Mass Attraction (Javorcek x ClearSight)

Miranda narrowed her eyes, fucking Jack just had to push it, call her a damn slut and mention her moans. She was really doing her best to piss Miranda off and she was a damn pro, her ability to get beneath Miranda skin heightened with her not fearing what the older biotic would do. "Pet? As if I would ever become anybody's fucking pet. Especially yours..." She snarled but that snarl and angry look on her face quickly shifted towards a more pained expression, though a bit of worry overwhelmed her moments later as it dawned on her what exactly Jack was doing. Sure it was a bite but Miranda was already beginning to learn how Jack's mind worked, not that it was easy but Miranda was rather intelligent after all. She new what it was, it was a claiming mark, of course she would, just hard enough that there was no doubt a incredibly obvious mark but not enough to break skin. What else could it be? There was no other purpose and since she had already received such marks she had to assume it was something of the same nature. She groaned gently throughout, her pain tolerance registering it but not being overwhelmed, and she took several deep breaths when it was over.

The soothing tongue that ran over Jack's newest brand brought a throaty growl from Miranda once more, "Our little bet makes me yours for a limited time... Yet you leave a bit mark on me..." She didn't seem to have a real point but after a moment she made whatever was on her mind, "Just don't kid yourself in to thinking I'm actually yours." Yes, that was a distinction that needed to be made, because Miranda was a Cerberus Operative and while she had arrogantly believed she would win the bet and had to live with her failure, she was not about to give herself to anyone, especially not a young brat who no doubt only wanted the thrill of taking what she couldn't have. She moaned out again after holding it back for some time, her ass being played with enough to really make keeping her voice quiet impossible. Fucking Jack, right after Miranda made the terms clear she had to go and give one of those infuriating orders of hers, demanding Miranda not move, though she had no right to say a damn thing, not only because of the bet but because as those fingers were removed she let out a dissatisfied moan, an unintended noise that made her desires far too clear, or at least her bodies desires.

While she couldn't move Miranda could still listen, her keen ears focusing in on each sounds to try and figure out just what the hell Jack was doing. She could hear pants, those baggy fucking pants could easily be identified and she had a moment of panic where Jack could just walk out and leave her naked against the wall. Not that she would stay, she wasn't that fucking obedient even with the bet. However further sounds of ripping quelled that fear and she simply grit her teeth and tried her best to deal with her situation and not turn around, knowing she would have to deal with more if she did. A small "Wha-" escaped Miranda's lips as her eyes were covered, she didn't like that, not being able to see what was going on, not that staring at a wall provided much visual information, but not turning around to look and knowing she couldn't see were two completely different situations. "J-Jack!" Miranda snapped, her voice displaying her discomfort as her hands were tied, her brow furrowing beneath the blindfold. The idea of hers truly was terrible, it was a humiliating and helpless thought, where Jack would have far too much control and where Miranda lost all of hers.

Miranda was not the type to give control to anyone, she needed to control her own life to remain sane, she had run away for that reason, made her own life, and any time she did trust another it had ended rather horribly. "I don't give a damn what you think Jack, I'm not going to become your fucking pet... I'm not going to be yours... I'm not, and you fucking me turns my stomach..." She snarled, a low curse coming from her lips as she damned herself for already being curious, her body quivering at the idea of a touch and she couldn't glare or even keep her balance with her hands newly tied. She had to let her body press up against the wall and listen as Jack continued to take advantage of her victory and the bet. She felt hands roam her body and she began gently panting, her body throbbing for touch and release but Jack wasn't going to the right places. It was a truly dependent feeling, a relationship where her pleasure relied entirely on Jack and that was a distressful feeling for a control freak like Miranda, but there was no denying just how bad she wanted those hands to go to the right places.

Miranda didn't say anything else however, even when the subject of a toy and another time was mentioned. It was nerve wracking but there was nothing she could do and instead tried to get her breathing and emotions under control. Not that it was going to happen, before she could get her usually calm and calculated self built back up two fingers were forced, almost roughly, into her tight ass. She pressed her body up against the wall as she cried out, a loud moan as her hole tightened around the fingers, pleasure much greater than any trace of pain filling her body. Jack had been focusing on her ass for quite some time and it made her feel so weak. She had always felt incredible pleasure and been turned on but never been able to give up enough control to experience it. Now Jack had found out about her weakness and she was using it against the older biotic.

"Shut up Jack!" she snapped again, unable to really accept this lack of control, especially in the hands of the younger biotic, the much younger girl who could somehow beat her in every arena of combat as well. She couldn't help but feel that she could do nothing against the woman, especially with the newest additions of blindfold and hand restraint. "Can you just stop talking..." She practically pleaded when she spoke this time and all the sensations were pushing her forth. She wouldn't last long after the previous touches and the hypersensitive flesh being rubbed and prodded as Jack fucked her. Yet her conflicted emotions were only more complex, she was desperate to cum but didn't want to give Jack the satisfaction, and she wanted it to be over but knew Jack had other plans for when it was. She knew she was in trouble.
Jack took a perverse pleasure in marking things as her own; maybe it was because she had never really had anything that actually belonged to her for most of her life. So of course she drew great satisfaction from lightning up Miranda’s perfect porcelain skin with bite marks, hickeys, and handprints. But even though she was marking the hell out Miranda’s skin, claiming the Operative as her own, Jack wasn’t under the delusion that the older biotic actually –belonged- to her, not permanently anyways.

Besides if Miranda –really- didn’t want all those marks, she could just take them off with a little medi-gel later and not bitch about them now. But she hadn’t before… The hickeys from days ago were still there, staining the sensitive flesh of Miranda’s throat with a dusky purple. As much as Miranda tried to pretend that she didn’t like being marked as hers, Jack was becoming more and more certain that Miranda secretly loved being seen as a piece of property to be used and fucked however she wanted, especially after that moan she had gotten from marking the Operative’s ass with a bite.

Miranda’s discomfort was expected. Jack knew that being blindfolded was a scary ass thing. Hell, she wouldn’t trust anyone to do the same shit to her anyways. If someone had tried to blindfold Jack and bind her, she probably would have thrown them into a wall and beat their ass half to death, bet or no bet. The younger woman quietly admired Miranda’s self-restraint; she knew Miranda wasn’t giving up, she was actually -trying-…sort of…as much as a stubborn ass like Miranda could try anyways. The least she could do was reward Miranda with a good orgasm or two for being so well behaved.

The young biotic wasn’t a novice when it came to anal. She wasn’t pounding away at Miranda like some overeager kid starring in a low budget scene in a bad porn vid; Jack had a little more finesse than that. Her hips were guiding her fingers with slow, shallow thrusts, getting a little deeper and deeper each time before she started all over again. Whenever she felt Miranda exhale and relax, she’d twist her fingers, twist and swirl them about, stretch Miranda and fill her even more than she already. Jack was content wit this slow, lazy pace, she did have 23 more hours of fucking to go through after all. She definitely had and impressive amount of stamina, but it would be best if she didn’t blow through all of her energy reserves in the first couple hours.

But of course Miranda couldn’t keep her big goddamn mouth shut and enjoy a nice slow build up. She had to ruin things by barking out orders and being uncooperative as usual.

“Is that another order outta that fucking mouth of yours?!?!” Jack growled. Damnit, she knew she should have gone with ramming her panties into Miranda’s mouth as a make-shift gag! “Keep running it and I’ll take away your ability to speak too.” Now was not the time to lament about poor planning, they both knew that Jack wasn’t going to give up this position. The fantasy of fucking Miranda from behind with a strap on that melded into the reality of their current situation was just too delicious for Jack to want to stop and go grab something to shove into Miranda’s mouth.

Now she’d just have to adjust, adapt, and ram another finger straight into Miranda’s ass to discipline her with some pain.

Miranda was definitely starting to test the younger biotic’s patience. Jack was reckless, violent, and hotheaded; she wasn’t exactly a shining example of patience and forgiveness. Part of her was tempted to slam Miranda straight into the wall and break her face to take some of the fight out of her. But instead of maiming her uncooperative pet, she settled on backing out of her ass, keeping just the tip of her middle finger pressed past that tight ring of muscle. Then she surged forward, ramming three fingers roughly into Miranda’s rear to give her a nice bite of pain.

“You don’t get the luxury of not knowing who is fucking you.” Jack’s voice was fairly distinct: young, feminine, but with a low, feral growl that wrapped itself seamlessly around the notes. Miranda couldn’t see that lean, tattooed body fucking her from behind, so Jack wanted to make sure she used her voice as a reminder so that even blindfolded, Miranda wouldn’t forget who was fucking her.

The young biotic growled softly as she fell into a quick, harsh pace that she chose specifically to show off the power of her body. Feminine but wiry, she didn’t look like she’d be much of a physical threat. But Jack was nothing but muscle under all that ink. The muscles in her abdomen and rear flexed as she rammed her hand forward with her hips, forcing all three fingers roughly in and out of Miranda’s tight hole as the back of her hand rubbed and massaged her own needy sex. She could feel the fabric of her pants beginning to dampen and couldn’t figure out who was the bigger culprit, her or Miranda.

“Come on you little slut, be a good girl and cum for me.” Jack wasn’t asking, she was telling. She –knew- that Miranda was holding back, Jack could feel the way her body tensed and hummed with pleasure, obviously the older biotic was trying very hard to hold back her release. But Jack didn’t want Miranda to hold back any longer. She wanted to –make- her cum. A strong arm looped around half of Miranda’s ribs, helping to bear some of her weight so that she could relax enough to orgasm without the fear of falling. Jack’s forearm ran down her stomach, her hand ending up positioned right over Miranda’s slit. “Holy fuck you are wet…” The younger biotic panted out with glee as her fingertips met a dripping pussy. Talented digits immediately found the swollen nub of Miranda’s clit and began to work it over with quick, circular strokes to force her over the edge with.
Miranda was a unique person, she had qualities that weren't terribly common, and most of them fit in with her persona, the Ice Queen Cerberus bitch as Jack would have so happily put it. One of those fine qualities was her mouth, her inability to keep it shut and her habit of saying whatever in the hell she felt like saying and in such ways that she could really make it sting. In the current situation it wasn't doing her any favors. In fact it was getting her in to trouble and she was well aware of it, cursing in her head as she once again gave Jack reason to get pissed off and take it out on her while she was in no position to do anything about it. Hell she was blindfolded and restrained to a certain extent, body pressed against the wall. Barking back at Jack was about all she could do, but it would have been better if she had managed to do noting at all, especially when Jack put something new up on the table, taking her ability to speak.

The Operative swallowed hard, she didn't like the idea of losing yet another freedom and she already knew that if Jack wanted to she would take it. Yet even as Miranda stifled another order and kept her insults to herself she found herself being punished, or at least that was the explanation she arrived at as the painful feeling of a third finger getting pushed inside her brought a groan of discomfort from her gorgeous lips. A small growl made its way out of her, an angry pained sound that would have come with a glare if Miranda hadn't been incapable of doing so in that moment. She was doing her best to prevent her body from becoming stiff on reflex, trying her best to relax and make the process as easy as possible on her body, not an easy task for someone who was so use to being in complete control. Control was not her's anymore however, Jack had taken every ounce of control she had and as she felt the rough insertion of those three fingers she cried out, a mix between a moan and the sound of someone in pain. Miranda had never been in such a situation before, she had never known that pain could make pleasure more intense, she had never had another woman with the power to take her. It was unique, a truly new experience for Miranda, and while she was all bark resistance above the rest of her wasn't so sure, her body had a conflicting opinion and it wasn't so easy to define.

Yet that wasn't what affected Miranda the most, what sent shivers down her spine was when Jack spoke, that voice she couldn't hope to expect due to the blindfold, that voice that carried with it this feral dominance, a young woman but something much more as well. It was a quick reminder of her situation and she couldn't help but imagine Jack in her head, thinking about the woman she would look at in passing, that body she had thought about more than once. Most people didn't have the same desire for Jack that Miranda did but she had always given her subtle glances, looks she had believed were secretive though she had apparently been mistaken. Not that being fucked by her had ever been part of the plan, Miranda didn't want to give up her precious control to anyone, especially not the young girl who had less restraint than anyone the Operative had ever met. Yet it was happening and as she struggled to keep her mouth in check, a process made easier as the pace of the fucking became quick and rather intense, enough to make her stay quiet or risk biting herself.

At that point Miranda had lost the willpower to hide her pleasure, each quick, slightly painful, thrusts elicit moan after moan, quick choppy expressions of pleasure. Her uninhibited cries brought a blush to her cheeks which was not only uncharacteristic and a sign of emotion not covered by her cold exterior, but it was adorable. She growled, blush on cheeks as Jack called her a slut once more, as she told Miranda to cum for her. It was embarrassing, even more so as Miranda realized there would be no way she could keep herself from cumming, Jack was fucking good at what she was doing and Miranda couldn't remember a time where fingers had brought so much pleasure to her. It made it impossible completely contain herself and she was only putting off the inevitable. That didn't stop her from trying though, holding back as much as possible, denying Jack what she demanded from her for as long as she could. That was a mistake, because as it built up, as she held back, the pleasure only became more and more, and her voice continued to pour out in proof of the pleasure.

