Icing in my Life(Avengers)Moon/Krystal


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Loki Odinson... or rather Loki Llewellyn as he had taken to calling himself, was not as miserable as people had thought he aught to be. Oh sure he still complained, about everything, but really... it beat that tiny little square cell he'd been in previously. He sighed and glanced down at his wrists where the binding tattoos where. He missed magic a lot, but he had found earth technology to be simply amazing. Particularly technology made by Tony Stark. Loki had to admit, Tony stark was a fucking genius. Made him feel just a tad bit bad about trying to kill the over dramatic little twink. He smiled a little to himself as he sipped on a cup of hot Coffee, provided free every morning, and smoked on a cigarette... most decidedly, not free and in fact, brutally expensive. But Loki would rather smoke than eat, and his roommate was ever so considerate to let Loki mooch food if he really needed it. So long as Loki paid his half of the rent and utilities, River didn't give a damn what Loki ate in the house... especially since Loki had a strange delight for baking... why Baking, Loki had no freaking clue, but it was just as soothing as whipping up a double espresso Latte with extra foam and a dash of Vanilla, soy milk, of course.

“Loki! You're shift is about to Start!” a Voice called, Loki's manager of course. Loki was astonishingly, a simple waiter for the Blue Moon Cafe. He made the pastries, and he made the Coffee, but mostly he took orders, flirted with the customers, and delivered the goods to said customers. Fury knew he was working there of course, and even Loki was surprised by the fact that he had been working at the Blue Moon Cafe for nearly eight months now without incident. Well, except for the one, but funnily enough, it wasn't Loki. It was some drugged up dope head trying to rob the place. Loki had been shot, but he'd barely needed five stitches for the 'graze'. Loki couldn't actively use magic, but it would still rise up to protect him.

“Coming Alec.” Loki promised, draining the last of his wonderful, wonderful Hazelnut Coffee, one last drag of the cigarette and putting it out, Loki stood up and stroked the wrinkles out of his Uniform. His long, gorgeous legs encased in perfect black slacks, his torso covered in a white button up shirt. The Blue Moon Cafe was very high end, Loki even had to wear a waist Apron. He loved the way it made his ass look just perfect. He made the most tips, and he had heard more than a few people comment on him being 'movie star' quality... and porn star but Loki wasn't interested in either. He headed inside and took the pad and a pencil, clocked himself in and headed out to the people to start taking their orders.

“Good morning and welcome to the Blue Moon Cafe. My name is Loki and I'll be you're server today. Our specials are the roasted Hazelnut Coffee with a rhubarb tart.” Loki informed the couple that had just walked in, completely unaware of the two Avengers sitting just behind him. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, both who where gaping at him. Loki asked the couple if they needed a menu or if they where ready to order, and when they ordered he nodded, repeated the order to make sure it was just the way they wanted it, and took it to the back. It was a slow morning and the couple took their drinks and left, leaving Loki alone with his boss, a single other server, and two Avengers. “Good morning welcome to the Blue Moon Cafe, my name is...ack....” he looked up, staring at the two Avengers with shock as he suddenly placed who they where and despite himself he went beat red. “Loki! Good greif...” Alec complained as he moved over to the two. “i'm sorry gentlemen. Loki hasn't had the chance to serve High End customers such as yourself before.” Alec apologized. “please excuse him... Loki! Get your ass in the kitchen and stop choking on air you manner-less idiot!” “i... I am NOT a Manner-less idiot Alec!” Loki protested even as he moved into the back to make the pastries as ordered.

Tony turned to look at Steve, more than a little shocked. "i know Fury said that Loki had a job, but that's just... he's a waiter!" Tony stated, more than a little shocked. the Avengers had been told, exactly twelve months ago, that Loki was back on earth, bound and harmless, they hadn't heard a word about him since then. to find him working in a Cafe' of all things was more than a shock.
RE: Icing in my Life (Avengers) Moon/Krystal

Steve rogers nodded to his friend. "It certainly is unusual." He agreed, running his fingers through his light hair and smiling a little. Truth be told, the super solder wasn't really sure what to make of the former god working at a cafe. He couldn't complain though. Steve knew what it was like to be out of your element. He was still dealing with the vast changes in the world both technology wise and war wise. He knew Loki must be feeling the same way, at least to some degree. He also noticed how handsome Loki was. The blush on his face was adorable. He hadn't had the chance to notice this when he and Loki fought, as he was trying to beat Loki, not make friends with him.

There was a ring at the door, and a beautiful blue haired woman with glacial blue eyes walked in. Steve couldn't help but smile. It had been awhile since he saw the quick thinking (sailor) soldier. She smiled brightly at the manager. "Hey Alec, I know it's my day off, but I can't help but want to eat one of Loki's chocolate cakes. Can I have a chocolate cake and a hot tea?" She asked, still smiling as she walked closer to the two men. Steve raised an eyebrow at the thought of Loki baking, but he knew anything was possible in this day and age. Krystal got her cake and a fork, going to sit alone over by the window. Steve wouldn't have that. "Miss Krystal! Come sit with us!" He said politely, and she just smiled, walking toward him and taking a seat next to the super soldier.

Krystal smirked at both of them. "Its been a long time you two!" She said nonchalantly, taking a sip of her tea, and playing with her dark blue hair tails. After the battle with Loki and the aliens, Krystal had elected to stay in New York. She had a feeling she would meet someone special soon, or rather re meet. Tony had always teased her about her obvious feelings for the more muscled asgaurdian, but she shrugged it off. Krystal was the type to go with the flow, and not let her usually accurate visions of the future bother her.

Steve smiled at her, watching as she sipped her tea once again. "So, how's our little blue bird been doing?" He asked, genuinely curious. He was also wondering about why she chose to work with Loki, after beating him, but he did not voice that question. Instead, he left it alone, figuring the pretty woman would tell him at some point. Krystal just smiled and sipped her tea, looking at both handsome avengers, wondering how Thor is. Then she spoke. "Things have been good. I work here to pass the time, and I really enjoy it. Loki and I bake together a lot. I'm the one who helped teach him." She said with a smile, taking a bite of her cake. She might've taught him, but Loki had surpassed her in this particular cake.

Steve looked at her with a contemplative expression. "Interesting. So he actually likes baking?" Steve asked, and Krystal just nodded. "Yup. Says it gives him peace." She replied, and Steve smiled back. He was happy that Loki had found something he liked doing. Perhaps that could mean they could be friends now? It seemed like Krystal had become pretty good friends with him.
Loki didn't seam to care at all what people thought of him as he strolled around 'behind the scenes' which people could see through the massive opening in the wall. people seamed to love watching Loki bake, as he was doing now, running a whisk though a bowl as effortlessly as he was breathing, chatting with another woman who was more distracting him than she was helping. Tiffany was a great coffee maker, but was crap at any sort of cooking, baking included. she was practically living off of fast food and whatever was left of Loki's baking. Tiffany was only working Part time, so she could go through collage. Loki looked quite happy to be baking though, and was chatting easily with the part time worker as he made, what looked like Crepes and various fillings along with a pan of double chocolate chip cookies and a tin of mini tarts. having three ovens was grand. it really was.

"Well of course you can have Chocolate Cake!" Alec agreed with a grin. Alec was the worlds most awesome manager ever. their boss was a bit of a dick, but he was rarely ever there, so Alec usually was in charge of everything... including who did, and did not, get a slice of free cake. "Yes! come sit with us Bluebird!" Tony agreed. he loved to tease Krystal. "Have you been working here, with Loki, for long? trying to get in a good word with Thor huh?" he asked with a grin as he sipped at an overly caffeinated, and completely complicated Coffee. "you do know Loki hates Thor, right?" that wasn't exactly true, but the only time Loki would admit it was when he was drunk off his ass. Loki smiled a little as he watched Krystal. honestly, she had saved him. not that she knew that.

when Loki first was dumped on earth, he had nowhere to go and no one he could trust. he spent two months living on the street, fighting for any scrap of food he could dig through the trash can's for. River had caught him outside of the Scarlet Carafe, a very popular mixed gender strip club and had taken him in. River was a Native American who had no formal education... no education at all actually. the man couldn't even count his own money. it was Loki who did all the shopping and finances for the 'house' now. and when River could make almost five hundred dollars in tips alone, that was an impressive level of finances. it took a month for Loki to calm down and settle in, and that was when he met Krystal. Loki was still a little sketchy on the details, as he'd been both high, and drunk off his ass at the time. but he woke up in her house and she proceeded to teach him how to bake. Loki had admitted a lot of things to Krystal that he would Deny... but without her he probobly would have succumbed to his depression and either died of an overdose, or tried to fly without wings... right off the top of a bridge or a skyscraper.

