
Nov 30, 2010
Of all the bad ideas Tony stark had ever had, grabbing ahold of loki's arm to get his attention at the same moment the mischief god teleported was definitely one close to the top. Landing in a undiginified heap on the floor, tony gasped a little, for a moment out of sorts and feeling like he'd been punched. it was his first time traveling by magic, and despite his willingness to travel by magic, this was definitely a experience he could have past on. Frowning as he sat up slowly, eyeing the silent god for a moment before he looked around the house, before realizing that it was definitely a house and not a apartment. A oddly domestic place for the god.

"....Loks, if this is your way of telling me you want to have a three way with the whore of manhattan, I have to tell you, you're not getting laid. I might actually bash your head in really."

Tony jumped, scrambling to his feet as he twisted to face the new danger, so surprised to find himself facing a woman that he had no idea what to say for a moment before his mind short circuited on the fact that apparently Loki of all people, was living with someone. No wonder Loki hadn't wanted to tell any of them where he was living, even if he had said he was in the city still. Though SHIELD was still paying close attention to the war crimminal, it was equally obvious that without having thor constantly around to track him by magic, they were going to have trouble keeping a eye on him, which had been what brought on this riddiculous bad idea in the first place. He'd grabbed loki's arm to stop hiim from leaving before the discussion was done(not that he blamed loki for not wanting to talk to fury, but still). Silent as he watched the two, tense and waiting to see what was going to happen, for once out of words and sarcastic barbs, not about to goad the two into beating on him, especially since he currently wasn't in his suit.

Sigyn studied the brunette standing in front of her, before looking at her husband, before huffing out a small sigh. "I'm going outside."She said, and while they hadn't had the most traditional of marriages, she loved loki, and he had been the one constant in a life continuely tossed upside down. She might not care if he took lovers, but it didn't mean she had to stay and watch, especially when it was with someone she knew he disliked, even if she suspected he found the mortal fascinating just as much as tony annoyed him.
Loki had not been happy. well, he usually wasn't, but having to stand there while some black man with an eye-patch droned on and on about how much they hated you, and how much they where going to watch you, was highly aggravating... and boring. Loki would rather be doing something fun. so he left, or he thought he had. no he had, he'd just dragged the interesting little morsel along with him.

"well it's not like i meant to bring him. Fury was yelling at me, so i left. Tony for all the love of the Unholy, you're people need to breath to exist. in and out." Loki stated, looking down at the man. "he grabbed me just as i was transporting myself away. seams that Magical transportation doesn't agree with him. ironic, considering how fast he goes in that metal man suit of his." he admitted, studying Tony. "are they supposed to turn that color, do you think? in any case, i'm certainly not having sex with him, who knows where he's been. i'd rather send him to a pound or something." he admitted before he pouted at her. "you're just going to leave me with this cretin? i have to take him back now. no doubt the manner-less Cur will puke on my boots." Loki complained, examining his feet. which held two, very nice, custom leather boots that even Tony would be hard pressed to buy. even more impressive was the hand sewn pants made of doe leather and snakeskin. Loki looked bad ass, as he always did.

"oh don't pout Sigyn!" Loki pleaded, sulking at her. "i didn't mean to bring him! i just didn't want to be late. i know how much you hate it when i'm late." he was always home by six, no matter what, so that he didn't keep her waiting for dinner, and so that they could catch up on the day and have some fun together. usually a game of some sort, or watching a movie together, sometimes just sitting in the very nice lounge in front of the fire, talking or reading quietly. while they where not... intimate, ever, Loki did love Sigyn very much. just, not in the way she deserved. granted, they had both known that they would never 'love' each other as lovers when they got married, he didn't like to see her upset or lonely. so when he realized it was almost six, and still annoyed at being yelled at by Fury, he left. he hadn't MEANT to bring the sexy little menace with him.
Tony glared at loki as the man looked at him, before taking a deep breath. "Shut...up..."He said trying to breath deeply, "Suit doesn't make my insides feel like I got pushed through a straw."Tony growled as he got his bearings again, studying the tall blond woman in front of him. Dressed in what was obviously loki's pants-at least he assumed they were since they were to long on her despite..Sigyn?being nearly as tall as Loki. And wearing a simple tank top the woman looked like she'd just stepped out of the gym, barefoot and relaxed, she looked like some freshly tumbled sprite, and despite the god standing near him, tony's eyes lit up with curiousity and lust(he just couldn't help it, he was tony stark after all), though it was obvious she was upset by his presence. Though he was upset at that fact to. "No, I'm pretty sure they're not. Unlike you, humans don't change colors."Sigyn said looking annyoed, making a face as loki pouted. "Let him puke then. It'll give you an excuse to go buy more riddiculously expensive shoes. Besides, you can't take him back yet."She pointed out, not about to say out loud that he'd have to rest if he wanted to survive actually transporting two people at once and make it back home afterwards, as the spell would drain already low reserves.

Despite Loki's sulking she shrugged a little, "I do, though I would rather you didn't bring home curs. He's going to shit on the carpet or something."Sigyn said as she headed for the door to the kitchen, ignoring tony's scowl of protest as she waved a hand, making tony jump as teh windows went dark. "Don't look out the windows Stark. I'm not moving simply because you can't keep your hands to yourself."Sigyn called over her shoulder as she went back to getting dinner ready. "....she's not human."Tony stared for a moment, shocked at the casual display of magic, having not realized that there were more asgardians on least he assumed she was asgardian. Looking annoyed he scowled slightly. "How long am I going to be stuck here, rudolph?"He said looking at loki, trying to shove the questions away, because he had a feeling if he wanted to escape this instant alive, he was going to only get through it by not questioning just what in the world Loki was doing living with someone.

"....if you two are done staring at each other, dinner's done."Sigyn called from the kitchen, setting the lasanga on the table outside on the deck before starting to eat, for once not waiting for loki to join her. So out of sorts at having someone besides loki in the house, that her whole mood and her usual niceness where loki was involved was ruined for the evening. Pausing long enough to make sure the two men had heard her she settled in to eat. While she hadnt invited them to join her, she hadn't forbidden it either, and while she'd stopped Tony from seeing exactly where they were, she knew the spell would keep him from figuring it out if he came outside, at least keep him from finding it....sighing tiredly she knew she was going to have to move, tony stark in her house was just a bad idea, but for the moment she was lonely and would rather have their company then worry about the ramifications of letting him see the part of the city they were living in.
Loki rolled his eyes. "well maybe this will teach you not to grab people." he stated, brushing imaginary fingerprints off of his very expensive jacket. "do not look at her like that Stark." Loki hissed as he watched the man checking her out. fiercely protective of his 'wife'. he wasn't about to ket the whore of Manhattan touch her. Sigyn deserved better than Tony, the filthy sexy bastard. "hey i don't change colors that often! besides, you like it when i go all blue." he teased, flashing her an impish smile. "i suppose your right." Loki groaned. he was already under half his power capabilities because of the surprise transportation. really, Tony was lucky Loki hadn't accidentally left parts of him behind. speaking of which. "you aren't missing any pieces are you?" he asked, examining Tony. "you'd best check, it's been known to happen, and with the way you surprised me you'd better make sure." he ordered calmly. "i'll make sure he doesn't use the house as a litter box. i can't be certain but i'm pretty sure he's house broken. i'm more worried about fleas." he admitted, making a face at Tony. "no, she isn't human." Loki stated with a snort. "you really thought i would lower myself to living with a human?" Loki asked, looking at Tony as if Iron Man had totally lost his rockers. of course... it WAS Tony they where talking about, he was already half crazy.