"S-Shut up!" Miranda snapped, not even near dominant or demanding, more an adorable whimpering plea than anything as Jack commented on her dripping slit. Miranda was turned on beyond belief, finding pleasure in being roughly fucked by a younger woman who had proven dominance several times over. That wasn't how it was supposed to be, that wasn't who Miranda was, and yet it was all happening. Miranda was blindfolded and restrained, being treated like a pet by Jack and her ass was the main source of that pleasure. It was a cocktail mixed entirely to break Miranda's grip on her identity, not that it shattered her entire being, she was far too mentally strong and confident to let that happen, but it wasn't going to be forgotten to easily. The attention to her clit was what finally ended her resistance, valiant as it was, and soon her voice was pouring out, body jerking and convulsing, ass squeezing around the fingers invading it and juices squirting forth from her dripping sex. Nothing she could imagine would be as embarrassing as the climax she reached, every inch of her body giving Jack proof that her touch, her rough domineering assault, had been fucking amazing.

Miranda went limp as her body finally finished its heavenly climax, making her rely on Jack and the wall to keep her from falling to the floor. The voice that had been echoing, perhaps even far enough for someone else to catch a note or two, was gone. In its place was panting, Miranda's cheeks flushed and her body quivering, and for once she was absolutely silent, too embarrassed and worn to say anything, and knowing that after that the ability to deny the pleasure of it all would be impossible, especially to herself as she tried to think of a time she had ever cum that hard and coming up empty. She she just remained there, not moving, panting, trying to think but all the while silent. What could she say anyways? Jack wasn't dumb enough not to realize everything that just happened and her position. Fuck, why couldn't the young girl have been stupid, or just a little less powerful, just a single opening Miranda could exploit. It was a fucking disaster, Miranda was in deep shit and all because she underestimated Jack, underestimated her due to age, due to her personality and upbringing, and due to her past. Now she was fucked, in every form of the word.
Jack was surprised that Miranda was lasting as long as she was. She had totally thought the first bit of contact with her swollen clit would push the Operative over the edge, make her scream and cry out in pure pleasure, but Miranda seemed to still be holding back. But whatever, the younger biotic loved a challenge and she didn’t plan on stopping, not until she had broken down these last few walls of the Ice Queen facade that Miranda still had in place. Jack kept up the work of her hips and hand, sweat starting to bead at her brow as she slammed forward with all the power that she had. Her wrist burned from the awkward position of her hand, but she kept up her relentless assault. Her hard work soon paid off and she could feel Miranda stiffen underneath her and knew that she was about to lose it. Jack tightened her grip around the Operative’s waist, giving her a reassuring squeeze so that she knew that it was safe to cum and Jack wasn’t about to drop her.

If Jack could have cum without stimulation, she would have just from watching and listening to Miranda as she orgasmed. But as it was, all that watching the Operative twitched and tremble through a massive climax accomplished as to get Jack soaked, make the throbbing in her core just about unbearable, and make her heart hammer in her chest so hard that she thought she was going to have a heart attack. The sweet, uninhibited moans that poured forth from the Operative's pouty lips were music to her ears. Jack groaned appreciatively and leaned over Miranda, pressing her breasts firmly into the other woman's back as she rammed her fingers as deeply as she could into her ass and focused mostly on torturing her toy's squirting sex. "That's it, give me every fucking drop." Jack growled heatedly against Miranda's ear. Only when Miranda had nothing left to give her did she stop her assault, even though the temptation to fuck her raw was there, Jack realized that they still had quite a few more hours to go.

“Holy shit that was hot.” The younger biotic panted out as she held Miranda there, her fingers buried up to the knuckle in the Operative’s ass and her other hand just cupping her sex. There was a note of surprise in Jack’s voice, as well as something else...almost...pride.... She hadn’t expected for Miranda to cum so hard that she actually squirted. But knowing that for a moment, the controlling Operative had lost all control over her body and had sent of gush of liquid all over Jack’s hand made Jack shiver in excitement. She had never slept with a woman that was so responsive to her touch and she was incredibly happy to see that Miranda reacted to well to her attentions, as long as she wasn't busy trying to be a bitch of course. Even though several crude remarks suddenly popped into her head, the younger biotic had the vague notion that she should probably keep her mouth shut about anything else for now. And so she did, holding Miranda up, letting her relax and recollect herself for several minutes. But eventually, she needed to move. Even though she didn't mind giving new subs a little bit of aftercare, right now her unfulfilled lust was killing her. And so she slowly withdrew her fingers from Miranda’s clutching ass and her hand from those dripping folds, though she still kept her arm wrapped around Miranda’s waist, just incase the Operative’s legs were still unsteady.

“You did a good job… Here, you can have something back.” Jack finally said after a moment. She needed to remove the blindfold anyways so that Miranda would be able to find her way into position for the next little task she was going to be subjected to. But it was good to pretend that giving the Operative her vision back was a reward for being a good girl and cumming when Jack had told her to. So she took the makeshift leather blindfold off, giving Miranda back her sight. “Now come on. On your knees, I want to put that mouth of yours to work.” It was hard to keep the eagerness out of her voice, so Jack followed up that sentence with a nice hard WHACK!; the younger biotic's hand cracked down onto Miranda’s rear to bring her out of her afterglow and back to reality.

Jack still hadn’t cum yet and Miranda was going to have to fix that. She finally released Miranda and was a little sorry when she did so, now her entire front was exposed to the chilly air of the simulator; her glistening, sweat-slickened skin not helping matters at all. She was tempted to move them, get them somewhere warmer, but Jack knew that if she got Miranda into the elevator, she would just end up pouncing ontop of her once they were away from cold training room. She needed to cum, right now, to take this awful fucking throbbing away from her legs that was clouding her mind. A couple of small swishes of her hips had those baggy, unfastened pants down her hips and off of her rear. She stepped out of the pool of orange fabric with much more grace than anyone would probably have expected from a woman that stomped around in combat boots all day. Then she moved to lean up against the wall, next to where Miranda just was. She parted her legs, enough to expose her dripping wet, pink folds. Jack’s long, lean body was stretched out against the bulkhead. The soft light of the simulator caught the glistening sweat She shivered slightly at the sudden burst of cold against her back, but once she settled into the feeling, she looked expectantly at Miranda, obviously waiting for her to obey her orders.

"Come on, you're responsible for this mess, now get on your knees and clean it up."
Jack's hold gave Miranda the confidence that she wouldn't fall but it had done nothing for that little corner of her mind where resistance was still raging even after having gone so far. Even after she climaxed it was there, in fact it grew larger as Miranda searched for any way to get out of the predicament, a futile effort but her mind went over every option once more. There was nothing though, she was in Jack's hands and with her body quivering with the aftereffects of the orgasm she couldn't even calm herself. That shell that always blocked her true self from sight was gone, broken for the moment by the relentless assault that had just been pushed upon her. There before Jack was a panting woman who was satisfied beyond that of which she wanted to show. Her body couldn't lie though, every fiber of Miranda's being was thanking her for finally giving it pleasure, for indulging desires after ignoring them for so long, and while she wasn't accepting of Jack being the one to do it there was no doubt she had found bliss in the touch of that woman.

More than anything though there was that itch that seemed to be scratched whenever Jack gave off that dominant vibe. A growl and demand whispered into her ear gave Miranda the most disturbing sense of satisfaction that she had ever felt, and it honestly caused her to panic a bit, the idea of enjoying not only sex but being treated in such a way by the younger woman. Yes, younger was a part of her distaste for that specific brand of satisfaction, not just was she finding herself enjoyment in the presence of a stronger woman, which had now been proved and was coming out in personality, but also that Jack was so much younger. Miranda found herself embarrassed by that, by someone closer to her younger sister's age than her own, over 10 years younger than herself in fact. Youth that was only further shown by her little 'Holy shit that was hot' remark, an enthusiastic and wording only youth would use. The blush that washed over Miranda's features had nowhere to hide, she hadn't recovered enough to hide it and she could only hope Jack wasn't paying so much attention to her face, an odd wish but one she had regardless.

She had hope for that, Jack's hands were all over her and while responsive there was now less embarrassment in a moan when she had already cum for Jack, and much more in if the woman got a look at her facial reactions. Of course with the way her day had been going, confidence and hope were continuously crushed, from her confidence to defeat Jack to the hope that it would all end only for her to lose and Jack's using of her to continue. Nothing was going how Miranda had wanted it to and as the blindfold was removed, and a tiny grain of hope restored, it was soon smashed away. She looked over her shoulder at Jack, as if to make sure she had heard what her brain was telling her Jack had said. The smack scratched her new desire, that itch she found cropping up over and over and she yelped. There was nothing unpleasant in the inflection of her little yelp, it was almost giggly in its own way and Miranda clenched her jaw afterwards, not wanting that to be her reaction but it being far too late.

Being released didn't help anything though, her body had recovered but the combination of everything that was happening had sapped Miranda and she turned, sliding down the wall and sitting in the floor, her juices already puddled on the floor and her wet thighs clamped together as a hand went down to cover from the top, Miranda wanting at least a bit of decency, a hard thing to get considering where this was all happening and how she had no spare clothing and no escape route if someone headed down. However, as much as worries plagued her she couldn't help but watch as Jack lost her pants again and with a grace Miranda had always noticed. She had noticed quite a bit about Jack actually, always watching her in the corridors, more interested in the young woman than anyone else on board, not only due to her position but personally as well, due to how the girl attracted her. As much as she refused, as much as she denied, she did at the very least find Jack attractive.

So as the younger woman moved closer, next to her against the wall, she couldn't help but let her eyes roam, gaze over her lean form and swallow as everything was drowned out by her desire. Why in the hell did she have to notice, most people never saw past her shaved head and tattoos, not to mention her attitude. Then there was the submissive streak Miranda was quickly learning about, something nobody had ever touched on before. Still, all of that aside Miranda wasn't exactly thrilled about the situation, she wanted to hold on to that independence and cold personality that kept people at an arms length and allowed her to remain in a position where she had all the control. Jack wasn't allowing that though and she persisted, her beautiful sex glistening as it waited expectantly for Miranda's attention.

Miranda didn't do anything at first, she looked up at Jack with some hope that she could get out of it, but that wasn't going to happen and she figured that out quickly enough, before Jack had to remind her. Besides, out of all that could happen giving oral was certainly not the worst. So she eventually got on her knees and moved closer, look up at Jack before looking back down at her glistening sex. Miranda leaned in closely, lips pressing against her thigh, an gesture not needed to do what was asked but one that felt right and she didn't even think about. She traced kisses up and to Jack's slit, tongue reached out and licking slowly up the length of it and twirling around the nub. However, while her actions continued, licking and suckling, she wasn't as enthusiastic as she could have been, hesitance still present, and her desire to make Jack cum wasn't exactly winning out over her want to get it over with, even if there was still some time to go. Still, it had been some time since she had tasted another woman, for some reason that was quite pleasant.
Jack had to admit, Miranda was actually kinda cute when she wasn’t being a heartless bitch. The blush that had managed to hop from the older woman’s cheeks to the tips of her ears made the younger biotic smile internally. She would have given a smug smile outright, but she knew that such an action would be a mistake. Miranda wasn’t broken in yet. If Jack showed any sort of weakness to the disarming things that the other woman did, then the Ice Queen persona would surface once more and she’d be brought back to square one. And Jack didn’t want to be stuck at square one again; square one was a major pain in the ass.

“What’s the matter pet, never eaten pussy before?” Jack smirked slightly as Miranda looked up at her and then looked back down to her dripping wet slit. The younger biotic spread her legs out a little more to expose the swollen pink folds fully and give Miranda a better view so that she didn’t get lost. Obviously Jack wasn’t shy at all about her body and showing off private parts of herself didn’t bother her; especially if it meant that Miranda could easily find what she needed to. Jack didn’t think Miranda was the type to sleep with other woman and even though their physiologies were the same, everything’s a little different and slightly disorienting when it’s right up in your face. Unfortunately Miranda didn’t seem to be looking to lick at anything useful at first! “Did I say you could tease me? Get to work.” The kiss to her thigh was torture; it made Jack tremble just the slightest bit with poorly controlled want. It had been a long time since she had been with another woman and everything was much more intense than she had anticipated, even little kisses to her thighs.

Being trapped on a ship had just about killed Jack’s chances of getting laid. She could either screw the ship whore, Kelly Chambers, or try to have some rough and tumble sex in a bathroom on Omega; neither of which seemed like it was worth her time. (And that was saying something, because Jack had quite the sex drive. One would think that getting off would always be worth her time). Yeah, she treated sex casually, but that didn’t mean she was any less picky about her sexual partners.

And speaking of sexual partners, Miranda was sucking as one right now.

Jack was caught somewhere between knowing that she should be patient because Miranda had probably never eaten a woman out before, and wanting to get off so badly she was ready to just ride the Operative’s face. It didn’t help that Miranda seemed to be doing all the right things with her tongue but had that damned hesitance left. Soft kisses to her to her slit, gentle flicks of her tongue… It was like what someone would do for foreplay. But Jack was already soaking wet from watching Miranda orgasm just moments before, she didn’t need anymore foreplay. What she needed was to cum. Right. Now.

