Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Loki Odinson... or rather Loki Llewellyn as he had taken to calling himself, was not as miserable as people had thought he aught to be. Oh sure he still complained, about everything, but really... it beat that tiny little square cell he'd been in previously. He sighed and glanced down at his wrists where the binding tattoos where. He missed magic a lot, but he had found earth technology to be simply amazing. Particularly technology made by Tony Stark. Loki had to admit, Tony stark was a fucking genius. Made him feel just a tad bit bad about trying to kill the over dramatic little twink. He smiled a little to himself as he sipped on a cup of hot Coffee, provided free every morning, and smoked on a cigarette... most decidedly, not free and in fact, brutally expensive. But Loki would rather smoke than eat, and his roommate was ever so considerate to let Loki mooch food if he really needed it. So long as Loki paid his half of the rent and utilities, River didn't give a damn what Loki ate in the house... especially since Loki had a strange delight for baking... why Baking, Loki had no freaking clue, but it was just as soothing as whipping up a double espresso Latte with extra foam and a dash of Vanilla, soy milk, of course.

“Loki! You're shift is about to Start!” a Voice called, Loki's manager of course. Loki was astonishingly, a simple waiter for the Blue Moon Cafe. He made the pastries, and he made the Coffee, but mostly he took orders, flirted with the customers, and delivered the goods to said customers. Fury knew he was working there of course, and even Loki was surprised by the fact that he had been working at the Blue Moon Cafe for nearly eight months now without incident. Well, except for the one, but funnily enough, it wasn't Loki. It was some drugged up dope head trying to rob the place. Loki had been shot, but he'd barely needed five stitches for the 'graze'. Loki couldn't actively use magic, but it would still rise up to protect him.

“Coming Alec.” Loki promised, draining the last of his wonderful, wonderful Hazelnut Coffee, one last drag of the cigarette and putting it out, Loki stood up and stroked the wrinkles out of his Uniform. His long, gorgeous legs encased in perfect black slacks, his torso covered in a white button up shirt. The Blue Moon Cafe was very high end, Loki even had to wear a waist Apron. He loved the way it made his ass look just perfect. He made the most tips, and he had heard more than a few people comment on him being 'movie star' quality... and porn star but Loki wasn't interested in either. He headed inside and took the pad and a pencil, clocked himself in and headed out to the people to start taking their orders.

“Good morning and welcome to the Blue Moon Cafe. My name is Loki and I'll be you're server today. Our specials are the roasted Hazelnut Coffee with a rhubarb tart.” Loki informed the couple that had just walked in, completely unaware of the two Avengers sitting just behind him. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, both who where gaping at him. Loki asked the couple if they needed a menu or if they where ready to order, and when they ordered he nodded, repeated the order to make sure it was just the way they wanted it, and took it to the back. It was a slow morning and the couple took their drinks and left, leaving Loki alone with his boss, a single other server, and two Avengers. “Good morning welcome to the Blue Moon Cafe, my name is...ack....” he looked up, staring at the two Avengers with shock as he suddenly placed who they where and despite himself he went beat red. “Loki! Good greif...” Alec complained as he moved over to the two. “i'm sorry gentlemen. Loki hasn't had the chance to serve High End customers such as yourself before.” Alec apologized. “please excuse him... Loki! Get your ass in the kitchen and stop choking on air you manner-less idiot!” “i... I am NOT a Manner-less idiot Alec!” Loki protested even as he moved into the back to make the pastries as ordered.

Steve stared and then turned to Tony, more than a little stunned. “well that was... you saw that right? It was... I'm not hallucinating right?... did you slip me something again?”
Tony Stark was a sick man. And not just because he’d been running on no sleep and more alcohol then any human should ever drink in a single sitting and not get drunk. He assumed it was his father’s DNA that kept him from getting hammered, it seemed a stark family tradition, being alcoholics. But that wasn’t why he was feeling sick as he sipped his own coffee, sitting across from the avenger that he’d been avoiding the most, because of all of them, he didn’t trust Steve to not figure out that he wasn’t as well as he made the world think he was. He was heartsick, soul sick, so very guilt ridden and broken that it made the emotions he’d gone through before seem like child’s play.

Sipping his coffee as he looked around the cafe, he stopped, his cup half way to his mouth as he looked at the server, before looking at alec. “Don’t worry about it. I’m used to people being breathless and tongue-tied around me.”Tony stark said, his persona as the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist firmly in place. Smirking at alec he smiled, “I want some pastries, and the manner-less idiot to serve us.”Tony said sounding way to amused for anyone’s good. He was definitely getting off in being demanding. Even after loki’s invasion, and the mandarin incident, and the following four months spent blowing more money than most small countries made in a year, the man was still the same.

Glancing at steve he raised a eyebrow, “I did. It was in your coffee, I wanted to test to see if something would affect your super soldier body.”Tony said in such a dead pan, that you could almost believe him for a moment....until you saw the wicked laughter in his eyes that said he was making fun of steve.
Alec nodded to Tony. "very well Mister Stark." he agreed with a smile as he took their order, Steve ordering a few Eclairs. "your server will be with you momentarily." he promised as he headed back tot he back where Tony and Steve could watch, through the little window, as Alec and Loki got into a small Tiff. it was made even more amusing because loki was somehow covered in Flour, and that seamed to be what Loki was upset about. they where hissing at each other in too low of tones for Tony or Steve to hear, but the other server, a woman, was bent over the counter, breathless with silent laughter, her hand shoved into her mouth to keep from making noises. it was finally too much and she started to choke on her laughter, drawing Loki's attention and he glared at her. "NONE OF YOU APPRECIATE ME!" Loki raged, setting his hands on his hips and sulking so furiously that both Alec and the woman collapsed into laughter. Steve snorted a little as well and he shook his head. "he always was a dramatic little shit..." he muttered, looking highly amused now that the shock had worn off, even if he did peer into his coffee nervously.

