When spells go wrong... (Lounger x MellowYellow)


Nov 21, 2013
Harry Potter was in his 6th year at Hogwarts and was, as usual, dabbling with things that he really shouldn't have been dabbling in. It wasn't anything dark or forbidden, no, even Harry knew better than that. And whilst for a Wizard his age it was illegal to Apperate...well...what he was trying to do wasn't technically Apperating so technically it wasn't illegal. He was trying to come up with an entirely new way of teleporting using magic, something untraceable, unblockable, something that would give him the edge he would need with how the world was changing.
Sadly, this wasn't quite something he could handle all alone. Rather than turn to Hermione for help though, after all she would almost certainly have refused to help and just tried to talk him out of something like this, Harry had instead turned to Ginny. She was the next most intelligent and skilled person he knew after Hermione that he could trust.

The two had been working together for a few days now, but they were close to a breakthrough...Harry could feel it. All the pieces were in place....it was just a matter of balance. The wand motions, the concentration, the level of magic...all of it was right but there was just something missing. For now, Harry was trying to use a potion to fill in whatever 'gap' was left in the spell....and he almost had it right. "Ok....just a little of this and...." He grinned, the potion turning an Ice Blue in the small cauldron. "Ok...that should do the trick..."

With a slightly cocky grin, Harry dipped his wand into the potion, holding it for a few moments before pulling it out. "Ok Ginny....let's just try....outside by the lake..." He nodded, closing his eyes and trying to visualise the lakeside, waving his wand slowly. For a second it seemed nothing had happened, but then there was a loud crack, sparks of magical energy everywhere and a blinding flash, both teens being knocked off their feet. When their vision cleared though, they would find themselves staring upwards not at a stone ceiling, but a clear blue sky. "It worked!!" For a second Harry thought everything had gone perfectly, but when he sat up he blinked. The lake was looking a lot.....bigger. Wait....there was sand beneath his fingers...the lake didn't have a beach. "Huh...?" Slowly Harry stood up and looked around, then yelped as he saw they were not only nowhere near the lake....but nowhere near Hogwarts....the pair now on the beach of what appeared to be an island somewhere in the middle of the ocean.
Ginevra (Or Ginny as everyone referred too) had been rather eager when Harry asked for her help, especially when he chose her for help over Hermione. Okay, so he likely only asked for her help because Hermione would have gone straight to a member of the faculty as Harry was tampering in something fairly illegal, but it was the thought that counted. And if all went well, it would be a great learning experience for everyone involved.

Ginny had been hovering about Harry like a busy little bee, gathering whatever components he needed for his experiment and handling any of the more complex measurements for his ingredients. "Hm... it's certainly a long process," Ginny mused about halfway through the experiment. Still, her grin refused to fade away, eager to have this chance to work with her crush. Against the rules or otherwise, this was still new and fun!

So she had braced herself when Harry reached into the cauldron, and then with a powerful rush the two were flung across the barriers of space at a phoenomenal speed, both of them bursting out onto some sort of sunny beach- Ginny landing flat on her cute butt as they hit the sand. "Ooof!... In the future Harry, you might want to bring a cushion for the journey," the cute ginger mused. She paused then, blinking in shock and then gulping loudly "This... isn't the lake, is it?"
A cushion was certainly a good idea in future....though right now that was the last thing on Harry's mind. "No....definitely not the lake..." Harry swallowed nervously as he looked around. He had absolutely no idea where they were....but given that it was suddenly exceptionally warm he could guess they were certainly nowhere near England. This felt more....almost tropical. It didn't take long before Harry had to remove his robes in order to try and avoid being quite so hot, his glasses already starting to steam up. "I think we're a long way from the lake. I guess....on the upside the teleportation worked....it's just the targeting that's....a little off"

Harry rubbed his head as he looked around, then at his wand. The remnants of the potion that had been on it were burned off, and the cauldron hadn't made the trip with them. "....Looks like we're stuck for the time being....hopefully we can find some ingredients around here to make a new one..." He rubbed his forehead to wipe away some sweat. "I guess we just need to not panic....take a look around....get our bearings. Then we can figure out how to get started" Harry was doing his best to stay calm....panicking wouldn't do any good. Besides, if he stayed calm then maybe Ginny would too.
Well, Ginny knew this was a likely outcome from the moment she agreed to help Harry, so there was no real point in complaining about it or trying to place the blame. "Well if muggles can survive out in places like this, surely we can too." Ginny rose off the sands and brushed several particles clean off her dark skirt. "Goodness... wherever we are, it's warm," she mused aloud, pulling her Hogwarts jumper off to reveal her short sleeved white shirt."