“Didn’t know you did shit half assed cheerleader. Come on. Lick like you mean it.” Jack tried to goad Miranda into stepping things up and showing her what she had. But wanting to get off was winning out. Jack wasn’t known for her patience and giving Miranda the time to figure out whether or not she wanted to prove to Jack that she was capable and competent when it came to eating pussy was taking too long. Hands that had been balled up into fists and staying at her sides reached out. Slender digits snaked their way into Miranda’s silken locks, almost gently petting her for a second, until Jack closed her fist and yanked Miranda’s head forward. The Convict heaved a loud groan. More pressure, much better. But angling her hips into Miranda’s face to grind and trying to stand on her toes so that she could get Miranda’s nose to rub against her clit was turning out to be a mission. And Jack didn’t want to be on any missions, especially when she was supposed to be getting serviced by a willing slave right now.

“Nnngh… Fuck…if I’d of known you were a weak little doormat sub I would’ve just laid you down and ridden your face.” Jack said with a grin, her eyes flashing challengingly down at Miranda. Usually Jack just said shit just to be a pain in the ass, but now she was trying to make the Operative feel inadequate.
Miranda found herself in one of the most difficult situations in her entire life, and while the obvious reason would be because for the next chunk of time she basically belonged to Jack that wasn't the reason. The reason it was such a difficult situation was the content of that time, that she was the one in a submissive role, that she was being quickly thrown in to unfamiliar sexual situations, and that she found herself fucking wanting it. Sure, part of Miranda was furious and rebellious, wanting her to growl and buck against the authority of a younger woman, but there was an equally powerful part that was screaming for her to completely let herself go and dive in to what was happening, a part hard to resist when the situation so called for it. Still, as much as the situation called for it and Miranda felt herself curious and inclined to do so it was difficult, not only for her massive pride but because Jack insisted on pushing it upon her when she was still struggling against it with every fiber of her being. Hell, it was hard to deal with change, especially for a woman as strong and independent as Miranda, especially when that change was finding herself attracted to a younger woman and finding herself submissive as well, a foreign trait in all aspects of her life, especially sex.

Yet Jack's mouth didn't close, she insulted Miranda for her hesitance and lack of knowledge on just how to lick like she meant it, which brought a growl and definite desire to resist swell up within Miranda. Not that she had time to before Miranda slid her fingers through Miranda's luxurious hair and yanked her head forward, a bit of pain and a hiss muffled by Jack's sex. As the taste of Jack's juices touched her lips in more quantity than ever she found the pressure from Jack cause her to swallow, and she bucked against it, not yet accustomed to the strange taste, nor the force driving it in to her mouth. On both counts she found herself strangely aroused however, her position at Jack's hands and the taste of a woman's sex, neither were truly unpleasant. Still, Jack had a way of truly pissing Miranda off and she showed that skill soon enough. 'A fucking doormat? Miranda Lawson is nobody's fucking doormat.' While Jack seemed to be taunting her with that grin and challenging look it didn't taunt her, it pissed her off. Perhaps that was her plan, it crossed Miranda's mind for a moment, to make her angry and bring out some spirit Jack believed she was lacking during her 'task'.

It was then Miranda decided there was only one thing she could do in the current situation, to fight against Jack's dominance while still making good on the damn bet she was arrogant enough to make. She had to wipe that fucking grin off of Jack's face, she had to make her cum and turn the tables even if just a little, even if part of her was curious just how it would feel to have the young biotic take full control and ride her face. Still, fucking doormat Miranda was not and she had to make that clear. So one of her hands raised up and ran along the back of Jack's let, going up and to her thigh, gripping gently before she buried her face into Jack's sex, tongue shoving inside the tight slit and sliding around inside as Miranda's ears listened for the change she was determined to bring about. At the same time her other hand snaked its way up and grabbed her ass, giving more leverage for her tongue to delve deep, her fingers squeezing in to that beautiful flesh, her other hand soon sliding up the rest of the way so Miranda had both hands holding the subject of many past glances from the older biotic to the younger woman.

A determined Miranda was quite a thing to reckon with, when she wanted to do something there was rarely a chance she wouldn't achieve success. So when her tongue began to invade Jack with vigorous determination and an ability to adapt and learn that allowed her to make use of every sound to hone her skills in the moment she knew she would succeed here as well. Even when she took breaths she was working Jack, her tongue sliding over and circling her clit, teeth nibbling and teasing the nub she knew to cause pleasure before her tongue went back inside the young woman, exploring every inch of her and honing in on the locations that caused her to voice the most approval. She was truly a wonder and it was just more proof that Miranda was a truly capable woman, no matter the situation.

Still, simply pleasuring her wasn't the only way Miranda had thought up to make them on slightly more even fields of battle, no, she was going to give Jack a taste of the humiliation she had been dishing out from the start. It may have been impossible, Miranda wasn't sure her idea would have any affect on the unashamed biotic at all, but at the very least it was something and more than her simply pleasuring Jack and acting like that really put them on even terms, though really all of her plotting was wishful thinking at the current point. Anyways, she planned on attacking where Jack had attacked her, hoping that while it was a surprise weak point for her, that it was that or better where Jack was concerned. So as she began working on her own, as Jack seemed to indulge in the pleasure, her personality making it impossible that she wouldn't, Miranda slipped one of her gripping digits more towards the center, in a manner that made it seem natural, as if her grip had slipped just enough to position her perfectly for entry. Then she waited, licking and thrusting her powerful tongue into Jack, gauging her noises and movements, and when she believed it was the most unexpected opportune time, the older biotic slid her finger into Jack's tight back hole, and as if that weren't enough she redoubled her efforts on eating her out at the same time to make it all the more difficult for the one in the 'superior' position to comprehend and manage.
“Ohhhhh fuck…” Jack let out a long, throaty groan the second that Miranda’s tongue delved inside of her tight slit. Sooooo much better… The younger biotic grinned inwardly, thinking that she had managed to light a fire underneath Miranda’s kinky little ass with all her goading. “Good girl…nngh…right there…” Jack’s groans were rapidly turning into higher pitched moans. The older biotic was either good at everything she did or had licked pussy before, because Jack was in heaven right now. The only thing that would have made this better was if she were laying down, that way she wouldn’t have to split her focus between the amazing things that Miranda was doing with her tongue and trying not to fall over.

Jack tensed just the slightest bit as Miranda’s fingers seemed to get dangerously close to the cleft of her rear. She didn’t like people near her ass… Well she liked people touching her ass, she just didn’t want people up it. She didn’t like anal, it reminded her too much of being used by other people. And without any positive previous experiences to go with anal, Jack preferred to steer clear of that bullshit all together. But it seemed that Miranda was just finding a good handhold, so Jack allowed it. She focused on the amazing feeling of the Operative working her needy sex--

“EEK! Gah!” Jack gave a rather undignified squeak, followed by a yelp, followed by her trying to get away from Miranda as quickly as possible once the finger had been thrust inside of her ass. Unfortunately she was gripped by Miranda and could not move fast enough, so she did the only thing she could do: she flung herself to the side and let gravity do the work for her. Jack let herself fall to the ground with a thud and scrambled away on her hands and knees to put a little bit of distance between her and Miranda. Once she was sure she was out of arm’s reach from the older biotic, she flipped around so that she could sit down and protect her bottom from anymore violations. Her dark eyes hardened and she glared at Miranda in the dim light of the simulator.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?! I told you to lick, I didn’t tell you to do anything else.” Jack snarled, but her anger didn’t really have the full of effect because her cheeks were bright red from embarassment. It was hard to recover from something like this. She didn’t really know wha--


Aw fuck…

Jack heard the elevator doors open and then the clunking of boots. She motioned for Miranda to be quiet, and then strained her ears to listen. Judging by the gait, it was Shepard. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! Oh they were so screwed. If Shepard caught her and Miranda naked in the simulator, there were only so many things they could possibly have been up to. Jack wasn’t stupid. She knew that this was dangerous. She knew that banging the Cerberus Cheerleader wasn’t something anything could find out about. The Illusive Man would kill Miranda, then kill her. Even if Shepard could keep her mouth shut about the whole thing, it would still be bad. Miranda and her were supposed to see eachother as equals or whatever. Shepard wouldn’t look at her right if she knew that she was sleeping with a Convict that was a decade younger than her. Shit, I’ll never be able to fuck her again. There was no time for a good plan, so Jack decided that she was just going to wing it an hope for the best. She motioned for Miranda to hold still and not make a peep as she quickly hopped to her feet and hurried to the door of the simulator. Though upon exiting, she moved much slower, as though she had just woken up from a nap.

“Shepard? What the fuck are you doing down here?” Jack rubbed her eyes as she came out of the simulator and into the harsh light of the Hangar Bay that had a section converted into a gym. It wasn’t all that hard for her to fake waking up from sleep, the bright lights made her yawn, and want to sneeze too.

“I could ask you the same thing. Jack…where are you clothes?”

Jack blinked a couple of times as her eyes adjusted, which must have looked like surprise to Shepard. Then she looked around, looked down at her naked body, then looked up at Shepard. “Well fuck! This isn’t my room. My bad…guess I’ll just head back up to Engineering…”

“Jack…when was the last time you slept?” Shepard was now concerned. She knew that Jack didn’t sleep because of her nightmares. But if her lack of sleep was causing sleepwalking…then she needed to get her to Chakwas right away.

“None of your damn business.” Jack growled, suddenly on the defensive because she knew where this line of questioning was going to go.

“Look, you need to sleep. I need everyone healthy for missions. Now I’m going to take you to the Med Bay—“

“You aren’t taking me anywhere!” Ever the hothead (and a child that was afraid of doctors), Jack’s fists flared up with biotic energy at the words ‘Med Bay’. She knew better than to cross Shepard, but she couldn’t stop herself. She didn’t trust doctors, especially because she knew Chakwas was going to give her a shot, and she –really- didn’t like needles. She’d seen the Commander in action and understood why she was the one in charge. Not only could the Commander inspire people to willingly give up their lives for her and her cause, she was also an incredible soldier. But Jack didn’t want to go to see any doctor for any reason what so ever!

Shepard was so fast that Jack couldn’t even move her arms to send a Shockwave to her face in time. The Commander already had her pistol out and had fired off a Concussive Shot before Jack could even move. She heard the different sound that the special round made and knew that while she wasn’t going to die, she wasn’t going to be able to do much of anything either. The blast hit her square in the chest, making Jack let out a hiss of breath before her eyes rolled back into her head and she hit the ground, hard.

“Sorry kid…you need your sleep.” Shepard sighed softly as she knelt down to scoop and unconscious Jack up and cradle her in her arms. It amazed her how thin the girl still was. Jack had looked almost emaciated on the Purgatory prison facility. Now she appeared to be a little more of a healthy weight, but still, she was just so thin and so small that it made her look younger than she already was.

Shepard made a mental note to not inform Miranda about this little incident with Jack as she walked towards the elevator. While she trusted and respected Miranda as her XO, she was also aware that the woman was incredibly loyal to Cerberus. She would hate for Miranda to file a report with the Illusive Man and then have to listen to him tell her that Jack was dangerous and needed to be put down because she was little more than an animal.
Miranda couldn't help but grin victoriously as Jack lost that cool she had been loitering over the older operative as she ordered pleasure to be given. Miranda didn't mind anal, in fact she always found it interesting and pleasant, but most people weren't as receptive, and Jack was one of those people. She was more determined to get away than most people were and she sent them both to the floor as proof of that, a pained sound coming from Miranda as her shoulder slammed into the floor, the operative not expecting the sudden escape. She pushed herself up with a growl, her eyes darting over to Jack. Damn girl, she didn't deal with someone else playing her game very well. Miranda knew she was in no position to complain and just glared at the fiery young biotic, who of course was bristly and combative as one would expect. The blush and lack of usual ferocity was entertaining but it wasn't enough to give Miranda an upper hand. Fuck she had a bad feeling about what came next.

The feeling of discomfort from not knowing what Jack was going to do was replaced by terror at the sound of the elevator and boots heading in their direction. Miranda could deal with combat and death, make calm decision in the most disastrous of situations, but the possibility of being discovered in her current predicament was beyond all of that. Above all else Miranda had her pride and the image she worked to maintain. She was a leader and a perfectionist, and in order for her to properly do her job she had to remain above the antics of everyone else. She was not doing that at the moment, in fact she didn't know what in the hell she was doing. Even with her skill for language she had doubts that she could do anything to explain the current scene.

As desperation grasped at Miranda Jack stepped up, the older operative barely realizing what was going on as Jack stepped out of the room. She stopped thinking and kept as still as she could, listening as Jack and Shepard spoke, the Commander having concerns and bringing them up without a moments hesitation. Miranda couldn't help but wonder if Jack would sell her out when it became as troublesome as having to go see Chakwas, because the younger girl hated doctors, even if the ship's doctor was more tolerable than most.