"Alec!" Loki called suddenly. "where did you put the Blueberries?!" "What? why!?" "i want to make those Blueberry Tarts that Krystal loves so much..." Loki adored Krystal to be honest. her and Tiffany both, he was like their adorable older brother who had no idea wbout social does and does not's. he had ben raised as an Aeser(Asgaurdians are called Aeser), so he had all their social norms. he did not seam to understand, at all, why Nudity was so frowned upon. but at least she and River had gotten him to put clothes on before leaving his bedroom... or at least a towel. "i'm a little freaked out." Tony admitted, frowning at Loki. "are we sure he's not up to something?"
Krystal smiled widely and nodded her head, giggling a little. "Spoiling me again, Loki-chan?" She called out to with another giggle, sipping her tea. Krystal, in case her named fooled you, is half japanese and half american, and sometimes uses honorifics. In general she's not a huge fan of them, having lived most of her life in America, but with Loki its different. For him, its like a cute nickname. Steve chuckled a little too, but it wasn't because of the nickname. It was because of the way Krystal spoke it, all cute and USO like. He nodded at Tony. "Yes, once again, very unusual, but I for one am glad he found something that makes him happy, other than trying to take over the world, that is. Don't you agree, ma'am?" Steve asked, looking to Krystal. Being from the 40's, he was still pretty proper in the department of talking to women.

Krystal shook it off. "Cap, how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Krystal!?" She asked, fake whining at him. She knew he was from another time, but she really hated that, considering how close they were. To her it just seemed over zealous. Steve just sighed. "I'm sorry blue bird, but you know how uncomfortable it makes me. Its just not me." He said, taking a sip of his black coffee. It was a simple drink, much like him. Steve was the type of person to enjoy the simple things in life; but he surely liked the internet. Krystal was helping him catch up, but the internet helped too. He watched Loki bake, and the former evil man looked so happy. It was a strange and yet comforting site to see Loki so happy. "I'm so glad that he seems so happy, bluebird. It's a little strange, and slightly alarming, but if he's found something that makes him happy, i'm all for it." Steve said with a small smile as he took another sip of his coffee.

Krystal smiled too. "You're right, cap. Its nice to see him happy. Especially since I know all about his child hood, from both sides. Loki talks a lot when he's drunk." She said with a giggle, thinking back to the night she had met him again. It was a cold night, and Loki was passed out on the street, obviously both very drunk and high. Krystal, at 6' tall even, Picked the passed out asgaurdian, and brought him to her penthouse in the Kobayashi magnificent grande hotel. The slightly smaller woman laid him down on her couch, and let him sleep, going on with her baking. She had been preparing for a visit from her sister serenity and her husband Darien, so she knew she had to make lots of cakes, as her sister loved sweets. When he finally woke up, she made him a cup of coffee, and smiled widely at him. "Hi there, Loki! I'm Krystal. I was wondering, but could you help me bake I'm running late, and I've been baking all night!" She told him, still smiling as she drank down her 5th tea of the night. Krystal smiled at the memory and looked at Loki with a smile. "Loki chan, can I have a ref il on my tea? You know hohw I like it" she called, walking over to Alec to pay for her tea. She wasn't one to not pay for something.
Loki smirked a little. "i live to spoil you." he stated with a laugh, shaking his head as Tony blinked a little. "he sounded so Gay right then..." he muttered. well aware that Cap wouldn't associate the word Gay with homosexual. in the 1930's, Gay meant happy and cheerful. "i still don't understand why he tried to take over the world in the first place." Tony growled, glaring at Loki. he'd probobly never forgive the Asgaurdian for turning his precious tower into a pad for evil doings... or for throwing him out the window. Krystal knew why Loki had tried to take over the world, but he had made her swear to never tell a soul. "you'll never get him to call you by name Bluebell." Tony chirped, looking amused. "he's just so prim and proper... i wonder what he'd be like drunk?" he asked with a smirk before making a face. "happy... people like him are never 'happy'. they just look like it so you'll let your defenses down and then BAM! he's standing over your cold dead corpse laughing!" "....Stark, people are trying to enjoy good tea and coffee, do TRY not to speak of corpses?" Loki demanded as he brought out a pile of cookies for Steve and Tony. "the Blueberry tarts will be done soon." he promised her with a smile. "i'll send you home with a dozen. oh! don't forget Tiffany's birthday is this Friday. we're having a party at the apartment. you in? it's a surprise though, so keep it quiet." he ordered sternly, though his eyes glittered playfully. Loki was, after all, still the god of mischief and chaos. a surprise party was his favorite 'prank'.

"why do you call him Loki Chan?" Tony asked with a frown. "i thought Chan was the feminine honorific?" he asked before he gasped, his eyes wide. "...are you telling me that he really is Gay!?" Tony demanded, wondering if he couldn't maybe have a bit of 'fun' with the god... sure he hated Loki's guts, completely and totally... but he had an ass to die for. Alec accepted the money for the tea but refused to take money for the cake or tarts. "here Blue." Loki chirped as he handed over a paper box filled with the wonderful tarts. Tony was more focused on the cookies. they where delicious to say the least! Loki had made these!? "here's your refill." Loki stated with a grin as he handed over the cup of tea. "and don't forget about Friday!" he ordered, glancing around to make sure Tiffany wasn't listening in. "are we leaving?" Tony asked as he scooped all the cookies into his suitcase so he could enjoy them during his board meetings. Loki just rolled his eyes and glanced at Krystal. "you need better freinds." he stated simply, though his eyes where fixed on Captain America's tight bum. "he's the ninety year old isn't he?" he asked with a smirk. "he's so brutally polite... i wonder if he needs a bad influence?"
Krystal smirked back at him. "I know you do, Loki-chan." She said with a giggle as she walked over to the counter. There were wonderful smells of blue berry tarts, chocolate chip cookies, fresh coffee with raspberry, and hot tea brewing in the kitchen. Steve took in a big whiff, remembering how his mother's kitchen used to smell when he and Bucky would come home from school. "Mom... I miss you." The super soilder said under hide breath, the memories both happy and painful. Krystal smiled and walked back over to the pair with her tea and tarts, giggling a little as she watched tony stuff the cookies in his case. "That's just like you, tonykins." She commented, and Steve laughed. "Tonykins?" Steve asked, starting to laugh harder now as he looked at the pair. Krystal just frowned a little.

Krystal and Tony had been friends since they were little kids, always getting into trouble. She and him were always building invensions, and driving her uncle Howard crazy. Granted, he wasn't really her uncle, it was just that their parents were such close business partners, it was like he was her uncle. Krystal snickered at Tony's comments. "I'm disappointed in you, Tony. Don't you trust my judgement?" The pretty bluenette asked as she took a sip of her tea, watching both Tony and Steve. The super soidier in question was now finished with his laughing, and looking at Loki, confused by his comment of "a bad influence" Krystal just smirked at Loki and then to Steve. "Don't worry, you'll both get what you want." And with that she walked to the door as Steve followed, still quite confused.

