Mass Attraction (Javorcek x ClearSight)

After the first time of running through the video, Jack had made several mental notes. The most important one being to never, ever linger infront of the mirror in the bathroom, because apparently EDI had a camera built in behind the glass. Holy fuck Cerberus is nosy! The Normandy had more invisible eyes than prison and that was just in the bathroom! Jack couldn’t help but wonder exactly how many cameras were all over the ship and where their positions were. The second, and more interesting note that she made was how Miranda had visibly shivered at the mention of a ‘strap on’. Heh…maybe when we dock I’ll go pick up a new toy to torture the Cheerleader with… Jack grinned a little bit at the thought. It made sense to her that Miranda would respond positively to the mention of a cock. Jack thought that the Operative was straight, so of course the Cerberus slut would love to get fucked by something more familiar and more masculine like a fake phallus, rather than a female biotic’s fingers. Hopefully Shepard would have the urge to stop on Illium and visit her little blue girlfriend soon. For whatever reason, Asari were so much better at making strap ons than Salarians or even humans. Sure, she could get one on Omega, but they never had anything really nice or high end. And if there was one thing that Jack loved to spend money on, it was sex toys...well...that and weapons.

The second time she watched the video, EDI had decided to interrupt her right in the middle of it to notify her that Miranda would like to have a meeting in her office as soon as possible. Oh I bet she would… Jack smirked, glancing over at the time. 6am. She hadn’t slept yet. PT was in two hours. Miranda probably wouldn’t be there, she hardly ever showed up to group trainings. So Jack was fairly certain that she could manage to let the Operative squirm for a couple of hours by avoiding her like the plague.

Right now though, it was time for a nap. Seeing the video had helped put Jack at ease, at least a little bit. A victim of rape and sexual assault herself, it made her nauseous to think that she had done the same to someone else. Yeah, she had wanted to knock Miranda down a couple of pegs and make her feel used. Jack wanted to make her was different than how others had treated her. She had given Miranda a way out, the ultimate power to end the scene and make all the bad shit stop. And yet she hadn't used it...not once did she say 'mercy'; Miranda’s body had been willing. So Jack felt safe chalking up their verbal dispute to Miranda’s pride, stubborn nature, and maybe even a little nervousness about going into uncharted territory by sleeping with a woman.

Feeling much better now, the young biotic set her alarm so that she could wake up in time for PT, and then curled up onto her cot to get a little shut eye.


There’s this amazing program called VidSynth that’s available for download on your Omnitool. It’s made by a Salarian company, open source, relatively cheap, and so easy to use that any idiot that fucks around with it for an hour or two could figure out how to use it. And right now, Jack was that idiot, using the program to make some fun little modifications to the footage that EDI had given her. The young biotic wasn’t a techy person by any means. She couldn’t do anything cool like use Incinerate or Overload with her omnitool. And she couldn’t hack her way out of a paper bag or program anything worth a shit with it. But, it wasn’t like she was totally tech illiterate; she could play the hell out of Krogran vs. Asari and N7 Code of Honor: Medal of Duty. Videogames count as being tech least a little bit...right?

Okay, maybe not, because right now, she wished that she was a little better at the whole tech thing. Jack was struggling as she tried to fix the audio to amplify Miranda’s moans and needy little whimpers. She’d already managed to cut out the parts where the Operative was bitching and struggling and instead had focused on the sections where Miranda was trembling with need. Jack’s favorite part had been when the uptight Operative had visibly shivered at the mention of the word ‘strap on’, and how her hips had began rocking into Jack’s hand afterwards, seeking more pleasure from the young biotic's talented fingertips. Just a couple more things to edit…dim the harsh, artificial lighting a bit. Annndddd….there! Finished, kinda, maybe. It still needed some work and minor tweaks. It was no sex scene out of Vaenia, but it was still pretty good for a first attempt! Jack was actually kind of proud of herself for managing the patience required to piece together the short, 10 minute clip (the other 20 minutes had been too full of Miranda being a stubborn ass to be usable).

Jack had been tweaking her homemade porno project for a good 3 hours now. She’d spent most of the day dawdling about after PT, lunch, and a nice hot shower and had managed to avoid Miranda pretty well. She had caught sight of the Operative in one of the hallways earlier, but had managed to elude her. And now she was continuing her procrastination of their meeting, at least until she had her video finished. Cheerleader is going to be piisssssseeeddd. Jack couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the normally composed Ice Queen turning into a puddle of nervousness. Speaking of the Ice Queen...she glanced over to the clock, it was now about 8pm; most of the ship was probably carrying about on their free time so she figured Miranda would be able to chat now that nobody was really working.

So she hopped off her cot, gave her body a long, lean body a nice stretch; then rubbed the stiffness from her neck and rolled her shoulders. She had no idea how the fuck Miranda sat behind a desk all day and didn’t go nuts. Jack had been holding still for 3 hours and now every muscle in her body was tight. Maybe she’d go down to the gym real quick before bed, after dealing with Miranda. Yeah...that might be good...maybe see if I can beat Shepard's pull-up record.... All she could do was think about how she was going to burn off her excess energy as she headed up a couple of decks to the floor that Miranda’s office was on. Maybe Grunt would like to spar… She liked Grunt, he was a lot like her, loved to fight, was engineered and conditioned to be a killing machine, lacked a family, was esentially a weapon without a purpose; and he didn’t talk a lot, which was good. She liked to work out her own problems in her head while sparring or working out, rather than sitting on a couch ad having a chat with Kelly Chambers, the ship whore…er…the ship ‘psychiatrist’. Didn't part of being a counselor involve some bullshit about not sleeping with your patients? And yet Kelly somehow managed to throw herself at just about everyone on the ship.

Jack’s random thoughts and daydreams finally dissipated as she neared Miranda’s office. Either the door wasn’t locked or EDI let her in or something, because she managed to get in without even knocking.

“So what do you want Cheerleader? And make it quick I got shit to do; don’t have time to fuck around with you all day.” Jack was prickly and abrasive as always as she entered. But her voice was light and there was a grin tugging at the corners of her pouty lips. Obviously the young biotic was in a –very- good mood. Especially because she knew just exactly -why- Miranda had called her in here, she was just choosing to play dumb in order to aggravate the Operative even more.
Miranda waited and waited and waited to no avail, Jack didn't come to her office and after hours of waiting, doing anything to pass the time, Miranda simply accepted that she had been blown off. It infuriated her for more reasons than one but the biggest being she had no clue what in the fuck Jack had planned for the footage she had managed to get her hands on. It had Miranda worried and as much as she tried to ignore that worry she couldn't, it had her unsettled and with all the thoughts constantly cycling through her head there was nothing she could do. Eventually, after hours of mental torture, she left the room and began walking around, which seemed to draw some attention. Miranda was a creature of habit and people counted on that, so when she was up and about earlier than usual, despite nothing odd going on, people seemed a tad on edge. Her mood didn't help ease tension, her icy eyes glaring at anyone who looked her way for too long and at one point she had stopped and completely destroyed one crew member for making a small meaningless mistake. It was rather terrifying really and everyone seemed to avoid the tired and cranky Miranda that day, though they didn't know the reasons for her intensity, she hid it far too well.

However only so much of her day could be spent going around and looking for any excuse to vent her frustration on, she had to stop her rounds and begin the more thought heavy portion of her day. Of course Miranda came up with every excuse she could to avoid thinking of any sort, knowing it would go straight towards Jack and the burning desire still causing her body to throb at every slight stimulation, Miranda's lust not settling anytime soon. She ate a meal, going as far as to eat it out in the open as opposed to her room to keep her mind focused, yet even that couldn't last as paranoia set in and Miranda began to believe people knew, or at least knew something was odd. Eventually giving a loud huff she went back to her room, shutting the door and one hand quickly moving up to the back of her neck, making sure that her collar was still covering the marks all over her neck, that damn bitch had to leave marks and make sure she couldn't let her guard down. Hell now she wouldn't even be able to take a shower in peace without the fear that a single person coming in could notice. Perhaps she would just wear a bandage to mask them.

Knowing her collar guarded against someone seeing those marks didn't do much good, Miranda still had the feeling that someone had seen something that alerted them of Miranda's most recent activities, or that they somehow knew she held an attraction for Jack, that maybe the woman had spread the video and people were too scared of her to say anything. It was a similar feeling to a mutiny but that was less frightening to Miranda than the prospect of everything crashing down around her from a sex tape with Jack. Even then she didn't do the most obvious solution to her worries, she never went to see Jack. The same feelings of paranoia that sent her slinking back to her room stopped her from going to confront Jack in her hole, knowing that there was no privacy where Jack took refuge and the last thing she needed was people seeing her with Jack by choice. If Miranda had just thought about things she would have come up with better solutions, realized it was more likely that people were looking due to her loss in combat, but she had all but forgotten about the little duel after the followup Jack had forced upon her.