Whether or not Jack would have given her up would never be known, as her temper flared up as it always did and changed the situation entirely. Instead of a calm conversation the sound of a concussive shot rang out followed by the thud of Jack hitting the floor. It was easy to tell who it was that fell, not only because of the gun but the lightness of the body falling. Jack was small, and while Shepard wasn't some giant she was well built and in armor.

Pity for the young girl was overshadowed fourfold by Miranda's relief that the situation had ended without her being discovered, and she couldn't help but appreciate it, even if Jack hadn't intended to go so far to keep it all hidden. That being said she wasted no time gathering herself and leaving that place behind, slipping back to her office after taking a moment and looking in to the med bay just to see how everything looked. She didn't linger, no good would come of that, but she did look before moving back inside her quarters.

The moment she stepped inside her room and locked the door she felt it all come plummeting down, every ounce of exhaustion weighing her body down. She huffed, moving over and sitting on the edge of her bed, proceeding to get comfortable in an elegant fashion that was odd for someone who was alone in a room. Control was important to Miranda, she needed to know that whatever was happening she had control, and being able to keep herself calm and precise even in something as simple as getting herself unwound and naked under her sheets was enough to keep her sanity, for the moment. It was impossible to remain completely controlled sure, the feeling of soft cold sheets against her lust ridden flesh had her moaning gently as she wriggled around to find the most comfortable position. Still, she soon calmed down, eyes closing for her little 'nap'.
“Is there something I can do for you Commander?“ Dr. Chawkas asked distractedly as she stared at her computer screen, finishing the update of one of the crewman’s medical files. In her peripheral vision she soon noticed vibrant colors, bare skin, and immediately stopped what she was doing. “Is that…? What happened?” The doctor hurriedly got up from her seat and prepared one of the beds for Jack, knowing that when she woke up, the young woman wouldn’t be the most cooperative patient in the world.

“I think Jack’s been sleepwalking.” Shepard replied as she carefully laid the young biotic down on the med bay bed. “I found her waking up from a nap in the Cargo Bay… She seemed a little confused, like she didn’t know how she got down there.”

Karin nodded as she drew a blanket up over Jack’s naked body so that she would be more comfortable as she slept. Then she went into one of her drawers to locate some sedatives to keep her asleep. “Well, while it is rare for an adult to sleepwalk, it’s not entirely improbable. Jacqueline has been in cryostasis for a few years and spends most of her days sleep deprived. I will start her on a round of sedatives, Commander. No need to worry. I’ll have some of the crew carry her back down to Engineering so that she will wake up in her own bed and not be frightened.”


Nearly three days later, Jack groaned softly as she woke up in bed. Her entire body felt heavy and her chest still hurt like a bitch from where Shepard had shot her. Fucking Shepard… I’m going to kick her ass for shooting me close range. Really she knew that it was her fault and she may have kinda sorta deserved it. But that still didn’t keep her from being pissed off. The events of the previous day rushed back to her, and Jack found herself even more reasons to be angry. Miranda in the simulator, stubborn as ever even when she was getting something that her body wanted. Shepard ruining the whole thing and interrupting them, then threatening her with Chakwas- The doctor! Jack sat up in a panic and quickly did a check of her body, feeling up and down her arms, trying to figure out if she had been stuck with any needles. Her heart rate began to pound faster and her stomach rolled from the surge of adrenaline. She angled her head so that if she threw up, it wouldn’t be on her bed, and as she looked down she noticed a small utility table that had not been there before. After a few deep breaths and the knowledge that she hadn’t been stuck with any meds, Jack calmed down.

On the utility table was a datapad, a glass of water, as well as some pills. Jack totally ignored the pills and picked up the datapad instead, giving a cursory glance at the information. It was just a note from the doctor, telling her to take the pills if she experienced any nausea, a lingering effect of the sedative that she had been under. With a derisive snort, she merely chucked the drugs down the waste chute.

Cerberus had put enough weird shit into her system, she didn’t need anymore crap going in there.

With a sigh, Jack moved to recline on her bed and grab her Omnitool. She was curious as to how long she had been out, maybe if she was lucky she still had some time left in her 24 hour deal with Miranda. “SON OF A COCKSUCKING BITCH!” Jack roared when she saw that it was well past 24 and onto 72 hours. Fucking Shepard! And fucking Cheerleader! This shit wasn’t fair. She did something nice for someone else for once and life couldn’t just give her a goddamn break. With a grumble, she shut her eyes. A deal was a deal, and no matter how pissed off she was, that wouldn’t change anything. Miranda was off the hook, and Jack was left here to stew.

The worst part us, she was still too fucking tired and sore to masturbate.
"Fucking bitch..." Miranda sighed as she got out of bed, tossing a pillow she had been snuggling back to the mattress before walking over to her desk and pulling out the top drawer. She was staring down at the dildo she kept and just about to reach for it when Shepard's voice echoed through her coms. "Miranda, going to need that report soon, if we want to have any time for the crew to rest we need to finish this business. So now." Miranda had just woken up and already she had been put on a task, and of course she wasn't about to let her worker bee image be ruined. Besides if she didn't do it some bumbling idiot like Garrus would be assigned to conclude her report and like hell she was going to allow that. She wasn't frustrated about the work though, because work was like breathing to Miranda, and while she enjoyed free time and her own personal definition of fun she also enjoyed work. The issue was elsewhere, and on a much more sensitive topic. It was how fucking horny she was. Ever since Jack had decided to make her life a living hell she had been more turned on that usual, fantasies constantly interfering with her day. Ever since Jack had been taken by Shepard she hadn't even been able to masturbate and it was worse than ever.

Her lack of orgasm wasn't a choice, she hadn't been waiting for Jack and didn't feel guilty the girl had been sedated... Well maybe a little, but it was mainly Shepard's fault. The woman had to be fucking psychic, because ever time Miranda sat down to masturbate or was sprawled out on her bed naked Shepard would need her for something. It had been hectic and led her to being so fucking tired by the end of the day she just fell asleep. It was complete hell and once again she was being dragged from her much needed personal time and into duty. She would complain because it wasn't like her, but that didn't make her happy about it.

With a sigh Miranda went back over to her bed and made it up neatly, and then grabbed some clothes and laid out on her desk for when she was through with the report. She would have to shower before going to give the briefing to the Commander but if she didn't finish it soon she would have to hear more of Shepard's demanding. Not that Shepard annoyed her but the woman didn't like waiting for things and most of the time Miranda understood. Most of the time.

Miranda didn't long to prepare the report Shepard had asked for, only about an hour which wasn't bad considering it contained all the planning for settling a planetary dispute, a proposal of sorts endorsed by both sides to be explained by Shepard as mediator. It was a bit beneath them but Shepard wanted to do it and Miranda had been forced to oblige. It made everyone else happy because they would be going planet side for the duration of the talks, though the location was still to be decided, a neutral location obviously but where was a toss up, and Miranda didn't much care. She only cared about turning in the report and getting the mission over with. She connected to Shepard's com and sent the report over as well, "That should contain all the information needed. If it's fine just let me know, otherwise I'll get ready and then come to answer any questions you have." Shepard gave her a quick okay and Miranda was on her way to the shower.

Miranda would never admit it but taking a shower had been turning her on. For the past few days every time she went to wash herself the memories of what happened popped back up and she found herself dripping and horny, more than tempted to relieve herself a few times, though never confident enough to do so without fear of being discovered, her image still very important to the officer. Besides, she kind of hated how often Jack was on her mind, from the shower to her occasional fantasies. Hell she had even went down to check up on her once and had been quite tempted to leave her a little thank you, a temptation she quickly rejected. She didn't want Jack to have more ammo than she did, a difficult thing to keep from happening when she found her mind drifting towards the young girl. All things aside she was very cute, a beautiful face and body, even if a bit lithe, and with a certain dangerous charm. "What the fuck..." Miranda sighed out the words as she dried her body off and got dressed, irked at her own mind for thinking about such stupid fucking things. Dangerous charm? How fucking ridiculous.

Miranda was so distracted by those thoughts that she forgot to dry her hair, walking out into the hall with it still wet and looking sexier than she ever allowed herself before. Yes Miranda was gorgeous, yes she had a tight outfit, and yes she took care of her appearance, but seeing her with hair matted to her porcelain skin and thought furrowing glistening brow was a whole new level. Only a few caught a glimpse but it was enough to start a bit of conversation otherwise suppressed by their fear of her, and while she was in her room oblivious a few people who be storing that image away for some time.

Luckily Shepard hadn't needed her to explain anything, the Commander being smart enough and knowing what decisions to make, or making it seem like she knew. It still didn't leave Miranda was free time to take care of her problem, and instead she was given another little task directly from Shepard, and one that would have her busy for a brief duration. If only it had been difficult things would have been easy, she could have become lost in the task, but it wasn't and she didn't. Instead she was given time to simmer in her desire.
A loud grumble from her stomach made Jack let out a huff of irritation. She just wanted to lay there for a couple more hours, those goddamn sedatives had her exhausted. Well, it was either the remnants of the sedatives making her tired or the lack of real food during the past three days. Figuring that the only way she would ever get any energy back, she forced her heavy limbs to obey her and crawled out of her cot. Her stomach lurched and she felt a little woozy as she rose. “Fucking jackass Shepard…” Jack hissed and stood perfectly still, waiting for the nausea to pass before dragging her ass up the stairs and to the little cafeteria upstairs.

For awhile Jack was just by herself at a table, enjoying some soup. Soup was something that even Mess Sergeant Garnder couldn’t fuck up. She couldn’t wait for them to dock somewhere so that she could actually eat some real food. After a bowl of salt and pepper water with things that might have been noodles floating around it, she was feeling better and braved the chow line for some dehydrated, rehydrated, steak substitute and reconstituted broccoli. Ugh, probably fucking varren meat and Turian scales sculptured to look like vegetables. Well, what it looked like and tasted it like wasn’t so important. All that mattered was that it was full of nutrients that her body desperately needed them.

“Good afternoon, Jack.” An overly feminine voice called out from behind her, making Jack tense as though she had heard nails on a chalkboard.

Oh fucking hell. Please go away.

“I’m good at sensing when people are overly taxed. If you would like to talk about anything-”

“No.” Jack quickly interrupted before Kelly went ay further. Yeah no shit you’re good at ‘sensing’. The whole ship knows I was out for a couple of hours. As Kelly moved to sit down next to her, Jack hunched over slightly, her free arm moving to wrap her tray in a protective manner. Years of having people steal shit from her made her still act as though her meal was going to be taken away, even though the idea that anyone wanted to steal some of Gardner’s food was laughable.

“Jack, you can trust me.” Kelly paused for a moment, racking her brain for something that would get the tattooed biotic to open up. However, the only thing she could tell from Jack’s profile was that she only responded to sex. So she switched tactics, her voice becoming sultry as she moved to lightly stroke a tattooed arm. “You know…intimacy brings understanding….”

Jack stiffened. She didn’t like to be touched unless she had already initiated it. “Listen close you goddamn Cerberus slut.” Jack hissed as she exploded, grabbing Kelly by the collar of her uniform and yanking her forward. “I’m not here for you to mind-fuck. Come around me one more time and I will smear-“

“Everything alright?” The Commander’s voice snapped Jack out of her rage. Well, snapped her out enough so that her biotics fizzled until they were totally extinguished.

“Fuckin’ fantastic.” Jack glared ruthlessly at Kelly before releasing her shirt. The young biotic stood up with a huff, training her eyes onto Shepard. “Maybe you can talk some sense into the jackass shrink.” Jack had already refused to submit to a psych eval about a million times already and Shepard knew it. So while the Commander told Kelly off for bothering her crew, Jack stormed off so that she could head back to the Engineering Sub-deck.

On her way back to her room, she was stopped by the sight of Miranda leaving the showers. The older biotic’s hair was still wet, a vision which immediately brought back the memory of their encounter in the showers, how absolutely sexy Miranda looked naked, glistening with soap and water. It was enough to make Jack’s body visibly shiver with want. Before she knew what she was doing, she was actually following Miranda, slinking along behind her, quiet and predatorial as ever. She only stopped when she reached the older biotic’s office, making sure that no one was looking before she followed Miranda inside. The moment that the doors quickly shut behind them, Jack had pounced.

Still amped up from roughing up Kelly and fully energized from a nice long nap and nutritious meal, Jack was a force to be reckoned with. She spun Miranda around and quickly grabbed her by the wrists (Jack no longer trusted her hands because of their little incident in the simulator), walking the older biotic backwards so that she could pin her against the wall. Jack brought her hands up, quickly bracing Miranda’s arms on either side of her head and against the wall. “Miss me Cheerleader?” Jack didn’t wait for a response, she merely forced her thigh between Miranda’s legs to put pressure on her covered slit.
Whether it was becoming a habit or Jack was getting sloppier Miranda had heard the noise behind her before she had been spun around. Not with enough time to stop it but with enough to eliminate any surprise she would have exhibited otherwise. Instead she was glaring at the woman who had so forcefully turned her around and demanded her attention. Not that she couldn't say Jack hadn't been on her mind. She had practically been dreaming about the girl's rough skillful touch and lithe body. She was practically drooling at just the thought, but at the same time her face was contorted in displeasure, not excitement or arousal. No, those were kept well hidden, or at least as well as one could. Miranda was already a bit wet but luckily that was impossible to tell unless Jack decided to do a surprise check, and her hands were busy keeping Miranda's hands to themselves. Heh, it was almost funny thinking about just why the tough little psycho was doing that.

