Dynasty Warriors: More Then Meets The Eye (Yajirobe and FemShep)

It was clear as day to Lu Shan as she watched Ling Tong quickly leave the tent without looking at her. Honestly she didn't expect Ling Tong to be the type to be so shy like around her. If anything he seemed like one of the men who experienced women the most along with Gan Ning. This was a side of him that she didn't expect from someone as confident and even sarcastic to be so jumpy and embarrassed. Then Lu Xun's words came back to her mind, everyone would react differently to her knowing she was a girl and not the man she made herself into. Still she had to wonder why he asked if Lu Xun was sleeping with her. That kind of question nearly made her heart stop that he thought of something like that, but it seemed as though he understood her better now.

Once he was gone Lu Shan put her back against the tent wall and looked up at the tent ceiling. How was this going to go...the battle was coming up and now was the time she decided to stop hiding herself, but hopefully things could work out better. Lu Shan decided it would be best to give Ling Tong a few minutes to himself and made sure her casual clothing didn't reveal anything. One thing was for sure it was going to be great being a woman again. She could stop pretending to be something she wasn't and Ling Tong would be one of the first men besides her troop and Lu Xun who would get to see a new side of her. She brushed her hair after drying it and left it down after all Ling Tong would have to get use to this new development and there was no point in hiding it anymore anyway.

After a few minutes Lu Shan walked out of the tent and quickly spotted Ling Tong under the tree. It was the first time she could view Ling Tong with a clear mind instead of fearing the others. She could see how handsome he was even more then before. It seemed odd to be sitting under a tree with him, but there was no avoiding it. She could see the concentration on his face as she studied to scroll before him and oddly enough it made him even more attractive. Lu Shan knew how handsome men were in Wu, but until now she didn't know just how much with a clear mind.

She took a breath and started to walk towards him to calm herself down hoping her appearance as a woman wouldn't frighten him again or send him running away. Lu Shan stopped once she was close enough and spoke up. "Are those the battle plans for the upcoming battles? I'm sorry you caught me at such a bad time to discuss them with me and Lord Lu Xun." She gave him a friendly smile trying to chase away any awkwardness or bad feelings between them as she sat down next to him and started looking at the scroll in his hands with required her to get closer to him.
Ling Tong blinked as he looked at her and nodded his head, "yes, these are the battle plans, you are do as it says, it should keep you out of danger but give you serious battle experience as well," he admitted as he looked at her giving her a friendly smile in return. The awkwardness was so very much still there, but it was there for another reason. The confident Ling Tong was back, but there was something that couldn't be undone. He couldn't go back and not find Lu Shan to be one of the most beautiful and sexy women he had ever seen in his whole life.

Ling Tong ran his fingers over the table for a moment, "you will see and do things outside of the norm, you will have to kill people, that isn't the easiest thing to do. I am sure most of your men have never done so before. The first time is the hardest, and you have to just get though it," he said with a professional tone, but then smiled, "except if your me and your so good you don't have to worry about nerves or anything like that," he said with a big of a grin. "Anyhow I shall be on my way, I have much to do to get prepared for this battle as well, but I will be counting on you."

Time would pass for Lu Shan to read over the plans to send out letters or to meet with her people, they were gathered around practicing still with Lu Xun as he went though the motions with them on what they were going to have to do and giving them their proper bows and arrows to those who only had practice weapons they had been using for training up to that point.
Despite the awkwardness still there between them, but it was good seeing he still had his confidence around her. Something about his arrogance was enjoyable which was shocking since Lu Shan normally hated people like that, but still seeing him act like his old self again brought a smile to her face and even made her giggle. Even though she was happy Ling Tong was acting normal again she had to focus on the plan for the upcoming battle. She didn't want to be the one that didn't know what to do once she was there and ended up getting her troop and herself killed. Now that she was thinking about it Lu Shan felt the pressure that every leader of something felt making her a bit tense, but thanks to Ling Tong's playfulness it seemed to be minimal.

"I wish I could have your confidence Ling Tong. I know it'll be difficult to take my first life, but with you out there I'm gonna want to pick up my game." She smiled at him with a light chuckle. While she might have said that inside Lu Shan felt fearful. She's never killed anyone before. How was it going to feel? Was she going to regret it or adore it? There was so many things she was worried about, but in the end Lu Shan just cared about protecting her friends and if that meant having to take another man's life then...so be it. Lu Shan knew what she was signing up for and was willing to make the scarifies of destroying her own innocence for her family and friends. She took a breath and gave Ling Tong a smile saying. "Okay then, I'll see you around camp then."

