Stars and Ice(lady/moon)

Nov 30, 2010
“You will see her condemned, my son. I will not have that sorceress alive, even in niflihiem, now that her father has shown his true colors.” Thor’s ears still rang with the fury and absolute hatred that had spilled from his father’s voice as he condemned his graddaughter, even hours after they’d been said. Swallowing hard as he ran a hand through his blond hair he paused outside of the mansion of nifliehiem, the castle Hela had created as a child condemned to the wasteland of the dead souls, and even if it was a cold place, it reflected the astrosphere of the realm around it, but she had tried to make a home out of her prison. Swallowing hard as he stepped inside, he was one of the few people who Odin allowed to visit with Hela, and even one of the fewer that Hela allowed to visit without restriction. As far as he knew he was the only person that had a open invitation to call on what the asgardian’s called ‘the queen of the dead’.

Swallowing hard he braced himself as he glanced at his watch, knowing he had only one chance, and one chance only, to save her, before Odin realized his eldest son had no intention of condemning his niece for Loki’s sins.


Tony frowned as he leaned back in his desk chair, “Do you have any idea why the big guy wanted to talk?”The billionaire asked glancing up at Cap and Bruce as they walked into the room, wondering why Thor was coming all the way to earth with no warning, or no world threatening thing happening. While tony knew he visited a lot, as he was still seeing jane, he usually didn’t request to see all the avengers, including Clint and Natasha, who’d returned from a mission early to be here. Natasha shook her head as she sat down in one of the chairs, “No. Fury just asked us to return to New York to see him.”Natasha said worried something had happened with loki, which was the only thing that she could think of that Thor would need to see them all about on such a short notice.

“I needed to speak to you all.”Thor said as he walked in, looking haggard and worried all at once. For once, not looking as at ease and comfortable as the man usually was. Something had definitely struck a blow to the thunder god’s usual good emotional wellbeing. “I have a favor to ask.”
it had only been a month since the attack and things where progressing well. Bruce had vanished for a week, off the face of the planet. not even Fury coud find him this time. and then, suddenly, he showed up at Tony's door, looking better than he'd ever looked in his entire life, asking if the invitation to stay was still valid. having nowhere else to go, Steve had ended up staying with Tony as well. they beat on each other about once a week in the ring, Tony never won, but then, Steve was a superhuman. Clint and Natasha had decided against living with Tony, they had told no one where they where living, though Fury knew, apparently, since he seamed to know how to get a-hold of them. Bruce turned out to be an amazing 'homemaker' and had taken up the oddest habits, which usually consisted of following Steve or Tony around the 'house' picking up after them, and needlepoint. when he wasn't picking up, cleaning, or cooking he was often found in one of the labs, working on a cross stitch pattern as he worked, via voice, with the computer system he was working with to discover some various breakthrough of some otherwise unbelievable scientific discovery. Steve personally thought the 'green guy' was insane.

Clint was talking to Bruce as they waited, Brice already working on a new needlepoint craft and Pepper and the Captain was squabbling over cups of Coffee that they had gone out to fetch for the meeting. along with a massive box of variety flavored Poptarts and a massive box of Doughnuts. the Cap and Pepper had to go, because only they could remember who liked what kind of coffee and doughnut. they started handing everything out, watching the others as they chattered. "a favor?" Steve finally asked, watching Thor intently, wary of some sort of... disturbing revelation. "what kind of Favor?" Clint finally asked. "because i don't care how much you love us Thor, i am not having you're firstborn." Bruce snorted at that and hid his face with the wooden hoop and cloth he was working with.
Thor stared at the assassin, “How did you know?You’re just so beautiful, Clint, that I want to make you my queen.”Thor said rolling his eyes a little as Tony snickered. “No. A favor. That none of you are going to like but…”Thor looked frustrated, “I couldn’t let father kill her simply for being herself.”Thor swallowed hard glad Hela wasn’t in the room to hear why she’d been brought here, because it was hard for him, not wanting to admit that hela was loki’s daughter before they had a chance to meet her. Because he was afraid they’d turn her away, and if she couldn’t stay here, where the people who’d defeated Loki were, he wasn’t sure if there was a place safe enough to hide Hela away. Anywhere else, he knew Odin would get to her. Here, he trusted his teammates and friends to help him protect the young girl who’d never had a chance. “Hold on..”Stepping towards the door he opened it and walked out again. “…He’s being weirder then normal.”Tony stated frowning as he considered who in the world Thor would go through so much trouble to protect. Already sensing that this girl meant something to him.

“Hela.Come.”Thor said looking over his shoulder as he walked back in, ignoring the quiet protests of the girl trailing in his wake. “But, uncle…I should be at home.”Hela said sounding anxious, because Thor hadn’t told her why he was taking her out of nifliehiem, only that she had to leave. He hadn’t wanted to upset her by telling her that odin wanted her dead, because he knew that despite the cruelties that odin had heaped on her, Hela loved her grandfather, and it would destroy the girl to know he wanted her dead. “It’s okay hela.”Thor muttered before turning to look at his teammates. “This is Hela. She needs a place to stay.” “I have a place to stay!”Hela growled, sounding even more anxious, sensing something was terribly wrong. “No, not anymore you don't hela, I'm sorry. Nifliehiem is no longer safe. You’re going to stay here, hopefully.”
Clint laughed at Thor's comment, pleased that the ancient warrior had relaxed enough to make such Jokes. "hey wait a minute!" Clint complained, realizing he'd just been insulted by the implication that he would have been the woman... Granted... it was Thor so... anyway "...i have a bad feeling about this." Bruce muttered, setting his hoop down and fixing Thor with his full attention, something he rarely did. even when they where saving the world, Bruce hadn't really focused on any of them, he was too internalized, coming 'out' so to speak, only for his research and fascinating technology. most genius's where highly antisocial. "Odin want's this person dead?" Clint asked, surprised as Steve scowled, getting the bigger picture. "Odin wants this innocent girl out of the way." he corrected Clint, who made a sour face.