Miranda was delighted about the discovery of an exploitable weakness, though it was one with very limited application. Still, every little bit helped. The pressure to her slit from Jack's powerful leg almost cracked her glare, but instead she grit her teeth and gave a low threatening growl. "Your time expired, or did you think you would come in here with your classic victim mentality and get me to take pity?" Miranda struck out right away and she wasn't even sure why. Perhaps it was just because she knew how badly she wanted it, and she didn't want to accept that. Still, whether the logical reason was why or not she did, and the look on her face, glare aside, was quite calm and she didn't seem to be in the mood for any games.

Jack had managed to completely throw Miranda off her game their past few times but she was oddly collected. So collected that she even found a way to ignore the pang of guilt she felt for treating Jack that way, and it wasn't as if she had expected to feel guilty. Part of her knew she had liked what went on between them, and more than anything she knew she owed the younger biotic for saving the pride she valued so much and spending days asleep for her. Hell it was pretty damn sexy, that Jack would do that for her, but even still something inside her refused to give an inch, to be as stubborn if not more than ever before. As if to prove that point her hands began glowing as she built up biotic energy, hands held against the wall but not enough to where she couldn't if she had to, though she wasn't quite sure if she would even throw Jack across the room, whether it was a bluff or serious was a mystery, even to her. "Want to let go?" It wasn't as much of a question as it seemed, but whether Jack would give a damn was a question still up in the air, and usually the answer was no.
Jack’s eyes flashed in complete and utter fury as Miranda spat out her insult. The younger biotic had never played the, ‘Poor me, I’m a victim of abuse and unethical experimentation, someone please pity me’ card. Yeah, her life blew. And yeah, it was all fucking Cerberus’ fault that she wasn’t 100% right in the head by society’s standards. But she wasn’t a fucking victim; victims were weak. Victims didn’t seek vengeance; they relied on others to right their wrongs. So she was not a victim, not by a long shot, Jack was a survivor. She didn’t see herself coming here as a victim, hoping Miranda would right the injustice of Shepard’s interruption of her own guilt-stricken volition. No, she came here to collect what belonged to her: that goddamn orgasm that had been eluding her for their past few encounters.

“Listen bitch, I’m starting to get reaaalllyyy sick of your bullshit.” Jack snarled. From the corners of her eyes, she saw Miranda’s arms begin to light up with biotic energy. So quickly she pulled them away from the wall, only to slam them back into the unforgiving metal bulkhead in order to send a jolt of pain through Miranda’s forearms. “So knock it off or I will fucking break both your fucking hands!” She was stronger now, so much stronger after having finally slept for more than three hours. There was little doubt in the Convict’s mind that she could break Miranda’s hands if she really wanted to. Hell, she probably should do it if only to get back of her for trying to invade her ass last time they had done anything.

“Now, here’s how it’s going to be.” The younger woman was tired of games, she was going to get what she wanted, no matter what the cost. “You, are going to be a good little girl and do as I say.” Jack’s thigh began to rock against Miradan’s covered slit, just because she knew the older biotic needed a reminder of the type of rewards that good pets got. “And if you don’t behave, I’m going to tell everyone on this ship that Miss Stick Up Her Ass likes taking it up the ass. I’ll tell the entire crew that you love it so much that you’ll do anything for it, even let a psychopath like me fuck you.” Jack was entirely ready to go out kamikaze style for this. Revealing that she had gotten Miranda screaming in ecstasy from a little anal play was dangerous for the both of them. The Illusive Man would no doubt put the younger biotic down for screwing around with one of his top agents.

As dangerous as Jack was on a normal day, she appeared to be even more out of her mind when she had been deprived of a proper orgasm for weeks. Being so well rested made the need for a good fuck worse than usual, so bad that she would do just about anything to get the release she craved. While Miranda thought about her next move, Jack leaned forward, nipping at the Operative’s delicate earlobe. She was a surprisingly adept lover, remembering all the little things that would drive each individual lover crazy. She remembered how much Miranda had liked having her ears nibbled on, and so busied herself grazing her teeth along the arch of her ear. She flicked the lobe lightly with her tongue before making her way down lower so that she could attack the Operative’s neck.
There were times when even someone like Miranda, who held her pride and ability to remain calm and logical above all else, fucked up. There was no better way to say it. Everyone made mistakes, even she was not immune to the side effects of humanity. However, few people did so with people like Jack. Jack was driven by her emotions on a surface level, her psychological profile calling her a psychopath, but Miranda had her own ideas about the girl. It was why she, above most others, seemed to be able to place herself right beneath Jack's skin and really piss her off. See to Miranda the feared Subject Zero wasn't a psychopath, a sociopath perhaps but even then it was a thin diagnosis because Jack had rare moments where she showed the twisted sense of morality still clinging on even after her life. Cerberus had fucked her up, done things to justify psychopathic traits, but even then a psychopath wasn't ruled by her emotions like Jack was. Sure the wording and definition were a convenient way to write Jack off but it didn't make them correct, at least no completely.

So when Miranda poked at the most sensitive parts of Jack's rather delicate state of mind, it could only be called stupid. Yet as much as she had fucked up she was smirking, and it was the usual Miranda smirk, the way she had acted when Jack first arrived. As if she were telling Jack that she wasn't even worth raising her voice or speaking words, like she was some animal incapable of understanding what in the universe was so fucking amusing to the older biotic. In truth there was nothing, but perhaps as cold and calculating as Miranda could be she could be called a psychopath as well. It wasn't true, but if someone decided to observe the her she revealed to the outside world they could definitely go as far as to say she lacked the emotional signs of a 'healthy' human. Possibly due to her being a test tube princess... How she fucking hated that little nickname. Jack was about as talented as she was in the skin burrowing category.

The smirk was wiped away by a surge of strength Miranda hadn't expected as her arms were pulled away and slammed back in to the metal without a shred of hesitation. Her biotics didn't falter, but she didn't strike. Jack had made it a point to show she was at least as skilled as Miranda biotically, and as much as it killed her to even think it Jack was probably stronger. Not as much control but her power and surprising intelligence let her adapt even faster than Miranda was capable of. She had won their little leadership test, and now she was displaying a strength that made Miranda feel a bit nervous even with the slight height and weight difference. Miranda wasn't weak but a rested Jack was... New. She didn't rush unknown situations, and the biotic energy subsided as Jack began laying down her ultimatum of sorts.

It was difficult not to moan or react in some way as Jack laid down her rather arrogant plan, but she managed and even spoke with a snarl that didn't betray the lust practically pouring off of her. "Heh... I wasn't aware you were the one making the calls... Then again it is just like the famous Subject Zero to rely on blackmail and cheap bullshit to get what she wants. I should have been expecting it, after all you were never taught proper manners, just how to be a monster." She almost froze after finishing her sentence, knowing the line she had been playing a game of back and forth with had just been left behind as she made her little defiant stand on the wrong fucking side. "But let's not kid around her, a little girl run on her emotions, even if they are as crazy as yours are, is no psychopath. Your just a child, frightened that you won't get what you want..." She growled, trying to use an uncommon form of intimidation for the 'Ice Queen' Miranda to cover up the moan prompted from teeth on her delicate earlobe.

She cursed Jack for being attentive. The younger biotic been quite incredible when they were together. Even if Miranda had resisted and struggled she had always found herself in the throes of pleasure very quickly. Jack paid attention, and instantly Miranda lust cried out for her submission. It was scary in a way, not exactly how one usually thought of fear with screaming of a feeling of panic, but in a vulnerability sense. Miranda hated not being in control, and perhaps that drove some of her hatred with Jack. Jack was a passionate person, driven by emotions and desires that were basically impossible to control. It made her an unstable addition, not only to the crew but for Miranda. It had been bad enough when she just had to work with her and indulge Shepard's whims to make Jack comfortable. Now that the girl had taken such a personal interest it was quite unsettling, making Miranda only want to strike out all the more, the few days without Jack around apparently cementing the desire to escape the younger biotic quite well.

Still, as much as she wanted to strike back, as much as she wanted to continue hurling insults and break the sick little bond they were beginning to form, she couldn't. Not because she had been fantasizing about the tattooed girl, but because she had gotten to where she was by being able to gauge people's motives and ambitions. It was how she knew Jack was prepared to ruin them both. Finally Miranda relaxed her arms and body, leaning back against the wall, and gave Jack what she wanted, once again bound by her pride to keep everything hidden. One day she was going to drag out a real answer from Jack, about what made the girl choose her, the woman in the organization she hated, and no doubt the most difficult lay on the entire fucking ship. She was attractive and charming in her own way, almost hypnotically so at times. Surely Jack could have seduced some other person. Instead she just let a small moan escape her lips, followed with a defeated voice, "I concede. Take your ill-gotten prize..." She was of course referring to herself, but as she spoke she pulled a hand from Jack's grip and moved it up to start undoing her uniform, revealing more of her perfect white flesh.
No one doused a libido quite like Miranda. Jack had been ready to tear off that uniform and finally just take what she wanted, what she suspected they –both- wanted…until Miranda’s words cut into her. It was a lot all at once, hearing the name ‘Subject Zero’, being reminded that she had been raised to be nothing more than a monster, a weapon… For a moment she actually looked as though she was either going to cry or explode with such fury that she would tear Miranda and this ship apart, destroy everything, just as she had destroyed the prison she had been kept in.

“Fuck you…” There was a shift inside of her, and the words were said with such quiet coldness that it was noticeably uncharacteristic of Jack. Usually she was shouting, snarling, or seething…but Miranda had finally managed to trip over a nerve that ran deep enough inside the younger biotic’s brain to shut everything off. Completely disregarding any and all emotions she may feel was the Convict’s coping mechanism for murdering someone close range. She’d killed many, innocents and villains alike. But those had been nameless strangers, people she didn’t give a fuck about. Besides, a good majority probably deserved to die anyways. But Miranda…well…as much as she hated Miranda, she –knew- her. On any given day, she probably wouldn’t have been able to blow the Operative away without feeling some sort of remorse. Though right now, without any sort of emotion running through her body, could kill her and not feel a goddamn thing.

As free as her conscience would be, Shepard would probably disapprove, And as much as Jack loathed to admit it, she really did sort of like the Commander and cared about what she thought. So before she extinguished the life from Miranda’s form in retribution for the incredibly hurtful insults that she had thrown, Jack just let her go. She said her ‘fuck you’, let her go, and just turned around to storm out of this room and back to the safety of the Engineering Sub-deck.


For the next few days, Jack threw Shockwaves at anyone that came near her staircase. It didn’t matter whether or not ir were the Engineers, trying to get to something on the sub-deck, or Commander Shepard herself attempting to come talk to her. She wasn’t the only one experiencing something close to ship fever. Grunt had been ramming into the Normandy’s bulkhead as though trying to expand the ship from the inside out, just for fun. Zaeed was being extra creepy, talking to his guns more so than usual. Even Garrus seemed a little more stick-up-his-ass-ish than usual.

Finally Shepard decided that it was time for a little shore leave before the non-military trained personnel ripped the Normandy in half.



Awhile ago, Shepard had ordered them all some casual shore leave outfits (probably so that they didn’t get their asses kicked by drunken Alliance soldiers on their time off for being Cerberus) and now tonight was the first night that Jack was trying on hers. A black leather zip-up vest that she left open to show off what little assets she had, some actual pants that fit her correctly and hugged her curves in such a way to show off the feminine flare of her hips. The boots were the weirdest thing, they weren’t like her normal combat boots, they were stylish and lightweight…it was weird…and they had no steel toe, she’d definitely have to remember not to kick anyone in the face, otherwise her foot might hurt in the morning. Looking down her body once she was finished getting dressed, the young biotic had to admit she wore leather –very- well. Heh, maybe even better than Aria.


“Someone’s trying to get laid tonight.” Shepard and Garrus must have been the first two off the ship, because already the pair of them were so drunk that the Commander gave Jack an appreciative whistle after teasing her.

“That’s the difference between you and me Shepard, I don’t even have to try.” Really, Jack could’ve probably worn whatever the fuck she wanted tonight and still have ended the night hooking up with someone. Ladies love a bad girl… But tonight she was hoping for some prey that was a little higher up on the food chain. She’d gone so long without sex that any ol’ bar slut wasn’t going to do. She wanted someone a little more innocent, definitely more refined, but with some muscle to her so that Jack could play rough. So her sights were set on finding an Alliance soldier to hook up with. It didn’t take long to find a few possible candidates down at the other end of the bar where some new recruits were. “Don’t wait up.” The young biotic smirked and continued past the two war vets and down the bar where the younger crowd was.

Jack managed to wriggle her way through the elbow to elbow traffic and finally get to the bar so that she could order herself a drink. Just a couple should get her loose enough be a real char- “Oof!”