Loki huffed at them and turned his nose and stalked back out of sight, Alec still laughing as he followed, no doubt to help Loki clean up whatever mess the once God had created. it was only a moment later that Loki came out with two plates in one hand and the Coffee Pot in the other, setting their plates down with that liquid grace he was so good at and streaks of flour still in his hair, though the rest of him looked much cleaner. he refilled their Coffee cups and opened his mouth to say something before another customer came in. Loki left the Avengers to their meals and went to seat the new party that had arrived and sat them in one of the booths before handing out menus. "Stop laughing at me Tiffany!" Loki demanded of the still giggling woman who was taking an order at the cash register. "we SO need a new blender!" "that's the fourth time this week it's gone insane on you." she admitted with a giggle. "maybe you shouldn't have taken it apart?" "i was IMPROVING it!" Loki corrected as he started making several different cups of Coffee while Alec set up the different decadent doughnuts and pastries. "keep laughing at me and i won't make you that chocolate cake for your birthday." Loki grumbled, which made the woman sulk. "spoilsport!" she complained, making Loki smirk as he served the new party, sliding the receipt of Tony's purchase onto his table with something written on the back. "Off at 5:00 which was eight hours from then. no doubt Loki was very well aware that the Avengers wanted answers, but he was too busy at the moment. it was nine o-clock, rush hour. which was proven not ten minutes later as the place was suddenly packed to bursting, and handled expertly by the three people who where working that day.

"so... that was weird. Loki being... not evil." Steve mused as he walked outside, having finally convinced Tony to come back at four thirty or a time where they could actually see Loki through the Throng of people. "i know Fury said he was on earth, but i never expected him to be in New York... working on a Cafe of all places..." Steve muttered, looking more than a little baffled. "why in the hell is he working at a Cafe do you think? i KNOW he could get a better job than THAT... with his eyes closed!"
“Thanks.”Tony said smirking a little as he watched them, amusement in his dark eyes as he watched the fight. It was fairly amusing actually, and for the first time in months, he wanted to laugh. Tilting his head a little as he sipped his drink he nodded. “Overdramatic really. He needs to know how to behave better.”Tony said, missing the irony of tony stark of all people, telling someone to not be a dramatic little shit. Sipping his coffee he raised a eyebrow, looking amused as he watched loki fill his coffee cup before smirking at steve. “You know, I might have to hire him. I can totally make him wear a skirt and serve me coffee in the lab.”Tony said as he watched loki and the women, because it was a well known fact that tony stark was bi-after all, the man had a sex drive so high that his partners usually collapsed afterwards for hours. Whyever would he condemn himself to a life of not sampling every beautiful person that got near him?

Sipping his coffee as they walked he glanced at steve amused that the man was still eyeing his cup nervously. “I didn’t put anythign in it.”he reassured before smirking.“Sorta like seeing Natasha being nice isn’t it? Totally against the laws of nature.”Tony said smirking as they headed back towards the tower, not looking forward to being back. He hadn’t been in the tower since before Killian, and he had barely paused inside before inviting steve to go get coffee with him. But he knew he had to stay in the tower, otherwise everyone would realize that tony was purposefully avoiding places that belonged to him, and more importantly, memories that had pepper...who was here, in the city, with him. At least....her AI was, and wasn’t that a kick in the balls? Thankfully she was busy with the company for most of the day while Tony was usually in the lab, so he could avoid....it....he refused to think of it as a her....for most of the day.

“He works there for the same reason I tinker in the lab even though I have scientists to do it for me. He enjoys it. If someone else’s happy place is making coffee, who are we to complain?Personally I’d rather be on the racetrack, but one man’s heaven is another’s hellhole.”Tony shrugged, oh yes. Not only had he gone back to the race track at monaco, the man had done the whole race car driver thing, and entered all the grand prix races, and he knew he worried his teammates, but he also knew that they just chalked it up to him being him.
Steve rolled his eyes. "yeah, like you're one to talk." he grumbled. "you're as bad as he is." he pointed out, watching Loki gracefully slip from table to table, flirting with whoever he felt like. especially the old ladies who looked like they where truly in love with 'that dear Loki'. Steve nearly retched right then and there. Loki was not a 'dear' anything. "...Tony... please look back on what you just said and examine it a little more closely. Loki tried to KILL you. he would be more likely to poison you, than to serve you." he pointed out with a snort. "besides, he doesn't have the legs for a skirt." which was, a bald face lie and they both knew it. Loki was sexy in those black pants, super sexy. "you better not have." Steve grumbled as he shook his head and swallowed down the last of his Coffee. "come on, this place is getting way too crowded for my tastes." he grumbled as he pulled Tony out of the Cafe. "Natasha can be nice... when she wants something... sometimes." he mused, shaking his head a little. defending Natasha simply because he was Steve and that was what he did. even if he was crap at it.

"wait. you think Loki, he who hates anything midgaurd, enjoys working in a Cafe? you must be 'Stark' Raving mad!" he stated, inflecting the Stark to make it an amusing little pun that he knew would annoy Tony. "Tony?... are you alright?" Steve asked as Tony hesitated in front of the building, looking concerned as he glanced at his wrist. "oh hell. we're late." he groaned. "i forgot, we where supposed to go to S.H.I.E.L.D for a debriefing on that incident with Mangorvian." a petty little idiot who had tried, and failed, to kidnap Natasha so that he could control the Avengers. silly little man had thought that because Natasha was pretty, and a woman, that she was the weak link. she'd beaten him up, only to realize that he had class four nuclear devises with the Stark Logo on them. class four nuclear devices that Tony had originally created to make a power source that wouldn't go boom. he'd given up on it, because the devices he made DID go boom. all of them had been ordered to be destroyed, and they hadn't, which meant that someone in Tony's labs was selling the things Tony was demanding to be destroyed. Steve turned away from Stark Tower and headed back the way they came, a nondescript black car would pick them up at the 'rondevou' where they would be taken to Shield Headquarters without masses of fans trying to mob them.

they made it to the meeting, all without having to set food in a place where Pepper had been, and the others where already there. "so you'll never guess who Tony and i saw." "who?" Bruce asked curiously, his head tilted as Steve smirked. "Loki!" "what!? Seriously?!" Bruce demanded, more than a little shocked. "yep. he's working. as a waiter. in a CAFE... as a WAITER!" Steve stated, still sounding a little shocked. "and he SMILES." Steve grumbled, Bruce snorting a little. "we did know he was here." the Hulk pointed out. "i didn't think he'd be so close, but we knew he was here." "but he's working as a WAITER!" "so?" "so he's up to something obviously!" "eight months is a long time to be working there because he's 'up to something'." Fury commented. "Loki's not 'up' to something. he still has to check in every month, after all." he pointed out. "now then. let's get this meeting started." and with that, the topic turned to who was possibly stupid enough to actually steal from Tony Stark.