Then again force didn't do anything to stop her from pacing about her room and actively keeping her mind off the desire causing the throb and slight wetness of her sex. Nothing was working though, as if getting over the experience wasn't hard enough she couldn't forget anything with the knowledge Jack still had the tape, so she asked EDI to deliver another message to Jack but wasn't sure if it ever got done, because if Jack received her message she hadn't rushed to the room. It was just like the bitch though, she was having more fun than she should have toying with Miranda and the Cerberus Operative was going to make the little slut pay for it. In fact, after she ran out of other things to do, even falling to weakness and touching herself a bit to the same extend as the night before, nothing, she began to look over a few things that could possibly help her in beating Jack in combat if it came down to it again. Nothing really beat experience, there was a difference, but Miranda had the groundwork, she just needed to learn more about close-quarters-combat, and not just from watching videos in her room but she had it on her mind to put more training in, put a little more priority seeing as that had been proven as one of her downfalls, at least in relation to Jack.

The rest of her day was more of the same as her first, pure obsession, not that Miranda would have used that word but it was the truth, every moment was plagued with thoughts involving Jack in some way or another and by the time the day was winding down Miranda was growing mentally exhausted. So much so in fact that it took her a moment to realize what was happening when EDI warned her of Jack's approach and she had to rush in order to ensure she had herself in a presentable state for Jack's arrival, which was sitting behind her desk, as prim and proper as always, with her door unlocked and her best serious expression plastered on her face. She gave EDI a small thanks, though she was still rather pissed that Jack had been given the file in the first place. Of course she had already realized it was her own lack of specificity that led to the loophole but it didn't stop her anger from transferring to EDI instead of herself.

However when Jack stepped into her quarters it was business as usual and she gave her a cold serious stare that was more her trying to keep control over the almost instant flood of lust that hit her, vivid remembrance bringing a small shiver up her spine. "Stop fucking grinning and give me what you already know I want. Delete the fucking files so there is no trace of it left and then get the fuck out." Miranda had locked the door after Jack had come in and there was no opening it to anyone but her and while it was partially a bluff, seeing as she was starting to get the hint that she couldn't brawl her way to a win against Jack, she wanted that damn file, to erase all evidence of what Jack had done. "Oh and just a little for your information, I've gone ahead and revoked the unlimited access you had received, you'll be limited to archive files from this point forward, you have no damn business in surveillance or active Cerberus files." Miranda gave that signature smirk of hers, almost asking for trouble as she went as strong on the arrogance as ever to cover up all she had going on right beneath the surface.
Jack heard the soft clicks of the locking mechanism as Miranda sealed the door off behind her. She couldn’t help but smirk, what was the Cerberus bitch going to do, keep her locked in here forever? Highly unlikely, plus the ship’s computer would probably tattle on them if things got out of hand. As much as she loved a good fist-fight, the last thing she wanted to hear was another lecture from Shepard about why, ‘fighting with squadmates is bad.’

The younger woman waved a hand dismissively as Miranda told her that her access had been limited to the Cerberus archives. She’d got what she wanted, she didn’t need anything more… Though now part of her had wished that she had asked EDI if she could have scored some footage from the Operative’s room, just to see if Miranda had been touching herself last night as Jack had hoped. The image of Miranda splayed out on her bed, rubbing herself frantically, body glistening in sweat as she chased orgasm after orgasm for hours on end… Gyah! Jack could feel her brain start to melt at just the thought. Her sex immediately began to throb with want, and it her head she silently cursed Miranda for having such an effect on her. She took a deep breath, trying her best to focus and not lose sight of the task at hand: infuriating and humiliating Miranda for Jack’s personal amusement.

And maybe…just maybe…so Jack could catch a glimpse of what was underneath the Ice Queen exterior. Part of her hatred of the Operative stemmed from the fact that Miranda had fewer feelings than the ship’s AI, that she was too proud to admit when the organization she worked for had done something wrong, that she was just so cold… Those great big doe eyes studied the Operative for a moment; –really- looking at her, trying to pierce those icy blue orbs and get into the Operative’s head in an attempt to understand what made her tick so that Jack could play off of that. Miranda could probably see the gears churning in her head as the young biotic tried to clear out the lusty haze that had taken over and she could finally think clearly enough to carry out her plans to fluster the Operative.

“You know what your problem is, Cheerleader? You need to get laid; get someone to take that stick out of your ass every once in awhile and ram a vibrator up there instead...” With a cocky smirk, Jack began to saunter closer to Miranda’s desk, looking very much like a big, wild cat with every step she took. “You’re so fuckin’ serious all the time. And here I go out of my way to make you a present and you come on giving me attitude as soon as I walk in through the damn door; thought you’d be a little more appreciative.” Jack taunted, the grin that she had been told to wipe off her lips was now full blown as she fell into a more confident Domme role. She had something that Miranda desperately wanted, and that just boosted her confidence, made her feel invincible for once in her life... Jack reached into one of the pockets of her cargo pants to pull out a small OSD and toss it onto Miranda’s desk.

“There ya go. You’re the proud new owner of our home-made sex tape. And don’t worry, that’s not the only copy, so feel free to keep or destroy it if you want.” Jack chuckled, feeling thoroughly smug as she plopped down into the chair opposite Miranda to get comfortable. Of course she had burned the data onto a couple OSDs for hard copies and hid them in her room, -and- she had a copy on her Omnitool for safe keeping. It was rare that the young biotic to go through such extremes to back-up information, but footage of Miranda in a vulnerable state was priceless.

“I wonder how much money I could get for it…you should check it out, tell me what you think I should charge per view when I finally put it up on the extranet.” Of course she wouldn’t, Jack was just trying to get a rise out of Miranda and make her sweat. There was some strange part of her that saw Miranda as -her’s- now, that’s why she had bit her neck yesterday, had specifically tried to mark her as someone that belonged to Jack… And she didn’t want to share the little pieces of vulnerability that she had been allowed to see with anyone else.

Jack reclined in the chair a little bit, putting her feet up knew her pose looked like something out of a bad vid from 200 years ago, but she didn’t care. She was trying to do everything she could think of to piss Miranda off, and right now that ‘everything’ included putting her dirty, scuffed up combat boots up onto the Operative’s pristine desk. “Though…I’m always willing to make trades if you really don’t want these files in existence anymore…” Jack paused for a moment as she tried to think of a suitable exchange in order to start negotiations. “How about…you be my good lil Cerberus bitch for a week? Mine to fuck and use how I please….annnndd then you can have your precious fuckin data back.”
Miranda could see rather quickly that Jack didn't give a damn about the locking of the door, she most likely figured that nothing would happen, she was right but Jack wasn't going to simply give up. Instead she tried to play it strong, though Jack dismissed what she thought would strike a small blow and proceeded to look at Miranda in a way that conveyed her intent, she was obviously trying to figure something out. Her mind was turning and while Miranda should have been concerned she wasn't, she still underestimated Jack in many ways and the woman's ability to plot and outwit her was one of those areas. In fact Miranda believed Jack was tactless, that she only had the ability to use force and brutish logic to get what she wanted, not that she was stupid but that she had become use to that way of dealing with problems and challenges. She shouldn't have dismissed Jack so quickly, in fact she shouldn't have dismissed her at all, she should have realized that Jack was an intelligent and cunning girl, if not she wouldn't have lasted so long on her own, because strength couldn't keep someone alive on its own. Hell Miranda of all people should have known Jack possessed some rather impressive intelligence after having studied her so much, her own arrogance was simply clouded her judgement yet again.

In fact Jack seemed to know enough to hit her where it hurt and she swallowed hard as Jack hit one of her problems right on the nose. She had to do it in a manner that did nothing but piss Miranda off though and that cocky smirk, she didn't like being on the receiving end of such a look. In fact she immediately snarled, eyes glaring into Jack's in a way that would have chilled most other people to the core. Jack wasn't most people however and Miranda found herself getting a large confident grin as opposed to the usual reaction followed by something she dreaded being tossed on her desk. An OSD and that could only contain one thing, the footage from the night before. Miranda's hand resisted the urge to snatch it up and calmly took the device, looking down at it and turning it as if she expected something to be physically written on it or it to be some kind of explosive. She then look back up to Jack, eyes growing in size as Jack told her what was one it. That little bit of human was already slipping out because Miranda had no way to internalize the feelings currently pushing to get out and she slammed her hand on the desk.

"You think this is fucking funny Jack?" She paused for a moment as she took several deep breaths, her mask having already gone back up after her surprise but it wasn't perfect, her anger was seeping through. "If any of what happened last night gets off this ship I will make it my mission to either kill you or make sure you get locked back in your cage indefinitely." She snarled, her threats were real but they were preposterous really, Shepard called the shots and she wouldn't be able to get rid of Jack easily enough to carry out those threats. "Hell maybe you would like that though, because from what last night shows you still think you're on some fucking prison ship and that the shower is where you pick up women. Let me tell you sweetie... It's not." She her hand clenched the OSD but she took another deep breath and then gave Jack a small little smile full of venomous hate.

She could hardly contain herself as Jack made her an offer she found to be outrageous, even if she could feel the juices flowing beneath her uniform, a very difficult sensation to ignore. She laughed gently as she opened up a drawer on her desk and put the file inside before closing it, the drawer having a thumbprint lock on it, and then stood up. She reached forward and knocked Jack's feet off the desk, moving slowly around the desk until she was standing in front of Jack, eyes glaring down at her. "You must not be smart enough to realize that I'm never going to do anything with you, that I find you to be a distasteful brute and that I would rather go without pleasure for the rest of my life than give myself to you for any length of time." She was being careful and doing her best to stay focused because her desire for the woman she had been looking at for the last couple of minutes was massive. Something about Jack just got her worked up, her body begging her to accept the offer and let those fingers do what they had done so well, but she was still refusing to allow it, especially when Jack decided to begin with such an ignorant offer.