Krystal just laughed a little to herself and walked out, waiting for her longtime friend Tony to follow. Being a psychic did have its advantages, Like knowing who to matchmake. That was a bad habit of Krystal's, but every couple she put together has yet to break up. That made her pretty proud. Her next conquest though was figuring out how to get Loki together with Steve, and figure out her own love life. She knew Thor was supposed to be close to her, her visions just didn't tell her how close. "Hey tony, when is Thor supposed to be back anyway? He promised he'd return." She said in a sort of a whine, daydreams of she and Thor together coming to her mind as she took a sip of tea.
Loki snickered at the nickname as Tony whined. "do you always have to call me that?!" he complained, sulking at her. "it's so humiliating! now i'll never get respect." "you had some in the first place?" Loki asked curiously, smirking at Tony and flashing Steve a wink as he headed back into the kitchen, Tony snickering a little. "Steve, man. he was flirting with you." he pointed out to the confused Super soldier. "he wanted to be that 'bad influence'."

later that week, Friday morning to be exact, Tony had invited Krystal over for a morning gossip session. or rather, he invited her over so he could pump her for information on Loki. he was quickly distracted by Jarvis informing him that the Blue Moon Cafe' where Loki worked was on the news and that the police and First Response was involved. as the TV flickered on, Tony, Krystal, Steve, and the rest of the avengers watched in shock as a young reporter explained what was happening. apparently Tiffany and Loki had been working, as peaceful as always, when Tiffany's Ex boyfriend showed up. she'd left him because he'd started hitting her. she was much too much of a woman to allow that, so she'd left him and got a restraining order. that had not stopped him from trying to extract his revenge however. Thomas had walked in with a butchers knife and had tried to stab Tiffany. the only reason why he hadn't succeeded was because Loki had shoved her out of the way. according to the reporter Loki Llewelyn had been stabbed four times, and it was unknown whether he was dead or not. that was when the First Responders raced out with a limp, pale, blood covered Loki on a stretcher. he wasn't breathing. the reporter was still chattering away about Loki saving Tiffany as the First Responders pulled out a Defibulator and gace Loki a firm Jolt, the god gave no response and regular CPR was employed for a moment before the Defibulator came out again. this time, Loki gave a weak cough, blood splattering out from his lips as his brilliant blue eyes fluttered open as he was hauled into the Ambulance to head straight for the nearest Hospital.

"Come on." Tony ordered, grabbing his jacket. "we'll go to the Hospital." he promised Krystal, well aware the woman was not going to react well to this. since Krystal was listed as Loki's emergency contact along with one River Yagura, the Doctors where able to tell Krystal just how bad off Loki was. stabbed four times, once in the shoulder, once in the side, once in the stomach, and once in the chest. ironically, it was the chest wound that was the least serious, as Loki's breastbone was twise as hard as any humans... it was the side wound that was the worst, as Loki was missing two sets of ribs, the blade had an unhindered path straight into a lung. even the belly wound was less damaging, as the blade had just missed many of the organs. Loki was in surgery, with no knowladge on how well he would recover... or if he would recover at all. an hour into waiting, the aforementioned River Yagura appeared. he was one funky looking dude, though he did assure the Doctors that the large rabbit ears where not real, just tacked into place for his job... male stripper. with aqua hair and pinkish red eyes, he was a very interesting sight. "Krystal. how is he?" River asked her, looking very worried about Loki. "and how is Tiffany?" Tiffany didn't have a scratch on her, but she was in a state of severe emotional shock, so she was in a room recovering as well. he was struggling to remove the Rabbit ears, he'd probobly come straight from work once he found out about Loki.
Krystal laughed. "Because that's what I've always called you." She said, putting a hand on his shoulder. She knew he couldn't stay mad at her for long. She had know him for the better part of 3o years, after all. Steve raised an eyebrow at Tony's comment. The term "flirting" wasn't really used in his time. "Flirting? You mean he likes me like more than a friend?" The super soildier asked quizzically, looking to both Krystal and Tony.

It had been a normal day off for Krystal. Hang out with tony and Steve, and then run back to her penthouse to get Tiffany's birthday present. Today was her surprise party, after all. Krystal had gotten Tiffany a collection of cd's of all of her favorite bands, a 20oz chocolate bar, private chef lessons with Jamie oliver, and a designer dress worth 20,000. Krystal loved spoiling her friends, and a birthday was the perfect excuse. It was then that the television Oared to life, showing the cafe, and Loki bleeding profusely. Krystal's fists clenched and started to glow blue. "Thomas is so dead" she muttered to herself as she grabbed her jacket as well.

Steve and Bruce both grabbed their jackets as well. "We're coming with you Krys." Bruce stated simply, following the two billionaires out to Tony's BMW. Steve was worried for Krystal, but also for Loki. Even after what he had tried to do, he really didn't deserve to die this way. He watched as Krystal took in steady breaths, recasting her knees on the glove box in the front seat of Tony's car. They all knew about Krystal's uncontrollable power when she was stressed, so they paid no mind to how the car was starting to feel like Antarctica. "It'll be okay blue bird. Thor will be here tomorrow." Steve reassured her as her rubber her back soothingly. On the inside though, the super soldier was just as scared as Krystal. He couldn't admit it to himself yet, but he was harboring feelings for the asgaurdan. They were affecting him immensely, but he held it together for Krystal's sake.

Bruce sat quietly, his fists clenched. He hated seeing anyone one this way, even someone he once hated. He knew what a toll this was taking. Bruce could just sends the tension in the air, and the worry they were feeling over Loki. "It'll be okay Krys. Try to stay calm. If you don't you'll turn the whole hospital into an Ice cube." He xtated, trying to make her smile. Krystal laughed a little and took a breath, practically throwing river to the floor when he appeared. "He's in surgery. He's got punctured lung and several other knife wounds. I'm so scared river." Tears came to the pretty bluenette again and she dug her face into river's chest, praying. "Thor... please hear me and bring medicine!" She thought, fainting from both stress and from her anemia. It always got worse at times like this.
Tony just gathered the things he'd need to get them to the Hospital in record time. including his rabbit lined jacket. it stunned him senseless that Loki had practically died to save someone else. clearly there where things about Loki that no one understood... no one but Krystal apparently. "calm down Blue." Tony ordered gently, taking her hand and holding it. "Loki's a God don't forget. he took a straight on pounding from the Hulk and barely broke at all. a whimpy little knife won't put him down for long." he promised. "and you know Heimdall is always watching." so Thor claimed anyway. "He'll know Loki's hurt and bring something to make him better somehow." Tony promised, hoping to god that it was true. he was very glad he'd grabbed his winter jacket though, she was making the Car feel like Hoth.(Starwars. Tony's a geek) "oof! Krys! hey." River chirped, looking faintly amused as she nearly ran him over. "If he's in surgery, then he'll make it." River assured her, catching her as she collapsed, sighing as he gently cradled her and headed over to the group to wait.

when Krystal woke up she was in an entirely new set of arms. Arms the size of treetrunks. Alec and Tiffany where there as well, and everyone was whispering. "...potion." Thor's voice finished. "it won't heal him completely but it will heal the life threatening injuries using the magic he can't consciously access. it's still there, he just can't use it. the Potion will direct his magic and do what Loki can't. the potion will, at the very least, heal his lung completely so he won't run the risk of bleeding to death internally or suffocating. i worry about him..." Thor admitted, sounding quite sad and upset as his arms shifted, settling Krystal into a more comfortable position. "i would bring my Mother down here to heal him, but the last thing we need is for Loki to throw a... how do you say it? a Tizzy?" "a Temper tantrum. Tizzy works too." River's voice commented. "i've seen those Temper tantrums. i don't think it's the proper word really, because he's no two year old. he gets mad enough to snap and people tend to get hurt." River would know. he'd taken Loki in when the man was still half wild with fear, rage, and pain. River had been sent to the Hospital twice because Loki had attacked him. not exactly on purpose, but Loki still had his 'wild' moments where everything and everything was an enemy trying to get him. seeing Frigga, a woman who he repeatedly claimed to hate, would only throw him into that flight or fight response.