She paused and glanced around the area, seeing a long stretch of pure white sand all along the lapping shore. Behind them Ginny could see tall palm trees and long grass stretching on into the distance... clearly nobody else lived here. "You take a look around this beach to see if there's anything useful. I'll take a look around that forest and try and find some food for the two of us. Might as well have full stomachs while we're here... right?"
As soon as she mentioned food Harry's stomach grumbled loudly....he had lost track of time and only now did he realise they had missed lunch....that was probably a first for Harry since he'd started studying at Hogwarts. "Heh...sounds like a good plan...if nothing else we need to be able to eat while we work on a way to get ourselves back home. If we can't figure out the potion then maybe we can find a way to signal for help..." Harry's mind was already working on a solution to the problem, though he knew it would take some time for him to figure it out....he was skilled when it came to instinctive magic, but problem solving like this had always been Hermione's biggest strength.

Still, exploration sounded like a good idea, maybe he'd spot something they could use. Placing his robes and jumper down on the beach as a sort of marker, Harry looked to Ginny and smiled. "We can meet back here in about half an hour or so" He gave her a confident grin, then turned to head down the beach, wondering how far it might stretch before it would just loop back around to where he started. Still, one thing was clear, they were alone, which meant at least there wasn't any chance of them being attacked by someone.
The air of this bizarre island was certainly bizarre, not just humid but there was something about it that made every magically charged atom in Ginny's body tingle. That would hardly be surprised if they knew just where they were- one of many small islands in the heart of the Bermuda triangle. For whatever reason, this part of the globe was like a magical hotspot flooded with alien energies. No wonder why airplanes always had such trouble coming along here.

Ginny explored for the better part of that half hour, and for the most part she saw no signs of life. She plucked several large heart-shaped fruits from the tall palm trees, thick and blue in colour, and she held them in her arms as many as she could hold. Whatever they were, they seemed nothing like any other kind of fruit she knew. "Harry!" she called out as she reached the dark-haired boys discarded robe "Where are you?"
Harry had been walking along the beach, eventually having to remove his shoes as they were just filling with sand. Before long he was walking barefoot along the beach, the fine sand thankfully not painful against his skin. In the half hour he had managed to do an almost complete circle of the island, just beginning to approach the starting point as Ginny arrived and called out for him. EVen from here he could see several large objects in her arms, recognisable as some kind of fruit as he got closer.

"I'm here Ginny, I walked right around the island. It's not too big, though not tiny either. I didn't see anyone or anything though....so pretty safe to say we are alone after all..." He walked over to her and blinked at the fruit. "Huh....never seen anything like that before..." He reached out, touching one of them. "Feels....strange. Not just the texture but....I get a weird feeling when I look at it...though....it doesn't look poisonous..." He looked up at her. "I guess we don't have much choice but to try it either do we? Better than starving to death right?"
"Well there were some small mushrooms growing in the grass, but... well you're not supposed to eat wild ones," the pretty witch explained. "They look odd, sure, but they smell nice at least. Like a combination between apple and blueberry's," she explained as she set them down on Harry'd discarded robes. Ginny gave him a quick nod in response "Yeah, that's about the only option we have short of taking up cannibalism... we should leave that for day 2," she joked.

