Dynasty Warriors: More Then Meets The Eye (Yajirobe and FemShep)

Soon the group of them left, heading their own ways, Lu Meng and Ling Tong were interested in seeing what type of leader this woman would be. Others were dejected like Zhu Ran who had hoped that he would be able to find a student before his rival Lu Xun. Still the overall feel to the whole gathering had been so overwhelming good and positive, that it was easy to see why Lu Shan would be so excited about the whole series of event that had taken place after she had finished her test. A test which the young woman had passed without a single problem at all. Lu Xun walked up and smiled politely as he looked at Lu Shan patting her on her back.

"Good job, you did well, to impress those two isn't easy," he said as he looked at her and then motioned her to follow him, "you will have a lot of work to do soon," he commented as he looked at her, "first you will have to pick out your own squad to some degree, I have actually found the number of candidates and lowered them down wedding out the trouble makers from the list that would be under your command to two dozen, you will have to decide what you like the most in your trainees, and then pick from there," he said as he walked to his office and handed her the folder with the files over all 24 of the men that she might pick from. "tomorrow they will be given the order to meet with you, and then you are in charge, don't forget that, these people will look to you."

Lu Xun looked at his books and found one on leadership, "this one helped me once when I got my first assignment, it was given to me by Lu Su, Lu Meng's mentor actually, and it might be a great deal of a help to you right now, I would guess at least," he commented as he looked at her giving her a kind smile. "Now, I am sure that you will want to work on that information going over it for a while," he said kindly, "now other news, my wife should be here next week, you can finally meet her, I have written her about you a good deal and she wants to meet with you. Don't worry she can keep a secret too."
Lu Shan stood straight as she watched Ling Tong and Lu Meng take their leave. Inside Lu Shan couldn't be more proud and also more scared. She finally proved herself as a warrior, but now lives were depending on her. Deep down Lu Shan knew she couldn't save every life, but she wanted to do all she could to prevent them from dying. Now not only does she have to train to be a great warrior, but also train to be a great leader and the people under her command. This was going to be a new challenge, but Lu Shan knew with Lu Xun watching over her and the will to succeed she possessed then everything will be alright...she hoped so at least.

Feeling Lu Xun pat her back Lu Shan smiled at him and even chuckled softly. "Thank you, my Lord." Lu Shan followed him and listened to everything he said knowing every word was important for her to hear. Lu Xun was doing so much for her that it made motivated Lu Shan to continue her strong dedication. She looked surprised to receive so many to train under her command Lu Shan expected twelve at most for her, but it was clearly not the case. "Two dozen..." She repeated to herself. Two dozen lives she was responsible for. When she received the files Lu Shan knew it was going to be up to her to decide who would be under her command. This was a responsibility completely new to her, but Lu Xun seemed to believe in her so Lu Shan should too. "Thank you sir. I'll make my decisions as well as take care of my other responsibilities."

Lu Shan smiled seeing Lu Xun handing her yet another book that would be useful to her. Lu Xun really was looking out for her it was one of the many reasons why she couldn't be more grateful to have him as a mentor. She took the book from him and held it along with the files. "Thank you sir. Your books are always helpful so I don't have any doubts that this one will help." Her smile seemed to widen hearing his wife was coming to visit him and wanted to meet her. Lu Shan hoped his wife would like her and it'll be wonderful to meet her. "Sir that's great news! I can't wait to meet her and I hope she likes me after we do. If she can keep a secret then that's just less for me to fear. Again thank you sir." She smiled kindly at him then added. "Now, if there's nothing more I suppose I should start working after all I have a new responsibility to take care of along with the others." She smiled and bowed before leaving to begin her busy day.
The task that Lu Shan had been given was the first challenge of leadership finding those who you would lead. There were many different profiles from the group and many had different abilities and skills. Each of the people had their own skills, own flaws, some had more experience, and some were older then the others as well, she would have to pick up which ones she wanted.

Many of them were farmers, who were entering the army due to the want to get away, actually of the 24, 12 were farmers. Oto Tsuma, Koyo Ita were the most noticeable of the group both coming from poor familes who lost everything due to floods. There were also Lu Ming, Xian Tai, who came from the rural back country and most likely had never been outside a mile from their homes before. All four of which had most likely never even picked up a bow or weapon before. Ma Feng and Ma Ang were brothers who were older then the others and lost their farm and the entry in the army was their last way to make money for their familes. 8 of which were from the cities, Ma Yang, and Ma Sung being from the capital of Wu, both having grown up on the streets the army was an way out for them both. There were a couple of odd options from sea fairing families, a Xu Yuan, was a man who was young and came from a family who owned a ferry and as well as his sister Xu Mi who demanded that she get to spend her time with her brother. The last one was Ming Yan, who was actually a reformed pirate who had been caught redhanded many years before. His biggest edge being his battle experience, which was rather high, even though he remained rather young.

