The Demon Lord, The Maiden Who Seeks, Vengeance (Me & Lord Sesshoumaru)

as she was so alert the demon dog grabbed her by the wrist pulling her back down onto his lap.
" he would be a fool to come here. i will kill him this time. " as he spoke in his usual cold tone, she would feel the
powerful demon pulled her onto his lap, and holding her close. as he told her not to worry about it yet.
it seemed he believed that, what ever had been trailing him would not attack him, unless he was weakened. which made
sense, as he was in a dangerous land. aria's clan had been trying to slay sesshoumaru for some time, however now with a warrior
powerful enough to fight him, she was his mate. the demon dog kept her close, as he told her to rest for now, wanting her to recover some,
as her body had changed in the process of there bonding and the exposing to his raw demonic aura being flooded into her, in the form of his seed.
She grunted slightly and felt Sesshoumaru suddenly grab her wrist and yank her down into his lap. She let him do so though and she sighed laying her head against her mate’s chest and shut her eyes guessing that he must be right. “He isn’t of my clan, I have never smelt his scent before.” She whispered as she just lay there in his lap. She wrapped her tail around her and buried her head into the fluff on his shoulder and soon she felt her eyes growing heavy.

“I still don’t trust that demon. Just be wary Lord Sesshoumaru.” She said weakly and then yawned and soon she was fast inside in his arms. Her whole body seemed happy to be there in his grasp, she could hear his heart beating away in his chest. She still couldn’t believe he had actually had taken her virginity and now she was mated to him for life. She rolled over slightly in his lap her body seemed to give of a dark aura of its own.

Her ears twitched now and then as she tried to pick up the demon, she was still wary in her sleep trying not to let her guard down. She let out a low growl in her throat her body tensed slightly but she stayed where she was and stayed asleep. She knew Sesshoumaru was not about to let her go anytime soon. Her insides burned in a strange way but it was a good burning, she could feel his part inside her, the part her had given her through his seed.
resting peacefully, the night would go on, as aria would feel her body held closely.
a strong firm embrace, as it was one which she would know for a long time to come.
the night passed on, as the smell of cooked food, and fresh morning dew in the air.

aria would soon awaken against sesshoumaru's body, as she would find herself with her head resting
in a position where she could do something lewd. it was odd, however she would have his arm firmly around
her waist, holding her against him. as he was still asleep.

the small imp was hurrying about to cook the breakfast, as he was preparing a rather delicious
meal, as the smell permeated the air.
She could feel him holding her close to his chest and she knew he was not going to let her go, the way he held her made Aria feel protected. She woke up with a start though as a smell hit her nose and she knew it must be breakfast. Aria let out a sigh feeling his arm wrapped around her waist and she struggled and finally got herself free of his grasp. She finally wiggled free and then sat beside him staring around.

Aria knew that is she had not been mated she would not have been able to get out of Sesshoumaru’s grasp. She didn’t leave his side though, she just sat there and looked over her body, it felt stronger and her hair was shinier. She wore her armor and kimono now, her weapon at her side and she was ready yet she would not leave her mate’s side. “Lord Sesshoumru, there is breakfast cooking.” She said softly and leaned against the three.

She could smell his scent all over her body and she bit her lip her heat was still there but not as strong. She had a feeling it wouldn’t fully go away until he got her pregnant. “Interesting.” She thought to herself and ran her clawed hand over her stomach. Her nose sniffed the air, all she could smell is him and the food Jakkin was making. Her stomach growled and she groaned but stayed in place waiting for her mate to wake up.
as she waited for sesshoumaru to awaken, she would feel his powerful claw grasping her rear. as he strirred. groping her.
the dog demon could smell her scent, it was still in heat. as he slowly sat up with a yawn, the powerful demon smirked. as he
told jaken to play with rin, and leave these two alone to enjoy there breakfast together. speaking in his usual monotone, and cold voice,
the powerful daiyokai spoke, as he demanded his vassals to leave him with this woman mutt, yet he spoke so ill of her blood like, however to win
him over completely would not be hard. his respect for power over all else was legendary.
She suddenly went wide eyed as she felt Sesshoumaru’s claws grasping her ass but she stayed put and blushed slightly. She gulped softly a shiver running down her spine, she knew he wanted to be alone with her again so she said nothing about this. She sighed knowing he must be able to smell her still, smell the heat she was still in. She moved closer to him and stared t the food on the plates that Jakkin had left.

