Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It had been almost a year since the last major threat, ever since Killian had threatened the world and Tony...or rather Pepper, had killed him, there had been nothing but boring peace and stillness. It was driving certain members of the Avengers rather mad. Clint and Natasha front and foremost. They hadn't even had any missions from Shield to handle, no one wanted to screw with America anymore. Which was good of course, but it also meant that life was very boring. So boring that Steve had even taken up writing... not that he wasn't good at it, he was actually very good at 'old fashioned crime novels'. Where private detectives solved crimes seeped in mystery, betrayal and sometimes more than a little mysticism. Thor of course, dropped in from time to time to assure them that everything was fine on the Asgaurdian Level, and often stayed for a week or so, telling stories about his family. He never mentioned Loki, save for the first trip back to inform them that Loki was imprisoned for life and had ceased to react to anything. Thor claimed Loki was 'sulking', and promised that the chaotic bastard certainly couldn't escape. Well, that's what Thor Claimed anyway. That's what everyone thought.

“Sir.” Jarvis's voice cut into the buildings silence. “There is a stranger that has appeared on the Balcony.” the very spot where Tony took off his armor, a young man was standing, looking around with a mildly curious look on his face before he started down the steps as he noticed people coming to... er, greet him. Steve had his shield, Clint had grabbed his arrows, Bruce... sort of stood there and tried to look threatening, which didn't work that well. Bruce just wasn't a very frightening man.

“Greetings to you, Warriors of Midgaurd.” the man intoned, bowing low to them, the same way Thor had when he'd introduced the Avengers to the Warriors Three and Lady Sif when they'd come to visit Earth as well. “I Bring news and tidings from Asgaurd... though I wish I had pleasant tales to tell.” the man admitted, looking serious, and concerned as he studied them. “i am Jormungandr, son of the Traitor Loki, and honored nephew of Thor.” he didn't bother looking annoyed at the reaction he got from informing them he was the son of Loki.

The man took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “War is coming to Midgaurd.” that got another negative response. “Loki has escaped. And he has nearly killed my Uncle in doing so. Thor is being healed, but I do not know yet if he will...” here the man paused, forcing himself under control. “i do not know if he will make it.” it was obvious that the young man before them, cared a great deal about Thor... and, not at all for Loki. “you must prepare yourselves for attack. Loki is quite fixated on his perceived slights. He will seek revenge against all of you, and on Midgaurd. I have been sent by Odin King to offer any assistance I can to you, in the hopes that I can help you stop, or kill Loki before he can do anymore damage than he already has.” it was Steve who moved first.

“what kind of name is Jormungandr?”Clint finally demanded. “it means Poison in the Blood.” Jormungandr stated. “it is a name of Power. What sort of name is 'Clint'?” “...a human name.” Clint grumbled, sulking. “how do we even know you're really from Asgaurd anyway? Maybe your just another snot nosed brat who wants to take over the earth?” Clint demanded and Jormungandr smiled, looking amused. “you don't. At least, not until you see proof. You can chain me up if you like, I won't struggle. Just try not to ruin my face when you torture me for information, I need my face to attract good sex partners. Oh, wait. I'm not supposed to talk about sex in front of humans...” Jormungandr muttered. “Thor says it upsets them... can't imagine why.”
Tony startled so bad when he was told there was someone on the balcony, that he dropped the physics book he was holding, the book hitting the floor even as he walked towards the balcony. Even as he touched the bracelets at his wrists, making sure his suit was on standby to make sure that it was ready to go, just in case they had to fight. Looking bemused at the words, he paled slightly at the news of thor being hurt. “Is he-”He stopped, pausing when jormungandr answered the question, though his face was calm and collected, inside he was seething. He liked the blond asgardian, no matter how many things he broke, or how many times he had to explain the most simple things, Tony enjoyed his company. The idea that loki had hurt him, made him want to throw the jotun through a window.