Lu Shan would have to pick though this list, going over each of them and figuring which ones were the ones that would best fit her style. She would have a lot of teaching to do and working with a variety of personalities most likely as she taught each of them archery and the skills they would need to survive in battle.
As Lu Shan over viewed the list of privates that she'll have to choose from there were quite a few she had doubts about. Some didn't even seem like they could be warriors, but archers maybe. Being an archer had its ups and downs just like any other weapon did. Archers were always a distance away, but if skilled enough some could fight up front like Sun Quan's sister Sun Shang Xiang and others could ride horseback, but Lu Shan doubted she could with a troop of archers, sword wielding warriors maybe, but not archers. The problem was that archers weren't as heavily armored as the rest of the army so if a warrior broke through and started heading towards them a great amount of the troops can die unless he was taken out before then. With that in mind Lu Shan decided to look for the ones that would have sharp eyes, speed and movement. Her worries had to be on their own defense on the battlefield.

As she read each profile carefully Lu Shan had to determine how to fit the people together like a puzzle. She needed people that could fill in the weakness of the others rending each weakness dealt with unless that person is dead or gone. That was the problem...if someone died then someone else's weakness could be at risk so not only that, but she needed to figure out how to make her group difficult to kill. Perhaps a hidden location so they can attack the unsuspecting army or remain in a base in a high and difficult to reach location. There were so many decisions to make and so many things to think about, but Lu Shan was managing through. Another problem would be how to train each person. Farmers would listen, but skill in archery will be lacking. Most of the people she was given were unlikely to even touch a bow before. The former pirate seemed good in combat, but how difficult would it be for him to listen? Lu Shan has seen Gan Ning and seen he only listens to Lu Meng, but anyone else he wouldn't listen to. That was the thing she feared would be the case, but risks were have to be made.

Lu Shan didn't even know how long it took her to make her choices, but after reading the book Lu Xun gave her Lu Shan made her choices. Tomorrow she'll meet the people of her choice and their training shall begin, but Lu Shan prayed she made the right choices. Lu Shan went around the camp to inform the people she chose would be in her squad and told them to meet her where the archers trained early in the morning. When she was finished Lu Shan went on with her every day tasks of training and taking care of chores around the camp and Lu Xun's house. Finally when night arrived Lu Shan took her bath and went to bed then fell into sleep immediately.
The following morning the group had gotten together over a short period of time, the first person to arrive was Ma Yang, he had a feeling that he needed to show up and he beat the others by a good half hour or so. Ma Yang was a young man tall lanky with a rather thin frame, and messy dark hair that stood up randomly in certain places, he wore the most simple of clothes that one would find in a city as he sat waiting. Ma Feng and Ma Ang soon joined them, these two look pretty much a like, They were rather short, but both very strong, they were both dark haired like Yang, but both of them were bald completely having taken up shaving their hair when they were younger.

Oto and Koyo were the next to arrive, the pair had become friends as they spent time at the camp, neither had been their long, but the fact they came form the same region was something they could bond over. Oto was a bit shorter then Yang, and strong, but nearly as strong as the twins happened to be. He had a odd white hair with dark eyes which was a different combination. Then Koyo was average looking not tall not short, not strong or weak, with an average looking brown hair style that was common place, everything about him yelled average.

The last to arrive was of course the pirate, he was dashing tall strong, a charming looking man, he had long dark red hair and light blue eyes, that showed that he was a different sort if nothing else did. He grab did too, brightly colored and he stood out against the rest around himself. He wore a straight sword at his side as he looked around and paused for a moment figuring he would have to work with these newbies, and wondering what type of man they had given him to work with, only knowing that the report that the guy had done something impressive at some test.
Lu Shan made her way to the meeting place she told the others to arrive to and she was happy with what she saw. Everyone she chose was there waiting for her arrival. Looking at each of them she could see from appearances that she made decent choices so far, but what mattered was if they could have what it takes to be a archer and if they didn't it was up to Lu Shan to train them so they would be. She was carrying training bows for everyone to use and practice with. Hopefully nothing will go wrong by this, but Lu Shan had to start training them with their weapons sooner or later and the sooner the better. One of them caught her eye, the pirate she feared about. He was obviously different then the rest and seeing him with a sword was a bit troubling since he won't be using that sword much, but at the same time it would help it the enemy was coming towards them.