the meeting let out, finally, and it was close enough to four for Tony to make his excuses to go 'check in on Loki' rather than go back to the Stark Tower. Steve was rather suspicious, but said nothing as he watched Tony go the wrong way home, but who was he to monitor everything Tony did?.... who the hell was he kidding, he was worried about Tony. still, he'd talk to Tony when the man came back.
“I am not. I’m way classier, and I dont go throwing people out of perfectly good windows!”Tony hissed looking a little sick himself at the idea of loki being ‘dear.’ Smirking at Steve’s words he shrugged. “So does pepper, on a regular basis, and I fuck her all the time. Most of my relationships start with nearly killing me.”Tony chirped even as he leaned over to get a look at loki, before smirking at steve. “He could shapeshift and have good legs, but he’s doing those pants okay.”He mused before nodding as they left, before looking at Steve, staring to laugh. “Yea, when she wants to screw Clint. And only to clint.”He pointed out because despite all his thoughts, the man hadn’t figured out the partners relationship. They fucked, they fought, they acted like children....it was as interesting as anything, and since thinking about the other avenger’s relationships kept him from thinking to much about pepper, it was all good.

“Can you explain why else he’d be in a cafe?”Tony asked rolling his eyes, his eyebrow twitching a little at the pun. “I’m going to go Stark raving mad on your ass and kick it across the street if you don’t stop it.”He growled before nodding, shrugging as he moved towards teh door.”Fine.”He said brushing the worry aside before wincing, “I’m always late you know, it’ll be fine.”He said as they headed for the debriefing.And by the time it was done Smirking as he watched the others respond to the idea of loki working in a cafe. It was quite amusing really to watch Steve freak out over the idea.

Tony was wickedly pissed and suffering from a craving so strong that athe man was actually twitchy, which considering it was him, wasn’t anything out of the normal, though the cause of it had escalated to being extremely self destructive. But he couldn’t do anything about it now, and he was going to find out who had been stupid enough to steal from him. Walking towards the door he looked at steve, smiling slightly. “I wont be long. I just want to hear what he says.”he said shrugging away steve’s worry, knowing that he was going to have to deal with steve’s worry, because he couldn’t afford to let steve get close, couldn’t afford for steve to figure out what he was hiding. Twitching as he stepped into the cafe he ordered a coffee and a pastry, settlign into one of the booths by the window, staring out as he waited for loki to have time to talk.
Steve snorted a little. "like i said, he's evil and you should rethink your idea's about putting him in a skirt." Steve commented simply. "Besides, Pepper only nags, she doesn't try to kill you. she imagines it, in her head probobly all the time, but she doesn't actually do it." he pointed out with a chuckle. "alright so Natasha's only nice to Clint and only when she wants..." here he flushed bright red. "well... you know. they are never exactly quiet about it after all..." he muttered, more than a little mortified. "and he's obviously up to something! Working in a Cafe must be part of his diabolical scheme!" Steve decided with a nod. sometimes, the Captain could be really paranoid, but then, if everyone really WAS out to get you, was it really paranoia? "ha, you couldn't kick my ass in your suit Stark." Steve stated with a grin to show he was only joking... though, it was a bit hard to tell who might win that battle. "you're not ALWAYS Late." Steve pointed out with a smirk. "sometimes you forget what day it is and show up a whole twelve hours early." he admitted with a laugh. during the meeting Steve was adamant that Loki was up to something sinister, but promised not to bother the 'little shithead' when Fury told him off. though, no one ever said Tony couldn't bother Loki.

"...just... be careful, alright?" Steve demanded, gently clasping Tony's shoulder before leaving. feeling that this was something Tony needed to do. when Tony got to the Cafe, it was much less crowded, though there where still several people inside, enjoying sandwiches for dinner. Loki was the one to serve Tony again, offering the man a small smile. "i'll get you an espresso." he promised as he took notice of Tony's twitches. the very strong coffee and the pastry where soon in front of tony and Loki was back to serving the other costumers. there was only the peaceful chatter of people enjoying coffee and various meals of pastries or solider foods. at five minutes to five, Tiffany suddenly appeared, gave Tony a wink, and settled a sandwich in front of him. "Loki seams to think your too thin. it's on the house." she assured Tony with a beaming smile. "Loki'll be out back in five minutes, please feel free to take the dishware with you. there's a table out back for employees where you can finish." she assured him, shooing him off. as promised, Loki was indeed sitting out back at one of two little tables with little chairs, smoking a cigarette and nursing a cup of coffee.

"if you're going to yell at me, we should take this elsewhere. the last time someone started yelling at me Alec called the cops." Loki admitted, taking another long inhale of his cigarette before offering Tony the pack, wondering if Tony even smoked. he groaned and stretched his les out in front of him, relaxing. "work was hell... three people pinched my ass today." Loki complained, simply to complain. "i fear i shall have bruises." the last thing he wanted was for anyone to realize he LIKED this job. they might take it away from him then, they would take it away from him. then he'd have to find a new place... and he liked working with Alec and Tiffany.
“True. Though that one time she let me fall down the stairs, I still maintain that she was trying to kill me.”Tony huffed before smirking. “You can say it. Fuck, when she wants to fuck.”Tony teased amused at steve’s mortification, before sighing. “I’ll sound proof your room so you don’t have to listen.”He teased before rolling his eyes. “I can to.”He scowled a little even as he twitched a little before wincing. “I only did that....a few times...and only because pepper was on vacation.”Tony whined a little.

“I’m always careful, you know that.”Tony said with his usual smile as he left, looking quite comfortable in fact in the jeans and sweater he was wearing, incognito, because while he liked the attention, since he was back stateside, he was cringing away from the attention, because he was home, and feeling vulnerable, and definitely just wanted to be in his own head for awhile, instead of having enough attention to drown in. Smiling a little as he nodded at loki’s promise, he sipped the espresso, watching things out of the window before looking at tiffany, the trademark smirk curling his lips as he looked up at her, his smirk widening as if he was considering bending her over the table. Which he was. “....I think I can afford to by a sandwich.”he said frowning slightly before nodding as he got up. “Thanks sweetheart.”he smirked as he dropped a tip onto the table, just the first bill he’d gotten out of his wallet, which happened to be a fifty, dropping a kiss to her cheek as he walked outside. Quiet as he settled into one of the chairs and taking the pack, lightening up after a moment. Amused that the man had seemed unsure if he smoked, if it was bad for him, tony stark was probably doing it, or had done it at some point.

