Wild Fox Lodge (Lounger)


Sep 28, 2013
There came a time where all the great threats had been vanquished- where all the enemies to his home had been vanquished, and an eerie sense of peace fell over the land. It certainly came as a surprise when it happened, and adjusting to peacetime came as a challenge to the residents of Konoha. But after two years without facing warfare of invasion, the masses began to acclimate to normal life again.

All seemed to be enjoying the peace, save for Naruto- who found himself getting more restless and stir crazy than usual. Soon enough he'd be a grown man, leaving his teenage years fully, but at present he felt just as hormonal as ever. The lack of action was just fueling it, and the blond couldn't quite figure out why he was burning up inside like this.

He had taken up manual labour to occupy his time and free his mind a little, but it had been far from foolproof. Whenever he wasn't working, his desire rushed back in like a tidal wave. On the plus side, the cash he built up allowed Naruto to finally buy a proper home- a large wooden lodge on one high hill overlooking the town. Apparently Tsunade had been keeping that plot of land reserved for him.

When he got there on that sunny Saturday morning, Naruto didn't exactly feel too grateful. "Geez..." he murmured, scratching the top of his wild mane as he looked the place over. A lot of broken boards on the walls and the deck, two missing windows, and from what he could see it seemed that the whole place needed a bit of cleaning done. "Man... I need to fix all this up?"
Naruto finally buying a proper home rather than living in that single roomed glorified shed had been somewhat big news, well to the people that knew him anyway. However, between part-time side jobs and training most people simply hadn't had the time to come along and congratulate Naruto just yet. One person however had made the time, managing to clear her schedule in order to go and say hello and offer any help. Hinata Hyuuga was blushing slightly as she made her way up the path towards Naruto's new home. She knew the place, it was old and in need of repair, but from what she had heard it had once been a somewhat grand manor for the wealthy, so perhaps with some work it could be again, and Hinata was determined she was going to be offering that help. Naruto had done so much not just for her, but the whole village after all, helping him settle into his new home was the very least she could do in return.

As she approached, Hinata smiled as she saw Naruto working around the outside of the house. "Ah, h-hello there Naruto! Good morning" She approached, smiling brightly then stopping to bow her head slightly. "I came to welcome you to your new home...and to see if I can offer you any help" As usual, Hinata was wearing her big, bulky jacket, a habit she'd never quite been able to shake. However it could no longer hide her body like it once did, her already ample chest having blossomed even further, even the large jacket being lifted upwards and out by firm pillowy mounds of flesh beneath.
When he heard footsteps approach from up the winding path behind him, Naruto turned and gave a small smile when he saw the ever-awkward and shy Hinata moving toward his new home. She had been always been shy, practically the dictionary definition of a wallflower when they were kids, but he had to admit that she was far better at voicing herself nowadays. "Yo Hinata. It is a great day," Naruto replied. Sure enough, the bright rays of sunshine illuminating the hilltop went hand in hand with the peaceful atmosphere of the land.

Truth be told, the weather was perhaps a little too warm for him to be wearing his black and orange jacket, and no doubt he'd have to ditch it while he was cleaning. He was bound to work up a hell of a sweat. "Help eh?" Naruto asked, tilting his head at the busty female. His usual stupidity had left him always a little unaware of how Hinata had bloomed,, but for whatever reason his eyes were always stealing glances down that way now. "Well... I wouldn't want to impose on you or anything... but if you want, there is a lot of stuff to get through. Whoever the last owner was, they left if in pretty crap shape."
"Ah, you wouldn't be imposing or anything, I'm happy to help" Hinata smiled brightly, not wanting Naruto to think he would be inconveniencing her or anything. "I mean it does look like there's a lot to do here....too much for one person. So with two people I'm sure it'll be much faster" Hinata nodded softly. Besides, she was used to cleaning up. As well as ninja training she'd been taught skills like cooking and cleaning to prepare her for being a housewife if she were ever to marry the head of a powerful clan. "Well, it might need some work but I'm sure that with a bit of work it'll be an absolutely perfect home. We can clean up the inside and get rid of the dust, replace the broken windows, make some repairs here and there..." Hinata nodded to herself as she looked over the house, not even noticing Naruto sneaking glances at her body.
Hinata's words gradually faded into static as Naruto looked at her, his eyes only able to analyse the generous curves of her body. Geez... how could she move as fast and as agile as she did with tits the size of watermelons? He blinked then once she finished speaking, being snapped back into reality. "Ah! Ehe, right, well if you want to help then I'd be more than happy to take it," Naruto said. Maybe he could sneak more peeks at that perfect body of hers in the process... this day was really looking up! Hell, now it didn't seem like such a bother to deal with all the cleaning and repairs.