She reached out and handed the first plate before she grabbed one for herself and sat there beside him staring down at the food. She then looked up at Sesshoumaru wondering what he was going to do to her now. “The pain is gone but I am still in a bit of discomfort and I can still smell the heat scent coming off of me though its faint now.” She said and looked up at the older male. Her tail twitched slightly from side to side.

She knew he was not speaking ill of her blood, if she was a half breed like Inuyasha, half human then he wouldn’t have mated with her. Aria sighed glad that she was half two types of full blooded demon. She yawned her fangs barred then she leaned more back against the tree. “Are you going to breed me again?” she said softly flattening her ears back. She however had a feeling that it would not be a painful this time.
"again, we will keep it up until you break or bare an heir, or heiress for my clan. "
as he said this the demon lord stood, as he told her to enjoy her meal she would need her energy soon enough. with those words he
began to move telling her to relax, and enjoy her meal, as he was going to check on rin, and jaken. watching making sure they would be alright
and occupied long enough for him to molest his mate once more. his cold and heartless tone matched the way he spoke. telling her straight forward
that he would abuse her until she gave him a promising child, or she broke, and became worthless. once the demon lord was gone to take care of his vassals
she would find the food all there for her. as she would notice, sesshoumaru had placed his servings on her dish. as if to make sure she had energy for what was to
come. as she would soon catch the scent of the odd demon which had been following them, and watching them. now with her heighten senses, and abilities she would
notice the scent was a half blood like the bastard who killed her family, but it was different, it reeked of a rare poison, miasma.
She stared at Sesshoumaru as he teased and molested her and she promised him a child a blush spreading across her face. She watched as he left a worried look on her face but she ate down her food and suddenly stood when she sensed the demon nearby. She growled and suddenly stood up and clenched her hands into fists. She looked around her, her eyes staring into the trees as she searched for where he was.

She bit her lip and then began to track the smell her nose wrinkled and she moved her hand to her sword just in case it tried anything. Aria felt wary, she was no longer scared but angry about being bothered and having someone on her mate’s lands. She still was not happy about being away from Sesshoumaru, she wished he was there beside her. She kept herself calm and kept sniffing the air searching to kill.

She moved her way down further towards the trees her eyes scanning as she suddenly picked the demon up. She growled lowly and crouched ready to spring if the demon attacked her or came near her. “What are you doing here human mutt. You are not welcome on my Lord’s land be gone.” She hissed angrily as her ears perked up, she barred her fangs and her eyes began to glow, his poison did not scare her off.
as she found the demon, he turned, to her dismay this thing had a huge spider scar, as it was missing the flesh
for it's chest. the miasma bled from the missing flesh. as it suddenly darted in her direction. this thing had no eyes, just glowing eye sockets.
the hands were oddly human like, with bleeding claws. as it swiped in her direction. if she was scratched, aria would discover
the claws bled a paralysis poison from them, a powerful one. as this thing seemed to be out to kill lord sesshoumaru. she had his scent
on her, this it was blindly attacking her with incredible force, and speed.
She felt his move coming and she jumped back before he could even touch her, she smelled his stench and she wrinkled her nose. She dogged attack after attack hardly visible to the naked eyes, she pulled her sword from its sheath and sliced off one of the demons arms, her sword hissed and grew black as it grew larger. Aria’s eyes were growing pure black as she tried to ignore the half breed’s stench coming from his flesh.