“It’s such a nice ass that they just can’t keep their hands to themselves. Do you want me to kiss it for you?”Tony asked, rolling his eyes at the other’s complaining, instinctively shooting out the first words that had come to his mind without pausing to consider who he was saying them to. “.....why are you in new york, Reindeer games?”He asked even as he smoked, feeling the itchy, twitchy feeling going away from now.
Steve snorted. "you where drunk." he pointed out. "and she didn't realize it. she didn't 'let' you fall, you fell and she only noticed until you where halfway down the stairs." he pointed out with a chuckle as he shook his head. "i am NOT saying that!" Steve complained, shooting Tony a rather unhappy look. "sure Tony. sure." Steve remarked with a roll of his eyes. "you'd be dead in a week without Pepper." he pointed out with a chuckle. he sighed as Tony left, shaking his head. turning to Stark Industries. he needed to talk to Pepper. something was very wrong with Tony.

Tiffany giggled at him as he flirted with her, flushing a bright furious red as she stared at him as she got a kiss to the cheek, gaping a little as she touched her cheek, more than a little stunned. "i'd be delighted if you'd kiss it." Loki stated right back. "you at least, might have some idea on how to make a man feel good. humans are just so... squeamish... though, perhaps if i stopped attracting Virgins." he complained, looking amused. he didn't really have sex with anyone though he did pull a few favors and debauched a few virgins... for a price of course. that's right, Loki, brace worker of the Blue Moon Cafe and baker extraordinaire... also had sex for money. not that Tony needed to know that either. "must you call me that infernal name?" Loki complained, sounding rather tired. "i couldn't settle in Manhattan and i..." here Loki hesitated. "i don't know much of Midgaurd. New York was the closest i could feel comfortable without being too far away..." Loki admitted honestly as he stared at his Coffee cup. if tony was a smart man, and he was a smart man, he would realize that Loki was rather dependent on staying close, because if he was ever in any REAL danger, then the Avengers would be morally bound to help him... or at least Fury would, because Thor would be upset if Loki was actually hurt, let alone dead, because of his punishment.

"plus, the food in the trashcans taste a lot better here in New York." he pointed out with a shrug. unlike Thor, Loki had not met someone nice like Jane Foster when he was first sent to earth, in a dark alley in the middle of one of the most dangerous cities in the united states. he'd lived on the streets for two months before River had taken him in and helped him get a job at the Blue Moon Cafe. "this is also where Odin, in all of his... wisdom..." here Loki sneered. "saw fit to drop me. no pretty women with brains the size of peanuts for me to depend on." he stated as he gulped down the last of his coffee. "now if you'll excuse me, i have to go and feed River before he goes to work." Loki admitted, glancing at a watch on his wrist. "and i intend to dismantle the TV, i still can't figure out how the pictures move..." Loki grumbled with exasperated bafflement as he stamped out the cigarette, pulled out a new one, and headed off down the streets, clearly walking to wherever it was that he lived now.
Pepper looked up from the computer screen she was using when she saw Steve stepping into the office, tilting her head slightly. “What’s wrong?”The AI said, her voice going tight with fear. Oh yea, Tony Stark had left everyone in the dust with creating a AI so lifelike that sometimes even tony forgot she wasn’t real....at least until he kissed her, and his world came crashing down. Such a pretty lie tony was telling himself, and watching it implode was more painful for the fact that he refused to talk to anyone about what had happened.

“Might?Might?You doubt I have the skill to make anything feel good?”Tony sputtered a little looking at the other man before starting to laugh. “Oh, yes. Well. Virgins do tend to be a squeamish lot you know.”Tony said looking amused though before raising his eyebrow. “I can think of others, liesmith, if you wish.”Tony said studying the other man before huffing out a sigh.”Well, I guess you being here is better then farther away. I mean, if you get in trouble, we’re all living here.”He mused, and in fact it was indeed that it sounded like he was more worried about something happening to loki, rather then loki causing something to happen.

“....Jane makes my head hurt listening to her. Thor said she was intelligent when he introduced her, but I was ready to commit suicide within minutes.”Tony snickered a little before watching loki leave, looking thoughtful. Oh yea, he was going to be back for more coffee, and more of these little talks with loki....though as he looked into the cafe, he wondered how pissed loki would be if he seduced tiffany. After all, the shop was starting to close, and tony had no desire to go home. Smriking slightly as he decided to play with fire, cause tony was living on that dangerous, shining edge lately, and pissing off loki was just another step in his self destruction. Smirking as he headed inside to return the plate, smirking as he looked at tiffany. Yep, definitely time to get company to go back to the tower with him.
Steve hesitated and then sat down in front of Pepper. unaware of her being... not her. "Something's wrong with Tony. the others haven't noticed anything but... i see something, in his eyes that just... a little too familiar." Steve admitted, looking at pepper. "it was the same look he had when he was dying... it's... like he's lost all hope and all desire to live, but keeps on moving because Life insists on it..." Steve muttered. "he's very depressed and i think... i think he might be passively suicidal. Monaco should be proof of that... have you noticed anything?" he asked, looking worried. "i think... i think he might have tried to reinvent himself when he gave up Iron man and... failed."