He made a quick handseal, and with a puff of smoke a second Naruto appeared directly beside the original. A paltry amount of chakra to create. "Well, three heads are better than two. Mister clone over here will do what he can on the windows, and you and me can clean inside the house." Naruto took the silver heavy key out of his front pocket, taking a moment to unlock the door. With that done he opened it up and stepped aside so Hinata could walk in first.
Hinata gasped as Naruto created a shadow clone, then relaxed again. She'd almost forgotten he could do that....it was so impressive, especially when he created small armies of them. Still, on a project like this that could perhaps be too much, they needed to be careful rather than quick if Naruto was going to be living here after all. "Ok, that sounds like a good plan Naruto" Hinata smiled and nodded, following him to the door and blinking as he stepped aside. "Ah, are you sure? I mean....this is your house Naruto....." She watched him for a moment, then when he didn't go in she just smiled and nodded again, slowly moving to step inside first, walking carefully so she didn't disturb the dust too much. "Oh my....it's going to take a lot to clean this place up...everything is covered in so much dust"
"Yeah, that's for sure. I have the feeling that Tsunade kept this home for me as some sort of weird joke... I wouldn't really put it past her to be honest," Naruto mused with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders. he moved through the vast entrance way, corridors branching off to his left and right, while a staircase stood directly in front of them. On a hunch he headed to the left, and just as he had hoped, the blond had wound up in the kitchen area of the large and stately home.