"you'll be here for about an Hour." Loki admitted with a sigh. "it will take that long to replenish my magical stores enough. you see, which rearranging my own atoms and particles is easy. i can do that several dozen times before i leave a dip in my magical reserves. messing with someone elses atoms and particles? that's a lot harder, because the body fights me, even if you are willing. that's why you feel like you got... what is it you say? sucker punched? if i tried to transport you back right now, not only would i probably leave parts of both of us behind, but i'd probobly get very violently ill all over you're pretty, pretty tower. and then slowly bleed to death because Sigyn would probobly not fix us." he admitted simply. "so you're stuck. and frankly, it's your own fault." Loki stated with a sniff. he sighed a little as Sigyn yelled for them to come to dinner. "now we have to move." he grumbled under his breath, though Tony could still hear him. "Sigyn won't stand for Avengers and mortals tromping in here any damn time they please... thank god i make enough money..." he muttered as he followed Sigyn out onto the porch.

"don't worry Sigyn, we'll go someplace nicer." he promised her as he sat down outside with her with a hot cup of coffee for himself, and a hot cup of tea for her. he didn't know what she had against coffee, but he loved the stuff. especially the stuff you bought at the coffee shops, with the frozen ice inside and the cool whip on top drizzled in caramel. yum. "there was that house you where looking at last week, it was a cute little place, we could move there." he supplied with a smile. "it's not like we're poor." no, Loki being Loki, had a 'secrete identity' of sorts. he was a very important man. well, perhaps less so, he was actually working for the FBI, or was it the CIA? maybe the Secrete Service? he could never remember, in any case, he handled computers and tracked down hackers, cyber spies, and other such nasty creeps who desired to steal national secretes and other peoples identities. he also handled some of the more serious viruses that cropped up, and he had an entire Team under him, who did the same thing. it was like being the captain of a club. tons of fun, very easy...well, for Loki it was easy, and it made a shit ton of money. his official paycheck varied, but it was always within the three thousand dollar mark... a week.
"I'll look at her however I want. I'm just curious how YOU ended up with her." "....he's good at sex."Sigyn supplied with a air of a woman who was goading both men before smirking. "I do. Very pretty, though if you keep harassing me, I might spell you to be stuck in that form."Sigyn snarked as she glanced at her husband. "...Are you two always like this?How do you not kill each other?"Tony asked watching them, really. it was like watching loki talking to himself. And as he recovered, the man was settling into his own snarky self. Looking up at loki he looked worried for a moment before hurriedly making sure he was okay before frowning. "I don't have fleas!" "Well, a STD would explain the scratching then, if you don't have fleas."Sigyn said smirking before laughing at loki's response to the idea of living at a human. "Well, it occurred to me, briefly. Thought maybe you were following Thor's example and all."Tony said making a face before sighing.

"Damn.That's...yea, I think I'll refrain from grabbing you anytime soon without warning.... Well...I guess being in your company wont be that bad, after all, you did introduce me to another beautiful woman."Tony said smirking as he followed loki outside to the table, looking at the food. "Well, you don't have to really. I wouldn't tell them."Tony knowing it was a lie, because while he wouldnt tell anyone, the others were surely aware he was missing, and already looking for him.

"...Yes we have to move. And yes, you're buying all new furniture, and anything else. And I want a house that I can't see the stupid full tilt diva tower from."Sigyn scowled slightly as she started to eat, making a face at loki's coffee but didnt tell him not to drink it as she sipped her own tea. "...Diva..."Tony frowned before wincing, realizing what she was talking about."Hey, Stark tower isn't a diva tower."He scowled. "You live there. Therefore its a diva tower. Along with Barton and Rogers. And Banner.Divas."Sigyn's face was calm as she spoke of the others, though there was a slight twisting at the mention of bruce that said she disliked the man, even if loki knew it was because the hulk had whipped loki around like a rag doll, and not anything against teh good doctor personally.
Loki smirked a little as he watched Tony react to that. "can you spell me stuck?" Loki asked, looking a little startled by the idea. clearly he'd never considered that before. "oh, we're always like this." Loki stated simply. "it's a god and Goddess thing. you mortals wouldn't understand." actually, the only reason why they didn't kill each other, was because Loki knew when to shut up, and because they'd relied on each other so long, it would feel weird to not have each other close by. "crabs do you think?" Loki asked, examining Tony. "i hear those can be very itchy." he admitted as he shook his head. "the day i follow Thor's example is the day i surgically remove half my brain." Loki stated with a very familiar sneer. "no one likes Thor. he's stupid, stubborn, and has entirely too cheerful a disposition."

"precisely. you're very lucky i was at 'full power' when i left, or one of us would probobly be dead right now. and being as you where the tag along, it would probobly be you." he admitted with a snicker. "and the day Sigyn gives you the time of day, is the day i fuck a horse. she has no care for men like you." Loki stated simply. "and we both know that the entire Shield Agency is already looking for you. no doubt they assume i have kidnapped you, and are now torturing you." he stated with a smirk. "i really should be, for upsetting Sigyn." he admitted. "i could shave you bald, all over." he mused. "put you in a dress and kick you out." he mused. "what do you think Sigyn?" he asked, smirking a little, proving that while a little more Tame than usual, Loki was still a sadistic bastard with a flair for tricks and pranks.

"oh! we'll have to get that adorable Sectional Couch you wanted." Loki agreed with a smile. "and of course, we'll have to get you a very nice set of jewelry for putting up with the pest." he promised her as he sipped his coffee. "and no, Stark, there is no alcohol in the house. neither Sigyn nor i drink." because Misguardian alcohol was rather disgusting. although, Loki did like the liqueurs. particularly Irish cream and Kahlua. "very much a Diva tower." Loki agreed with a chuckle. "admittedly, the only person in there who isn't a drama queen is Tony's pretty little sweetheart. the orange head. what was her name? Piper?" loki asked curiously. "in any case, being that she's a woman who has to take care of you, she's astonishingly well put together. hardly dramatic at all." he admitted, taking another sip. "oh, now don't blame the Avengers darling, they where only doing their job." he teased with a smile. "they barely even managed to break my bones." he pointed out. and it was true, after the beating he'd gotten, Loki'd only had the one broken rib. he'd just been heavily winded, that was all. well that's what he claimed, truthfully that single rib had pierced his lung, making it impossible to get a good breath. "Rogers is actually not that bad. and Banner is rather tolerable at times.... i rather liked Barton." Loki admitted with a grin. granted, he probobly only liked Clint because he'd controlled the guy.
"I can, and I will if you don't get the cur out of here in a reasonable amount of time!"Sigyn snarled. "...I'm almost a god. I'm fairly sure I can understand sex being better when you two are this snarky."Tony said looking amused before raising a eyebrow. "I don't have crabs!Would you two stop?"Tony scowled. "No.And love, you are already missing half your brain, because you haven't figured out when to shut up!Much like Thor, really."Sigyn said, lashing out at him because the woman was definitely in a foul mood. Despite having lived on midgard for a thousand years...well, maybe because of it, she rarely saw anyone except Loki, so having someone in the house was upsetting her. "You already fucked a horse, loki!"

