Wild Fox Lodge (Lounger)

"I'm not that crappy. Besides, with enough shadow clones there's no issue with time," the blond replied with a small shrug. "The only thing I need to finish is the cellar... I guess it's for wine or sake, but I never drink much anyway..." he mused before finishing off the last few strands of his ramen. Naruto cracked a smile and stood upright "Okay then... follow me Sakura." He led the way to the far outskirts of town, leading the way up to the large manor house. Sure enough it looked far more impressive now, like a place some old noble would call home. Once they reached the porch, Naruto was quick to light up an oil lantern and lead it inside "Sorry, I didn't think to put any lights on before I left," he said, forcing the door open and allowing the pink-haired kunoichi access.
"Not that crappy hm? Not when it comes to fighting and smashing things maybe. Putting them back together...well, let's just say you're not at the top of my list for go to guys when it comes to that kinda stuff" Sakura smirked as she got up, turning to follow Naruto, walking just a little behind him, though it was upwind of him, meaning that Naruto's nostrils would be filled with Sakura's scent for the entire walk up to his house. "Wow, it's bigger than it looks from down in the village. Not looking too bad either....I'm actually kind of impressed" She folded her arms beneath her chest, moving to head inside after him. "Not bad at all Naruto. Though isn't this place a little big for just one person?"
"I was thinking the same thing. You could probably have twelve people living here and still have some room to spare," Naruto replied. He was quick to light up one of his lanterns, now fully illuminating the area. Taking in Sakura's scent throughout the entirety of that walk had been a bit troublesome on his part, igniting that heat in his body and making the chakra in his body shimmer and radiate out just as it had done to Hinata just a day before. "But beggars can't be choosers. It's better than my last place, and since my love life is... weird, I'm monitoring the place solo for the time being," he explained.
"Twelve people at least....this place is ridiculously huge even for a family, let alone one person...." Sakura put her hands on her hips as she stood in the entry hall and looked around whilst Naruto lit up the lanterns. She felt a slight shiver run through her body, though she attributed it to the cold, not realising it was Naruto's chakra beginning to wash over her. "Your love life is weird?" Sakura raised an eyebrow curiously as she looked over at him. "And just what is that supposed to mean? I didn't think you even had a love life, let alone a weird one"
"Nothing's ever simple with me, you know that," the blond replied, giving her a wicked teasing grin. That was the plain truth more often than not. "I mean it's..." Naruto sighed after lighting the last lantern, now leaving the entrance hall fully illuminated for the two of them. He scratched at the back of his head and looked back to the pink hared kunoichi "Hinata was here yesterday, helping me fix up and clean this place... and I guess spending that time with her just made me feel... strange. Both of us, really," Naruto witheld referencing their rough fucking, though he was thinking of it and than just served to make his burning heat grow even stronger.
"Well that's certainly true...." Sakura definitely couldn't argue that, where Naruto was concerned, there was no such thing as simple. He had an unfortunate knack for making even the simplest situation into the most complicated thing imaginable. "Hinata? Well I suppose it makes sense she'd come over and see how you were doing..." The girls crush on Naruto was hardly a secret anymore after all. "Made you both feel strange...? What the hell does that even mean?" Sakura was starting to feel slightly strange herself, fidgeting slightly for just a moment before she was able to ignore the sensation, or at least push it to the back of her mind.
"It's... ah... well, kind of embarrassing I guess," Naruto replied with an almost odd degree of meekness. Indeed he was usually brash and tactless, but even he would feel strange saying 'I fucked Hinata senseless last night.' She was still a shy young woman after all, and he didn't want to boast or brag, do anything to make her upset. He drew in a little closer "It's just, you know... the close proximity and the afternoon heat.. well it mixed together until the two of us were feeling closer," he said in a bid to explain as best he could, feeling his arousal growing even stronger all the while.
"The close proximity and afternoon heat...? Feeling clos-" Sakura stopped as her mind seemed to start clicking on. The way Naruto was talking, the way he was acting, the 'complicated lovelife' as well as the embarrassment? No....no way. No way that was possible. There was absolutely no way that Hinata would just up and do something like that....was there? "Naruto..." She twitched, clearly looking angry. "What in the hell did you do to Hinata? I swear to god if you pushed her into something then I will kick your ass so hard you'll want to move to a cave deep in the earth!"