"Hela? i am not reassured..." Bruce muttered softly, Clint and Steve both sniggering at him. they all fell silent at the voice of the girl, timid, frightened, unsure... Steve felt his inner 'good guy' welling up at the sound of a woman being distraught and stood as soon as she entered the room and pulled her chair out for her, glaring at the men, and women, who where snickering at him. "Nifel what?" Clint asked, lifting an eyebrow at the unfamiliar name. he knew of Asgaurd, and of Vanheim. Thor spoke often of them, but he had never heard of this niffle place. "of course she can stay here." Steve stated, shooting Tony a look, 'That' Look. the look that said 'say anything and i'll REALLY give you a pounding'. "here, have some water and try to calm down." Steve murmured softly to Hela. "
"I do to."tony said frowning a little agreeing with bruce that something wasn't right with this.who was this girl odin hated,and thor loved enough to ask for help hiding her?"no.odin wants her dead to punish her father."thor said looking pained as he walked out. Wanting them to meet her before they realized who's daughter she had to be. Because while his father wanted to kill hela to punish loki because the jotun loged his daughter, thor also knew that the prison loki was in, was only secure as long as loki wasn't willing to seriously injure and likely kill himself escaoing. thor knew if hela died, loki would have nothing to restrain him from paying the price to escape.he had to save her.not only because he loved her, but because loki did.

"Niflehiem. The realm of the dead. Hela was put there because..."thor trailed off after a moment struggling for the words. "You can say it uncle. Because odin wanted to punish loki for my birth. I've had time to accept that they hate me."hela said though the words were said matter of factly there was true pain under thrm. Compared to thor and loki, she was still a child, and she struggled to accept that she was hated for something beyonf her control. Not realizint no one knew she was loki's faughter."thank you."she offered a small anxious smile to steve as she sat down in a chair natasha had pulled over for her,sipping the glass of water.
Bruce glanced at Tony, one of the only people who could actively draw Bruce out of himself, and then focused back on Thor. "she's an innocent, right? why would Odin kill her!? it's..." Steve looked horrified by the idea of killing an innocent person. especially a woman, just to make someone else suffer. they all froze as they realized who Hela was, Loki's daughter. Loki had a daughter. that MONSTER had a daughter! but she was so sweet, and shy, and frightened. how could this be Loki's daughter!? then Steve seamed to come to a conclusion. "how old where you, when you where... placed in Niflehiem?" Steve asked, silently mortified. he had an even worse feeling that this girl, this woman, had never even been in contact with Loki, save for maybe the first year or two of her life. he offered another stern glare at Tony, daring the Iron Man to deny her. Clint would go and get an apartment and offer her sanctuary if he had to. "it is wrong for them to hate a child." Bruce stated suddenly. "particularily for uncontrollable events, such as your parenthood." he had picked up his needlepoint again. "she's staying." Bruce stated simply. besides Pepper, Bruce was probobly the only person Tony would listen to. "we have plenty of room."
Thor winced a little as she saw the looks on their faces. Even he, who knew Loki the best, had trouble at times reconciling the loving- if absent- father he had been to hela, and the monster that had nearly destroyed New York. Watching Hela’s face as she thought, he realized she had no idea how long she’d been on her own, and he knew he was going to hurt her heart by answering. “A few weeks. Odin…took her from Loki as a infant.”Thor said his own voice laced with anger, before sighing. “I raised her until she was old enough to take care of herself, but she’s never left niflehiem until now.”Thor said his expression pained, because he had hated that he hadn’t tried to get her out before now. But he had known it would do no good, that she had to stay, to be safe. Well, niflehiem was no longer safe for her. Glancing at Steve’s face he tilted his head slightly. “He writes to her, sometimes, I think.” “Yes. Father has always been a writer, even though I have not heard from him for a year. I was worried until Thor told me he was back in asgard.”Hela supplied, and though she was queen of the dead, the loving daughter hadn’t made the connection between what had sent so many new Yorkers to her, and the father she loved. And it was equally obvious thor hadn’t filled her in, because he didn’t want to be the one who shattered her view of her father, because thor knew their awkward, nearly non existent relationship would never be the same again.

Tony raised a eyebrow smiling slightly.”Why is everyone glaring at me?Of course she can stay.”he said rocking his chair back and forth a little as he looked at the girl who looked so frightened and overwhelmed. Feeling a bond with her, not because he related well to people, but he knew what it was like to be the child of a killer, even if she didn’t know that was what loki was, he did, and he felt for her. While howard stark wasn’t the psychopath loki was, stark industries had killed just as many people with their weapons. Starting a little as thor leaned over, kissing Hela’s forehead. “I have to return to Asgard for a few hours. I will be back.” “What?But..I…what?”Hela looked up at her uncle looking anxious before swallowing. “Oaky…”She sighed looking around the table. Thor trusted them, so she guessed that she could trust them
Clint felt sick. Loki had not simply turned into a monster. having you're baby taken away for apparently no reason could make anyone bitter and hateful. "i'm sorry Thor." Steve muttered, setting a hand on the man's bulky arm. Thor was a very good man, his principles and morality where even cleaner than Steve's was. he knew it must have hurt Thor deeply to have condemned his own innocent niece, as a helpless BABY, to such a fate. "Loki writes to her?" Bruce asked, looking startled. that did not fit the image of a monster, and he was starting to feel even worse, like something really, really bad was going to happen. there was a heartbeat of a silence and then. "i'm sure he'll write again soon, he's probobly been held to a higher standard and hasn't had the chance." Steve decided. "i don't know much about Thor's brother, but he sounds like a decent enough fellow." he ignored the way everyone was gaping at him. he, the most pious of the Avengers, the guy who got annoyed when Clint started cursing too much, was point blank LYING!