".....just how many of those legends are true?"Tony asked eyeing the god standing next to him before sighing. "No doubt....though this conversation has been fairly torturous, even if informative. Loki, having sex. Definitely something news worthy in that."Tony mused before frowning, looking at sigyn, offering a small pathetic smile. "You wouldn't let him do that, would you? I mean quite entertaining some days." "..."Sigyn stared at the man, before smirking."You know, I think I will give him an hour. I mean, it might be entertaining....well, as entertaining as sex could be with a mortal."Sigyn mused, only because she wanted to know what loki's reaction would be, because like him, she enjoyed fucking with people, and as loki had been the only constant, screwing with his head sometimes amused her. "I would endevor to do my best, lady." "...Uh.No.But do keep flirting, it is amusing."

"....And that coffee table. And fish tank. you're installing it."She said making a face t her husband before smirking."And not some midgardian trinket, Loks, I want something from home."She said before smirkign at tony's sulking at not having alcohol. " know, thor doesn't either. Is that because its against teh rules or something in asgard?" "Oh no, its because your alcohol is so much more inferior to what is in asgard."Sigyn supplied. "Pepper. He name is pepper."Tony corrected making a face at the man, not sure if he liked loki knowing about her. "...I can, and will, blame them....And I know that's a lie loks. You might lie to them, but you can't to me."She pointed out because it had been a personal fight for her to not stop him, once she realized what a beat down loki would recieve. She'd almost interfered, but she hadn't...because she knew what would happen if she did. Looking at the two she tilted her head, thinking about it. " liked barton because you got to play puppet master."She pointed out as she ate, settling into eat and ignore the two men eating with her.

"Is she always like this? I mean, she's beautiful and snarky. I could definitely get used to having her around."Tony mused glancing at the god, trying to get a reading on just how deep the two's relationship went.
Loki winced a little as she snapped at him. "i'll have him out in an hour. i promise." he muttered, kicking Tony in the Ankle in an attempt to make the bastard shut up. "yes darling." Loki stated, looking quite cowed. an odd behavior for a man who'd nearly taken over the world. "no, the horse fucked me." Loki corrected before he smirked at Tony. "most of them are true." he admitted. "though, Fenris is not held by aribbon made of a footstep of a cat, nor does he have a sword jammed in his mouth. Jori does live on earth, but only because he wants to, not because he was cast into the ocean. Hela is the guardian of Nifelheim, but she can come and go as she pleases. she just prefers the land of the dead." he admitted with a shrug. "Sleipner is actually a shapeshifter like me, he just prefers to be in his eight legged horse form." Loki admitted. "though, i never actually slept with anyone to get my children. i can absorb genetic material through my skin, no sex needed." he admitted simply. Sigyn would know that better than anyone, since she was the 'mother' of all three children... granted, both Fenris and Jormungandr where accidents, Hela had very much been planned, and all three children of chaos where much loved.

"...please don't talk about having sex with that thing, it's putting me off my coffee." he complained, making a face at Tony. "he can't be very good at it anyway, since no woman ever goes back for seconds." oh, low blow. "the square fish tank or the one you wanted sunk into the floor?" Loki asked curiously. "perhaps both? then we can have Koi as well as those saltwater fish you like so much." he mused with a smile. "pepper, piper, what do i care of silly mortal names?" he asked, waving Tony's concern off. "in any case, i would have been fine." he stated simply. "it was just a broken rib and a pierced lung. nothing too serious." he stated simply. "particularly since as a Jotun, i don't actually need much oxygen to function properly." he admitted as he took a bite of Lasagna. "this is wonderful Sigyn. where did you get this recipe?" he asked, delighted by the Lasagna. "no, i like him because he rarely talks." Loki corrected with a snicker before he glared at Tony. "you'll be lucky if you never see her again Stark. keep making eyes at her, and i'll make sure you can't make eyes at anyone ever again." Loki warned, a dull spoon suddenly in his hands. he could easily pop the mortals eyes out. "sit down, shut your mouth, eat your dinner, and try not to make a mess of Sigyn's house."
"Good."Sigyn huffed. "...that's just disturbing."Tony said making a face, now that he'd questioned it, it was just a litlte to much about loki's sex life then he wanted to consider. "Well, humans aren't known for being totally smart.They were bound to get some of things wrong."he said making a mental note to ask thor about more norse mythology. "...Now that's interesting. How does that work?I mean, I know magic, but really..."Tony said frowning a little, looking thoughtful, the scientist-though he was a engineer- he still understood genetics. And it made him curious. And also curious about who had donated the DNA for the kids.

"Good.You shouldn't be drinking coffee." "Hey. I've had plenty of women want more, I just don't do them again."Tony said scowling at the man. "Both. I want one as the wall between the bedroom and whatever room is next to it, then sink one in the floor."Sigyn said snickering a little at tony's face. She knew she was shocking him, acting like dare she say it, a actual married couple?Cause while she knew they're situation wasn't normal, and that they both deserved better, she had long ago accepted that she never would have a true relationship, so she might as well enjoy the one she had with loki. even if worry about him being unhappy kept her up at night. "Italy when we went last week on business."She said smiling a little. Because while Loki worked for the goverment taking care of the computers, Sigyn usually amused herself more and changed jobs regularly. At teh moment she was working as a model- which in retrospect actually surprised her that tony hadn't tried hitting on her before or recognized her from the magazines. But she traveled, and both of them enjoyed traveling alot.

Tony eyed the man holding the spoon before nodding a little. "Okay."he muttered settling in to eat, and just watch the two. interested in learning what he could about the man he was sure was still a danger to the world, and learning enough about the female asgardian to get himself invited to her bed. After all, her first words had been about a 3 way. Maybe he could seduce them both,after all loki himself wasnt that hard on the eyes..But that actually meant making them tolernate of his presence.

After about nearly ten minutes of eating and discussing their soon to be new house, Sigyn offered loki a small smile, "He's being silent. Its kinda creepy...I'm amazed it lasted this long."She muttered shifted, leaning back into her chair. While they had had sex in the past, when they were young enough to not realize they worked better as friends then lovers, it was still hard to watch tony and loki, because she was fairly certain tony was attracted to loki and...she was the most powerful seer on earth at the saddened her to know that everything was changing. While she didn't know exactly what, she knew tony was involved...and she knew loki was worried about her, because she refused to discuss whatever had been bothering her, which was a rare event, but she didn't want to upset him more. Rubbing her fingers against her temples, she sighed tiredly, because this was more stress then she'd had since loki's planned invasion, and for the first time in a long time, she felt alone, no matter how close loki was.
Loki stared at Tony for a moment and then. "i truly don't beleive you." he admitted simply before nodding at Sigyn. "that would be rather nice. perhaps we could insure that the Study is next to the bedroom. i know you like the sound of running water when you're reading and relaxing." he agreed. "there is nothing wrong with Coffee!" Loki complained, sulking a little before he looked at Tony. "Magically of course. being that i am a shapeshifter, i need only a single genetic input from another person. sweat, a follicle, spit, blood... other things, i can then take that Genetic material, insert it into my own, and that creates a Fetus. it's the same basic principle as human breading, only without insertion or penetration." he admitted, taking another bite of his Lasagna.

"ah, did you get many recipes?" he asked hopefully. "i love Italian food." actually, he loved pretty much anything Sigyn made. with only a few exceptions. Loki hated anything that had Kiwi or a strong lemon or lime flavor to it. "Italy was very fun, we'll have to make a note to visit there again." he admitted. "Greece too." he mused. being what he was, he could take a vacation anytime he wanted. it was rare that the government had an honest to god emergency where he was needed. so he could take time off anytime he wanted, because he could work from almost anywhere, so long as it had an internet connection. Loki smirked when Tony subsided at the sight of the spoon and he resumed eating.