When Lu Shan got to them she took a moment to breathe before saying anything. She wanted to make a good first impression, but didn't know how to do it exactly. When she felt ready Lu Shan stepped in front of them and stood straight. "Good morning. I'm your squad commander Lu Shan. As you probably know you'll be serving as archers and after reading your profiles I can assume none of you have held one before." She walked towards the group and handed them each a bow and their own set of arrows one by one. "Now there are a few things you must possess to master the bow. Sharp eyesight, agility, and a strong arm. I hope those won't be a problem."

When she finished passing out the bows and arrows Lu Shan pulled out her own. The targets lined up for them to practice on were just ahead of them so she turned to face them. She pulled a arrow out and pulled it back to aim then without much time wasted she let it go. The arrow flew and hit a bulls eye in the target then one after another she fired one arrow at each of the six targets. Hitting the final one she lowered her bow and walked towards the targets to pull her arrows out. The purpose being Lu Shan wanted to display her skill as well as show what a good archer should be able to do. "Now line up to a target. I want to see what you can do already so I can see what needs to be worked on." She explained. "I'm sure you'll make fine archers when your training is completed."
The group of farmers, along with the city boy and the pirate gathered around as they listened to Lu Shan, most of them had never fired or even seen a bow in their life, much less ever used on to even aim at a simple target. The farmers gathered up their weapons to train with, Oto looked it over calmly as he tried figure it out by just looking at the bow, he was more of a thinker then a man of action. The twins on the other hand tried right away to hit the target, which didn't do either of them a lick of good as they both missed the targets completely the arrows ending up hitting the dirt either in front of or behind the target, Oto, Koyo and Yang faired little better in their attempts to fire a bow.

Yan, the pirate, smiled as he looked at the target and calmly aimed his bow and struck the center of the target, and smiled looking at the teacher who was his boss, "Well, actually, this isn't my first time handling one of these, on a ship you sometimes have to use these a lot so that you can attack enemies when they are far away," he said with a confident look in his eyes as he looked at the others, a bit of arrogance seemed to be rather natural to the colorful man as he took three more and hit the other's targets for them in a row. "I am only here cause I got caught, not cause I am some incapable bump on a log," he said with a smirk.

"Well, I will show you, I can do this too," Yang said defensively as he took the arrow and aimed it firing and aiming horribly badly, the arrow actually ended up going right at Lu Shan as he miss fired the arrow from his bow. Panic showed on the face of the city boy as he looked at the arrows path knowing that for sure that he couldn't alter the path or reach out and move Lu Shan out of the path of the arrow that was heading right at her.
As Lu Shan watched as the newcomers took their shots, but she wasn't surprised by the results. She knew there was a lot of work to be done for the farmers and twins, but in time she was sure that they would become excellent archers once their training has began. As she passed by Lu Shan helped Oto understand how to load and aim the arrow into the bow knowing it was difficult to understand for someone that wasn't much for action, but she needed a thinker on the team. Oto would probably be the one that required most of her attention, but after seeing him fire the arrow at least it hit the target. Luckily Koyo and Yang didn't have too much trouble at least they had hit their targets even if it wasn't exactly on the level she wanted.

Yan didn't surprise her either since he was experienced in combat, one of the reasons why she added him to begin with, but that arrogance might be a problem if it gets too out of hand. So far he seemed willing to listen, but she'll just have to see what exactly she was dealing with in time. "I expected you would do well Yan, but it's still worth seeing what level you're on and there's always room for improvement. Just remember don't be a show off in battle." She didn't appreciate the fact he tried to show off, but it did get the others fired up so she couldn't be too angry.

That's when Lu Shan made her mistake. For a moment she took her eyes off Yang not seeing that he was aiming rather badly. It was at the last moment did Lu Shan heard the sound of an arrow flying through the air did she see it heading her way. By then it was too late. Lu Shan cried out in pain as the arrow stabbed itself deep into her side. She grabbed her side feeling the arrow penetrating her and fell to her knees crying out in agony. Blood was staining the clothing she was wearing feeling herself unable to bare the pain.
Yan looked at the city boy who fired the arrow and then saw where it had hit, he motioned the others away, as he moved up next to Lu Shan, putting his hand on the wound and looking at her as he looked at the others, "City boy, go tell the doctor to run, you run to the medical tent, and tell them that I am bringing Lu Shan along as he looked right at him," he said as he looked at him before the worried young man ran off in the direction of tent to announce the arrival so that they would be ready for them.