"good!" Pepper stated, clapping her hands together suddenly as she stood up. "Thor, don't forget your poptarts, we got them just for you, you know." she ordered, settling the box into his hands. "Hela? come with me, we'll get you settled into a comfortable room, any particular desires? we have hundreds of rooms on various levels i'm sure we can find something here that will help you settle in. we'll have to get you some more clothes. Natasha seams to be about you're size. you can borrow some of her things until we can get you to a clothing store." she decided, taking charge of the timid child. "now then, i'm Pepper, that's Clint, Steve, Bruce, Tony, and Natasha. if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to come tell one of us. and don't worry, Thor will be back soon enough i'm sure." Pepper promised, patting the girls hand. "now, are you hungry, before we set off to find you a room?"
“Thanks.”Thor muttered looking down at steve, tilting his head slightly. Because he knew just how deeply her absence had hurt Loki, before nodding. “he does. Or did.”He muttered to bruce, because he was so not looking forward to Hela realizing that he’d not told her everything he knew. He just knew the temper tantrum that was going to follow was going to make Loki’s look like child’s play. Eyes widening as all three, Natasha, thor and tony stared at steve before coughing a little to hide their reactions to Steve rogers, captain America, actually lying. And knowing he was doing it. It was one thing to lie without realizing it, to lie to hela for her sake…well. He was doing it, because hela needed it. And he realized that was why Steve had done it. Because hela needed something stable, and loki, despite his absence, had been stable for her. “I will make sure he writes soon, Hela.”Thor reassured the girl as she looked up at him anxiously. “…Pop..tarts?”Hela said after a moment looking at the box in her uncle’s hands, looking thoughtful. “They are the food of the gods, hela. Very good.”Thor nodded smiling, “Go on. I’ll be back soon.”He promised. Hela looked around at them all, though she did move a little closer to steve, which tony found amusing. Even timid asgardians found Cap reassuring. “And if the tower doesn’t have it, Hela, just ask and I’ll see that you can get it.”Tony promised watching the girl relaxing, despite thor’s leaving. Looking up at Pepper Hela bit her lip, before nodding a little. “Uncle came and got me before I ate breakfast. I would like something to eat.”She decided feeling overwhelmed, and struggling to find something normal in this weird world.

Thor stepped through the quiet halls of the asgardian prison, pausing before he knew Loki could see him. Watching his brother pace his cage, because despite the magic instead of glass, he knew it was a cage, a specific cage built just for Loki. Years in the making. He wondered if Loki had always known Odin had this pretty, pretty cage for him. Watching him for a moment he stepped into view, moving to lean against the pillar of stone at the edge of the cell, knowing loki was aware of his presence, even if he wasn’t acknowledging him. " never did figure out that there was always a cost for your actions. It was just never you who bore the cost.”Thor said watching him, wondering if the man had already come to the conclusion, or if it was going to be a nasty surprise. But despite what Loki had done, and not even thor could forgive him for what he’d done to new York, the loving father deserved to know that his daughter was gone, safe from a grandfather who had always used her as a weapon and would be as equally quick to discard her when she was no longer useful.
Bruce nodded a little, considering that for a moment, sensing something deeper, something troubling. something that was hidden, possibly even from Thor. something was wrong. Hela was what, twenty, at least? Loki had not done anything wrong until two years ago, so why take away Hela? Steve went slightly red under the gaping stares. he had lied, and he felt bad about it, but it had been the right thing to do, so he could get over it. "yes, Poptarts." Clint admitted suddenly, pulling out a Smores style Poptart from his pocket and handed it to her, the glinting metal packaging. "rip open the shiny case and the food is inside." Bruce explained simply as he resumed his needlework, pulling the embroidery floss through the fabric with the patience of a man who had been doing such a thing for years... it was rather creepy. "you keep Poptarts on you?" Steve asked, looking baffled as he studied Clint, looking baffled. "only when Thor's expected. i have to hide my stash or he eats it all, and the only place i've found that he doesn't find is myself." Clint complained, pouting a little as the others laughed at him as Pepper started cooking breakfast for everyone. Tony couldn't be trusted with the food. he could barely make a sandwich.

Loki paced back and forth, back and forth, with the energy of a Caged Tiger desperate to have freedom once more. "it is you, who never 'figured out', Thor." Loki finally spoke, baring his teeth at his brother. his hair unwashed, his skin pale and greasy, his body thinner than it ever had been. Loki looked half dead, and more than a little mad. "or did it never occure to you, that My behavior was the cost of Actions? did it never occur to you that i was nothing more than a whipping boy? oh but you don't even know what that is, the illiterate buffoon that you are. stupid, filthy neanderthal that could never look beyond yourself to see the pain and agony you always cause opthers." Loki sniffed and spun away from Thor to continue pacing. "did you know this Cage was built five years ago? when i was hardly even thinking of the sweet revenge i would have against you all. this cage was being built, for me, before i had even considered ever doing anything 'wrong'. "he's killed them hasn't he?" Loki finally asked, his voice breathless, soft, broken. "he's killed my children. my Fenrir. my Jourgmunder... my beautiful Hela... i never even got to hold her... did you know? i never got to hols any of my children..." he whirled again, focusing intently on Thor, enraged again. "YOU TOOK THEM FROM ME AND NOW YOU ASK ME WHY I WANT YOU DEAD!?" it was clear, in an instant, that Loki truly was mad... he wasn't even aware that it was Thor he was yelling at. Loki was simply yelling, because that was all he could do, was yell.
Hela startled a little at clint’s sudden admittance, loking at the metal packaging, already raising it to her mouth to eat before stopping. Flushing a little as she realized that she had to unwrap it. Carefully tearing it open she studied the pasty, nibbling on a corner.Eyes widening as she started eating it all, barely pausing to breath as she wolfed it down. “It looks like your going to have to find somewhere else to stash them.”Tony snickered amused as Hela looked at clint expectantly, as if waiting for him to produce more amazing food for her to eat. “I wonder if it’s a asgardian thing?I mean, thor’s obsessed with them to.”Natasha snickered as she helped Pepper cook, already making tony sit down and not touch anything, because left to his own devices, the man really would try to cook despite sucking royally at it.