At that she handed one of the heart-shaped fruits to Harry and then took one for herself. Another crackle of faint energy pulsed down her arm, and she eyed it curiously. "Well... down the hatch." She bit down into the tough material, struggling for a moment before chewing loudly on it and then gulping it down. "Wow! This tastes... pretty good!" Already Ginny could feel some kind of warmth filling her, an odd magic rising up through the cells of her body. Oh this was going to be good...
"Heh, well that wouldn't last long either so....I'll stick with the fruit and resort to the mushrooms first if I have to I think" Harry grinned back to Ginny, then sat down by his robes when Ginny set the fruit down, reaching over to take one for himself. He had been about to take a bite before Ginny did so first, watching her for a moment, before looking down and bringing it up to his mouth, opening wide to take a large bite. It was a bit tough, but his teeth managed to tug out a good chunk. The juices hit his tongue first....it was sweet, but not overly so. It tasted like a mixture of every fruit he had ever eaten and some that he hadn't.
Every chewing motion released more juices and seemed to release a different flavour, until finally he was able to swallow it. "Wow you're right...this is good!" Harry grinned, shivering slightly from the odd sensation, but he dismissed it as an after effect of their little trip. Rather than worrying about it, he just started to munch on more of the fruit, taking large bites every time.
This was quite possibly the tastiest thing Ginny had ever eaten in her life, a hard and crunchy fruit that stayed firm in her mouth, and those deliciously sweet syrupy juices that flooded her mouth and changed flavour with each consecutive bite. "Mm... damn... We'll have to bring these back to Hogwarts with us, maybe some seeds too so we can grow more for the others- theyd love these," she remarked. The attractive ginger then paused, muscles seizing up. A long and lewd moan escaped her as she doubled over. The burning feeling raced through her body again, her chest heaving.

"Ah... w-what's... what's happening?" she whispered. Ginny gave another long groan, her breasts starting to grow several cup sizes unti they had passed the DD mark, popping the buttons off her blouse one by one. She slumped down onto her knees, and Ginny continued groaning, a large cock starting to sprout from her crotch, steadily growing to utterly monstrous and impossible size.
Harry nodded in agreement, if nothing else they should take some of this fruit back with them, it was fantastic. Hell, even if they just kept it for themselves, their personal little secret...that wouldn't be a bad thing at all. Harry grinned to himself as he thought about it, then was snapped out of it when he heard a rather...unexpected sound...Ginny moaning rather lewdly, as if she was in the throes of sexual pleasure....then doubled over herself. "G-Ginny....? What's wrong...? What's going on....?" Harry gasped as he got his answer, but not in words, but rather actions, albeit involuntary ones. He gasped loudly as he watched Ginny's chest expanding slowly, popping her buttons from her blouse, her bra clearly strained to the absolute limits as it contained globes of flesh far bigger than it was designed for. Of course...that was the least of the strange changes. Harry's attention was drawn downwards when he noticed movement in Ginny's skirt, then something pushing it up and out....before what could only be described as a cock began to emerge, continuing to grow both longer and thicker.

Before it could finish growing though, it was Harry's turn to moan loudly, going rigid in more ways than one, his pants bulging as he became hard almost painfully fast....but it didn't last long. First, Harry's features began to grow more feminine....his face softening, his muscle structure changing and becoming more graceful and defined....then suddenly his own chest started bulging as his breasts began to grow in. Slowly but surely they grew....A cup...B...C...D....DD....E....and yet they kept growing. His shirt was popping open, until his breasts spilled free, continuing to grow until each one was the size of a large melon, topped off by 4 inch long and 1 inch thick nipples. Next, the bulge in his pants actually started to shrink....withdrawing into his body as the layout of his lower body shifted. His ass plumped up and stuck out, whilst his groin lost all hints of a bulge. To complete the strange transformation, Harry's hair had lengthened....considerably. Despite him standing up, his hair had quickly grown to be pooling in the sand around his feet, though the hair on his head was all he had left, every other last follicle having vanished completely from the rest of his body.
The intense and rather bizarre transformation had left Ginny panting and hunched over, her mind clouded with a slight layer of fog. What had just happened? Ginny felt so lightheaded, yet her muscles were all sluggish as if she had just run a marathon. She rose up to her feet, her massive breasts having almost torn her shirt to shreds, and a truly monstrous cock had sprung to life between her legs- easily two feet in length and almost eight inches thick, a pair of soccer ball sized nuts swinging down beneath it. "H-Harry..." she squeaked, blushing as she realised that her crush had undergone quite a change too... oddly, he seemed even more attractive as a busty girl.
Harry was taking a short time to recover from the transformation, having collapsed onto 'his' hands and knees, taking deep, panting breaths, before slowly starting to sit up, the new weight on his chest a very unusual sensation. "Wh-what....?" He slowly opened his eyes, glasses nearly falling from his newly feminine face, having to grab them to keep them on, then gasping as he looked down at himself, the melon sized breasts jutting out proudly from his body, having completely ripped open his shirt. Despite the size and weight, they were still impossibly firm and perky, not even a hint of sag. "What...what happened to-"