"Wha-?! No, of course I didn't! I know I'm an idiot, but I wouldn't do anything like that!" he replied, his sharp rise in tone making it clear that he was genuinely offended by the implications of what she was saying. It was a rarity to get him that way. Naruto gave a low grumble and turned his back on the pink haired ninja "The two of us simply got to speaking, and eventually things just sort of evolved from there," he replied. "You can ask her yourself if you want to, she'll probably tell you the exact same thing... I don't see how it's your business anyway," and in his mind he casually added in 'you judgemental cow.'
Sakura continued to eye Naruto suspiciously...well...he probably wouldn't do something like that....probably. He had been known to 'lose control' of sorts a little now and again, though that normally resulted more in violence than anything else. "Oh yeah...? Got to speaking and things sort of evolved from there huh?" She put her hands on her hips. Was Naruto being serious? Had he and Hinata really gone that far? Or maybe he was just making it up to show off.....nah, that wasn't Naruto's style....if he wanted to show off then he would actually go out and do what he was showing off first. "Hmmm.....I still can't say I totally believe you though" Sakura folded her arms and smirked slightly. She was quite possibly just teasing him at this point, but it was impossible to really tell. "And you know I can't ask Hinata something like that, she'd probably die of embarrassment whether it's true or not"
"Yeah... I feel kind of bad talking about it anyway. She's probably blushing right now in her own home," he gave a laugh at the prospect alone, nervous chuckles that distracted him a bit from the earlier awkwardness. His body was still heating up, spurred on by the presence of the ever-attractive Sakura. At this rate the same heat that had overtaken Naruto and Hinata the night before would kick in again and set both of them off. Naruto gave a slight smile, wry despite the circumstances "I certainly wouldn't want to make you jealous of course. It'd be best to just carry on."
Well Naruto was certainly right about one thing. Hinata almost certainly was blushing like mad at home right now. Then again, that was probably a fairly safe bet regardless of what she had just been doing. At times it seemed every effort the girl made to become less shy and prone to embarrassment, the worse she became. Sakura fidgeted slightly, pulling the zipper of her jacket down ever so slightly as she fanned herself. "Geez, you need to get some AC or something in here though Naruto....this place is getting seriously warm and stuffy" She sighed and shook her head, then blinked. "Jealous? Yeah, sure" She rolled her eyes dismissively.
"Hm... yeah I'm starting to feel that too. It does get pretty warm at night but this is just kinda weird..." the taller male commented. Naruto move to one window and pushed the shutters open to get a breeze going through... but the chakra would not lose any of its sway. "Ah, I'm just joshing you Sakura, it's not like I mean anything by it," he said with a small shrug. Naruto flashed the sexy kunoichi a ry and handsome little grin "And hey, I'm better than sauce-gay, at least."
"Well I guess it'll cool down in the winter, but for the summer you definitely need to get something in here for the heat. Just opening a window isn't gonna be enough once it gets really warm" Sakura was fanning herself with her hand even when Naruto opened the window. If anything it made her feel even hotter, she didn't realise that the breeze was just blowing Naruto's pheromones towards her even more along with the arousing effects of his Chakra. "Oi, what have I told you?" Sakura rolled her eyes at his little nickname for Sasuke. "Grow up Naruto, I thought you would've grown out of just calling people names by now" Sakura slowly turned away from him, seemingly to look more around the house, but it was also to try and hide the fact that Sakura could feel her nipples beginning to harden and they were very soon going to be showing through her rather thin clothing.
"Aw c'mon. Getting older doesn't mean you have to get lamer," Naruto replied with a small sigh. Well, at the very least he had managed to grow just a little bit less hyperactive over time. One arm looped around Sakura's shoulders, a strong grip that if anything heightened the sensations that were coursing through both of them. "And it's just him I call names. Don't act like you want to stick up for the guy, especially with how he's treated you."
"Not calling people childish nicknames doesn't mean you're getting 'lame' Naruto" Sakura sighed in exasperation and shook her head, not noticing as Naruto got close to her, almost jumping when his arm looped around her shoulders. Damn, now he was close enough too...close enough to see the beginnings of her nipples starting to harden through her thin top...very slowly getting bigger and harder. And the sensation of his hand on her...why was it making the process faster? "...Can you not talk about how he's treated me please? That's still a sore subject thank you very much...."
