The Demon Lord, The Maiden Who Seeks, Vengeance (Me & Lord Sesshoumaru)

Aria blinked and ignored Jaken and nodded her head when Sesshoumaru spoke to her. She rested against him for a few hours then she stood up and got into the hot springs and bathed her naked body before she made her way to a small stream and caught some fish. She gutted them and then put them on skewer and cooked them over a small fire. Once they were done she stood up and made her way to Sesshoumaru a smile on her lips.

She sat down beside her mate not caring that they were still naked and handed him the fish. When he took it she bit into her own. She leaned against him and let out a sigh and finished her fish before she pushed herself up against the tree. She licked her lips and then stared around them wondering what they were going to do next. “So what are we going to do after this?” Aria asked and cocked her head to the side.

She felt happy and relaxed and glad that her heat was gone. “I still hope we can have sex when my heat is over and even if I am pregnant. That is what mates do right, to get closer?” Aria asked as she sat back down in his lap and started Sesshoumaru in the eyes with her own. He would feel her eyes boring into him wanting him to answer. She smiled and then muzzled her head against his shoulder and yawned a bit herself.
"that's a stupid question, you know well enough i am far from done with this body you have. "
as he spoke, his words sounded like she was his only for her body, yet the tone, and the way he said it had some emotion in them saying other wise. as he held her close. aria would feel that she was slowly melting through the powerful layer of emotionless crap which was his front. even though his tone, and actions to others would seem to be other wise, her ears, and eyes would finally start to pick up on all his subtle little changes from the minor tone changes, to his smallest expression changes. she would find he was going to remain there, holding her, until the mut of a demon had slept enough to move safely. not wanting her to push herself after finally being taken in such a powerful way.
Aria rolled her eyes at his words knowing inside he really did care for her but he was just the way he was. “Whatever.” She grumbled and just sat there in his lap and let out a huge sigh. After a while she pushed herself up and let out a grunt. She was feeling a lot better now and she felt rather hungry, she pulled her robes and armor back on and made her way into the forest. Her eyes were always scanning and soon she had taken down a huge stag.

She gutted it, washed it and started to cook it over the fire when she suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. “Aria, are you my mother now?” Rin asked and looked up at her. Aria blinked and stared over her shoulder at the little human slightly confused but she relaxed. “If you want me to be then so be it child.” Aria said and pulled Rin into her lap and let the girl cuddle up against her tail, Aria didn’t mind Rin.

She soon looked up to see a dressed Sesshoumaru making his way towards her. Rin was asleep in her lap and she let the girl stay there. “Help yourself.” Aria said to her mate as she leaned back against a tree. She hated most humans or didn’t want anything to do with them but Rin had already found a way into her heart. Aria’s eyes were staring up at the sky and her ears were perked and listening, she was alert in case something happened.
paying attention to the subtle winds, and sounds around them. aria would soon feel the human child's frail heart beat syncing with hers. as the demon dog soon sat beside her, his strong arm gently caressing her side. as he didn't touch the food. looking at the two of them. it was odd, but the demon lord did not have ether of his weapons on him for once. the tensaiga, and the tokijin were left in the area they had soiled. " that look suit's you. a mother you will be soon enough, let this child help you prepare. " as he spoke in a soft yet typical emotionless tone. the claw like hand gave away the fact seeing her like this with the child seemed to be a turn on for the powerful demon. as if he desired powerful woman, as well as a nurturing one for some reason. she would learn more about this odd demon's desires, as he was only known to be a cold ruthless killing machine, yet she had already discovered much more existed to this lord of the eastern daiyokais from the inu clan.
Aria blinked and lifted her head a she felt his arm wrap around her and hold her side. She stared down at little Rin and pulled the girl close to her body and held her. She turned her head looking into Sesshoumaru’s eyes when he spoke. “I can feel the babies growing inside me already. This little human though has wormed her way into my heart. I hate most humans.” She said and gently ran her hand through Rin’s hair.