"How about this, you go and gather all those little OSDs I'm sure you've got hidden in such wonderful places and bring them to me so I don't have to get footage from EDI and destroy them myself. I'll have her let me know if I've got all of them once you've done that, and then we will discuss some real terms for getting rid of the last bit of evidence." Her famous little smirk came right back out to get her message home as she showed how confident she was that she had the upper hand. After all it was a game wits and she was sure she would be able to finish this easily, and without having to do what Jack seemed so intent on doing, giving any of herself to the woman. She knew Jack really just wanted to torture her, to get another leg up in their rivalry, to fuck over the 'Cerberus bitch' as she so liked to call Miranda. "Now go, run along, I don't have all day." She mocked Jack's entrance before going over and touching the pad on the door to unlock it, moving back around the desk and taking her seat, leaning back and waiting for her to get up and go. It really wasn't that odd a request, she could find whatever Jack had hidden, and Jack was too confident for there not to be a good number of them, and it made sure that once she had them she just had to get into Jack's omnitool to rid herself of worry.
“Nah Cheerleader, I think this is fuckin –hilarious-“ Jack grinned brightly, her dark eyes full of laughter; and for a moment, she looked very much like a playful and mischievous young woman rather than a damaged test subject. Right now, Miranda was just once giant puzzle for her to figure out, and this whole blackmail thing was a fun little game, one that she was winning. So Miranda could sling as many insults as she wanted at the younger biotic, Jack didn’t give a flying fuck. Nothing was going to ruin her good mood, and nothing was going to take away the memory of the Operative’s hips bucking into her hand in the showers, shamelessly expressing what Miranda’s body had wanted even if her mind was not on the same page.

Jack didn’t even bother to move from her reclining position as Miranda knocked her boots off the desk. She just let her feet fall to the ground with a loud thud, legs spread and parted in a rather unladylike way as the Operative stepped around her desk to face Jack and chew her out some more. The younger biotic looked up at Miranda with a cocked brow as in response to being on the receiving end of that icy blue glare. This must be what the kids in old vids feel like when they’re getting yelled at by a principal or something.

“You surprise me sometimes Cheerleader; I wouldn’t have figured a woman that prides herself as someone that strives for perfection as someone that would also settle for a mediocre fuck.” The casually delivered comment struck a cord with Jack as soon as she said it, casting a looming shadow of doubt over her grand scheme. She suddenly became aware that she wasn’t perfect, and while the thought had never bothered her before, it also never been a previous issue. Miranda strives for perfection…so she’ll never strive for me… As many faults as she had, she knew that all of them made her who she was. Some of those inadequacies she could twist around, morph into strengths rather than weaknesses…like her recklessness: she was amazing on a battlefield because she didn’t hesitate, she wasn’t afraid, and she ran on nothing but instinct. But now…no amount of twisting of her faults was going to bring her any closer to perfect, any closer to what Miranda’s mind wanted.

Tired… Maybe she was just tired and that was why her confidence was waning… Jack had been running off of less than two hours of sleep and had pushed her body especially hard during PT today. And instead of taking another nap, she had been goofing around with VidSynth and the shower footage. So maybe she should just take a nap, retreat and regroup her thoughts. After all, as much as a distasteful brute as she was, she was a distasteful brute that knew what the fuck she was doing in the bedroom. She shouldn’t be letting her own comments of anything Miranda had said effect her. Jack was amazing at giving pleasure; she wrapped herself up in that knowledge, let it chase her fleeting fears and inadequacies away before she finally spoke up.

“A ‘please’ wouldn’t hurt.” Jack gave a reprimand to Miranda’s demands as she stood up from her seat. She gave her body a nice big stretch, making a couple of her joints in her back crack as she did so, as well as showing off the lean muscle and intricate patterns of ink that covered every inch of her body, and then yawned. Yes, she was indeed tired. But still awake enough to know that when making negotiations, she’d have to make compromises along the way. Jack had purposefully made a ridiculously high offer of a week of sexual favors in exchange for the 10 OSDs (now 9, since Miranda had one) that she had hidden. So she wouldn’t mind handing over some of those copies and maybe coming down from her time frame of a week to maybe say 2-3 days.

Though she’d think about it later…right now was nap time.

“I’ll get the OSDs for you when I’m good and ready. Or you can come down and try to take them from me yourself if you need them right this second. But you’re sure as hell not getting a damn thing until tomorrow.” Jack already had her back facing Miranda and was walking towards the newly unlocked door. Her shoulders had slumped a little bit and it was clear in her slightly uneven gait that she was very, very tired. “Sweet dreams Cheerleader, don’t forget to check out the vid, I bet you’ll like it.”

Apparently not too tired to give a snarky goodbye before she took her leave…


Jack was an incredibly light sleeper, mostly because she never entered the realm of deep sleep. So she didn’t feel all that worried about Miranda or one of her lackeys sneaking into her room in an attempt to relieve Jack of her omnitool or her OSDs tonight (which she had gathered from their hiding places and tucked under her pillow instead). But just incase, she was keeping one of the copies in the front pocket of her pants and wore her omnitool to bed.

Prison makes you paranoid.
Miranda's mind was truly against her, it meant to betray everything she stood for and if it made any sense she felt as if she were fighting herself every step of her interaction with Jack. In fact that was precisely what was happening. As Jack sat there, when she stretched, hell even when she insulted Miranda it drew two separate reactions. There was the usual rational Miranda, the side of herself she found to be sane which told her to force Miranda to give her what she wanted, or even smack the grin Jack decided to wear on her face. The other personality that was showing its head, and wasn't wanted in the least, was the ridiculous shameful part that she was desperately struggling to keep at bay. That was the side of her that had her staring at Jack, biting her lower lip as that gorgeous body taunted her with its limberness, and wanted her to blush at comments that should have done nothing but infuriate her. She was getting a mix however, not blushing to faltering but biting her lower lips before barking back and giving Jack her usual cold glare.

"Please? You must be fucking kidding me..." She could only watch in anger as Jack dismissed her demand and decided to go get some damn sleep, she had half a mind to throw her against the wall right then and there, take what it was she was so irritatingly holding as leverage. Yet at the same time, unfortunately, she found the idea of a sleeping Jack enough to fuel her lust, and thus she once again just stood there, watching as Jack left her to wait, wait to see if Jack decided she was going to comply. It wasn't all bad, just by coming on her beckon Jack had proven something, that she didn't want to destroy Miranda with the footage, not that she wouldn't, but she seemed more interested in using that to get her hands on Miranda physically. What pissed her off was that she found herself wanting the same. If Jack simply wanted money or information, anything simple for her to find a way to get her or fool her with she could do that, but when Jack wanted something personal that she didn't want to give up, well that made things much more difficult.

"Fuck!" She snapped, the door having already closed before she send her first flying into the closest chair and sending it smashing into the wall, her biotics having enforced the blow. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and doing her best to calm her nerves as she tried to reason it out in her head. If Jack was going to come back the next day she needed to be prepared for whatever she decided to try next, which Miranda was sure would be as ridiculous as her previous two advances. Nonetheless she knew resisting was becoming harder and she was going to do her best to end the little negotiation, or perhaps game the way Jack treated it, so she could keep some distance and have some time to cool down. Yet as much as that was her plan when she finally laid down to bed, head so full of thought that she hadn't even taken off her uniform, she felt it again, that lust and hunger for pleasure she had been experiencing ever since Jack had touched her. She hadn't been able to do anything about it the night before and while she soon tried her hand at it once more she found herself unable to bring any pleasure, her body longer for a different touch, Jack's skilled touch.


Her night had been something torturous, she had dreamed of Jack and what pleasure she could receive, woken up panting and throbbing with desire, her thighs slick beneath her uniform and her skin coated in small beads of sweat. "Shit..." She muttered, sitting up and running a hand through her gorgeous mane. "I need to end this quickly." She rose from the bed and immediately walked to grab another uniform, if she was going to deal with Jack she needed to be alert, which meant a shower since the moment she looked at her clock she realized only five hours of sleep had reached her and she had never felt more exhausted in her life. It seemed her night of fictional passion had stopped her from getting any real rest and instead only had her more frustrated than ever. Miranda couldn't remember feeling like she did in that moment, even on nights where she had slept with the threat of death looming over her, when she was captured and would wake to torture, she was more on edge in her current state than any previous night she could remember, and it was still Jack's fault.