Loki shrugged. "well, that would entirely depend on if you've ever been with a man before. after all, we are vastly different from women." he admitted. "you can't just lick our tits and then stick it in." how crude. "it's Llewellyn now." Loki stated simply. "Lying is beneath me, why lie when i can simply twist the truth and cause that much more confusion anyway?" Loki asked, smirking a little. "but please, by all means, tax you're pathetic mortal brain with other delightfully obtuse nicknames for my character." he paused and lifted an eyebrow at Tony before snorting. "and i wonder where you where when it was snowing and i was barefoot in the streets?" he wondered as he shook his head. "Jane is intelligent compared to Thor... then again, everyone is intelligent compared to Thor. the man is one brain cell away from being an upright, not entirely hairless monkey." he stated with another drag of his cigarette. "besides the way i heard it, you're already trying to commit suicide." loki stated simply. "if you wanted to die, perhaps para-jumping out of a plane would be much more painful than a simple bullet to the head, hmm?" Loki asked, referring to tony's last stunt, jumping out of a plane four miles up in nothing but a suit with 'gliding wings'.

fortunately for Tony, Tiffany was entirely too happy to be seduced. and even more fortunately, in the morning, she was up before Tony, gone before Tony even woke up and left a note that read 'Last night was great, see you around' that ensured she was not going to be looking him up for dates or any other silly things that women usually wanted after sex. she understood it was a one night deal, and was happy with that. fortunately for Tony... she didn't make the Coffee on her way out.
Pepper frowned thoughtfully, nodding quietly. “I have noticed. I tried talking to him, but he just turned me away. The more I asked him to talk...”She sighed quietly, “Maybe you can get him to talk.”She said looking just as worried as him.

“I thought you could grow breasts?I mean, you are a shapeshifter...but I do know what to do.”He said laughing at how crude loki’s words were before smiling. “Llewellyn. And me, pathetic?I think not.”Tony frowned at the other man before wincing as he took a drag of his cigarette, “Not in the country. I’ve been living in Austria for months you know. I didn’t even know you were back until I returned.”Tony scowled a little before nodding slightly. “...He does have a lot of hair...but if you can just make him shut up, he’s not bad to stare at.”Tony mused before frowning a little. “I wasn’t trying to kill myself. Para-jumping was actually fairly fun, and you know, life affirming when I found the ground again.”Tony smirked a little.

And in teh morning the man was indeed very glad to see that the woman was gone before he crawled out of bed, looking amused as he read the note. Well, that had to be one of the easier brush off’s he’d had in awhile. Smirking as he walked into the kitchen he flinched as he looked around the room, glad that none of the others were up yet, and sneaking out before any of them could wonder where he’d wandered off to. He knew he couldn’t keep ducking out on them, but he was totally going to do so for now. Smirking as he walked into the cafe, he retreated to the tiny corner booth with his starkpad, having every intention of hiding in the cafe and getting some work done on who the fuck was stealing from him, holding out a hand for his espresso without even looking up from what he was working on. “I want another one of those pastry things you made yesterday.”he said knowing loki was looking at him.
loki snorted. "why in the hell would i want breasts? they are ugly, they constantly get in the way, they ache all the time no matter what Bra you force them into. they are so not worth the hassle." he stated simply before he snorted. "yes, in Austria. breaking up gang fights without backup, and no suit." Loki mused. "i'd heard." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "he's hideous to look at." Loki stated simply. "although, i may possibly be a little bit turned off by the fact that i grew up thinking he was my brother." he admitted. "your an insane man Tony Stark and you should seriously consider mental help." he stated simply.

Loki sighed as Tony was there again in the morning and he snorted as Tiffany snickered. he handed Tony the drink without a word and a roll of his eyes before heading into the back to get the pastry. "so i thought." Tiffany stated with a smug little grin. "you slept with me for the sole purpose of trying to annoy Loki." she teased Tony as she came back with the pastry. "Loki's fighting with the technology again." she admitted witha roll of his eyes. "hes great with advanced technology, but when it comes to the simpler things like toasters and electric beaters? it's like he hasn't have a clue... i mean, who doesn't know how to operate a washing machine? it's like he's from the stone age or something." she grumbled, listening to the sounds of something smashing and crashing in the kitchen and she sighed. "now i have to buy a new blender again..." she groaned as she walked away from tony. "LOKI! Stop breaking the Kitchen appliances! they are NOT trying to kill you!" she yelled, not int he least bit worried since it was so early, no one else was in there. after a long moment Loki came back out, his entire left sleeve torn off and a rather thunderous expression on his face as he stormed out of the place to the sound of Alec and Tiffany laughing at him. the damn Blender had tried to EAT HIM! now he had to go home and change! thank the Earth God that he only lived five minutes away by walk. he was well aware that Tony was following him. the man couldn't help himself after all.

Loki paused in front of an apartment complex and unlocked the door before waiting For Tony to catch up. "you have to be quiet. not a sound or River will nail your balls to the wall... i don't know of he can actually do that, but it sounds painful... are ALL earth electronics so violent!?" Loki complained as he led the way up to the third floor. this was a very high end Apartment. the rent was almost 1200$ a month. although, with two people, Loki only had to pay 600$ he let himself into his own apartment, carefully peeled off his shoes and creeped through the house, returning completely silent with his torn shirt off and his new shirt unbuttoned, revealing his smooth, too thin body... rippling with muscles and a very, very nice set of abs. "Loki..." "Holy fucking SHIT River, don't DO that!" Loki snarled at the man who was suddenly in the doorway of the second bedroom. "...We need more milk." the man intoned, voice smooth and calm, and half asleep. "and more whiskey." "you are drink nasty things River." Loki complained, shooting his roommate an annoyed look. "i'll get your nasty milk and whiskey." "thank you. moneys where it always is." River stated with a large yawn. "i'm going to bed." river stated, heading back into his room, not bothering to close the door, Loki rolling his eyes. "Idiot man." he grumbled as he moved over to the fridge and popped it open, pulling open a tin can and pulling out a fifty dollar bill, tucking it into his pocket before replacing the can into the fridge.
Tony smirked looking up at Tiffany. “That wasn’t the only reason.You are quite good to look at....annoying loki is just a side benefit of good sex.”Tony mused smirking as he ate the pastry, before returning to work before pausing, glancing towards the kitchen. “...He is from the stone age.”Tony agreed before smirking. “Well, I wouldn’t be so sure. I mean, I’m sure some of those are Stark equipment, they COULD be trying to kill him.”Tony smirked. He couldn’t help it, he was just egging the man on, it amused him. Definitely, and seeing loki get in a fight with a blender, fairly damned amusing. And even as he followed him out of the cafe, he couldn’t seem to stop himself from following. “It’s possible.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before going quiet as he looked around the aprtment, pausing as he watched the god, swallowing hard as he studied the muscled, if skinny, god. Nearly crawling out of his skin when river appeared the man responded like he usually would to a threat, raising a hand to blast him with a repulsor.....even if he wasn’t in his suit. Swallowing hard as he dropped his head he looked amused though as he watched the two, running his fingers through his hair. “...You know, it amuses me you live with a stripper. Highly.”Tony muttered quietly as he rested his hip against the counter watching loki. His words showing that he spent more time in bars and strip joints then he ever did at home these days, though anyone could have told you that tony stark’s partying days had gone from merely entertaining to totally out of control. “So, we going shopping?”He asked studying the god.
Tiffany smirked at him. "admit it, it was the innocence." she teased with a giggle. "men love us innocent girls." she stated happily as she listened to Loki fighting with the blender. "you know him then? he doesn't talk about himself, at all." she admitted. "but i've seen scars." she admitted. "and he has nightmares. he calls me after them sometimes, i think because he doesn't have anyone else to help him calm down." she admitted. "he gets really, really angry if you try to push him into talking about his past, and he gets... funny when people mention certain things. like the Avengers, or the incident in Manhattan when the big hole opened up... oh, sorry you where there weren't you? i suppose you get funny about that too..." she laughed at Tony's comment about StarkTech. "we can't afford Starktech." she pointed out with a grin. "Loki has a few Starktech items, but that's just because River gave them to him." she admitted with a grin. she skipped off as Tony followed Loki, content to simply laugh at Loki's neanderthalness.

