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My Beast (Misa x Traveler) - Closed

RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber had no clue what was happening as she was stunned by a bang. She let out a blood curling scream as she was pulled from the car and away from Derek. She couldn't see and fought as she was cuffed and pushed to the ground. Over everything she tried to listen for Derek. Tears burned their way down her cheeks. By the time her sight started to come back she was being lifted to her feet and carried to a copter. Her green eyes darted around until they landed on Derek. She could hear him screaming her name and as she went to answer him everything went dark.

She shook her head and opened her eyes slowly. She couldn't understand what the beeping was. As her eyes opened she came face to face with her Aunt. "Aunt sue?" Her voice was horsed she let her eyes move around the room as she tried to shake her confusion. Soon everything came rushing back. She heard her heart beat pick up by the beeps that rang in the room. "Derek?... where is he?" She all but yelled she fought to get up, needing to find Derek.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

When she tried to get up it was evident that she had been restrained to the bed. Her wrists were bound with velcro straps and her legs were as well.

"Shhh... darling. It's okay. The doctor said you'd be confused. He said that they found a large dosage of that date drug in you. What's it called? Anyway, you're safe now, darling. The FBI are here and they'll be around in a minute, but you're so lucky to be alive!" She dabbed a kerchief at the tears in her eyes. "Oh God! When we heard what had happened our entire world just froze. I'm so sorry, honey. I'm so sorry about the family."

A man in a dark blue suit came in and removed his sunglasses. He smiled at Amber. "It's good to see you awake," he said, sounding friendly. "Do you know what has happened to you? Do you know who you were with, Amber?"
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber couldn't help but wonder what her Aunt was talking about. Before she could ask her eyes snapped toward the man who questioned her. She gave him a confused look and looked back at her Aunt. "Derek... where is Derek... what have you done to him... I want to see him." She screamed she fought hard against the straps that held her to the bed. "Aunt Sue ... I want to see Derek.." Tears started to burn her eyes and let out a scream that turned into a sob. She couldn't understand what had happened. Why had they taken him away, the FBI had to know he had saved her. They had to know he had been keeping her safe. "Please..." She begged. Feeling like everything was falling apart. She felt as if she was once again in that van as the man pulled her brother from her arms before shooting him.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

"Honey, calm down!" Aunt Sue tried to console her as she seemed to fall apart.

"Miss... this Derek you were with mislead you." The FBI agent crossed his arms and looked at Amber. "He's been traveling across the country, meeting girls through the internet or in their towns, making up wild stories that make them think that there's some great adventure going on, and then killing their families so that he can 'rescue' them."

Sue looked like she believed every word he was saying. She nodded. "It's true, Amber. I saw the news reports and the police files."

"His method of operation is to take them across country while he abuses them, then right before they reach their destination he kills his victims and finds the next one. He's killed eight girls in the last two years. We just finally figured out what his pattern is." He shook his head and looked sympathetic. "I'm sorry, Miss. He deceived you and killed your family."
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber didn't stop fighting until the man spoke of Derek killing. She looked at him and back to her Aunt. She shook her head. "That's not true.." She said lightly. "It can't be true. I was there... He didn't kill my family.. He didn't" She said. She looked toward her Aunt sue, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "Please believe me... Aunt Sue he didn't abuse me. He saved me from being killed, and he took care of me... I love him." The last was whispered and she looked back toward the man. "I want to see him... I want him to tell me ... I want to see him ... please let me see him." She begged the man. All the while still pulling on the straps, even as she felt them cut into her skin. "DEREK!" She screamed his name. Her heart monitor was racing showing just how upset he was.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

A nurse rushed into the room and injected something into her IV bag to put her out. The FBI agent shook his head and looked at Sue. "It's part of the Stockholm syndrome, I'm afraid. She's in love with her captor."