Now that Ling Tong was gone Lu Shan supposed she should visit her troops and Lu Xun to explain their side of the plan and see what wisdom the young strategist can give them. That and it would be good to inform them that she decided to no longer hide her true self. So now with the freedom to do so Lu Shan got up from the shade of the tree and started looking around camp for them. Lu Xun truly did too much for her he even trained her troops after she was hospitalized. Deep down Lu Shan began to doubt she would be a good leader maybe she was more of a warrior then a leader, but she had to trust Lord Lu Meng's decision. Though it doesn't change the fact that sometimes she wished she was a private again that way all she had to worry about was her own training and live without this pressure of failure if she made one simple mistake.
As Lu Shan approached her men they were at various stages of training many of them were finishing up, with one or just nearing finishing up as well. At that moment Oto and Yang were practicing their archery, it wasn't perfect but it was miles and miles along compared to where it had been when they had started. The both of them were hitting their targets more then half of the time, and they knew at least how to handle a bow now where as before they couldn't even manage to do that even.

"Lady Shan," Oto commented as he looked over at Lu Shan a bit nervous still remembering how he messed up and caused her to get harmed in the first place. The thoughtful young man made sure to be quiet while Lu Meng was giving a talk to a couple of the others before he walked over and blinked as he looked at Lu Shan. He had a serious look on his face as he looked her over, the surprise for him didn't show at all. He was glad that she was a woman, for he found himself attracted to her and if she were a male that would be worrisome for him, as he wasn't into men in that way.

Lu Meng paused and looked her in the eye, "Well, I heard you were keeping a secret, most interesting, hmm, you are a odd one, Lady Shan, hiding your identity to train. I can't say that has ever happened in this army before," he said bluntly as he looked at her, "anyhow, we are going to leave soon, I came to look over your men to make sure they were ready. They are ready for your assignment, it shouldn't be to hard, but be prepared sometimes the easiest missions can turn into the most challenging."
The results of the men's training was impressive compared to how they first began. There was still room for improvement, but at least now they could use the bows effectively. It was especially enjoyable to see that Oto had improved as well granted he was responsible for injuring her, but Lu Shan felt no grudge honestly it made her feel bad that he was so guilty about it. Even if she wasn't there for a majority of their training, but at the same time there were more important things happening soon. So making it up to her men will have to wait.

What did catch her by surprise was seeing Lu Meng was there, but she shouldn't be too surprised after all the battle was coming up soon. Lu Shan had the idea that he came to investigate to see if her men were fit to see battle. In her eyes they qualified, but she wasn't a intelligent high ranking leader either so his judgement would be the better one. Out of all the handsome and strong men in the camp Lu Shan couldn't help finding Lu Meng the most interesting and attractive. He was wise, powerful, and a great leader, but what chance would she have of having him. Besides this wasn't the time to think about that. Once this war is over maybe Lu Shan would try to find a husband, but for now winning and surviving these next battles was her main concern.

Even though Lu Shan couldn't depict the emotion he felt about learning her secret he seemed almost impressed. It was a bold decision to make, but it was one she saw necessary. Also Lu Shan was relieved that he didn't seem angry with her, but again Lu Meng was a master at concealing his emotions from his face. Yet what he had to say brought a smile to her face for a short moment. "Yes, I apologize from having to lie about my true sex, but I knew as a woman my superiors wouldn't push my limits and hold me back from my full potential. It's a odd and maybe even ignorant plan, but it seemed necessary. I'll be ready my Lord once it's time for battle. Even though I was injured I'm happy to see their training went well and I can say with confidence that we're ready. Ling Tong has already shown me what the plan for me and my men are so all I need is the word and we'll be ready." She spoke confidently and bowed respectfully to him
Lu Meng nodded his head as he looked at the beautiful woman, he had heard that was her reasoning from Lu XUn actually, but he wanted to hear the reasoning form her herself. He nodded his head, "well you are a odd one, Lady Shan, but you are a officer, and I am not going to take that away from you. This battle will be the best chance you have a proving that you are as good as any male at leadership or fighting," he mused as he looked at her for a moment before pausing. His attention was on her fully as he looked over her a second time, he knew he couldn't make a pass at her at the moment it would be the wrong time and place to do so.

"Get some rest, we are going to head out and march all tomorrow before camping, you shall have a tent to yourself due to you being a woman and all," he mused to her as he knew that now that she was a woman, she couldn't share a tent with someone, there was just to much that could go wrong if she were to share a tent on the trip to the supply base. "Once we are there, your mission with your men will be the same, you will do as you have been told, and it shouldn't be hard, but you should be prepared just incase."

Lu Meng looked down for a moment thinking if he should add anything or tell Lu Shan anything more then what he had already told her. He decided after a few moments that he had nothing to add and nodded his head to himself mostly. "Then I shall see you tomorrow, we leave at first light, so you have plenty to do to get prepared for this trip, I suggest that you make sure you are ready and let your men have time to get prepared as well, till later Lady Shan," Meng commented before making his exit.
Lu Shan expected that Lu Xun or Ling Tong would have told him something about her intentions, but she felt it was necessary for him to hear it for himself. Honestly Lu Shan wasn't surprised to hear him call her odd since her plan and life had been very different then most women, but it seemed to be an acceptable idea around everyone whose found out so far. As she listened to Lu Meng she knew he was right. This first battle would be the ultimate test of her skill and everything she's worked for there wasn't a chance in hell Lu Shan was going to screw it up. "I won't let you down my Lord!" She smiled keeping her eyes on him. Her smile couldn't leave her face with the joy and excitement of how everything was coming so quickly, but deep down she knew the battle would be difficult especially since it'll be the first life she would take.