"How did you know he was... oh wait, right. you're you. never mind." Loki muttered with a roll of his eyes. "you're still as jumpy as ever too i see. if you'd blasted my roommates head off, i would have been very annoyed with you." he complained. "blood is impossible to get out of the carpet." he complained as he shook his head at Tony. "yes we're going shopping. apparently i am to 'take the day off you technology challenged bastard'." Loki complained. "as if i have a life for 'a day off'. i hate days off even ,ore than i hate work." he complained as he headed down the stairs. "why are you following me anyway? are you so desperate to escape your hovel that you have to stalk me, or do you simply think my working at a Cafe mean's that i'm up to something 'nefarious?'" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "don't answer that. something stupid will come out of your mouth and i will feel the intense need to punch you." Loki admitted as he headed a little deeper into the city, Loki sighing as he shook his head. "go fuck your girlfriend Stark, i tire of your existence." Loki complained, though there wasn't any bitterness in there as there usually was. Loki just sounded tired... and lonely.
Tony smiled a little, glancing up at her.”Innocence is a rarity in my world.”He mused before nodding slightly, “I do, sorta. We really don’t get along.”Tony said frowning a little as he considered what he was hearing, absently rubbing his chest where the arc reactor used to be at when she mentioned the incident in manhattan, thinking about falling, dying. It made him twitched, “Ah. Well, I’m still sure it’s trying to kill him. He’s hopeless. Though better then thor, at least loki didn’t hammer the shit out of my tv.”Tony sulked a little as he followed loki.

“Uh-huh, I’m my amazing self.”Tony smirked a little before swallowing hard, “Well its a good thing I’m not iron man all the time.”He said, because while he’d given up for a month or two when he’d built the AI, he hadn’t been able to stay away from the figthing, the need to protect when everything else came crashing down once he didn’t have a all consuming project to work on....so he was still iron man, still the hero when the world needed him to be, but it was painful to think that the person most in need of saving, was himself. Snickering at loki’s complaining he smirked.”I’ll pay you to spend the day with me. There, you get to work, and I don’t have to go home.”tony said pleased with the solution before looking at loki,raising a eyebrow. Not bothering to answer the question, as he followed loki into the city. Flinching ever so slightly at the mention of his girlfriend, he lit up a cigarette, taking a long drag before responding. “No. Because if I go home, she’s going to make me work, instead of fucking her. Following you is more entertaining then that.”Tony said taking another drag, thinking about the pepper he had at home, who had all the original’s feelings and emotions.....without the sexual attraction. At least on her end. Wanting her was still like a drug in his blood, and no matter how many times he bled, he couldn’t get it out.Even knowing what she was, that his pepper was gone, didn't stop the man from wanting her. The only thing stopping it, was the drugs, the alcohol, the fights that left him scrambling to get out, because for those few minutes, he had no time to think.
Tiffany giggled a little. "no one really 'gets along' with Loki." she pointed out. "it took him three months to realize that i wasn't going to rape him." she admitted, looking highly amused. "it took him longer to realize that while Alec is a jerk, he's not that bad. i think the only person Loki really 'gets along with' is River. and even they ended up in more screaming matches than i've EVER seen." she admitted with a nod. "whose Thor?" she asked curiously. "you're not talking about that DELICIOUS alien are you!? the one with the hammer and lightening? now HE is sexy!" she purred, eyes foggy as she fantasized. clearly a woman after Tony's own heart.

