Dynasty Warriors: More Then Meets The Eye (Yajirobe and FemShep)

It really was nice to go into town again after all the fighting to relax and enjoy the world they once lived in. To Lu Shan, it was a kind reminder of why she joined the fight in the first place other then the benefits for her family: to protect the people within their territory. Even better was that the men were finally going to have fun for another day before returning to the horrors of war, without this time to enjoy life and relax, she didn't know what would happen to them mentally and spiritually. Besides....there was something to look forward to later...even if it was nerve wrecking and could possibly ruin things between her and her superior if things go horribly wrong, but...something amazing could happen if things went right.

Even if it was a bit disappointing to see Ling Tong leave so quickly, it was probably better that way. He probably had important business to take care of that she didn't need to tag along to. Though...she did have questions about his interest in her, but that doesn't matter right now, not anymore. When she felt a hand grab her, Lu Shan looked to see Oto asking for her help. She smiled learning that he had a girl waiting for him at home and seeing that he wanted to give her a present. At the same time, she was worried that Oto's lover wouldn't wait long enough for him by the time it was time for him to return home, sadly it happens. Just the thought of that happening to a friend she cared about was enough for her to help him, after all they were here to enjoy themselves at the same time and she needed something to take her mind off of Ling Tong for now.

Lu Shan gave him a warm smile and answered, "What a lucky girl, of course I'll help, it's great to see that you care about her so much." With that, Lu Shan followed beside Oto, walking through the market place seeing children running and playing with plenty of men, women, elderly, doing their shopping. She could hear stall owners calling and shouting for people to check out what they were selling, but it took Lu Shan a second to think of something Oto's lover would like. If she was a girl that was waiting for someone she loved to return...she would just want a small token or thing to let her know he was still thinking about her and loved her. When she saw a stall selling hair pins, it seemed like the perfect gift for her. With that in mind, Lu Shan looked at Oto and asked, "How about a hair pin? It's small, but meaningful, and it'll remind her of you everyday she wears it. Nothing big, but something that tells her that you still think about her and her beauty." She suggested seeing what he might think of the idea.
Ling Tong went into a back market, there were many people there at that moment. The person he was to meet with was there to, a young woman who was tall and slender and beautiful, his informant who was going to give him information. He looked at her and nodded his head as he listened to the information she had about the enemies that they would be fighting soon. She was able to get information about their leaders and the quality of troops that were in the area. He was able to find much of this information correct, which was why he trusted her as one source of information. He knew that as he got the information they would need to move just like he had told Lu Shan they would in a couple of days. Lu Meng would have them attack their foes before their foe had the chance to attack them. He knew that this would be a violent and bloody affair which made him want to be near Lu Shan even more.

Oto nodded his head as he thought about it. He smiled as he walked around looking for gifts. He wasn't good at picking out gifts, normally he just gave her something personal as a gift. He wasn't worried so much about her running off with another man, as they had been sweethearts their whole lives. He had joined the army to make enough money so that he could support himself and his sweetheart as well. He knew that with this work for a year or so, he could afford his own farm and he would be able to give his then wife a good home with a great place to raise a family just the pair of them. He smiled as he thought of that future. He wasn't sure what to do to make sure she knew that he hadn't forgot her thought.

Looking at the hairbrush, he nodded his hair, "yes, this will work, she has the longest most beautiful hair ever," he commented with pride. "She had been the most beautiful person I know since I was old enough to realize females aren't carries of fake illness that you get from kissing them," he said as he looked at her giving her a smile as he took the brush and then paid for it,. "I shall be off, I saw Yan nearby, I think he was looking though the rice wines or something, not sure what he is up to, but you might want to check up on him if you want," Oto said with a smile as he bowed to his superior, "I am off, got to go write a letter and send it off while I am in town," he said before rushing off himself.
Lu Shan smiled listening to the way Oto talked about his sweetheart with pride. That woman waiting for him back home must be one that worth fighting for if he's loved her since they were children. She's heard so many couples who grow bored of each other and lose passion in their lives because they were together for so long, but it looked like the opposite for Oto. Really, Oto was a good man and she felt lucky for the girl he would go home to, especially after seeing this side of him. Part of her started wondering about Ling Tong, she wondered if he would be...the one for her. Oto has the one for him, but...after what happened last night, Lu Shan began to wonder more and more about their relationship. No, it's too soon to think about that...just because he kissed her doesn't mean they're together...maybe she'll find out more about them later tonight....

After saying goodbye to Oto, Lu Shan started to walk around keeping her eye out for Yan like Oto suggested. Though her thoughts began to wonder back to Ling Tong again, especially as she saw the beautiful village maidens in the market. She began to wonder if she was good enough. Was she pretty enough? Was she feminine enough? What did Ling Tong like in women? Lu Shan sighed having conflict with herself about herself. Whatever it was that was happening between Ling Tong and her, she just wanted it to work out, even if they did remain just friends. This was her first time ever worried about being good enough for a man. Is this what it's like to be a normal village girl? Is this what her sister's worry about while she's away at war fighting for them?

