An unexpected twist in the shadows of the blue moon (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MPKDragon)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
It was 8 am when Krystal walked on the ship that would take her to her destiny. there were many familiar faces, one in particular she wished she had the courage to say hello to.
Yugi motou, the king of games. Seto had told her many things both good and bad about him, but something in her gut told her she was meant to meet him.

Her long blue double rabbit bun hair blew in the wind as she just looked off into the distance.
"Why am I feeling this way? That presence... No it couldn't be!"
That's when she saw it. Around Yugi's neck was the millennium puzzle. HIS item.
Krystal cried silent tears as pieces of her past life and love flashed before her eyes. his deep red orbs, the way he looked at her with such love. their son marik, still born, and atem death. Her tears got the the best of her, and before she knew it, a small concerned tri-colored haired boy stood before her.
Yugi looks up at her with a concerned look. "You okay miss?" He smiles up at her before he blanks out. 'It it cant be.' Yumi says within yugis head. 'Pharaoh are you okay?' Yugi responds. But yumi doesnt answer. Yugi snaps back to reality and runs the back of his head smiling. "Sorry about that."
Krystal looked at him, wiping her tears. "That's a powerful item you have there, a young and handsome pharaoh once owned that that item. I'm sure Atem is happy that it was you who solved it." She said sort of cryptically, smiling at him, seeing Atem's spirit lurking not to far behind the purple eyed boy. She wondered if he remembered her. After all, she had been married to him once, though it was many thousands of years ago. 5 to be exact. Krystal looked at Yami in the eyes and then smiled again, curtsying respectfully. "I thank you for your kindness. Perhaps you would join me in my room for tea? There is something I would like to discuss with that pharaoh." She asked again sort of cryptically to the slightly younger boy, getting up from her chair and walking towards her room, beckoning him to follow.
Yugi blinks a few times. "Uh okay then." He follows her to her room. "So you knew the pharaoh?" He askes looking down at the mellennium puzzle. "What was he like?" He looks back up at you with a courious look. "And how exactly do you know him?"
Krystal smiles at him, and pulls out a box from her suitcase, one that looks much like the one the puzzle was given to yugi in, the only difference being hers had a blue crescent encrusted into it. "Oh, I havent introduced myself yet have I? I'm Krystal Kobayashi, and yes, I knew him. I was once his wife. That was 5 millennia ago. I've been reborn many times searching for him, but I hadn't until now found him. That was part of the reason I was crying earlier. You have no idea how hard it is to live 5 thousand years without the one you love." The blue haired teen said with a smile, opening the top of the box and fishing until she found something. "You are a fan of Egyptology, yes? Well, how'd you like to see another item from that time. Pharaoh's crown. He dies before I could give it to him." She said, smiling again and motioning for him to sit next to her on the bed. She really wanted to talk to Atem, but she kept silent, knowing he would appear when he felt ready.
"H-his wife?!" Yugi blinks at you and his face turns red as he sits next to you. "That pharaohs crown huh? So how did e get traped in the puzzle krystal?" He looks at the crown then to the puzzle around his neck.
"A misguided thief named Bakura who was also in love with me trapped him in there. I assume the same happened to him. Though, the item he would be in was never really his. It was Mahado's." She said a little sadly, looking to yugi. She wondered if any of what she was saying was helping her Atem, she was tired of being alone. She hoped this time they could be together. She smiled. "My crown was slightly different, as I was princess of the blue moon. Atem and I fell in love the moment we met. You probably won't believe me when I tell you this, but there was once a kingdom on the moon. Scientists have never found it because the ruins are heavily protected by magic. I'll show them to you sometime." She said with a smirk, just watching Atem's spirit as she talked, adding. "Atem, come out and play please my spiky haired Egyptian god?"
Yugi raises a brow and gasps as the puzzle flashes ad realeses atem into yugi's body. He smiles and looks at krystal. "You called my dear he smiles and leans in to kiss her.
Krystal kisses him back, pulling him close to her and setting the box back on the bedside table. "Its been much to long my love, much to long. You've no idea how excruciating its been to live without you. If it weren't for your cousin seto keeping me company, I have no idea how I would have been able to live with these 5 millennia." She said to him with a sort of a sad smile, kissing him again and pawing at his shirt as she pushes him down on the bed, just like she did in silver millennium. "Oh rah knows I wanna have crazy wet and monogomas sex with you.... but can we? I mean... you're in someone else's body Atem" she added, her expression a little concerned
Yugi flips within atems head 'but im still a virgin and plus im not old enough pharaoh.' Atem smiles. 'Lucky you then hm yugi.' "I dont think yugi will mind my love it has been far to long and i do long for the feeling of your body." Yugi freaks 'i do so mind pharaoh! It my body and.....' Atem inturrupts. 'Yugi please let me have this moment with my wife.' Yugi sighs. 'I-i guess its okay.' Atem smiles and pulls krystal down to him kissing her passonatly as his hands travel down her back.