“...Only another asgardian would talk like Point Break.”Tony said as he studied the other, tilting his head slightly. “....I thought you were supposed to be this big ass serpent....and despise thor. You know, the whole battle at ragnorok and all.”Tony said focusing on the norse mythology he’d gotten thor to tell him about, and what he’d read, to think about the facts, instead of that his friend was in trouble, and there wasn’t a damned thing he could do about it. “Well, it might upset them-but you can discuss your sex life all you want.”Tony smirked a little. “Tony, do you not have something better to do?”Natasha said studying the billionaire who had enough sex to put them all to shame, really you’d think he’d move on from the whole sex thing. “No, not really. Besides, I want to know about asgardian sex lives. Thor refuses to tell me.....and talking about embarrassing things is easier then thinking about Loki."Tony added looking a little unnerved at the idea of the jotun on the loose.
Jormungandr blinked at Tony for a moment and then. "Battle of what?" he asked, giving Tony the strangest look. "i have the capability of becoming a Ouroboros, yes." Jormungandr admitted with a shake of his head. "Thor raised me when my Father abandoned me, how could i hate him?" Jormungandr asked, looking quite annoyed at all the 'assumptions' going on. "Uncle has told me that you humans have gotten a lot of our history tangled up in little more than fairy tales. Ragnarok certainly won't be happening anytime soon i assure you. and it won't be by my hand either to be sure." he promised with a shake of his head. "...i think i'll skip the sex talk." Jormungandr stated with a sigh. "you must be Tony. Thor has told me of your perversion." that made Clint and Steve laugh, quite delighted by that. "Thor is actually quite reclusive for most Asgaurdians." Jormungandr admitted. "he never tells of who he has slept with, and his partners do the same. he values his privacy quite greatly." Jormungandr admitted as he walked inside with the others, pausing to pull off his slightly muddy boots before stepping inside so he wouldn't track dirt. proving that Jormungandr at least, was more thoughtful than Thor was. "interesting Magic." Jormungandr muttered as he studied a lamp with the light on, his head tilted as he examined the bulb. "Uncle did say that midgaurd was most impressive, but i didn't imagine it to be so amazing." Jormungandr admitted softly. "is it true that you can fly in the air? without sprouting Wings or riding on a beast?" Jormungandr asked, quite curious, and a LOT more controlled than Thor was. Thor had, after all, gotten so excited he'd smashed many things within the first seconds of being in the Tower. Jormungandr hadn't even tracked mud in.
“Ragnorok....Human myth says that you and thor duke it out then.”Tony said looking thoughtful before nodding. “I’m sorry, thor was still going through the myths with me, since he does have other things to do, when he is here, which isn’t all the time, we haven’t gotten through them all.”Tony said tilting his head, looking indeed sorry for annoying the man but also looking interested in the idea that jormungandr could turn into a serpent. Sulking a little he laughed though, “Yea, I’m tony. And it’s not a perversion! It’s just curiosity!”Tony whined a little as his friends laughed at him. Looking startled that not only jormungandr hadn’t smashed anything yet, or that he actually took off his boots. It was a interesting change from thor before smiling slightly. “If you think this is impressive, wait until you see what else I’ve come up with.” “You didn’t come up with lightbulbs, Tony.”Natasha said. “No, but I came up with the clean energy to run it. And alot of other cool better things.”he said before looking at jormungandr, nodding. “Yes. Would you like to see?”Tony asked, more then willing to show off. He couldn’t help himself sometimes. He loved showing off.
Jormungandr blinked a few times at Tony before he shook his head. "i'll go over some of the legends with you if you'd like." he offered. "many times, humans just sort of go off on their own wild tangent and completely ignore the truth of things." he admitted with a smile. "the Norse and the Vikings where rather bad about that actually. for some reason, they seamed to think that i lived in the sea, and that i would gobble them up if they got too close.... i mean really, can you imagine the indigestion i'd get from eating a boat?" Jori asked with a roll of his eyes. "simply unbelievable really." "it's a perversion." Clint, Bruce, and Steve chorused with shakes of their heads. "Light-bulb. yes Thor told me about the glowing orbs. and about the thing called Tebelision. where the pictures move, but aren't real. he also speaks very highly of a thing called Poptarts, which are apparently very addictive but not bad for you." Jormungandr admitted as he looked around. "and a thing called a Tooster, which warms up the Poptarts." Jormungandr smiled. "apparently working a Tooster is fraught with danger, it sounds most exciting." he admitted before nodding rather eagerly at Tony's offer of being shown some of the realms sorcery. "oh yes please, Uncle has spoken greatly of your amazing abilities." he admitted. "he said that you have created some of the greatest sorcery ever imagined, on our world and this one. i'm most excited to see if i can learn your kind of magic, this 'technology'." he admitted, nodding quite eagerly. "great, another Technogeek." Clint grumbled. "at least this Jormumble..." "Jormungandr." "is better behaved than Thor is." "true enough."
Tony tilted his head before grinning. “That would be great. And I know what you mean, even today, they sorta go on a tangent and-” “Kinda like you when you open your mouth?”Natasha smirked a little. “I do not go on a tangent, I’m just a curious person.”Tony laughed a little before snickering. “well, I’ve seen thor eat some pretty weird things without a side effect. A boat wouldn’t be that bad.”Tony teased before frowning at his friends and their declaration. “It is not.”

