Wild Fox Lodge (Lounger)

"Yeah um... feel free to squeeze that stuff out in the bath tub or something... If you want..." Boy things were eve more awkward than when he woke up with Hinata... at least he could remember what happened then. He headed downstairs without bothering to dress, as nobody was likely to come by his house and the only other person with him was quite familiar with his naked body. There wasn't much in Naruto's kitchen to search through, so he wound up fishing out some freshly bought rice and started cooking some fresh eggs over the hot black stove. Hopefully that would be enough.
Once Naruto left the room Sakura finally managed to get to her feet, taking a few deep breaths before walking slowly towards the bathroom, her belly bouncing with every step. "Ah geez....so much..." She managed to get into the bathtub and started to squeeze at her belly, a moment later a torrent of cum erupting from between her legs.
It took almost 15 minutes for Sakura's belly to finally be flat again, the bathtub overflowing with cum now, Sakura having to step out of it to avoid her legs getting covered. It took another 5 minutes for her to truly recover, squeezing all that cum out had made her cum two more times, though fortunately without Naruto's lust chakra it was enough to satisfy her.

Finally she managed to get dressed and came downstairs, looking more or less back to normal, though whilst her stomach was flat her womb was still stuffed full of cum that she couldn't get out just through squeezing. "Smells pretty good, there's hope for you yet Naruto if you can actually cook without burning everything"
"I've had to pick up a few extra skills to avoid starving," the taller male said "My appetite has been getting a lot stronger these last few years, and instant ramen can only satisfy so much," he remarked simply. Sakura had certainly taken some time purging her pussy of his thick seed, but given how much he had stuffed her with he guessed he wasn't surprised. Soon enough he had served what he was cooking on two different plates, two small bowls of rice to serve as sides for both of them, and he proceeded to sit across from her. "If you wanna come by in the future, well... I'd be open to it..."
Small talk like this....it was strange considering what had happened the previous night, but whilst Sakura wasn't exactly angry, she couldn't quite bring herself to talk about it openly or casually either, especially not over breakfast like this. When the food was put infront of her Sakura found herself suddenly feeling extremely hungry, quickly starting to eat. It was surprisingly...well...not bad at the very least. Naruto certainly wasn't going to be winning any cooking awards anytime soon, but it was edible at least, somewhat better than she had expected. "Ah...um...sure.." Sakura hadn't shot down his 'proposition' right away as she might have before, though she did find herself somewhat embarrassed as she tried to focus on eating. "I um...I should probably get going...I wasn't really supposed to be staying out all night"
"Yeah, so... that's... cool..." he replied with that same note of awkwardness in between quick noshes of food. Even he didn't think too highly of his own cooking, but times like these taste wasn't really all that important. He just needed the calories, needed the energy back after what had no doubt been a particularly intense session. And now there was the fact that she was likely pregnant after having so much jizz blasted inside her and left there overnight... "Good to know..." he added. Naruto finished his meal all too soon and got to work washing off the plate and bowl by moving them to the sink.
"So uh...I'll...see you later Naruto" Sakura smiled slightly as she finished her food, then quickly stood up, dusting herself down as she turned to go. She had walked quickly at first, but soon slowed down when she found that quick movement was causing some of the cum still inside of her to start leaking out into her shorts. As she made her way home she was already working on focusing her chakra, fortunately her medical studies had included rather extensive training on contraception techniques, including morning after techniques. When she had been stuffed full it would have been far far too much for her chakra to handle, but now with a much smaller amount she was able to at least keep herself 'safe'. This time at least.
Well that had been an... interesting way to start off the morning. He could still barely remember anything outside of stray fuzzy patches, but he supposed it could wait till later. She seemed profoundly less bitchy now at least... So Naruto got down to business, scrubbing away any stray stains he could find around his home (Which proved to be an extensive job, worryingly). Once he was satisfied cleaning and changing his bedsheets, Naruto had dressed in his usual attire and headed out front to inspect the exterior of the house and see if anything else needed to be repaired.
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