiled a little. "You're not a monster, Onyx. You were being controlled. Its not the same thing, really. Don't beat yourself up about something you didn't know you were consciously doing. In the words of princess minako's cat Artemis, they had you washed, rinsed and dried. Its okay. I promise." She told him in a motherly tone, rubbing his back soothingly and watching as he picked his head up a little. "I know penguin, but I still feel it. I can't escape the horrors I've caused. Its like a penance of sorts, I think." He told her truthfully, then looked to Thor. He was curious as to what the aeser prince was going to say.

Steve shook his head. "No, He needs needs time alone with his fiancé. Penguin still loves him too, though she also loves Thor. She's probably as we speak trying to figure out how to marry both of them. She's crafty, she'll figure it out." He told Loki cooly, not really wanting to leave his company either. In fact if his friends hadn't been there, Steve might have just kissed Loki right there. He had come to terms with his love for Loki, and he wanted to tell him, he just wasn't sure how exactly to go about that. He had always been awkward with girls, aside from Krystal, who he at one point thought he might love, so this was all to new to him. He ooked at Loki. "I am happy to see him alive Loki, I really am, but seeing him again hurts too. Its like the world brought him back to make penguin and I suffer. Me through the guilt of letting him fall, and her because now she isn't sure what she wants to do. Both your brother and Bucky mean so much to her, I dunno what she'll do. But then again, she always was unpredictable, so I guess she doesn't suffer to much. At least I hope not." Steve rambled on like that for a few more minutes before he ran his fingers through his blond hair and sighed. This was gonna be hard hard for him to admit to Loki, but he really wished his friends would leave. Right now the super soldier just needed a good beer and the company of the man he loved. He only wished he didn't have to tell Loki how he felt first.
Thor smiled a little as he examined Bucky, the 'winter soldier' was already looking a lot better after a shower, a shave and some well needed rest. he still looked too pale, a bit gaunt from lack of food and hunted, but he was still as handsome as Thor remembered from childhood. back then, it had just been him and Krystal but Bucky had been a deer freind. now Thor was really beginning to notice just how slender and firm Onyx was. how pretty his eyes where, how soft his hair was, and realized that he really didn't mind the idea of sharing a bed with the assassin. he moved after Bucky had hid his face and settled onto the bed next to him and wrapped his arms around the frail assassin, holding him tight. "if i do not blame my brother for the horrors he commenced. nor Clint for the horrors he committed, why then would you think we would blame you?" Thor asked, staring down at Bucky. "Sometimes we find ourselves without the power to fight back. sometimes we realize that we can do nothing to stop ourselves. that doesn't mean that we are bad people, Onyx. it just means that sometimes, we fall under the power of someone too strong for us to break free on our own."

he smiled down at the man and bent his head, kissing Bucky's forehead. "someday, the horrors will just seam like a bad dream. you just have to forgive yourself, and accept the forgiveness of others." he promised Bucky. "in the meantime, you could always make your penance by protecting the innocent as we do." Thor admitted with a smile, stroking the man's hair. "...Krystal also has something she wishes to ask you." Thor had thought about doing it himself, but he wasn't sure how to ask. so he'd make her do it.

Loki smiled and nodded as he went back to focusing on his cards. it was really, entirely too easy to cheat when he had magic at hand before he looked up at Steve, looking almost insulted. "Steve Rogers." River stated suddenly. "the Universe does not Punish. certainly not someone who deserves no punishment. your guilt is entirely misplaced, he was meant to fall, because he is meant for bigger things. he survived that fall, did he not? and found his way here to you, and to Krystal. All things happen for a purpose." Loki nodded. "River's right. Bucky doesn't blame you, so why blame yourself? as for Krystal, she always gets what she wants." Loki admitted with a sly smirk. "i'm sure no matter what happens, She, Thor, and your Bucky will be happy." he assured the other as River looked at his watch. "i have to go to work." "i have to go too." Alec grumbled with a sigh. "i have paperwork to finish." Tiffany beamed. "i have a date!" she was unaware of River, Loki and Alec all tensing, worried about the slightly air-headed Tiffany. "with who?" "i'm not going to tell you." she huffed, Loki snorting as he shook his head as she flounced out. "i wonder if Clint would be willing to track her? she's such an airhead..."
Bucky picked up his head and pulled both Krystal and Thor closer. Krystal laid her head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek softly "Onyx dear, No one blames you for what you did. You didn't know what you were doing. We love you, Onyx. We couldn't stay mad at you, no matter what. Thor is right. Listen to him dear." She told him soothingly, kissing his lips. Bucky's eyes widened at the kiss, but he didn't hesitate in kissing back. When they parted all he could say was "Wow." Krystal smirked. She had always liked making him speechless with her kisses. It was a simple pleasure of hers. She rubbed his back. "Bucky, I don't care what you did in the past. Its unimportant. What I do care about, is you. Very much so. I wouldn't still wear this ring if I didn't, now would I, buckeye?" She asked him, holding him to her in such a way that he could clearly see the engagement ring. Krystal hated seeing him like this. It was like a knife cutting into her heart. She continued to rub his back soothingly, hoping he could find peace somehow.