She snarled, gritting her teeth as she left the room which immediately alerted the few people up, the people on late duty who were unlucky enough to be out in that brief area between Miranda's room and the showers. Her shower itself wasn't more than a blank blur, she washed herself and was out without even registering what she had been doing, and the return to her room was much the same, aside from a quick stop to grab a ration package to eat in her room. She was soon back in her room however, eating her meal and after a few moments she found her hand holding that OSD, staring at it as she chewed on her meal. After a moment she sighed and connected it, her monitor starting it up and Miranda pushing her food aside as it began. What came next made Miranda go pale, what she remembered from that encounter didn't do what Jack had created any justice. What was playing in front of her eyes wasn't just vulgar and edited to devastating effect, but it had her instantly blushing. Her cheeks were an adorable pink hue and she was quickly heating up as her own voice supported Jack's accusations and crushed her spirit. Jack had seen this, she had made the video, Miranda's denial must have seemed hilarious to her and it had her more pissed off than ever. "Fuck..." She snarled and reached forward, taking the OSD and shoving it back in her drawer when she should have destroyed it. Miranda was not looking forward to whenever Jack decided to visit her.
Jack lay there, panting, sweaty, and frustrated as her fingers made another pass at her swollen clit, trying desperately to reach that glorious climax that had somehow been eluding her for the last hour. An hour! A WHOLE FUCKING HOUR! And not one single goddamn orgasm! Usually she was quick to get herself off, and could manage it in less than ten minutes if she just needed a little bit of relief. Even with a partner, she was never difficult. Jack would give direction; she wasn’t shy about telling others what she wanted or what she liked if it meant that she could get off. She herself knew her body so well, knew every single spot that would make her entire body tremble with pleasure; where to touch, how hard. She even knew where her goddamn g-spot was!

And yet for whatever reason, no matter what trick she tried, nothing was doing it for her.

“ARRRGGGHHHH FUCK!” Jack roared, pounding the side of the bulkhead with her hand that was still clean. The other hand was drenched, her panties were soaked, and her core was throbbing so hard that she thought every muscle group between her abs and thighs were going to snap. It wasn’t like she wasn’t aroused, she was –plenty- turned on after having watched the short clip of her and Miranda in the showers as soon as she had woken up from her second nap. But somehow she couldn’t manage to reach her peak. She’d just kind of plateaued right before that spike of pleasure that would send her over the end. Without the orgasm, Jack was losing her mind. Masturbation was supposed to relieve stress, not fucking add to it! “STUPID MOTHER FUCKIN BITCH AGHRAAWR FUCK!” She screamed, flailing around on the cot in complete and utter misery before laying still.

This is all fucking Cheerleader’s fault!!! The young biotic scowled at the thought. And now that she had an enemy in mind to take her frustrations out on, she was going to go get them. Still fully dressed in yesterday’s clothes, sweaty, and reeking of sex, Jack flung her legs over the side of her cot and quickly tugged on her combat boots so that she could stomp up to Miranda’s office and kick the shit out of her for making Jack’s body betray her knowing touch. Fuckin…bitch couldn’t fuckin just not buck around like a shameless whore when we were wrestling. Who the fuck bucks around and grinds their hips into a known convict who’s already been branded as a girl that treats sex casually by the ship’s quack psychiatrist?!

It was early, very early, the shifts hadn’t even changed over yet. That was probably a good thing, because Jack was on the warpath. Before leaving she reached under her bed and grabbed the OSDs from under her pillow before making her way up the stairs and towards the elevator. Bitch better be awake or I’ll tear the fucking door apart and drag her ass out of bed myself!!! “GAH! Can’t this piece of shit elevator go any fucking faster?!!” Jack bellowed into the emptiness of the elevator and punched the wall so hard that she managed to break open the skin on her already scarred knuckles. Small droplets of blood rose up from the tattooed flesh, but she didn't care, the little bit of pain helped dull her rage.

Thank goodness no one was in the hallways as she marched over to Miranda’s office. Even better, the door was unlocked and she could get inside without having to blast it apart with a Warp. Before the door had even fully closed behind her, Jack wound up her arm and flung eight OSDs down onto Miranda’s desk, sending them skittering over the metal surface. A couple fell off and onto the floor or into Miranda’s lap, but there they were, just like the Cheerleader wanted. Well…all except for one last hard copy that Jack was too paranoid to destroy as well as the full, unedited version that resided on her omnitool

“YOU! You fuckin’ broke my vagina!” Jack snarled, her eyes glaring accusatorially at Miranda as though the Operative were single-handedly responsible for everything that was wrong with the world. And indeed, in Jack's world, everything was terribly, terribly wrong. Sex was her outlet for stress and all the energy she had. If she had no outlet, then there was going to be hell to pay from the very high strung young biotic. But, perhaps her outburst was a little much and the accusation rather wild, but when Jack was frustrated (an to be honest, a little panicked that her body was betraying her), the filter in her brain just sort of fell off and whatever she was thinking flew out of her mouth. The little run-in with Miranda had somehow managed to make her body turn against her and now it refused to work! So yeah, the Cerberus bitch had indeed broken Jack's vagina! This shit was all her fault!!!

She paced back and forth, looking very much like a restless big cat as she did so. Every muscle was tensed as she fought for control over her body. Now that she was forced to look at the gorgeous Cerberus Operative, Jack found herself wanting nothing more than to leap over the desk, pounce onto of Miranda, and fuck her until they were both satisfied and too tired to move. Perhaps coming to see Miranda after a failed masturbation attempt hadn’t been the best idea. Maybe she should have showered and cooled off first… Too late for that shit now.

Well she was here, she was horny, and she had to quickly figure out what to do about it before she just flung herself at the Operative and had her way with her. Part of her was very keen on that idea…but a larger part wanted her to hold out, to wait, to make Miranda actually submit to her. The Cheerleader wasn’t going to service her willingly unless she submitted; Jack could do without a bite to her clit her a Warp to her pussy if she tried to force Miranda to get her off and the Operative was in a state of mind to resist her with more force than last time. So she needed a plan…something that would make Miranda obey...

“You’re competitive as fuck aren’t you?” Jack paused long enough in her pacing to look at Miranda. She –had- to be competitive, right? That’s how people get into such high-powered positions? They compete with others and show off that they’re the best… Gyaaahhhh this plan had to work! If she didn’t find relief soon she was just going to slaughter the crew, pirate the ship, and fly off to Omega to find some hookers. “How bout this: I’ll play you for the information. You can pick all the parameters and whatever the hell you want of whatever we do. But if I win, your ass is mine for today. And if you win, you get the last hard copy and the digital copy that’s stored on my omnitool.”
Miranda's morning had been a fucking nightmare, despite her every attempt to ignore the desires that seemed to be pounding away at her sensibilities harder than ever. It was maddening, in fact she had taken to watching that damn video one more time, making every attempt to rationalize her actions as looking for some weakness in Jack, but in fact she had watched it with a blush on her cheeks and was usually panting by the end, making it through the entire video from beginning to end. She had even began to stroke her sex through the clothing, two fingers pushing at the outline through her uniform, giving small doses of pleasure as she hunched over her desk, small moans escaping and her ability to stop herself having vanished. She wanted to find relief, to really pleasure herself and come to fruition, but that wasn't to be because right when she was about to resign herself to another futile attempt her door opened and she had to act quickly just to avoid letting whoever it was see what she was doing. Of course when she noticed it was Jack she was doubly glad she hadn't been deeper in to the act, or worse back on her bed with her fingers deep in her sex, where it was undoubtedly leading.

She was a bit flustered and paranoid that she hadn't done the best job covering up for her actions, especially when the video of her and Jack was still up on her monitor but she did her best to act normal, bringing her usual look to her face and smirking up at Jack. She played with her omnitool as if not interested to turn off the screen that showed her pushed up against glass, the video having been right at the part where her hips had started bucking when she had paused it earlier. With that taken care of she looked back up to Jack, what the young woman had said slowly registering and a smirk rose to her lips once it did. "I broke your vagina?" She laughed softly, almost as if pitying Jack. Miranda said nothing else at that moment and just watched Jack, wondering what the hell she was talking about and more than anything else she was devising a way to get what she so desperately wanted, not just the original and OSDs but her peace of mind.

That being said Jack had given up most of the OSDs, there was one missing from the information she had requested from EDI, and the omnitool. She had to rid Jack of both of those, though she quickly grabbed the other OSDs and destroyed them one by one in front of Jack. She then looked back up, Jack having already made her offer and Miranda still considering it, reaching up and brushing a hand through her hair, blowing a strand out in a fashion both cute and sexy. "Well I am competitive, you should know that by now..." As little as she released Miranda was actually rather pissed, the last two 'competitions' with Jack had been won by the convict. To Miranda that was unacceptable and the moment competition was mentioned she was paying attention, her lust aside. Yet she wasn't really liking the wager, sure it got her what she wanted but if she managed to lose she would lose a hell of a lot more than just a competition, everything would be gone, her pride especially and she wasn't sure if she could fake disgust the entire time when she had nearly starting masturbating to Jack moments ago.

However she found her pride egging her forward once more, Miranda pondering for a moment before finally standing up from her desk and walk around the table, her eyes looking past Jack as she couldn't contain herself if she looked directly at her. "Alright, you have a deal Jack, we will compete against one another but I want to change the wager a tad." She looked at Jack at that moment, eyes connecting with the young girl. "If I win not only do I get the last of your blackmail on me but you are no longer allowed to shower while I am, I'd prefer not to have lustful eyes on me, I don't enjoy being a piece of meat for a dog." She leaned back. "However, if you win I will be yours for an entire 24-hour span, I won't act like I'm happy about it but neither will I fight whatever the fuck it is you have me to do." She smirked cocky when Jack had given her complete control over the contest, though she wasn't going to run off from an actual challenge, to her it had to involved combat and her mind was turning as she raised a finger to offer one final alteration to the wager. "Oh and even if I happen to lose, which isn't likely, I'd like the video destroyed anyways, you know, so you don't come holding it over me again. Fair is fair after all."