"yes well... Loki's mental issues are not exactly his fault." Thor admitted, sounding upset again. "he's always been hated, i just never noticed or understood what i was seeing. you'll remember i told you that Loki was adopted? well... as children, Father told us stories about Jotun, the Frost Giants. they where monsters to us children, like your boogeymen and ghosts and monsters. he used to sleep under the bed because he was frightened a Jotun was going to come and gobble him up. he was convinced that a Jotun couldn't reach him under the bed, they where too big..." he closed his eyes. "and then he realized he was the monster he grew up hearing stories about and suddenly he understood why everyone hated him... he just... snapped." Thor admitted. "the following events was simply his desperate attempts to prove he was more Aeser than any of us... it failed." here he chuckled. "honestly, if he had wanted me dead, i would have been dead." Thor admitted before everyone tensed as a Doctor came out. "Krystal." Thor murmured, gently shaking her. "you need to wake up now. the doctor is here." he stated softly. the doctor had good news. Loki was fine, very sore but fine. the Potion Thor had provided had healed Loki's lung completely and most of the other internal wounds as well. he was still badly hurt, but there was no more risk unless the Godling tried to move too much. "...i can't take care of him..." River fretted. "i have to work... and Loki does all the money stuff." as smart as River was... he was illiterate. he could count to fifty or so, and he could write his name, but he couldn't read and didn't have a clue about money. Loki was the one who handled all of that. with Loki bed-bound, River was going to have to hire someone to do all that for him again. Loki had tried to teach River, but the man was not very inclined to spend hours in which he could be sleeping, learning 'crap he didn't need'.
Krystal eyes opened and she blushed slightly, realizing she was in Thor's arms. She didn't move though. Her nose twitched a little as she yawned, muttering about her stupid anemia. "You're comfortable, Thunderball." She commented, using the nickname she had given the sexy asgaurdian. She had nicknames for all the people of shield really, save for Fury. She was close with the avengers, but was to timid to approach the director, though she knew she liked him. Her being so close with Tony probably didn't help her case as far as being at S.H.I.E.L.D, but she had a similar warning to Bruce. Krystal was extremely volatile when angry. granted, no one was quite as volitile as bruce, but make her angry enough and she could kill even someone like goku from dragon ball z. It was funny to read her file from the S.H.I.E.L.D database. She had giggled when she read it. Krystal didn't move an inch from Thor's hold, feeling safe and warm, and looked to the docotor, smiling a little and sighing in releif. "He's gonna be okay." she breathed out, sharing a relieved and concerned look with Steve, who was next to ask a question.

"So, where can he stay if River can't take care of him?" the super soilder asked, knowing Krystal's house was medically state of the art and had Jarvis because of Tony, but he also knew she was usually very busy on her days off. Steve sighed again, flexing slightly. This wasn't exactly good. Krystal looked at him again sympathetically, cuddling into Thor. He was just to comfortable! "Definitely not here. Loki hates hospitals, and they might give him something that will cause him to bug out by accident. Tony is your doc still on vacation?" She asked in thought, her eyes expressing her intense worry for the former god. It was true that she helped beat him when he tried to take over, but now it was totally different. She knew now the reasons he did what he did, and she knew him. Loki would try to shroud his feelings from her, but every couple of days he'd land at her penthouse completely plastered. There were no secrets then.

Bruce looked as if he were contemplating, though there was a small smile on his face. He now knew Loki a little better, and it made sense to him. He too disliked hospitals, though the reasoning was different he was sure. Steve was both worried and confused, agreeing with Krystal. He didn't know Loki that well, but he did know that Krystal knew him best outside of River, his roommate. The pretty bluenette and the captain had certainly calmed down since they initially heard about the stabbing, but if you looked at them you knew they were both still very worried. Steve still didn't realise his feelings for the god, as he was old fashioned and knew nothing of any kind of sex other than regular. When he was young, sex was only for procreating. Krystal knew better though, and a few tears ran down her cheeks. She knew how much Tony hated it when she cried. Hopefully that would be enough to spur him into letting Loki stay in the tower.
Thor looked down at her and chuckled as she called him Thunderball. he'd never admit it, but he rather liked it when she called him that. and she fit so perfectly in his arms. now, Thor was not very intelligent, he didn't know fancy math and he didn't know why a comma was important. but then, Asgaurdians didn't need to know such things unless they where scholars like Loki. and even then, very few of them wrote in modern English, rather than the runic ancient language that most everyone still used. no Thor was not very intelligent, especially when it came to book learning. but he was very clever, and he knew how people worked. which was why he knew, in that exact moment, that Tony was going to take Loki back to the Tower. at least until Loki could fend for himself. "well he can't stay with me." Alec warned, looking incredibly worried. "my roommate would never be quiet enough for Loki to rest." Tiffany shook her head. "i'm living with Alec until i can save up enough for a new apartment." she admitted, biting her lip. "Loki doesn't handle earth painkillers well... he freaks out completely." River admitted. "i gave him an Ibuprofen once and he nearly killed himself by trying to fly... off the roof of our building." he admitted.

"what is an ibefrovian?" Thor asked curiously. "an earth painkiller." "ah. yes. Loki has never done well on Painkillers." Thor admitted. "most Asgaurdian's do not use them. it is considered a weakness, even an insult for a full bodied man or woman to use painkillers after an honorable wound. Loki would refuse Painkillers simply on principle. there is nothing more honorable than taking a knife meant for someone else." he admitted, sounding quite proud of his brother. "there are some mild painkillers he might be able to take if the pain gets too bad. it is topical. it numbs the wound through the skin, not through the bloodstream. i will make sure to get him some." Thor promised, shooting glances at Tony. "no, Sky's back." Tony admitted, his head tilted at Krystal before he groaned. "fine, FINE!" he groaned, caving as soon as he saw the first tear. "the over-dramatic little dip-shit can stay at the Tower! but i'm killing him if he throws me out the god damn window again!" he warned, glaring at them all. clearly very unhappy about having to share his personal space with someone he hated. he'd agreed though, and that was what counted. "we'll go get his room set up then." Natasha finally stated. personally, she'd feel better if they had a closer eye on Loki. she, like tony, wasn't entirely convinced he wasn't up to something. like revenge. "Come on Clint." she demanded when Clint just sat there, looking bored. "...i don't want to do housework." "idiot."

"Loki is awake now." one of the nurses informed them. "you can visit him in small groups." she ordered. "and try to keep him as calm as possible. he refuses to accept any form of Painkiller, citing some sort of religious thing." she admitted, looking rather annoyed. as a nurse it went against her ethics to let someone suffer, but when religion got involved... well, there was just nothing she could do about it. River decided that he and Krystal where going to go first, since Loki knew, and liked them the most. Tiffany decided not to visit him first, claiming she wasn't sure she could keep herself calm, and Alec stayed with River, which left Steve free to visit with them if he so desired. Loki was shirtless, covered in clean white bandages, and had an air-hose attached to his nose so that he could get better oxygen intake. his Lung wasn't cut open, but it was still weak. he was laying in the bed, rather limp, extremely pale, and he looked so fragile he might break at just a touch. "Krys..." Loki managed to choke out, voice tight with pain. "Tiff...." "Tiffany's fine." River promised, smiling as Loki relaxed, pleased that his second female freind hadn't been hurt. "Sorry." Loki muttered, taking Krystal's hand. knowing he had worried her. he hated to see her cry, even more than Tony did. "Be ok." he promised with a smile. "go home?" he asked hopefully.
Krystal smiled and sat next to the god, holding his hand, shocked that he was warmer than her. The young blue moon princess was much like Loki in that she had sway over ice, and also had ice in her veins. If you tried taking her blood, it froze and exploded the vial. "Its alright, Loki-chan. Tiff is fine. You saved her. Thor is here too, he's in the waiting room." She told him softly, moving the chair closer. Steve looked on in horror, curiosity, and pride. He was scared to see the god so helpless, and at the same time, proud that Loki saved another person. That was proof enough for him that the asgaurdian had changed. Steve sat on the other side of Loki, absentmindedly taking his other hand, and squeesing it gently. "I was real worried too, and blue practically made the car an Ice cube until we got here. Everyone is fine." The captain said softly, his eyes full of worry and pain.

"Yes, very soon, Loki-chan. But not back to your apartment. You know River's schedule, but fear not, I pulled some strings, well, actually I manipulated some strings, and Tony is gonna take you in at the tower. You'll be well taken care of there, and I'll be there any chance I get. Oh, and I fired Alec's boss. Blue moon cafe's mine now." Krystal told him with a wicked smirk. She knew that he wouldn't like the idea of staying in the tower, but it was the only logical place for him right now. With, Bruce and Tony's live in doctor Celeste, he would be properly taken care of. Steve smiled at the asgaurdian, looking at him. "I'm gonna keep a strict watch on you, and you're gonna recover quickly, Loki. None of us in this room want to see you hurt." The super soildier soothed, gently squeesing his hand.