Bucky looked up at his love. "You're to kind, penguin, but you both are right. I shouldn't dwell on what i can't change, and focus on what i can. the screams will still haunt me for a long time though." He told the both, looking a bit happier to be safe in both an old friend and his love's arms. He felt calmer than he did on cocain, actually, much to his surprise. Then again though, Krystal had always had a way of defusing the situation and finding a quick solution. Bucky's ears picked up at Thor's mention of a question. "Oh? What is it penguin?" He asked, his expression now more like when they were children on the moon. Full of curiosity. Krystal took in a breath, unsure of how to phrase the question as well. "Onyx, do you remember how on the moon it was a norm to have more than one husband? Well, I was thinking that perhaps you and Thor could share me? I mean, I love you both so deeply, I can't really pick between you." She explained to the former soldier, unsure of how he would react. Bucky was rather unpredictable when he wanted to be.

Bucky smiled a little. "Blue, as long as I have you, I don't care about the circumstances. I've always loved you, even in silver millennium. Thor, you're like another bother to me. I would not mind being attached to both of you, truthfully." He told them, smirking mischeviously like he once did on the moon. Every minute with Krystal was healing his pain, and shortening his buzz. Soon the voices would be back and he would need another fix. Krystal smiled and kissed him once again on the lips, and then kissed Thor as well. "There, sealed with a kiss, though, you don't have to kiss Thor if you don't want to!" She said with a laugh, mentally picturing how sexy that would be. Krystal had always been a bit of a yoai junky, particularly after moving to japan. She wondered if some day she'd see that.

Steve sighed, defeated. "You two are right. What am I thinking. Thanks." He told them, watching as each of Loki's and now his, friends left, leaving him with only the handsome asgaurdian prince for company. Just the way he wanted it. "I'll be back in a moment." He told Loki with a goofy yet mischevious grin, returning a few minutes later with a 20oz white chocolate bar, and another present for Loki. It was something he had once decided he'd give the one he fell in love with when he told them, whoever they may have been. He smiled as he handed Loki the chocolate bar. He was nervous, but at the same time he knew he had to do this. Steve toyed with the box in his hand, it was a simple smooth lacquered wooden one he had made as a child, and inside it held a silver necklace with a small charm that looked like his shield. He hoped Loki didn't absolutely hate it. It was simple, like he was. Steve fidgeted kind of nervously, blushing a little as he looked at Loki. "Would you hate me very much If I told you I liked you, Loki?" He asked, handing the prince the small wooden box. He blushed more. "Just a token. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to." He told the other, still shuffling nervously. He really wanted to kiss him, but decided it would be better to wait and watch Loki's reaction first.
Thor had to admit, watching her kiss Onyx was hot as hell. very hot. "you cannot change what you did, but you can change who you are." Thor admitted with a smile. "you are no longer the man you where, you are better." he promised before smiling sheepishly at Krystal, silently apologizing for his cowardice. Thor nearly sagged in relief as Bucky agreed. he knew they where going to have to work some things out still, but Bucky was on board and Thor had never been happier. "i am sorry Onyx but i simply cannot think of you as a brother." Thor admitted, looking horrified. "i feel very filthy when i try to think of you as a brother when i am thinking... other, things as well." he admitted sheepishly. "Asgardians are very open to many things but incest is not one of them." he admitted with a smile. "i don't care if he doesn't want to kiss me." Thor breathed, grabbing the back of Bucky's head and pressing their mouth's together, kissing Bucky long and hard, pulling away, looking quite smug and pleased with himself. "yes... that was as glorious as i always imagined." he admitted with a nod. "now. perhaps we should make food and discuss things? i have never been in a relationship with two other people before." he admitted before pausing as Tony rushed in. "Krystal! JJ is here!" he informed her, looking delighted. "come great him so i can have him all to myself!"