It was a relief hearing she would have a tent to herself. It wasn't that she wasn't fond of sharing a tent with another man, but inside Lu Shan was worried about getting distracted or something happening. It'll also be more comfortable and easier to deal with her womanly needs without an audience. This trip will be nothing but focus on war and the battle ahead nothing more or less. "Thank you my Lord. I'll be sure both my men and I are ready on time and prepared for the unexpected." She bowed softly before looking back up at him with a kind smile.

Once Lu Meng was gone Lu Shan turned to prepare just as Lu Meng wanted her to, but for some reason she was drawn to look at him over her shoulder. A smile crept across her face as she finally moved back to her tent to pack up all that she needed after making sure all her men were informed as well. Tomorrow was going to be a big day and what worried Lu Shan the most was her own condition. After all these days of rest Lu Shan wondered if she still had her skills with a bow. She would train today, but it wouldn't be smart to make her body sore the day she had to walk all day. Hopefully she'll have time to practice before the battle and with that wishful thinking Lu Shan went on to prepare for tomorrow.
The rest of the day past fast, really fast actually, as people came went around the camp. It was easy people were ready for battle, they were all getting ready, this camp would be the one which would supply the men for the strike against Biao's forces to the north and west of their location. It would be a long trip and it would be a challenging one most likely for all those who had never been on a mission before. They would need to ration both food and water for the trip. It would be a easy battle, but an easy battle was still a battle which was by its nature extremely dangerous to those who were in it.

The next morning, Lu Shan's men were all ready, they were as ready as could be really. None of them were used to battle other then the pirate. The rest of them were nervous as would be natural, the group was waiting having gathered up where they were assigned to. Oto was the most nervous, the book worm was not sure about how good he would be in battle, despite everything that had happened up to that point. The training would it be enough for him to get bye and live. The others were thinking such thoughts too, worried they would fail, not themselves, but their friends.

The group was waiting near the gate, other groups were lining up around them, this one having gotten ready a bit earlier then the rest, mostly due to them sharing a barracks and also due to the nervousness that was felt among the men, many who just wanted to get this over with and have their first fight. The pirate was leaned back and relaxed, he didn't look worried at all, he had a natural cool composer on his face as he relaxed against a tree and watched the officers arrive.
By morning Lu Shan was packed and ready to go, but a nervous feeling washed over her. This would be the first battle she would ever be apart of. What if she messed up? What if something went wrong? As she readied for the trip getting dressed in her armor a whirlwind of worries and fear consumed her. Anything could go wrong and this could be a battle where she could loose someone. Lu Shan didn't know if she could handle loosing one of her men, but she had to stay strong. She knew this would be the battle where they will take their first lives. Her men must have been nervous, but if she stayed strong for them maybe it'll encourage them to be strong as well. Lu Shan couldn't fail them, as a leader they would look towards her so she had to be strong for them and for herself.

Lu Shan walked to the gates by foot planning on walking along with her men. Even though Lu Shan arrived to the camp with her black stallion she offered to have him be one of the horses to pull the carts of water and food. Her horse was raised strong so it would be best to have him pull the carts while Lu Shan strengthened her legs and pushed herself with the walk. As she walked Lu Shan noticed the strange looks of some people who didn't know the truth about her. With her hair down it was unmistakable that she was a woman, but they wouldn't know who she was if it wasn't for her famous bow on her back. Nonetheless she didn't let their judging stares stop her as she reached the gate.

Even from a distance Lu Shan could see the nervous tension of her men. It wasn't surprising to see the pirate wasn't one of them, but honestly she understood how they felt perfectly. Lu Shan couldn't let them see she was nervous too and instead she had to lift their spirits. So before joining them, Lu Shan took a breath and straightened her back to look confident. She joined them and spoke confidently and looking at each one of them. "There's no need to be nervous men. I've seen the results of your training and I can say with full confidence that you are the best archers a officer can hope for. Being nervous will only hinder your abilities so there's no point to it. Be strong and skilled like I know you all are."
The group of men responded well, they all nodded as they were nervous but to a man they knew that they had to deal with it, and they had to trust their leader, each also could tell their leader had a great deal of trust in them as well. The fact their leader had trust in them, was something that meant a lot to the younger members like Otto, Feng and Ang. The others were also wanting to push forward and do as good for their leader as they wanted to do for themselves this day.

Ling Tong walked along the front as he motioned groups to fall in, he looked at Lu Shan a moment extra, ever sense that odd moment, he could look at her without seeing the beauty that stood before him. It felt odd, but he had never been so caught off guard by someone as Lu Shan in his life. "Well now, Lady Shan, now it is your time to fall in and move out," he commanded loudly and confidently to the group to fall in behind the group that left as they would march forward heading towards their target.