She nearly had been scratched but she dogged it only having some of her hair sliced off. She let out a growl and brought her sword down taking of the hand of the demon this time leaving him with only his arm. She was rather impressed with her new powers but kept her mind in the game knowing he could still harm her. Aria glared as it swiped her sword from her and it went flying behind her and landed in the ground behind her.

She suddenly snarled and turned into her wolf form towering over the demon her coat pure black along with her eyes. Saliva dripped from her mouth, it hissed as it hit the ground and burned holes into it. She opened her mouth and suddenly clamped her mouth down around the demon her saliva burning him to pieces, she dropped him to the ground and sent a blast of pure black flames out of her mouth burning the rest of the demon.
destroying the body, it seemed she had won, however before long a chunk of flesh which was in her teeth suddenly began to regenerate,
as it coiled around her body. the thing was binding her, as the laughter could be heard. calling her sesshoumaru, as it said how weak he had
gotten, not even realizing it was a woman which was kicking it's ass.
She let out a loud roar and her body burst into flames burning the flesh as it started to wrap around her, she brought her paw down and swiped what was left of the flesh away from her body. She then let her venom drip onto any bits left from the body and it soon vanished out of her sight. She let out bursts of flames though burning ever last piece she could find until there were only ashes left. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Aria was sick and tired of demons bothering her, it was really pissing her off but now that she had killed this one she turned back to her normal form and picked up her sword. She sheathed it and made her way back up the hill only covered in a bit of ash from the demon she had just killed. Aria sighed and jumped up into a tree and shut her eyes. She really just wanted to eat something else or go on and head to bed.

She wondered where her Sesshoumaru had gotten too, she had a feeling that he might have been watching her but she didn’t care. She flattened her ears back and began to rest her body, it ached a bit sure but she was glad she had not been harmed. Her heat was starting to act up again and she couldn’t help but let out a groan and hug her stomach. “Damn it, stupid…heat.” She growled and looked around as the wind blew through her hair.
as her heat began to act up, she would feel it. some flesh she missed, as it was rubbing her womanly entrance. the flesh soon lit on fire as it regenerated
this thing's heart was not in the body, meaning she would have a hard time finishing it off, until she sniffed out the heart. the creature was equally powerful to her
however his elements was not as destructive as her own. the creature was binding her soon enough, as her armor and clothing tore off completely. leaving her bare body exposed
and slowly being violated by a demon other then her mate. she would feel it soon, the spiking aura of her mate, as he was watching. seeing if she could deal with this weak
demon on her own.
She snarled angrily at what was happening to her and she pulled it from her loins and sent out a burst of flames around her body making it still flame as she began to sniff around her eyes scanning. She knew that there but be something that was keeping it going. Aria was getting really pissed her had, had enough of this fucking demon. She felt Sesshomaru was close and watching her, he could see she didn’t like another male touching her in such a way meaning she was loyal.

She suddenly burst into a run her body flaming with high heat flames and she darted towards a dark cave making her way deep into the back. This time she would finish it and she really would. She found the heart in a dark corner and she narrowed her eyes. “Good bye you filth.” She roared and broke through the crystal barrier that covered the heart ignoring her cut flesh and she grasped the heart crushing and burning every piece in her hand.