“Television.”Tony corrected as they walked into the penthouse, “Jarvis?Turn on the tv would you?Vikings should be playing.”Tony smirked as the AI flicked on the history channel, before laughing at kormungandr’s words. “Well, it wouldn’t be so bad if he would stop smashing the toaster.”he looked amused before nodding. “So, where do you want to start? With a toaster and poptarts, or downstairs in my lab where I make magic?”Tony said smirking a little, that flirty little smile that said he was definitely a flirt, and that he loved techno babble. “I’m sure Tony would love to teach you.”Natasha snickered a little looking amused at the idea before nodding in agreement with clint’s words. “Hm, but at least he’ll talk to jormungandr instead of us. Someone knew to babble at and all that.”She muttered.
Jormungandr nodded. "yes, but creativity is one of humanities greatest advantages." Jormungandr admitted. "it is because of human creativity that you advance so very quickly. Asgaurdians don't have such wild imaginations, probably because we live so long. we advance very slowly because of that." he admitted with a smile. "and i love my Uncle greatly, but he is not the smartest people around." he admitted. "if he can't fix the problem by smashing it, then he's usually fairly helpless." Jormungandr admitted with a chuckle. "oh my." Jormungandr breathed as he watched the Tv turn on. and again, very much unlike Thor, he did not immediately panic and smash apart the people, he approached it slowly, touched the screen, peered behind the Tv, examined the cords and tried to interact with the people. "i like this kid." Steve admitted with a grin. "he's a lot calmer than Thor is." "why do they ignore me!?" Jormungandr demanded, scowling at the TV. "i told him he was about to be stabbed in the back, and he didn't even react!" "they aren't real Kid." "...Kid? what do the offspring of four legged furry earth creatures have to do with anything?" "we, no it's slang, for a young person." "...oh. so the people are not real?" he asked, curious as clint explained what a recording was and how the people on the screen where actors. "i have never seen a play so amazing! is this sorcery then? illusions that make it look as if they are truly hurt and dying?" "yes, for the most part." "fascinating!"

Jormungandr turned to look at Tony, clearly unable to decide and then. "perhaps i could have a sample of a poptart and then we could go down to your place of Magic?" he asked hopefully. "Thor has said such good things about the Poptart..." thank goodness they always kept tons of poptarts around. "oh my!" Jormungandr murmured, impressed with the toaster. "yes, i see. your magic heats up the inside of this little box, and that's what makes the poptarts warm! you've controlled fire to such a fine extent! simple amazing!" he breathed, looking quite impressed. and he was more than a little amazed by the idea of a 'horseless carriage' that was Tony's cars. "and these are the armors? Thor told me about the Man or Iron suit. it lets you fly without wings, and take strikes that would kill a God." he admitted, staring at the Iron Man suit with something that looked very much like Awe, though he didn't even breath on the suit, or touch it. "Uncle said that you are a most fearless warrior, that you do things no God would ever dare to do, and that you're heart is pure with thoughts of goodness. he said that you very nearly sacrificed your own life, in order to stop Loki's last attempts at mayhem." he turned to look at Tony. "i don't think anyone would have said it, but i want to Thank You for stopping him."
“That’s true. The very thing that makes Loki hate us, besides you know, him being bat shit insane, is that we live so briefly. Each breath, each feeling is that much stronger for us compared to the asgardians, because our time is finite.”Tony said thoughtfully, so he did understand loki, and even some about why the man wanted to control things, because he thought he could do better then the short lived humans. Grinning at jormungandr’s observation he nodded. “It’s a good thing I have the money to replace everything he’s replaced, that’s true.”he mused grinning wider as the kid peered at the tv, amused as clint explained the thing.

“That works. Come on.”Tony smiled slightly as he got the poptarts and toaster, showing jormungandr how it worked before smiling. “Actually, it’s not fire. It’s electricity...you know, like what’s in lightening, ran through a metal wire until it’s white hot and heats the poptarts.”he explained looking pleased at the chance of having someone to explain things to. He loved thor, but his nephew was easily proving to be a better student. “They are. Would you like to see them working?”He asked even as he brushed a thumb along his bracelet, to trigger the suit to start getting ready to assemble, looking amused that someone looked at his suit in much the same way he did. “I am not that fearless, nor that pure. I enjoy the attention being a superhero brings, don’t make it sound all selflessness.”He warned blushing ever so slightly at the other’s praise, and feeling more awakward at the knowledge that thor talked about him like that to the other’s in asgard. “Well....you’re welcome. I couldn’t really let him destroy the city, I kinda like it, you know.”he muttered before sighing redirecting the man’s attention to the suit again, “Step back. I’ll show you the suit.”he grinned knowing he was going to awe the man more at the seamless change of ‘magic’ to assemble his suit, smirking as the pieces settled onto his best with perfect percision, glancing at the other.”Thor helped me test it to make it god proof, just in case you know? Getting hit with his hammer is enough to know I can stand up to any human weapon...”
Jormungandr looked surprised before he smiled. "Loki doesn't hate humans." he stated simply. "he simply wanted to kill you all because you where important to Thor." he admitted with a sigh. "he said so, when Odin asked him why he tried to Rule earth... "Humans are fleeting, but they are such powerful creatures. i would have made their power my own, and then i would have turned their might against you." that's what Loki said. he targeted you all because he was impressed by what he saw, and because it was the best, and easiest way to make Thor hurt the most." Jormungandr admitted. "...Loki wanted Thor to bleed inside... no need for wounds." he admitted before smiling a little. "it's true though, that humans feel so much more deeply than we do." he admitted. "deep emotions are rare for us. things like Love, rage, jealusy... they're quite fleeting if we have them at all." he admitted. "probably why we don't fight with each other all that often. we don't have the anger needed to wage war against our own kind." he admitted. "not to say we haven't, but it happens fairly rarely. the last honest fight happened three hundred years ago. we have scuffles, but nothing as passionate as what Humans can manage..." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "we talk about your people, sometimes. the most famous battles. your people are special, and powerful." he admitted with a smile.

