The Demon Lord, The Maiden Who Seeks, Vengeance (Me & Lord Sesshoumaru)


Apr 10, 2014
Her name was Aria and she was a wolf/fox demon hybrid with long silvery hair and the darkest of brown eyes, they were slitted like those of a wolf. She was about 5’5 and weighed 100lbs with a slender body yet it was strongly built. She had a small chest with breasts that would fit perfectly in your palms. She had just witnessed her father being slaughtered by the half demon Inuyasha and she was drenched in her own father’s blood. She suddenly turned to see Inuyasha staring at her a look in his eyes was making her rather uncomfortable and she wanted nothing more to kill him but before she could he had ran away leaving her injured.

Aria managing to pull herself together made her way towards the lands of Sesshoumaru where she slumped down against a tree pulling her knees up to her chest. She let out a groan as her flesh slowly started to heal itself over but she knew sooner or later she would need to get help if things kept getting worse for her. There was something different with Aria as well, the young demoness was going into her first heat and soon other males would be attracted to her yet she didn’t seem to notice this. All that was on her mind was the urge to get vengeance on Inuyasha because of his slaughter of her father.

She felt it start to rain it began to wash the blood from her flesh but it was till drenched in her robes which stuck to her armor under her robes. She just lay there under the tree unable to pull herself to her feet, she must have been more injured than she had thought. She knew who’s lands she was on but she was not able to move. She was unaware however that Sesshoumaru would be able to smell her and that she was in heat. She might be either a fighter or timid towards him depending on how Lord Sesshoumaru treated her.
the next few hours passed, as the rain stopped. the moist morning dew was now abound. the wind blowing against her weak face. as the rainbow could be seen in
the sky above. as a high pitched annoying voice echoed, yelling at the demoness known as aria.
"hey, hey girl wake up. your in our way. move before my lord. . . "
as he suddenly stopped talking, he made an odd sound as if something hit him. walking past the green imp, a powerful dog demon dressed in white, and dawned
in tribal armor. his cold eyes looked down at the maiden before him. " can you stand girl?" his words were a bit cold, but plain and to the point. as his hand seemed to unsheathe
an odd sword. which seemed to radiate a warm aura, unlike any known weapon. this one didn't seem to pose a threat or a blood lust which was rare for demon weapons of any caliber.
as he asked the second time, his tone remained the same. smelling the mixture of her heat, and her blood it seemed he was confused as to what this wolf like
maiden was doing here.
Aria grunted noticing Jakkin but said nothing to him then opened her eyes some more and stared up at the demon dog. She heard his words and shook her head trying to clear her mind, it was rather foggy. She heard him speak again and her eyes narrowed a bit. She eyed the sword and suddenly tried to back away but her whole body was not working right and she just ended slumping to the ground. “I…guess I can’t. Lord Sesshoumaru.” She managed to speak her mouth felt dry and she wiped at the blood that ran down the side of her mouth. She shifted her tail limply lay against her side, she eyed his sword not trusting him much.

“If your going to strake me like your mutt brother please make it quick. Damn mutt.” She muttered under her breath waiting for him to kill her. “Just remember that he killed my father Lord Nagra of the fire wolf clan.” She muttered coughing weakly and wincing. She closed one eye and tried to push herself to her feet but it wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. Her body had lost to much blood and she had broken bones, her heat didn’t help her either. “Please make it quick.” She said and shut her eyes tightly waiting for the blow of his sword. Her parents were dead, she had nothing left to life for, or so the poor female thought.
"hmm, something useful from him. " as he said this it was known that her father clan had been advancing on lord sesshoumarus territory, due to his lack
of interest. it was unlike he would do anything unless the two crossed path. as sesshoumaru was a care free lord, a powerful one which stood for nothing but one which
seemed to care less about things which were not of major concern for his personal goals. as he sheathed the blade she would suddenly feel herself lifted by his one
arm and tossed over her shoulder. as he began to walk. while the imp was complaining about this taking this enemy clan member instead of slaying her there. it seemed her
saving grace was the fact she was in heat.
She grunted as she suddenly felt Sesshoumaru pick her up and place her over her shoulder. She stared down weakly at the demon behind them and rolled her eyes. “You do know I am going after Inuyuasha and I am going to kill him as soon as I am better.” She said simply but she was getting too tired to do much anymore. She still wondered why he had not killed her but she let it go and soon she was resting against him ignoring Jakkin as he talked away.