As she negotiated on her behalf Miranda had also concocted the perfect contest, one she was so overconfident about that it had her fooled into thinking she had already won. "Now, on to what we will be doing. I'm thinking... A simulation. It will be simple, each of us will take control of a unit of soldiers and have a team based challenge, a combat challenge with a little AI backup. The winner will be the last one standing. Sounds simple yes but I'll add something in to bring a little flavor to it and give you at least a small chance of winning. The AI won't be standard generic soldiers. It will use data of the Normandy crew, we will pick one by one until we have a full team of three and then have the computer randomize a map." She sounded pleased with herself and as she spun back around, having moved around a bit as she spoke, she gave Jack a big grin. "So? What do you think, confident enough in your tactical knowledge? Willing to wager it all? I can even let you pick first, of course Shepard won't be available."
Jack was too busy wallowing in her own sexually frustrated sorrows to give a damn about whatever the hell she had interrupted Miranda from working on. All she cared about was the fact that her body was not doing the things it was supposed to be doing. Like now, how it was reacting to Miranda’s cute little mannerisms like how she so innocently blew an errant strand of brown hair away from her gorgeous face…just that little gesture was enough to make Jack’s entire body hum with a new surge of sexual energy. By the time Miranda had gotten up from her seat and began pacing about the room, Jack was clenching her jaw so hard to refrain from whimpering in want that she was pretty sure it was going to hurt like hell when she had to gnaw at Gardner’s shitty excuse for food.

Jack studied the Operative as she moved around, eyes glued to the feminine sway of her hips. Or flicking upwards to delicious looking breasts. Higher still those brown eyes would travel until they rested upon pouty red lips that beckoned to her. Miranda was so close… so close that Jack could just take a single step, reach out, and tug the Operative straight into her arms and seal those constantly smirking lips with a deep, fiery kiss. A kiss?! Fuck, her mind was going to hell. Kissing was reserved for people that Jack didn’t despise. And Jack certainly had a special sort of disdain for Miranda. Kissing was a strangely intimate act…more intimate than sex in some ways. Hell, Jack had done everything in her power to not quite kiss Miranda the day before. Her teeth had left marks, her tongue had painted lines, and her lips had brushed against that warm flesh oh so teasingly…but Jack had never actually kissed Miranda, even though her fingers had been delving so intimately into the other woman’s sex.

“Let’s not pretend I’m the only dog eying your piece of meat.” Jack snorted as her eyes pointedly roved over Miranda’s scantily clad body. Well…it wasn’t scantily clad, but that damn skin-tight catsuit left so little to the imagination. Every supple curve was put on such prominent display. But, all things aside, Jack was glad that Miranda was agreeing to something, finally, so that they didn’t have to butt heads all day. “Fine, I’ll destroy the footage.” The younger woman’s lips curled into a predatorial grin. “I’m not going to need it anyways by the time I’m through with you. You’ll be begging for a repeat performance all by yourself.” Jack taunted, confident that once she had thoroughly worn the both of them out with a couple of hours of sex, Miranda would be much more pliable to the idea of doing it again sometime. It might be nice to have someone on the ship for some no-strings-attached sex rather than having to wait for them to dock somewhere and then going through the hassle of picking up some girl at a bar.

“A simulation? You’re going to challenge me to a high tech video game?” Jack’s lips curled into a confident grin. Oh Miranda was in for it now, she was pretty sure that she could kick her ass on the simulator. Jack had messed around with it before, just out of curiousity and as far as she could tell, it was like an awesomely realistic version of N7 Code of Honor: Medal of Duty.

“Fine, you’ve got yourself a deal, Cheeleader. Now come on, clock’s ticking, I’m horny and we don’t have all fucking day before the rest of the crew wakes up.” In a rather impetuous motion, Jack reached out and took hold of Miranda’s hand, dragging her towards the door like an excited child that was promised by a parent that they were going to go outside to play…or like an old, familiar lover that was leading their partner somewhere for a romantic surprise. She seemed to remember herself as the door hissed open and the rest of the Normandy was revealed to them. The graveyard shift was still on, but still, Jack didn’t want to be seen holding hands with the Cerberus Cheerleader. She had an image to maintain, and the Ice Queen definitely didn’t fit into that picture at all. So she let go of the Operative’s hand…immediately missing the little bit of contact as soon as it was gone.

The ride in the elevator down was spent in silence as Jack tried to figure out who she wanted on her team. Definitely Grunt for her first pick…he’d provide the muscle and cause chaos by charging forward and forcing Miranda’s team to constantly readjust themselves to his melee attacks. That meant Jack would have to cover the middle-ranged attacks with her biotics. She’d probably go in with just her pistol....that way she’d force herself to stay back rather than charge forward. Which meant all she needed was someone for the long range…or someone who could pull some tech attacks. Hopefully she could get Garrus if Miranda didn’t snatch him up with her first pick. She’d need his range…though she supposed she could always pick Kasumi. The little thief could probably flank whatever ranged person Miranda picked up and then dispatch them fairly quickly.

In real life, Jack was shit when it came to leading. She was young, no one would follow her. But in a simulator, she wouldn’t have to worry about people disobeying her orders. All the virtual members of the crew would have to obey her. The thought made her more confident and she just kept thinking about how much this was like a game, that way she didn’t get nervous. Worst that would happen would be that she’d have to wait to shower and wait to dock if she wanted some stress relief.

Before long, the elevator finally stopped in the Hangar Bay where the training area was also kept. “Come on Cheerleader! Set it up! Let’s go!”
Miranda had noticed something about Jack in the time she had been on the ship, it was that she didn't lie and more than that she tended to wear every little emotion on her sleeve. Perhaps it was her age, her hot temper, or just that she didn't think she had anything to hide, but whatever it was it gave Miranda certain advantages during the encounters with Jack. She always used that advantage, whether it be to see if a particular insult had hit home, whether she was preparing to fly off into one of her quick rages, or what exactly to expect. However the last few meetings with her had different subject matter, Jack truly wanted to fuck her and as plan text as that was it made Miranda a little nervous. She couldn't deny her own desires, that Jack seemed to appeal to her on a primal nature, but she was trying her hardest to resist. Jack on the other hand seemed intent on bedding her, even with this stupid contest that, logically, put Miranda at a clear advantage, and Miranda had seen what Jack could do when she put her mind to something. She was the kind of woman who would put her mind to something and got it done with a tunnel vision and that made her dangerous.

In fact when she made the video game comment and seemed so confident it made Miranda rethink her 'clear advantage', it made Miranda think maybe she didn't have as solidified a win as she had first believed. In fact she began to wonder just what Jack's knowledge of virtual systems and how it handled as opposed to real life situations would help her, because it was obvious from her mood she had spent time with some sort of game. There was no time to even think about that however, because as Jack grabbed her hand her mind went temporarily blank. A blush crossed Miranda's cheek, not due to the hand holding but due to the quiver of her body in response to the slightest stimulus. Miranda's body was against her mind completely, begging for release and contact, and with Miranda's limited options, and Jack having become a center for her fantasies and desires over the past few days especially, that hand being Jack's didn't help. Luckily Jack remembered the place and let go of the hand, giving Miranda time to yank it back and get herself together before exiting the room and following the convict.

Miranda had thought about Jack before, that truth had been making frequent appearances to her mind ever since the night in the shower, how Miranda would have on occasion followed Jack with her eyes. Yet even before then, in fact when she looked over Jack's files when Cerberus selected her. Of course Miranda had recommended throwing her file out but she had definitely found certain physical aspects of Jack's to be rather appealing. Now, as they rode the elevator downward, she began to wonder just what in the hell she was seeing, because as much as she could feel an attraction, as obvious as that was to her lust addled brain, she couldn't express specifics so easily. She could derive certain things, the feminine aspects, the confidence and sway, her lips, the young tight ass, but none of that explained the overall desire. Then, as the elevator stopped Miranda almost gasped, she just found Jack specifically to be sexually attractive, that was why just knowing it was her had Miranda riled up, and it caused her to grit her teeth as Jack bounded off the elevator and into the Hangar Bay.

That feeling she had, as revealing a it was to her desires, simply meant she was insane, to have any form of attraction to Jack as a whole, with her unconventional looks, her bad attitude, everything, was unacceptable. She had to shut it down before she threw herself at the girl who had her so wound up from fingers alone. That being the case she came up with a plan almost instantly, a smirk crossing her face as she walked to the computer controlling the simulation and began fiddling away, trying her best to ignore just how cute Jack's childlike enthusiasm was. It wasn't as if her current position wasn't equally eye drawing however, Miranda currently bend down just enough to show off her ass in the tight suit she always wore in public. That sight soon ended however, Miranda turning and crossing her arms under her breasts, which really only served to frame them as a centerpiece than show that she was ready to get started.