"amazing! you've managed to harvest and control lightning! manufacture it even?" he asked, looking amazed as he bit into a warmed up Poptart and chewed for a moment before he spat it out into the garbage, looking sheepish. "...i think i'll leave the Poptarts to Thor." he decided. "you'd let me see?" he asked, looking amazed as he watched the suit intently. "Thor said it was a secrete, how you make them work." he admitted, eyes glittering. "that you wouldn't share it with anyone." he smiled at Tony when the man protested. "an absence of fear, is not courage Tony. Courage is when you face the fear and do what needs to be done. all people enjoy attention, even when they use that attention to hide from themselves. all people can do the right thing, but not everyone will. selfishness is a trait that afflicts all creatures. but it is rare when someone can push that selfishness away and do something purely for another person. you didn't have to risk you're life Tony, but you did anyway. no matter the reason, not many would be willing to do that." he admitted before watching in stunned awe as the suit folded over Tony. "oh my Great Odin's Ghost." he breathed, truly amazed as he watched the metal flow into place. "it's like it's made from liquid." he breathed, hesitantly touching the metal. "Titanium?" he asked, his head cocked curiously. "i thought you where Iron man?" he asked, looking amused.
Tony looked thoughtful as he considered that, frowning a little. Shuddering as he considered what he was hearing, because it was something he would have done, if he had had someone that caused as much pain as thor seemingly inflicted on his younger brother. But he had a feeling that wasn’t anything that he should tell anyone that he understood the man. “Well, we might not be able to stop the wars, but we’ve made it harder for humans to wage war against each other.”

“We have. I’ll get you a book that explains the electricity. I could explain it, but the others will hit me if I try. They get tired listening to it.”Tony snickered a little before laughing, “Thor will thank you for not eating his poptarts. We probably have other food you’ll like.”He said before tilting his head. “It is, but most of the secret is how I built it, plenty of people have seen me put it on.”He amused flushing a little as he looked away from jormungandr, so very awkward with praise like this, genuine praise about him, and not his inventions, or money, or anything else, but something about his character, because it was such a rarity. “....well, it was my city he was attacking, couldn’t let it go down without a fight.”He muttered before laughing at jorgumandr’s awe at the suit, “Thanks. This is the first time I’ve actually tried this suit on, I mean all the way. I wasn’t sure if it was as impressive as I thought it’d be....”Tony said smiling before laughing, amused at jorgumandr’s observation. “I am. It’s from a song, and the reporter’s who first reported my actions called me iron man. It is titanium-gold alloy actually, iron’s to heavy, and has a tendency to freeze solid when you get to high in the atmosphere which ices it over, and makes flying difficult. Not so with titanium-gold.”He shrugged grinning, pleased that he had someone to talk to about the exact workings of the suit, because while he knew the other’s thought it was impressive, it was gratifying to have someone who truly understood just how very impressive it ws.
Jormungandr nodded a little, he knew Tony understood. in a way, Jor understood too, he didn't like it, but he understood. "yes indeed." Jormungandr admitted with a grin. "this is the longest time of peace your world has ever seen. it's making a few of the Asgaurdian's annoyed. they found Midgaurd most entertaining to watch." like an outer space soap opera no doubt. "why should they hit you for explaining something i desire to know about?" he demanded, looking curious and slightly confused. "i suppose it would be nice to have a book on it." he admitted with a nod. "then i can reference it, instead of bothering you all the time." he admitted with a smile. "ah, i see. so your secretes are still protected, even if i can see how everything pieces together. very clever." he admitted with a nod. "it was very impressive." he admitted with a bright smile. "a song?" he asked curiously. "so it is their ignorance that named you, very amusing." he muttered with a grin as he examined one of the joints. "sud tiny detail, it must have taken you a long time to manage this." he wondered. "it has almost as many parts as an actual human does, wires for the nervous system, oil and lubricant systems, hinges and straps... it's a marvelous piece of work." Jormungandr praised. "how do you power this one? Thor said you used to have something akin to a small sun in your chest, which kept you alive as well as powered your machines, but your small sun is gone now. did you remake the small sun to fit directly into the armor?" he asked curiously. "how do you deal with the thin atmosphere?" Jormungandr asked curiously. "if you fly high enough for your armor to freeze, then what do you do for oxygen? do you have tanks that hold your air? or a filtering system perhaps?" he asked, walking around the machine with a wonderment. "you have weapons built in, yes? i imagine even Thor would be hard pressed to come out at a tie with you in this." Jormungandr admitted with a grin. "it would be an epic battle if you two where to spar." he admitted with a grin.