"it truly is more than a little creepy." Loki admitted. "i didn't think he'd take me seriously. i wouldn't actually dig his eyeballs out of his skull after all." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "i wonder if he's thinking that if he's silent we'll forget that we hate him." Loki mused, looking highly amused as he studied the Avenger. "finish your Lasagna." Loki demanded as he nibbled on the last of his meal and drank down the last of his coffee. "Sigyn? are you alright?" Loki asked softly, gently setting a hand on her wrist, looking very concerned. "do you have another headache?" he asked, seriously concerned about her. he hated that she was so stressed out, he just didn't understand why she wouldn't let him help her, or even talk to him. "do you need to go lay down?" he asked softly. knowing that when her headaches got bad, she liked to lay down in the dark with a cold pack over her eyes. "i have enough magic to take Tony back safely. i'll have to rest again after, but i can get him out of here if you need me to..."
"I think I would like that. It's soothing."Sigyn said looking amused before raising a eyebrow at her husband. "Yes there is. You're goign to kill your liver, not as fast as stark, but you will."She said looking amused at his whining about coffee. "But the instertion/penetration is the fun part. If you want a squalling brat, you should at least get to enjoy that part."Tony mused as he ate. "...are you offering to help with the squalling brat part?"Sigyn questioned looking amused. "Oh no, I have no desire to have kids, I mean you two. If you have kids, have sex."

"I know, and I did get some. But you're going to have to behave to get more italian food."She teased looking amused because she knew he generally enjoyed her food no matter where she got the recipe. "IT was indeed. I have to go back next month, you should come with me."She said smiling. "Have to?Why?"Tony asked looking at her thoughtfully before his eyes widened comically. "You were in the sports illustrated swimsuit issue. You're a model." "Very good, stark. Though considering how often you probably have to helpful reading material for your jacking off, I'm amazed you didn't recognize me earlier."Sigyn said looking amused, because for the most part, asgardians didn't have a whole lot of shame in discussing sex, it was just sex. Something natural, to be discussed when the mood calls for it.

"...You threw him out a window. I think that makes you a little scary." "He's still a puny god."Tony said smirking a little as he realized that the two weren't actually going to harm him, reverting to his usual sarcastic self even as he finished eating. "I'm fine."Sigyn said jumping a little at the touch on her wrist, glancing over at him, "I just have a headache. Humanity's aching up again."She muttered, offering him a small smile. Because it was her usual answer when she was having headaches."And don't give me that look...this is the first one I've had since we got back from italy."She pointed out not wanting him to worry before shaking her head."No, its not that bad yet...."She muttered. "Don't risk yourself for me, loks. REst, talk to me, and then take him back, cause you know you wont be back tonight."She said, something flickering in her eyes, a almost jealously, even if she knew she had no right to be jealous of the playboy, but she was because she didn't want to be alone and in pain. "You know once you get to the tower, you'll have to stay and talk to them. So just rest, and talk to me, then go take care of the diva and the others."
Loki smiled a little. "i enjoy it too. we'll get you some seahorses, or maybe some jellyfish." he mused, wondering which she might like more. "there is nothing wrong with caffeine!" he complained, rolling his eyes. "you know that earth drugs can't hurt me." he complained. "Caffeine barely even gives me an energy kick. i just drink it because it's delicious! you're Black Tea has more caffeine than my coffee does!" he complained before rolling his eyes at Tony. "Sex was not an option for me at the time of conception..." there was a pause. "admittedly, i didn't actually realize that i could trap DNA through touch. my first two children where 'little miracles'... and highly traumatic because i didn't even know i could get pregnant. and yes, Stark, i carried the offspring. i was fat, moody as hell, and had the strangest cravings. it was awful. it wasn't until Sleipner that i realized i could control when, or if i got pregnant. so Hela, my youngest, was a planned, and joyous child. not to say that Fenris and Jormungandr aren't loved. they where just a very nice surprise... once i got over the horror of being pregnant in the first place." he admitted, laughter in his voice, as if he was sharing a joke. and it was a joke. it had taken three healers, Thor, Sigyn, and Frigga to pin Loki down and administer a calming solution before he accidentally rejected the babe within him.

"i always behave!" he complained, pouting at her. "i haven't pranked you in WEEKS! not even with you put honey in my shampoo!" he complained, sulking at her. "i'll certainly come with you." he agreed. "i can work from anywhere, you know that. so long as there's not an emergency, and if there is, it only takes a little effort to be back here. distance doesn't make much a difference." he admitted as he smirked at Tony. "honestly love, i think he would have been quicker to recognize you if you'd been in a porno." he admitted. "men like Stark only think with their dicks after all. will i get to help this time?" he asked with a smile. "it's fun working the cameras." he admitted. he'd had a grand time the last time she'd gone modeling with him in tow. he'd learned how to run the lights, work the fans and the camera's, and even got laid with a very sexy french boy who didn't speak an ounce of English. "still, he'd be better off yapping up a tree somewhere else, and humping some other woman's leg." he pointed out with a vicious smirk.

"i knew he'd survive." Loki stated, brushing off the comment. "he wasn't exactly discrete, shouting for that silly computer of his." Loki admitted simply as he smirked at Tony. "he had a few cuts, but he lived. it was actually quite satisfying, tossing him into the air." he scowled. "call me a puny god again and i'll show you what a Syphim Lake Squid does to the innocent people it catches in it's waters." it raped them and laid eggs in their bellies and not even surgery could remove the parasitic eggs. the people usually survived, but it was a very unpleasant experience all around. of course, they only lived in the land of the Dark Elves, but Tony didn't need to know that. "you're not fine." Loki complained softly, looking upset as she tried to brush him off. "while that might be true, the headaches still cause you a lot of pain." he admitted, gently stroking her hair. "i wish you would let me help you." he admitted with a sigh. "of course i'll be back tonight." Loki stated, sneering at Tony. "the less i have to talk to them, the better. i'll drop him off in the Park and come straight back." he promised her, kissing her forehead. "i would never abandon you while your in pain, you know that." and he never did. once he was banished to earth with her, he never left her side if she was in pain. he always stayed right by her side. because while he didn't love her the way she deserved, she was still the only family he had. and he was very protective of her.
"Hm, seahorses. And some small sharks."She muttered before watching loki complain. " get bitchy when you havent had your coffee. it's harmful to my health."She grumbled looking amused though. "...huh. Well, its a good thing you got it under control then. A pregnant man taking over the world would have just been worrying."tony said before looking at the man in curiousity, before starting to laugh a little."I'm sure it was scarring for you all. I might have to ask Thor exactly how bad you pregnant was."He snickered. "It was a horror. He was whiney, bitch and sent me after food all the time."Sigyn whined a little looking at her husband, amused because their children were definitely loved, even if it had been a shock to find loki pregnant.