Another sigh escaped her lips, she had to stop thinking about this until it was time to worry about it. Ling Tong wouldn't just kiss her if he didn't find her attractive or interesting, so she's doing something right at least. Before her thoughts could take over again, Lu Shan spotted Yan doing what Oto suspected he would be, browsing rice wines and other things of that nature, maybe Yan could help her put her mind at ease. She approached him with a smile and greeted, "Hello Yan, having a good time?" She decided to stick around with him for awhile and started browsing the wines for sell. Lu Shan picked up one that seemed like it would taste good, something that couples would share...she wondered if Ling Tong would like it.
Yan was looking at the wines, his eye scanning them looking over the labels for a moment when he heard the sound of Lu Shan's voice and paused for a moment, turning his eyes towards her, the long messy hair of the former pirate looked at the woman for a moment. He was her elder and the only one of her command who was so. He didn't mind as he wasn't one for worry over rank, or who was in charge. He had a loose command even when he had his own pirate crew, but that was just his pirate style, in some ways he was similar to Gai Ning, though in some ways he was very different then the other pirate. He paused as he picked up a bottle of rice wine and tossed it over to Lu Shan, he guessed that she would catch it and when she did he gave her a half smile.

"Now, the flower of our unit seems to be blossoming, but also seems to be rather confused at the moment. Matter of the heart I am guessing. I have seen that look on many of my crew's faces over the years, and it is easy for me to read, really so," he commented as he Yan looked at her and smiled at the surprise on her face, of course she wouldn't of thought him to know. "I was a commander of a ship full of pirates for 6 years, I might not look it but I am actually almost 28 years old, and started piracy when I was 18, actually back then it was just being a mercenary against the Yellow Turbans," he commented as he looked at the woman for a moment as he turned his eyes back to the wine. "I have had to help many men with women problems, so I guess helping a woman with a man problem isn't much different."

He scanned the wines again, "Ling Tong, likes that type of wine, saw it in his cabin when I meet him three years ago, I was put into your unit to watch out after you actually by Lu Meng, you see, I had turned down my own command, generalship and all that mess, to much work, to help him with a job he wanted. To watch you and make sure you didn't get yourself into any trouble and were able to grow into the officer he thought you would," he explained as he looked at her. "I am sure you figured it out, why else would they have a solider who could fire better and fight better then others as a recruit, especially when he was once at the same rank as some generals in Wu," he commented before looking right at her. "Fear, not, I am sure based on how he looks at you, he has a thing for you, but I think another officer might have a thing for you too here, but I am sure you will figure that one out later."
When Yan tossed the bottle of wine at her, Lu Shan's reflexes acted immediately and helped her catch the bottle with both hands. She curiously looked at the bottle questioning why Gan threw it to her in the first place, but what he had to say caught her completely off guard. Yan already figured it out?! Lu Shan was embarrassed immediately seeing that it was so easy to read that someone was tugging at her heart. Then again, as she listened to him it made sense how he figured it out so easily while everyone else had no idea. Gan was much older then her, so she immediately saw him as wiser than she was, but she was still shocked that he figured out her secret feelings. Hopefully he didn't figure out which man was responsible for stealing her heart, even though it was already embarrassing that he caught her in the first place. Her cheeks were burning red from the embarrassment and with all the talk about romance suddenly, Ling Tong had popped into her mind once again.

Yet it appears Yan already knew it was Ling Tong to begin with seeing that he dropped his name claiming the wine he tossed to her was one he liked. Though as the pirate went on to talk about Lu Meng placed him in her squad as a sort of guide ce did put a smile on her face as she held onto the wine and became less tense. It was a curious thing why Lu Meng decided to have someone far superior as a private, but now she saw just how caring and loyal Yan could be despite his appearance. He could have easily been a commander, yet he chose to stay as a private under a commander who not only lied, but had no expirence before this. Lu Shan really felt lucky to have a friend like him, and...maybe it wasn't so bad that he figured out her love life, maybe he could be the man to go to for help about those sort of things.

Though mentioning that someone else may have their eyes on her did catch her by surprise. Yan...might be right, after all he could figure her out just one look. While she was curious who that might be, her heart was still on Ling Tong, after all it was him that stole her first kiss. She gripped the wine bottle nervously and sighed softly looking down at it. Then she looked back up at Yan and started to speak," Thank you Yan...you're a good friend...I honestly will come to you if I need help both on the battleground and well...you know." She chuckled softly with a shrug. "After getting caught about my feelings, you might be right about someone else, but...I'm going to stick to one man unless something happens between us, but again...thank you." She smiled and bowed to him respectfully. "And I'm sure Ling Tong will be happy that youhelped me pick out wine too." She smiled cheerfully
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