he spent an hour, talking to Tony about various mechanics and how electricity worked and how Tony's power source was different before they where finally forced to 'stop being technogeeks' when Clint came down and dragged them back up for breakfast. it was an interesting affair when Jormungandr asked what animal the eggs had com from. and why did they have to cook ALL the meat? and what was this amazing thing called Bacon made out of!? but he liked Coffee a lot, and he loved the idea of waffles and was delighted by the juice of oranges and the Milk of a cow. he refused to touch the Honey after Clint informed him that it was Bee vomit and wondered what kind of cow made chocolate milk?
“Well, you’ll have to tell them we’re sorry, we’re enjoying the peace. Give us long enough, we’ll devolve into war again, I’m sure.”Tony snickered a little before nodding a little. “Well, no. They’d let me explain, but they get annoyed because I tend to be overly technical and explaining in over detail, and they get tired of listening most of the time. But you can bother me if you want, though a book would be helpful to. I have a library here if you want it to.”Tony pointed out before nodding. “I know. I’m like that, very clever I mean.”He smirked a little turning his arm so jormugandr could get a better look at how detailed it was, flushed and pleased with the praise before smiling. “I did install the..sun...into the suit to power it, simply made it fit in the suit instead of requiring it to be in my chest.”he looked thoughtful before laughing at the questions, pleased the man was here. “There’s oxygen up there, just not as much as you need. The filters in the suit bring enough oxygen in to support life. And of course, there’s weaposn in it.”He smiled settling in to talk, and even when clint dragged them out, they kept talking as tehy headed upstairs.

That afternoon Tony sighed quietly as he leaned back in his chair on the balcony, after a day spent with jormugandr, he was simply resting, and quiet as he let his mind focus on the fact that he had to deal with loki again, even as his mind turned over the nightmares he’d thought he’d managed to push down about the brief time he’d known the god of mischief. Glancing at jorgumandr as the man walked outside, he smiled briefly, looking at a man who despite disliking his father, and having spent most of the day with him, still made tony feel uncomfortable with how much he looked like loki, though he knew it was just a passing resemblance, it was still hard on the man. “....what do you think he’ll do now? Your.."He stopped thinking about how much he'd wished howard stark wasnt his father, and feeling that jorgumandr would understand the feeling."....Loki I mean."
Jormungandr snorted. "oh they'll get over it." he stated with a shrug. "or find something else to entertain themselves with. Sex is always popular up there." he admitted with a smile. "i like to know the details." he admitted with a smile. "i suppose though, they could get annoyed if you're talking about it all the time." he agreed with a shake of his head. "i'll have to explore the library later. there must be all kinds of interesting midgaurdian sorcery." he murmured, looking a little glassy eyed with the thought of it. "Filtering system, very impressive." he agreed with a nod as he continued chatting with Tony.