“Oh! I am so, so sorry.” Samantha Traynor did what any good egghead would do when bumping into someone who was as intimidating to look at as the tattooed woman before her: panic. “I j-just… I-“ She noticed that she had made the other woman spill some of her drink on herself, so she reached out, trying to brush the liquid off of her jacket.

The poor girl looked like she was going to pass out, Jack didn’t have the heart to punch her in the face for making her spill her drink on herself. “It’s fine. You don’t go into a club without expecting to get a little liquor spilled on you eventually.” The biotic soothed. Then, when she noticed the stranger’s eyes lingering on the tattoos on the exposed section of her chest, she grinned, excited to find her target for the night. “See something you like, soldier?”

“I was just wondering how much of you was covered with them.” Realizing that she had just verbalized her internal question on whether or not the sexy, but dangerous looking woman infront of her had tattoos all over her naughty bits as well, Samantha quickly blushed. “I mean- I…erm… Oh..bollocks…”

Jack laughed, the first laugh she had had in a long while. It was cute how easily flustered the other girl was getting. Oh there was something so wonderfully submissive about the Alliance officer before her. “I’m Jack.” The young biotic extended her hand. “Tell you what…you buy me a drink and maybe I’ll tell you just how much of me is covered in ink.”

“Oh… erm..” Even more darkness covered Samantha’s cheeks as the blush grew more intense. She threw a conflicted look towards the group of friends that she had come here with, then back at the woman infront of her. Should she stay and play? Or go back to the safety of her group. Come on Samantha…the galaxy is in a state of unrest. Do something brave! “My name’s Samantha. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Miranda's words had the very effect they had been intended to, they stopped the young biotic in her tracks. Miranda wasn't happy though, and it had nothing to do with the fact that she actually wanted Jack as badly as the girl wanted her. She felt bad. It wasn't a logical response considering the shit Jack had put her through and how they had been speaking like that to one another since they met, but it was where she found herself. Seeing Jack so hurt that she wasn't even yelling sent a pang of guilt through Miranda and she felt the slight urge to take it back, but that wasn't actually going to happen. She was stubborn enough to not apologize for menial things, much less saying several things she knew hurt the young woman. Not only that but there was no way in hell she would be forgiven after calling Jack 'Subject Zero' and bringing up the childhood Cerberus had stolen from her. All sensitive subjects... And her organization was responsible for the worst of it, directly or not. So as Jack let go and left Miranda didn't even move, keeping her poker face up and just watching as Jack exit her room. At least if anyone saw her this time they would have no doubt it was more of the same hatred between them. It was funny, Jack was supposed to be the childish unreasonable one.


In the days following things on the ship became tense. Miranda never felt the pressure of being on the ship, work was her life and she had never felt attached to socialization. So while others seemed to be going stir crazy after being locked up on the ship Miranda was unaffected. Well that wasn't entirely true. Miranda was indeed fine with being on the ship, and would have been fine sitting in her room without talking to another soul, but she was bothered by other things. One was how despite her lust she couldn't get off, it was maddening. She had tried after Jack left, but just couldn't get turned on by herself even if she needed an orgasm. Nothing had changed in the past few days, and her needs mixed with the guilt from hurting someone who was already vulnerable... It was clawing at her sanity. Not visibly, but sleep had been difficult and she couldn't detach herself as well as usual.


The decision to finally give everyone shore leave was precisely what Miranda needed, a chance to slip away from the ship and let her hair down so to speak. On the ship she had a role to protect, and she couldn't afford to show weakness as the Senior Cerberus presence on the ship. She had to be professional, unshakable, perfect. So shore leave was perfect. She could have a few drinks and as long as she was careful about who noticed her she could let go. Miranda would simply get a nice room somewhere and not return to the ship at all until it was all over. Some drinks... Relaxation... Company. Maybe, she wasn't sure about the company. She had never been so aware of her own libido prior to Jack, blissfully ignorant. Damn girl.

Luckily she had the perfect outfit, though not one Shepard bought her, because while that was nice she had her own outfits prepared to avoid the attention being Cerberus brought during her off time. It attracted other attention though, revealing her delectable cleavage, tight leather pants, and more accessories than one would normally see on the operative. If she wanted to find company it would be easy to do wearing her 'casual' clothing, because as sexy as her uniform could be there was something particularly appealing about the refreshing appearance. It humanized her, she wasn't identified by the Cerberus logo and job title, she was just Miranda, and while that didn't mean much to her, she just knew other crew members would make a big deal if they noticed.

Miranda didn't think anybody would notice her though, and she was careful to avoid letting anyone see her, especially Shepard who she had been careful to go around. The last thing she needed was the intuitive Commander seeing her and commenting while under the influence. Who knew what the woman would say. She did like Shepard, but the woman could be difficult. Another way to describe her would be worthy, because she was one of few who could keep up with Miranda in every way, and surpass her at that. It made her hard to deal with, but necessary for the galaxy, just not necessary for Miranda to relax, the opposite in fact.

What she needed was a drink and she ordered the second she could, and didn't waste any time with light drinks or 'tasty' beverages. Her goal was to get drunk enough to stop her logical side from speaking and let go a little. She just wanted to sit around, drink, and eventually go have a good night sleep. Until Jack made her appearance that was. The young biotic popped up into Miranda's field of view after she was a few drinks in, and she wasn't alone. Somehow Miranda had missed her entrance but she didn't miss her tanding with another woman, and by the appearance a solider. That was when the operative let her guard down, eyes distracted and brain dulled by the drinks she had already downed. She failed to notice someone slip something into her fresh drink.

Miranda's sensible side had managed to stop her from following her emotion down the stupid path of going over and asking Jack what the fuck she was doing. It just wasn't fair of her to hurt the woman one day, refusing every come on, and then harass her for being around someone else. It was a realization even if she didn't act on it though and Miranda downed the drugged drink without hesitation, sighing audibly. It was annoying to have conflicting feelings, especially when the same part of her stopping her from going and scaring the other girl off was telling her that her reasons for refusing Jack had been superficial. She hadn't pushed her away and denied interest due to a lack of attraction, because whether it be physically or mentally she found Jack to be rather intriguing. Tough and delicate at the same time, more competent than her mouth and attitude led people to believe, sexually incredible, and genuine even for the worse.

Her refusal had been due to fucking pride, her emotions guarded and desire to keep up appearances and show absolutely no weaknesses more important to her than anything else. It was always amusing, Miranda was self-aware enough to identify her own flaws, smart enough to realize why it was wrong, but she was human and that knowledge didn't change how she acted. "Not enough alcohol yet..." She needed more to drink if she was still thinking about such complicated stupid shit. So she ordered yet another strong drink and downed it, ignoring Jack for a moment, just long enough for everything to kick in. Before she could realize something was wrong, most likely the effects of the alcohol, things began swirling around the older biotic. She felt a bit dizzy, but above all everything tingled.

No doubt someone had planned to make a move when it all kicked in, but Miranda's eyes swung back around to Jack as the warm sensation and tingling spread from her stomach to the tips of her fingers and toes. She didn't order another drink, just watched. Part of her wanted to get up and go to Jack, but sh was with someone else, and Miranda had no right to her. That was what she kept telling herself, but truth be told she was flushed in the face and becoming quite turned on, making it harder and harder to resist the temptation to go and seek some attention.
It would probably surprise anyone to see a nerdy little marine talking to a tattooed biotic, but if there was one thing that Jack knew, it was that bookworms and outcasts were the two most likely personality types to be attracted to the taboo. Samantha was soft, sweet, smart, a woman who was perhaps a shocking choice for a woman like Jack, especially if one looked at the younger biotic’s track record. Usually she was just attracted to power, to control freaks, to people who liked to dominate in the real world but needed to submit in the bedroom. But here was Samantha, someone who seemed to be just as shy and submissive in the real world as she would be behind closed doors. Samanatha’s nothing like Miranda… Ugh, why was she still even thinking about that bitch?! The Operative was easily the most beautiful woman the younger biotic had ever seen in her entire life, sure, but that didn’t mean that she should monopolize her thoughts when Jack had an especially delicious looking Alliance marine infront of her. As attractive as Miranda’s power made her seem, her personality was lacking so badly that Jack couldn’t bring herself to want to pursue her anymore. And even though someone like Samantha was a little on the vanilla side, her upbeat attitude was contagious and Jack found herself in quite the good mood…though not as good a mood as she could be in.

“How about you and I hit the dance floor?” A little dancing was sure to get her mind off of the Operative so that she could enjoy her night with Samantha.

“W-wha-?phlbt!” Samantha sputtered as she choked on her drink in surprise. Dance? Her?! Oh no no no; if there was one thing Samantha Traynor did not do, it was attempt to gyrate her hips to a complicated beat on a crowded dance floor. “Ahem - I’m sorry, excuse me. I just…I er…I don’t dance…”

While the Specialist tried to clear her airway, Jack gently rubbed her back to keep her calm and expedite the process. When she saw Samantha’s cheeks light up pink once she had caught her breath and noticed that Jack was –still- touching her, the younger biotic grinned, knowing that she had the other woman hooked. “Look…you don’t have to be nervous. I will be sure to take –very- good care of you.” Jack practically purred out the last half of her statement. “So come on, dance with me.”

Samantha swallowed the lump forming in her throat and bit her lower lip. Jack seemed pretty nice…vulgar…but honestly she swore just about as badly as any marine she had been stationed with thus far. She was obviously a biotic, Sam could see the external implant by her ear, so the Specialist just sort of assumed that Jack had been ex-military like most other human biotics and had gotten out of the service as soon as she had paid her 5 year dues. And the tattoos were obviously some sort of rebellious act that she reveled in after having a life spent on Jump Zero. The backstory may not be entirely true, but in the short time they had known one another, it was the best that Samantha could do. The past that she had invented for her new friend just by looking at her seemed to be entirely logical, and Samantha took comfort in the idea that Jack and her may have had more in common than met the eye. “Oh erh…alright.”

Jack straightened up, downed the last of her drink, and then offered Samantha her hand. It was cute how the Specialist blushed when she took it, and Jack resolved to be very careful with this sub because she seemed quite delicate. She led the way, through the crowded bar and towards the dance floor. People parted for her instinctively, and when they got to the dance floor, the two of them had a nice chunk of floor to be on without having to worry about drunk bastards bumping into them. The music in these clubs were all the same: techno beats that were complicated with their layer upon layer of synthetic music. But Jack didn’t flail around, she wasn’t like Shepard that awkwardly shuffled about, nor was she ostentatious like an Asari stripper that was looking for attention. Jack was a little smoother than that, her body easily finding the beat and rolling with it. For someone who prided herself on being the biggest and baddest tomboy in the galaxy, Jack had a surprisingly feminine grace when she danced.

“Relax…” The biotic cooed sweetly when she noticed that Samantha appeared to be paralyzed with fear on the dance floor. Maybe if she hadn’t thrown back some liquor, she wouldn’t have had the patience to deal with a timid sub. But she was in a pretty good mood, one where she wouldn’t mind playing a slow game of cat and mouse. “C’mere.” For one so young, Jack was a natural Domme.; she could just sense what a sub needed. Right now she knew that Samantha needed a gentle touch, to be worked slowly otherwise she would just close right back up. So she urged the marine closer, pressing their bodies together so that Samantha could follow her moves with ease. “Just follow me…”

Samantha wasn’t naïve, she knew that this night didn’t mean anything, not really. They were just two strangers stationed on two different ships, looking to forget their missions for a little while. Would it really be so bad to let herself go? To just give all of herself to a person for the night? Jack may be a stranger, but a closet kinkster like Samantha could easily tell that the pair of them were going to have many similar interests in the bedroom. The way the tattooed woman touched her…gentle at first, sweeping up and down her arms to calm her, but now it was increasingly possessive. Jack’s hands were on her hips, pulling, tugging her closer into a frame that was thin, but also surprisingly muscular. The thought of the sculpted body that lay underneath those clothes made the Specialist lick her lips.

Jack had her, she knew that she had her the moment those big doe eyes glazed over with whatever naughty thoughts were going through her dancing partner’s mind. With a feral grin, she became bolder, her hands finally moving off of their place on Samantha’s lovely hips and to her very nice ass. She squeezed both cheeks, eliciting a soft, needy whimper from the marine. Jack was pleased to see that the shy Specialist was not pulling away, and so she leaned down, rewarding Samantha’s acceptance of her show of dominance with a deep, fiery kiss.
While nobody would ever know it Miranda was quite an unreasonable person. When it came to her public face she was quite reasonable, and in a way it was part of her job and who she was supposed to be. She needed to remain focused and ensure that her decisions were in the best interests of Cerberus. So she did whatever was in her power to make it happen, negotiating and working whatever systems she had to. Miranda was not so civil in her mind though and often expected treatment that was quite frankly ridiculous. Sure recently her pride had taken a hit, but before that she had believed her own skills and potential were far superior than any other humans. Fucking Shepard had to ruin that, the woman outclassing her in melee combat and marksmanship. Even Jack had shown herself to have skills polished above Miranda's level, and while the older biotic had excuses it changed nothing. No matter how ofter she reminded herself just how vast her pool of skills was, from the militaristic skills to science and medicine, it didn't help. There was still the fact that her biotic skills had been surpassed, and by a girl much younger than herself. Perfect human... It was almost a joke when surrounded by truly talented individuals.

