Wild Fox Lodge (Lounger)

Hinata didn't even try to fight away the kiss, if anything she leaned up into it slightly, her tongue shyly thrusting out against his. She seemed to be feeling similar instincts to him....but hers were certainly more submissive....subservient....
When his hands went to her shirt, the fabric would keep getting caught on her large breasts, but eventually they would give, allowing him to pull the garment aside, causing her breasts to swing and bounce freely as her complete lack of bra was revealed. It was no surprise really...even now her chest was still growing so a bra might fit one day and be too tight the next. "Ah...I....I'm so glad you like them Naruto...." She whimpered, then moaned as he groped them, her flesh suddenly feeling intensely more sensitive than usual.
"I love 'em..." came his low growling response, his hot breath rolling over her plump mounds. Suddenly he leaned in and took one nrosy pink nipple into his mouth, suckling on the nub of hard flesh and nipping it lightly with his teeth. His free hand maintained a groping motion of her other breast, kneading the soft flesh of Hinata's huge bust in his strong grip. God this was the best! He should have set his sights on her sooner, she was a perfect specimen of a woman! Naruto spun Hinata around, leaving her lying on her back on the deck, eyes able to perfectly see his monstrous rod.

He grinned wickedly and then pulled her trousers off, tossing them casually onto the railing of the porch... "Oh I am gonna love this..." he purred excitedly.
He liked them? Oh god....Hinata always thought they were too big...that Naruto would hate them....to hear that he loved them made Hinata's heart skip a beat in excitement. Then when he took a nipple into his mouth, she cried out loudly, the hormones surging through her body refusing to allow her to even try and suppress the noises of pleasure.
She yelped when Naruto tossed her to the ground, then whimpered as she saw his cock once again....even bigger than before somehow....longer...thicker. She swallowed nervously as she looked at it, panting heavily, her breasts rising and falling with every breath she took. She couldn't speak, she was too transfixed on that cock....on what he was going to do with it....and despite how nervous she was...oh god she wanted it....badly.
That same rutting heat now filled the air quite fully, to the point where there were two scents mingling and hanging in the air. Naruto's own demonic musk, and then sweet scent of Hinata's own thighs. God it was intoxicating, like a fine and strong beer that would instantly knock a normal man flat on his ass. Naruto gave an excited growl, sounding more and more like a wild animal with each passing second. He gripped Hinata firmly by her naked ankles, his long cock bobbing in the air. And then finally he pushed his fat dick forward. Naruto still enough sense not to just ram straight in, and instead he started sinking his monstrously inflated dick in at a slow pace that had Hinata's cunt spreading wider than he would have thought possible.
Hinata was staring at Naruto's cock as he came close, squealing softly when he grabbed her ankles and hoisted her legs into the air. Oh god....was he going to put that thing inside of her? No way it would fit....she was sure it was still actually growing, getting longer and thicker even now.....how could something like that go inside of her? Maybe she didn't have time to protest...maybe she didn't want to protest...either way, before Hinata could say or do anything the tip of Naruto's cock was at the entrance of her pussy. She whimpered as it touched her, then gurgled and started to claw at the ground when it began pushing inside of her. She wasn't in pain though....for some reason, despite the size all she could feel was pleasure. She had no idea it was an effect of the pheromone she had been unwittingly inhaling for most of the day.
Her body was tight, like a vice around Naruto's cock, squeezing so hard that were he a regular man he might've felt pain from it, but despite everything Hinata's hips kept pushing up slightly, wanting more of Naruto's cock, as if her body was afraid it might be removed.
When their most private parts touched, the heat reached a surging crescendo and it shoved the young blond male straight into action. He gave a quick shove of his hips, growling like a wild beast as the head of his impressive meat pushed deeper and deeper into Hinata's impossibly tight depths. Had he not been superhuman, or not in such a state of lust, then he might have actually felt pain from the powerful walls of wet muscle compacting around him. Naruto gave a long growl and forced his cock in a little deeper, soon devolving into a series of short and shallow thrusts that loosened Hinata's pussy up a little further, the process allowing his cock to push in deeper with each passing second.
Somehow Hinata's body continued to take more and more of his cock as it pressed into her body. Her stomach was visibly bulging with the outline of his cock, though Hinata couldn't see past her own breasts to notice it. "HNNNN!!!" Her head was thrashing from side to side in pleasure, her hips pushing up against him as her body seemed to crave more of his cock inside....as if it wouldn't be satisfied until it was all there and somehow her body knew there was more left. She was beyond speech at the moment, the best Hinata could do was make grunts and moans of pleasure at Naruto as her hands continued to claw at the ground, almost like she was pulling herself closer to him.
He could see quite clearly what Hinata's generous mounds were blocking from view, the large bulging shape in her abdomen being brought about by his cock. If anything that just spurred him on, drove him to shove his hips back and forth to fully until the head of his cock was ramming through her tight cervix and hitting the back of her womb. The two were clearly moving in tandem right now, both thrusting their hips to meet each other fully, and each time Naruto sheathed himself fully inside her he let out a throaty growl. Pressure was building up in his groin and the repeated slapping of his balls against her magnificent ass only made him go faster. He was gonna blow, and Hinata was going to really feel it...
"Ah...ah...ah!" Hinata was panting and crying out with every single movement of Naruto's cock inside of her body. She could feel his cock in her womb....stretching it over and over, but it felt so incredibly wonderful, her body somehow perfectly stretching around his cock and squeezing it tightly. She was losing what little control she had now, her body starting to flail wildly as the last parts of her conscious mind let go and pure lust-fuelled instinct took complete control. "AH! AH! NNNNN!!" She screamed out, clawing chunks out of the ground as she came hard, and flailed wildly causing her breasts to bounce even moreso, her screams echoing from the hilltop and the girl clearly not caring if the whole village heard. Her body became even tighter around him as her pussy juices began to spray over Naruto's mid-section.
To the young ninja it felt as if fireworkds were going off in his brain, the rippling walls of the kunoichi's pussy making his own muscles seize up from the mounting sensations of pure primal pleasure. Finally Naruto threw his head back, almost a split second after Hinata started cumming, and his own vulpine howls joined in with Hinata's lustful shrieks when he started to cum. As with everything else, his orgasm seemed entirely superhuman. His fat cock had swelled inside Hinata's already tight depths, and the blond ninja was soon blasting a volcanic eruption of fertile seed into her womb, filling the purple-haired beauty to the brim with his hot cum until her stomach started to distend out a bit.

