Mass Attraction (Javorcek x ClearSight)

Motherfucking 'Your shotgun needs to be locked up in the Security Office, Jack', 'We can't have weapons in places where students can get ahold of them, Jack' Yeah?! Couldn't have the guns stored in convenient places?! LOOK HOW WELL THIS SHIT WAS TURNING OUTNOW! Wohoo! Safety!! GLAD I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING GUN, KAHLEE!! THANKS BOSS! Jack was fuming as she threw Warp after Warp from afar rather than getting in the enemies' faces with a Biotic Charge and her shotgun. This wasn't the kind of fighting she was used to: Jack was all about bursts of power, knocking an opponent on their ass and putting an enemy down with one bullet from her trusty shotgun...not whittling down opponents from cover.

At least Eezo was roaring through the Ceberus ranks, causing some of the troops to scatter and panic as they were mauled by a mutated biotic varren. The station pet was keeping Cerberus engineers from setting up turrets and making this fight impossible, but still, there were so many troops that needed to be dealt with. The students were useless, unable to multitask: they could either form a barrier or fire offensive biotics, not both. "Do not break formation! Trust your barriers!" Jack barked at the kids as she dropped her own barrier so that she could fire blasts of biotic energy faster. We need this to be over soon. The kids don't have the stamina for this kind of fight... Warps and Shockwaves, Jack held nothing back, even when her head pounded, her heart rate became fast and thready, her eyes threatened to unfocus and blackout...she kept going.

"Hold that barrier! Do not back down! That is an order!" Jack barked as a few of her students cried out. Eezo was down, an Engineer had set up a turret, and now her kids were struggling to keep the bullets from breaking their barrier. Jack felt the gap in the barrier before she could figure out what kid had broken formation or had tired out. This is it... Jack knew that she would have to charge forward, even without her shotgun, she would have to draw fire, give the kids a chance run...

But her moment of sacrifice never came, instead, Jack felt the barrier grow from behind her, saw the biotic shield grow a brighter blue and come forward in a powerful blast that knocked over the Engineer and ripped him to bits. With all the enemies down, Jack turned immediately to see what one of her kids had dug deep. Holy shit... "Miranda?" The young biotic gawked at the other woman. Of all the people she had expected to come to the aid of the station, the head Cerberus Cheerleader had not been it.


The sound of metal thudding against the now vibrating floor ripped Jack from her shock. She whipped her head around, just in time to see a Cerberus Atlas coming their way with its guns trained directly on one of her older students. "Prangley!" Jack shouted, then sprinted forward, sliding on the floor and then popped up right infront of the stunned boy. She put up a barrier, one strong enough to to absorb the massive shot from the main gun.

"Everyone get back! This thing's outta your league." Jack positioned herself between her students and the giant mech.

"Take the high ground!" Rodriguez, who was the weakest biotic but the strongest strategist and biotic theorist, lead her fellow students up to the balcony. Jack was right, the giant mech was waaayyy out of their league. But they weren't going to just run without their beloved teacher. They would take up positions on the balcony, somewhere safe to launch supporting attacks from.
Playing the hero was a rush, it really made a person's spirits soar, but it was only a momentary high. Miranda had disregarded every cautious bone and reasonable thought to rush across space, sneak past a blockade and trap herself on a planet, and risk her own life to save Jack and a bunch of students. The ex-Cerberus operative wasn't as cold as the expressions and vocal indifference made her out to be, but she didn't often come across as heroic either. Heroism was usually the same as stupidity, Miranda had done her fair share of stupid things already... And yet there she was, appearing right in time and playing the hero. She was even enjoying the rush as her own biotic prowess saved the day. Fortunately she didn't let that momentary indulgence appear on her features, because the moment Jack turned to look at her it all crumbled. Miranda could be normal deep down, and so even she felt some shame getting a rush and feeling all heroic and spirited when she was showing up only after running away.

Of course Miranda hated to think of it as running away, but a few people had decided to point it out to her after it happened. So, she felt more guilty and ridiculous than she did excited and heroic. Miranda was still Miranda though, her face showing a rather cool and collected indifference to Jack's gawking, a calm expression hiding every emotion like normal. Jack had always seemed to hate that... And during their time together had constantly forced her to express herself, and look girly and stupid. Ugh, I didn't think any of this through... She didn't actually think that, she knew she didn't, but Miranda wouldn't be herself if she didn't deny and repress despite having crumbled multiple times before. Miranda was calculative and intelligent though, so when Jack panicked to save a student, and Miranda noticed how much she cared for them, she knew exerting herself a bit more could make things easier.

