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My Beast (Misa x Traveler) - Closed

RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

As her lips trailed down to his neck, something that he didn't know he loved until she did it, he could feel his manhood hardening between them, yearning for her touch. Derek groaned and opened his neck to her, his hands moving to her ass and pulling her closer. "Oh... Amber... God! How did I ever exist without you?" His voice was low and gravely... full of lust and passion for the young woman standing with him in the bathroom.

He felt her hand brushing his hard shaft and it sent a shiver through his body. Derek let out a soft gasp, and then picked her up, encouraging her to wrap her legs around his hips as he stepped into the hot stream of the shower. He wanted her again, and again, and again... for the moment, nothing else mattered but being with her.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber let her lips work over Derek's neck, taking his groan as a sound of approval. She moaned as he gripped her ass and pulled her closer. She smiled at his words and whispered against his skin. "We don't exist without each other." It was how she truly felt. Something deep inside her told her they were meant for each other and nothing would be the same if they were apart. Her hand brushed against his harden member, though before she could do much else he had lifted her into his arm. She let out a giggle as her legs wrapped around his hips and her arms wrapped lightly around his neck. Her green eyes long on his face as he stepped into the water. She could feel the water washing over her body and between them. Her fingers toyed with the hair on the back of his neck. Simply being wrapped up in his hold was enough to set her heart racing. Her hips worked against him, moaning slightly at the feeling. Leaning forward she let her lips brush over his neck again as her chest pressed tight against his.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

He put her against he wall, the water showering them both with hot streams of moisture as Derek's mouth found hers and began to kiss her deeply. His hands held her up as he pressed against her and his shaft slid between her legs, nuzzling at her core for her entry. He felt his heart swelling with agreement when she said that they didn't exist without each other.

"I love you, Amber," he whispered to her as he pressed into her, feeling her body envelope his in it's silky smoothness. "I'll always love you. Always." He felt her breasts against his chest, and beyond that her heartbeat. It was strong and steady... a good heartbeat. He longed to feel her heart beat in sync with his, and one day... to feel the tiny rapid beat of a new life inside of her. The realization that the felt so strongly for her... that he wanted to be with her and to have a life with her... made every sensory organ in his body sharpen in acuity.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber felt the wall behind her back the moment his mouth found hers. She let his kiss take over her body as she simply enjoyed being with him. His harden member pressed against her core, pulling a lust filled moan from her lips. She spoke the one thing she knew to be fully true, they didn't exist without each other. She couldn't ever remember speaking something so true in her whole life. She smiled and moaned lightly as he spoke words of love before entering her.
"I love you too, Derek." Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck holding her chest tight against his. She giggled a little as she looked at him with big green orbs full of love. "Only you, Derek, your my only." She whispered against his lips. Using the wall she worked herself against him. Wanting to make him feel as she felt when she was wrapped up in him like this. There was no way to explain how deeply her soul meant with his.
Amber knew that she would have no other life, then one with Derek. They would find a safe place, live together happily. They would marry and have children. She didn't care what had happened to him in the hospital, or who he truly was. She knew who he was to her, her life line and hero. The only man she would ever be able to care for. Her lips moved back along his jaw, stopping as she reached his ear. "Promise you'll stay with me ..." She moaned softly.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

"I'll stay with you," Derek gasped, his body already seeking release as he thrust into her. He tried to hold back, remembering somehow that women needed more time, but he was so ready...! He kissed her mouth, letting his tongue trail along her lips and across her teeth as his hands pulled her tighter against himself. His hips hit hers with a wet smack as she thrust himself all the way in, groaning in delighted pleasure at the way she felt as her tight body wrapped around his shaft and pulled at his velvety flesh.

"I never want to leave you." He felt her breasts against his chest and he pulled away from the wall, his arms supporting her as they moved together in the hot shower. He felt like it was just the two of them in the world, that no one else existed or mattered. Derek kissed her and felt his body exploding inside of her, his youthfulness again over-riding his ability to wait very long before his orgasm forced its way out. He groaned, trembling at the thrill of the way it felt to have her riding him and at the joy of being with her. Despite the reason that they were brought together, he felt like he was experiencing life for the first time ever.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber moaned happy he would stay with her. She worked her hips against him. Kissing him as deeply as her tongue moved to rub against him. Her hands wrapped around his strong shoulders, one of her hand resting on the back of his head. With each thrust of his hips against hers she moaned. Before she knew it he had stepped away from the wall, her legs tightened around his hips, pulling her closer. The feeling of them becoming one was more then she had ever thought she could feel. Feeling him explode inside her, her lips moved from his to kiss along his jaw. She moved her hips harder against his, moaning each time their body meant with a wet smack. Her lips found the hallow of his neck where kissed and licked at his sweet skin. Her hand pulled him closer to her as her walls tightened around him. Her own orgasm making her body lock and she was unable to stop as she bit at his neck. She moaned as her teeth pressed into his skin.