Still, even after meeting those with talent equal to her own she had kept much of her pride and high expectations... Like the expectation of someone who had eyes for her not going after some other piece of tail. Yes, it was as ridiculous and unfair an expectation as any other but Miranda couldn't help it. Just watching Jack and the little Alliance slut together was pissing her off. She didn't react with her sharp intimidating fury though, and instead watched them with a pout and the occasional whine. Fucking Jack... What was so damn good about the girl she was paying so much attention to? How was she better than Miranda was? Was it her age? Was it how shy she looked even from afar? It had to be something Miranda lacked, because if not the older woman was confident she would win out... Older... Ugh, it irritated her just thinking about it. "So what if I'm older..." She muttered, eyes glued to Jack and the admittedly adorable timid little thing she was aiming for.

Miranda conscientiousness of her odd thoughts and actions, her obvious jealousy and out of character visible pouting, was non-existent. She wasn't aware of any of it, at least not that it was odd, it all felt right down to her chewing on her lower lip now that her mouth was without a drink to keep it occupied. She was also unaware of the amount of attention she was drawing with each little pout and whine, and even more so when she leaned over some railing to get a closer look as Jack dragged the other woman to the dance floor, her ass wiggling out behind her. She was aware of only two things, Jack and her little pet, and her own rising desire to go monopolize what in some odd way she had already started seeing as hers. Not in a dominant way, she had been shown just how submissive she apparently was recently, but in a way that she didn't want to share and didn't want Jack to move on. A funny desire after her many efforts to push the young girl far away.

Still, deranged logic aside Miranda had done well in controlling herself and sticking to the role of jealous observer. That was until she noticed hands and lips both venturing where they shouldn't have. "Bitch!" She said a bit too loudly, glaring at anyone who dared look before pushing herself off the rail and starting towards the dance floor. Jack hadn't even kissed her... What the fuck, she needed to know what this little bitch had that she didn't.

Miranda's path to the dance floor had been as careful as it could be to avoid Jack's detection, the woman moving through the crowd and coming up right behind the younger woman, hips swaying and attracting more attention than two hot lesbians making out already did. Luckily the little puppy Jack had captured was distracted by the passion Jack was showing her, a passion Miranda was nearly growling at. There was a part of her deep down that wanted to yank them apart and rip the little girl apart, because for normal people who weren't Shepard and Jack she was pretty damn scary. Yet that was suppressed by what had come over her and instead she waited for the kiss to begin to break and leaned in, arms wrapping around Jack's waist from behind and her chin resting on her shoulder.

"Hey gorgeous... You never came back after last time, I was waiting..." Her voice was needy and there was a sultry quality that Miranda never displayed. To make matters more confusing her hot breath was spilling over Jack's neck and her hands were moving lower to Jack's thighs. She wasn't ignoring Traynor either, a small wink and gorgeous smile being directed to her before she nipped Jack's earlobe. "You know I didn't actually mean what I said right. I felt pretty bad..." Her voice lowered but stayed loud enough for Jack's little friend to hear, "And horny..." She licked her lips after that, not knowing why but oozing sexuality not only to Jack who had been her original target but the cute little thing looking absolutely stunned by her appearance.

Miranda was apparently smart enough not to hold on to Jack from behind for long, it was dumb enough already and she was aware of that strangely enough. So she moved to the side of the two girls, graceful as the lioness she was, hand running across Jack's shoulder with a lingering touch. "Know how jealous I was watching you with this adorable thing?" She whined, her face a bit flush. The intoxication wasn't terribly obvious but to someone like Jack who knew her personality and movements, how stiff and cold they could be, would definitely notice the change in everything about her. Then again it wasn't so much change as a bit behind the curtain of hubris, cynicism, and distrust forged over the years of her trying life. What stood before Jack and her prey for the night, both of which were most likely baffled for entirely different reasons, was a very odd Miranda who was grinning and apparently excited despite the initial jealousy that had brought her over.
(Scuse me while I ruin everything and cut out this threesome)

"Ugggghhnnn..." Jack let out a noise that was caught between a pathetic whine and a groan of pain. Her head was pounding, her entire body felt weak, and she was...naked? Guh, and she needed a shower, but first, more sleep. The whole reason she was even awake at whatever god awful hour it was right now was because she felt like she was freezing, a problem that she wanted to remedy right away so that she could go back to sleep. With a grunt and a huff, she rolled over and cracked open an eye to see that the warm body next to her had stolen all of the soft, civilian blankets. Waking up next to a stranger wasn't a new experience for her...but waking up next to someone in a very nice hotel suite was definitely a change.

Holy fuck...what happened...? The change in scenery startled her. Being black out drunk had been a fairly common occurance in her life, but usually she woke up in some back alley or in some girl's shitty apartment, something that was familiar to her. Now she was in a huge room with high ceilings, nice furniture, and shitty mass produced art on the walls. Too bad she was too hung over to enjoy the new surroundings. Usually the young biotic had the presence of mind to drink water and eat food towards the end of her nights of drinking to excess. Judging by the salty sweet taste in her mouth, the only thing she had been eating last night had been a lot of pussy. With that pleasant taste mixed with a more acrid one, she knew that the last thing she had been drinking had been straight alcohol. Hrrmph... coconut rum... Feeling the skin on her stomach tight and sticky reminded her that Miranda had gotten them all a few bottles of super girly alcohol to bring back to the hotel room. Jack vaguely remembered body shots happening, but hadn't remembered her being on the receiving end of them.

Trying to figure out what had happened last night was starting to hurt her head. Contemplating getting out of bed to get food and water also seemed equally painful and awful. So Jack went back to her original plan of getting blankets back from the body next to her. There was only one other person in the bed, and that made her remember that Traynor had said something about having to leave early in the morning. Poor kid...she's probably feeling like shit right now. Maybe it was weird to think of Samantha as a kid, the Specialist was the same age as Jack. Maybe it was just the girl's naive mindset that made the convict think of her as younger than she was.

With a few pulls and a soft growl as Miranda tried to hold onto the sheets Fuck, even in her sleep she's a pain in my fucking ass, Jack finally freed up enough of the silky blankets to cover her frigid body.
Miranda an alcohol had a controlled relationship. As with most things in her life, the operative found the idea of giving up control in any sense horrifying, and usually kept alcohol consumption in check. It was a clear compulsion of the stick up her ass variety. Jack had caused her to make an exception, to move way too fucking far outside of her comfort zone and be someone she wasn't capable of being without a major influence like the young biotic. It was the largest body of proof that Jack changed her, and for once someone else had seen it. Not that she had the clearest memory of the previous night, most of it was a blur that moved too quickly to think about without giving herself a migraine, but she recalled enough. She recalled getting monstrously jealous, acting on that jealousy, getting fucked up on nasty and cheap alcohol, and spending the better part of the night with two women. That was all new. In fact it was a bit concerning to the control freak and she couldn't help but groan as she slid out of bed, the realization that another person had seen the human side of her daunting. That was going to warrant a conversation at some point, involving some form of 'keep your fucking mouth shut about last night'... And maybe some, 'let's do it again though'... Because if the secret was already out it couldn't get much worse, and it was pretty hot.

The Cerberus operative slipped off of the bed without making as much as a squeak, looking over at Jack and managing to let a smile slip past her mask. She wasn't sure it would ever make sense, but she was happy and that wasn't a feeling she had many memories of. After helping the younger woman take possession of all of the remaining covers she turned around and walked towards the bathroom. It wasn't until she was in front of a mirror that she got a good look at what a night of partying and sex could do. Her hair was a mess, her entire body sticky with alcohol and juices, and when she turned around there were a multitude of hand prints beaten into her perfect, pale ass cheeks. A low growl escaped her throat... She hadn't remembered the spanking... But it was enough for her to realize not only had Traynor seen her jealousy, she had seen her submit. Fuck, that was the most humiliating thing she could think of, being seen by someone else... Begging, whining, moaning for Jack to treat her that way. Ugh, fucking brilliant As if a hangover hadn't been enough. It didn't change anything really, just how severe Miranda's chat with the other adorable young thing she had slept with would be. There was another thought... Why did she keep ending up in bed with younger women.

After a moment of contemplation and groaning with light regret, Miranda turned around and started some water, ready to shower until she felt clean again, and it wasn't going to be a short scrubbing. She stepped inside when steam finally rose up, ignoring the pain of the overly hot water and letting it wash down her body, removing the dried fluids. Her hands moved down her body, touching the marks no doubt placed by Jack. Only when she grew accustomed to the scalding water and her perfect, pale skin was thoroughly pink, did she turn the heat down, following the initial submersion by starting on her hair, taking it slow and trying to piece the blurry night together by the marks and soreness that plagued her entire body. Whatever had happened over the course of the night, one thing was for sure, she was a hell of a lot more sore than usual, and considering the things Jack did to her when they got together, it was a bit hard to believe.
Laying in bed without another body in it while she was sick left Jack feeling even more miserable than she already felt. She had sensed Miranda getting up, and while the older biotic wasn't her most favorite person in the universe, Jack wanted company when she was hungover. During her time on the facility in Teltin, she had never gotten sick, never had a hang over. Gun shot wounds, bruises, cuts, and burns didn't bother...but a stomach ache or headache made her absolutely miserable and revert to a child-like state. So now, as a young adult, whenever she had any sort of illness, she needed a little coddling.

Whether Miranda would play into her neediness or not would be another story. Jack had a vague memory of what had happened last night, if worst came to worst she could always just blackmail Miranda into being a decent human being for ten minutes to snuggle the poor hungover biotic and maybe get her some food, water and a coffee. With nothing to lose, she crawled out of bed and moved towards the sound of running water.

"Move over, Cheerleader." The younger woman mumbled as she padded into the shower right behind Miranda. She closed her eyes and rested her forehead down onto the older woman's shoulder as they shared the spray of water.



2 years, 3 months, and 13 days later.


Jack woke up from her dream in a pool of her own sweat. She was burning up, her body felt weak, her throat ached, and her head was pounding. She knew that she was sick but she felt like she was dying. Fucking kids... 2168 CE and teachers were still getting infected by their little snot nosed students. She wasn't sure she could be called a teacher anymore. With the Reaper attack on Earth, many of her older students were gone and had enlisted. Most of the younger biotics had been called back home to their parents, as if colonies were safer than Grissom Station...but she supposed that dying together as a family was better than dying all on your own. That left Grissom Academy with only 20 or so biotic students of varying age ranges, most of them from military families who could not claim their kids during this time of war. It was just as well, the kids were working on some pretty awesome tech to help with the war. And those who weren't smart enough to make tech were training with Jack, honing their abilities for the few more months it would take for them to turn 18 and be able to enlist.

If only those smart fuckers could give me a cure for strep throat... Hopefully the supplements she was on would make this thing get out of her system by the end of the day rather than the end of the week. She hated being laid up in bed, it made her mind wander, it made her think of people and things she didn't want to think about. Ever since she had finished up with Shepard's Suicide Squad, she had been busy with Alliance boot camp and school, had achieved the rank of Sergeant, and then had been allowed to teach at Grissom Academy for the past year. There hadn't been time to think about Cerberus, about Shepard, about the almost family she had had, about that one stupid bitch that she had fallen for...

"Eezo..." Jack croaked, eager to distract herself with something. She could hear her pet varren perk up from his bed and then sprint over towards hers. He halted right before the edge, whining and pawing at the bed. "Come." With that command, Eezo jumped up onto the bed, immediately going towards Jack's face to nuzzle and lick all of the dried sweat off of her. "Ugh! Come on. You fucker. I'm sick." Eezo whined, but seemed to understand and just moved to plop down next to Jack, the varren practically purring as his mistress pet him. "Good boy..." Jack felt a little more at ease with the great big varren snuggling her. With the last bit of her strength, she grabbed her omnitool and sent a message to Kahlee to tell her that she was sick and wouldn't be around to train the kids today. That little task used up most of her energy, and by the time Jack had put her omnitool back, she was ready to go back to sleep.
Several years had passed but Miranda still found herself thinking back to happier times, not just before the Reapers gained an upper hand, but when she had something to hold on to. Her and Jack hadn't been traditional, but she still remembered the young girl fondly... Those moments of reminiscing were the few that made the biotic smile. The first moment Jack had been vulnerable, leaned up against her, to the bit of time after where their sexual relationship morphed into something resembling romance. They had spent time together without bickering, though that was rare even as they grew closer, the friction bringing with it a rather comforting familiarity, replacing the hatred and sexual tension that had started it all. Miranda wouldn't have had it any other way, arguing and fucking rough and hard was such a fun way to settle problems.