She then let loose her acid and fire burning ever inch of the cave as she made her way out and her clothes appeared back on her along with her armor. She then scratched markings into the cave wall outside cursing this place. She made her way back to the tree and looked to see Sesshoumaru, she had an angry look on her face, she did not like how someone else other than her mate had touched her. “I’m going to bathe.” She muttered walking past him.
as she walked past him, aria would feel his powerful grasp, as he suddenly tossed her onto his shoulder. walking away from the direction she was
going. "no your coming with me. " with those words echoing, she would feel it, the spike in his demonic aura, it had changed, seeing her fighting,
seeing her strength, something in the way he looked at her had changed. aria would feel it. his aura became much more possessive, as he could be seen taking her tours the
local hot spring. it had been forbidden for demons due to a powerful spiritual barrier, however he walked through it, as if the angelic power didn't
exist. as he carried her in there, the body would feel slight tingling sensation, as she would feel the purification of any alien material on or in her.
it was much more thorough way of cleaning her one could say as her power was close enough to his own to where the barrier posed little to no threat
to them.
She blinked when she suddenly felt Sesshoumaru’s grasp and him suddenly pull her up and put her over his shoulder. She frowned and then sighed not bothering to fight him as he started to walk to where ever it was he was going. She flattened her ears back and blinked feeling the change in his aura and she knew he had changed. She blinked as they walked through the barrier and she shivered slightly from how it made her tingle.

Aria sighed and lay her head on his shoulder and just let him do as he pleased, she would not stop him nor would she try to run, she was his mate after all. “Alright then.” Aria muttered and let out a soft sigh, her tail twitched from side to side. “I still feel repulsed, only you can touch me in such away. “ she grumbled angrily. She ignored her heat and just waited until he sat her down and once he did she stood back crossing her arms.

“Are you going to always be carrying me around like a rag doll? You know I can keep up to you now.” She said but stared at the floor. “What can I say the mutt made me mad, I was just acting on instinct yet my mind was clear.” She muttered and turned around brushing some ash from her kimono. She twitched her tail from side to side, her ears perked up. She looked around wondering where she could bathe.
she would soon feel his hand caressing her tail. sliding up to the base which was sensitive for any demon
which had a tail. as he began to kiss, and bit her neck a bit.
" you would not come if i didn't carry you. this is the sacred spring of souls. demons of lower class, can not touch the barrier, demons
of the class your clan is could not survive in here. you are now a part of my clan as well, thus you will be able to with stand human
and angelic aura's. " as he spoke kissing her, she would soon realize this cleansed any material on or in her, from any demon which was weaker then her
strength, as she was now admitted to be on equal power by his own words. more so the way he acted showed her that seeing her using such
power was a major turn on for the dog demon.
She felt a shiver go up her spine when his clawed hand moved up the base of her tail and she couldn’t help but groan. She felt his lips and fangs against her neck and she clenched her fists trying to hold back her moans. “I guess your right.” She replied about him having to carry her. She blinked hearing his words and she seemed to relax a bit knowing she had no other demon scent on her but Sesshoumaru’s, she groaned and kissed him back.

She could hardly believe that he had admitted to her that she was his equal now but it made her happy that he did. She could tell he was turned on now, she knew her heat would get worst so she did not stop Sesshoumaru nor did she pull away from him. She leaned into him more and groaned softly as her hands moved and she let her armor drop to the floor around her. She them worked her kimono and let that drop next.

Aria just stood there now in her chest bindings and her loin cloth, her body was covered in markings her flesh was soft. “Your making my body hot again, Sesshoumaru sama.” She croaked and closed her eyes as she leaned her head back again meeting his lips in a kiss. She knew this time she would be getting pregnant but she didn’t mind. She was honoured to being bonded to him, she wanted his child, she wanted him and nothing more.
accepting her fate, she would soon feel his hand rubbing along her side. as he smiled,
the demon showed some soft facial expression. she would slowly feel him pushing her into the purifying
water. as her body slowly entered the water, aria would feel her position slowly being forced down, until
she found her mate's rock hard member before her face. as he was preparing to get into the sacred spring with her,
unless she acted first.
Aria sighed and then blinked as she felt him slowly push her into the hot springs and she allowed him to push her in. She managed to pull her chest bindings and loin cloth before she was pushed down into the warm water. She let out a soft sigh as she sat there then her nose wrinkled a bit as his cock showed yet she just shut her eyes. She leaned back in the bath and let the warm water cover her body, it felt good on her muscles and her cramps.