"Oto, go find Lu Xun and tell him about this, Twins find Lu Ming and Ling Tong and tell them about what happened. Koyo, toss me your shirt," he said as he caught the shirt and used it to put pressure on the wound without moving out the arrow from Lu Shan as he then picked her up in his arms. As he picked her up he felt her body against his and blinked as he quickly put two and two together and blinked as he realized his teacher was a female. He looked at her and could tell that he needed to say something. He turned to Koyo, "Go tell the medics to prepare for a wounded female," he said knowing the treatment and body for a woman and a male were different from each other.

"Lady Shan, focus on something, I don't want to have the rep of getting my first boss killed on my first day of training," he said to her as he carried her to the hospital, he had figured out a lot from the reactions, he guessed why she had picked this group, and he wondered if she had noticed how good they worked and reacted. He carried her to the hospital the whole way as he then handed her over to the doctors who were waiting for her and had a room already prepped for her.
Despite in great pain, Lu Shan quickly picked up on Yan's leadership at work. She managed to look at him as he directed everyone in an effective manner. He seemed to know exactly what to do and the others did as he was told. As much as she wanted to marvel at her pirvates working to help her after such a accident happened the pain just took all the attention she had left. She could barely touch the wound without causing herself more pain then before. Lu Shan used all her might to hold back her tears from the extensive pain. She could feel her blood escaping her body from the wound. She wanted to just pull it out, but it was both a stupid and bad idea.

Feeling the pressure pushing down on her wound Lu Shan let out a pained grunt trying to hide her feminine cries. As Yan tried to pick her up, Lu Shan used her hand to keep the pressure on her wound knowing that was the best thing she could do for herself right now. Little did she know that by picking her up Yan figured out her secret. It was only until he said 'wounded female' did she realize that he knew. She looked up at him in surprise letting a gasp exit her lips. By calling her 'lady' it only confirmed her suspicions. Well at least now she could keep herself from having to change her voice while she was in this pain.

She grunted in his arms using her normal voice. "I guess you figured it out...don't worry you're not gonna loose me..." She told him to help him worry less. Though their was a lot of blood staining her clothing. On the way there Lu Shan worked hard to reframe from touching the arrow, but as it moved on occasion it was impossible to let out a cry or two in pain. Relief washed over her as she was handed over to the doctors. At this point her secret wasn't her main concern. It was the arrow piercing into her side.
The doctors were able to put the young woman on the bed, as they found that arrow and carefully removed it and cleaned the wound and pressurized the wound, and bandaged it up after they made some wound as cleaned up and fixed up as best as they could. The doctors had given the young woman a strong drink of alcohol before they had done the work on her arrow wound. They would have to go in later and put stitches for the wound later, but at the moment, they had to make sure that it didn't get infected which would end up with Lu Shan having a far more serious problem set of problems then she would have normally.

Lu Xun as the first one to arrive at the hospital, as he wanted to check in on his own student, he was a good bit worried about her as he walked in he walked in and talked to the doctors and got the news about what had happened with her and figured out that she had been hit by an arrow and that she was going to be fine in with a few days of rest on her own hands. Lu Xun walked into her room and looked over at her giving her a small smile as he stood beside her bed, knowing that the pain had to be hard, he gave her a sympathetic look on his face.

Ling Tong and Lu Meng heard about the incident but both of them were not able to go check on her, but the both would most likely go and check on her, Lu Meng was just sitting with a lot of paperwork in front of himself that he had to do. He also had to meet with various other officers. Ling Tong was in the middle of training, he would show up at some point, but he was out scouting the area around where they were. He was with some of the low ranking officers teaching them scouting ideas that they could use in the future if they were asked to do such things.
With the alcohol in her system the pain of removing the arrow had weakened to a point Lu Shan didn't have to suffer too badly in order to have it taken out of her body. She still cried out and fought back her tears, but with determination she refused to go down without a fight. She took the pain she did have to suffer through until the doctors were finally done. With the arrow pulled out of her and her wound stable for now Lu Shan laid in her bed. She hoped no one who didn't know her secret already would find out this way. Lu Shan looked down to see the bandage had wrapped around her wound and her chest to cover her breast, but it wasn't in the amounts she used to keep them hidden. They were easily spotted, but hopefully no one who didn't know about the truth already would come in.

It was a relief to see Lu Xun again by her side. It meant a lot to see one of her mentors giving her a comforting smile and thankful it wasn't Lu Meng or Ling Tong instead. They must be too busy to see her and she thanked god for that otherwise they would know. It seemed like each day more and more people were figuring out her secret. It was only a matter of time before Lu Shan would just have to stop hiding it. She laid in her bed thinking this. A worried look washed over her. Lu Shan was going to stop hiding once her training was done and she got the treatment she wanted, but now...it seemed that everyone was finding out sooner or later. For a moment Lu Shan looked at Lu Xun's sympathetic face and gave him a smile.

