Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}


Jun 3, 2013
Turbulent times scar the land of Skyrim, wars between men, and war between beasts.
No one had ever dreamt of the dragons to return from the grave, yet it happened, and at the most bitter of times.
A war between lands has left tensions high and trust as valuable as gold.
Will these the mighty Jarls be able to set aside their differences, or will the war rage on?​
((Oh, man, dat gif~))

Skyrim held nine holds, all ruled by a Jarl. There was the main holds; Markarth, Riften, Solitude, Whiterun and Windhelm. There were the smaller holds; Dawnstar, Falkreath, Morthal and Winterhold - used for fishing or hunting and trading goods. Because of the Civil War, Skyrim had been split; Ieyasu of Windhelm held reign over the Eastern half, while Mitsunari of Solitude held reign over the Western half.

Yukimura had woken early that morning, and after training and eating his breakfast, he left Dragons Reach to stroll through Whiterun, checking to see if everything was in order. Just after noon, Yukimura returned to Dragons Reach to attend the daily counsel he and his master had to discuss any problem within the hold, and the problems of war. After searching for his lord, he found him on the throne, as usual. "Oyakata-sama, forgive me for my tardiness." He said, taking a knee.

Megohime waited in the Bee and Barb for her next target. She was low on septims and desperately needed more if she were to make it any further. Drumming her slender fingers on the wooden table she eyed each man as they came in the door, all seemed to have no more than a few hundred to their names and they'd do her no good. Brushing her black hair behind an ear, she waited impatiently, flipping a good coin between her fingers, slender figure slouched with lack if interest in her low cut dress, finding the singing Bard to be rather annoying; he'd played the same song for almost an hour.
"Its quite all right, Yukimura. I'm glad you're here, we have much to discuss." Jarl Shingen said calmly

Hidemune, a usual visitor at the Bee and Barb, moved to the counter and took a seat a couple stools from Megohime, "Hello, Keerava...! The usual, please..." "Can't you order something different for once, Mune?" Keerava asked
"Of course! Let us begin then." Yukimura said, straightening up to meet his masters eyes.

Megohime perked up and looked to Hidemune, a small smirk curving her lips as she slipped the good coin into the small satchel she had on her hip. Grabbing her drink she moved closer to the teen, sizing him up silently. He didn't wear overly flashy clothing, but she could see he wasn't a beggar either. "Ne, aren't you a little young to be in a place like this?"
"We'll be having a guest for a while...Sasuke is currently showing her around." Shingen stated

Hidemune looked, "I didn't know there was an age requirement for the Riften Inn, miss." He said with curious eyes
"A guest?" Yukimura blinked. "Is she a noble?" He asked, curious as to who their guest was.

"Touché." Megohime sipped her ale, not really interested in her drink. "So what's a fresh face like you doing in Riften? You a traveler?"
"Actually, she-" "Dragon Reach is so amazing, serah...!" A feminine voice chirped. A girl with long black cherry colored hair in a over-shoulder braid walked in with Sasuke from the upper levels. She was wearing Elven armor, probably to get from Solitude with little difficulty.

"Fresh face...? Hardly...I don't get out much..." He answered, "I live...near by..."
Yukimura looked to the woman clad in gold, clearing his throat and bowing his head to her. "Welcome to Dragons Reach... Ano..?" He looked to her for her name.

"Great." Megohime thought, taking a large drink of her ale. "He's a local, which means he probably only has a septim to his name." She thought bitterly. "Well I guess I just haven't seen you in here yet." She said, flashing him a smile.
The girl looked and faltered, "A-Ah...oh...um...." Her cheeks turned red and she averted her gaze, "U-Um...m-my name...uh..." "This is Akihime. She's here by order of Jarl Mitsunari to help Sasuke with the guards." Shingen said

"I don't get out much..." He repeated, "Work out in the docks isn't as glamorous as it sounds..."
Yukimura blinked, staring at the flustered woman before him with a quizzical look. "Jarl Mitsunari sent her? Has something happened in Solitude?" He asked Shingen.