"I'm just saying you should learn to have some fun, even when you do get older... then again you never really were much fun anyway," Naruto replied in a dry tone, rolling his eyes slightly at her. Even now, the pink-haired ninja could be quite a pain in the butt. The blond's eyes suddenly cast downward, as if sensing something particularly strange, and then to his own surprise he was looking at her pointed nipples straining against the fabric of her dark red top. "First you say it's too warm, and now you're pitching two tents?" he asked, raising a brow. Then again, he was no stranger to things hardening in this moment, the fabric of his trousers tightening.
"I just knew where to draw the line, that's the difference Naruto" Sakura was doing her best to keep her voice calm, rather than flipping out like she normally did. To be honest she wasn't quite sure what might happen if she let herself just lose control like that. Anger might not be the only thing that came out.
"Hm? Pitching two tents? What are you-" Sakura cut off when she realised what he was talking about, and where he was looking. She glanced down, then yelped and blushed, quickly pulling away from his arm around her shoulder, folding her own arms across her chest to try and hide and turning her back on him. "Y-you...you....where do you think you're even looking?!"
"It's not my fault. It's like... two distress beacons, how the heck am I supposed to not notice those?" he replied. Naruto shrugged then and moved back over to the window, glancing back to the road just outside. Again, the area was vacant... so that was a plus for what was to come. "Geez... freaking warm..." he grumbled. Now his infused chakra was reaching a boiling point, as if seeping into every last molecule in the large house. He breathed a low sigh "Why can't the two of us ever get along?" Naruto asked, frowning slightly at the growing annoyance flowing through and mingling with her arousal.
"You....that's....you shouldn't even be looking there anyway!" Sakura twitched as she flushed even more at Naruto's excuse for 'noticing' her. Damnit, what the hell was wrong with her? Why was her body getting like this? It wasn't at all cold so that couldn't be it. Sure it was warm but....it didn't seem to be the weather that was causing Sakura to get so....hot. She could feel it worsening with every passing second...if she didn't do something soon then she wasn't sure what might happen. "I dunno....maybe because you always stick your foot in your mouth every other time you open it"
"You're not much better," he admitted. The blond gave an annoyed snort "I don't have to take this. We're not on a team anymore, and I'm smart enough to know that thinking about you is a waste of my time, considering what an insulting condescending holier-than-thou bitch you are..." Naruto added, glancing at the kunoichi and then to the door. "You know where the door is, so you can show yourself out," he said firmly, folding his arms over his strong chest.
Sakura twitched angrily as he started to insult her. How dare he! He was the immature one! The one who had pestered her non stop, always found some way to turn everything into a joke. And now he was the one trying to take the high ground?! She suddenly turned on him angrily, pointing right at him, either forgetting or not caring to cover her chest, her nipples now fully hard and sticking out a good inch or two, something seeming to make them rather larger than normal. "You....who do you think you're talking to Naruto huh? You're the one who turned everything into a joke! Acted like some immature brat, always in some stupid competition with someone and never thinking about who had to pick up the slack for you!" She advanced towards him, leaning in a little closer, glaring at him angrily now that she was easily within his arms reach.
"Oh yeah, cause you're really SO much better than me. Saint Sakura Fucking Haruno, the moral arbiter of the village and paragon of the globe!" he exclaimed with the sarcasm blazing out like a vent of fire. He gave a growl a noise halfway between human and animal once she was close enough... Well, he had never been enraged AND aroused at the same time... Suddenly he pounced, fingers grippibg her wrists and pinning them to the wall above her head. He'd hit boiling point and wasn't able t hold back. So with zero hesitation his lips caught hers, his lustfulaura blazing with raw power.
Sakura was getting angrier by the second as Naruto shouted back at her, though when he growled like that it rather caught her off guard. She'd never heard him make a noise quite like that before. She had been about to move back, move away from him for a moment....until he suddenly grabbed her anyway. "Naruto! What the hell are you doing?!" She yelped, coughing as he slammed her against the wall and pinned her arms above her. "You...let me go" She squirmed around a little, then gasped as he suddenly leaned in to kiss her, eyes going wide, her mouth opening from shock, so much shock that it seemed to at least temporarily override her arousal.
"Quiet down for at least five minutes," he grumbled in return, that simmering arousal continuing to steadily ripple off his powerful frame. Wooing Hinata hadn't required too much energy release, but with his anger Naruto had inadvertently been releasing far more of a lustful aura to flood the main entranceway of the house. With one hand still keeping her wrists pinned above her head, his other strong hand took a firm grip on Sakura's heavy left breast and started to fondle it skillfully through the red fabric of her shirt, his mere touch able to add even more fuel to the veritable fire.
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