"What can we do?" Aunt Sue looked at Amber as the drug began to take effect. "How can we convince her that he was dangerous? I don't want her to spend the rest of her life thinking that he was her savior." She sat down, her heart beating in terror and sadness for her niece.

The agent looked down at Amber and the nodded. "Don't worry... I know how we'll handle this." He had a meeting to go to, with Derek. The boy needed to understand what was at stake and to act accordingly.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber cried and called for Derek until the drug took effect. She was pulled into the land of sleep. In her dreams she was back in Derek's arms laying in the back seat of a car. When they woke there were no soldiers or FBI to rip them apart. The pair was still on the road to her Aunts. Even in her dream though she knew it was not how it was. She would only be able to dream of Derek.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

He railed against the bars of the cell, his fists bloodied from his attempts to break down the door. Finally they came for him, tranquilized him, and he found himself strapped down to a metal chair that was bolted to the ground.


The men who stood near him wore identical suits. Their sunglasses made them all look like drones, and outside the thin circle of light that shone down on Derek there was only darkness. One man stepped forward. "Number Four." He glanced at the tablet in his hand, scrolling through some files as he considered Derek. "You managed to escape the clinic and interfere with company plans, Number Four. You caused us a great deal of distress."

Derek simply glared at him as he tensed his arms and tested the bindings holding him to the chair.

"You interfered with our plans to eliminate Doctor McKay and his family. Amber's survival wasn't something that we calculated into the mix. Very interesting."

The fact that the man in black mentioned her told Derek that she was still alive. He stopped fighting the binds and started listening.

"We've come to see that you have a sort of... affection for her." The man turned off the tablet and lowered his arms. "We still have a use for you, Number Four. More so now that the other experiments have expired. But Ms Amber McKay isn't in those plans."

"Go fuck yourself."

The man chuckled. "Nice... you do exist in that skull somewhere. As inviting as that is, we have another offer. You need to convince Ms McKay to life her life and forget about you. You do that, and we leave her alone. Don't... and she has an accident on her way home to Aunt Sue's."

"How do I know that you'll keep your side of the bargain?"

"You don't. But you know that we'll kill her if you don't do what we say."

Derek lowered his gaze. It made sense; they had a bargaining chip with him by keeping her alive. They knew that he cared about her... that he'd do whatever it took to keep her safe. "I want to see her at least once a week."

"That's impossible."

"Video. A live feed. I want consistent proof she's alive and well taken care of."

The man considered it and nodded. "Done."
Amber's bed was raised and she was released from the straps, though the men who were watching over her had the look of mercenaries more than FBI agents. Her Aunt told her that they were going to let her talk to Derek but it had to be in a secure room because he was so dangerous.

Finally the man who spoke with her the previous day returned. "Ms McKay? We're ready for you. Are you sure you want to see him? He's dangerous and considered psychotic."

The room that they were going to be brought to was set up for violent mental patients. Derek was already there, dressed in an orange jumpsuit and basic slippers. His feet had been chained together and his hands were cuffed behind his back. A long chain ran from his wrists to the chain between his ankles. He was staring at the floor. Behind him stood two heavily armed policemen, and two more guarded the door.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber laid in the bed, hating everything and everyone. She glared at the man when he spoke of Derek as being 'dangerous' "Yes I want to see him." She snapped. She slipped from the bed and eyed the men, she didn't trust him. She followed him as he lead her to the room. When the door opened she slowly stepped inside, unsure. Her green eyes landed on Derek, and while he was locked up she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Happiness filled her eyes and she moved toward him. "Derek." she smiled at him. She moved carefully as she headed toward him. She didn't listen to the men around her as she came face to face with him. Tears burned her eyes as she looked up at him. "Derek.... are you ok? I been so worried about you." She reached out slightly, wishing she could hold him as she had been not to touch him. "I'm scared...." She whispered to him. Her eyes darting from one person to the next. "What are we going to do?"
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

The guards stepped closer, as if Amber might somehow release Number Four from his bindings. It broke Derek's heart to hear the fear in her voice, but he raised his gaze to hers and hoped that she could understand beyond his words what his heart wanted to say to her.