Only as her body relaxed did she pulled her mouth away from his neck. She looked at the angry red mark, licking and kissing it in hopes of easing the pain. "I'm sorry, I hadn't meant to bite you so." She said hoping he wasn't made. Her body was still wrapped tight around his, and she was taken by how strong he was. She placed and gentle loving kiss to his lips and pulled away with a smile. She legs slowly unwrapped from his hips and she slid from his body, moaning as he was pulled free. She looked up at him and blushed slightly as she kept her hold on him, her legs a little unstable. Her body relaxed under the hot water as she stood against him. "I love you Derek." She placed a kiss on his chest and blushed as her stomach growled. She let out a giggle and sent him a shy smile. "I guess we should finish our shower, and get a move on." She said lightly.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Pain. Pleasure. They intermixed and served to intensify his excitement as she bit him. His head seemed to spin, and as he came down from the high he felt like he had just dodged a bullet. Literally. His eyes had started to switch to gold, but he was able to shut his lids and let his eyes go back to their normal color before looking at Amber.

"I love you too," he said, holding her upright. "But you're absolutely right; we'd better go soon...and get something to eat before you decide that I taste good and eat me up." Though, truthfully, the thought of her 'eating him up' was appealing in its own way, he knew that they were still in danger, and time was of the essence. He washed her body with his hands, smoothing the lather over her skin and encouraging her to do the same. He liked the way she felt under his hands, and he knew that his firm, well-formed body wasn't anything to be embarrassed over.

Once they were done, he took his time 'helping' her dry off, though it was just another excuse to touch her. "You should call your aunt... use the the motel phone though. If we can get to her house then maybe she'll help us figure out what to do next. There's nothing better than family, right?" He smiled at her, drinking in the beauty of the moment. He knew that they were still in danger, but he hoped that there might be a chance for a normal life once they crossed the border and got into Canada. Maybe they could put all of this together. "And... do you think we can find a place that would serve pie for breakfast? I have a craving for apple pie. Or cherry. Any kind, actually." He smiled crookedly. "And maybe another cheeseburger."
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber couldn't help but wonder if she had hurt him. She looked up at his face and smiled when he returned her words. She let out a giggle at his teasing and could help but nip at the skin of his chest. She moaned softly when he started to wash her, happy to return the favor. She loved the way his strong body felt under her fingers. Once done she was happy to let him dry her. She liked the way he touched her, took care of her as he did so. She gave a nod when he spoke of calling her aunt.

She looked at him, smiling as he watched her. She couldn't help but feel he saw her as the center of her world. She wanted to make him happy, wanted to do what she had to, to be with him. She couldn't help but let out another giggle at his question. Standing on her toes she placed a gentle kiss on his lips. "I'm sure we can, if not I'll make you a pie myself." She gave him another kiss before going back into their room. Being with him she found it easy not to think of all that had happened, and the danger they were in. She pulled some clean clothes from her bag and moved to hand him some jeans and a tee shirt. "It should fit you.... they... " Her voice broke and she need a deep breath before speaking again. "They were my dads."
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

"Dang, you can bake pies? Then I definitely love you," he teased. When he saw the clothes, though, he became solemn. "Are you sure?" He took the clothes and thanked her for thinking of that. He hadn't had 'new' things since he left the hospital, and that had been a while.

Derek pulled on the pants and they were a bit lose, but he thought that if he had an inside-the-waistband holster then it would have fit well. Especially if he wore extra magazines on the opposite side. But he didn't know why he would think such things, and he definitely didn't know why he knew anything at all about guns. He didn't use guns, did he? He was just a kid! He pulled on the tee shirt and then they checked to make sure that they had all their things.

He waited for her to check on her aunt while he looked in the mirror and ran a hand over his skin. He was just now starting to get scruffy; a blessing of being so young, he supposed. He tried not to eavesdrop on Amber's conversation, though he was sure that she wouldn't mind if he listened in. They were in this together, after all. His life was hers... and he supposed she felt the same way as well.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber laughed and nodded at his teasing. "I can.. I'll bake you pies anytime you wish." She said lightly. She handed over some clothes for him and gave another nod. "I'm sure..." She wished they had stopped somewhere, they could of gotten him his own clothes. She didn't want him to feel bad, or odd where her fathers clothes.