Aria ignored his comment about Inuyasha doing a good thing by killing her father, she would deal with the mutt later. “Lord Sesshoumaru, you know it wouldn’t be wise breeding with this half breed demon.” The imp muttered. Aria glared at the smaller demon before flattening her ears and feeling her body starting to heal itself. She soon had passed out and was now sleeping against Sesshoumaru’s body, since she needed it.
as she was out cold for a while, aria was able to rest up. coming to she would find herself on a soft patch of grass, and flowers.
fully stripped of her clothing and armor. as it seemed they were being washed up. the imp complaining the entire time, as he was charged with cleaning her gear
and removing the scent from them. the building she was in, was an old human one. known as a war base. they were abandoned once the humans stumbled into the demon den in the bottom of the
structure. she would soon feel a cold glare from the corner of the room. as jaken had come back in watching her. aria would find she had no access to anything which would allow
her to cover herself up, at least not yet. as everything was well hidden from her or so it seemed. the imp had it all out to be dried, as he followed his lord's orders. who was no where to be seen.

"girl, are you even aware how lucky you are. my gracious lord has taken pity on you, due to your injuries, but is a waste on a mutt like yourself. oh, lord sesshoumaru why must i get stuck baby
sitting this mut. but i will do what i do best. so girl you hear me. and hear me good. my lord is far beyond your caliber you be best to leave these lands, and forget about that stupid vengeance. my lord will be the one to kill his brother, any one else interferes might as well be signing there own death warrant. " as he began to ramble on as he cried to himself several times, what jaken was unaware of, aria's nose would pick up. there was a small basket of bread, and fire roasted fish left in the corner of the barn in the darkness. along with a faint blood stained flower which had been stuck in her hair when he picked her up.
Aria sighed staring at her wounded body glad the bleeding stopped, she wrapped her bushy tail around herself and pushed herself up to her feet. Her breasts were covered by her hair and her other arrears were covered by her tail. She ignored the imp as he started to talk to her and ramble on, she ignored him shaking her head slightly. She rolled her eyes fighting the urge to rip the demon’s head off, she then perked her ears up. “Oh my name is Aria not girl, please do use some manners.” She said coldly as she followed her nose.

She moved towards he food and crouched down keeping her tail wrapped around her along with her long hair covering her breasts. There were scars running down her back along with thin markings running down her arms and down her back and along her legs covering most of her body, the showed she was for sure part fire demon. On her cheeks the markings showed slightly after creeping up her neck a bit. But on her forehead was a flaming sun, the mark of her father.

Aria had more of her father’s looks but her hair was from her mother along with her eyes and the red tinge at the tip of her wolf ears and tail. She gently took the food and nibbled on it slowly then picked up the blood stained flower. She ran her clawed thumb over it before she sat down in the darkness and let out a sigh. She ate her fill and set the fish bones down closing her eyes once more as she felt worn out from just the way the imp demon talked.
the imp sighed as he got up, and left, noticing she wasn't paying him any mind.
"well girl you want me to use your name, then earn that right. only master sesshoumaru dictate who
i speak to by name unless they deserve the respect. " as he spoke this marching out of the small barn with
his lip held up. the imp seemed to be a bit on the cocky side. as he marched out of the barn. unknown to him or
the foxy maiden. he left her unarmed and alone, when he was suppose to watch her for a reason. unseen by ether of
them a powerful arachnid like demon began to stir up in the rafters, as it smelled the fox, wolf mutt below her. the thing hissed in an
elegant voice.

"such a delicate maiden, i rarely get such visitors. "
the voice echoed, as the doors and would suddenly be blocked, and sealed by the demon's unique aura.
Aria’s eyes suddenly snapped wide open and she stared up at the demon above her but she narrowed her yes shaking her head though since the imp had left. She wondered what this demon was up to but she was not about to go down without a fight. “What the hell do you want?” Aria snapped feeling her body tense up. She knew the demon was up to no good and she could sense that it had blocked the door but Aria had her ways.

She closed her eyes for a moment then opened them, if the demon tried to poison Aria or sting her it would back fire and the demon would be harmed instead. Aria felt her stomach grumble and she knew she might be getting a better feed sooner or later. “Leave me alone lady if you know what is good for you.” Aria said as she backed up her tail twitching from side to side as fur began to grow over her body, her eyes turning red.