Miranda wasn't going to sit around though, she was ready to end the nuisance that was Jack on her life, get rid of her advances as quickly as she could, in order to let herself settle down as much as possible. "Alright well my first pick... Legion." Legion seemed like the perfect choice, he could perform as well as any at range and his rifle was a real gem. Not to mention he had tech skills that made even hers look like a joke and the ability to pull off some decent mid-range fighting if need be, though he was going to be her designated sniper. Yes, he was the best choice, Miranda's ranged combat abilities being quite impressive but never part of her usual repertoire, she didn't want to push it and go out of role but instead design a team to give her the best chances of winning with her usual skills. She wasn't sure if Jack would do the same, though when she picked Grunt first it didn't really surprise Miranda, the Krogan wasn't a bad choice for any situation, sure he was practically limited to short range but his ability to close a gap was impressive and he knew how to handle combat.

Miranda still believed herself to have an advantage however, because even a Krogan could be tossed around like a rag doll after their armor was destroyed, and Legion could take care of armor with his skills, Miranda was sure of it. Miranda needed one more person however and she had a few candidates in mind. In a perfect world it would be Shepard, there was no role that couldn't be filled by the fearless leader and that was something that always astounded Miranda. Shepard had earned her respect. Yet that was not an option because then picking first would have practically won the competition and Miranda wanted no part in such a match, even if it had meant her easy win. So instead she considered her alternatives, but in the end only one person came to mind that could completely cover her apparent weaknesses, though perhaps she was still sour over what had happened between her and Jack. That person was Thane Krios. If there was a single person she could think of to really put Jack in her place when it came to close quarters combat it was probably Thane, his CQC skills were impeccable and with the additional skill at long range it could provide with some interesting contrast among the team.

Miranda smirked as she looked to Jack, nodding her head as she went over to the console and put her two choices in, "Thane Krios." She turned back to Jack and laughed gently, "I know Thane usually does his own thing, wouldn't bother coming to any training sessions, but I'm sure you've seen him in action. I wonder how well you'll do against him when you get in close." Miranda seemed all too pleased with herself once again, a theme she seemed to take on when around Jack, walking near the girl and leaning in, "Make you final selection, I'll see you inside." She didn't give any real taunt at that point, instead she walked over to her area and got ready, letting battle strategies and team scenarios pass through her head. She liked the idea of having two ranged covering her and then at some point, when Jack was seen, having Thane flank her, it wouldn't be a bad idea. Regardless a lot depended on Jack's next choice, the arena template, and just how hot-headed Jack would get. It was going to be fun, but most of all it was going to give Miranda her freedom, not to think about Jack holding a damn thing over her head, and hopefully the cooling down of her libido a bit, even if that meant arranging for Shepard to drop them off for a bit of shore leave, because even Miranda needed release.
Jack appeared to be antsy and entirely incapable of sitting still, especially now that she was excited. Video games were a nice break from reality; Jack’s reality was incredibly shitty at times, and so of course she sought refuge in worlds that were not her own: in books where she could imagine and pretend to be someone who she was not.; in sex where she had the control that she did not have in real life; or in video games where she could be a leader whom people would willingly follow to the end of the galaxy. Even villains like to dream of being the hero sometimes.

She paced back and forth, eyes glued to the Cheerleader as she set up the simulator. Not that Jack didn’t trust her but…well…Jack didn’t really trust anyone to not screw her over. Well…that was a lie, she trusted Shepard. The Commander had been nothing but friendly towards her; always deflecting Jack’s sexual advances and brushing off the young biotic’s insults. Shepard was stubborn, constantly coming down to visit the Convict even when Jack told her to ‘Fuck off’ numerous times, Shepard still tried to get to know her. And so, as awful as it was to say, there was one person she could trust and considered an actual friend on this ship.

But unfortunately, Miranda wasn’t one of them. The majority of her distrust came from the fact that Miranda was working for Cerberus. While the Operative herself had never done anything horrible to Jack, other than fling ignorant insults at her, the fact that she worked for such a disgusting corporation such as Cerberus was enough for Jack to not like her. Sure, she found the Operative incredibly attractive and visually appealing. And there were parts of her personality type that Jack really enjoyed such as her competitive nature, her strength and---

And…what was she thinking about again?

Jack’s brain turned to mush as those dark eyes caught sight of Miranda’s perfect rear bending over the console. And all that Jack could envision was the Cerberus Operative stripped out of that uniform and trembling in pleasure as Jack made that perfect ass hers… The young biotic stopped dead in her tracks and just, stared, unblinking and unmoving. Usually the young Convict was amazing at being covert; or at least, more covert than a man. But now, there was no doubting that what was going on behind those big brown doe eyes were one hundred different sexual scenarios, all involving the Cheerleader in some compromising position.

She only recently just let Miranda know that she had been checking her out in order to piss the Operative off. But Jack had been carefully stealing glances ever since she had first stepped on board the Normandy. Miranda’s looks had caused her to take notice immediately, but her strange personality had made Jack do a little digging. How the hell could someone who was gorgeous, smart, and had led a privileged life so pissed off all the time? Jack still didn’t have an answer; the few files on Miranda that she had found in the Cerberus archives weren’t particularly useful in figuring out why the Operative was as cold as she was.

“Legion huh…” Jack mumbled to herself. Nooowww she was in trouble. Legion could easily outshoot Garrus. In real life, Garrus’ bravery would even them out, but on a simulator, Legion’s computerized precision would probably outweigh the benefits of Garrus’ more human traits. So now she had to choose someone specifically to take out the AI… “I’ll take Kasumi.” It was a risky move; but one that Jack was comfortable with making because if she could manage to get rid of Legion, then it would be 3vs2.

And she’d need that advantage, because as good as she was, she was pretty sure Thane could take her out in close quarters combat. With a little nod and a deep breath, Jack followed Miranda into the simulator and was immediately immersed in darkness. The map selection came up. It was Haestrom, a map that was modeled after the planet they had rescued Tali from. It was basically a long gauntlet with positions for snipers at the ends and an entire middle of the map filled with plenty of artificial rubble and places to hide.

Match Starting in…

3….2….1… BING!

The black background of the simulator changed and was replaced with a complex HUD overlapping a virtual battlefield. Jack was now flanked by holographic versions of Kasumi and Grunt and although her nerves suddenly began to get rattled from the burden that came with leading real people in a firefight, she soon remembered that this wasn’t real. This was all just a simulator. So she set priorities: Legion first. She’d use Grunt to draw Legion out from wherever he was hiding. Grunt’s Immunity skill should be enough to last a couple of shots, long enough to get Kasumi into position to take out the sniper. Jack was sure once Legion was dealt with, this would all be in the bag…now they just had to find him… Jack set off to take care of the left hand side of the map and search while Grunt took the right hand. Kasumi stayed back and in hiding, waiting to run up and attack once they found some targets.
Miranda had noticed Jack's staring immediately and while she should have been burning with rage or giving her a mental smack-down for being something that correlated with what had happened the night before, she didn't. In fact from the moment Miranda had seen those big doe eyes inspecting every voluptuous part of her body she found herself blushing and for that reason she didn't look Jack in the face, instead she scowled to herself, a cute pout of sorts as she tried to get control of herself. She was embarrassed, and with Miranda being unable to remember showing a single person that particular expression she wasn't about to start with Jack, it was too vulnerable an expression for an enemy to see. Of course enemy wasn't exactly a valid title, her enemies were dealt with swiftly and without mercy, as was Miranda's way. No, Jack was not an enemy, at least not as long as she was part of the Normandy, and even with the shit she pulled the day before. Miranda was use to that kind of shit, nobody had even overpowered her, that was new and infuriating, but Miranda had been attacked a few times in her life, usually by men who thought they were something.

Miranda shook her head, those memories, the days before she was the woman she had become, being a woman working her way up the chain of command when it was a mainly male led organization, they hadn't been good days. Yet Miranda hadn't had a choice, she needed a position in an organization that could keep her out of reach of her father and that gave her resources to protect what little was precious to her, nothing else had mattered for a long time. Hell Miranda cared less about herself that the other rare things she treasured, and she had always put those above herself, growing cold and hardened to keep herself strong enough to keep it up, to stay strong and rise to the top. After so long of doing that she had grown complacent, nobody had cracked her shell or even attempted to really, the barrier she kept up made most people give up at first glance, admire from afar as they wished she was in their league. Perhaps that was why Jack bothered her so much, why the woman got to her so easily, because not only was she quite something to look at but she had the personality and desire, perhaps even the foresight, to know what was behind Miranda's cold exterior was worth digging for.

Miranda laughed to herself, a slight huff as she pushed a bit of hair behind her ear. No, that wasn't likely, Jack just wanted what most people who had the guts to approach her wanted, the exterior. So Miranda was going to do what she did best, she was going to obliterate all hope Jack had of ever getting whatever it was she wanted and she was going to do it with this fucking simulation. So she loaded in, -3... 2... 1...- Miranda opened her eyes, a smirk appearing on her face as the scenario loaded, this was going to be fun. Immediately she took a deep breath, commanding her team with the knowledge she always used, calm and collected like on any battlefield. Of course it wasn't a battlefield, it was more of a game and while Miranda didn't realize it that was a disadvantage for her, because it was a game and the advantage she believed commanding a squad got her wasn't as substantial as she believed it to be, in fact her overconfidence of real world talents could be more trouble than she could fathom.