Getting dressed she moved over to the phone and waited for her aunt to answer. "Aunt Sue... this is Amber.... Yes I know... I'm okay.... No ... I'm with a friend..." Her eyes darted to Derek, taking him in for a moment. "He saved me ... yes ... I was hoping we could come there ..... Okay ... are you sure ... can I have the address." She wrote down what she was told and tried to think of where it was to where they were. "It should take about a week an half.... No .... We are driving... Yes ...Okay ... Love you too."

She hung up and turned back to Derek, she held out the paper with the address on it. "It might take up to a week." She said lightly. She laced her hand with his free one. "You ready to go eat?" She asked lightly. She tugged him toward the door, making their way to the front office they returned their room key. Amber stood close to Derek, not liking the way the dirty old man looked at her. Once they were done she was quick to pull him from the office. She didn't dare look back and didn't move from Derek's side until they reached the car.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Derek was close to breaking the man's neck, but a trail of dead bodies wouldn't serve any good. Besides, he was quiet certain that there was no law against being a douche bag. He followed Amber out of the motel office and soon they were on the road to her aunt's house. A week or so sounded good; it was enough time that they could make a plan together, and hopefully they would have plenty of money to make the drive. It was a long distance to the border, and more so because her Aunt Sue wasn't on the same side of the continent as they were. Still... he couldn't help but have a sense of foreboding.

It turned out that his feeling was for a good reason. The men with Aunt Sue nodded when they got a trace to the motel that the 'runaways' were at. Aunt Sue had been told that the boy that Amber was with had murdered her parents without her knowledge, and was now kidnapping her. They said that he had done this before, and that his victims had always been murdered less than ten miles from their destination; that this was his M.O. in serial killing... and Aunt Sue was willing to do whatever she needed to do to help the nice FBI men save her niece. She had seen the pictures of her murdered sister and her family... it was horrid.

She had been encouraged to sound happy and welcoming on the phone, to 'play along' and not alert Amber about the polices' involvement. The FBI promised her that they would track down Amber and her future murderer and save the girl. The kids didn't have a chance.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber sat happily next to Derek as they started the long drive. While she could sense his unease, she wasn't worried. Something inside her told her she would never have to worry with Derek by her side. She hadn't seen her Aunt Sue in many years, but she knew the woman had sent money and gifts to them each year. They talked on the phone from time to time, but it cost a good bit to do so. She moved closer to Derek and let her head rest on his shoulder. Smiling up at him. "Its ok, you will keep us safe." She told him before placing a kiss on his cheek. As they drove she spoke, telling him more about herself. Her favorite color (Purple), favorite movie (Nightmare before christmas), and other such things. She was trying her best to keep him relaxed.

The hours passed and they stopped for food and gas. She didn't like the way girls looked at Derek, feeling jealous. Though she wasn't so sure what they were. They were having sex, and she knew that she wanted nothing more then to spend her life with his. That first night she knew her life had become his, and she was hoping he felt the same. It was getting dark when she once more wiggled herself closer to him. Her reached up and she rubbed her hand against his jaw, enjoying the scruff. "Do you think we will find some where to stop and eat soon?"
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

He discovered that McDonalds made one heck of an apple pie thingy... and then that several other fast food joints did too. It was pie heaven for him. They talked about several things, but he discovered that he didn't have a favorite color or favorite movie. In fact, other than 'Grease', he didn't know any other movies. He was determined to see her favorite, though, and to learn more about her by doing so. He enjoyed some of the music that they got on the radio but most of it was crap, though he didn't say as much to her when she liked some of the songs that came on and made him cringe.

By the time evening had come by, Derek was almost in a state of meditation as he drove. Amber's sweet voice broke him out of it, though. "Oh yeah.... food is good. Sleep too I guess, huh?" He smiled at her as they neared a small town. "How about here?" Thankfully, there was a Motel 8 there and a few fast food joints, as well as a truck stop. "Do you think we should stop for the night yet? I'm okay stopping later and grabbing a few hours' sleep on the road, if we need to save money."
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber found it cute how Derek tried the pie at each fast food place they stop. It was starting to get dark when she pulled him from his thoughts. She shot him a heart warming smile as they pulled into a small town. She looked at him a moment and found she liked the idea of sleeping on the side of the road. She thought it be fun if they drove into the night pulled over and curled up on the bad seat. "I like the idea of sleeping on the side of the road. Curled up in the back seat..." Her tone was teasing, though she meant it. "We can do whatever you think is best."