Harry was about to end his sentence with 'me'....then he saw Ginny. Not only had her chest grown, though not as big as Harry's own, but there was that, what could only be described as monstrously sized, cock now sticking out from her skirt....it was incredibly long....and thicker than any human cock should ever be....it was more like the cock one would expect to see on a Giant than a human being. "G-Ginny....? What....what happened....?" He swallowed nervously as his eyes worked down the shaft of her cock, then gasped at the soccer ball sized testicles swinging beneath the base. "How....did.....? Did the fruit do this....? Or the spell...?"
The duo both seemed flummoxed, and rightfully so after what had just happened, and Ginny was left panting softly for breath after both of them had finished the change. "Th-the fruit, it had to have been the fruit. If it was the teleportation spell, it would've happened before now. Her cheeks flushed and she wrapped one arm around her chest while the other quickly pushed her long cock down to make it a little less obvious to the eye. "S-stop staring!" Ginny squeaked, clearly flustered more than she ever had been in the past. The bigger cup size was nice, but the ogre-sized dick... not so much. "Okay... I have both sets... and you're a girl now, apparently..."
"S-sorry!" Harry quickly looked away when Ginny told him to stop staring, his face bright crimson. As he looked away he spotted his discarded robes, taking them quickly to tug them back on and try to cover himself up, but despite the looseness of the robes they simply weren't going to stretch all the way around such huge and firm breasts. Harry barely managed to get his nipples covered as he tied off the robe, leaving a huge valley of visible cleavage, nipples barely covered over. "Y-yeah....so.....maybe....maybe if we ate it again...it'll turn us back? I mean maybe it's like...a switcher or something. First time changes you, second time changes you back?" Harry looked at the fruit, trying not to look at Ginny....though the shadow that she and her cock were now casting were right in his field of vision instead whilst he looked at the fruit.
"I dunno if I'd want to risk something like that personally..." Ginny replied. It might have made some sense, that the same magic that transformed them once would change them back again. But on the other hand... "Well it might only make things worse for us in all honesty. What if eating another bite makes your boobs even bigger or gives me a second... a second... dick," Ginny murmured the last word as quietly as she dared, as if fearing her mother would somehow hear her saying such words and come straight over to discipline her. It was now that Ginny proved herself to be a bit of a hypocrite, her eyes occasionally darting up just to examine her crush's new rack. Damn they were huge... seemed just big enough to wrap around her cock.
"Maybe you're right..." Harry sighed softly, even his voice now feminine, though it also sounded rather sultry even when speaking normally. "But what else can we do...? We can't go back to Hogwarts like this....if anyone saw us....I'd hate to think what might happen" He shook his head somehow, blushing when he heard the word 'dick' come from Ginny's mouth...it was almost...arousing...Harry's nipples hardening almost immediately at even the slightest arousal, poking out several inches straight through the already tight robes. "We have to try and do something Ginny....somehow I doubt things could really get any worse than they already are could they?"
He... or she, rather, did have a good point, and there were only so many excuses she could make about this new appendage between her legs. Maybe Ginny could paint it brown and have everyone think it was a new broomstick? She plucked the fruit she had dropped earlier off the ground, looking over one unbitten portion of it. "Well... h-here goes nothing I guess," Giny murmured as she brought it closer to her mouth, hesitantly.