Bruce came in a moment later, looking to the not couple yet couple, smirking a little. "Hello Loki. I'm just gonna quickly check you out, and then I'll get started on the release papers. Don't worry. Krys told us about how you dislike hospitals. I'll have you safe and out of here in a few hours." He told the asgaurdian, grinning at him. He wanted to help in anyway he could. While he wasn't sure yet if he quite trusted Loki, he was a doctor at heart, and couldn't bear to see anyone in pain. Krystal sent a greatful look towards Bruce, reassuring Loki. She knew about his issues with Dr banner, but she also knew that Bruce was one on the best doctors on the planet. The pretty bluenette stroked Loki's hand soothingly, just watching. "Its all going to be okay, Loki. I promise, and you know I never break a promise." She soothed, her hand glowing a little to ease the pain she knew he was in.
because of the injuries, his body was converting everything it had into healing, rather than keeping him cool against the warm earth temperatures. normally he was quite cool, like a person who had been sitting too close to an air conditioner. not uncomfortable, just a bit of a shock to someone not expecting it. it was not a conscious choice, it was just something he did to keep his core from overheating. his magic did it on it's own. but now, it was more focused on healing him rather than keeping him cool, particularly in an air-conditioned building. unlike Krystal though, his blood did not freeze and shatter in vials. "Don't want... Thor." Loki complained, frowning. he still held a deep grudge against Thor for getting all the good attention as a child. for never noticing that Loki was being tormented, even abused by the other children and their parents... most of all, for never stepping in to help his children. if Thor even realized that his children had been in the same sort of pain. he was also more than a little ashamed of what he'd done to Thor, which made him even less willing to even look at his brother, let alone face the Thunder god.

he laid there and just breathed for a moment before he gathered the energy to respond again. "you... cried. at.. Stark." Loki accused, looking highly amused. "good. girl..." and then he paused as he realized what she'd said. "don't want to...go to...ugly place." he whined, coughing as he overtaxed his weak lung and he had to take another break. "Andy...was...idiot." he muttered. "You're... much better..." he agreed. "Not in the room, maybe. but there are... people at the tower... who would..." he complained. "Can't blame them... made a mess." Loki complained, too tired and in too much pain to really censor himself. "Bad Loki..." he muttered, sounding amused. it was an old joke that Loki couldn't really remember the origin of. he looked a little surprised when Steve took his hand and he studied the captain for a moment before deciding to allow it. it didn't hurt, and he was frightened.

he stared at Bruce for a long moment and then. "i am not a grocery item." he complained, confused by the 'check out' comment. some of the phrases still got him sometimes. "don't like Doctors either." Loki grumbled. Krystal would know better. Loki just didn't like being so dependent on someone else. he hated being helpless and at someone else's mercy. he examined Krystal as she promised it would be alright, and he actually relaxed and nodded. "taking nap." Loki mumbled, too tired to stay awake anymore, despite not feeling safe he was too exhausted... and he trusted Krystal, she would let no one hurt him. he slept all through the transfer, and Thor expressed amusement that Loki had always been a 'dead sleeper'. then he realized what he'd said and went so pale he looked like he might pass out. he relaxed quickly and Loki woke only long enough to cry out in pain when they hit a pothole and curse the driver, not that Loki knew who it was, before he settled back into sleep. Thor looked close to laughing at his brother but said nothing until they got to the Room Loki was going to stay in.

"it needs to be cold in here." he muttered. "Loki's innate Magic won't be able to regulate his temperature." he warned. "it usually self regulates his body temperature, but it will be entirely focused on his healing right now..." luckily, Jarvis was on the case, and without a sound the air conditioner in Loki's room kicked on and it was as cold as a fridge in there in a matter of minutes. "he looks so..." Tony looked quite confused about how to feel about Loki. he'd watched the video feed of Loki's actions int he Blue Moon. state of the art security cameras gave Tony a great view to see how fast Loki had moved, and how brutal the attack really had been. there had been no hesitation, even though Loki had several seconds to know that he couldn't save Tiffany without getting hurt. it had been a truly selfless act. even Clint had been extremely impressed. "...K..Krys?" Loki asked, eyes flicking around, panicked because he wasn't where he was when he'd gone to sleep. he relaxed when he caught sight of Krystal and he sighed a little. "i'm in that eye blinding tower?" he asked, sluggish from being half asleep yet. still, he was breathing a little easier now that it was freezing in the room.
Krystal smiled, gently taking Loki's hand again. She was adding to his healing magic with her own, speeding the process enough to keep him from hurting to much. "I'm right here Loki. Cap is next to you too. He's gonna look after you a bit while I bake. You know I always bake when I'm stressed. Have any requests?" She asked, never having really asked the asgaurdian what he liked. Steve smiled a little and looked a Loki, and then to Krystal. "Penguin, can I have some apple pie, and some of those pumpkin raisin cookies you make? Oh, and Peanut butter kiss cookies too?" The pretty bluenette just nodded and giggled a little, smiling at them both. "You got it cap!" She told him, squeesing Loki's hand lightly before getting up and walking toward the door, ready to bake up a storm, relieve her stress, and then maybe take another nap in either Tony or Thor's arms. Tony was comfort to her, as he had been her only friend, having had an extremely high IQ as he does. Thor on the other hand, was safety, plain and simple. Krystal never felt lonely or sad with the handsome and clever god around.

When Krystal left to go to the kitchen, Steve Mailed a little at Loki. "It will be okay, Loki. Krystal will murder anyone in this house if they try to hurt you. She cares a great deal for you. As do I. I can't explain it, but I feel somehow calm now. That I finally have someone to identify with." The super soldier told the asgaurdian, sighing a little as he thought about his growing feelings for Loki. Steve didn't know what to do. Where he came from, being gay was a death sentence. Now, Krystal and tony told him it was almost perfectly acceptable. He liked that society had learned from their mistakes, but he wasn't sure how he was feeling. Did liking Loki mean he was gay? What would the others think to know captain america was gay? He didn't know, but he did know he would talk to Krystal about it privately later. She had conned Tony into letting her stay at the tower, so she'd be here for awhile in her room.

Meanwhile, Krystal was just taking out all the food she had baked, leaving it to cool. The wonderful smells drew in Bruce, and he looked at her hopefully. "Once tony Clint and tash get back. Besides, they need to cool, and I'm not done yet. I still need to make Thor's struedal, Steve's apple pie, and your mint chocolate chip cookies." She told the doctor who nodded and smiled. He then proceeded to go check on Loki, finding an adorable sight. Steve was asleep next to the asgaurdian, muttering about him in french. Bruce chuckled slightly and went on to changing Loki's bandages, smiling when Steve awoke. "You're doing better Loki. I'm glad. Now, you both should get some rest. You haven't slept since you heard about Loki being stabbed, Steve." He told the super soldier, both concern and amusement in his handsome features.
Loki sighed as the pain eased again and he relaxed even more into the bed. "Coffee stuff." Loki mumbled. "i want Coffee Stuff." he mumbled. "and an iced coffee. i want an iced Coffee too..." he muttered, blinking at Krystal before he frowned as he realized Krystal was going to leave. he didn't want to be alone... he relaxed again at the promise that Steve was going to stay with him. Steve was one of those nasty people who always do what was right, he wouldn't let anyone hurt him. Loki rested for a while and glanced over at Steve when the man started talking. "you have nothing to compare to. you are nothing like me." Loki stated sternly. "and you should be glad of that. i am a vile, petty man and you would do well to remember it." Loki stated, examining Steve. "i am far beneath you and you would do well to move on and find someone else to interact with." he ordered firmly as he closed his eyes. clearly Loki was in a pretty foul mood... and needed to work on his self esteem. he blinked a little as Bruce came in and scowled at the man. "Brute." he grumbled, letting Bruce change his bandages without a fuss. he was able to sit up himself for most of it. he wondered if he was supposed to heal this fast? he must have had more access to his magic than he thought... that or Krystal was helping him. "all i do is rest. i don't want to rest. i demand entertainment!" Loki sulked, even as he closed his eyes. arguing simply to be ab ass, but too tired to actually stay awake.