She waited for him to park the car at the place he wished to eat. She slipped from the bar and was happy to be able to walk. She didn't mind the ride, but sometimes her legs got shift. She worked them a bit as she headed toward the door, she needed to the rest room. While there she fixed herself up before going to look for Derek. There was a few people in the fast food place and her Green orbs passed over each of them. She played with a bit of her blonde hair as she waited for Derek. There was a group of teenagers sitting in the corner, a older man with what looked like his grand kids and a few others here and there.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Micky Dee's.. he didn't know why, but those dang apple pie bars were addictive. He slid out the car and then walked with her to the restaurant, liking the idea of them cuddled in the back seat. He'd never had a girl in the back seat before, but this car wasn't as roomy as the ones from his youth was either. He figured that they'd have to just 'sleep' tonight, lest they wind up hurting themselves.

The restaurant seemed unusually full, but he scanned the room and then went to wash up before they got something to eat. He supposed he was just being paranoid. They couldn't all be after them... sometimes people went out to eat with their families, right? And sometimes they drove cross-country... just because there were people there didn't mean that anyone was after them.

At least, that was what Derek tried to convince himself. He waited for Amber to get out of the bathroom as he eyed several bikers get off their hogs and come into the restaurant. Some of the other patrons seemed a bit concerned as well, but the new customers seemed like they were simply checking out the menu. Derek figured he was being paranoid. McD's had great pie; why wouldn't everyone want to eat there?
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber looked around and spotted Derek, she made her way toward him. Lacing her hand into his as she reached him. She smiled up at him and looked toward menu. She took in the bikers, and moved closer to Derek without thinking about it. "Are you going to get something other then an apple pie?" She asked teasingly. She smirked up at him and made up her mind on what she wanted to eat. She stood back with Derek until it was there time to order. She watched the bikers for a moment before she walked up to order. She placed her order and once Derek did too she paid.
She moved toward a table and took a seat. She handed out their food and looked up at him. "Do you think they are still looking for me?" She asked lightly. Looking to him for a moment through her eye lashes. She took a bite her McChicken, listening to his answer.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

He had an appetite, so aside from the two apple pies he ordered a bacon cheesburger and large fries, and to top it off, a huge Pepsi. His entire lunch was probably 1500 calories, but he was certain that he would burn it off. It was this damned metabolism of his; he was always hungry, and it all seemed to go straight to muscle.

Derek had just taken a huge bite when she asked her question, and he chewed heartily and then swallowed before answering. "Most definitely they are. It's just a matter of whether we can outrun them or not." He glanced at the bikers as he dipped a fingerfull of fries into the ketchup. "But... for the most part I think we can lay low. It's not like they have any way of tracking us or anything. That would be pretty high tech," he said, completely oblivious to the technology used by cell phones. "Plus, we got goodness on our side. We're doing what is right, right? The good guys always win."

He grinned at her, openly and innocently, as if all was right in the world. "You and me, Amber. We're going to come out okay."
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber questioned him about the men after her. She listened to him and reached into her pocket, pulling out her cell phone. She didn't say anything to him simply looked back at him. She smiled and gave him a nod "We are doing what is right." She agreed with him. She took in his grin, and couldn't help but think of how innocent he was. Again she nodded "I know .... we will make it to my aunts and get to be happy and relaxed." She ate her food and stood to throw away her trash. When she dumped her trashed she slipped her cell phone into the bin. She walked back over to join him, sitting back to let him finish his food. She could do little more then smile as she watched him, taken by how much he ate. Her foot rested beside his leg on the seat.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

He finished up his dinner, oblivious to the fact that she had thrown away her phone, and then he ran his hand over her leg. It was as if he hadn't eaten in forever; his body ached for 'real' food. He hadn't, really; he had been hooked up to feeders as he was suspended in time; the very bounty of flavors available to him was almost intoxicating.

"I used to help my dad with the cars at his shop," he said, frowning at the sudden memory. "Maybe I can get a job near your aunt's at a mechanic's shop? I don't know what the rules are over the border about how old you have to be to be on your own, but I'm seventeen, you're sixteen... that's gotta be close to old enough to start thinking about moving into a place of our own. If she can help us then we can set up a place for ourselves. He smiled at her. "Finish school? Then what? Happily ever after?"