"We can't do anything, Amber." He swallowed. "You have to go. They've caught me; I have to serve out my sentence... but you have to go and stay with your aunt. Go to school... have a good life." He raised his eyes and looked at her with yearning. Then he leaned closer without moving his feet. He'd been instructed that if he moved his feet once while they were all in the room the deal was off; Amber would be killed and they'd still have him.

"Live a life for both of us, Amber. I can't come with you. My time is done." He pressed his lips together and tried to smile for her. "Don't waste the life you've been given."
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Confusion filled Amber's eyes as Derek started to talk. She shook her head slowly as a tear slipped free. "I don't want to go with out you... you promised to stay with me..." She swallowed hard and took another step closer to him. "They said you were dangerous and wanted to kill me.." Tears were sliding down her face, her cheeks red as she tried her hardest not to break down. "I don't understand Derek... I love you." Amber's bright green eyes locked with his. She was doing her best to understand. She knew the men had to be the ones who killed her family, from the hospital. Her heart felt like beat hurt, she knew her heart was breaking. Understanding crossed her eyes and she looked back at the man who walked her into the door. Licking her lips she looked back at Derek. She leaped forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips tight against his. There was no way for him to get free, she couldn't help and she knew she would never see him again. She wanted him, needed him to know that she loved him... truly loved him.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

"I am dangerous." He felt like he was twisting a dagger in her heart. What could he do, though? If he tried to keep her, to give her any hope for them, it would mean her life. He loved her too much... he had to push her away.

Amber's kiss and strong hug caught him by surprise. He kissed her back even as he felt the strong hands of their guards pulling them away from each other. In the middle of the kiss he whispered "love you" and then they were pulled apart. One of the men kicked the back of his knees and drove him to the ground even as another of them picked Amber up and bodily removed her from the room. Outside, Aunt Sue was speaking worriedly to the FBI agent, a man they now knew was named Mr. Miller.

Mr. Miller looked at Amber with compassion. "He's dangerous, Amber." He handed her a paper folder filled with cases. "These are the eight incidents we know about... keep the file. You barely escaped a bad situation."

Aunt Sue went to hug Amber. "Darling... I'm so sorry! It will be alright now. We'll get you home and put this all behind us!"

Grainy pictures of Derek entering homes, of him in the middle of slitting someone's throat, of him leaving a scene with dead bodies... reports of families killed and their teenaged daughter missing and of her body turning up, raped, cut apart, and tortured, only miles from other family members' homes. Some of the photos show time lapses that leave no doubt that Derek walked into places in broad daylight and assassinated what looked like normal people...
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

It felt like Derek was ripping her heart out and she shook her head. She didn't believe him, she knew deep down he wasn't dangerous. She needed to let him know she still loved him. Wrapping her arms around him tightly she pressed her lips to his. She smiled a bit, happy when he kissed her back. Her eyes jumped toward his when she heard his words. Being pulled apart she started to fight. "DEREK!" She screamed. Tears now freely rolling down her cheeks. She screamed again as the man kicked him and drove him to the ground.

There was no stopping the crying now. She felt like she had just lost her last tie to her life. She eyed the man and shook her head, not believing him when told Derek was dangerous. She eyed the file before taking it, though she didn't look at it. The truth was she only took the file in hoped there would be pictures of Derek, little did she know what she would find. She gave her Aunt a nod "Can we go home?" She asked in a shaky voice. She was unable to hide the heart break she felt.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

He watched her leave and when the door shut he knew that he'd only see her on the screen for now on. They'd feed him video of her living her life, and he would do anything they wanted. The men led him to the back of an armored truck and then chained him to a bar inside the vehicle. Mr. Miller came in and sat down opposite him.

"You did well, Number Four."


"What?" The man adjusted his glasses, mistaking the boy's words for something else.