"You never behave. I always suspect you're pranking someone, even if it's not me."She said before her eye twithced a little. "...I only did that because you changed my tea for coffee in italy."She whined before looking pleased that he would come. even after this long, it was good to know that loki still willingly spent time with her. "I would not. I live in a porno, I don't need to watch them."Tony said scowling a little before looking over the woman again. Wondering just how airbrushed the pictures in the magazine had been, and deciding that it wasn't very. He'd seen both brothers, he had no doubt that the asgardian woman was just as fit. "Oh, don't worry, you can help all you want. Might even get you to pose in pictures this time. Apparently I've been hired to do a few book covers, with devilishly handsome leading men..."She purred looking amused as hse leaned over to kiss him lightly, amused because she knew he'd gotten laid, and it just amused her, as much as it saddened her, because she currently wasn't getting laid. her powre for seeing the future, made getting close to someone uncomfortable. Tony started a little looking at them, startled to see just a open display of affection, and loki just accepting it. It was...definitely not what he was expecting to see.

"I started shouting, after you threw me out the window."Tony grumbled before wincing a little. "Okay, reindeer games. No reason to get bent out of shape."Tony said not willing to figure out what the hell the lake squid would do, but knowing loki, it'd be unpleasant. Sigyn sighed quietly as she leaned into loki's touch, shifting, before moving her chair out, and giving into the need to be held, climbing in Loki's lap, snuggling against his chest. "You help just by being here."She muttered.

"Sounds good to me. I dont want you in my tower anyways.It's bad enough Thor keeps smashing things, I dont want you and your mischievious little fingers anywhere near my house again."Tony said making a face watching the woman. A slight frown of concern creasing his forehead as he watched the two. "I know, loks. You never have."She muttered before sighing, going quiet for a bit, almost drifting to sleep. " better get him home before I fall asleep...just in case I have to come rescue you or something..."She muttered nuzzling loki a little before moving to get up.
he nodded. "some of the pretty ones. yes." he agreed. "like a black banded shark, they are supposed to be very nice fish for aquariums. and a marbled bamboo Cat Shark too. maybe even a stingray or two." he agreed with a smile. "but you can't have sharks in the same tank as a seahorse. they aren't compatible, they live in different ecosystems. we'll have to get TWO fish tanks and an indoor pond." he was always so willing to get her anything she wanted. "if you would stop trying to get me to quite, i wouldn't bitch." he pointed out with a grin. "and who says i wasn't pregnant when i tried to take control of your pathetic race?" he asked with a smirk. "maybe there's a fifth little Loki running around, hmm?" there wasn't, but Tony didn't know that. "i wasn't THAT bad!" Loki complained before he hesitated. "was i? i suppose i was." he mused, his head cocked to the side. "still, at least i sent Thor out to collect the more deadly things that i wanted."

"well i am the god of Chaos and Mischief." he pointed out. "it's my job to cause as much mayhem as possible." he admitted with a grin. "it's not MY fault no one has the proper sense of humor to get my jokes. and that was because you HID my coffee! for a MONTH! i'd buy it and before i'd even get to make a cup you'd HIDE it again!" he complained, sulking at her before grinning. "devilishly handsome hmm? someone i should be jealous of?" he asked with a grin as he accepted her kiss, and returned it. simply because he liked kissing. such things where common between asgaurdians. they liked to be close to one another, kissing and hand holding was common between close freinds. Loki was well aware that Tony didn't know that, and Thor wouldn't think to explain it either.

"...are you sure?" Loki asked at Tony's grumbling. "i distinctly remember you asking your little machine if the Mach Six was ready for deployment. it said no, you told it to skip the spinning rims... do you not recall?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow. "and by the by, Jonas is not a very good role model." son of a bitch, Loki had been listening in on their com devises! he'd known what they where planning all along! that bastard! Loki ignored Tony's reaction to that as he curled his arms around her and held her close, comforting her and letting his body warm up... like one great big heating pad, just the way he knew she liked. "i'm glad." he admitted softly to her, cuddling her, looking so much like a doting boyfriend it almost made ones head explode. "you're just angry because i understand earths primitive technology better than you do." Loki stated in a very superior tone of voice. "that's all Thor is good for anyway, smashing things. he's a massive nuisance and you would be good to be rid of him." Loki stated with a sniff. "come on, lets get you to bed. Stark, Stay!" Loki demanded, as if Tony was some sort of Dog. he refused to let her get up, and instead, carried her into the bedroom and gently tucked her in, charming the blankets to be warm. "i'll be back soon." he promised her, kissing her forehead and stroking her hair as he summoned the cold pack from the refrigerator and gently settled it over her eyes.

"try and get some sleep." he murmured softly before he walked back to Tony. "come on Stark, i don't like to leave her alone." he ordered, grabbing the man's arm. the sensation of being forced through a straw followed and they landed in central park. this time Loki didn't look so nonplussed. he panted hard, closing his eyes and leaning over, resting his hands on his knees as if he'd completed a massive race. "not a word, Stark." Loki ordered, shaking his head. "it was cruel to bind my magic." he grumbled, examining the inky black tattoos on his wrists. which bound most of his magic. "i need to sit for a moment." he admitted, quickly settling onto a bench so he could rest enough to go back to Sigyn. of course, by the time Loki had caught his breath, the other Avengers had appeared, having finally caught on to Tony's location.
"Yes, those would be pleasing."She said before making a face."WEll, you're the one paying. You can buy me fish...maybe do my whole study as a fishtank."She said looking pleased with the idea. Tony stared looking slightly amazed that loki of all people, seemed to be a doting boyfriend. Frowning a little he paled, looking around them before focusing on the asgardians again. "I'm fairly certain if there was, the tyke would be around here somewhere. And since I havent been attacked by a snake, or dragon or anything, I'm going to say no."Tony said before looking amused as sigyn nodded. "You were.But it was fairly adorable, and more amusing seeing as I wasn't the one pregnant."Sigyn pointed out, a sad look flickering over her face before it was hidden. Because while she'd had sex, and gotten to be a mother for their children, it wasnt the same as actually being the one to carry them.

"Ahhh, are you telling me I don't have a proper sense of humor?"She asked raising a eyebrow."And I was worried about you!You were drinking only coffee. You needed to drink other things to."She said sulking a little before smirking, "Oh yes. But since you already spend a good portion of your time jealous of thor, I'm using him as my devilishly handsome partner in crime."She said rolling her eyes before leannig back. Tony's eyes went a little wide at that, of all the things he thought the man would be teased about, thor wasn't one of them. tensing he expected a violent reaction before frowning, realizing it wasn't coming. "Oh, do not look so worried stark, I have known him for 2000 years, it gives me a little lee-way to tease him."Sigyn muttered smiling slightly because like loki, she knew tony was taking their kissing the wrong way.

"Shut up I did-"Tony stopped frowning, staring at the man. Surely the man wasn't saying what he was thinking he did? Surely the man would have had a better plan, if he'd been able to hear them the whole time"....Can you still hear our comms?" "When we want to. Magic and all that. Thor probably could to, the oaf."Sigyn muttered resting her head on loki's shoulder, smirking as she realized tony was looking a little strained at seeing loki acting like a doting boyfriend. "You are not better then me at it, and don't treat me like a dog!"Tony sputtered, though the words were quieter as he realized the woman really was in pain watching the two go in a state of confusion.

"I will. Just go."Sigyn muttered as she took the ice pack from loki and snuggled down into the bed. "You are surprisingly doting. Please tell me you don't like rub her feet or do the other romantic things, otherwise I might get sick."Tony groaned as he was transported, looking at loki, who was in a similar state as himself as tony got his bearings again."Well, you DID try and take over the world you know. They werent concerned if you'd actually like it."Tony muttered before watching the man sit on the bench wincing a little as he saw the others, tilting his head slightly, holding up a hand moving slightly to stand in front of loki. he didnt like the man, but he also wouldn't let him get shot for something that had been tony's own stupid fault.