"It isn't as bad as it looks. It hurts, but I was going to have to be in pain sooner or later anyway. I might as well get a taste of what will come huh?" She smiled trying to joke a little to make Lu Xun less worried about her. Lu Xun already had too much on his plate he really shouldn't be here. Lu Shan wasn't important enough to cause him to loose the time he could be using for more productive things, but Lu Shan will admit it was nice to see he was worried and have him by her side for awhile.
Lu Xun looked at her and blinked for a moment, and then nodded his head as he smiled. She was taking this with a good sense of self, it was a good thing to see. He knew that sometimes getting harmed and injured so early in their training career would have horrible effects on the confidence or the wiliness to work hard, causing people with potential to be trashed, and this had ruined the officers for good, even after they had recovered.

"Well, that is good, now, just think about what went wrong, and you will be able to fix it and improve on what you are doing," he said as he looked at her. "I will tell Lu Meng and Ling Tong, that it isn't anything major and they shouldn't worry about this," he said pausing for a moment, "I have great things in my image for you, if there is anything I can do for you, then tell me if you need anything at all. I will find a way to get it to you," Lu Xun said truthfully, she was his top student and prodigy as well. He figured that he wanted to mentor this young woman to be someone big.

"I will talk to you later," he said before he started to leave, he looked outside and paused before turning and smiling at Lu Shan for a good moment or two. "Well, it is interesting you have seemed to made a impression on your troop, I think that your people must like you as all of them our out here waiting to make sure that your okay," he said to her before he headed out leaving her with the good bit of news that she might like to hear.
Lu Shan couldn't let something like this hurt her pride. Her wound hurt her body beyond all pain she's felt before and she should blame herself for letting something like this happen and not paying attention. On the inside it did hurt her confidence, but she couldn't let Lu Xun see her broken from her own mistake. He was already doing and worrying so much and Lu Shan's confidence shouldn't be one of them. Besides she had to be a leader now and learn to tolerate pain, because it'll only get worse from here. Once her time to enter battle would come Lu Shan had to be ready to face the pain.

She smiled at Lu Xun listening to him and seeing he was happy that she appeared fine. The advice he gave was one Lu Shan will definitely take, all of Lu Xun's advice was useful and insightful so Lu Shan always listened to him. "Yes sir, I will. After all I might be here for a few days so I'll have time to rethink what I'm doing, but I'll get back up on my feet as fast as possible." Her heart nearly jumped with joy hearing Lu Xun's sweet and kind words. She was nearly taken by it. He...he believed in her...he was truly her best friend here. "Thank you sir! You don't know how happy that makes me. I won't let you down!"

Seeing he was going to leave Lu Shan closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. There wasn't much she could do with this wound; she could barely move as it is. Then that's when she heard him. Lu Shan looked at her mentor after hearing her troop was waiting to hear about her. They were waiting for her. Maybe Lu Xun was right...she must have done something right to get them to like her. Even that arrogant pirate was here. She smiled at him after hearing the good news and watched him leave. Any internal pain she was feeling was gone.
Lu Xun looked at the woman for a moment and tilted his head as he smiled, and then shook his head, "you are going to go places, either as someone's wife if they can get you to settle down, or maybe even as the partner of some warrior who you work with and help make this kingdom stronger," he said as he walked out of the room and looked at the group of men who were gathered outside, he told them that they were to meet with her then meet with him in the training area, he would help out his prized student and her aims a bit while she recovered.

Oto walked in and looked at the chart for a moment reading over it he paused and then looked up at Lu Shan and smiled, "so, you a woman, always wanted to know if there were any females who were in command, it seems that we found the only one, that or at least someone who is kind when they help, that is better then most," he commented as he smiled for a moment looking at Lu Shan.

The city boy Yang walked in second and bowed looking down for a moment, "I am so sorry for what happened, it was all my mistake, I would understand if you do not want to have me in your unit anymore, it isn't right to shot a commanding officer and all," he said letting out a soft sigh as he looked at her. He felt really guilty that he had done what he had, and foolish as well for making such a stupid mistake. He was worried that this would pretty much end his chance to be in the army too.
Lu Shan couldn't be anymore happy to hear such words coming from her mentor. He made her feel even more determined to fight for the Wu empire. She doubted she would become a wife or even be a good one since all her years of training to learn how to be a wife. How to behave, how to treat him, how to cook for him,....how to pleasure him, but Lu Shan knew none of this. She's spent so long pretending to be a man she had to learn what it took to appear and act like a man instead of the usual training a young woman had to, but it would be possible to become a wife...she just hoped he would be okay with a inadequate wife.