The operative took a long, deep breath, focusing her mind and the biotic energy inside of her before thrusting both of her hands forward, blocking the next shot from the Atlas with an shield large enough to cover the students retreat entirely. After the students made it to relative safety things instantly became easier. Jack and Miranda were veterans, both with extensive combat experience, and more than enough working side by side. From the moment it became them against the Atlas the end result was clear. Not that it wasn't a tough fight, especially with Cerberus soldiers constantly coming to make things difficult, but with some combined effort they managed to destroy the soldiers and mech. Only, Miranda wasn't convinced that was a good thing, not for her anyways. The dangerous situation had been the only buffer between her and the younger biotic... Who was really looking sexy, and angry. The anger may have been contributing to the sexy. The older biotic gave a small sigh as the students returned from the upper ground with high spirits, leaving Miranda to stare at Jack and try to figure out what the fuck she was supposed to say. 'How are you?' seemed like it would get her thrashed, she had kind of just disappeared, and she knew that kind of thing would hurt Jack more than others.

In the end she couldn't bring herself to act all sappy and ridiculous in front of a bunch of strangers, especially young people who were already looking at her with curiosity and hesitance. Besides, she wasn't sure acting warm and fuzzy would be better than acting like her old detached self, it may even make it worse. So she stood there, body straight and arms crossed and spoke with a normal expression on her face, one that didn't match what they had just finished doing at all. "I heard you were in trouble so I came to help... Still a long way to get everyone out of this." She hesitated and then stopped, giving her piece. In fact, the part about there still being a long way to go, it was more a reminder than anything. Not that she really expected Jack to care, she was already mentally prepared to throw up a shield and 'talk it out' right then and there, Jack style. Hmph, me deserving it doesn't mean I won't fight back.
Even though six months had passed, Jack and Miranda fell into the rhythm of battle as though it had been just yesterday that they had been storming through the Collector base. After all the drills and missions they had been through together, the two knew how to play off of each other perfectly. Jack was getting right in the big Atlas' cockpit, distracting the pilot so that Miranda could line up shots with the weak spots of the mech. Her hands were bleeding from trying to punch through the glass, but eventually, Jack's biotically charged attacks made a crack. "Cheerleader! The pilot!" Jack backed off the Atlas so that Miranda could unload her pistol into the weakened glass, bullets penetrating the pane and making contact with the pilot inside. Then it was just a simple matter of wiping up the last few straggler soldiers and they were set to relax...if only for a moment.

"Kahlee said she was putting out an S.O.S. I had no idea the head Cerberus Cheerleader would show up." Jack smirked at Miranda's pathetic attempt at conversation, then moved back to her kids, getting them settled. "Alright. Amp check!" The young biotic shouted, then headed over to one of the older boys who she had had to save earlier. "Prangley! Those fields were weak. Cerberus isn't gonna lie down outta pity like that girl you took to prom." Jack looked over to her other students, relieved that no one really had wounds. A couple of students were nursing some small shrapnel cuts with medigel, but nothing big. "Grab juice and an energy bar, we move in five." Should just keep moving...but these kids need to regroup. It's their first real fight after all... Once her students were settled, Jack leapt over the balcony, her whole body glowing blue for a moment as she cushioned her fall with her biotics. Six steps more and she was within arm's reach of Miranda.

Jack wound up and unleashed a powerful left hook to the older biotic's jaw. It could have been worse, the blow could have been biotically charged (and Miranda did deserve such a thing) but as much as it pained her to admit, Jack was relieved to see that the Operative was still alive. "That was for leaving, dumbass." The young biotic growled, relieved or not, she was still pissed. Miranda had just disappeared on her, no goodbyes, no notes, no nothing! Jack was used to people fucking her over...but she had stupidly let herself believe that Miranda was different.

Still... she'd missed the other woman. Her relationship with the Operative had been the closest thing to love she'd ever experienced... And Miranda had come out here to save her and her kids...that had to mean something, right?

Once Miranda recovered from the blow, the impulsive biotic grabbed the other woman by the collar of her jacket, for a moment it seemed like she was going to continue the fight with how rough she was being... But rather than wrestle Miranda to the floor, Jack captured her those fucking perfect, genetically engineered lips in a deep, passionate kiss. As soon as their mouths collided, the younger woman felt that familiar fire spreading through her chest and stomach...she had missed this, missed how her body felt pressed against Miranda's, how their lips and tongue felt locked in a feverish kiss...