"I'm fine guys, don't go shooting him. He's on his way out again."Tony said flicking a glance at clint's bow even as natasha lowered the gun in her hands slightly, "Where did you go?" "His house. It was quite nice in a weird sort of way really. No torture chamber or devices or anything, just a oddly domestic normal house."
he smiled a little. "i don't know about an entire study, it would look a little Tacky. perhaps, one in the bedroom, one in the living room and one in the study, and then we could have the indoor pond... somewhere... hmm..." perhaps an indoor pond in a pool house? that would be very amusing." he mused. "with a little waterfall... yes that could work..." he muttered before he rolled his eyes at Tony. "i'm a criminal Stark, do you really think they'd let me keep the child if i had one? and Jormungandr is NOT a giant serpent! of all the things that are unholy you people had the most amusing imaginations." he complained, rolling his eyes. not to say that Jori couldn't turn into a giant snake, or any kind of serpent, including winged, fire-breathing serpents. just like Fenris could turn into any kind of canine, and a few other 'cousins' as well, like Hyena and Foxes. Hela could even shape-shift into any sort of feline she wanted. she had once been worshiped as a goddess by the name of Bastet before she decided to rule the underworld. bored with humans. Loki gently kissed her fingers. "someday." he promised her. if she wanted a baby, then he would give her one, though... he was pretty sure she didn't want him to... do any inserting... at all... he could donate sperm and they could have her 'artificially' inseminated.

"no, no you don't have a proper sense of humor! turning my gorgeous hair into a nest of snakes is certainly not funny!" he complained, pouting at her. "i was fine! i wasn't drinking 'Only' Coffee! and there's plenty of water in Coffee! you where just angry because i was drinking more coffee than you where tea! tea probobly isn't good in the quantities you drink it in either you know!" he complained, pouting at her. "cruel, you are simply too cruel to me..." he gasped at the mention of Thor and turned a horrified look to her. "he'd CRUSH you!" he complained. "don't use him! he can't do anything right!" Loki complained, well aware that she was joking, and glad for it. it let him know that she wasn't too sick. "besides, Thor is hideous, he might have a lot of muscles, but he's as ugly as a rat and he smells nearly as bad." Loki complained with a sniff. "if you MUST pose with someone other than me, make it Rogers. at least he's cute, in a boyish sort of way... and we've known each other for three thousand years love." he pointed out with a smile. "closer to four thousand actually. remember? we took a vacation to watch the great Egyptian Pyramids being built. Hela was still a little thing then, and she decided she was going to be a Goddess." he chuckled a little.

"Thor probobly cant. you know how stupid he is when it comes to the magical arts. according to him, if it can't be conquered by smashing it with a hammer, then it's not worth his time." Loki stated with a shake of his head. "thank the unholy that i'm adopted." he admitted with a sigh. "i am SO better than you at it." Loki stated simply as he carried Sigyn out of the room, giving her a last kiss before glancing at Tony. "i do actually. sometimes, for a modeling shoot, she has to be on her feet all day. it makes them ache quite a bit." Loki admitted simply. "i make her soup when she's sick too." he admitted with a grin as he sat on the bench, panting before he laughed at Tony. "please. if i had truly wanted to take over this world, then i would have done so. really, do you think i needed that silly blue box to wage war, or to even open a portal to another realm?" Loki demanded, looking highly amused. "if i had wanted you conquered, i would have done it, and you wouldn't even have realized it until i was in complete control." he admitted, closing his eyes, trying to catch his breath. "no, i had a much more... satisfying reason for doing what i did." Loki admitted with an impish grin before he watched the other Avengers appear.

"... his house?" Steve asked, sounding highly suspicious. "as in, the place where he lives?" "i sort of assumed he'd taken up residency in the sewers or something." Clint admitted, bow and arrow still in his hands, though the arrow was pointed at the ground. "please. i make more than you do." Loki stated with a sneer, Clint lifting an eyebrow. "really? because no records of you ever working have ever cropped up. it's been how long since you where banished here? we've never seen you anywhere except Shield Headquarters when Fury wants to yell at you." "and he is ever so good at it." Loki sneered as he stood up and brushed his pants off. "tah." Loki stated before vanishing as if he'd never existed. "...does he really make more money than i do?" Clint asked, baffled. "what is he, an actor!?"
"....You're the one who's building it. Of course it's going to be tacky."She teased rolling her eyes a little before shrugging. "That would be nice.Let's do that."She decided. Tony's eye twitched a little. "if you had a child, right now, I'm fairly certain your goddess there is perfectly capable of making sure no one took it away."Tony mused before laughing at the idea of loki's children, before smirking. "I know.Sometime."Sigyn muttered looking at her husband as he kissed her fingers, resting her forehead against his jaw, looking fairly adorable snuggled into his lap. but she had her own reasons for not wanting to be pregnant, and she loved their children. They were happy, as a family, but someday she wanted to see her stomach round, but something always held her back from asking loki for the help. Like she was waiting for a actual relationship.

"It was. Really. And it wasn't my idea, Jori came up with it last time he visited."She humed a little before looking at him. "I am cruel, but you know I make up for it."She said squirming a little in his lap, because she knew tony would take it the wrong way, and she couldn't help making tony freak out even more at the idea of loki's sex life. "You just think he's hideous because you can't get along with him."She muttered before laughing quietly. "Do not worry, my love, I shall be posing with you...if you are not to busy trying to run the cameras."She muttered before tilting her head a little."Ah. You are correct....the years start to bleed together after so long."She said her voice holding a tinge of sadness, because she tried so hard to not consider just how long she'd been exiled to earth, even if it had been more or less a self imposed exile. "Hm, I think everyone's glad your adopted, trickster."Sigyn said snickering.

Tony looked up at the man as he leaned over his knees, trying to get his bearings. "That's disturbing. Really. I like the idiot of you being a meglomanic narcissist, I dont want to consider you a doting boyfriend."Tony whined before looking at the other man thoughtfully. Wondering then, why in the world loki hadn't ruled the world...and why he hadn't. But shoving the thoughts aside for now, he was fairly certain he wouldnt get a straight answer before looking up at the good captain and clint.

"Yes. And well, while I wish I could say it was a sewer, it was actually a house out in brooklyn. Though he's moving now that I've seen it."Tony said looking more amused and confused, and in real need of a drink. "....No, but considering the woman he's living with is a supermodel, I'm fairly certain he can afford to do whatever he wants."Tony said, stamping down the curiousity of what in the hell loki could actually be doing.

Meanwhile Sigyn stirred as she felt loki return, squirming out from under the blankets to look at him as he came back in."Everything okay?"She muttered reaching over to the bedside table and flicking on a lamp, wincing a little as the light stung her light sensitive eyes.
Loki offered her yet another pout. "the things i make are NOT Tacky!" he complained before flashing Tony a smirk. "i'm fairly sure that you're just hoping to god i didn't give the child to a nanny for the night so me and Sigyn can get laid tonight." he taunted. he offered his roommate a smile and gently nuzzled their noses together. "i should have known Jormungandr was involved." he groaned, rolling his eyes. "he always did have your sense of humor." he grumbled with a small sigh and a shake of his head. "i can get along with him! so long as he shuts up, it's fine." Loki stated with a smirk. "that's why he spent most of our childhood turned into something that can't make a noise. like a goldfish, and a flubber." he stated, looking quite pleased before he smirked at her. "oh good, i can't wait to be 'made up' to." he admitted with a chuckle. "i would love to pose with you." he purred, grinning as he nuzzled her neck. even more touchy feely than usual. and not just because it made Tony look like he wanted to die, but because he was also offering her as much comfort as he could. "just think. we'll have another thousand years, just us together." he promised her with smile. his promise that she would have happiness even if he had to go out and find her soul mate himself. "i think your right." Loki admitted with a grin as he shook his head.