Loki and River both smiled at him before the others all left. "Chocolate!" Loki gasped, plucking the chocolate out of Steve's fingers before the other man even had proper time to offer it to Loki. he murmured happily, mouth already full of the Delicacy before he paused and stared at Steve, wide eyed at the confession before he swallowed Thickly as he looked down at the Box, opening it slowly, looking confused and almost... hurt. as if he thought this was some sort of Joke. he pulled the necklace out and examined it before curling it in his Fingers, closing the sheild into a fist as if he was worried it might be taken away. "it's dangerous to like me." Loki finally whispered. "everyone i have ever loved has been killed Steve. you would be better off without me." he whispered. "Odin will not allow you to love me."
Bucky sighed, but then smiled. "As usual, you two are right. Do you think steve would have me as part of your team?" He asked, blue eyes curious. He had fought once with steve, so why not again, and this time with his fiancee too? Krystal's eyes widened at the kiss, as did Bucky's, but he kissed back as feverently as he had kissed Krystal. Krystal giggled slightly giddily, and smirked. "You do realize I was joking, right, Thor?" She said, watching the intensely sexy scene unfolding right in front of her eyes. It was the hottest thing she had seen since the time Steve accidentally kissed bucky on his 18th birthday. Krystal was startled as Tony barged in, and she blushed at the mansion of JJ. "JJ's here?!?!" She exclaimed, jumping from her seat on the bed, her blush even more prominent now.

Bucky raised an eyebrow at Krystal's reaction. Was she hiding a boyfriend from them? No, he guessed not. Not by Tony's reaction to this "JJ" as he was called. Krystal pulled bucky up. "James, there's something I need to tell you. Something I couldn't tell you because by the time I knew for sure, you were off at war. JJ is short for James Jr. He's.. our son" she breathed out, unsure. Her pretty features were etched with worry, both about Bucky's reaction, and about Thor's. She had never told him about JJ either. Just then, a man walked in behind tony, pulling him into a hug. He wore a simple pair of jeans and an iron man t'shirt, but he was the spitting image of his father, though his hair and eyes were his mother's. He smirked like Krystal did as he kissed Tony's forehead. "Hey mom. So, I hear big things have been-" he was cut off by who he saw holding unto his mother. "Dad?!" Was all he choked out, his glacial blue eyes showing only shock.

The super soldier grinned at Loki. "I'll take my chances" and with that, he pulled the asgaurdian prince into a kiss, being careful not to hurt him from the passion he was experiencing. He had wanted to do that for weeks now, and when the finally parted, he smiled again. He just had a feeling it was all going to work out. He couldn't explain it, but he did. "Loki, I think you of all people deserve some happiness. Let me be the one to give it to you?" steve asked, looking into loki's eyes. It was true, to be sure. Loki did deserve happiness. Steve only hoped he could be that one person for Loki, even if he died trying.
Thor smiled. "i think Steve would love to have you on the Team." he admitted. "i think most everyone in the Tower will... you might wish to be cautious of River, has he has strong 'mothering' instincts and i beleive that he has adopted Steve into his Pride." Thor admitted. "it might take him a while to accept your presence in Steve's life." he admitted. "i am unsure how instinctive his reactions might be." he admitted before blinking at Krystal. "i do not joke about such serious things." Thor admitted. "had Onyx not desired to kiss, i would have backed off and apologized post haste." he assured them both. "Sex is not something that should be taken so lightly, particularly in such a unique situation as ours." he pointed out before blinking at Tony. "Yes JJ's here! i want sex, go say hello to him!" he ordered, before breezing out of the room, Bucky snorting. "that's all Tony really think's about isn't it?" he asked, looking amused before he paused at being called James, making a face. he hated being called James. it was too serious a name. he prefered Bucky, and loved to be called Onyx even if he couldn't fully remember those easier, better days. then he caught on to what she had said and all he could do was gape at her, slack jawed and wide eyed. Son? he had... how was that... no way! "...." he stared at JJ and got to his feet, his knees shaking as he stared at the young man before him, swallowing thickly. "i think... i think i'm going to pass out." Bucky admitted and Thor immidiatly took hold of him in case he did. this was big, very big, so big. "please excuse your Father Young one. he has only just realized you are in existence and has only recently been freed from mental manipulations. it is simply too much at one time. i am sure once he's been able to cope, he will be delighted..." "son. i have a son. older than me son..." Bucky stuttered, stunned, and just a little bit proud that he had helped make life. "JJ! what's taking so lo..." Tony complained before paused as he realized he'd walked into something extremely emotional. "....take all the time you need. i'll make Coffee and hot chocolate." he decided. Tony couldn't cook, ever, but he could make very good hot drinks and it would only take him ten or so minutes to have hot Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa waiting on standby.