The biotic missed those moments, the people she was with and the way her and Jack began to 'compromise' on their issues. Lately the only sexual gratification she was getting was self-inflicted, and the last time she was shoved against a wall or over a table was in the middle of combat where death was the next step, not a powerful, pleasurable thrust. Things had certainly changed, but why shouldn't it? She had left, left Jack to keep her safe while she took care of the final loose ends. Now she was alone, but she was making progress, moving forward in her pursuit for... Justice? Revenge? She wasn't sure how to label it but one thing was for certain, when the time finally came to put an end to it, she would know what to do, instinct would kick in. Those thoughts didn't help much, she was no longer happy, but there was a thread of hope that this little mission would let her be happy, truly happy... Maybe she would even go find Jack when she was done. Jack... That was going to be one horrible reunion, the young biotic was going to kick her ass.


Several weeks had passed since her last data packet transmission. Unfortunately people were looking for Miranda, not new but certainly inconvenient without the resources of someone like Shepard or an organization like Cerberus. It meant she took a day ever week or so to find a secure connection and download intel, messages, and make any communications. She could break that rule but it meant moving on quickly after or else finding mercenaries hot on her trail. The moment she collected the data and started pouring through it she was alarmed, it was a message from Shepard, and it was recent. Miranda, Jack is in trouble. Grissom Station is under threat and I don't think I'll be able to make it. If you can, go. Miranda wasn't sure when but at some point, despite the short message, she had stopped breathing. Her heart strained and her throat tightened. Miranda knew how fearsome these attacks were, she had been caught in a few herself, and she knew what sort of situation Jack was in. This was not the Grissom Station people knew, there weren't hundreds of combatants prepared to make a stand... It was Jack and a handful of fucking kids. Kids... Jack could probably save herself, but she couldn't do it when she had kids to worry about. "Jack..."

Miranda had been keeping tabs on the younger biotic for some time, from the moment she stepped into the shoes of teacher. She had made excuses to herself at first but somewhere along the way, in the years since they had seen one another, Miranda had accepted something. The older biotic had accepted that she was in love with the young sociopath... That the crazy bitch she had constantly talked down to had made her an idiot... It was horrifying. On a normal day Miranda was against relationships. The only one she had truly put effort into involved her sister, and even then she kept distance and it was more protector and protected than sisters. So falling in love, with Jack, with the most difficult woman she had ever met in her life, it was insane. Yet it was true, and the mere thought of Jack being hurt was the first thing that had captured her attention more than her mission. Keeping tabs on the young woman, knowing she was okay and happy with her position as a teacher, that had been enough to stop Miranda... The moment that changed so did her goal. She would still finish things, but Jack came first... With her previous realization she also understood, her life needed to be worth going back to when things were over, and as ridiculous as it was, the tattooed biotic was part of that delusional happy ending she had been considering. She had to go help Jack... And she didn't have a great premonition about how happy Jack would be to see her, even if it meant not dying.

The next day, Jack was feeling well enough to get out of bed. She was still feeling a little weak, but it was nothing that a long shower and a large breakfast couldn't fix. By the time she was dressed, Eezo was already circling the door with his tail wagging and his spikes up in excitement. It had taken -a lot- of training but Jack had finally gotten the biotic reptile to be able to behave around the students...though he still tried to maul guest speakers or Alliance brass who were inspecting the station....and sometimes he'd fire little warp blasts at the boys when they teased him with food. But other than that he was a very good varren. "Calm down buddy, calm down." Jack smiled and leaned down to pet the excited reptile. "Sick of being cooped up in here huh? Well don't worry. I'm sure the kids missed you. Try not to eat anyone though, okay?" With that, Jack palmed the door open. As soon as they got into the hallway, Eezo tried to sprint away, but a low whistle from Jack had him running back to her side where he fell into step beside the young biotic.

As soon as Jack and Eezo got down to the sparring room where her students were already gathering, alarms started to go off. It wasn't the high pitched wail of a fire alarm, instead it was the incessant beeping of an intruder alert. “Attention students. Implement lock down procedures. This is not a drill. Implement lock down–“ the intercom cut out. Kahlee’s voice was now replaced with a soothing male’s, “Attention all students. Cerberus troops have taken control of the station. We have no desire to hurt you. Surrender and you will not be harmed...

“You’ve gotta be fricken kidding me.” Jack hissed and quickly answered her omnitool as it began to vibrate.

“Cerberus has taken control of our docking bays. They have a dozen fighters on blockade duty.” Kahlee’s voice came pouring out of her omnitool. The school's director was doing a good job about not sounding too frightened, but Jack could tell that their leader was worried. “I have sent out a distress signal. Alliance ships should be mounting a rescue effort soon. All staff, be advised that Cerberus is using lethal force and you are authorized to respond in kind. Protect the students at all costs. Octavia, Johnathan, and David are heading towards the Security Office, I want all staff to rendezvous with them there to arm up.”

Jack frowned. David was a fucking mess from his brother’s and Cerberus’ fucked up experiments. Octavia and Johnathan were both older students who were research assistants and barrier specialists. The three of them were near-useless in a fight, all they could do was form a barrier and hope the the enemy got tired of attacking and passed out from exhaustion. So not only were those assholes useless, but so were Jack's students. These kids weren't ready for a fight! They could barely manage forming a singularity field without getting caught in it. Maybe they could hide...but that would only buy a little bit of time, plus Jack didn't want to split herself up from the kids. She knew that she could probably get the hell off this station by herself, but her students wouldn't stand a chance with out her. Fucking hell, we're screwed. From all of her time spent with the Commander, she knew just how long Alliance ships could take to get their asses anywhere...the only option was to take back the academy.

“Alright Kahlee, keep yourself safe, we’ll figure out a way out.” Jack switched off her omnitool and began to contemplate their options. The blockade definitely fucked up most plans for escape, they couldn't just get to the escape pods and jettison them without the risk of getting captured or blown up. If they wiped out all of the ground forces, then the air support would probably just annihilate the station... They would have to move and move now. “Okay. Here's the plan: we’re going to bust our way to the hangar bay. Once we’re there, you four are going to take the fighters and provide an escort." Jack pointed to four of her students. "Jensen, Mika, Merizan, and Anders. You guys scored the highest on your piloting exams. Froberg will pilot the shuttle. I'm going to take another shuttle and be the decoy, I'll try to draw their fire away so that you guys can escape."

“But Ma'am, you'll be killed! Maybe we should listen to them-“

“You want to go to them peacefully?!” Jack bristled, getting right up to her student’s face. She ripped the collar of her jacket to the side and pointed at her own next where a nasty electrical burn had been covered with a tattoo. “See that? Electrical burn from a shock collar. Every time I didn’t want to participate in their little experiments, I got electrocuted. If you think things'll be better if you go quietly with them, you're dead wrong.” The thought of torture seemed to unnerve some of her other students and Jack grabbed onto that fear, trying to turn it around. "I know you guys have never been in combat before. I know that none of you have killed anyone before. But I want you guys to understand, Cerberus will torture you, they don't give a damn if you're kids or not. if you don't do the things they want, they'll torture you. If you don't perform the way they want, they'll kill you. You guys need to fight with everything you got or none of us are going to get out of here alive. We are a team, and none of us are going to surrender, none of us are going to be left behind." As far as pep talks went, it was shit, but some of her students seemed to buy into it. If nothing else, they drew confidence from having The Psychotic Biotic on their side. "Now let's move! I’ve got the front. Sergeant Froberg will watch our rear. I don't want any heroes out there."

“Hey, where are the Bellarmine twins?” Prangley piped up.

Fuck, fuck fuck fuck. Where is Seanne and Seth?! Jack did a head count and sure enough, she was missing two kids. “Alright, no one gets left behind.” Jack couldn’t bring herself to sacrifice two of her students, especially because Seanne and Seth were both two of her more talented ones, they'd be instrumental in getting the whole group out of here. She pulled up her Omnitool and activated the student tracking mode. Then she locked on to Seanna and Seth’s signals. “Alright, they’re not too far from us. All we have to do is cut through Orion Hall and then we can meet up with them.” Hopefully Cerberus doesn’t find them first….


Cutting through Orion Hall was a lot harder than Jack had anticipated. Cerberus troops were already swarming the base. They were moving fast, too damn fast. It was like they knew where Jack and the kids were heading... Son of a bitch! They must have hacked into the system. They've gotta be tracking the kids' omnitools Ugh, how could she be so stupid?! If she could tell where the kids were, how could she not know that Cerberus would figure out how to do the same thing?

“Hostiles ahead!” cried one of the Cerberus engineers who was already setting up a turret.

“Watch your headshots! Try to take them alive! Kill the teachers!” the Cerberus Captain shouted.

"Get behind me!" Jack shouted as she threw up a barrier, one that was large enough to shield her stunned students. "Focus, assholes!" Jack barked, "Barriers up! I can't hold your hands all forever. It's sink or swim time- EEZO!" Jack panicked for a moment as the varren surged forward with a biotically charged slam, knocking over the Cerberus Captain. Seeing the station pet in the middle of enemy forces helped to snap her students out of their shell-shocked daze. For whatever reason, protecting their favorite varren from Cerberus fire came easier to them than saving their own asses.
Miranda hadn't given herself much time, disconnecting after sending Shepard a confirmation and then bolting towards a ship, not her ship, just a random ship, a fast one. Nothing was going to stop the stubborn biotic once she set her mind to something, especially not when it was Jack on the line. With the younger woman in trouble she disregarded her usual caution and took off, leaving the station and jumping directly where she needed to go. There was none of the operative's usual planning, she didn't attempt to be sneaky, and more than anything else she didn't wait for the perfect time. Miranda did the only thing that made sense to her love addled brain, she sent across her old Cerberus code, buying herself just enough time to slip past the ships circling the station before they realized who she was, and that letting her pass had been a mistake. It was a mistake they tried to rectify with bombardments from the ships cannons, but aside from a bit of damage it was too late... They had stopped the ship from being her escape vessel but there hadn't been time to destroy her, to stop the ex-asset from making it inside. They now had another concern, and while a few officers may have been smiling at the idea of being the one to capture Miranda, or simply kill her, most of them were keenly aware of just what kind of enemy the biotic made.


The station was complete chaos. It seemed the few people left were putting up a fight, but with the heavy Cerberus presence Miranda doubted they would last long, after all, the true powerhouses had long since left for the front lines, only a select few were still around. It made Miranda nervous, that something could happen to Jack before she arrived, but even that couldn't stop her. The operative was more impressive than ever, the bit of panic and anger she was feeling fueled her biotics, and each shot from her hand cannon left a Cerberus corpse in her wake. Even those with powerful shields soon found the shielding down and their visor pierced by a bullet. Still, each soldier down had another to take its place, and while Miranda was worried about Jack it didn't escape her that perhaps the rescue she had been planning wouldn't go so smoothly. Jack was a stronger biotic than her after all, and she had proven herself to be capable as a tactician, enough to be a pain in someone's ass. Whether she would be enough to dig the young biotic and her students out of the hole, they would just have to see.

"We've found them, setting up a turret and bringing in more units to flank." The radio on one of the dead Cerberus operatives caught Miranda's attention and she didn't waste any time hijacking the signal and listening to it through her own earpiece. Jack was in trouble, but she knew how to even the odds a bit. The woman dashed off, avoiding anyone she could and eliminating the rest, moving deeper into the facility and using Cerberus communications to make things easier. It didn't take long for her to work up somewhat of a plan. Unfortunately Miranda's plans always assumed whoever was involved would obey without question, Jack was not that person and she wasn't dumb enough to think she could show up and start barking orders. She would be lucky not to get punched out and left. That wasn't important though, not before she saved her at least, and saving her was already proving to be difficult.

The first step, eliminate the flanking unit. That was the easy part and yet it wasn't going according to her plan. Miranda had expected a handful of troops, not a dozen, and after taking out half of them they were hunkered down behind cover, making her life miserable and pissing her off. The longer it took to reach Jack the higher a chance something would happen. Finally she had seen enough. Biotic energy swirled around her tight form, power surging as she moved from her position. With a single wave of her hand a wall of blue energy swept across the room, lifting the startled soldiers in the air, spelling their death. It took moments before Miranda's hand lifted her submachine gun, several precise bursts pouring in to each vulnerable soldier. Then it was over, the energy disappeared, Miranda returned to her normal state, and focused eyes peered down the hall, her ears picking up sounds of combat. "Jack..." She mumbled, wasting no time before running towards the chaotic symphony of battle.

"Teach! We can't hold it!" Several students were struggling to keep up their biotic barrier, separated just enough from Jack to need to use their own energy to survive, a rookie mistake a clear evidence they knew nothing about teamwork and firefights. Just as one of them lost control, focus and strength waning, the entire barrier expanded, more than doubling in size and becoming a more brilliant blue, radiating with power beyond what the students could hope to achieve, even together. Then, almost instantly after, a blast flew out, hitting the gunner operating the turret and seeming to drain the life from him, lifting the man up in the air, causing him to scream in pain, and then dropping him back to the floor, motionless. When the sounds of the turret died down and everything settled the students looked back, looking at the stranger who suddenly saved them, a gorgeous woman in tight leather, a cold look plastered on her face and unwavering eyes staring directly at Jack.
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