Thor sighed softly, “I know what it is. And no, it didn’t. I was loved, I assumed father loved you to.”Thor said sadly, because it had been centuries, as painful as it was to admit, before he realized that Odin treated them differently, not as much in public different, always careful to treat loki well when thor was around, so thor wouldn’t realize just how much of a outcast loki was in their family. Watching loki pace he studied the wall, “Not until I brought you back from Midgard. Until then I never knew Father had this cage.”He sighed before moving closer, moving close enough that the guards outside the doors wouldn’t hear. While he knew his father knew, that he would suspect, he wasn’t going to hand him the information easily. “Fenrir is in jotunhiem with your people, he said to tell you he’s enjoying the cold.I got him away…I am sorry Loki…I was to late to save Jourgmunder. I did not know father was going to kill them, he had already sent Tyr and Vahir to kill jourgmunder before he asked me to kill hela...”He shuddered swallowing hard, pain flickering over his face, watching loki rage before grabbing his attention, because while he knew Loki loved his sons, Hela was the precious girl, the only one who’d been whisked away within minutes of her birth, he didn’t even know if loki knew what she looked like. He’d at least gotten to see the boys for a hour or two, and even then Thor hated himself for not standing up, to stop Odin from destroying loki like this.”I took Hela to midgard. She is alive, and is safe. And expecting a letter.”Thor said glancing towards the guards before holding out a pen and paper, and while he wasn’t good at magic, he could manipulate the ward just enough to allow the paper and pen pass through to the madman.
Clint snorted at the look he was getting from Hela and reached into his pocket, pulling out a Snickers candy bad and handed it to her. "unwrap it first." he ordered simply without even looking to glare at the snickering Steve and Bruce. "i am going to have to find a better hiding place. it's bad enough Natasha keeps trying to get me to go Vegan.... i mean REALLY! i'm a man! i like meat! bloody meat, preferably grilled with a little bit of seasoning on it. and pork, i really like pork, especially bacon. how could she ask me to give up bacon!?" he demanded, mortified, glaring at the snickering men again. Clint didn't even look over at Hela as she finished her Candybar, though as soon as she was done, he handed her another. this one a reeses peanut butter cup. where he was keeping all that candy, and Junk food, as he pulled out a small bag of potato chips, popped it open and enjoyed them for himself, was a mystery. "i think it's just because Asgaurdian food is so simple." Bruce commented suddenly. "they don't have a lot of 'junk' food. it's mostly meat, vegetables, and fruits. not a lot of bread or sweets." he pointed out, rolling his eyes as Clint handed Hela a bag of chips.

Loki stared at Thor for a long moment and then resumed his relentless pacing. "no, he never loved me. he only took me in because he had to. your grandfather demanded it. i was Odin's punishment, for Odin betraying your Grandfather." Loki sneered. "anytime Odin was furious, it was my flesh that bore that rage." he muttered. "and now he would ask loyalty of me. the fool. he is naught but a monster, who makes monsters..." Loki mumbled, seemingly unaware that he was actually talking to someone. "i knew he had this cage. he showed it to me. made me watch it's progress. made me test it, again and again until we both knew i could never escape it." he muttered. "he made me build my own prison... at least he didn't make me dig my own grave..." he froze with the news that Fenrir was alive. his beautiful little Werewolf was alive... but his Naga, his poor little Naga child... dead. "Hela?" Loki asked, his eyes brimming with tears that could not be shed. "my beautiful little baby..." he whispered, taking the paper and pen, staring at them before he moved over to the table and settled down, and began to write, looking, for once, almost sane. for the first time since Loki had started his mad quest against Odin and Thor. Loki wrote for ten long minutes, ignoring anything and everyone that passed before he finally capped the pen, folded the letter same as he always did, and passed it, and the pen back to Thor, before resuming his pacing. back and forth, back and forth. he seamed less agitated now though, knowing that Hela and Fenrir where alright. his beautiful Naga was dead, but he still had two babies, and he could stay in a cage for them. to protect them... he would be punished any way that Odin pleased, so long as there was even hope that his babies where still alive.
Hela studied the candy bar in her hand, frowning at the gooey chocolate as it melted onto her fingers before looking up at Clint, tilting her head. “….No wonder you are friends with uncle. He hunts. A lot. Guntersnipe mostly. Cooks it to sometimes. Guntersnipe bacon is good.”Hela mused as she nibbled on the candy bar watching the snickering men in slight confusion, trying to understand the humor. Though throughout the whole thing she was focused on the man who kept giving her things. “That makes sense. Clint stop it, your going to ruin her breakfast.”Tony scolded lightly, looking amused at the two. “I eat a lot. More then normal people. Magic burns up to much energy to not do so.”Hela chirped as she munched on the chips. “…I want to get her drunk, just to see what happens.”Tony said looking at the woman, while he guessed she was older then she looked, probably at least 30, she acted younger. Which was easily explained as asgardians lived longer. “I do not get drunk. I can outdrink Thor.”Hela said proudly, looking pleased at the thought,having drank thor under the table the last time they’d had dinner together. “That’s unfair.”Tony pouted a little at the idea of not getting a beautiful woman drunk.

Thor winced looking away from the other man, feeling like a fool for not realizing what had been happening. Swallowing hard as he struggled to find the words to speak, looking at the cage. “I am sorry…that I didn’t know. That I didn’t realize until it was to late.”He whispered watching his brother, studying him before nodding a little. “She’s alive. And safe. I promise.”Thor muttered watching him take the paper and pen, looking bemused that loki was acting sane. Taking the pen and letter he watched loki for a moment, tilting his head. “I am returning to midgard…I’m returning to take care of Hela. But mother has promised to send for me if you should want to speak, or need anything. I will bring news to.”He said watching him for a moment before leaving. Pleased that he had indeed gotten Loki to write, at least he could give hela something, though it made him nervous to not know what was in it, as he had no idea how to tell her what the city outside stark tower looked like, or that it had been loki’s doing.

Hela perked up as thor walked back into the room, smiling around a forkful of eggs before swallowing. “Thor!You must try these. They are amazing. Pepper promised to show me how to cook to. As long as I did not allow tony to help me. She seems to think he will burn something down.” “I would not. I can cook.”Tony grumbled as he ate, though he was reading the morning paper to, to see if there were any pressing concerns to be taken care of. “Do not let him cook, no matter what he says. He is horrible.”Thor reassured his niece, before holding out loki’s letter. “I saw your father while I was away, and he asked me to give this to you.”He said, wincing a little as her eyes teared up, because the woman was so very pleased to hear from a man who she had been afraid was dead when she didn’t hear from him. Totally ignoring all the avengers in favor of reading her letter, smiling happily, before looking up at thor. “He is doing better?” Thor swallowed hard, wishing he knew what his brother said was wrong before nodding. “yes, he is. Resting, reading. Doing everything he normally does, and sulks the whole time at not being able to exercise.”Thor said smiling a little, unlike steve, it was easy for him to lie, because after so many years watching loki do it, it was natural.
Loki gave no indication that he had heard Thor. simply pacing back and forth, but as Thor moved almost out of hearing range, he could hear Loki singing an old lullaby that he had sung to all of his babies. even though he hadn't been allowed to touch them, he had sung to them in the hopes that someday, when he finally got to see them, they would know him. it was Loki's hope, and a sign that he was at least trying to cling to the last shreds of his sanity.