She smiled down at Rin then let out a sigh as she closed her eyes and lay her head against her mate’s shoulder. Aria was feeling tired still and since they were still protected she thought she might get some more sleep. She knew she would protect Rin like her own as well as her own pups. She cared a lot about Sesshoumaru as well, she knew he liked strong woman and mothers who looked after their pups. She nodded at her mate as she let out a yawn.

She noticed he didn’t have his weapons with him but she didn’t ask him why, it was up to him. Jaken appeared and was about to speak but Aria snarled at him and he fell silent. She then soon was asleep once more but her body was wary and so were her ears of any trouble if it should brew. She still napped with Sesshoumaru holding her and with Rin held in her arms safe and warm. She loved Rin but she wouldn’t say it right away.
several peaceful days passed, as aria would find herself being cared for, and pampered by the demon dog to some extent. they would now be in the near by mountains, as they traveled.
the young human child was on the dragon, as it's leash was held by jaken. aria would find herself riding on the beast, aun - uon with her, as they were behind the dog demon. walking some where as if on a mission. the powerful demon lord was always up to something as she would hopefully realize, however she was unaware he was hunting a half demon known as naraku.
She sat on the beast and yawned rubbing her eyes as Rin stayed in her arms and snored while she was fast asleep. Aria moved her head slightly and sniffed the air picking up a scent that seemed a bit familiar to her but she didn’t’ say anything. She had enjoyed being pampered by Sesshoumaru but she was a tough worker even though she was pregnant. She would hunt foot and protect them when she got a chance, she was rather deadly with his aura inside her.

She knew that Sesshoumaru could smell that she was pregnant and she knew other males could smell that she belonged to her. Though Aria knew there would be a few demons who would still be after her, who would want her as their mate and want their seed inside her. “Sesshoumaru Sama, where are we going?” Rin asked suddenly since she had just woken up. “We will have to wait and see.” Aria said and looked down at the Imp.

Aria had noticed that Uon had taken a rather big liking to her so she would feed him whenever he was hungry. “Where are you taking me and Mama?” Rin asked. “Shh Rin, he is concentrating, just trust Lord Sesshoumaru and he will take us somewhere interesting.” Aria said. “Yes Lady Aria.” Rin said. Sometimes Aria was called Mama by Rin but mostly she was called Lady Aria, mate to the Demon Dog Lord. Aria turned her head slightly and sniffed the air.
stopping with his blade pulled from it's sheathe. sesshoumaru looked on. as he was in a sudden change of aura. the power radiating from him was alien to his mate. as this was a side she did not know as of yet. " rin, take aira and find some where to hide for now. " as he spoke, a second powerful aura soon began to eminate from ahead of them. it was horribly strong, perhaps even stronger then sesshoumaru's. as it was old, almost ancient, a powerful lighting could be seen striking in the distance. the flashes of red, and blue energy filled the sky. they had found a lair of one of the inu daiyokai's old rivals. sesshoumaru had found his fathers great foe, as it seemed this was not planned, but it was what they had stumbled into now.
“Yes Lord Sesshoumaru.” Rin said and grasped Aria’s hand but Aria whimpered wanting to stay. “Be careful Sesshoumaru.” Aria said guessing it would be better to go with Rin than to not listen to Sesshoumaru. Aria was pregnant, she guessed it would be best so she grasped Rin, picked her up and ran into some bushes and took on her fox form. Rin sat on her back but stayed hidden behind the bushes as they watched.

Aria was angry, very angry indeed her own aura was changing and she felt darkness taking over her mind yet she stayed put. Rin was the only thing that was keeping Aria from running out and changing into her wolf form and ripping apart Sesshoumaru’s enemy. She flattened her ears against her head and tucked her tail between her legs and whimpered softly. She could do nothing and would do nothing unless Sesshoumaru told her otherwise.

“Your pregnant Mama, you must not disobey Lord Sesshoumaru. He wants what is best for you and he is very powerful. Do not worry he will not die.” Rin said and tried to calm Aria. Aria said nothing and just stared at Sesshoumaru who would be able to sense her anger and hate for the enemy, sense her wanting to fight with him. Sesshoumaru would know that she was obeying though and hiding like he had told them too.
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