He smiled at his own little joke and cleared the table. The drive out of that area was quiet, and soon he was able to find a quiet side road off the highway where they could pull off and climb into the back seat. They were lucky that it was spring; the weather wasn't too severe and they could open the windows a crack and be quite comfortable back there. Derek had found a small picnic blanket in the trunk of their stolen car and he used that to wrap them up with in the back seat.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber smiled happy as he ran his hand over her leg. She found a never ending comfort when ever they touched. She took in his frown and once again she wanted to help him remember, wanted to help him find his family. She gave him a nod and couldn't help but laugh lightly. "Yes.... finish school, get our own place ... and happily ever after." She agreed and before long they were on the road. The drive was quiet and soon Derek pulled over. Moving to the back she cuddled up to him. Her arms wrapped around him and she enjoyed his warmth. She couldn't help but be taken by just how warm he was. She looked up at him with her big green eyes and spoke softly. "Derek.... if ... if you want I'll help you look for your family. I'm sure they are worried about you." She didn't want to lose him, but she knew if he wanted to find and be with his family she would help him. Her hands slipped passed the hem of his shirt to run lightly against his skin. Her body fully relaxing against his as she moved her skin against his.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

He was sheltering her against he back seat, his body keeping hers warm and pinned in place like a cocoon. "I don't think that there's any family left to find, honestly." He smiled at her in the darkness and kissed her forehead. He felt her hand slide under his shirt, over his firm torso, and it made him shudder in unanticipated arousal.

Derek felt how small she was; how vulnerable, and he loved every inch of her. "Besides, you're my family now. Right? That's how it's gonna be." He lowered his face to hers and kissed her, thinking about how wonderful the last few days had been despite their circumstances. He sighed. "I don't think there are many things left from my old life anyway. Anyone who knew me has probably thought that I'd been dead for years. Decades, maybe." He was finally voicing his fears to her. "They wouldn't know me or have any need for me to be around."
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Wrapped between him and the back seat she could feel just how small she was to him. He had to be a good foot and half taller then her and with his strong body he truly was a cocoon to her. She looked up at him and smiled when he kissed her forehead. Her hand slid under his shirt, over his skin in the need for the comfort he gave her. Her smile grew at his and she was happy to kiss him back. "I am your family" She agreed. She listened closely as he talked and she felt her heart race with the sadness she felt for him. She cuddled closer to him, letting her leg slipped between his. "I have a need you, I want you around." She said lightly. Her forehead rested slightly on his chest as she took in a deep breath of the smell she knew as his. "I would miss you if you were gone." She added gently.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

He chuckled softly. "I'd miss me too," he said, teasing. He kissed her again and cuddled her closer, then sighed and closed his eyes. He felt like they had forever ahead of them. There was no reason to rush things; no reason to think that this might be their last night together. Though, if he would have thought of it, he might have known that this wasn't going to last.

That night he slept well with her, his heart beating next to hers. As they slept, though, trained soldiers quietly surrounded their car in the early morning hours. By the time they knew that they had been caught it would be too late.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

Amber let out a small laugh and shook her head at his teasing. She kissed him back before cuddling close to him. Her eyes closed and she drifted into a sweet relaxing sleep. It was wonderful to be in his arm, to have his heart beating so close to hers and to know he was there to protect her. She slept with out a care in the world, not once thinking they were being surrounded. In her slip she twisted in his arms, pressing her back to his chest. Her hands serched for his, lacing their fingers together as she slept happily in his arms.
RE: My Beast (Misa x Traveler)

The sound of morning birds hadn't even happened. Suddenly the air grew cooler as the doors were opened. A flashbang grenade was tossed in the front seat and the door shut again, and then a huge blast that stunned them both and blinded them sent their senses reeling. The doors were opened again and strong hands yanked them out of the car, hard, cruel hands ripped them apart before they even had a chance to know what was happening.

Someone shot Derek with a taser and he cried out as they subdued him. Another person grabbed Amber and cuffed her, throwing her on her stomach on the grass by the car. People were shouting; armed men in SWAT uniforms ran around, securing the area, and a helicopter circled overhead. Someone yanked Amber to her feet and two men half-carried her to the copter. She could get a glimpse of a net being thrown over Derek, of another person shooting him with a stun gun again, and of his voice as he called out her name.

Then someone stuck a needle in her neck and everything went dark again.

"Amber? Amber honey?" The soft beep - beep of a hospital monitor cut through her consciousness. Aunt Sue hovered nearby, her face a mask of concern and fear for her niece. "We're here with you, darling. Don't worry. You're safe now."
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