Clint just grinned a little as he munched on his Cheetos. "i love to hunt." he admitted. "but Natasha get's annoyed when i drop the temp in the apartment to just above freezing and drain a deer in the tub." he admitted with a shrug. "you didn't..." Bruce complained, looking mortified and Clint nodded, all too proudly. "i did!" "Clint, where are you KEEPING all of that food?" Steve suddenly demanded. "i'm certain your breaking some sort of math law... or was it physics?" Steve asked, looking a bit baffled and Clint blinked at Steve. "i have pockets inside my jacket." he explained. "i always have food, and weapons on me in case of battle." he admitted with a shrug as he took a big bite out of a Cream Cheese Danish, the crinkle wrap sticking to his fingers. "i do beleive a drunk, capable of magic, is a very bad thing." Bruce pointed out, looking highly amused. "not as amusing as poking a highly dangerous man with an electrical prod." Steve pointed out. "oh wait." he stated, giving Tony an exaggerated look. "you DO think that's fun." Bruce laughed at that, well aware that Steve was never going to let Tony live that down. honestly, Bruce sometimes wondered what Tony would have done if he HAD changed into the hulk right then and there.

"he can't cook." Clint, Bruce, and Steve all chorused in response to Tony's annoyed complaints. "even Thor can cook better than Tony can." Steve whispered to Hela with an impish grin, well aware that everyone had heard him. Steve glanced at the page and was stunned to realize he couldn't understand a single speck of it. it was written in what looked like runes. Viking Script, or rather, the script that the Vikings picked up from the Gods. "Loki exercises?" Clint asked, looking startled. yes, however amazing the idea was. Loki ran, every day, often for hours. which was probobly why he was pacing so much. Loki was very much like a Wild Cat. he did not 'break', ever. instead he went mad and attacked everything and everyone, even those trying to help him. Odin had caged Loki since the brat was a baby, and Loki had lashed out, trying to find freedom. but the little freedom he'd had, had been false... but Hela didn't need to know how close to 'breaking' Loki was. after all a Wild Cat did not break the same way a wild horse did. a broken Wild cat, simply died.
Hela’s eyes widened at that, staring at the man. “…why would you not have a place to drain the animal? Do you not have a kitchen?You should get a kitchen.”hela said, nodding to herself. Because a kitchen to her, was probably as big as the apartment, and contained everything you could ever need. “Physics. And he’ll run out of food soon, if he keeps giving it away.”Natasha side rolling her eyes a little in remembrance of coming home and finding her bath tub filled with blood. “And he gets annoyed when he breaks the chips because they were in his pocket.”Natasha teased her lover. “No it wouldn’t. It would just give pepper a reason to redecorate.”Tony mused, refusing to admit it was probably a bad idea, but then again, most of his adult life had consisted of bad ideas. “I do not. I was just testing to make sure it was safe to work around him.”Tony protested looking annoyed at the teasing. “..You tortured people?”Hela’s eyes went wide, looking anxious as she ate, wondering if she indeed was safe here. Looking relieved when her uncle came back. At least she could trust him to protect her. Looking at Steve her eyes went comically wide at the idea of thor, who’d almost burned her house down when she was a child trying to make food for her, being better then anyone. “Nooo.” “He is. We assure you.”Natasha snickered a little. “He does. He enjoys running, and scolds me a lot because I refuse to run further then I have to. There’s a reason I prefer magic to fight. Not horribly good at the exercising thing.”Hela said making a face. But with the people she was staying with, she had a feeling that she would be exercising, they just seemed to be a fit bunch of people. But while she was as lean and lithe as loki was, tall and slender, there was a softness to her, because she had been caged in niflehiem, a realm she ruled and controlled totally, she had never had to worry about anyone attacking her. Here….well, she would be getting lessons, no matter what she thought, Natasha decided as she looked at the woman.
Clint chuckled. "we live in a very tiny home." he explained, shaking his head. "and there's no drain in our kitchen. Natasha squeals like a girl though." he admitted, well aware that she was going to whoop his ass at some point in the near future as he pulled out another package of poptarts and munched on those, offering Hela one of the thin little disks. blueberry this time. "i'm particular." he stated with a shrug, biting into another chip before scowling down as he realized all the rest where broken. he handed the bag to Hela and tucked into his omelet that Pepper was nice enough to make him. "i'll just grab some more before we head out." Clint stated with a shrug. "Torture? good lord no!" Bruce stated, looking stunned. "no, Tony was just being an ass and poked me with a zapper that's all." Bruce reassured her. "he does that sometimes, but he won't bother you, he doesn't pick on women. something about his Ego being unable to handle women beating him up." Clint quipped, Steve snickering a little.

"well..." Clint muttered, looking rather surprised at the idea of Loki being the epitome of health. granted, with all that pacing, and gettign only one meal a day, that 'health' wouldn't last long. "you do realize you're on Midgaurd now, right? being in shape is probobly going to be a good idea here." Steve warned the girl. "we'll have to teach you how to defend yourself. magic is nice, but it can't help you all the time." he warned. "we'll get you enjoying exercise in no time." Clint promised with a grin. "it's great! i love to exercise." "sex doesn't count as exercise." Bruce quipped and Steve jerked, mortified. "you have been spending WAY too much time with Tony!" he accused, pointing at Bruce who shrugged. "he understands the smart people talk that tends to fall out of my mouth." Bruce stated simply as he examined his cross stitching, head cocked to the side before he nodded and moved to a new color. "Bruce... what you're doing there... it's kind of creepy. you know that right?" "he's kind of creepy." Steve muttered under his breath.
“Oh.Do you not have magic, to make it bigger? I have a small cottage to, but the inside is as big as I want it.”Hela frowned in confusion looking at the man and yelping a little as Natasha smacked him in the arm.”I did not!Clint, behave or I wont buy you more crips.”The assassin growled looking amused as Hela got the chips. Hela meanwhile was watching Bruce with wide, wary eyes. Even if she was innocent, and quiet, someone had taught her caution to, and even if she trusted her uncle, until she knew more, she was being cautious, looking at Tony. “Women wouldn’t beat me up, they like me. But they’re right, hela, I wont bother you. I only do it to Bruce.”Tony reassured as he ate his breakfast. “O-okay.”