he needed time to think once he was over his excitement, and settled on the Balcony, watching the City. he could see the scars of Loki's last attack, they had rebuilt the city, but even Jormungandr could see the marks of the battle that had taken place. he knew how much he looked like Loki, knew how similar he was to the man. he knew... he knew all too well that he made people uncomfortable here. he turned to look at Tony, his eyes blank for a moment before he sighed. "he'll get allies." he stated simply. "he'll find people he can use to help him get his way. then he'll try to pick you off, one at a time. but he won't kill you. he'll kidnap you, as many as he can, and keep you seperated and weak. and then use you against Thor in as public a manner as possible." Jormungandr admitted softly as he pulled something out of his jacket and handed it over to Tony. it was a leather journal, Loki's leather journal, filled with plans of revenge. "he left this behind when he left... Prison drove him insane." and that was true, by the end of the journal, words where crammed so close together you couldn't read them, many overlapping. the words you could read, didn't make much sense. talking about how he was going to lotion the bomb and bleed the pencils. "Loki abandoned us you know. when i was seven, Hela was five and Fen was three... he ust... left one day. it was Thor who took us in, because no one else wanted the 'freaks kids'. no one wanted us because of who Loki was. i never understood why they hated Loki, before he even did anything. i guess... he was just a convenient Target." Jormungandr admitted. "sometimes i don't wonder if they made him the way he is now, or if he was always so thirsty for blood and revenge..."
Tony turned his head slightly to look at the man, though there was no phyiscal scars from the brief time he’d spent with loki, the fall from space had left its own deep scars on the billaionre. Looking thoughtful he huffed a little. “Damn. I had hoped you wouldn’t say that.”he muttered because he knew that all of them, he was the weakest link....because he couldn’t live in his suit. Unlike clint, natasha, and steve, he just couldn’t keep up with the sheer physical activity the others could do.But its what he would have done, picking off the weakest, and working his way up. It scared him a little, how much he could think like the jotun. Which meant he was going to have to be more careful then ever.”I’m going to have to have SHIELD look into who would be the most likely to team up with him...”he said as he took the journal, frowning slightly as he flipped through it, “...He was always a little...off. At least, when he was here. Was he always like that before? I mean, before he showed up on midgard?”Tony asked glancing at the other, before shaking his head as he looked at the book, almost understanding what he was seeing, but the thread that followed the words teased him without showing what it was. “I don’t think anyone is born this bloodthirsty. He is not....”Tony struggled to get the words out that he wanted to say, because it would show just how deep the parallels ran between billionaire and jotun. “.....there is always a crossroads. Did your uncle ever tell you how I ended up being iron man?”
Jormungandr smiled a little. "out of everyone, you understand Loki the most." he admitted. "that will be helpful for you." he looked at the other. "i am here to do my best. but i have never fought in anything but a playful spar. Loki will play for keeps, and i am unsure how i will far against him." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "he will go after you first. and then he will take Clint and then Natasha. he won't bother with the non combatants. Pepper and Jane won't even be a thought to him. probably because they are too easy. everything is a game to him, he wants the challenge, but he also wants to win." he looked at Tony. "he will pick an enemy you know. someone who hurts, probably someone who managed to escape you, or someone who you where friends with once. an old Co-worker even. someone who touches you emotionally to throw off your game. he thinks he has all the pieces, but he doesn't know about me yet. i am your emotional trigger peice." he explained. "more so than Thor, Loki will feel thrice as betrayed because his own blood has turned against him... this may give us a small advantage over him."

"...Loki has always been... off. from what i understand there where times when he was fine and times when... he just, acted as if someone was out to get him. he'd flinch and cower and scurry into dark corners waiting for someone to attack him and then he'd be fine again. Uncle thinks that someone was tormenting Loki mentally, but we never found proof of that. of course, it's rather hard to find proof of that..." he admitted. "he was never violent though, not until he found out that he was a Jotun. oh he had his temper of course, all Asgaurdians do but... when he found out... i guess something just... broke." he admitted, looking at Tony. "he told me enough to know that you made a good choice. and my Father made a bad one." Jormungandr admitted. "your own weapon blew up on you, lodging shrapnel in your heart. your CEO gave you up to terrorists who wanted you to build something dangerous for them. they tortured you, and you built the Iron Man. after, when you thought it was done, you found out that a terrorist cell was using your weapons to murder, kill, and spread terror." he looked at the other. "Uncle says you never got over the guilt." Jormungandr admitted. "i guess i can understand how you feel... i know it's not my fault, but every time i looked out there... i feel guilt.." Jormungandr admitted, tightening his grip. "My father did that..." he whispered, looking at the scars across the city. "my father killed four thousand, eight hundred and fifty nine people."
“It will be helpful, but it doesn’t make me sleep any easier.”Tony said resting back in his chair, resting his elbow on the chair arm, propping his chin on his hand, before nodding. “You will fair better then most, for blood is blood. Even if he sees you as a emotional trigger...you are his son. It will be a game to him yes, but he might hesitate to actually harm you.”Tony said before sighing, looking relieved at the thought that the innocents in his life would be left out, to easy to pick off. At least the avengers signed up for this, they could at least deal with the fallout of being loki’s enemy. “...I will look into who’s a emotional trigger for all of us. Something will turn up.”