"My name is Derek, not Number Four."

The man smiled. "Of course. That was something that Dr. McKay did, didn't he? He named all of you."

"And I don't want to be put on ice."

"This is not about what you want, Nu- Derek."

He looked up and studied the man. "I want to sleep like a normal person. Finish school. Know what it feels like for time to pass by. Those other kids... Doc McKay said that he thought the suspension was killing them. They all died from it. I don't want to be put on ice. Please."

The man nodded. "We can negotiate." He looked out the window as the truck began to move. They had lots of time to negotiate, and once Derek got older he was bound to reconsider. No one wanted to get old.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber cried the the whole way back to her Aunt's house. She couldn't believe she had lost another person, and with out Derek everything came back. She curled into herself as she sat in the back seat. She didn't feel safe, and felt more alone then she ever had. She looked out the window and wondered if Derek would be okay, if they were going to kill him. Slipping down, she laid on the back seat sleeping the rest of the way to her Aunts house.

Hugging the file to her chest she, she followed her Aunt to her room. She didn't want to talk, yet her Aunt seemed to be rambling on about nothing. She didn't listen, simply sat on her bed. She couldn't help but to wonder what would of happened had she agreed to stay in a motel, would they of found them. She felt numb in her own body. She didn't know how she would go on with her life, but she knew she had to. She do would do what Derek asked, live her life for both of them.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Ten years. It had been ten years since that kiss, but he could still feel it on his lips.

Derek watched her in the screen. She had grown up into a lovely lady, and for all account it seemed like she had normalized and gone on, living a good life for the both of them. He watched as the sun fell across her face and the wind moved her hair. She smiled at the person she was walking with and then she passed out of the camera's viewfinder.

He touched two fingers to her image on the screen and then turned it off. He missed her.

The years had been difficult for him. There were so many sleepless nights when he dreamed he was with her... only to wake up alone. Days when he stalked a target and took a stranger's life because he was ordered to do so. He hated it, but everything he did was payment to ensure that his love was untouched. As long as she stayed safe and happy, he would do as he was told.

Currently he was being sent across town to middle class America, some rancher there was facing off with the BLM... some senator wanted the land for his China-fueled wind projects... and Derek was ordered to eliminate the threat. He would have thought that the senator was the threat, not the rancher, but his bosses had other plans. He thought of Amber and then got in the car and headed west.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Ten years had passed since the kiss she had given Derek to remind him of her love. The love she had for him hadn't faded one bit. It took two years for her to open that file and what she had seen made her sick. However it didn't change her thought on the boy she loved. She had cut his photo from the picture in the file, burning the rest. While she had gone on her with her life, she never forgot him and always thought of him. She had had a few boyfriends, though she never given herself to anyone since Derek. She had promised him she was his and she had meant it.

Amber laughed at her friends comment and rolled her eyes. It was a warm sunny day and she happy to be out of the house. They entered the shop and started to look for dresses. She had finished school, gone onto college and was now a vet. She lived at home alone with her black and white cat Two. Looking at the dress and smiled as she thought about if Derek would like it. Everything she had done always had Derek at the back of her mind.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

"So you're going to kill me?"

Derek looked at the rancher. The man was stoic and he didn't seem afraid as he looked down the barrel. "That's my job."

"And... why are you supposed to kill me?"

"I don't know." Derek squinted at him. "It's just my job."

"That sounds stupid." He put a toothpick between his teeth. "Sounds like you're some kind of mindless federal agent, blindly following the next Hitler."

Derek lowered his gun. He actually liked the guy. Something about him appealed to him, and he wasn't ready to pull the trigger. Yet.

"Come on, son. Come have some coffee with me. Let's talk. You can always kill me later."