Loki rolled his eyes. "honestly, you're less annoying as iron Man." Loki stated simply, though that was a bit of a lie and Loki had the feeling that Tony knew it. "..." Loki stared at Tony, eyes narrowed. "you know i fuck for money?" he demanded, wondering if he was being stalked. "sorry bit i don't take money from people who ruined my life." he stated with a roll of his eyes... though he didn't say a thing about not fucking them. "so why are you avoiding the fabled 'Tower of extreme compensating for something' then?" Loki demanded as he led the way down the street. "ah, she's mad at you then." Loki surmised as he noticed Tony flinch. "angry that you took Tiffany home and fucked her senseless is she? i'm mad at you for that by the way. Tiffany won't shut up about how amazing you are." he complained, rolling his eyes. "now she seams to think that she might be able to snare Clint of all people... that woman scares me sometimes. how she can be so sweet and innocent, yet SO perverse is beyond me." he admitted with a shake of his head. "seriously. she blushes when people say 'Penis'... BLUSHES, tony!" Loki complained, waving his hand, the glowing butt of the cigarette flashing in the bad lighting of the city. whatever bad mood Loki seamed to have been in, was slowly dissipating. "so, tell me something." Loki demanded suddenly. "my 'glow stick of destiny'.... why didn't it work on you?" he demanded, looking at Tony. "it's supposed to work, always, on all living creatures. it was supposed to anyway. the magical impulses that made them do my bidding travels through the nerves, and all creatures have nerves and synapses. so why the hell couldn't i command you?" this had clearly been bothering Loki for some time. "i would have won you know!" Loki complained, pointing at Tony. "i would have won if it wasn't for what you did so how the fuck did you do it!?" Bad mood was back.
”For a liesmith, you’re not very good at it.”Tony said smirking a little before shrugging, “I was trying to be nice, you ‘tech incapable bastard’, but I don’t need to pay to have sex. I’ll just keep you company for my own enjoyment then.”Tony mused before staring at the man for a moment. “I’m not compensating for anything!”Tony sputtered at the idea, before shrugging as loki came up with a reason why he was avoiding the tower.That was better then the truth. “She should be used to it, and she told me it was okay. It wasn’t like she didn’t know I liked having sex.”Tony said before smirking. “Oh really?What did she say?”He asked interested in what tiffany had to say before starting to laugh. “If she wants clint, she’s going to have to get in line behind Natasha.”Tony snickered a little before grinning wider, “Ohhh...I’m going back to the cafe, and talking to her after this. I want to watch her blush.”he said actually enjoying the idea, much like teasing steve, it seemed teasing tiffany was going to be great before starting a little as loki spoke again. Going quiet as he rubbed the scars on his chest he smirked a little, though it looked strained, and tired. “Not all living creatures have a metal casing around their hearts. As thor explained the principle, and what I understood of it, your ‘glow stick’ had to touch the skin above my heart, to be able to change my heart. The metal and arc energy short circuited that. Like I said, it happens to everyone every once in awhile, no shame in that.”Tony said waggling his eyebrows a little looking amused.
Loki rolled his eyes. "why bother lying, when i can twist the truth?" he repeated, wondering if Tony had memory issues. "i don't do... nice." Loki sneered, shaking his head. "as Tiffany, she'll tell you precisely how... nice, i am." Loki stated, his voice heavy with sarcasm anytime the word nice fell from his lips. "you are so compensating. i mean really? red and gold suit made of a titanium alloy that lets you fly into space and beat up bad guys... that's not compensating?" Loki asked, looking rather wickedly amused. "Tony you don't 'like' sex. you're like a horny puppy, you hump every thing in sight. even the cute little squishy toys." he stated simply. "she said a lot of things, i don't know, i tuned her out as soon as she said Tony Stark, and Sex in the same sentence." he admitted with a shrug. "i do that a lot actually, so maybe it was when she said sex that i tuned her out." he admitted with a shrug. "she's a lot like you, only with morals." he admitted. "and go ahead, she'd be delighted to talk to you, she might even seduce you for a second round. keep in mind though, if you fall in love with her, she'll break your heart." he warned with a snicker before he glared at Tony.

"the glowing thing... Arc reactor." Loki muttered, sagging a little as all the rage flowed out of him, sighing a little before he strode forward, setting his hand on Tony's chest. "it's gone now, though... i could make you mine..." Loki mused, trailing his finger around where the glowing circle had once been perfectly. "i could make you do such twisted things..." Loki mused before he snapped around and stalked off, rubbing his wrist where the Tattoo had been branded into his skin as he headed into the Liquor store and bought a bottle of whiskey, a bottle of Kahlua and a bottle of scotch. "come on then if your going to be following me." Loki demanded, sounding quite depressed now as he stalked towards the grocery store where he picked up a galleon of milk and several bags of things that where bad for you. including potato chips, skittles, and a chocolate bar filled with caramel and nougat. or rather, a few dozen chocolate bars...
Tony rubbed a hand over his face at the other’s words, remembering what he had said before. Damn. He needed to lay off the alcohol. But even as he thought that, he knew that it wasn’t the cause. Hell, alcohol and drugs couldn’t dull the worst of his memories, the man had a near perfect memory. The fact that he wanted to forget, had nothing to do with it. “No it isn’t. It’s saving the world, which is fairly fun.”he said looking amused because he knew he was compensating for not having a true interest in the world anymore. At least if he saved it, he thought his life was worth something other then complete debauchery. “Heh. I’m telling Tiffany you called her a squishy toy, she even squealed like one to.”He snickered before laughing at the other’s words. “I have morals. Some.”He said making a face before grinning, enjoying the idea.”Good. And I’m done with falling in love, I already have one impossible relationship going on, I don’t need another.”he said making a face.

“Yea, that’s it.”he said before looking up at loki, startled so much at the sudden touch to move away, raising a eyebrow, leaning into the touch as he closed his eyes. Ahhh, so tony’s self destruction had found a whole new level, even accepting whatever loki would do to him. Startling as the other moved away from him, the billionaire was at a loss for a moment before following after him, quiet for once as he watched loki get the things he needed, silently taking the bags as loki finished checking out, wincing as his cell phone went off, shifting his hold on the bags as he walked with loki and answer.”Hello?...Pep, kinda doing something....uh-huh, next time I’m going to answer in the middle of sex.... And no, I don’t want to work today. You told me to take time off, I am.....well, its not my fault if you didn’t say how long to take....fine, I’ll start working on it tomorrow....bye.”Tony huffed out a sigh as he hung up, rubbing a hand over his face, looking tired and hurting, for once his mask down, forgetting he wasn’t alone
Loki snorted a little. "too much drinking perhaps?" he asked sarcastically. "you're going to kill your liver, and then i'll be sad that i didn't get to Kill you myself." he stated simply. "she is a squishy toy." Loki stated simply. "and she squeals all the time, about everything." he complained. "she's such a Girl" Loki complained, his face twisting into a sneer. "you have no morals." Loki stated simply though he made no mention of Tony's relationship.