"oh come now. i'm not nearly as bad as you are." Loki teased with a smirk. "admit it, you've considered taking over the world once or twice yourself. you could do it easily, with the Iron Man suits at your disposal... which, by the way..." Loki offered Tony a viscous little smirk and rattled off a very smart sounding formula. which would, astonishingly enough, make the Iron Man suits work twice as efficient, which meant they'd require less of his 'glowing battery'. Loki smiled as he gently settled himself in the bed next to her. "it went wonderful, i beat them all up with one hand, stole their scalps and eye teeth for trophies, and then rode Sliepnr to the Fortress in the sky and had sex with Superman." he teased with a grin. "how are you feeling?" he asked even as he reached over and turned off the lamp, not willing to let her be in pain. "cat eyes, love. cat eyes." he reminded her.

the Avengers all stared at him for a long, long moment and then. "you're joking right? he's living with a supermodel?" Clint demanded, more than a little stunned as Steve snorted. "that lucky bastard." "Steve!" "what?!" "what was she like!?" Clint demanded, ignoring the squabbling of the Cap and the good Doctor Bruce. "i mean, clearly she had to be gorgeous, but was she brainwashed do you think? or blackmailed? or maybe he's kidnapped her?" "Clint. have you been reading those Crime books again?" "" "yes."
"Well, no, not as tacky as Tony." "I am NOT tacky!" "...your suit is tacky."Sigyn pointed out looking amused at loki's words. "Definitely. Since considering her first words to me where asking after a 3-way, I'd be slightly worried if you gave the kid to a nanny."Tony said rolling his eyes in amusement. "Hm, well having sex with him wouldn't require him talking you know."She pointed out, sighing softly as she tilted her head to the side, letting him nuzzle her, knowing why he was doing it, besides to discomfort tony who looked ready to die, but because she really was taking comfort in it. "Hm, a thousand years with you. I might go insane."She muttered rolling her eyes. And when he got back, sigyn stared at him for a long moment, "...I'd believe sex with Stark before I'd believe any of that."She said rolling her eyes wincing a little. "Forgot. Just get over here."She grumbled as she waved a hand, changing him out of his clothes and into a pair of sweat pants- green and gold of course- before snuggling into him.

"You're worse. I'm self loving, I don't dote on my one night stands like a love sick puppy."Tony said looking annoyed, not about to look at the feelings that twisted his chest at the memory of pepper, his last attempt at a serious relationship. "....that's a better source then the arc reactor."he said his mind already turning over the idea before he watched the god leave before focusing on the avengers. "No, I'm not. Which is fairly disturbing."he asked as they headed for the tower. "No, not brainwashed or blackmailed.. She's Asgardian. Apparently from what I gathered, she's been living her for awhile. And he's a seriously doting boyfriend. It was disturbing and...hold on..."Tony muttered searching his pockets to find his starkphone, before pulling up google and showing Clint a picture of Sigyn from the playboy issue she'd done. "Thsi is who greeted me when I arrived. With more clothes on, sadly."
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "red and Gold is very bad." he admitted with a grin. "it's like screaming at someone to 'shoot you, shoot you'! you couldn't have done worse if you'd painted a target on your ass." Loki pointed out with a smirk. "and no, but knowing him, he wouldn't be able to shut up, even during sex." Loki stated with a smug little smirk. "your already insane." he teased with a chuckle. "and so am i. any creature that lives as long as we do has to be insane." he pointed out with a smile. "you don't think i could sleep with superman?" he asked with a grin as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. "i'll call the Estate Agent tomorrow and get that house you like so much." he promised with a smile. "i'll just pay for it straight up, and then have the fish people go in and make the fish tanks." he mumbled. "when do you go back to the modeling?" he asked curiously. "we could take an early vacation to there and go back to a newly finished house." he mused with a smile. "how much do you want to bet that Tony is bragging about having talked to you?" he asked with a grin.

the three men huddled close in order to get a good look at Tony's pic of the supermodel and they all whistled, very impressed. "really!? Asgaurdian, huh?" Clint asked with a grin. "damn, if i knew Asgaurdian women came like that, i'd have gone with Thor!" Clint admitted with a laugh. "how do you mean, doting?" Steve asked, looking slightly horrified as they all started heading back to Stark Tower. "like, honest to god affectionate!? HIM?"
"Not really. After all you can sleep with me, who wants superman?"Sigyn grinned at him, snuggling into her husband, giggling. "Did you see stark's face?He looked like he was going to pass out."She muttered yawning a little before smiling a little, perking up at the idea of vacation. "Next week, I have to go to spain. If you get the house tomorrow, we can run away for the next week, while Stark tries to find the house again. Cause you know damned well he's not going to leave it alone now that he knows you have a house, though he knows we're selling it."Sigyn rolled her eyes a little before snickering. "Considering that he's a world class playboy, who just met one of the playboy bunnies?That's a fool's bet, and I am anything but your fool loks."She said giggling a little, her headache for the moment forgotten even if it was making her head pound. Before pausing, giggling more. "Love, you want to cause some mischief for your former enemies?"She asked, because while loki still didn't like them, it wasn't so much the avengers were enemies, but that the avengers didn't understand that her and loki were playing a bigger game then just a single battle.

Tony grinned. "She offered a 3 way when she first saw me. I think Loki's she's feeling neglected."Tony grinned, because she knew Sigyn's offer had been more of a insult and annoyed question for Loki, then a real offer. "Really?"Natasha said looking doubtful. After all, the asgaurdian woman had access to a god with thousands of years worth of sex knowledge...why would she want tony stark? "Yes!And I think you're right clint, shoulda gone with thor. We'll go back next time."he snickered as he let them into the tower, before smirking a little. "Like, seriously creepily doting. He made her tea and everything, and did the affectionate hand holding and cuddling when she had a headache. Not to mention he's buying a new house simply because she has no desire to talk to any of us."Tony snickered, bragging because he so couldn't help it, already thinking about the next time he'd see the two asgardians....not about to mention that it was as much loki as it was sigyn that he wanted to see. Intrigued by the man he'd thought was simple to after seeing him with a woman he'd obviously had a long standing relationship with, he wasn't so sure.
he chuckled a little. "well for one thing. Superman has a dick." he pointed out with a grin. "oh his face was hilarious! i wonder how the rest of the avengers will react when he tells him how 'whipped' i am." Loki mused with a grin. because despite not being her lover, he was so, totally whipped. "oh, Spain? i love rice." Loki admitted with a smile. "and they have very good coffee there." he admitted, just to annoy her. "oh, once i take down the protections on this house, he'll be able to find it. you know that i hid this place from mental recognition." which wasn't hard at all. it was just a single 'thought' pushed into the electronics of the house. if someone looked at it, they would notice it sort of the same way someone notices a house they pass every single day. they knew it was there, but they paid it no other attention. it even worked on AI and other electronics. which was why even Jarvis couldn't find it. "...whats a playboy bunny?" he asked, looking more than a little baffled. he understood that she was a model and that she posed naked for millions of horny men, but other than that he didn't quite grasp just how popular she was. "oh are we playing pranks Love?" he asked, looking eager as he grinned, his teath glinting in the light. "do tell."