The walk itself would be a fairly long one, especially for someone who had never been in battle. Shan's force was put around groups who likewise had never been in battle, as really by chance. Lu Shan's forces where in the middle of the group. The walk would be over mostly simple planes though a small lightly dense forest past one small creek and then up a small hill before they would see their target, a small wooden fort where supplies where being kept for storage.
It's a relief to see the slight sappy speech Lu Shan gave was enough to convince her men to believe in themselves and her leadership. It was an honor to have all her men have faith in her and believe in her. If Lu Shan was in this alone the battle would be a lot tougher to get over, but with them by her side Lu Shan knew she couldn't let them down. She whole heartedly believed these men before her where the greatest the army had to offer as archers, maybe even as leaders themselves one day.

The call out from Ling Tong broke her thoughts for a moment making her look away from her men and at him instead. She smiled seeing how confident he was. Lu Shan could only hope to be that confident again someday. Lu Shan gave him a bright smile and shouted. "Yes sir!" With that Lu Shan did as she told and got in line for the march to begin. The walk itself wasn't too awful, but it did help Lu Shan's legs to be a bit sore. It kept her body in shape for the upcoming battle, but luckily she still had enough in her to last for battle. Once the supplies base was in their sights, Lu Shan sighed readying herself to work.

Once in the camp Lu Shan did everything she needed to do to ready for the battle. She was wanting to work hard to keep her mind off her nerves. If she was busy she wouldn't have to remind herself of the battle. At least for now Lu Shan still had some spare time to ready herself. Once Lu Shan was finished putting away the necessary supplies she found a spot to practice her aim in the remaining time. After a few arrows it was to her relief to see her skills weren't as damaged as she suspected, there was work needed, but for now it was still up to par.
The group moved though the country side, it was not till mid morning that they had gotten to the top of the hill from which they could see the target that they would be attacking. They could see that below them a good hundred plus yards away was a small wooden walls, and a number of what would appear to be boxes inside of the wooden fences. It was easy to tell that this place was a lightly defended place as they could see around 140 or so enemy soldiers moving around just out of sight of them.

The group of men moved around quickly making up a defense as they figured they were in danger as well. Ling Tong looked over at Lu Shan, "Take up position we are going to attack, have your men fire into the fort till we get up to it. Then when we are up there move to an angle where you are in range to hit single targets if possible, and keep an eye on your targets as well as the fact that things will be chaotic as well," he said looking right at Lu Shan before moving with his men ahead.

Ling Tong moved forward fast down the hill sweeping down at a solid pace. Ling Tong was trusting that the archers wouldn't hit them in the back, and Lady Shan would know what she happened to be doing. This was going to be their first taste of battle and then they would at least know they could handle themselves and would have a great deal more confidence of themselves, if they were failures then they would know about it as soon as possible. Ling Tong moved ahead though as he focused on his job of leading the attack.
As soon as Lu Shan heard Ling Tong's voice she lowered her bow and looked to listen to his command. Once his instructions were finished, Lu Shan bowed quickly answering "Yes, my lord!" then she went to gather her men for the beginning of the battle. The battle has barely even begun and already Lu Shan was feeling the pressure and intensity of battle. It shook her a bit inside, but she had to focus. Never let her fears and emotions hold her back when her allies needed her. Now was the time to cover Ling Tong and prove that her men where the best archers of the three kingdoms!

Just as Ling Tong instructed after gathering her men, Lu Shan led her men to take their positions on high ground to gain the advantage and aim into the fort to lower the number of men inside until it was time to move. With the other ford's gates opened for battle Lu Shan could see the men inside reading for Ling Tong's assault and didn't seem to notice her squad. With a deep breath Lu Shan shouted. "Ready!" The simple command was the single to ready their bows for the archer's to prepare and fire together as the first attack. Lu Shan raised her bow and pulled back the arrow using her sharp eyes to take aim at a man as she shouted. "Aim!". For a moment she hesitated closing her eyes and taking a deep breath then opening her eyes again full of determination. Finally Lu Shan commanded. "Fire!"

Lu Shan let go of her arrow causing it to fly from her bow and broke through the air to shoot straight into a enemy soldier's neck causing him to reach up to his throat before collapsing to the ground. Her eyes widened as she realized she had taken her first life. Watching his body fall to the ground and the blood of the man rained down from the wound while the other soldiers becoming chaotic. She gulped, but determination returned to her eyes as she grabbed another arrow commanding her men. "Keep firing until my word." With that she shot another arrow hitting another mark, but the damage was just as horrifying as the first.
The men that were around Lu Shan were at various degrees of surprise and shock, at just how violent and horrifying this combat thing happened to be. The younger ones were more taken aback by the horrible situation, but all of them continued to attack following the orders of their leader as they picked out their own targets and fired their shots killing a number of the enemy who were working struggling to gather around and put up any type of defense at all of their camp. They had been caught completely off guard and outnumbered as well. They in truth were defeated before the attack had even started.