Slowly and carefully, Naruto pulled his cock out, the long rod of meat only about half hard now. He laid down on the deck beside her, still growling like some sort of animal, and he draped an arm around her busty frame as a protective gesture. And with that he fell asleep, the burning lust in his body quelled... for the time being, at least.
Somewhere, through the haze of lust and pleasure, Hinata could feel Naruto cumming, his cock twitching and throbbing even more inside of her. Then rather suddenly the sensation of her womb being flooded cut through everything else, triggering a second orgasm in her before the first had even finished, her back arching upwards which only made the swelling of her belly with his cum even more pronounced. By the time both of their orgasms were done, Hinata collapsed to the ground a twitching and panting mess, her eyes wide as she drew short, sharp breaths, mind and body still trying to comprehend the sensations she had just experienced. Vaguely she was aware of Naruto's cock removed from her body, all of his cum now steadily pouring out from between her legs, but she couldn't even move to look. All she could do was lay there as Naruto draped an arm around her and fell asleep. She wasn't far behind him, though it was unclear if she had simply fallen asleep, or passed out from exhaustion.
The morning came about far too quickly for Naruto's liking; blinding beams of sunlight stretching down through the clouds and striking off his face. He gave a groggy little growl, and he forced himself to sit up on the deck. "Where am I...?" he mumbled, scratching at his blonde scalp and turning his tired eyes to the clouds. "How'd I get out here? I thought I was cleaning up the house..." A sharp breeze suddenly rolled through the area, forcing him to tense up and shiver. "Angh... what the... am I naked...?" he asked in a low murmured, glancing down at his body. Naruto blinked and turned his gaze slowly to the naked, sleeping form of Hinata at his side, with a dried pool of cum between her legs. "W-what the... H-Hinata?! W-what's she doing here?" he gasped softly.
Hinata was still asleep when Naruto woke, though she had her back to him now, hiding most of her body from his view when he awoke. Even when he sat up, she didn't stir, not at first anyway. It wasn't until there was a cool breeze that she moved, shivering slightly and starting to turn over, moving onto her back and revealing her naked body to Naruto once more, her large breasts bouncing from the movement. She wasn't quite awake yet, but she was moving around a little, as if searching for warmth in her sleep.
Naruto gave a loud gulp when Hinata rolled onto her back, his eyes fixing themselves onto the kunoichi's heavy breasts. Now it was all coming back to, snippets and vague images of lust and debauchery flooding his brain. They had been hanging out together, enjoying each other's company after cleaning the house... and then something happened, something that had the two of them fucking like wild beasts without restraint. He froze up, and then the blond male reached down to lightly shake her by her shoulder. "H-Hinata, come on, you really should get up. This is... something big," he remarked. Thank goodness nobody had spotted them out here...
Hinata settled for a moment when Naruto's hand touched her shoulder, but when he started shaking her she began to wake, yawning and stretching her arms above her head, which just lifted her breasts up a little more and caused them to push up into Naruto's arm. "Hmm....?" As her eyes started to open her brain hadn't quite caught up, all she saw was Naruto's face. "Naruto....? What're you doing here....?" As she started to slowly sit up, she realised she was cold....then as she looked down at herself and saw her own naked body....she shrieked, hands quickly trying to cover herself up, though with the size of her breasts it was a futile task. "Wh-what...? I....why....o-oh....I....we...." It seemed she was starting to remember, her cheeks becoming more and more red as every second of the previous evening played back in her mind.
Well it seemed her memory was catching up with her just as the demon-possessed ninja's was. Still, she was handling the realization better than he would have thought, given her shyness. "Ah... yeah..." Naruto replied, scratching the back of his neck. God he felt awful now... not from the sex, that had been marvelous, but part of him felt as if he had taken advantage of the shy and sweet ninja. "I'm sorry Hinata," Naruto said simply, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. "I don't really know what happened, but... it's my fault. I must've... god, I must've forced you into this..." he said, hanging his head low.
"Ah! N-no!" Hinata quickly shook her head when Naruto mentioned he must have forced her. "No no, absolutely not. I remember....I definitely remember being willing.....you didn't force me Naruto, I know that much" One thing did burn in her mind....how much she had wanted it...how much she had needed it. "I um....I....I better be going home....f-father and Neji will be worried about me after all..." Hinata's cheeks were still bright red as she got to work on gathering her clothes, trying to dress quickly without letting Naruto see too much of her body. "I um....I...I'll see you later though Naruto!" She managed a squeak and a wave, before turning to hurry off, though her haste was clearly from pure embarrassment rather than any kind of ill feeling towards Naruto, the girl just heading straight for home and hoping that neither her father nor Neji could figure out what happened.....not to mention she needed a shower to wash all the dried cum away from her lower body.
Well, it was reassuring to know that Hinata didn't hold anything against him for what had happened... and for whatever it was worth, his head did feel clearer now than it had yesterday. So Naruto had redressed and settled back into work on his new home, doing the repairs, buying furniture and carting it back up by hand. With his cloning ability, a weeks worth of work could be done in the span of a day. it still had him exhausted when the evening came, but the work showed for itself: the manor house looked in much better shape, missing all the cracks and damages from the other day, and the living room and bedroom had been filled with all the necessary furniture.