Yet Miranda was confident and she quickly gave out her commands, ordering Legion to take an elevated position and stay out of sight and to only engage when either Kasumi or Jack revealed themselves, and she put a priority on Kasumi, as that the thief was perhaps the most difficult to predict and she didn't want to get caught off-guard. As for Thane he was also to stay out of fight and preferably to engage anyone who found themselves isolated and if heavy combat were to break out to focus on Jack, Thane's skills being very effective against Jack's in theory. Hell the trained assassin was quite impressive, then again everyone on the ship was meant to be impressive, even Jack but she would never admit it. As for Miranda, as uncharacteristic as it was Miranda planned to be the front line of her little team. She would be bait, play it safe and lure them towards her, perhaps the Krogan would be as rash in the simulation as he was in reality, and Miranda was confident she could deal with him if she did her usual.

So that was just what she did, the moment it start she ordered her two men to their positions and began moving up, staying behind cover, her pistol in hand as she watched for Jack and her squad. "Alright Legion, just keep yourself nice and quiet and wait for that perfect shot. Thane, be ready to pick off whoever makes the first screw up." Miranda would have laughed to herself if it wasn't a combat situation, that if anyone were to break off and act alone it would be Jack, that was what she would do in a normal situation. However it was combat, even if virtual, and Miranda was calm and calculating, eyes looking towards the other side of the map, her body leaned back against cover, her hand cannon firmly gripped, hand rippling with biotic power. She was ready to get this going, to end this and win her freedom, and really she was so determined it was bordering on arrogance. She took a deep breath, keeping her eyes peeled for another moment, and then dashing to the next piece of cover, rolling with grace even in combat. "Come on Jack... Let's see what you've got."
As a virtual Jack wandered around the battlefield, looking for opponents to send flying into walls, real Jack was trying to analyze Miranda’s team. As far as she could tell, the Operative had picked squadmates that were well balanced when it came to range: Thane for CQC, Miranda for mid and support, and Legion for long-ranged sniping. But build-wise, the Cheerleader’s team was just like her: a bunch of sneaky bastards that couldn’t take a punch. So Jack had countered that with a bunch of close-ranged heavy-hitters. It was risky, (especially because if Legion got into a good hiding place, there would be no way to get him down) but she was pretty sure it would work. Videogames are amazing because crazy ass gameplay tends to pan out. No one just runs into people’s spawns in real life! That shit’s just nuts, even Jack didn’t just go hauling ass straight into enemy territory.

All she needed was to get rid of Legion, and then she could easily destroy Miranda and Thane in 3v2 combat. Thankfully the map didn’t seem to have any areas that were super high or impossible to get to. Come on you fucking tin can…where the hell are you…

She was trying to be patient and hang back just a little bit, let Grunt go in up the left side first. The Krogan’s shields and armor could really take a pounding; she was sure that he could stand getting unloaded on by three people long enough for her to start blasting people away. But she was ready to lure people out on her own as well: Jack’s biotic barrier was strong enough to withstand at least one sniper rifle shot, sometimes two. Today she was definitely going to be able to take the two. Jack had decided to go into the simulator without any sort of weapon. Without her shotgun weighing her down, she’d be much faster, be able to maintain her biotic barrier better, and have a shorter cooldown on her biotic abilities so that she didn’t overload her implant or hurt herself. Hopefully this speed would be all the difference when it would come down to her fighting Thane.

Good God this was taking fucking forever. Ten minutes in and she hadn’t seen a single person yet or heard a gunshot. It was like the computer had wanted to drag out her journey towards victory over Miranda even more by picking a map that was suited for a 5v5 rather than a 3v3. Patience wasn’t one of Jack’s strong points, the fact that she had lasted 10 minutes without blowing something up was a miracle in and of itself. Couple her poor patience with a lot of energy that was begging to be put to use and the young biotic was like a child on a sugar high that was being told to sit still.

Jack was –really- bad at sitting still.

“COME ON YOU SONS OF BITCHES LETS GO!” Jack roared as she started sprinting forward, throwing Warps and Shockwaves blindly, hoping to just clip someone or something so that her sensors would pick up the disturbance.

“Grunt, keep slowly sweeping up the left hand side. Come in towards the middle just a little bit to cover me if things turn to shit. Kasumi, move up, stay around the edges of the map. Legion will definitely be hiding somewhere along the edge- WHOA!” BANG! Jack yelped as her barrier dropped down to 25% and every fucking sensor that the HUD had started to go crazy and blink red. She bobbed and weaved, looking around for targets before finally she spotted that tiny little lightbulb thing that was Legion’s ‘eye’ across the map. She sent the coordinates in to Kasumi and then ducked behind some piece of fake rubble while she waited for her barrier to recharge.

“Fuckin bastard…” Jack growled. She knew that she was pinned and all she could hope for as that Kasumi would take out Legion before Thane or Miranda found her and made her leave cover. Legion would definitely be recalculating his shots. That first one hadn’t been a headshot, apparently he hadn’t been expecting Jack to move as fast as she was. But now that the AI knew that she was without a gun and jetting along, she was pretty sure that the next shot was going straight to her face. “Come on Kasumi…move your tiny lil Asian ass.”
Patience, it was generally one of Miranda's strong points and yet when Jack didn't react as she predicted, when over ten minutes elapsed before anything happened she found herself rather impatient. However she remained calm enough and continued to survey the area, waiting for one of those moments where her tactical ability would be of use. And then it came, Jack's little rampage that had been almost certain from the start. Yep, predictable Jack and Miranda smirked, watching shockwaves and warps being thrown wildly, which caused Miranda to raise an eyebrow. It wasn't usually for a biotic to do that, few could withstand such an onslaught for long, and Miranda tilted her head slightly as she began moving towards Jack. Miranda didn't grasp how video games worked, in her mind a simulation should be the exact same as life, a personal limit on biotic usage being such a thing she would expect. However that didn't seem to be the case, unless Jack had just lost it and truly believed she could beat Miranda with random attacks on such a large battleground. That wouldn't be happening though, Miranda wouldn't let it, and as soon as Jack dropped her guard she was going to be in position to take advantage, or that had been the plan.

Plans often went awry though and as she moved towards the location of all Jack ruckus a single shot rang out, the anti-material rifle of Legions. She activated her hud, not quite knowing how it worked either, but figuring out that nobody had been taken down from the attack. "Shit..." She cursed under her breath, taking note at where Legion had someone pinned down. She knew Kasumi had been meant as an anti-sniper counter measure and she had to use Legion's shot before she could no longer, so she ordered Legion to keep position and keep whoever he had pinned in place, and if Kasumi came for him to simply do his best to take her down. In the meantime she ordered Thane to move into position and look for Jack, Miranda moving at the same time. If this were a real battlefield she would have dropped back and taken down whoever went to take down Legion, but it being a game had her thinking differently, thinking that Kasumi would be easier to deal with than Jack or Grunt, and that sacrificing Legion for one of those two would constitute victory. Miranda was trying to play the game like a game without really knowing how.

Miranda senses were sharp, she was going up the side, towards the pinned enemy, when she stopped, ears picking up on a rather loud footstep and before she could really prepare herself Grunt came charging right at her. She had been ready soon enough to dodge out if the way though, agilely rolling out of the way and popping off several shots at the large Krogan, all three popping him in the side of the head. As good as her aim was it didn't matter against a Krogan, they were too difficult to take down alone, at least in a timely fashion even for someone like Miranda. So she needed help, a fuck escaping her lips as she ordered Thane to continue towards the location to engage the already hit enemy and ordering Legion to change target and hoping Thane was close enough to get the pinned enemy before they could escape after the next shot rang out.

Legion's shot rang out, smashing into Grunt's head and Miranda smirked, Grunt was touch but a rifle shot to the head, one more and he would be vulnerable to her biotics. Yet it never came, Grunt simply turned, a grin on his face, and lifted his shotgun. "Oh fuck." Miranda slammed behind cover as half of it was peppered with shotgun fire, Legion must have been taken out, she just had to hope Thane was doing well because with Grunt with her it meant Thane was up against Jack. If he managed to take Jack out she could use him to take out Kasumi next, perhaps even have him get into a sniper position while she lured Kasumi out. Regardless she had to take the Krogan out and she turned the corner to pop a few shots off, hitting Grunt square in the chest with each, not having time to aim for his head as she moved to another piece of cover, narrowly avoiding the full brunt of a shotgun blast, though her shield got about 10% knocked off of it in the process. "Fuck... Okay..." Miranda took a deep breath, she needed to take out the Krogan quickly.