Ling Tong led the main attack, the men were unprepared to even counter or defend, they just fell in mass, those who didn't drop to their knees and surrender in quick or were beaten down or killed by the attacking group. It was in short the easy battle that Lu Shan had been told about before it had even began. The group was to weak to defend, and they were unprepared as well. In both way, the defeat of this group might serve as a lesson for the young woman when she was out alone in the world leading in the future.

Soon after the start of the battle, the flag in the outpost changed showing to all that the battle was over and to stop firing and attacking the outpost. Those who were captured would be bound before taken back or forced to sign agreements to never raise arms against Wu again. It was a great battle, surprise and aggression were elements of the win. Ling Tong could be found giving orders to his men to make sure they had the correct number of the supplies that they had capture soon after the battle.
On the outside Lu Shan looked tough and eager to see that their surprise assault was a success causing mass chaos and disorganization within the base of the enemy, but on the inside Lu Shan was trembling. Even though she was shooting more and more targets with each arrow she pulled, Lu Shan couldn't shake away the memory of that first shot. The blood and the expression of sudden realization on the man's face; it killed her inside. He was the enemy, but how could she forgive herself for taking a man's life. Does killing get any easier or does it always feel this horrible?

Luckily for her once Ling Tong was inside the base, it was okay for her squad to stop firing. She lowered her bow and watched with unblinking eyes as her fellow Wu warriors took control over the base in little time. Before she knew it, the battle was over and Wu had won. While she praised with joy that victory was theirs Lu Shan was just thankful it was over. Now it was her job to aid with the supplies of the captured base. She took her time getting to the base reluctant to go inside with the dead bodies of the enemy scattering the ground. These men didn't have a chance against them. Lu Shan could see just how devastating their archery assault had caused. If their arrows didn't kill the men on the spot then they were seriously injured with Ling Tong's force finishing the job. The sight didn't help Lu Shan feel any better about what she's done.

Once she spotted Ling Tong, Lu Shan gulped and ordered her men to aid Ling Tong's men with the supplies. In the meantime she wanted to approach him, but found herself staring at him for a moment. How was he so calm about the dead bodies? It was like they weren't even there right by his feet. His men didn't seem affected by it either like she was. Did killing actually get easier? Something about it Lu Shan couldn't be okay with, it just didn't seem natural. After a few long seconds, Lu Shan swallowed her fear and approached him. "Lord Ling Tong...congratulations on the success...is there anything me and my men could do to assist you further?" She asked with her hands lightly shaking. Despite her expression and tough smile it was clear what Lu Shan was conflicted and upset about; maybe even on the verge of tears.
Ling Tong walked up to the young woman and looked at her and then nodded his head, "it was easy, but it puts us closer to ending this madness," he said calmly as if he were unaffected by all of the killing around him. Honestly, he had seen so much, it stop effecting him as much as it did when he started. He still hated it on a deep level, and hoped for peace, but he knew that he had to be ready for war if he wanted there to be a chance for peace, it was a odd situation but it was what it was and there was nothing really that the great warrior of Wu could do at that moment about it.

"You did well," he said as he looked at her pausing for a moment, "go make sure that these men are buried properly so they may find their way to their familes in the afterlife," he said to her as he looked right at her, "your men can make sure these people have proper graves, it will take a while, but we have a while, and there are not to many not to burry here," he informed her. He had a feeling killing was something that was troubling her and perhaps by putting these men to rest, that would help her with what issues she was having.

"We have enough people to take the supplies away, and there is no enemy in the area, so we will have enough time, but I still want you and your men to hop to it, get any one you find sitting around to join you, in digging, it will take 56 graves give or take one or two," he said guessing from what he had seen of the fight, many of them surrendered and were going back for questioning before being release, but a lot of people did die that day and again he figured this would help the young woman deal with this type of thing.
Lu Shan had to admire Ling Tong, he was so strong and admiral. She could tell by his response that he wasn't proud or satisfied of bloodshed. It's sick that some people would find killing people to be enjoyable, but it sickened Lu Shan deeply and seeing all the dead bodies nearly made her sick. Already the horrors of war were affecting Lu Shan, if it wasn't for someone like Ling Tong being there to be strong for the others she wouldn't know what to do at this moment. "It's only been one quick battle and already I just want this entire war to be over with and I know it'll get worse from here." She sighed softly looking down at the ground.

The good news was that she did her job successfully and helped out her allies the best way she could. As long as Lu Shan made her superiors proud to call her a ally that would be enough to keep her going. "Thank you sir." She replied giving him a quick, but respectable bow. The idea of burying the dead did help Lu Shan feel better. Even though they were the enemy they were still human and deserved a proper burial. It did seem like a lot of graves would be needed, but with enough men it could be done and needed to be done. "Wonderful idea. As you wish my Lord." She gave him a soft smile and bowed again before turning away to gather the men she needed, but she turned to look at Ling Tong over her shoulder for one last look before continuing with the plan.