Loki shook his head. "you don't underst..." he paused, shocked as he was kissed and he went hard and tense, shocked but he had relaxed quickly, melting into the intimacy. "...i don't deserve anything." he whispered even as he pressed himself against Steve, unable to handle the emotions on Steve's face, in Steve's eyes so he hid his face in that firm muscled chest for a long silent moment before finally. "Odin kills or destroys anything i love." he finally whispered. "he has always hated me you know, it's just that i didn't know it until i learned the truth..." he admitted softly. "he hides it so well that no one has noticed... but it doesn't matter because everyone hated me anyway. because they KNEW and i didn't...."
Krystal smiled at JJ and hugged him. She hadn't been able to see him much since she had moved to japan, but now that she was back in New York, she had been to busy with Steve and aliens and Loki to come see him. She was glad he had found a good partner, even though he was almost like a cousin to tony. "Hey sweetie." She said coolly, kissing his head. JJ smiled a little at the kiss, looking again to his father, and to Thor. "So, you're the famous Thunderball? I wondered if I'd ever meet you. I don't mind at all. Tony explained that they found out who the winter soldier was. I just didn't expect him to be my father!" He said, walking over closer to his father. He teared a little as he looked into his father's blue eyes. "Uncle Steve must be ecstatic to see you. Poor guy still blames himself for the train." JJ commented, hugging his father. It was a strange yet extremely relieving to feel his father. He had dreamed of it his whole life, wishing it could happen. Krystal watched the scene with teary eyes, and when Tony came back in, she wiped them away. "Tony.. my dad... he's alive!" Tears started to well up in JJ's eyes as well, and he cried into his father's shirt, memorizing him, like he was afraid he'd disappear.

Krystal looked to tony. "Please do, tonykins. I think we need a minute. You may have to wait on the sex after this one, manwhore." She joked at her best friend, smirking a little. She loved driving him crazy, and calling him tonykins was the best way to do that. She didn't think he'd push back given the situation, but one never really knew with Tony, especially if sex was concerned. Krystal smiled happily at him and shooed him away, promising to explain later. Tony hadn't known who JJ's father was, though he was aware that Krystal was his mother. JJ had wanted to introduce them so he set up a meeting and Krystal was just like "Tony! So you're the one that's been banging my son!" And then tony fainted. It was quite amusing to see, but luckily not so hard to explain. Tony had known about Krystal's powers since they were 12, after all. she watched the scene with bucky and their son with a small smile. "no, he's not older than you, dear. he's only 70. you're 95. you were presumed dead for over 70 years, onyx." she told the handsome soldier, kissing his head. She knew this must be alot for both of them to take in.

Steve smiled and ran his fingers through Loki's hair softly. "Don't worry. Its gonna be okay. I can't say how I know, I just do. its a feeling I have." he told the asgaurdian soothingly, kissing his forehead. steve may not possess the power of premonition, but krystal did, and her powers tended to rub off when she was stressed. the pretty senshi had been under alot of pressure lately, so steve assumed that it had rubbed off on him. that was the only way to explain thepremonition he had just had when he kissed loki. he saw, the two of them, cuddled together with two girls, and bucky krystal and thor with two boys. it was a happy premonition, one the super soldier desperately prayed happen for loki's sake. He knew loki had had other children, but he wanted children too. his only question was what loki and his dna was gonna do, particularly post serum.
Thor smiled at JJ. "It is an honor to meet you! You're parent's are wonderful people." he admitted as he shook JJ's hand, being careful of his strength. he'd learned to moderate a LOT thanks to Jane who had given him long, long lessons on why it was not okay to throw things, not okay to yell and not okay to rip people's arms off when shaking their hands. she was like the little sister Thor had always wanted, and so very smart. she was dating someone now but she wouldn't tell him who. apparently she was worried Thor would try to 'test his worthy as a man' and crush him 'accidentally'... she wasn't wrong. Bucky stared at JJ, swallowing thickly. "i... i don't know. haven't seen him yet." Bucky admitted, tensing at the hug before wrapping his arms around the other, returning the hug. god, he was hugging his own flesh and blood, hugging his Son. shame swept through him, he was hugging his Son and he was still high on the drugs he'd been taking. the high was wearing off quickly though, and he feared someone might notice when he started to crash.