Strangely enough, Derek found that idea agreeable. He followed the rancher into his home, and over coffee and apple pie, came up with a new way to look at the world. To look at things. Life was never going to be the same again... and he was going to do what it took to get back his freedom.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

It took hours to found the right dress, but she had found the one that would be perfect for the evening out with friends. Standing in front of her mirror she took in the way she looked. As she looked at herself she couldn't help but picture the handsome man Derek would of grown into next to her. The thought brought tears to her eyes and she moved to do her hair and make up. The night was meant to be simple, to go out with friends and have a good time. Maybe dance with a few guys.
Sitting at the table with her friends she found Derek on her mind more then normal. He had become a passing thought in everything she had done, but now he seemed to be taking over her mind. She couldn't help but feel sad at the solo thought of him. She did her best to put on a happy face for her friends, went out and danced a little before heading home at a late hour.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

The rancher had a way of making sense that Derek had never encountered before. And, strangely, Derek found himself telling the man things that he had never shared with anyone else. It seemed like the man understood; he had that look in his eyes of a man who had made tough decisions but had always stayed within certain ethical boundaries that he wasn't willing to cross.

They came up with a plan that benefited them both. The rancher had seen the BLM do some shady things, but he didn't have any of it on video, and Derek needed to be 'dead' as far as the company was concerned. Their plan allowed them both to get what they needed. When the six o'clock news broke that night the story was that 'rogue' BLM agent attempted to bomb the rancher's cattle to force his hand, but something went wrong and one of the agents was caught in the explosion. Bits and pieces of beef and human flesh rained the ground for a half mile radius, and the rancher had his video of Federal corruption... and the company saw video of Derek in a BLM uniform and the explosion that killed him. That tape was shown on all the networks and the world saw, without a doubt, that the person could not have escaped.

And he almost didn't. He spent a night hiding out at the ranch as the rancher's wife helped to patch him up. A piece of shrapnel had traveled in an unpredictable direction, nearly severing Derek's artery. But a few days passed, the feds backed off once there was enough public outcry over their meddling, and a truck came to deliver hay and pick up a package... and the rancher knew that a bounty had been placed on his head by one over-zealous senator. Knowledge was half the battle.

So it came that Derek, now hiding from the company and much wiser about tracking methods, was watching Amber when she left the club to head home. He wanted to approach her, to say something... but he knew that the company might be watching her if they suspected that Derek was still alive. He couldn't put her in danger.

He lurked in the shadows and shielded her from harm... always scanning the way she was going, watching out for the random idiot who might harm her, and keeping one ear to the ground in case the company got too close.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber didn't know what had brought the thought of Derek to the for front of her mind. Thinking of him made her feel the pain of losing him all over. She had come to grips with losing her family, having faced their graves. Derek was someone she had never gotten over.

Thankfully the walk home was uneventful, she only wished she could say the same about her home. As she opened the door to her small one bedroom home she came faced to face with a masked man. There was glass leading to the kitchen and she was sure he had broken into the window. He looked at her and dropped the bag he had in his hands. She watched her items fall from the back before she looked up, he was moving toward her. Fear hit heart and she turned to run, though thanks to the short dress and heels she wasn't very face.

She felt as his hands gripped hold of her hair, her hands reaching to grip his arms. She creamed she dug her nails into his skin. His words washed away by her scream. She kicked and faught against his tight hold, though she was no match for him. She was thrown to the ground, and bounced like a ball. She looked up at the man as he stalked toward her. Crawling backwards she begged the man. "Please... don't... take whatever you want ... just don't hurt me." The man let out a sick laugh as he told her was going to take what he wanted from her. She let out another scream as the tears started to burn her eyes. Her heart was racing and she wished that Derek was there once again to save her. The man grabbed her ankle and pulled her back to him. "Please.... Derek" She cried, she could the mans hands moving along her legs and ripping at her dress.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Once Amber had reached her house Derek turned to disappear into the shadows again, but the sound of scuffling drew his attention. He saw with horror that Amber had surprised a burglar. The man grabbed her and threw her into the house, slamming the door behind them. It sounded like a death sentence.