The sexy ginger took a long bite out of the fruit, still as delightfully sweet as it had been the first time, and after some time spent chewing it to mulch she swallowed it down. Her cheeks flushed, Ginny's stomach rumbing slightly, and then her cock stood fully erect, aiming directly the new witch "A-ah!" she breathed out, her cheeks flushing furiously "S-so hot... f-feels like I'm on fire down there!" she gasped.
Harry had reached for a piece of fruit at the same time as Ginny, picking it up and unable to help licking his lips as he recalled the delicious sweetness of it....maybe this fruit was a little addicting too....they'd need to be careful. Almost in sync with Ginny, he took a large bite, chewing carefully to savour the burst of flavours that were hitting his tongue before swallowing. Hopeful, Harry waited for the same odd sensation, the tightness and shifting.....but instead he was hit with a sudden burning sensation right between his legs.
With a loud, feminine groan of carnal pleasure Harry arched his back, thrusting his gargantuan chest out slightly, the robes seeming to strain even tighter. He felt a fire between his own legs....but ontop of that a sudden wetness...his boxers and pants suddenly soaked with the juices of the sudden female arousal, the scent filling the air all around them. "O-ok....d-doesn't....doesn't reverse...but....doesn't...change anymore either...."
Ginny had been horny in the past, sure. She was a teenage girl, witch or otherwise, so it was only natural for her to find things hot. But this.... well this was unlike anything she had ever felt in the past, like a beastial desire to rut until she had busted a nut. And Harry (Or perhaps Harriet now) moaning so lewdly and giving off such a powerful and erotic scent certainly didn't help keep her head clear. She gulped then and pulled Harry in close, her face burying in between Harry's generous, humongous tits. "H-Harry..." Ginny breathed out in a quavering tone "I.... please, I need your help dealing with... with this... between my legs."
Feeling arousal like this....as a woman....it was so different to what Harry was used to....the sensations were nearly overwhelming his mind. He could feel his rational mind slipping, being clouded in a fog of lust and desire. When Ginny lunged forwards and pulled him in, suddenly burying her face between his breasts, he let out another loud moan of pleasure, the vigorous action causing his straining robes to fall open, magnificent breasts and aching nipples being exposed to the air. "O-oh god....G-Ginny....I....wh-what can I do to help....?" Harry had a very good idea what she had in mind...but maybe he was wrong....hopefully he was wrong....
Ginny couldn't believe such alien and crude thoughts were currently flooding her brain, lustful ideas that she never could have even conceived in the past. The idea of having a cock of her own to use as she pleased was very new, and with that new appendage came a slew of possible uses she could think of. And unfortunately for the newly genderswapped witch she had her face buried against, she was the only person around that new cock could be used on. "Harry please...." Ginny murmured, digging her fingers into the plump flesh of her bust to excite her dark-haired crush "I... I know this will sound weird and disgusting and completely insane... but I need to fuck you. These burning sensations probably won't die down until I do!"
When Ginny grasped his new breasts Harry cried out in pleasure, the flesh incredibly sensitive. "O-oh god....G-Ginny....that feels..." Harry panted heavily, then yelped as Ginny told him what she wanted to do...just as he suspected...but....for some reason...as crazy as the idea was....Harry wasn't totally against it. No...infact....he wanted it....deep down, these new desires were just too overwhelming. "I....that's....b-but it's so big....it....it wont all fit in....and....and it's so thick....it'll split me apart..."
"P-please? I mean... w-we have to try something... I can tell you're just as needy as I am right now," Ginny replied, er pale freckled cheeks burning both from an indescribable arousal and a clear embarrassment due to saying such things aloud. "I mean... the fact that I haven't passed out from the size of this thing, and the fact that your spine hasn't snapped under the strain of those beach balls means that these are far from functioning under normal biology. I'm sure this can fit in there with a little bit of effort," Ginny pleaded. She needed this- right now it didn't matter how impossible all this seemed, she NEEDED to do this!
Well....Ginny did have a point....their bodies were certainly not working to normal biology....a cock that big getting erect...Ginny should've fainted from blood loss. And despite the size, Harry could still move with these breasts....whereas at this size the weight should have severely restricted his mobility....or at least felt heavier than they did. "I....w-well...." Harry slowly pulled away from Ginny just a little, but only so he could look at her cock.....and without even realising it Harry was licking his lips. "Well.....I....just....just a bit of it ok? Don't try to put all of it in.....or I think you'll seriously break me..."
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