Krystal smirks at him and into the kiss. "He disagrees, doesn't he?" She says with a laugh, kissing him again passionately and Unbuttoning her dress, revealing her dark magician themed bra and panties. "Made these myself. Wonder if mahado appreciates the sentiment?" She said with a laugh, pulling off his jacket and then going for his shirt, getting it off easily. Krystal kissed from his lips down to his pants, pulling them off with her teeth, pawing at his boxers next, easily pulling them off, and taking his cock into her mouth to stiffen it. The sudden sexual contact reinstated their mind link. "How's this Atem?" She asked, as she sped up and ran her teeth gently down his shaft. "Oh and yugi, thanks for this. Remind me to give you a present later. You'll need it." She added, still sucking hard.
Yugi gasps 'm-mhmm.' Atem groans and smiles "I have forgot how good this felt my love." He leans his head back and places a hand on your head. "This is wonderful krystal. And thank you agian yugi."
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself my love. That's the idea." She told him telepathically, still going down on his cock. She was sort of curious if yugi could feel this too. She smirked into the head, going faster and faster. She could feel him hardening more, and it was making her so wet. "Oh fuck Atem, I'm so wet. I can't wit to get this cock inside me" she told him telepathically, running her fingers down his chest, and guiding his hands down to take her panties off.
Atem smiles and removes her panties giving her ass a slight slap and chuckle quiety as yugi continues to freak 'oh god oh god!' Yugi feelings of embarassment amuse atem. 'You should take notes yugi this may cone in handy in the future.' Atem laughs in his head. 'Sh-shut up pharaoh!' Yugi shouts. "Come here my love i have been waiting to do this with you for so long." Atem lifts her head and kisses her pulling her onto the bed with him.
Krystal kisses back, straddling him. "Yes my love, far to long." She said as she teased the tip of his cock with her wet entrance, begging to be fucked. She was with her one true love again. Her Atem. "Yugi, you don't have to watch." Krystal tells him with a smile, kissing Atem again. She couldn't believe she was in her Atem's arms after 5 thousand years. It was the best feeling in the world. "Atem, do you think we'll have forever this time?" She asked, still teasing his cock.
"I do not know my dear." Atem groans uder his breath. "But we should make it last." He grabs her hips and pulls her down pushing his cock inside her. A smile in his face one from the feelig of his brides flesh agianst him and two because yugi said 'it my body its not like i can leave or anything. Im stuck inside her th-that feels amazing.'
Krystal grinned at hearing him. "That is the idea, yugi." She told him, moaning as Atem put his cock inside her. She kissed and nipped at his neck. "Holy rah Atem! I'm so close already!" She moaned, kissing his lips hard as she ran her hands down his body. Krystal kept a stupid grin on her face, in complete euphoria and her pleasure only growing. She panted a little. "Oh Atem... I'm gonna cum." She whispered into his ear as she nibbled on it, unable to think of anything else but pleasuring her soulmate.
Atem hold on to her ass as she rides him whispering back "cum for me my love." Yugi gasp abd groans 'this feel amazing pharaoh she so tight i-i can feel it squeezing me' atem smiles and kisses her neck enjoying every second of this.
Krystal smiled and kissed him, and that was the very last straw. She came right there on the bed and on his cock. "Oh fuck, this feels good." She whispered, looking at Atem, smirking a little. She kissed him again, intruding yugi's mind. "Sounds like you're enjoying yourself, too, yugi." She smirked a little, niddling on Atem's neck, knowing how much that used to drive her love crazy.
Atem smiles and squeezes her ass beginni to thrust up into her. He nibbles and kisses her neck as he smiles and whispers. "Enjoying yourself my love?" Yugi feels embarassed and keeps quiet but krystal can still feel him enjoying the touch of her body.
"Oh yes Atem. So much. I love you." She said, claiming his lips again. She met his thrusts with thrusts of her own, kissing all down his neck and chest, knowing how much that drover him crazy. She smirked into, like giving yugi pleasure too. "Trust me yugi, you'll need the stress relief. Especially before pegasus. My father told me of his plan to take over Kaiba corp by beating you in a duel. I don't want to see that happen. Setty is my best friend." She told the younger boy telepathically.
Yugi remains quiet and lets out a soft groan. Atem takes a sharp breath and thrust even harder into krystal his groans getting louder and louder. "My love this is amazing you havent changed after all these years." He rolls her over onto her back and pins her down kissing her passonatly as he thrust into er deeper.
Krystal smiles and adjusts her position, resting her legs on his shoulders. The anger made her tighter, and the thrusts more intense. She smirked. "Oh Atem! Atem!" She screamed out, loud enough that the whole boat could probably hear her, but she didn't care. Having her Atem inside her was all she cared about, and as she thought about this being a frequent thing, she came right on his cock and balls again. "Oh Atem... I've missed you so much my spiky haired Egyptian god." She breathed out, still cumming vigorously.
He smiles and continues to thrust harder and harder into her. "Now that we are together agian my love we will neer part agian." Yugi gasp and mutters 'dont i get a say in this?' He groans lightly. Atem ignores him and fucks krystal furiously makig her tits bounce with the force of his thrusts.
Krystal smiles. "It will only be for a couple of years yugi. Then Atem will gain a body again. I've seen it."she tells him telepathically, pulling Atem down for a hot wet kiss before continuing to thrust with her lover, making sure he was in all the way. If she wasn't pregnant from her romp with seto, she'd be pregnant now for sure.
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