Steve rolled his eyes. "i'm pretty sure that she wasn't 'offering' Tony. we ALL know better than that." he held up his hands as if measuring a scale. "ancient God, who can shapeshift into any physical form he wants... a human playboy who is usually drunk when he fucks... not much of a contest there, is it?" Steve asked with a smirk, Bruce and Clint struggling not to laugh. "he made her tea? like, on the stove? when Thor tried to use the stove it ended up melted..." Bruce stated, looking shocked. "cuddling? Loki can cuddle?" Clint asked, even more horrified by that idea. "he's moving? do you think we can find his house before he moves, and track him to his new residence?" Steve asked. it annoyed everyone that they couldn't seam to find Loki unless he wanted to be found. though, now that Steve thought about it, Loki usually popped up once a week, just to let the Avengers know he was still mostly alive and not off murdering innocents.
"....True. Though considering your sexual exploits, I guess I should be happy that's your only problem in considering having sex with me."She snickered, because it amused her to tease him, and even though they had had sex once upon a time, there was none of the awkward sexual tension that usually plagued couples. They were friends, and definitely happy with that. "You are whipped. Totally."She said amused as she looked at him, before giggling. "Even I must admit, the coffee's not horrible there."She said wrinkling her nose a little. "...Hold on. You have to see this."She said waving a hand to turn on a low light that wouldn't hurt her eyes as she summoned one of the pictures, the one of her dressed as a bunny. "A playboy bunny is one of the models who poses for this magazine that most men in the US have read at least once. I'm fairly certain Tony has read them more then once."she said amused, because it was endearing to see loki not realize just how very popular she was. "Oh yes.Lots of pranks."She smirked at him before laying back."Well, Stark know's we're moving you know. And we ARE leaving the country....we could rent a house in spain, and invite all the avengers to a house warming party, under the guise of making sure they know I'm harmless, cause you know someone will worry about that, and say that they're only invited to the house because we can make sure they can't find it after. Just imagine just how pissed they'd be if they realized we were still living in New York, instead of spain."She said giggling.

"I don't always have sex drunk. I have it sober to."He said scowling, because recently since pepper left, it had been a all out drunken orgy in stark tower when he did have sex. Natasha snorted laughing a little. "Not much of a contest, though maybe loki's easily jealous?She could just be using tony for a means to a end. that would make sense."Natasha mused before looking equally shocked. "Yea. Creepy, seriously. Nuzzlzing and affectionate and all that romantic shit."Tony supplied looking just as horrified as clint before tilting his head. "I might...whatever keeps us from finding it now, he'll probably have a short period between them actually moving and when they get a new place."He said, thoughtful because now that he knew they were dealing with two asgaudian sorcerers, and loki's words about technology, he figured the man was blocking it. But...maybe. "I'll head down to the lab and see what I can do."
he chuckled a little. "well, Sleipnr's daddy was in fact a male you know." he admitted with a grin. "and so where most of my partners. you're the only Female i ever really slept with. quite frankly, you should be impressed that i was able to get it up for you. it's a true statement of your beauty, because you're also the only girl whose ever gotten me hard." he admitted with a grin. "i am happily whipped. i'd never manage without you." he admitted with a smile. "alright." he agreed, curious about what she was going to show him. " look adorable!" he gasped, fighting back laughter. "you know what? we need to make a copy of this, have you sign it, and send it to Tony." he mused with a smirk. "so nearly every male in the world has seen you naked?" Loki asked, sounding highly amused. "lots of pranks. now i remember why you where my only freind growing up." he admitted with a grin. "you, are brilliant!" he hissed, his eyes shining with sadistic glee. "we are SO doing it! so, so doing it." he growled, excited and delighted as he laughed. "and you are harmless! so long as no one annoys, upsets, or otherwise hinders you." he mused with a grin as he examined his wrists. "i've nearly attuned my magic to them." he admitted, looking highly smug. "another month, at the most, and they will be useless." he stated with a chuckle. "i wonder when Tony will realize i turned his underwear hot pink?"

Steve lifted an eyebrow at Tony. so far, only he seamed to have realized that Tony's incessant need to fuck women, was because he was subconsciously trying to convince himself that he wasn't gay. well Bi-Sexual, but still attracted to Men. "i can see that. she flirted with Tony to get Loki randy." Clint mused, Steve looking like he wanted to be sick, Bruce making fake retching noises. "what?" "you mentioned Loki being randy." "oh...oh ewe!!!" Clint groaned, clapping a hand to his mouth in horror at the mental images he'd given himself. "i'll give you a hand." Bruce promised Tony with a smile. "i'm sure we can find a way through that magic hiding he's doing." "Sir." Jarvis intoned. "there has been an incident with the Iron Man Suits. all of them have somehow, been turned pink."
" disturbs me somewhat, to consider your sex life. Truly."Sigyn teased blushing ever so slightly at his praise, "I think I should get a award or something that says that. Only woman to ever sleep with loki liesmith, I could even have Stark pay for it."she giggled before laughing at his reaction. "You know, that's not a guy's normal reaction to seeing a playboy bunny.Yea, pretty much. Between this and all the other modeling jobs, I'm fairly certain a good portion of the men-and women- have seen me naked."She teased rolling her eyes nodding before grinning wider. "I am brilliant."She giggled amused that he was so happy to be playing pranks. This was the trickster she remembered from her childhood. "... probably as soon as he realizes his suits are pink to."She yawned, turning out the light and snuggling into her husband. "get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow."She ordered.

"...Erk!Clint!It's bad enough LOKI mentioned his sex life, I dont want to hear you talking about it."Tony whined as he looked a little sick himself at clint's words before his head snapped up. "...LOKI!I'm going to kill him. Really. As soon as I find his house."Tony snarled having no doubt who was responsible for turning his suits pink.

And two days later Tony was still snarling angrily over the prank, because no matter what he did, the suits would NOT turn back to the gold and red, leaving the billionaire snarling over 'stupid tacky people who couldn't find a stupid target' and other snarle dwords over loki. But glancing up at natasha as she walked into the kitchen, looking bemused. As the assassin so rarely joined him and the guys for lunch, it was interesting. "...We've been invited to a house warming party, in spain."Natasha said holding up the brilliantly beautiful-see expensive- invitation that was handwritten but it was obviously written by a woman who'd grown up when writing was a artform, and the words were beautiful. "Tonight."She huffed, annoyed at the short notice, but no doubt they could make the party...and they would, cause who would pass up getting to see loki's house?

"Also....this came with it."natasha said blushing ever so slightly as she held out magazine.tony frowned a moment before taking it, starting to laugh when he saw what it was. And now he knew why he'd recognized sigyn,and even why this one magazine had just one model in it as he looked at the avengers edition of playboy. Snickering he past it over clint so the man could see. Shaking his head at the words written on the front. It seemed sigyn shared loki's sense of humor. everyone needs a little inspiration sometimes.'

Sigyn giggled happily as she walked through the sand, twisting to look up at loki as he stood on the deck. "Are you coming down here?I figured we'd explore before we had the guests show up."She said smiling at him, her blond hair held back from her face with a headband and clasp, wearing a sundress, for once not looking like a ancient, dragged down by a burden to heavy for her, but for once she appeared to be the girl who was in all those pictures. Sexy, free spirited, and most important, ready to have fun.
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