"Go Ma'am!"

Cheering from up in the balcony made Jack come back to her senses. She slowly untangled herself from Miranda, muttering a "That was for coming back," as she put some distance between them. Now was not the time to pounce ontop of Miranda...they had to get off this damn station.
Combat wasn't the only thing that started right where it left off, the banter seemed to pick up right where they left off as well, at least the bit where Jack called her a Cerberus Cheerleader constantly. Miranda looked over at Jack with the slightest bit of irritation in her eyes, "I haven't been with Cerberus for a long time Jack." Boring, not funny, can't take a joke. Yep, she was the same old Miranda. The truth was, she wasn't, a lot about Miranda had changed, but she found herself stiff around Jack, nervous even. There was nothing like being ignored to break tension though, because Miranda was left to stand there and watch as Jack checked on the students without giving her much more than a sentence and a glance.

Miranda didn't know whether to be relieved or scared that Jack wasn't already chewing her out, or throwing a punch, but Miranda caught on quickly. Jack cared a lot about the kids, it was obvious, and Miranda actually found herself with a slight warm smile. She truly did care for Jack, it was nice to see the younger biotic have people she cared about. Jack the teacher, never would she imagine, but seeing it made Miranda happy for the girl, enough so that she didn't even point out how bad of an idea it was to sit around and regroup. She should have, after all, it gave Cerberus time to dig in around them, but Jack was aware and still gave them the time, and Miranda understood, they needed it. Besides, Miranda was feeling rather spirited, as if together her and Jack could bring down everything around them... As long as Jack didn't take her down first.

Despite growing concerns Miranda didn't move, and when the punch actually came out, it was inevitable that it would, she didn't block it. The main reason was lack of biotic energy, but there was also the deserving it part keeping her from resisting. She really did deserve it, or deserve something. Miranda could take a punch, and aside from a sore jaw she was left standing there looking at Jack. Oddly enough she had the faintest trace of a grin on her lips as she looked at the young woman, Jack had become a lot cuter! Her growl and the hair and the jacket. It was all really sexy, but it was also kind of adorable. The operative chalked it up to Jack being around people and becoming social and not being so emotionally locked on anger.

Though, on the other hand, maybe she wasn't trying to be cute and was about to beat her senseless. Miranda didn't try to escape from Jack's grasp, she was going to take whatever Jack dished out, this once, because she knew what she had done was horrible. Yet, the beating she was expecting never came, instead she felt Jack's lips pressed against her. Everything clicked, they fit together just as well as they had before Miranda ran off, and the operative quickly fell into old habits, her hands lazily wrapping around Jack's hips, feverishly kissing the younger woman.

When cheering and Jack's nerves ended the kiss Miranda felt like pouting, but didn't. A lot of her emotions, especially the cute, willful ones, had only been seen by Jack. The part about Miranda liking to appear distant and professional around others hadn't changed. Still, she allowed herself a moment of something, following behind Jack and leaning in front behind to capture the girl's ear in between her teeth, giving it a slight bite. "You've become so much more adorable Jack~" She cooed, chuckling a bit before walking ahead of Jack, whispering so only the biotic could hear as she did. "Since I got a kiss for showing up, I expect something really good when I get all of you out of here."
Jack growled and bristled at the word 'adorable'. She wasn't adorable! Not even a little bit! Yeah, maybe she was getting -soft-; joining the military, becoming a teacher, actually -caring- about these teenage shitheads she was in charge of...yeah...she was getting soft. But she wasn't fucking adorable! Part of her wanted to sock Miranda again, show the older biotic just how 'adorable' she was...but then the older woman walked infront of her and Jack's eyes drifted down to that perfect ass. Suddenly she couldn't remember why she had been mad anymore.

"Don't think you're off the hook yet, Cheerleader." Jack smirked. As much as she could use a good lay, her and Miranda had a shit ton of issues to work out; issues that couldn't be worked out with sex or a hardcore BDSM session. Disappearing without a trace was a pretty big offense. Hell, Jack wasn't even sure if she should entertain the idea of them getting back together...but she couldn't deny that there was still something there. Something small and fragile and shitty inside of her still felt a draw to the older biotic...something that was more than just physical attraction.