Tony frowned as he looked through the journal, “Huh.”He frowned listening to Jormungandr’s thought of his father, not wanting to share his thoughts on the subject until he had a chance to seriously consider what he was hearing. Because while it was drawing something to the surface, there was something about it that bothered him. But he couldn’t figure out what. To bad his degrees and brilliance revolved around engineering and science, otherwise he might have been able to figure out the medical signs sooner then he probably would....by the time he actually figured it out, it would probably be to late. Frowning a little he stared out at the city. “....I made the good choice. But do you know how close I had come to walking away? To turning into Loki? The only reason I didn’t was....Pepper. Rhodey. I had people stretching out the safety net and making sure I didn’t crash into the abyss....from what I can gather...even if your uncle tried to reach him, your father felt isolated....he didn’t have someone to catch him. We stood at the same crossroads, but it so could have easily been the opposite of what happened.”He muttered before nodding, “My body count has hit the millions. I tallied it up once....I wont let him do this again jor, not as long as I can fight him.”He promised running a hand through his hair.”now....if only I can figure out the first move...I have a feeling this wont be so much a phyiscal fight like it was with the chitauri....your father isn’t like that. He’s dangerous because he’s a brillant-if unfocused- man. It’s going to be a whole new ballgame...”
he nodded. "Sleep is hard to come by lately." Jormungandr agreed with a sigh. "i don't know if he will even recognize me. i was young when he left. i was only eight, Hela had just turned six and Fen had only been two." he admitted. "he might not know me at all." Jormungandr admitted with a shake of his head.

"..." Jor watched Tony intently, looking amazed. "yeah...Loki never had anyone but Thor. and considering Loki think's Thor betrayed him... yeah i can see why he's acting the way he is. doesn't make it any more bearable though." he admitted with a small sigh. "i wonder if this is my crossroads?" Jormungandr mused. "my Uncle us hurt, my Father is a madman bent on world Genocide. my little brother is getting beat up because our Father is a madman and my grandfather is telling me that i might have to make the decision to kill my own father." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he's going to strike in several places at once no doubt. distract you, make you split up. because he knows that even if you know it's a trap, you'll still go." he sighed. "why did i have to have the fucked up family? why couldn't it have been Tyr who went mad?" he grumbled. "i think i'm going to bed." Jormungandr decided. "good night Tony... and, thanks... for everything. the talk... it really helped." Jor admitted, flashing Tony a smile as he headed inside. but he didn't go to sleep. instead he settled into the library to read until morning, too wound up to sleep.
“Every father knows their child...even if they don’t want to.”Tony twitched a little because no matter how many times howard stark didn’t want him as a son, blood didn’t lie, and he’d always been his father’s son.

“It doesn’t, but it does give a new spin to a old story....and a way to figure out how he’s thinking.”Tony shrugged a little before smiling a little. “It might be. Or it might not. We so rarely know what the crossroads is, until it’s past.”he shrugged a little before nodding. “Because he knows we wont risk someone getting hurt, when he wants us...it’s hard to resist a trap set up like that.”He said before laughing, “You are in a tower full of people with fucked up families. No one’s family is normal, but we can help you with this.”He said smiling nodding, “Goodnight.”He said smiling slightly as he watched the other man leave, staring out across the city as he tried to decide what was next, not even noticing he’d fallen asleep in the chair, and only the morning light startled him awake, heading inside to see how the other's were. Worried about clint, and how the man was reacting to loki being free, more then the others, it was clint he worried about.
Jormungandr nodded a little. "i don't know if you can know what he's thinking Tony." he admitted softly. "he's fairly mad you know." he admitted, looking over at the other. "what i'm more worried about, is how open to suggestion he is. if he gets a smart comrade, then... well, who knows what might happen." Jormungandr admitted, swallowing thickly. "Loki might very well leave the planning entirely up to someone else." Jormungandr admitted, sighing a little. "thanks Tony." he muttered, glad to know he wasn't the only one with an insane father bent on world domination.