Tony watched Krystal flit around as she cooked, looking highly amused as Clint and Natasha bickered back and forth about the best kind of bullet to use for mowing down multiple targets. Loki had fallen asleep hours ago, followed by Steve and he knew Krystal was well due for her crash soon. Thor was in the living room, receiving 'reading lessons' from Bruce. Thor was trying to learn how to read English, and he was doing very well with a new language. particularly since Thor, and Loki, typically conversed in ancient Norse, using the Old Futhark alphabet. not exactly easy to translate into English. Thor finally emerged, rubbing his temples. English letters gave him a headache. "Krystal?" he asked, looking quite surprised to see her still working. "come now, sit down, you'll catch a sickness carrying on like that." he complained, carefully gathering her into his arms to keep her from manically whipping up more sugary goodness. he ignored how nice it was to hold her. "lets get you to bed." he decided, cradling her as he headed for her bedroom, shooting Tany an annoyed glare for letting her work herself to exhaustion like that. Tony ignored the look, it wasn't like he hadn't tried to calm her down.
Krystal relaxed as soon as she was in Thor's arms. "There's blueberry struedal for you Thunderball, and can you take the tirimasu out of the oven for me Tonykins? I don't want it to burn." She told them both, already starting to fall asleep in Thor's arms but not before also asking tony to make Loki some iced coffee. She knew he would be sleeping, but it would be there when he awoke. She smiled a little at her good work, proud. Even with everyone that was in the tower, there would be enough to at least last a week. Bruce took a cookie from the counter and smiled slightly at Thor. "She'll be doing this for a few days. Krystal loves cooking, but She does it most when she's stressed. It's a coping mechanism. She's worried about Loki, and also she's dealing with her other issues." He told the asgaurdian, taking a bite of a mint chocolate cookie. Krystal had made them just the way he likes them, with fresh mint extract. Bruce was very aware of Krystal's feelings for Thor, but figured he should let her tell him.

Meanwhile, Steve was out cold on the king size bed with Loki, holding him gently. He wasn't conscious to what he was doing, but in his dreams, he was yelling at Loki for not seeing himself the way that Steve saw him. The dream was quite vivid actually. They were in Steve's apartment, and Krystal had put a movie on for them before she went out shopping. It was a romantic comedy called "13 going on 30" a movie she had thought the super soldier could relate to, and she knew how Loki thought mark ruffalo was hot. They had been watching it together on the couch when Loki suddenly asked why Steve loved him. So, he told Loki, and that was how the fight started. In or out of a dream, It broke Steve's heart to think Loki was carrying around so much guilt, because even the worst villain shouldn't beat themselves so restlessly.

Krystal cracked an eye open and looked at Thor, her expression sort of meek. It was getting closer to the 16th anniversary of her other best friend's murder. Now with Loki being hurt, this was just to much for her. "Thunderball? Will you do me a favor? Will you stay with me tonight? I'm to mentally exhausted to keep the nightmares away." She asked the handsome asgaurdian, her eyes showing both pain and worry. She thought back to that night. She was hanging out with Eyes at his house on a day that Tony was off pitching one of inventions to Howard, when her friend Eyes's father came home, stone cold drunk with a half full bottle of Jose quervo tequila in hand. She remembered him ranting about her being there and how Eyes had so bravely saved her from his father's drunken rage. She shuddered in Thor's arms at the memory, the urge to go bake again coming to her, but she was much to tired. She needed to rest before she could even think about baking again. "Please Thunderball?" Krystal asked weakly, her breath even. He was her safety and calm, and tonight she needed that most.
(just as a memo, Tiramisu isn't baked XDD it's a custard of sorts)

Thor blinked. "what's a stuuedel?" he asked, fumbling over the strange new word. "is it tasty?" he asked hopefully. "i do like Tasty things." he admitted with a nod. "I'll take care of it Blue." Tony promised with a smile. "and i'll make his coffee too." he promised as Thor blinked at Bruce. "she cooks to make herself feel better?" he asked, sounding vaguely amused. "well. as long as it makes her feel better." he decided as he looked down at the little 'sorceress' tucked into his arms. he nodded to Bruce and headed off to tuck Krystal in. "stay with you?" Thor asked, looking slightly surprised. "yes, of course i'll stay, you don't have to beg." Thor promised, realizing that his little freind was emotionally compromised. something was upsetting his little Bluebell and he didn't like it. he didn't bother settling her into bed, he just sat himself in an armchair and let her sleep in his strong, safe arms. watching her all the while and singing ancient Norse lullaby's to her, hoping to sooth her fears and worries away. "The stars are sleeping, in the sky. the earth is held in summers eve..." he murmered, his voice deep and rich, perfect for singing soothing lullabies.

Loki would never admit it, but he loved the feeling of being wrapped in someones arms. he'd never really been held, never been touched. he was craving contact almost constantly, but he was often too afraid to try and touch. eons of being shunned, scorned, and hurt anytime you even looked at a person, did not make for a healthy adult. Loki was terrified of affection, frightened of people he didn't know. it had taken Krystal almost a month to get Loki to truly trust her. it had taken Alec almost four. River had taken two, and he'd been attacked for 'pushing too much'. Loki was very much afraid of his feelings for Steve, and even more afraid of when Steve would finally realize how disgusting Loki was and hurt Loki for 'tricking' him. he blinked sluggishly as Steve made a muffled sound and he turned his head, blinking at the man. "nightmare..." Loki muttered. he could relate. it was a nightmare that had woken him... though, it had more been a memory. a memory of blue people, pain, and confusion. he hadn't realized it at the time, he had been too shattered, but the Chitauri had tortured him for quite a long time, trying to keep him in that fractures, insane state... it had worked very well. "Rogers. wake up." Loki demanded, shoving weakly on Steve's arm. "wake up now... i have to use the Water closet and i can't even sit up on my own. i demand you assist me of find me someone capable."
Krystal relaxed in Thor's arms, kissing his cheek softly. "Struedal? Its like a giant poptart, but it has cream cheese frosting instead of vannilla." She told him, cuddling closer into his arms as he reached the big armchair and sat. "Thank you Thunderball." She told him softly, snuggling into his arms, and falling asleep to his soft singing. She was truly exhausted, both mentally and physically over what was going on, and the anniversary of Eyes's death growing ever closer. She didn't whine or move in her sleep much, but there were a few times where she muttered "Thor" softly in her sleep. She was happily dreaming of A life with him, one where they were king and queen of Asgard, and also her humble blue moon. A life where they had a son, Tristan, who like his mother loved weapons of all kinds, eventually becoming a magical weapons smith in Asgard. They also had two girls, twins. One with hair like his, and the other with hair the color of sapphires like hers. It was a very peaceful dream, one she wished would come to pass. Krystal was of the white moon family, and their life span could be roughly a thousand years, but she knew, with her crystal and asgaurdian medicine, she could live as long as he. It was curious too, since she remembered being friends with the god back in silver millennium, as Odin had traded with her mother, Queen Serenity. She wondered if he remembered. Maybe that was why they were so close now, as close as she and Tony? She didn't know, but she made a mental note to ask him in the morning.

Steve blushed a little as he realised what he was doing. "Sorry Loki. I'll get right on that for you." He said, jumping out of the bed, throwing the covers over Loki, and picking him up. It was apparent tony had left Loki some tirimisu and his iced coffee. He looked to the asgaurdian. "Do you need me to help hold you up while ypu pee?" He asked, figuring the proud asgaurdian would not want to do that sitting down, as he knew how humiliating it would be for him. Steve brought Loki to the bathroom, setting him down, holding the smaller man's hips so that he didn't fall. "You don't have to be afraid of me, you know. You may think I'm just a Good guy, but its not just that. I see something in you you're not ready to admit is there. Saving tiffany proves that." He told the other man, trying to get him to see, to get him to trust him. "This is gonna be harder than I thought" Steve thought to himself, thinking back to bucky. He wondered what his best friend would have thought of all this. He probably would have have laughed at him. Not that he would have been alive now if he'd have survived. Steve sighed inwardly, missing his friend. It was gonna take a long time for him to get over that. He still felt responsible.
Thor smiled a little. "i like poptarts." he admitted, his eyes gleaming. it had to be an Asgaurdian thing, because Loki got that same look when contemplating chocolate. especially white chocolate. he watched her sleep, feeling that tightness in his chest he seamed to get all the time when he was near her. he wasn't sure if it was worry, or just anxiety but whatever it was, he didn't like it. especially as it only seamed to happen when she was upset. he didn't like it at all when she was upset. he wasn't sure how to fix it though, he couldn't exactly bring her the decapitated heads of her enemies, humans seamed to frown on that... he'd talk to Tony, Tony was smart, Tony would know what to do.