Now being a warrior was different. She won't have any problems being the partner of a warrior. Lu Shan wanted to fight for the Wu empire. To strengthen it, to defend it. Everything she could to repay everyone for her training, but now she hoped her training wouldn't lessen or the men would go easy on her. "Thank you Lord Lu Xun. It means a lot to hear you believe in me. Maybe...I could be a wife...but for now my goal is to serve Wu and my Lords." She smiled at him softly and watched him leave.

Seeing Oto walk in Lu Shan looked at him and watched as he read her chart. She chuckled seeing him looking so calm about the discovery almost like he wasn't surprised. Softly she sighed and answered. "Yes, I'm a woman, but I don't intend on anyone taking me lightly for those who find out. In this camp I haven't seen many women so I'm not too surprised that there aren't many females in command." Once Yang entered Lu Shan smiled softly looking at him apologizing to her. She gave him a friendly smile. "Yang it's okay, it was a mistake and it was my fault. I should've been paying attention. With more training I'm sure you will make a fine archer. I want you to continue to serve in our troop."
A few days past from when she was put in the hospital, nothing big happened, she had only a day or so till she was going to be let out of the hospital, her men were training hard to improve all of them wanting to get better and make a name for themselves in time. The group of 6 were focused on doing the best they could so they could also show off for their commander once she got healthy. All of them also managed to keep the secret from others that they were working for a woman and not a man. It wasn't that hard as no one really asked any of them about the issue.

On that day though, one Lu Meng slipped into the hospital and walked in to finally check up on Lu Shan, he walked in and looked at the person pausing as he looked at her, at this point he couldn't tell if she was a female or a male, and had no clue about her secret, "So, young man, how have you been doing," he asked looking at Lu Shan for a moment, "I have heard from Lu Xun you have been doing good things, when my best student tells me he has found his best student it normally means that student is very good," he mentioned as he looked at her.

"Well, I came to tell you something important," he said pausing for a moment feeling awkward, there was something cute about the guy, and that made things feel really strange for the commander, he let out a deep breath as he thought about the natural awkwardness that came from him at that moment, "anyhow, um, in a week we are going on a small raid of a area controlled by Cao Cao's forces it is going to be a fight, a small one, but one, we will send the unit your group is assigned to, so be ready," he said before he turned and left quickly feeling weirded out.
The only good thing about laying in bed for these past days was that Lu Shan was finally able to catch up on her sleep. Her body hasn't felt this rested ever since Lu Xun started training her. When she was awake the doctors taking care of her were nice enough to bring her books to read until the day they would finally release her from the hospital. She couldn't help, but wonder if her men were training and if they were getting better at archery. Lu Shan had hopes for them, but some men might slack off once they see their commander is unable to lead them. Though from what she could see Lu Shan didn't believe those were her men at the same time she had to wonder if they said anything to anyone about the truth about their commander.

When Lu Meng slipped into her room Lu Shan was quick to use the book she was reading to hide her chest. With the wrapping around her chest it would be easy to see the round shape of her breast, but with them hidden and her hair still pulled up it would almost be seem less. She didn't know if Lu Meng knew or now, but she couldn't take any chances. The face Lu Meng made looked like one of confusion. Was it difficult to tell if she was a male or female when she was like this? Could he see the feminine shape of her body under her covers or did he see her covering her breast with the book? When he spoke a bit of relief washed over her. Lu Shan fixed her voice back to her male voice before speaking to him. "Thank you sir. It means a lot to be thought of in such a way from a highly respected Lord."

Her attention was completely focused on him once she heard he had important news, but strangely enough there was a awkward vibe between them. Was something bothering him? He seemed bothered or conflicted by something, but before she could ask if he was okay Lu Meng told her the news. Finally all this time of waiting a battle was coming while it was small it was still a battle that could only grow bigger and bigger as time passed. The flames of war had begun and Wu happens to be the masters of flames. She felt ready, the only problem was if she would be healed in time and her troop ready to play their parts. Before Lu Shan had the opportunity to reply Lu Meng was gone. Now she wondered if he was okay maybe she'll ask him once she was able to leave. It isn't good to have their leader under such conditions when he's needed most.
A few days past as they always seem to pass, things were getting better for Lu Shan as she was let out of the hospital after making a complete and full recovery, she still had a few days before they were going to march out to attack a small outpost that was manned in the north by Cao Cao. It would be a minor fight, but for her and her men most likely it would be a large one, most of her men had never been in battle, all but the pirate actually. They had spend the time working hard with Lu Xun working on their archery, with the help of said pirate as well.