Naruto sighed happily and wiped his brow clean of sweat, grinning as he stood up off the freshly washed deck. The sun was setting now... well, Naruto supposed he deserved a good dinner to reward himself.
Hinata managed to get home without incident fortunately, it was still fairly early after all, so when she got home her uncle, cousin and sister were either still asleep or hadn't left their rooms yet. It allowed her to sneak past and get straight to the bathroom, stripping down and stepping into the shower in order to begin washing. It wasn't that she felt bad or dirty from Naruto's touch, but all that dried cum on her crotch and legs....well it wasn't exactly the most comfortable way to be walking around.

When Naruto headed out for dinner, he would find Sakura sitting on a stool at the ramen stand, seemingly having decided to treat herself to a bit of dinner as well. As usual she was wearing those tight black shorts, which seemed today to be even tighter than usual, perfectly clinging to the outline of her shapely ass. Her back was to him, so as Naruto was approaching she seemed completely oblivious to his presence.
Sure enough, Sakura stuck out like a sore thumb. Her body was magnificent, sure, but the pink hair was the real giveaway to her presence. Naruto could already feel a bit of animalistic heat form inside his body. He pushed it down as best he could and then took a seat beside her, the only spot available at the bar. From the way he slumped, it was clear he was still carrying quite a bit of exhaustion after his work fixing up his new home. Naruto gave his usual order to the cook and g smiled slightly at the pink haired kunoichi "Yo Sakura-chan," he greeted, before giving a slight yawn.
"Hm?" When she heard his voice Sakura turned around and blinked, then smiled and set her bowl back down. "Ah, Naruto. You look exhausted..." She blinked. "I heard you just moved into a new place that was kinda run down, are you working on getting it all fixed up?" The pink haired girl couldn't help but smirk slightly. "After all you've done without even breaking a sweat, what finally beats you is a little housework huh? Should've figured"
"Hey, fighting stuff is fun at least," Naruto said with a small sigh. He handed the chef some money once the bowl of fresh ramen was slid his way, and then he slowly started eating. It was clear that he had something on his mind given that he was eating at the rate of a normal human for a change, still dwelling on last night with Hinata. God it had been amazing... he'd have to have more of her at some point. "Hoi... so how've you been Sakura? Still hounding Sasuke?" he asked casually.
Naruto was acting.....weird. On the rare occasion she had seen him tired before, he had eaten even faster than usual, not slower. Though when he mentioned Sasuke she couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Don't even bother with that name, I gave up on him a long time ago and you know it" She shook her head and took another large gulp from her bowl. "So how about you? How have you been lately with getting that house ready?"
Part of him felt... well, relief that Sakura was single. He couldn't quite account for it, but as he wasn't sure what his relationship with Hinata even was at the moment, he wanted to keep his options open. He took a long slurp of his noodles and then flashed her a quick smile after cleaning his lips. "Well, it's done for the most part. Hinata was a really great help in fixing the place up," he said, deciding to omit any reference to their brutal fuck fest the night before. But the thought alone had Naruto's lustful chakra crackle slightly inside his muscular and powerful frame. "You can come by if you want."
"Almost done already? That was fast, I heard you only just got the place, and now you say you're done already huh? I guess you never did take things slow did you? Always just going straight into it as fast as possible without thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if you've missed all kinds of stuff out" Sakura grinned slightly, finishing up her Ramen. "I suppose I could come by, just to make sure the place isn't gonna fall apart after whatever it is you've gone and done to it"
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