Loki huffed and scowled as he was picked up, narrowing his eyes at the other. "hold me up?" Asgaurdian's did not 'stand up' while peeing. they thought it extremely unsanitary. they would do so outside of course, as squatting in the bushes was more than a little awkward, despite woman having to do it. but inside water closets, they sat, did their business, wiped with a paper made from bark and plants, and then washed, yes washed, with a degradable cloth. then everything was flushed down. Loki had gotten over not washing after using the water closet, but he still didn't see the point of standing to piss. "you humans are such heathens." Loki complained as he carefully tugged his own pants down since Steve was so carefully holding him up. fortunately, or unfortunately, asgaurdians have very little reservations about nudity. there where no stalls, no private bathrooms, they just walked into the Watercloset, went, washed, and left... right along side dozens of others. they also bathed together, which was in a very massive room far, far away from the water closet so 'waste' could not contaminate. it was a rather Japanese style of bathing. where they scrubbed well under a shower, and then went and soaked in a tub bigger than an Olympic pool. "i am not in the least bit afraid of you." Loki stated with a small sneer. "you're much too 'Nice' to attack me when i'm helpless." he stated with a snort. "there is nothing in me that is hidden." he stated simply. "i am the God of Lies, but sometimes, what hurts the most, is the Truth..." he stated, studying the other. "like the fact that you do not, and never will belong in this place, this world, this time." he stated simply. lashing out at Clint because the man was there, and easy to hurt. ...he also hoped the other might go away if he was harboring hurt feelings, so Loki wouldn't have to deal with his own emotions. "i saved Tiffany for my own selfish reasons anyway." yeah. because he liked her and didn't want to see her hurt. very selfish.
Krystal's eyes fluttered open as the morning light shone through her her deep midnight blue velour curtains. Tony had decorated this room with her in mind, even going so far as to have the decorators paint a big blue moon and galaxy on the ceiling. It was her home away of home. The handsome genius had known about her powers since they were 12, and Eyes was murdered. Krystal had told him because she knew she could trust him. He always kept her secrets. It was just they way he had always been, and she appreciated it so much. Krystal smiled lightly, and shifted just enough to kiss the gods lips softly without waking him. "Thank you, for everything Thunderball." She whispered into his ear, kissing his head before relaxing back into his hold. She could get used to this, sleeping with Thor's strong and comfortable arms holding her as she slept. She'd never have to worry about having nightmares again!

Steve smiled a little, taking in a small breath. "Yes, I see your point. The truth can hurt more. As for me, I've accepted that I don't necesarrily belong in this era. When I said I wouldn't hurt you though, I didn't mean physically." He told the god softly, marvelling at Loki's cock, but keeping that to himself. He wanted Loki to like him for who he is, and on his own terms. He admitted to himself that the other's words stung a bit, though they were true. If he hadn't of been frozen, he would have probably married Peggy to hide his homosexuality, and have grandchildren by now. That thought was sort of comforting to, but he knew in his heart he was meant for more than Peggy. "We all have flaws Loki, and we all make mistakes. You should forgive yourself for what happened. I know that Krystal, Thor, tiffany, Alec, river and I have. Beating yourself up won't make you feel any better. Even gods are allowed to make mistakes." He told the other, gently smilingly. He could see that Loki was finishing up, and he just waited patiently, trying to sort out the thoughts in his own head before asking of Loki's.
Thor was actually not sleeping at all. he was thinking very hard about things. he was stunned by how loyal Loki had proven to be to young miss Tiffany... and to Krystal and Alec as well. even River. Thor had never seen such... joy in Loki before. he had never seen Loki smile like that before either. clearly living on earth was bringing a peace that his brother desperately needed. he understood a lot of things now, that he hadn't previously, including why Loki had been sour, surly, and downright mean to almost everyone growing up. everyone else had made Loki the monster they now hated. he blinked his eyes open when she shifted and looked down at her with a smile. "you're very welcome Little Song." he murmured back. it was something that only Thor called her, and he'd never explained the Nickname. "...Krystal? may i... ask you a personal question, about my Brother?" he asked hopefully. "you can refuse to answer of course, but i am... curious..." Thor admitted. "Loki is so much happier here. better here... if i was, able to get his punishment lifted, and his magic unbound... do you think the others would still welcome him here?"

Loki huffed when Steve didn't even twitch. that was annoying, how could he bite at someone who was so thick skinned? he was practically breaking his teeth here. "...there is nothing you could ever do that could hurt me more than has already been done." Loki stated simply. "there is nothing left in me to hurt anymore. so put it out of your mind." he demanded as he finished up, set the seat cover down and flushed, standing on extremely shaky legs as he struggled to get his pants back up, cursing viciously as his legs gave out on him, even with Steve's help, sending him tot he floor. "how the hell can i forgive myself?!" Loki demanded, glaring at Steve. "you want me to forgive myself!?" he demanded, trying to shove Steve away. "you don't know anything! you don't know shit! they don't know who i am! they don't know what i've done! i SLAUGHTERED! i destroyed lives, killed the innocent!" Loki raged, clearly too furious at the moment to monitor his words. "My mistakes cost people their very lives and you want me to forgive myself?! how can i when i can still hear the screams!?" he demanded, fingers tight in Steve's shirt, trying to shake the man. he was too week, and all he managed to do was wrinkle Steve's shirt. "Just go away! Go away and leave your pity for someone who deserves it!" Loki screamed, reaching for something to throw at Steve, wanting the man gone, wanting the man to leave so Loki could wallow in his pain, and misery, and guilt alone.
Krystal smiled at the nickname. So he wasn't asleep after all. She wondered what he had thought of the kiss she had given him. It had been a soft and sweet kiss, more out of thanks than anything else, but she wouldn't fight I he wanted to kiss her again. Their lips had fit so well to get here. Krystal looked slightly confused at the question, but smiled. "Yes. His friends would. would. They know who Loki is and accept him for that. I am not to sure about the avengers, save for Steve. Cap I think loves Loki, whether he knows it or not. I think Loki feels the same, but his self wallowing doesn't allow him happiness in that respect." She told the other, hugging him close. She so enjoyed being in his arms. It was comforting and safe, and something about it reminded her of her home on the moon. "Thunderball, Do you ever remember visiting the moon of midgaurd as a young child?" She asked, simply curious. Odin had traded much with Queen serenity when she was alive, and Thor had always tagged along to see Krystal. Loki tagged along to see her as well, but also serenity, Krystal's sister. She knew how they made him feel wanted like his "mother" Frigga did.

Steve looked at him with kind eyes. "You need to talk to Krystal." He stated simply, knowing full well about the Senshi's past, and her many lives. She had told Steve once when they were talking about history, and she was helping him adjust. Like for instance, the life before the one she had now? She was singer in a popular band in the 40's. They were called the "Red Rose Ringers" and she was sure she played with him when he was captain america. He had told her he remembered a pretty girl who sang for him once when she was near, and they had been good friends. Steve remembered their talk like it was yesterday. "Yes, the "red rose Ringers!" I used to love them. Their singer and I were very close." Steve told her, and she just smiled. "Of course you were! I remember those days like they were yesterday. You were so cute back then. Remember bucky kept hitting on me?" She said with a laugh, her gaze thoughtful as she remembered. The super soldier looked at her slacked jawed, a shocked expression crossing his face. "That was you? But then how can you be here now like me? Come to think of it though, her name was Krystal. That's why I call you blue bird. That was my nickname for her." He said, still in disbelief. It was strange for him to think that he could have known Krystal before he was frozen.