Clint moved as quick as a flash when Tony walked in, gun in one hand knife in the other, eyes fixed entirely on Tony. that alone showed just how freaked out Clint was. he rarely carried a gun, for him to have one now was bad news. he finally seamed to decide that Tony was tony because he dropped the gun with a muttered apology and tucked it back into the holster tucked into the small of his back. "i called Fury." Clint explained. "let him know Loki was loose. he's asking us for ideas. i thought we should just go stand out in the open and insult him. that would take care of it, right? he'd come if we insulted him... get it all over with all at once..." yeah, Clint was freaking out.
Tony stopped as soon as he saw the assassin holding his hands up to show he wasn't armed until clint decided it was okay."I like it.short,to the point, I could go for a round of insulting him.not sure if itf work,but we could go stand on the balcony and try."tony said struggling to come up with a idea on how to help his friend,feeling lost at how very freaked out clint was,and having no idea how to help.
Clint shook his head a little. "we don't want to fight him here. it's too closed in..." he muttered. "have to go somewhere open." "it wouldn't work anyway." Jormungandr admitted as he walked in, Clint moving as fast as a whip, aiming his gun at Jormungandr who seamed to take no notice of the weapon. "Loki won't care about insults, he's getting revenge on you anyway." "you look terrible... didn't you sleep at all?" Clin demanded, watching Jormungandr who shook his head. "no... on the plus side, i got a message from my little brother." he admitted. "Thor's going to be fine. Grandmother, er, Frigga, has him tied to the bed so he can't escape, but he should be joining us in a few days once he can fight without doing himself even more damage." Jormungandr admitted, looking so relieved that his Uncle and Pseudo parent was alright that he looked like he might cry. "Odin is thinking of sending the Warriors Three down as well for additional support." he admitted. "god i hate them." he muttered as he laid his head on the table. Steve and Bruce glancing at each other. "Jormun Jormun... Jor? why don't you go get some sleep?" Steve asked, stumbling over the gods name. "can't sleep... tried, failed..."
"It might fail,but we'd feel better."tony said his eyes on clint,making sure he wasn't actually going to shoot jor before swallowing hard."good.we could use thor...and I am glad he'll be okay."tony said looking relieved that his friend was going to be okay before frowning slightly."why don't you go lay down,nd you can tell me about the warriors 3 until you fall asleep. You can't afford to be tired not when its loki we're going up against.come on jor,"tony said grabbing the asgardians arm in a gentle hold and walking nhim towards the guests bedroom having every intention of making him rest while he could get it.because he had a feeling as soon as things started moving,they'd move fast
Jor smiled a little. "yeah, that's true." he agreed with a chuckle. "is he always so jumpy?" he asked, blinking at Clint who shrugged. "no." Steve assured Jor. "he's just wound up because Loki stole his brain." "...oh." he muttered before he scowled at Tony. "do i look like a child to you?" sort of, yeah. Jormungandr did look very young. like, teenager young... which would have been a correct assessment. Jormungandr was still very young, barely fifty really. "Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg. Fandral isn't so bad. he's more focused on his own appearance more often than not. a complete Narcissist. Hogun is short, fat, and has the temper of a boar. and Volstagg is always just sort of there." he admitted. "they never much liked me or my siblings, Hogun loves to pick on us. he seams to think that because Loki is a bastard, then i'm going to be a bastard too." he admitted with a shake of his head. "sometimes, i just want to push him off that fucking cliff he loves so much." he growled. "Lady Sif is just as bad. she outright HATES Loki and everything to do with him, including us." he admitted, laying down. "she and Hela are always getting into fights because she won't leave Fenris alone. Sif just loves to make Fenris cry, but Sif never does it in front of anyone who might care, like Odin, Frigga, or Thor. so we can't say anything about it." he admitted, eyes closed, voice going slow. "Fandral has this super massive crush on Uncle though, so he at least tries to be nice... and sometimes Volstagg will stand up for us... but not against Sif because he has a super big crush on her... hmm.. and... Hogun... hmmm, don't let him into the food pantries cus he'll... mmm eat it all..." and with that, the boy was asleep. "Poor guy." Steve muttered from the doorway. "being Loki's kid must be hell..."
"You do actually,yea."tony smiled a little as they settled the man into bed looking thoughtful as he listened."well,if they come here,thry won't be playing on anyone's rules but mine. I won't let them bother you jor. We need everyone to work together,ot be nasty."tony muttered though it was weird hearing the team speach from tony stark, but even tony knew that facing off against loki wasn't a time to have divides in the team.if he had to telk thor,he would because he knew the big guy,he wouldn't let the warriors three keep treating them like that if he knew. Glancing up as he gor up he nodded at steve as he stepped into the hall."I'm betting being loki isn't any cakewalk either."he muttered.
Jormungandr rolled his eyes. "i am at least twenty years older than you." he grumbled as he shook his head. "you really think you can tell a God what to do Tony?" he asked, looking amused. "thanks for protecting me though, it won't do much good but you'll try anyway i'm sure." Jor admitted with a yawn.

"yeah..." Steve muttered. "i'm a lot less sympathetic to Loki." he admitted. "but i do have to wonder... if the Warriors three are that bad to Loki's kid... how bad where they to Loki? i mean, the way Jor talks, they where treating him like shit before Loki even betrayed Thor and found out that he was a Jotun." he admitted with a shake of his head. "how bad do you think they treated Loki? i bet they created this monster... those Asgaurdians. i bet they did this to Loki and now their just laying even more blame on Loki because they don't want to admit they where wrong." he looked at the other. "a lot of people in the war where like that." he admitted. "they created monsters, and then just let those monsters go without helping them... and when the soldiers hurt someone, in a flashback or because they couldn't stop themselves, it wasn't the Army that caught hell, it was just the soldier."
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