Lu Xun had managed to get the 6 of them put into the same barracks together, so that they could work and grow closer as friends as well. It wasn't a different tactic and he figured that Lu Shan would need a close nit group so that they would follow her orders. Each of the group of course had their strengths and weaknesses, and were still very green as well. Still, they wanted to get better, and seemed a good group, Lu Shan had choosen her group rather well, which wasn't a surprise for him.

Lu Xun left the group by mid morning as he went to talk to his teacher and go over the actions that would be need for that minor strike, which units would attack from where how they would supply the attack, who would led the attack who would support the attack as well. It would be a simple affair but even if one could mess this type of thing up. Then if one did mess up, lives were on the line and these commanders knew this fact ever so well. They thus would put together the best plan possible for the attack.
The days were long and dull until the day Lu Shan was finally allowed to leave with a full bill of health. She healed completely without any horrible effects on her body and ready to fight again. She knew the days of the first battle were arriving soon so she had to train again to make up for the lost time of training. Luckily Lu Shan found out her troops great progress that came along excellently all thanks to Lu Xun. If it wasn't for him Lu Shan wouldn't know how she was going to train them in just a few days, but one thing was for sure and that was she had chosen a great team of men.

She spent most of the day training her body to get back into shape and pushing herself even farther then before. With her troop having a completed training allowed her to have the time to train herself once again. Of course she spent time with her troops by seeing the skills they've developed under Lu Xun's leadership and care. She wanted to train them herself, but the accident prevented her to do so. At least her troop showed much respect to her as though she did train them. As long as they were ready for combat then in the end that's what mattered.

By mid day Lu Shan's body was exhausted from the excessive training she put her own body into an decided it would be best to rest for awhile after all she didn't wanted to be sore the day of the battle. Lu Shan decided to return to Lu Xun's home and take a warm bath to relax her tensed body. No body was home and no body was expecting her for the rest of the day so Lu Shan relaxed herself for once. She let her hair down seeing it grew to flow over her shoulders she'll have to cut it later to keep herself from looking too feminine. She undid her armor and took off all the wrappings that hid her womanly chest and shape then slipped into the warmth of the bath closing her eyes to relax.
It just so happened that Ling Tong was in camp looking for Lu Xun, he was going to be under his command for a different assignment that went along with the one that Lu Shan and her men were going to don in their first action. The young man looked around when he heard movement from the bathroom. Ling Tong went in and looked at Lu Shan for a moment pausing as he looked at her, raising an eye brow and shocked to turning himself around as he looked at the wall, for a moment.

"I am sorry Miss," he said embarrassed a fact that could be told from his tone alone, never the less seeing the red faced young man who was not used to walking in on a woman who was taking a bath. Ling Tong took a deep breath to compose himself as much as was possible in the short period of time as he collected his thoughts and his own voice again. "Miss, I have no idea why your in Lu Xun's bathroom, would you be perhaps, Lord Lu Shan's lover," he asked as he looked away the whole time not figuring her for who she was.

"Would you happen to know where Lord Lu Xun or your lover happen to be," he asked as he continued to look away not wanting to look back at the very beautiful woman who was taking a bath at the moment. He very much needed to find Lu Xun, and he knew if he couldn't find Lu Xun, he could find Lu Shan, and then the chances for finding Xun would only increase and thus why he asked where both happened to be at that moment.
In the heat of her bliss Lu Shan heard the door open. Her heart jumped instantly at the sound. Who would be walking in!? Lu Xun would never come in while she was bathing so who was opening the door! Instantly she covered her breast with her cheeks blushing red and let out a instinctive scream in surprise, but it was too late. She blushed even brighter sinking deeper into the water to hide her embarrassment and her body. That voice...Ling Tong!? Why was he here!? Lu Shan didn't even dare look at the door using her hair to cover her face, but as she listened to him asking questions it become obvious he didn't know who she was.

She couldn't answer him at first, Lu Shan had to make a decision. She could tell him the truth or avoid it completely pretending to be this "lover" he thought she was. Inside Lu Shan thought she should take advantage of the moment to cover the truth, but in honesty she had to wonder if it was even worth it. Her training was complete and her entire squad knew. Slowly everyone was finding out and deep down she was sick of lying to her friends. Lu Shan decided it was time to tell the truth. She was sick of the hiding, the fear, the lies, Lu Shan got what she wanted and proved herself there was no point of keeping up this facade.

Slowly she sat up in the bath tub and looked towards the door. This time not even bothering to change her voice to him. Taking a deep breath Lu Shan started to speak. "Um...Ling Tong? I am Lu Shan...it might seem like me, but trust me...it is..." Lu Shan didn't even know if he would believe her, but it was worth it. If it took more then her word to prove it then so be it, but she prayed it wouldn't take much for Ling Tong to recognize her.
Ling Tong blinked as he looked away from Lu Shan still as he processed the information that was given to him. This was Lu Shan, not some woman who was his lover, Lu Shan was a female. He blinked, a shocked and surprised look on his face as he looked away still. "So the young commander is a woman," he said his tone showing a bit of just how surprised that he happened to be at the news that woman was the young officer that was being talked about so much in camp.