Lu Shan gathered her men and the men who were available and found shovels they could use. Not only would digging the graves give the dead a respectable burial, but it would help strengthen her body. She worked at her best to dig each grave, but after awhile it became more difficult. Her hands grew tired and hurt from the rough shovel staff and digging up dirt. After each grave, Lu Shan was finding herself having to take more breaks with sweat pouring off her body. She must have been at this for hours since the sun was close to setting and filling the sky with beautiful colors of orange, yellow, blue, and pink. Soon she found herself sitting on the edge of the grave she was working on to admire the beauty of the sky.
Ling Tong watched the young woman work for a moment. He admired her dedication to her work, the fact that she wanted to push herself more then any other woman might. She was a unique woman in every possible way that he could think of. He smiled at that single thought as he knew that this woman was whole package. He knew that it was wise to avoid making any type of move on a woman who was under his command but with Lu Shan that wasn't something that was that easy. She was a special and very talented woman who had her charms about herself.

Ling Tong walked up with a jug of water knowing that Lu Shan had to be tired for a serious long day of marching, they had traveled from their based walked a long ways, battled and then her and others dug graves for her men. Ling Tong came to stand beside the young woman as he held the jug out for her to take from himself and looked over the fields of graves. He paused as he let her taken in the moment or say her peace before he said anything else at all.

"Now, it is a good thing war is so horrible, otherwise we might grow to fond of it," he commented as he let out a sigh. "We fight to end the war, but to end the war will mean more death, it is unavoidable, being able to deal with the fact you are going to have to break eggs to make a great omelet as it were is something you have to deal with. More so as a officer for you might have to lead or order your own men to their deaths," he commented as he looked at her for a moment, "do you think after seeing a battle that you are up to this challenge or would you rather give up this aim of yours and have a simpler life?" he asked her calmly.
While Lu Shan took a break in silence, she heard the sound of dry grass crunching as someone approached her. She took her eyes off the colorful sky to see Ling Tong coming towards her with a jug of water. Lu Shan must have been so focused on work she forgot to drink water while she worked which could be harmful, but watching him come closer didn't help her think of that. She couldn't have a better Lord to fight for then him. He was carefree and playful, but serious and intelligent when it be needed. Ling Tong was admirable, but seeing his handsome features being highlighted by the warm multicolored sky, it was hard to not be in awe. Though she shouldn't think thoughts about him like this...she couldn't stop herself.

Before taking the jug, Lu Shan got up from the edge of the freshly dug grave to stand next to him. She held her hands together and closed her eyes, saying prayer for the safe voyage of departed souls and asked forgiveness for their sins as well as their own. With their souls cleansed, heaven was bound to accept them at the golden gates. Then with a smile she took the jug from Ling Tong's hands. "Thank you." She said gratefully before lifting the opening to her lips to drink. As she hydrated her dry tongue and throat, Lu Shan listened to Ling Tong speak. He had an excellent point. Perhaps...war should be this awful otherwise...there would be even more. It's unfortunate that so many lives were being thrown away to begin with, but it could be much worse. Though Ling Tong's question did get to her. She knew the pressures of being a officer, but she never questioned if she'll be capable of being one. Could she stand more of this? Could she handle the guilt of losing her men from a bad call?

Lu Shan lowered the jug from her now wet lips and stared at the field of graves before them. Conflicted feelings fought in her unblinking eyes, but after a moment of silence Lu Shan lowered her eyes to the grave before her and sighed. "One battle was awful enough...and I'm already feeling the stress and pressure of being a officer...I don't know if I can handle losing even one of my men..." She paused for a moment. "...but...I can't leave after getting this far...all the trouble and pain I've been through would be for nothing if I decided to turn back now. My family relies on me and now so do my men...so...that means I have to learn to be a leader. To become more intelligent to avoid losing any of them...even if it means the end of my own life." Her eyes were no longer conflict, but filled with the familiar flames of determination. There was no way she was going to quit now. The only way she'll turn back is if she's in the ground or screaming that victory chant of the final battle.
Ling Tong was glad to see the fire in her eyes again, he was worried about Lu Shan after the battle she seemed as though she had lost her fighting spirit. He knew that she was going to have a lot of great challenges and loses ahead, but he had faith that strong young woman would find her way though the troubles. It was natural, it was the challenges that every single officer came to have to deal with over time. How they dealt with these challenges said more about their character then anything else. There were many who backed away from the challenge and broke, never to be half of what they had the potential to be. He knew many good young officers who found out that after the first taste of combat, that they were not meant for that life, and they took jobs mostly behind desks in safe areas away from the fighting.

"You will make it," he mused looking at her having confidence in his own statement about the young woman as he smiled confidently. "Well here is a piece of advice for you. I know that I am not Lu Xun or Lu Meng with their genius in tactics, but I think this advice will be able to help you none the less," he said calmly focusing on her letting her know what he was going to say was rather important. "Now, you will get more people in your unit as time goes, you do well and more responsibilities will come your way, but keep this focus. Also help your men, help them grow, for if they improve then your aim of not losing men will last a bit longer then it would otherwise. I am sure if they survive some of your men in time will get their own units themselves and will have the same pressures that you now have to deal with."