Derek leaped off the roof and landed on the balcony of an adjacent apartment. This part of town was an odd mix of apartments and small cottages, easily within walking distance of anything you could want. And, of course, the police were only a half hour away. They were bound to arrive in time to identify the dead bodies. If, that is, anyone bothered to call them.

He reached the door in time to yank it open and see a masked man ripping the tiny dress off of Amber as she screamed... for Derek. Had she known? He didn't have time for those worries though; the masked man was intent on ripping off her panties and didn't seem to notice that the door had opened. Derek used that opportunity to kick him across his jaw, breaking his bones and sending him sprawling.

The man spun around and came to rest on the ground, but his assailant didn't pause to see if he'd continue his attack. Instead, it looked like some random man in a dark leather jacket had burst in and was on a vendetta against the burglar. He jumped over Amber's body and landed on the back of the man's neck with his knee. The audible snap of his neck breaking was deafening. The man jerked once and then was still.

Amber's rescuer turned to look at her, his eyes blazing yellow for a moment and his face almost inhuman. Then his gaze cleared and he was recognizable as a man. His green eyes met Amber's, and for a moment time stood still.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber was fighting as hard as she could against the bigger man, but it looked like she would never get free. She let out another scream as the man was knocked from her. She crawl backwards until she hit the wall with her back. She pulled her knees to her chest as she tried her best to stop the crying. Her green orbs locked on the men before her and she jumped at the sickening snap she heard. Soon only one man was moving, only one was alive.

A cry ripped from her throat as he turned to look at her. "Please don't hurt me" She stuttered out. Looking toward his face her eyes locked on his. The eyes that hunted her dreams looked right back at her. Her heart stopped beating for a moment before taking off at neck breaking speed. She kept her legs to her chest as she tried to cover herself. She shook her head, letting her golden hair fall over her shoulders. "D-Der-Derek?" She couldn't believe it was him, it couldn't be him. She had told herself years ago he was dead, that death is the only reason he hadn't returned to her in ten years. She swallowed hard and felt sick, he had once again saved her. Her hands shook as she let her eyes dart around the room. While Derek was the only man to see her nude in ten years she wasn't so sure she was ready for that. Hell her mind could be playing tricks on her. "Please...." She had flash backs to that moment in the car she said the very same thing to him, begging for help.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

He wanted to hold her, to tell her that it would be alright, and that he would never leave her again, but he knew that the longer he was near her the greater the danger she would be in. He swallowed the lump in his throat and then picked up the corpse, setting it on his shoulder and then standing up.

Derek had to leave. He had to minimize the chances that the company would find him here and use her as leverage again, so he shook his head as he looked at her, put his index finger to his lips, and then slipped out of her house. He took the body so that she wouldn't have to explain how he had died. Hopefully the police would believe that the intruder was scared off and not ask too many questions, but he knew that no one was to be trusted. Anyone could be an agent of the company.

Less than an hour later the intruder's body was slipped into the river, large concrete blocks tied to his bound body. Normally Derek went in, made the hit, and left. This was the first time that he had to deal with the aftermath of his crime and it didn't sit well with him, but when he got into the Rage it was difficult to do more than to take the attack all the way to completion.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber sat there just looking at him for a moment. It wasn't until he moved toward the door that she spoke. "Your leaving me again... please... Derek.." However it didn't stop him, he was gone. She looked around her home and stood slowly. She didn't trust the police, hadn't since they taken Derek away. She picked up the ripped up dress. Making sure the front door was locked and headed into her bathroom.

After a nice hot shower and crying her eyes out she slipped into her bed. Her home was a mess, but she didn't have it in her to clean it. She couldn't help but wonder how long Derek had been following her and if she would get to see him again. All the lights in her bedroom were on and she didn't do much but sit there. She needed to think, but she couldn't not knowing Derek was around and had saved her from being raped and maybe even killed.
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