She still could see his smile in her mind and she smiled herself. She was unaware of his cock, he had did nothing to please her so thus she had nothing to return the favour to. He has basically raped her the day before, not even any foreplay, not really something she wanted to remember, it made her cringe thinking about it. Aria let out a sigh and sunk deeper into the water so that it came up to her chin and her eyes stayed closed.

No they had a lot of bonding to do still and he would have to make her want sex since she seemed a bit wary and tense about it now. Aria felt her tail come between her legs under the water yet she allowed it to stay covering her pussy up. She wasn’t pushing it there tightly though, you could easily move it if you wanted to. “These springs feel good on a sore body.” She spoke softly and opened an eye and stared into his face.
as she opened her eyes, she would feel his claw like hand working down her body. slowly fingering her, as he slid it under the tail.
"aria you will be mine, as i will only have one who is worthy of my power. "his claw was gently sliding along her delicate folds, as the demon was being
more gentle with her. it was clear he could tell she was sore the spring was to help her body relax, and feel better.
Aria groaned softly then gasped as his clawed hand moved under her tail and she suddenly felt a finger slip inside her pussy and she let out a moan. She suddenly moved her tail out of his way as he began to tease and play with her pussy. “I am honored my Lord.” Aria managed to croak as her body trembled a bit her pussy slowly reacting to his touch, she was getting sticky down between her legs now, her nipples hard from his touch.

She reached her hand out gently and grasped the side of the springs and held on letting her body relax and take every touch he gave her. “Ah….it feels…ah…good.” Aria whispered and shut her eyes again, her legs spread for him a bit more. She felt her ears perk up and she slowly shifted so she was sitting in his lap but he was still able to finger her. She shyly yet gently moved her hand down and gently grasped his cock.

As long as he worked her she would do the same to him, her other hand braced her against his chest. She moved her hand up and down his length as her own walls clamped around his finger inside her, she felt the soreness even leaving her pussy. She moved her mouth and gently licked her tongue over his chest, running it over some scars. She moved up to his lips and kissed then gently before she rested her head on his shoulder.
now in this new position, she would feel his hand working her, the more she pleasured her lord, the more he would pleasure her.
feeling her delicate, yet firm hand rubbing his shaft, aria would hear sesshoumaru panting softly against her lips.
as his finger soon had two of them sliding deep into her. the two would feel each other getting hot, and turned on, all the while the sacred
spring would cause there bodies to feel jolts, from the purification it could not do to there demonic aura, despite the effort of the divine energy which
filled the area.
Aria groaned as she felt him working her deeper then she gasped softly when he suddenly pushed a second finger inside her pussy, her walls clamped around his fingers. She panted softly herself kissing him back the best she could. She also could feel his cock throbbing away in her hand, she stared down at it as she closed one eye. She nipped gently at his bottom lip as her body ached for more from him, she wondered if she should cum or not.

“Sesshoumaru sama, I am going to cum. I can’t hold it back much longer.” She croaked and looked up at him. Sure she was going to be able to cum more than once, she was not about to just cum and then not take his cock. She could feel the slight tingles against her body but it didn’t seem to bother her, all she wanted was him. “Ah…can can……” she couldn’t speak straight and she just stared up at him wondering if he wanted her to cum on his cock or fingers.

She was still new to this mating thing but she was able to cum more than once which was good for him in a way. He could feel her tremble and then she pulled her mouth back from his once more and bit her lip hard. “I can’t hold it back much longer. Do you want it on your hand or your man part?” she asked softly. Her body was trembling and growing tense but she kept working his cock as fast yet as gently as she could.
as she trembled, he did not answer her, but instead forced a third into her, as his fingers continued there magic.
" once you are slick we can have real fun. " as he spoke, his member throbbed in her hand, yet not a drop of precum
escaped. as it seemed her gentle hold on his member was enough to make him aroused but not climax. as she would
feel his three fingers sliding in and out, as they rubbed her. moving one at a time, like a machine, her body clamped on them,
as it made the sensation all the more enjoyable.
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