“I am really not in the mood to fight another demon when I just watched a half human mutt kill my father and fuck me up.” She thought to herself but kept her mouth shut. She felt a familiar burn growing in her mouth and soon her body shifted and she soon started to grow and grow and soon she had broken through the barn rough taking on her full demon form. She stared down at the demon and let out an angry roar.
as she roared the arachnid laughed as it was on her head.
"yes, let loose all your anger. i want that rage, the delicious rage to make me stronger. "
as she spoke, whispering her seductive voice into the maiden's ear. as she was trying to convince her to find sesshoumaru
and strike him down. in her pure demon form, aria would find this arachnid to be hard to argue with, as it seemed she played
right into the beast's hands. as it was trying to see if she was strong enough to take out the demon lord which ruled her lair's home
One thing the female demon didn’t know what that heat was stronger than her tone and since Sesshoumaru had spared her like she knew she owed him. Aria shook her head and sent the demon flying off of her before she sank down and became a tiny fox. “I will not do such a thing I owe him, he saved my life.” Aria growled and vanished running hard and fast right past the imp even before she came smack dab into Sesshoumaru.

“My Lord, there is a female demon, she wants me to kill you but I refuse to. She is back in the barn, she doesn’t like you on her land.” Aria said and took a submissive stance as she took her human form her hair covering her private parts along with her tail. She would not attack the man who saved her, she said nothing more and just lay there her wounds still making her a bit weak and now she was tired again. “Your friend left me alone in the barn.” She whispered.
laying there, the dog demon shook his head. laying there she would suddenly feel something odd.
as his hand soon slid along her elegant body. as his hand was warm to the touch, his claws almost stinging her skin, as his
poison claw was used to close her wounds. it would sting abit, but he didn't empower his claw enough to do any damage. after which he would
lift her into a sitting position.
"foolish girl. you should have left the door open. " with those wards she would soon notice something faint in the way he looked
at her. his body was reacting to her being in heat. as the young mutt would soon feel the pure bred demon's hard member poking into her
as it was bulging. the fluff of her fur was something of delight in the sensation. the wounds which had not healed were now closed which
would still leave minor scars. his cold eyes looked into her weak ones. as aria seemed to be exhausted still.
Aria suddenly felt Sesshoumaru’s hand move over her body but she did not pull away. She bit her lip and then looked up at him slightly confused. She winced slightly but felt her wounds close and she stared over her furry form. She soon turned back into her human form with her wolf ears and tail though and bit her lip staring up at him. She blushed when he lifted her up so that she was sitting yet she didn’t try to run or pull away from him.

Aria blushed madly when he spoke to her but all she could do was nod her head her eyes staring up at him, she was unable to pull her away. “Yes Sesshoumaru Sama.” She said softly then grunted feeling something pressing against her leg. She gulped having a feeling what it is but she did not move away from, she felt safer around him. She was pure-blooded demon while Inuyasha, just not full the same way Sesshoumaru was.

She bit her lip shivering slightly and let her fur grow over her once more now in her small wolf form. She was way to cold to be wondering around naked. She bowed her head once more and just sat there near him her body trembling once in a while because her heat was getting worse do to his musky scent. “You want me as your mate, which explains it now. I am going to be mated to you for life but I won’t fight you Lord Sesshoumaru. I thank you for this honour.” She said accepting her fate.
for a moment he raised a brow at this young wolf hybrid,it is true she was in heat, but she was so weak. compared to powerful demoness like
toran from the panther clan. yet she was young, with potential. the dog demon lord didn't say anything, however he pushed her away for a short bit
as he adjusted himself. with out saying much, pulling the young lass back against him. this time she was pulled onto his lap. as aria would feel the large. k-9
cock rubbing against her. as his arm had ahold of one of her petite breast.