It was just as messy as everywhere else; a layer of dust clinging to the cabinets and countertops, illuminated even more by the thin shafts of light breaching in through the old window. At the very least there was still running water, and a pair of buckets left over from the original owner of the large manor. Naruto gave a small hum and started filing both buckets with lukewarm water. "It'll save us a little bit of time if we just wash as much as we can. Are you sure you wanna stick around here Hinata-chan? It won't exactly be exciting," the blond remarked over his shoulder.
Hinata followed Naruto to the kitchen, coughing slightly as, despite their best efforts, some dust was kicked up into the air. There was so much it was just impossible not to. "Running water? That'll make things a lot easier on us. If we were doing this completely dry then we'd end up just moving dust around more than we were cleaning it" She walked over to take one of the buckets once it was full, lifting it up. "Ok, should we take different rooms? Or maybe both work on the same room together at the same time so we can get each one done a little faster?" Hinata smiled sweetly to him, letting Naruto decide the plan. After all, it was his house, so he had to be the one to decide how they handled this.
Naruto paused in thought, letting out a small hum before glancing at Hinata again "Might as well team up and speed up each room," Naruto said finally, before smiling at the busty kunoichi. "It's gonna be a lot of hard work, but I'm sure it'll all be worth it," he added. Again he took a sneaking glance at Hinata's chest, a heat racing throughout every vein of his body. Dear lord she was gorgeous... how was he only noticing now? And why was he feeling so hot? Ah, if only he had an understanding of Kyuubi's rapidly encroaching heat. "Heh... well, lets get to it..." he added, swiftly moving past and then starting to splash water over the adjacent corridor's floor.
"Alright, if that's what you want" Hinata smiled and stepped aside as Naruto headed out, the girl intending to follow him to whatever room he picked, though he didn't go very far. When he started washing the floor, she giggled softly at the way he just splashed water around. Instead, Hinata moved to get onto her hands and knees, beginning to much more carefully clean the floor. As she moved around, eventually her back was turned, her ass now sticking out straight towards Naruto, firm and plump, wiggling slightly as Hinata moved around the floor whilst she cleaned.
Working on cleaning the house had been a rather long process, and exceptionally difficult... not just because of how much area the two of them needed to clean. Constantly watching the swaying motions of Hinata's ass had been an immense test of his own willpower, while Kyuubi continued burning up inside him, steadily filling the house with his potent pheromones. He was seated on the porch of his house, recently fully repaired, and he was using his own jacket as a seat as he wiped the sweat off his brow. "Thanks for all the help today Hinata-chan," he said, giving a wry grin. They got through the whole house in one day, it was a full on miracle. The mere sight of her had the blood rushing south to Naruto's crotch, while his own burning heat would make him like a magnet.
Whilst the work had been long and tedious at times, Hinata got an odd sense of enjoyment from it, from helping Naruto. And she didn't know what it was but....the longer she had been cleaning the more she wanted to stay.....it was odd....it wasn't like the normal feelings she got around Naruto, this felt more....intense. More than once she'd felt an odd flush of heat all through her body, but had quickly dismissed it as keeping her thick jacket on whilst she worked. Finally though, they were done, and sitting outside on the porch of the house. "Ah, you don't need to thank me Naruto, I was more than happy to help" Hinata looked to him and gave him a bright smile. "I even kind of had fun even though we were just cleaning" She was sitting a little closer than she might have normally sat, yet she didn't seem to realise. For some reason....she just didn't feel quite.....herself.
The air around the two of them felt a little warmer than usual, the steady shimmering heat radiating off the demon seal adding to the generally arousing presence of the busty kunoichi. He shrugged "Well, if you say so. I kinda had fun too- you're pretty great to hang out with Hinata-chan," he said, before flashing her a wry smile. Naruto seemed t hesitate for a moment, before deciding to just go for it and lace a strong arm around Hinata's shoulders, pulling her in a little bit closer in the process. "Still... part of me feels I should repay you for all the help you've given me today," he mused idly.
"Ah...I...th-thank you" Hinata blushed when Naruto said she was great to hang out with...she could hardly believe he had said that! She hadn't even gotten to grips with that before he put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. Normally she would've freaked out and ran off at this point....but for some reason she felt an odd compulsion to stay....the closer she got to Naruto, the stranger her head felt, like her mind was clouding....it kind of reminded her of the time she'd had Sake....but she hadn't drank any alcohol since then, certainly not that day. "Ah...repay me? Oh...you...you really don't need to repay me Naruto..."
"I mean... well you know... I certainly would feel pretty crappy if I didn't do something for you in exchange," the ever-energetic blond remarked. Seeing that Hinata wasn't pulling away or trying to make an escape, well it was enough to add to his confidence. Naruto knew he'd have to act quick, otherwise this window of opportunity would close up and Hinata would wind up freaking out... lord she looked so beautiful, and those curves of her body were hypnotic to behold. "Ah, I know what to do." Naruto leaned in then, and soon his lips were pressed tight to Hinata's own. Well, it was now or never.
"But you really don't need to do anything for me Naruto. I didn't help because I wanted anything in return, I just wanted to help out because you're my friend, that's all" Hinata smiled, then blinked when he said he knew what to do. She had turned her head slightly to face him, about to ask him what he meant, when all of a sudden his lips were against her own. "MMF!" The girls eyes widened, her entire body going rigid in shock. And yet despite the shock....she wasn't completely freaking out like she felt she should be. Hinata felt like she should be freaking out, running away in embarrassment....and yet she found herself completely unable to move or even pull away.
The sensation of kissing the busty ninja sent a fire swelling inside his trained body, the demonic fox's desire to mate and run seeming to increase tenfold in that instant. His arm lazily slid down until he was wrapped around her waist and not her shoulders, keeping her pressed in tight against him. But then alas the desire to breathe came about, forcing Naruto to pull back and pant for breath. Well that had gone better than expected and he was left wondering why Hinata hadn't fled, unaware of the almost-magnetic effect brought upon by his demonic chakra. "Aha... sorry. I might have gotten a little carried away."
Hinata took a deep breath when the kiss was broken, panting as Naruto continued to hold her in his arms. Had that really just happened? Had Naruto actually just kissed her? Or had she been having some kind of strange delusion? No...no she could still taste him...on her lips, on her tongue....that sweet sweet taste of Naruto....and for some reason the more she tasted it the hotter her body felt, the more her mind seemed to cloud over. What was happening to her? She had no idea that she had essentially just ingested Naruto's pheromones directly. "It...it's alright Naruto....r-really..." Hinata didn't try to pull away, just continuing to stare at him as her body trembled in excitement, though she didn't know why....she'd never felt quite like this before.
There was now a mutual desire building up between them, burning with the kind of heat that could only be matched by animals in the springtime. Naruto gave a low growling sound when he could practically smell Hinata's own arousal building between her thighs, sending a bit of blood rushing down south. "I insist. I guess you could call it a gift from me," he added cockily, flashing her a bright smile that revealed some of his sharpened incisors. He pulled Hinata in close, letting the generous swells of her bust press tight to his own toned chest. His hands had moved down, cupping Hinata by her buttocks, while he leaned in to graze her neck with his lips and nipping teeth.
Hinata heard the odd growling noise but didn't freak out like she might normally have....why was Naruto making such an animalistic noise? Were she in full control of her senses she might've assumed there was something wrong....that the Kyuubi was involved somehow....but right now she couldn't make that connection. Instead, her body moved slightly, lifting up when he pulled her close, as if making sure his hands could completely get beneath her in order to grasp her firm, plentiful buttocks, practically sitting on his hands as she panted, tilting her head to the side so he could more easily nip at her neck. "N-Naruto....." She panted almost breathless, unable to complete the sentence, either from breathlessness or simply because her mind had gone blank.
This stretch of land on that high hill was a relatively isolated area, something that would prove very useful for the young couple. Naruto was too far gone to make himself stop now, and he certainly didn't want to have to waste time chasing off any gawkers who would come this way. The blond took one hand off of Hinata's backside, moving over to Hinata's coat. He gripped her by the zipper, one of his knuckles lightly brushing against the generous flesh of her heavy breasts. "I... Hinata..." he murmured in her ear "I want you... need you. I can't explain why I'm heating up like this, but... well I want your consent..."
Hinata hadn't even considered someone coming along and seeing them.....for some reason any thoughts other than ones about Naruto were almost being blocked from her conscious mind. She wanted him...needed him....to be close to him, feel him....god why did she suddenly feel this way so strongly? It was like years of repression were being broken down all at once and then enhanced beyond anything she could have felt before. "N-Naruto...." Hinata whimpered slightly, clinging desperately to her shirt. "P-please....please don't stop....I....I want.....I need....I need....." She was panting heavily, her skin feeling like it was on fire.
That same uncontrollable desire was flowing into Naruto's own body and mind, permeating through each molecule in his body and amplifying his own desires. "Alright... if that's what you want..." Thank goodness she agreed to go along with this... Naruto sorely doubted that he would have been able to hold himself back or contain himself if Hinata had pulled away from him now of all times, not when he was so fired up and excited.