"If you are ready we need to head back, staying here to long isn't a good idea, it isn't the best place, we are going to march though tonight and we shall arrive in the morning, you have tomorrow and the day after to rest and caught up on your sleep," he commanded her his tone firm as he showed that he was in charge of the group at that moment. "Now gather up your men and follow he others, do your best to keep up, keep your men in line and we shall get back without any troubles," he commented as he left her to do what he had asked, as he went to gather up the other units so that they could march out over the fields that night, they would follow the old trails that would lead their base camp. He knew this would be a challenge for the new units but it would give them experience in dealing with a late night march which was something that would most likely do them a great deal of good in the future during a larger campaign.
Ling Tong's words of advice sparked hope in Lu Shan especially since she was one to accept anyone's advice if it was good. He was right, she had to focus on her men now instead of just herself. Hopefully they would become great leaders one day, she had hope in them just like her superiors have hope in her. She's seen what they could do today and there was always room for improvement. Lu Shan truly believed in her men, some even shown the potential of becoming great leaders and officers already, but Lu Xen has been training them in her absence, it's time that she proved to herself that she's just as good of a mentor as he.

After taking in the advice Ling Tong gave, she smiled warmly at him and put her hand on his shoulder with a warmth in her voice that matched her smile. "Thank you, Ling Tong...you're right. I'll act upon that advice not only to make myself a better leader, but to strengthen my men to the peak of their potential." She looked at him without breaking contact with his eyes letting him see the truth of her words through her eyes in case he didn't believe her lips. "Also...you're advice is just as helpful and enlightening as Lu Xen's or Lu Meng's. Just because you're not or ever been an official strategist doesn't mean I won't listen to you. So you really shouldn't cut yourself down because of it. Besides just knowing you have confidence in me is enough to get me through any challenge."

When she heard Ling Tong's commanding, more serious voice, Lu Shan removed her hand from his shoulder and listened to him carefully. Honestly Lu Shan was downed to hear that they had to continue marching through the night, but it made sense to since this current location wasn't a safe one to remain at. It was just her body was already sore and tired from the earlier marching and recent grave digging, but at least they'll have two days to rest afterwards so she wasn't too upset nor did she let it become noticeable through her expression or body language. She'll just have to push her limits even farther then ever then collapse once her tent was set up. Besides as far as Lu Shan knew there could be plenty of other times where this certain occurrence could come so it would be good for her and her men to experience such hardships in the long run.

With a simple and obedient "Yes, sir.", Lu Shan gave him a quick bow of respect then went to do as Ling Tong commanded. She expected her men to be exhausted at this point of the day, but as she thought before, the experience would be good for them. So she walk among the graves gathering her men with a serious stature knowing there wasn't any time for fooling around. Once she gathered them all, Lu Shan lead them back to camp and helped ready the army for the march.
The march back wasn't not as nerve wracking as the march there had been, they moved with a certain focus of course moving together taking their prize with them. They moved with discipline as well, as they were trained pros at this job, but they were not as tense as they were that morning when they marched into battle, there was a sense of happiness that they had lived to see another day and that they were able to defeat the small fort as well. Ling Tong led the group moving ahead making sure everyone was in the proper place as they traveled across the country side. He knew they needed to have some speed as it was always possible for them to be found by scouts from another enemy group in the area. If that were to happen they would be in trouble. That meant that they wouldn't be safe till they got back though the odds of an night attack were very low as well.

He had put Lu Shan and her forces in the middle of the group cause they were ranged and they could help from range against any attack against the front or the back of the group. They would be near the supplies that they had gotten mostly grain and arrows anyway. She would get to see how other units worked and would hopefully be able to see how other leaders around her led their men, in ways that were rather similar as she had led her men. It would perhaps also help to give confidence to the young woman and would enable her to feel like she was part of a large army and that despite being one person she was just as important as any other young officer.

They got back very late, Lu Shan was allowed along with most of the other men to leave as soon as they arrive only a few people moved the supplies which would mean that Ling Tong would get a even later bedtime. He was sure that Lu Shan would head to bed right away, he had told the group they had the next couple of days off before they would have to start training again and getting ready for the possible next operation. It was a success, and he thanked his men as well for their good duty before he had let them go. Inside of Lu Shan's shared home she would find that her mentor was asleep, and she would find a young dark haired woman sleeping with him. This would be the first look that Lu Shan would have of Lu Xun's wife asleep in the arms of her husband, if she looked if not she would find the pair up the next morning.
Unlike the march before, the march back wasn't as gruesome; at least now the tensity and fear of battle was behind them. Tensions were low and the troops seemed happy. While it was still physically awful for Lu Shan, it was emotionally wonderful. Her troop as well as everyone else's made it out with minimal causalities. That alone was a good thing, but what was even better was that Lu Shan got to see how the other officers handled their troops as well. Something told her that being placed in the middle was intentional, but it was a excellent learning experience. Lu Shan tried to follow their example by being disciplined and leading her troops as such. She got to see that she wasn't alone when it came to being so young and skilled, yet in charge with lives in return. At least now, she wasn't as frightened about being a leader as she was before.