“Why?I mean, magic works here. Obviously thor’s hammer still works, as I can see the magic that binds it to him.”Hela frowned looking at them. “They’re right Hela. The people here, have many different weapons to make up for their lack of magic. You should train.”Thor said offering her a small smile as she looked at him anxiously. He knew he was dumping a lot on her, and that she didn’t do well with change, but they needed to do this, to let her settle into a life here. Studying the others as they talked, hela pushed her plate away, no longer hungry. “Sex is to exercise. You sweat and feel better at the end. Isn’t that the point of exercising?”Hela quipped, showing that even if she was innocent in that she didn’t know a lot about the world, she wasn’t…innocent. She would do well with theem, as soon as she could settle her nerves enough to do so. Though the smile that curled her lips as she looked at the mortified look on steve’s face, it was a look at what loki could have been, given the chance to be as innocent and happy as his daughter. Hela swallowed hard giggling a little as the guys teased bruce, before shuddering looking around the room. “…shall we see the rest of the house?”She said trying to calm her nerves like thor had taughter her, not even really aware of creating the illusion between her and the others, laid overtop her own body, to make it appear like she really was calm, instead of on the verge of a panic attack.
they blinked at her and then Clint shook his head. "nope, it's just a tiny little place. there's two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen area that's mixed with the living room." he admitted with a shrug. "it's low cost living basically." he admitted with a smirk as he glanced at Natasha as she smacked him. "you have to hit me harder than that if you want to turn me on love." he teased with a grin, Steve making a small grimacing motion as he made fake gagging noises that made Bruce start to snicker. "you have to buy me crisps anyway, it's in the contract." he pointed out.

"Magic, cannot save you from bullets miss... what is your last name?" "Lokidottir." Bruce supplied and Clint lifted an eyebrow. "...her name is Hela Loki's Daughter?... i am so sorry for you." "Thor is Odinson. it is the way of their people to be named after the fathers. those who are named after their mothers are considered... lesser, as they where born out of wedlock or worse, they don't know who their father is at all. it indicates that their mothers where whores or unfaithful." Bruce commented simply, who had, with Thor's help, studied a great deal about the Asgaurdian people, culture, and existence. "...that's pleasant." Pepper muttered, making a face. "humans did the same thing, barely a hundred years ago." he pointed out before he paused. "or was it five hundred? either way we did much the similar. women never amounted to much until they where needed for the war. and then all of a sudden women had a voice and they liked it." Bruce stated with a smile. they all stared at Hela, shocked before bursting into laughter at her cute little remark. "hey..." Steve muttered, her magic hid her appearance, but it could not hide the sound of her racing heart from the super soldier. "it's going to be alright." he promised softly, offering her a smile. "Thor is a good man, very honorable. he wouldn't have brought you here if we where bad people, right? we'll protect you, it's what we do." he promised her, giving her his patent 'i'm a good guy' smile. "come on, i'll give you the grand tour. and show you where all our rooms are as well, so you know where to go if you need anything."
“Oh.”Hela frowned a little thoughtfully, wondering why in the world anyone would stay in a house that didn’t have everything they needed, but to polite to ask. Not when she didn’t know anything about them, or if they’d think she was being rude about asking. “Later, barton. I still owe you for using that stupid bow to hit me in the ass.”Natasha sulked a little because she was going to kill tony- when he was least expecting it- for getting those suction cup arrows and making sure they would stick to clothes when Clint shot her with them. “…you have a contract?How does that work?I mean, I’m the billionaire business man , if anyone’s love life should come with a contract, mine should.”Tony smirked as he finished his food swinging to look at pepper. “would you be willing to lay down the rules for our sex life, in writing, on what is or isn’t to be expected?”He questioned his girlfriend, only doing it now to make Steve make those amusing gagging noises, and make hela laugh as she listened to steve gag.

“Yes it is.”Hela looked down, staring down at her father’s letter, absently playing with the corner. Because it was a rare day that she actually felt like his daughter, despite loving him, despite knowing he loved her, she wanted a real relationship with the man who had forever been forbidden from her company. Listening to bruce’s words she smiled slightly. “Asgardians are very stuck in their ways. They rely greatly on who one’s parents are, to determine your rank within their society.”She muttered, though she was half asgardian, half jotun, it was obvious she considered herself part of neither. And was it really any surprise that she did? Smiling happily as they all laughed she relaxed a little before turning her head, frowning slightly at steve. Wondering if the man was a sorcerer, to be able to see through the illusion and know she was still upset. Studying the man’s face she tilted her head slightly, and unable to stop the reflexive smile in response to his own. “That would be good to know.”She agreed before standing. “I’ll be here, if you need anything hela.”thor assured her when she looked at him, knowing she was hiding behind her magic, but for the moment willing to overlook it, since he knew she wouldn’t appreciate it if he outted her to the others, even if he suspected steve could tell she was still upset. Smiling the ancient warrior watched Hela and Steve leave the room ebfore starting to eat. “…just how isolated was she?”Tony asked the blond curiously as he leaned back in his chair, looking amused as he looked after steve and hela, amused that the good captain had seemed to see it as his duty to take care of her.