With a grin on his face, the handsome blond male tossed his shirt off to reveal his toned chest. Then his hand reached down, undoing the fly of his dark pants to free up his cock. His demonic chakra had had a clear effect here, increasing the size of his cock to a shocking degree. It was well over a foot long, a one-eyed snake aimed directly up at Hinata and throbbing with steady pulses. He didn't seem entirely hard yet either...
Hinata actually whimpered slightly when Naruto pulled away from her, nearly falling over in her sheer desperation to stay close to him...it was like his proximity had become some kind of incredible drug and she was completely and hopelessly addicted to it. When she saw him start to strip though she felt somewhat satisfied again....almost purring when he removed his shirt and revealed that muscular chest. But then his pants came off....Hinata gasping at what she saw. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined Naruto would be so....so....big. "O-oh my...." She stared at Naruto's cock with wide eyes...the size of it....and...was it getting.....bigger? Yes....somehow it seemed to still be growing...longer....thicker...harder....almost in time with every time it pulsed.
Despite her nervous though, Hinata found herself slowly crawling forwards to get closer once again....her body moving by itself, drive almost entirely by instinct now rather than thought.
It was certainly a shock to see that Hinata wasn't fleeing in shock or fear... or it would be, if Naruto had the means to process his thoughts properly at this moment in time. Too bad everything seemed hazy, and all he could seem to think about was rutting and mating right now. Naruto leaned in, claiming Hinata's lips again with a rough exchange of saliva. As he did this, his hands had gripped the hem of her shirt and started pulling the soft fabric up over the generous swells. He broke the kiss just so he could pull Hinata's shirt over her arms and head, then tossing it behind him. Naruto's eyes hungrily roamed over her chest, and then suddenly he groped both of them in his strong hands "They're even bigger than I thought they'd be..." he murmured.
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