"So, um, I have some questions for you, Lady Shan," he said as he felt awkward as could be standing there with a naked woman in the room who happened to work for him indirectly. Yeah, that made things a bit strange, especially since it was obvious that Lu Shan was a beautiful woman and attractive as well. He took a deep breath as he gathered his thoughts together after a long moment of silence which hanged between the two of them.

"First, is Lu Shan your real name," he asked wanting to know if it was her name or it was something that she made up. "Secondly what is the relationship between yourself and Lu Xun, are you just mentor and student," he asked curious if his friend had taken a liking and was taking her into his bed. He hoped not, but having seen her beauty, he could see why he would be tempted to do such a thing. "Also, do your men know that your a woman, I can predict that might cause some serious problems if they don't know down the line."
Judging by the way she heard Ling Tong's voice he was shocked and confused, but it wasn't a surprise. After all she couldn't blame him since everything he believed about her was a lie. Lu Shan didn't know if she should get out of the bath and get dressed so they wouldn't have this awkward feeling between them, but she was too scared to leave the bath with him only a turn away to seeing her naked. "Um...yes...I'm a woman." She replied with a awkward tone in her voice. A light awkward chuckle escaped her lips as she tried to avoid looking at the doorway.

When she heard he had questions for her Lu Shan shrugged a little despite he couldn't see her. "Oh okay." She responded rather calmly, but inside she was terrified with what he might ask her. The long awkward silence between them lasted longer then Lu Shan had thought it would. The only sound that could be heard was the movement of water as Lu Shan occasionally having to move to stay somewhat comfortable. She decided this was far too awkward for the two of them if they were going to talk about this situation. Just before Ling Tong started asking his questions Lu Shan stood up and the sound of water falling from her body echoed in the bathroom just as he started to speak. Lu Shan didn't intend for it to happen, but there was no going back now.

Lu Shan decided to press on and get dressed to erase what awkward tension was between them. She used a towel to dry off her body as he asked his question and making sure he didn't decide to be cheeky and sneak a peek. The question about Lu Xun nearly made her blush. He didn't think there was some sort of non-professional relationship between them, right!? After he finished asking, Lu Shan started to pull on her causal clothing as she answered. "Um...well...Lu Shan is my real name. I decided it wasn't necessary to change it since it could be seen as a unisex name. There's definitely nothing like what you're implying going on between me and Lu Xun. He's happily married and loyal to his wife and I have no interest in ruining a marriage we're just student and mentor. And after the arrow accident my entire troop was made aware of it." Once she was dressed completely she looked into the doorway and cleared her throat to get his attention. "Should we talk somewhere more...um...comfortable?"
The awkwardness was in the air, it was so thick that he could feel it as clearly as could be. He was still surprised that the young woman was here, but at least he knew that her working with Lu Xun wasn't so that Xun could sleep with her. That meant that his judgement had more validation then if he took her under his weeks to sleep with her alone. He had heard stories of that, where people took women under their arms to turn into their mistresses or secret lovers, He was pretty sure their boss had tried that once or twice himself.

"Yes, I shall meet you outside in the shade, we shall go over your assignment and what your going to need to do while we are on our mission," he said still looking away form the woman, there was no way he was going to turn. He knew that this awkwardness of being with a beautiful naked woman in eye show was something not avoidable at the moment. He just wasn't used to it, he spent most of his time working killing, not checking out places beautiful women might be located at. That meant never expecting finding that a male he barely knew happened to be a beautiful woman, that stuff never happened.

He left quickly, if nothing else showed how much he was ready to leave the tent, this would show that fact clear as day. He walked out of the room quickly moving fast as he wanted to get out of the spot before anything else odd happened to him. What next, Lu Xun would walk out pretending to hide the fact he was a female too. He remember the joke years before, that Lu Xun looked rather like a female in hiding. He sat down under a tree as he gathered his thoughts, it took a moment to clear his mind.

Ling Tong pulled out a scroll and undid it. He was sure the young woman knew how to read and would be able to figure out her orders by reading them, but he wanted to explain them in person, always worked out for the best that way. He used various objects to show where they were attacking the outpost, lightly manned and with wood walls, Lu Shan and her men would be on the northside where a small hill was. From here they would be able to fire into the fort itself causing chaos and maybe a easy victory too.
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