((I don't know what to do with Mego cuz I don't know what else to do with her until Masa comes!))

"So, if you're a fisherman, why do you wear clothes not of a fisherman?" She asked, looking him up and down.
"She's here to help me with the guards, Master..." Sasuke said. Akihime played with her hair, "Y-Yes.."

((Welp, we're gonna have a problem because Masa never leaves...!))

"I, uh..." Hidemune frowned softly, "I came back from visiting the Temple of Talos in Windhelm..." He said nervously
"Ah! I see, well, I am honored, Akihime-dono." Yukimura bowed to Akihime, his armor clinking.
((Now we wait for the Masa to walk in~))

Megohime leaned closer to Tadamune, smirking softly. "Oh please..~" She purred. "We both know you're lying, so what's your backstory~?" She could tell he was getting flustered, and it only made it that much easier to play him.
Akihime flushed and bowed quickly, "Th-Thehonorismine!" She stammered

Hidemune blushed, "I'm not lying...I'm a fervid believer of Talos...I went to His temple in Windhelm..."
"Akihime-dono? Are you okay? You don't seem well." Yukimura pointed out. "Your cheeks are flushed and you seem a bit feverish.."

"I'm only teasing~" Megohime swept her hair behind one shoulder, it being in a long loose pony tail. "Tsukihime desu." Megohime gave him one of her alias, holding her hand out.
"She likes you." Sasuke stated with a smirk, making Akihime jump. Her cheeks turned a darker shade of red before she ran off in embarrassment.

"Hidemune." He extended his hand but someone snatched his wrist. "You didn't tell me you were back." "J-Jarl Masamune!" Hidemune gasped
"Well we are comrades in arms, are we not?" Yukimura didn't get it at first, but then it sunk in. "Wait, you don't mean..?" His own cheeks flushed red.

Megohime blinked, turning her head to see who had grabbed Hidemune. Her eyes flashed at the sight of the man who stood before her. He was clad in armor she had never seen before, and she could tell he certainly wasn't poor, plus his title gave that away as well. "The Jarl in the flesh, I'm honored..~" She said, though she had yet to size up what kind of woman he liked, she decided to flirt.
Sasuke chuckled and went off to patrol. Shingen looked to Yukimura, "Feel free to go and talk to Akihime...she'll be here a while, might as well befriend her so she isn't alone..."

"Not now, missy, I'm busy." Masamune stated. Hidemune gulped, "F-Forgive me...!" "You should hurry home then." Masamune said
Megohime watched the dispute between the two, which wasn't all the much of a dispute. Was he one of his workers? No... They look so similar... Could he be... No. Focus." Waiting for Hidemune to leave, Megohime crossed her legs, sipping her ale.

Yukimura nodded and bowed to Shingen before hurrying off to find Akihime, perhaps she had run to her room?
"You should leave." "Yes, my Jarl. Forgive me..." Hidemune scampered off and Masamune sighed

Akihime was - indeed - in her room, removing her armor and changing into a simple red and black dress and a pair of boots. She fixed her long hair into a braid crown and set her glass war axe beside her bed
"I never would've thought the Jarl himself would be in here." Megohime said after Hidemune had left.

A knock came at Akihime's door. "Akihime-dono? Are you feeling alright?" He asked. "Are you decent?"
"Well you look stiff, why not sit and have a drink or two?" She offered, ordering two more drinks.

Yukimura smiled softly. "That's good, would you like to join me for a walk perhaps? It wouldn't be any fun trapped in here all day."
"I guess if you really have to, and I'm not a harlot, just a friendly stranger wanting to chat." She said, cursing internally, but playing it cool on the outside; she needed to get this one.

Yukimura made way for her and bowed slightly. "After you, Milady."
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