Figuring out the confusing cluster fuck that was their relationship would have to wait. Kahlee was on the comm, informing them that she had a plan to get them off the station so long as Jack could get her and the kids to the main network terminal to manually override Cerberus' lock-down of the station. "Alright, I didn't bust my ass training you guys so you could die now. Keep low. Pick your targets. We have to manually override the station lock-down and then we will rendezvous with Lieutenant Sanders to get the hell outta here. Now let's go kick some Cerberus ass!"

"Yes Ma'am!"

Jack grinned. Even though Cerberus was ruining her life yet again with their bullshit, she couldn't deny that she was proud of her students.


After overriding the lock-down and meeting up with Kahlee (and finding a few straggler students along the way), Jack's makeshift squad managed to steal a Cerberus shuttle. They snuck past Cerberus' cruiser that was blockading the station and by the time those assholes figured out what was happening, they had hit the Relay and made the jump to Citadel space.

"Thank you, Miss Lawson. We'd have never gotten off that station if you hadn't come." Kahlee was the first to thank Miranda as soon as they were safely out of Cerberus' grasp.

"Pfft. Forget that. We kicked some ass. Next place we dock you're all getting inked, my treat." Jack grinned as Kahlee grimaced and cleared her throat. The young biotic was serious about the offer though! Her kids earned a little rite of passage after the shit they had just gone through. "What do you guys want? Ascension Project logo? Glowing fist? Maybe a unicorn for Rodriguez?"

"Screw you, Ma'am!"
Miranda knew she wasn't off the hook, she didn't deserve to be, but Jack's reaction said enough. After the light retribution the operative was feeling energetic, her uncharacteristic public teasing of Jack proof of that, though she did say it so only the two of them could really hear it. She was happy and not a different person. Miranda knew how to control herself well, refocusing after her moment with the younger woman and turning her attention back to the situation at hand. If it were just Jack the plan would be simple, adding in a bunch of kids that hadn't seen real combat made it more difficult. Miranda knew Jack wouldn't leave them behind or risk their lives, and even Miranda would have a hard time doing something so cruel now, her time as a member of Shepard's crew had changed her. Jack changed her as well.

Miranda sighed to herself, she had become soft. The funniest part was she didn't mind it, life meant more to the current her, she had connections. Watching Jack with her kids actually made the older biotic happy. There was a little regret that she missed seeing Jack come out of her shell, but that was just human selfishness. "Jack, let me take point, you keep the kids safe." She spoke softly after Jack's short inspirational bit, reminding the biotic that she wasn't alone now and could rely on someone else to take care of the enemies while she took care of her kids. Miranda wasn't sure if Jack would, the younger biotic had always been a hothead, but the operative offered, partially for good will but mainly because fighting Cerberus goons sounded easier than keeping the untrained children safe, and she sensed Jack wouldn't feel comfortable unless she could watch and make sure her students were safe.


The escape was actually easier than the infiltration. There were a lot of students to look after but after the Atlas there hadn't been any other troublesome situations, aside from a few minor wounds from the inexperienced biotics. Fortunately injuries were the largest concern, and after picking up stragglers along the way and 'borrowing' a Cerberus cruiser, they all managed to make it off of the blockaded station. By that point Miranda had managed to isolate herself a bit, thinking over everything by herself as she stared out into space.

A voice behind her caused the operative to turn around, sporting her usual silent, confident expression. Jack had changed but Miranda wasn't the same person either, especially after seeing Jack again. She felt like she needed to make an effort, even if it was only a small one. "It was no problem." She didn't smile or come across as warm, but there was a lot less cold, robotic bitch as there had been when Jack and Miranda had first met. Jack's enthusiasm soon covered for Miranda's lack of warmth, even making Miranda feel more light-hearted as she mentioned tattoos. She leaned against the wall of the ship and smiled ever so slightly as she watched Jack, how spirited the girl seemed to be, and how much her students adored her. She didn't regret saving Jack, but she couldn't help but wonder if it had been a mistake to come back. Jack seemed so happy, more so than before. No, she knew it from the kiss, Jack still had feelings for her, and Miranda wanted to be selfish, even if their relationship wasn't the most functional.

"Am I included as well? Should I get myself a tattoo?" She asked Jack, instantly catching everyone's attention as she grinned over at her young lover. She wasn't really serious, Miranda had never fancied herself as the type to get a tattoo, but maybe she should? Her question was one of those jokes that wasn't really a joke and she found herself seriously considering the idea. Maybe something for Jack, because she doubted many people would see it, if any, aside from Jack... At least she hoped the younger biotic would, who knew what the girl was thinking about them.
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