Steve was snapped out of his reverie as Loki continued to scream, sadness hidden in his gaze. "I don't pity you Loki." He told the other flatly, picking him up and bringing him back to bed. The super soilder hoped Loki had not been hurt by the fall. He set Loki back in bed and pulled the covers over him, giving him a soft smile. "I'll go get Krystal. Why don't you ask her about her past lives? She understands much more than you realize, Loki." And with that, he walked out and went to Krystal's room. His footsteps were light, as it was still quite early, and he knew only Natasha or Clint would be awake. He didn't like the idea of waking any one. Steve knocked on the door softly, listening for a sound before speaking. "Bluebird? You awake? Loki really needs to talk to you right now." He said through the wooden door, listening for an answer, never daring come in just in case the pretty 22 year old wasn't decent.

"Come in Steve. Thor and I were just talking." She said softly through the door, a small smile on her face. She was a little worried for Loki, knowing how much guilt and pain he felt having talked to him while he was drunk. She knew that was probably why Steve wanted her to talk to him. He probably wanted her to tell the god about her many past lives, as she had told him. Krystal wondered if it would even help as she thought about what to say. She wanted nothing more than to help Loki, since he has been such a good friend to her, even though it took a little while for him to trust her. "It will be okay, Loki. I'll help if I can." She thought to herself, cuddling into Thor simply because he was her saftey, and also because she loved him.
"Your a filthy liar." Loki spat back at Steve. he knew the other pitied him. pitied the situation, pitied the pain and the grief and the misery. well he didn't need Steve's pity and he sure as hell didn't want it. he'd much rather the other just hate him and be done with it. "Don't touch me!" Loki snarled, trying to struggle out of Steve's grip but he was too tired and too weak to do more than squirm. "i don't want Krystal here! just go away and Leave Me Be!" Loki commanded, yanking the covers over his head in a pathetic attempt to hide from the world. he hated them, he hated them all for making him feel such things.

Thor smiled a little as he watched her. "you really think so?" he asked hopefully. "it's obvious he regrets what he did, though he never gave any reason for it... i want to try and get Father to give Loki a lighter sentence... what he did to save the young miss Tiffany proves that he is not 'evil'..." he sighed. "i do not understand why my brother did what he did... but i know my brother well enough that it could not have been only one thing to drive him to do what he did." he admitted before he looked at her. "the Moon? yes, i remember going a few times, though my childhood memories are a little hazy." he admitted. "when you live as long as we do, memories start to turn to dust after a while." he admitted. "i remember going and playing with two little girls though. Loki absolutely adored them, i guess i can understand why now. they didn't look at him like he was garbage." Thor grinned. "i used to have a terrible crush on one of the little girls. Father thought it was hilarious because i'd go around and let her boss me about. lift that, move this, don't sit like THAT at the tea table." he chuckled. "she even taught me to be a 'proper gentleman'. Mother thought it was most adorable." he admitted with a smile. "you are from the Moon, are you not Krystal?"

he looked up at the knock on the door and blinked as he looked down at Krystal, clearly worried about his brother. "he is unwell?" Thor asked, looking deeply concerned. "do you think you can help him Little Song?" he asked softly, gently settling her onto her feet. "please try... i fear my brother may do something deeply regrettable if he is in a state..." well, he wasn't 'in a state' just yet. he wasn't throwing things at least, and he wasn't snarling like a wild animal, and things weren't freezing underneath him. he wouldn't attack anyone at least... though, if left to his thoughts long enough, he might start considering doing things to himself.
Krystal smirked. "Yes, I am from the moon. I wonder, could those days be why we're so close now, Thunderball? I remember bossing a little blond boy around, and Loki laughing like an idiot. He found it amusing to watch you be bossed around by someone other than your parents." She told him, fingering the hammer necklace he had given her in silver millennium. She wondered if he would recognise it. She hoped so. If Thor had crushed on her back then, could he love her again now? She hoped so, so very much. "Yes, that is true. He does feel remorse. A lot of it. He swore me not to tell anyone his reasoning though." She told Thor, frowning a little as he put her down. She had been so comfortable in his arms. It was soothing. She looked at Thor, still fingering the necklace. It was a nervous habit of hers. She always did it when he was around. Then in a burst of courage she didn't know she had, Krystal Kissed him again hard. She broke away fast, blushing. "I used to crush on you too. I still like you... a lot. Maybe even love." She squeaked out, looking at him in an uncharateritically meek way. Her face was flushed, and she was shaking slightly, afraid of rejection.

Steve came in, looking deflated. "He's fine physically Thor, he's just feeling sorry for himself. I worry he might hurt himself." He told them both, the concern and love in his eyes apparent. If only Loki could see it as what it is, and not what it isnt. Krystal was shook out of her meekness, and she heard what Steve was saying. "I will talk to him Steve. Don't worry. Do we have any white chocolate?" She asked, looking concerned, knowing how much Loki likes white chocolate. She hated seeing him this way. She walked into her closet, closed the doors and quickly changed, coming out in Loki's favorite outfit, a pretty blue and gold dress with a galaxy print, with matching blue heels. "Okay, I'm gonna go see him now. Thunderball, think about what I said, and stay away from Loki's room for now. You too Steve." She told them, walking out of her room, grabbing a giant white chocolate bar from the kitchen and walking to Loki's room.

"Loki-chan? I come bearing gifts of white chocolate! Can I come in?" She asked as she knocked on the door softly, knowing the Asgaurdian could never refuse white chocolate. It was his favorite type of chocolate. She was very worried about him, knowing full well what he did when he was in one of his "moods" it had taken her an hour to calm him down the last time. She hoped the door just enough to poke her head in, and smiled at him. "Please Loki-chan? I'm worried about you." She added softly before closing the door again and waiting for him to tell her it was okay. Krystal wasn't the type of person to invade someone's privacy, unless it was life or death. She feared this might be if she didn't talk to him.
Thor smiled a little before he went tense, looking surprised. "...oh." he breathed, shocked as he stared at her, realizing now why she felt so familiar to him. so comforting, like a childhood dream. "it was you!" he stated, astonished. "i had always wondered... we went to visit one day and it was like you had never existed. for a long time now i had thought maybe i'd simply dreamed you up." he admitted sheepishly as he reached out and stroked her necklace. "i wondered where that had gotten to." he teased with a smile before he sighed. "it's good that you don't tell secretes. as worried as i am about Loki, it is better for you to keep his trust. he needs good and loyal freinds like you." he assured her before he gasped as he was kissed, staring at her with more than a little shock. "Krystal, I..." he paused as Steve came in and he cleared his throat awkwardly. "...Captain, the last time my brother 'felt sorry for himself' he sank Atlantis." Thor stated softly. it had been just after Loki's first love had died. or rather, had been murdered. he had flown into a rage, and slaughtered the people who had done it, and sank their city to forever punish them. then he tried to drown himself right along with them. it had only been the grace of Loki's eldest son, Jormungandr, that Loki had failed.

"i will think about it most intently Lady Krystal." Thor promised, his eyes shining with worry, for both her, and Loki. "...Chocolate?" Loki asked, carefully peeking out from under his covers. "there's no need to worry." Loki mused. "it's not as if i'll die you know... though that would be nice. i could spend the rest of existence with Hela... i miss her, you know. she was such a sweet little girl..." he muttered softly. "where's my Chocolate? you promised Chocolate." Loki whined, though he refused to come out from under the covers. at least he wasn't hiding under the bed, he wasn't too bad off. as a child he had heard horror stories about Jotun. he'd often hid under his bed as a child, convinced the Jotun wouldn't be able to get to him under there. they where too big to reach after all. at least, that had been his reasoning as a child. when he was extremely frightened or stressed, he often went under the bed, the small space was a comfort to him. "...Krystal? i don't want to be here..." he whispered. "i don't like it here. i want to go..." here he paused and his lip trembled as he closed his eyes. "i don't have a home... i'm homeless and no one likes me and i'm a MONSTER!"
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