"i see that." Tony muttered, looking a little stunned before he smirked. "i never wait on sex. i'll just go masturbate." Tony stated with a snicker and a shrug. because he had always, always stayed loyal to JJ. sure Tony had fucked up on more than one occasion, but Tony tried so very hard to be the best he could be for JJ. "also, if you call me tonykins again, i'll superglue you're hand to something unpleasant." Tony stated with a sniff as he flounced out. it had taken Tony weeks to come to terms that he was dating his own nephew, not that they where genetically related. now he just brushed it off as effortlessly as he did alien invasions and Norse gods. "i've only been awake for about fourty years Krystal." he complained. "he's older than me." he muttered, watching the other intently before focusing on JJ again. "you look so much like your mother." he breathed, examining him. "you have her eyes." he admitted softly. "...and my crappy hair."

Loki shook his head. "things are never okay." he whispered. "never. it's not allowed." he mumbled even as he snuggled more deeply into Steve. "i'm not allowed to be happy." he admitted even as he tightened his hand around that necklace and leaned more intently into Steve. "can we go on dates?" Loki asked after a moment. "like normal people do?" and that was as good as a 'yes i wanna be with you.'
JJ laughed as Thor shook his hand. "You don't have to hold back. Yes, they are. Mom's told me stories about their past on the moon, and also back in the 30s with uncle Steve. I bet he'll be shocked to see me. I was a newborn that time he saw me. oh, I brought something you might wanna see, dad. Tony suggested I bring them. I didn't know why till now. He said, laughing a bit. With a flick of his wrist, three very large photo albums appeared, landing on the bed. He figured the 3 of them could look through them later. Maybe if he saw the albums, whatever seemed to be bothering him would go away. At least that was what JJ hoped. He only just met his father, he didn't want to loose him, in any way shape or form. JJ glared at Tony. Stop annoying my mom tony. We all know you love her to much to really do that. He told the other, laughing a little but then going serious you do that and I won't let you have sex with me for a month. JJ warned, looking to his mother and his lover.

Krystal made a face. "Gross. You man whore. Do I have to remind you JJ once changed your diapers?" She said with a laugh, antagonising him a little. She saw the guilty look in Bucky's eyes as he hugged their son, could feel it almost. She discreetly examined him, until she noticed his feet. Krystal had 20/20 vision on an off day, so she was able to spot the needle marks. They looked fresh, not like a scar left from hydra. Her eyebrow piqued slightly. She remembered when tony had used. He had had similar marks, but on his arms instead of his toes. Could Bucky be using? If he was, she was gonna kick his ass. JJ laughed again. "Mom always said I was the spitting image of you, dad." He told him with a smile, noticing the technically older man was shaking. He was a bit worried.

Steve smiled and hugged Loki close to him. He knew the prince needed support. He hated to see Loki feel so small, on account of his own though adoptive father. "Of course you can, and you will be, if I have any say in it. Yes. I'd love to. Are you healed enough to date? I know of a little ice cream shop that sells white chocolate raspberry gelato, which as I've come to understand, is Italian ice cream. its quite good." He told the other soothingly, wrapping his strong arms around Loki. The super soldier was content just to be with him like this, but going out on dates and things like that would be fun too. It was lucky that Loki wasn't widely recognizable in civilian clothing, or they'd have a zoo circus of paparazzi staking out the tower. Steve snicked a little. "Captain america is gay.. in the words of Krystal, Oh rah, the paparazzi are gonna have a field day" he was prepared though. He may not have magic, but he had friends who did. Krystal had already charmed his dog tags so people wouldn't recognize him as easily. It was quite nice, especially when the tower needed groceries, which with Thor and he around, usually meant every other day.
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