The moon had been up for quite some time by the time they finally reached back to camp, but seeing it again brought Lu Shan relief. Even though she wanted to help with unloading the carts, it was clear that she wasn't needed and it was probably for the best since Lu Shan had already pushed herself so much today. At least now they had a few days to rest and those were days, Lu Shan will take advantage of and focus more on books and mental training then physical training. Lu Shan thanked and congratulated her men on a job well done, telling them to rest up and that they earned it before heading back to her shared home. Since it was so late, Lu Shan tried to be quiet when she entered the house. As much as she wanted to let him know that the mission was a success and let him know how it went Lu Xun was bound to be asleep at this hour, but one thing she noticed was there was someone else too.

A beautiful young woman was peacefully resting in his arms, they both looked so happy. Lu Shan knew it wasn't necessarily what everyone would do, but she took a moment to admire the smiles on their faces. That woman was lucky to find a man as amazing as Lu Xun and they looked so happy together. This must have been what sleeping with someone you loved deeply looked like. Lu Shan wondered how good it felt be to like that, to feel a man's securing arms holding her in a warm embrace. Gently she sighed before continuing to return to her room to catch some rest, but now...she was curious to see if love would be possible for her. Though, acting like a man all her life forced her to miss the lessons on how to be a proper wife, so she couldn't imagine any man would want her as a wife. She wouldn't be able to please him, but she couldn't let it bother her. At least she'll have her family and if it meant spending the rest of her life as a man to keep them safe, then so be it. As long as she got to see her sisters grow up to become wives and mothers, then that was enough to keep her going. Sure...it'll be lonely and difficult to return to that life, but...at least she got to enjoy being a woman when she could. With that, Lu Shan laid down in her bed and quickly fell asleep.
The following morning would find that things around camp were quiet and peaceful, most of the people where on break, after such a long day of work, they had a few days to spend on their own to do what they wanted. Most likely Lu Shan would also smell the wonderful cooking of the young woman who was with Lu Xun the night before. The young woman wearing a nice tradition dress was cooking up some fried rice for all three of them for their breakfast. She heard about the woman who was battling as a woman, and Sun Ye was proud of the fact that one of her fellow females would take up the challenge and fight with the men on her own level.

Her men were all asleep still, but they would most likely send a notice to her to see if she would be avalible to celebrate with them that night. Oddly one Ling Tong would of put his name on the agreement to have the celebration with her as well. They would enjoy the fruits of their victory as they would enjoy a bit of the hard earned supplies as they would find natural. This wouldn't be for sometime after her breakfast and time to perhaps get to know the strong headed Sun family member. Sun Yi was related to the Sun clan, a daughter to the late Sun Ce, and Diao Qiao. She had the looks of her mother to a great degree.

The pair would though let Lu Shan sleep in as long as she wanted, she had a hard day the day before and gotten back late, so sleeping in would be natural. The food though which smelt wonderful might be the thing that would of course wake her up, as it filled up the whole house as it was done with. When if she woke up, she walked into to kitchen, she would see Lu Xun sitting at the table and Sun Yi preparing the table for perhaps three people to eat at.
Throughout the night, Lu Shan hasn't moved in her bed. She slept like a rock through the remaining night with her sore body getting some rest. It was likely that she never would have woken up until much later if it wasn't for the delicious smell of fried rice making its way into her room. When she smelt the breakfast waiting for her, Lu Shan felt her body force itself awake to eat. Her eyes took forever to open with how heavy her eyelids were, but eventually she found the strength to open them. It took her a few minutes before she could lift herself to sit up on the bed. Her left arm was sore and numb from the hours she slept on it, but it wouldn't take too long for her feeling to return and the soreness to fade.

Lu Shan rubbed her eyes and looked out the window to see the morning sun was up and the camp was in peace. She could hear the birds singing outside along with the men outside doing whatever they felt like with these days off. Even though getting lots of rest would be nice, Lu Shan wanted to be up early anyway. After having their first successful victory, she figured her men wanted to celebrate and honestly, it's been too long since she's gotten to relax and have fun. Normally she would be out training, but the idea of her and a few fellow soldiers having a fun and relaxing day together sounded wonderful and her men deserved it the most. Though she didn't know if she could have as much fun with them as she could since she wasn't very good with alcohol, but Lu Shan wasn't going to let it hold her back.

Eventually, Lu Shan pulled herself out of bed and brushed her messy hair. She noticed how it's gotten a little bit longer since last time making her look more feminine, but since everyone already knew her secret it didn't seem like something to worry about. Before heading out, she made sure her casual clothes made her presentable after remembering that Lu Xun wife had finally visited. After having some breakfast, Lu Shan would have to take a nice bath though before going anywhere anyway. Once she was ready, she walked out of her room to see Lu Xun sitting and another girl setting up the table. "Good morning, my Lord and good morning miss." She smiled giving a light respectable bow.
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