" for life no. i do not think you will survive that long. your potential though is reason enough. "
as he spoke, it seemed his words went against what his mind was telling him, that he was out for some satisfaction, however the fact
remained this young lass was about to be taken by the most fearsome known demon of this land. one her clan had once warred against an entire clan versus one demon.
his very long, and thick member was visible as it rubbed against her. the heat of the throbbing flesh against her smooth innocent flesh could be felt, as his hand was
rubbing from her one teat, down her side and back up in a caressing manor. despite his lack of emotion, it seemed this demon was out for a good time at least.
Ah but Sesshoumaru was in for a surprise once he had unlocked what was hidden inside her. No she would be a survivor and that would be sure. She blinked though when he pushed her away then gulped when he lay down and pulled her back into his lap. She felt his hand snake up and grasp her small breast and she let out a soft moan. Her own mother had only become more powerful when mated to a powerful demon Lord. She felt Sesshoumaru’s cock against her thigh.

“Look can be deceiving my Lord. My mother was like this until my father had taken her also, I tend to try and keep my anger in check. If I don’t them I turn into a huge and powerful beast but I do not like when that happens.” She whispered then felt a shiver go up her spine some more as he touched her flesh. Suddenly the markings on her body began to glow red and she felt her eyes flash, he already was activating something in her.

She still kept her body against his own though, she would not pull away or run from him like some coward woman. “I only mate for life and not for fun. This is a serious matter.” She said coldly as she felt her markings heat up and she let out a low growl as she grasped at his shoulders tightly her claws digging in a bit. Her heat wanted him and wanted him bad she pushed herself and would take control of her fox side.
" good, your potential is why, if you disappoint after words, i will sever the ties myself. "
as he spoke, it seemed her words made him feel like it was worth the risk, however if her words proved
to disappoint the demon lord he told her straight up he would sever the ties, meaning he would kill her himself.
the fact such a powerful beast was gonna take a chance on her, and make her his, and only his was something.
perhaps the horrible situation which his half brother caused was a good thing in the long run. if such a weakling made her mother
strong, then what would a demon lord which hunted the so called gods of the lands make her become. feeling her hails piercing his shoulder,
sesshoumaru's hands began to push her back up a bit, before he began to pull her down onto his hot throbbing shaft. as it would slowly piercing
into her tender womanly folds.
She gulped slightly and nodded her head and then felt his hands working her more then she suddenly went wide eyed as he adjusted her on his lap and she felt his massive dick start to push inside her pussy. She groaned and shut her eyes tightly keeping her body relaxed knowing that pain would happen but she was going to take it. She felt her body changing already which would be a good thing for Sesshoumaru.

She relaxed and kept herself on his lap feeling his cock finally snap her barrier and she grunted then felt her insides already healing. She grasped gently at his hips sitting there in his lap his massive cock spreading her pussy wide. She shut her eyes tightly as a warm heat took over her body and he could feel the change in her. Her strength seemed to grow and she moved digging her claws into the ground under them and panting.

She said nothing about the pain she was in though, it was leaving rather fast. She knew however that mating him would mean she would be both marked and be carrying his offspring as well. He would hear a low growl in her throat as she opened her eyes, they were starting to glow a bit. She however did not speak nor did she try anything like harming him or moving away. He was already making the pain of her heat leave her.
her body now joined with his. the cold, calculating demon began to move, his monstrous cock inside of the petite maiden could be felt
kissing her cervix, as the pointed head smacked into the entrance of her womb. each thrust began to make her bounce all the more. his hand grasping her
delicate flesh, as his calm cold eyes showed no interest or emotion, yet he was taking her. as he thrusted inside of aria, the hybrid demon would
feel this one's member getting even larger inside of her, as his base was slowly swelling. the tip continued to pierce her cervix with each thrust, until
it would finally break through, and begin to hit the back of her womb. smacking deep enough that it made what appeared to be a bulge in her belly each
time she would feel his hot meat stuff her tender womanly flesh.
She groaned and gritted her teeth tightly feeling his cock invade her more and more until it had opened her womb up. She felt no pain at all it only felt good and she gritted her teeth very hard this time trying to keep back a beast like roar as her walls tightened around Sesshoumaru. She felt his hand on her shoulder yet she did not, she opened her eyes they were blood red and she was staring up at Sesshoumaru.

She was going to cum sooner or later yet she seemed to be trying to hold back as well. He would be able to feel her power change and become very strong now as she suddenly grasped onto his shoulders with her hands her head hung slightly. She let out that growl and she knew that it was going to be interesting to try her new powers out when the time came. She felt her forehead burning and her sun seemed to vanish as she took on darker skin and white hair.