Hela was quiet as Steve led her through the rooms, and the levels, looking around her in quiet amazement. Though the illusion was still in place, her heartbeat slowed as she calmed, letting his words wash over her, mostly ignoring him in favor of trying to get a hold of the emotions that were beating her up. Having spent her whole life in niflehiem, she was overwhelmed to be somewhere else now. “… is a crowded world. Is it like this everywhere?”she asked after a bit as they walked into the observation floor, where the living room/entertainment room/ workout rooms were, but the best part of the whole floor was it was totally floor to ceiling windows to give a unobstructed view of the city. Moving over to the window she watched the workers still working to put back together the main part of the city where loki’s attack had destroyed it. Because while stark tower was livable again, it was still a work to get the city back together again. And it was a good thing she was ignorant of midgardian way of life, she just assumed this building/destruction was just a normal way of life for them, to destroy to simply rebuild something better. swallowing hard as she looked over the city, feeling crowded even if it was just steve in the tower with her,knowing there was so many people around her was making her feel exposed.
they laughed a little. "human's have a different idea of what is proper for a home. some of us can manage to fit everything we need, into a single room." Clint admitted after seeing the look on the other girls face. "others, like Tony here, have so much crap, he has to make a fifty story building just to hold all his stuff." he teased with a grin, glancing mockingly at Tony. "he's worse than a bluejay. and twice as vain too." he teased, Pepper laughing as she ducked her head to hide her expression from Tony. it was true and everyone knew it but Tony. "they're so sweet it's disgusting." Steve complained, his voice laced with laughter. teasing the couples as Bruce snorted. "thank god i'm single." he mused, grinning as he studied Hela, Steve snickering again before he studied Hela. "so, in society, Thor is at the Top because he's Odin's son?" Steve asked curiously, looking stricken. "what if he was Evil!? would he still be the king!?" "...probobly." Bruce admitted, looking amused. "think of it like the ancient kingdoms. no matter who was firstborn, he took the throne. a lot of old Kings where evil, that didn't stop them from taking control." Bruce stated with a shrug. "but Thor's not evil." though he wasn't so sure about Odin.

Steve smiled at her again and offered her his arm and led the way around, explaining what was what and where they where. "this is the 'living section'. each of us practically has our own floor." Steve admitted, sounding a little baffled by that idea. "this one's my room there, and Bruce lives down that hall. we didn't feel comfortable living in anything bigger than the room because he has the main living room and stuff where we can socialize anyway." Steve admitted. "over here is the Gym, one of them anyway. this one is the weight room." he explained. "if i'm not in my room, or in the living area, this is usually where i'll be, working on the punching bag or kicking Tony's butt." he admitted with a grin. "he really sucks at sparring." he admitted offering her another smile before leading her to the massive 'hang out' area where the Avengers simply gathered to socialize while they did their own thing. he watched her study the streets and the damage. "it is a bit crowded. i'm not used to it myself yet. i slept for a really long time, you see. when i woke up, everything was, different, weird. beyond my understanding, even the people and they way they talked and interacted was, strange and frightening." he admitted, looking at her. "i know it's frightening, right now. i know it's shocking, being in such a strange place, but you won't be alone."
“There’s labs and the garage. And your guys rooms. Its not all mine!”Tony scowled making a face as she watched them frowning a little. “A blue jay?”Hela frowned looking at the billionaire who looked just as confused as she did. He was so in the dark about how he was. He did collect things, it was quite adorable really. “It is not. And that being single thing can be fixed bruce, there’s strippers you know, who dress like the avengers. I’ve seen the iron man outfit. I’m so buying that bra and panties when I find them.”Tony smirked looking amused at the idea before looking at hela in curiousity, just as curious about their society as steve was. “Yes. He is the crown prince.”Hela said looking at thor to make sure she got it right. “I am. And it does not matter, the first son is always king. And considering how long we can live…well things can be even worse then what I understand went on in your ancient kingdoms.”Thor said tilting his head slightly.

“…you have a whole room dedicated to weighing yourself?You must be a vain race.”Hela said frowning slightly at the idea of a weight room, before smiling slightly. “He does not look like a warrior. You should spar with Uncle. He is good, and has centuries to get better.”She mused as she looked around the room, not even aware of letting go of the illusion that hid her. While she was calmer, so it wasn’t that much of a difference, there was still a slight pucker between her eyes, the quiet anxiety in her features that said she was still overwhelmed with her life. Turning away from the window to look at the man talking to her she frowned, “…you’re the soldier….Thor was telling me about you all…I did not understand, but he said you slept.”She said knowing thor had told her about steve so she would know she wasn’t alone in not knowing this modern world. Wrapping her arms around her waist loosely, hugging herself she smiled slightly, sadly. “,….I want to go home. How sad is that?It was my prison…and it was the only place I had. This is…a odd place. Not bad, I can see liking this world…like Thor does…but it is…it isn’t home.”She muttered sadly, because she knew whatever happened, nothing was going to ever be the same.
Steve stared at Tony. "tony everything i own fits into a single room. everything Bruce owns can fit into a backpack." he pointed out. "ninety nine point nine percent of everything in this building is your crap." he pointed out with a smirk. "i'd rather stay single." Bruce stated simply with a roll of his eyes. "and the last thing i want is a stripper dressed like you. just sitting next to you is putting me off my tofu." so far, no one had realized that he too was a Vegan, like Natasha was. he ate no sugar, drank no coffee, and seamed to live only on nuts, berries, vegetables, fruits, and the occasional grain. he didn't even eat eggs. "so can Asgardian's go mad? like with old age the way midgaurdians do?" Bruce asked curiously. well aware that 'Gods' could go mad, because Loki was very clearly mad when he attacked Earth. but what if Odin was old enough to have developed mental issues, and that was why he tormented Loki so? or was it simply because Odin was cruel and Loki was not the same as the rest of them?

"no, weights are a thing, that we use to keep in shape. they come in a few different shapes, but they are always heavy and easy to grip, or circles with holes in them so you can set them onto another machine." he admitted with a smile before he groaned. "don't i know it! Thor always beats me!" he complained, sulking a little before he smiled a little. "you guys live for a really long time, don't you?" Steve would live a very long time as well. he wouldn't age another day until he was killed. he wouldn't develop old age problems, he wouldn't get new diseases, he was perfectly healthy, and forever lasting. "yeah, i'm the Soldier." he agreed with a shake of his head. "i slept, for lack of a better word, for over seventy years." he admitted with a smile. "had it happened to anyone else, they would have died, save maybe Bruce." he admitted. "i'm not like other humans, not anymore anyway." he admitted gently setting a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.
“No its not. You guys have cars, and bikes, and stuff here.”Tony pointed out sulking a little, not about to admit that the stuff he’d gotten them, had been simply because he’d wanted them to feel at home, and it made him feel awkward to admit that he wanted them to feel comfortable here. “I’m hurt, banner, I am.”Tony said his voice that fake hurt, amusement in his dark eyes.”besides the iron man stripper’s not for you. She’s for me.”he said his voice playful and amused as he looked at his girlfriend, because he knew the woman loved punishing him for straying. And while he did have his affairs, they were with her approval, and weren’t nearly as frequent as everyone thought they were. “Yes. Though its not as common as one sees with midgardians.”Thor said thoughtfully.