Loki looked more than a little surprised at how Tony leaned into him and narrowed his eyes before he stalked away, not about to deal with the indescribable fury welling up inside of him. he watched Tony as he answered the phone and rolled his eyes as he listened to tony complain to Pepper before he paused as he saw the hurt and the agony and the pain on Tony's face and felt an eerie rush of arousal next to the usual urge to dig in the pain even deeper. he fought down both sensations and nudged Tony's shoulder. "come on then." he ordered. "we can go hang out in my side of the apartment. River won't mind so long as we keep our mouths shut." he promised, leading the way back to the apartment, bags in his hands again as he sighed and led the way back to the apartment and letting them in. he headed into his room, which was... rather bare. oh there where clothes and electronics and everything you'd expect to see from Loki, who was still quite spoiled despite having to work now. but there was nothing personal. no pictures, posters, or color schemes that would say anything about Loki other than that he couldn't color coordinate. there was only one thing in the entire room that seamed personal, and that was a tiny, tiny little plant in a windowsill that looked half dead, and a goldfish that Loki sneered at as if he hated it... which was weird considering he hadn't thrown it away or given it to someone.
Tony nearly jumped out of his skin as the other nudged him, his head whipping around to look at him, the smirk and mask falling back into place so easily that it wasnt hard to believe that tony stark hid most of his life. Smirking a little he glanced at him, “I can think of better things to do with your mouth then talking.”he purred a little though there was no real feeling behind it, more habit then actual paying attention what he was saying. Looking around him as he stepped into the room he winced. “This is sad. I feel the sudden urge to redecorate. In gold and red, of course.”Tony quipped even as his eyes found the plant and goldfish as he moved into the room and settling in the chair at the desk not about to sit on loki’s bed, and hating the feeling of kinship that touched his heart. Despite having everything that a man could want, anything money could buy, the billionaire was cut off from everything that mattered to him, even his friends. And because he didn’t want to put them at the risk of his curse, the one that got everyone near him killed, he couldn’t, wouldn’t let them closer. But he could talk to loki, because he didn’t care what the spoiled brat was up to. He just needed a place that wasn’t the tower, and since he had to stay in the city, per fury’s orders, tony stark was feeling like a prisoner in a jail made of a whole city.
Loki snorted. "having sex is not a quiet thing and River will kill us if we keep him up. apparently it's very difficult to strip when you're tired. throws the whole thing off and then he doesn't get fifties in his pants and then where would I be, unable to mooch off his well earned money to buy food for myself since i can't actually afford the rent as it is." Loki stated, clearly mimicking River, his voice curling in that cute little accent River had. "he's so full of himself, not that i can say much." Loki admitted with a shrug as he looked around his room. "it looks alright to me..." he admitted, flexing his wrist, a wash of green wrapping up the walls. "silencing Ward, so that we don't disturb River with your incessant chattering." it was about all he could manage. silencing wards, a few unintended shields when his life was at risk, and the ability to speak to any animal of his choosing. he couldn't even shapeshift now, and he'd never felt more caged in his life. he couldn't even put up illusions or hide his appearance. honestly... Loki was a little surprised that no one had attacked him. though not as surprised as why Tony hadn't demanded to know WHY Loki had tried to take over the earth... granted, Loki had made it pretty obvious that he was taking revenge on Thor.

"Shut up Kalikopat." Loki demanded of the fish, which was hideously chatty... but it was something to speak to when he was alone... always alone. "you shut up too Stark. they took away most of my magic, but i can still talk to the damn fish if i very well please." he stated with a sneer even as he gently sprinkled some flakes into the Goldfishes bowl and scowled at his plant. "...now if i could just get this thing to perk up..." he grumbled as he prodded the leaves. "why do green things always die on me?" he wondered, more curious than annoyed or upset. "here. you can have it. give it to someone who won't kill it." Loki ordered, indicating the plant even as he stripped off his shirt and threw it into a hamper and yanked on a black ACDC T-Shirt which looked very comfortable indeed.
Tony raised a eyebrow, looking amused as he listened to loki, amused slightly at the mimicking before snickering, shaking his head as he looked around the room. “It’s...dull.”he supplied watching the wards go up, his eye twitching ever so slightly at having the magic around him, not trusting loki enough to not feel uneasy about it, but even his unease didn’t send him running for the door. Even if he trusted thor’s word that loki was bound, it still disturbed him a little to watch him do magic. “You’re being very.... Normal for a revenge thirsty megalomaniac.”tony said after a moment before looking at the goldfish, at a loss of what to say.

“I wasn’t going to say anything about you talking to a goldfish. It’s sorta...cute. In a fluffy bunnies girly kind of way.”Tony teased, though there was a quite seriousness in his eyes as if he was trying to figure out the man in front of him, before smirking at the plant. “Don’t ask me. I’m a genius, and the damned plants always die on me.”He said before looking startled as he was given the plant, tilting his head a little, for the moment distracted from the plant as he watched loki strip. “...I’ll give it to cap. He’s good at getting things to live...”he muttered before eyeing the ac/dc shirt. “...I have that exact shirt.”He said slightly disturbed that him and loki shared some things in common, not about to study the discovery he'd made in the middle of the battle with him, after all, he had so many other problems, that he didn't need to consider a startling, scary parallel between his and loki's lives and personalities.
Loki shook his head. "existence is dull." Loki stated blandly. "i can't hurt you Tony. i don't have the physical strength to take you on. all i can do is silence my wards and talk to a stupid fish and pull up defense shields if someone tries to shoot me." Loki complained, shaking his head. "i could pull a gun on you i suppose, but i don't hae one." he admitted. "i have a knife, but it's dull and used for cutting chicken... i suppose i could try to give you salmonella, i hear that can be deadly." Loki shrugged. "if anyone here is at the mercy of the other, it's me. you could do anything to me right now, and i would be rather helpless to stop you." Loki admitted simply. "my desire for revenge died with any enjoyment i got out of life." Loki stated simply. "besides. whats the point of revenge when i'm stuck on this miserable world for the rest of my existence? it would have been better if Odin had just killed me the sanctimonious bastard." Loki growled as he glared at Tony. "shut up. at least Karikopat doesn't judge me. can you imagine if i told Alec, or River, or god forbid Tiffany that i tried to destroy your fucked up world? or that i have nightmares still about the Chitauri torturing me until i couldn't een remember my own fucking name!?" Loki's breath hitched and he clapped a hand to his mouth, impossibly pale. clearly he hadn't meant to say that. "Get out! Get the fuck out of my house!" Loki raged, grabbing Tony before the man could protest and literally flinging him out of the room, slamming the door in Loki's face and simply leaving him there to find his own way out of Loki's house. well, Loki and River's, who was still asleep by all appearances. still, Loki was clearly just as fucked up int he head as Tony was... Thor had never mentioned Loki being tortured though, did the big guy even know? or had Loki let loose one of his many, many secretes by accident? he'd have a chance to find out when his Phone went off and it was clint sending a Text message informing him that Thor was back and they where all planning on a 'family' dinner out at one of the resteraunts and that if Tony wasn't there, Thor would cry. Clint had a very odd sense of humor.
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