Her tail twitched back and forth and he could hear her panting and moaning happily as he mated her. She was fighting to bite him, the instinct was there to mark him but she was not about to . “You unlocked my power.” She was able to croak. She twitched her tail some more and bit her lip wanting to cum hard on him. She wanted more of him, she was his now she knew it and it was a slightly scary thought but she would not betray him.
as he continued to thrust deeply into the hybrid wolf, the dog demon lord soon positioned his body to press her back against the soft moist ground.
as her one leg would soon be pulled up to the point where it would rest on his shoulder. making the entrance that much tighter. as he rammed into her. grinding
his hips on the way out before thrusting like a full blast piston again into her delicate and gorgeous body. aria would soon feel a single load of hot fluid jetting deep
into her body, however it was far from over. as she seemed to be the first woman sesshoumaru had taken in a long time, which could
possibly have helped her with getting him to take her while she was in heat.
She groaned as she felt Sesshoumaru keep thrusting inside of her. She shut her eyes tightly and suddenly let out a cry as her arms grasped around his neck and she came down hard on his massive cock. He had unlocked her power, she was not weak anymore and if he kept up the breeding he would have very strong offspring from her.

She blushed slightly though when she felt his hot seed inside her pussy and she knew that there was more to come. She started to pant and squirm against him as her one leg rested over his shoulder. She wondered who all could hear her moans but she didn't seem to care that much though, he was making her heat leave.

Aria was going to be his from now on, that is how it worked when a male took a female and mated with her, they were bound for life. Aria could tell she wanted no other man than Sesshoumaru and she was only going to be loyal to him. She was going on instinct, with every thrust her hips moved up to meet his.
the massive cock inside of the hyrbid maiden soon began to swell up to the point he could no longer move inside
of her. aria would feel her lord locking in her, as his hot seed pumped into her. his hand grasping her breast, as he fondled her
viciously. playing with her perfect mouth sized bosoms, even pinching her nipples with two of his claw tipped fingers.
the dog demon was relentless in his heated passion with this maiden he had saved. soon enough they would have the little
imp jaken, complaining and crying about his lord taking this girl, and not keeping the blood like pure.
She groaned softly and then cried out softly suddenly when Sesshoumaru came deep inside her and made her belly swell a bit with his seed. She shut her eyes feeling herself cum again and she looked up at him her fangs barred slightly. She felt his fingers working her nipples making them stand up. She wouldn’t care what the imp said, she would only listen to what her Lord said to her. Soon a crescent moon appeared over her navel the same as that on Sesshomuaru’s forehead.

She was his now and loyal to only him, she would rip anyone apart who thought otherwise and any males after her she would fight them to the death. She let out a growl again her claws digging hard into the ground as her eyes flashed a few times before she shut them. Her wounds fully healed thanks to him and the new power he had given her. She panted softly as sweat covered her naked body, her heat would still be around for a while after.
having taken all he had to offer her. the hybrid maiden would soon find herself pulled off of h is member. as the powerful dog demon
lord held her close. aria would hear his cold tone words echo softly into her ear.
"from this day forth, you are mine alone. " as he spoke she would feel it in her body, his scent was soon permeating from her body.
the first mating would not get her pregnant but instead marked her from the inside, as his seed was absorbed into her very womb.
the inner soft silky flesh was now radiating her new mate's scent. a powerful way to mark a demon which was seen as a lower class until
now. her aura was weaker then his, but strong enough to make most powerful demons shiver in fear. a maiden truly worthy of his companionship,
however she would soon sense it a powerful aura of another demon. one as strong as her lord, but in the far distance.
She grunted slightly when he pulled out of her then relaxed as his arm wrapped around her and held her close to her body. She looked up at Sesshoumaru and nodded her head. “Yes Lord Sesshoumaru, I don’t want any other male.” She said and lay her head against his chest and closed her eyes. She could smell his scent on her now, it made her seem to bristle a bit from the pleasure it brought her. Her robes suddenly seem to appear on her body along with her armour and she turned her head narrowing her eyes sense another demon nearby.

She let out a low growl in her throat and she turned her head her eyes scanning for the other male. “There is another male near here.” She growled and pulled herself up to her feet her blade at her side and she wondered why this male had come so close. Her eyes narrowed as her pupils turned to slits and you could see she was not happy. She clenched her hand into a fist her fangs barred as she got ready for its attack not sure when it would happen though. She really was not in the mood for any other males to be around her.
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