“Oh…I should use these,yes?Since you all seem to think I need to exercise.”Hela frowned slightly as she smiled, laughing quietly. “Don’t feel bad. He beats everyone, including the lady sif, who is very scary.”Hela said even if she hadn’t been allowed to asgard, she had heard stories, and had always found something to amuse her before nodding slightly. “We do. Uncle is…2000 I think. And father a few years younger. We age slowly. I am 40.”She said looking amused, glad that he understood what she was facing. For once, feeling connected to someone because he understood just how isolated, while he had people around her, he was in a new world to him to, and this world was new to her to. So she felt a bond with this solider. “Well, I’m not like other asgardians, so we are well matched, you and I.”She said thoughtfully, tensing a little at he touched her, though she didn’t move away she trembled ever so slightly. She wasn’t used to being touched, even by thor, because he knew she didn’t like casual touches, so her uncle rarely hugged her or offered comfort unless she made the first move. Turning to look at him she deftly stepped out from under his hand after a moment, when her tolerance for being touched snapped, looking up at him. Though young by asgardian standards, she was old enough to admire the handsome solider in front of her. Blushing ever so slightly she looked away, swallowing hard. “….I’m going to have to find something to do. At home, I had duties to take care of…I don’t wish to just be…a guest here. Tolerated because you all owe thor a favor. I need to be helpful.”She decided. Much like thor, she had a strict set of standards she held herself to.
Bruce chuckled. "you bought us that stuff... although i do like my bike." he admitted simply. "i don't think Steve knows how to drive a car though. they weren't in the common man's budget when he was a soldier." Bruce pointed out. "so buying him a car was kind of pointless." Natasha chuckled a little. "he doesn't, but he does use the motorcycle a lot." Natasha admitted, Bruce chuckling a little as he nodded. "i don't know how to drive a car either." he admitted simply. "had no need to know. i do like the scooter though, the motorcycle is nice too, but i prefer the Biscycal." he admitted with a small chuckle. Pepper flashed Tony a grin, while they where still working on their emotional connections, and whether or not they actually liked each other or not, the sex was great, and the 'affairs' where even better because it meant more sex. Pepper didn't have as big of a Libido as Tony did, so she sent him out to 'play' before coming home so she didn't get worn out. "is there anyway to test for it?" Bruce asked softly, his head cocked at the other. "if your father is ill... perhaps it could explain some things."

he chuckled a little. "not necessarily exercise, simply self defense. how to protect yourself." he pointed out. "you might find that you enjoy exercise though. most of us do." he admitted with a smile. "he does defeat everyone." he complained, sulking. "though, Tony came close, in his Iron man suit. not that it counts if your using a suit." he grumbled. "and Thor was more focused on... other things, at the time so i don't think it counts as much as Tony seams to think it does." he admitted with a small chuckle. "Two Thousand!?" he demanded with a gasp, gaping at her. "Two Thousand!? how can he be two thousand years old and still act like a two year old?!" he demanded with a shake of his head. "i'm twenty." he admitted, blushing a little. "or something like that anyway."technically i'm ninety, but i'm not counting the time i was asleep." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you look well for forty." he teased with a smile, amused because she looked like a teenager still. "yeah i guess we are." he mused, examining her. he didn't mind that she stepped away from his touch, frankly he was surprised she let him touch her at all, as secluded as she was. "good luck." he stated simply. "unfortunately, i've been trying to find something to do to be useful around here since i moved in. Tony takes care of everything. he has thousands of these itty bitty machines that do everything. they wash the clothes, they sweep and mop, they make repairs. Tony and the the rest of us don't have to lift a finger... it drives me MAD! and i don't need to get a job because he's filthy rich and he keeps talking me out of it!" he complained, sighing as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "about the only thing we could do is cook, and Pepper has taken over that job for the most part."
“Good.And I’ll teach him to drive. And you to. Everyone should get to drive.”Tony grinned looking amused as he glanced at pepper, sighing quietly as he studied her for a moment, thinking over what they were asking thor, and while he was thinking about thor, it was more pleasant to look at pepper. Despite his affairs, he really was trying to be better, both as a boyfriend and as a avenger. “I do not know. I must ask mother when I go home.”Thor said frowning slightly at the idea. “It would explain some things.”Tony said rethinking everything they’d heard and learned.

“No, I am pretty sure using his suit does not count. It is not him.”Hela said smiling slightly, though she wasn’t quite sure about the suit, having not seen it, but thor had told her a little bit about the warriors he fought with, just not about who they’d teamed up against .Smiling slightly at steve’s astonishment she nodded. “Yes. And I think father hit him in the head to many times as a child.”She grinned before shrugging. “Asgardians age quickly, but sometimes our emotional maturity takes longer.”She shgrugged before laughing. “I do, don’t I?”she snickered a little before pouting. “…I shall find something. There has to be something I can do.”Hela said her voice holding just a tad bit of anxiety, because she couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. Smiling slightly she rubbed a hand over her face, sighing softly. “I think I will go rest…thank you for a tour.”She smiled up at him, before heading to her own bedroom, just needing the quiet to acclimate to the change her life had taken.

A few hours later Tony grinned as he dodged the blow steve aimed at his face, “You do realize, old man, that if you try to date her, thor’s going to kill you, right?”He teased his sparring partner, knowing that hadn’t been why steve had offered to show her around the tower. He’d done it simply because he was a good guy, but it didn’t mean tony couldn’t tease him about it. Smiling slightly as he took a step back, glancing towards the door to look at the two walking into the room, amused that it was pepper who’d convinced the woman to come down and learn, even if she hadn’t wanted to. Though it wasn’t really surprising, pepper was always getting him to do things he didn’t want to do.

Hela bit her lip looking down at herself, wearing the sports bra, tank top and work out pants she’d burrowed from Natasha, the asgardian looked awkward and out of sorts at not being in her normal clothes, but she was willing to try. After all, they were thor’s friends, surely she could try to make them happy by learning. “What will I be learning?I mean..I’ve never had to do anything. I have magic.”Hela said looking at the red head next to her, pausing as she watched the two men sparring, paling slightly, hoping she wasn’t going to have to be doing that anytime soon.
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