So she popped around the corner, popping off the rest of her clip and then launching a strong biotic push against the Krogan, and luckily it worked, sending him flying back up and hitting the ground. That wasn't enough to take him down however and Miranda lifted him up into the air, returning his grin from earlier as she popped several rounds of her now reloaded clip into his head, the simulated enemy dissipating. "Now let's just hope Thane's done his job." She took a deep breath and then took off running, not wanting Kasumi to catch her off-guard and wanting to get to Thane if he was even still up, the hectic situation with Grunt making Miranda forget about the HUD and her ability to check and see what the situation with her team was. She just had to hope she was running recklessly to a fight that Thane had lost, or that Jack's shields were still down at least. Shit, she really had to hope, her ass was on the line in the most literal way and she wasn't sure she could handle that, though her mind, if not focused on battle, would probably be thinking of just what would happen if she did lose.
Legion was no problem for Kasumi once the Thief knew where he was. She uncloaked behind him, unleashing a Shadow Strike that distracted the geth long enough that he forgot all about shooting up Grunt. Legion turned around to attack her instead, switching to his assault rifle in order to deal with the close quarters combat. But of course, by the time he had turned around and switched weapons, Kasumi had already cloaked and decloaked behind him, launching an Overload at point-blank range and frying the geth’s virtual circuits. The holographic projection disappeared, and Jack got an alert on her HUD, stating that Kasumi had taken out Legion. Which was good for her, because now she had Thane on her ass and couldn’t be worried about a sniper taking her out as she tried to figure out how to deal with the Drell.

Thane was –fast-. Her barrier hadn’t regenerated all the way by the time the Drell had spotted her. And when he did, he had started unloading his pistol into her, causing Jack to dart from cover and start sprinting away. There was no shame in running, especially on a simulator, so Jack bobbed and weaved through the cover, throwing Shockwaves and Warps behind her. Aggghhhh fuck I really need to learn how to get a Singularity field going!!! She needed to find cover and soon, because she knew that it would be impossible for her to beat Thane in CQC if she was starting at such a huge disadvantage.

“Kasumi, get your ass over here right now.” The young biotic commanded as she hurtled over a couple of obstacles, glancing behind her to see what progress she had made on losing Thane. But the sight she was greeted by wasn’t one she had anticipated. Holy fuck… Jack’s mouth hung open as Thane ran so fast that he was just defying gravity and running across a wall, straight at her. Shit, I want to do that! Apparently the Drell was keen on circumventing the problem that hurdles caused by avoiding them all together.

“Kasumi! Flashbang Grenade!” Jack barked out the order as soon as Kasumi’s blip on her sensors was close enough to carry out such an order. She was halfway through the word ‘grenade’ before her entire field of view was filled with a blinding white light. The young biotic had impeccable map awareness, so even though she couldn’t see a damn thing, she remembered that about four steps to her left was some cover. And so she dove for it, ducking behind the rubble and hiding out for a moment as she waited for the effects of the flashbang to wear off. By the time her screens had returned back to normal, Kasumi had finished off a stunned and disoriented Thane Krios.

“Awesome!” And now there’s just one… Jack grinned as she popped open the team status on her HUD. Grunt had been taken out which was a disappointment. She kind of knew that would happen, once the shields of a Krogan were down they were pretty easy to take apart with biotics. But still, she was pretty impressed that Miranda had managed to take out Grunt pretty much all on her own. Now she just had to get the Cheerleader out here and they could finally finish this little training exercise and have some real fun. “Ohhhh this is going to be good…” Jack murmured to herself as she glanced around. She didn’t see Miranda anywhere, so she’d go and advertise herself right in the middle of the map which was an open area.

“Come on Cheerleader, come on out and fight me! Or would you like to see how good this simulator is? Think I could fuck a virtual version of you on this thing?” Jack cackled as she blatantly taunted the older woman. Her arms were raised and she was making it very clear that she was unarmed…though her hands pooled with biotic energy that she was ready to let out at a moment’s notice. Right now her strategy revolved around the plan that perhaps she could piss Miranda off so that the Operative would do something stupid; then they could end this damn game and she could claim what was hers. “Maybe if you’re a good sport and come surrender to me now, I’ll be nice and leave your perfect little ass. Though hey, I guess if you’re into anal you can put up a fight.”

Even though the simulator didn’t give her the same high that actual battle did, Jack was still tormented by her desires. Miranda was as deadly as she was sexy, and that combination was definitely a major turn on for Jack. Plus the tiny bit of human that she had managed to drag out from underneath Miranda’s Ice Queen exterior had been so alluring that Jack found herself wanting desperately to see more of it.

While Jack was sweeping the area, Kasumi was also wandering around, though she was cloaked and set to Aggressive. So if the little Thief caught Miranda in her sensors first, Jack would be notified on her own HUD and would rush over to finish off a softened-up Operative.
Jack's voice stopped Miranda cold in her tracks, a hard swallow loud enough to be audible as the realization of what that meant hit her. Thane had failed and her gamble hadn't paid off in the least, in fact it seemed to have backfired and right then and there Miranda started to crack a bit. She had just been defeated in the team portion of the match, Jack had managed to take two of her teammates out in exchange for one. Sure Miranda could argue that in real life her tactics would have been more careful and defensive, that she would have finished it with the utmost care for the operatives under her command, but that was pointless. The truth was that Jack had beaten her, simulation or not, and the one thing Miranda had believed she would win in, commanding other people, using her tactical strength and personal style of combat, she had in fact lost at. Jack had defeated her at every turn, in training, in the shower, and now in the simulator. Suddenly Miranda was feeling a heavy dose of reality and shame smashing down on her at once, her usual arrogance and confidence crushed beneath Jack's heel and she didn't quite know how to handle that big of a blow.

In fact for a moment she wondered if she had just been wasting her time all those years, the moment of vulnerability bringing one of her biggest fears down on her, inadequacy. Miranda had felt inadequate for a good portion of her life, a ridiculous notion when she was supposed to be perfect, but she had met people that could outdo her, that could show her up despite the scientific advantages she had received and it had always left her with this intense feeling that she was an untalented person. It was why she practiced so much, why she hid behind her intelligence and cold exterior, why she didn't get close to people. Deep beneath all her false bravado she believed that if people got to know her, truly found out who she was and what she was capable of, that they would see her as some sort of fraud. "Fuck fuck fuck..." Miranda cursed, reaching up and pinching the bridge of her nose as she felt a mix of hopelessness and rage, a conflicting set of emotions both pointed at herself. Out of all people Jack was the one seeing her imperfections, chiseling away at her shell and dragging out the vulnerable human side of her. Miranda hated it.

Yet there she was, in a desperate situation and on the losing end of a wager that would only give Jack further control over her, the freedom she had hoped for seeming an impossible distance away. Yet there was nothing she could do about it and that feeling of vulnerability, that gnawing inadequate feeling, it was already out there and she couldn't shove it back in so easily, not with the stress of stilling being in the game, not without some serious time to herself, and yet she wasn't going to get any of that. As weak as Miranda believed herself to be she wasn't that big a pushover, in fact Miranda was a strong woman and while she couldn't bring herself to believe it she was quite impressive, because even if she hadn't started out that way she had worked hard to get there. So after a few deep breaths she reloaded her pistol and decided to do the only thing she could, attempt to make some last minute effort, go at Jack with full force and hope something happened and Kasumi didn't crush her from behind. The chances were low, somewhere deep inside Miranda knew she couldn't win in the virtual world, but there was no other choice.

So Miranda was sneaky, she had made her way close to Jack, moving into position behind cover and peeking around to see the biotic waiting for her, spouting off nonsense, though really Miranda knew it was closer to being truth than she wanted it to be. Then finally she popped out of cover, moving towards Jack with her hand cannon popping off shots, not a single one missing her target and Miranda making easy head shots, her free hand glowing with biotic energy as she prepared to do whatever she could. And yet, as Jack's shield dropped Miranda felt a sharp pain in her back, turning to see Kasumi. That small distraction, the dropping of her shields, it had been perfect, because as she turned back to face Jack it was already a moment late and she got nailed with a biotic blast, flying back and hitting something solid, the wind being knocked out of her before she received a hail of bullets from Kasumi and everything went dark.

Miranda didn't exit the simulation immediately, in fact she took a good deal of time just remaining still, her mind blank as she felt it all sink in, panic and a sinking in the pit of her stomach causing her body to tremble slightly. Miranda wasn't one to feel like she currently did often. She could have been caught in an enemy base and felt more at ease than she did in that moment, and when she finally exited the simulation her eyes were still closed, as if she were trying to hide from what came next, how fucked she was now that Jack held the power. She knew she couldn't go back on her word either, hell Jack could just take what she wanted at that point, a fact that had been proven yet again, and so finally she opened her eyes, a human look on her face for once, one of complete defeat. There was no Miranda wit or bark that usually came so quickly, no arrogance to make up excuses, and no confidence that she could find a way around it all, Miranda had lost and she couldn't figure out how to react to the situation she was now in.
“Come on Miranda! I don’t have all fucking day!!” Jack turned around again, trying to spot the Operative. Fuck, I knew I should’ve told her to put a time-limit on this shit… She couldn’t help being impatient at this point, victory was in her grasp, and more importantly, so was sexual relief. Jack didn’t give a damn about who was the better fighter anymore. The only thing that had been on her mind for hours upon hours was Miranda. Miranda’s silken skin, her voluptuous form, her trembling voice…

“GYAH!” Jack sputtered in surprise as a shot made contact with her head; then another, and another. All it took was a half turn and she was able to face Miranda, but that was all the time it took for her barrier to shatter. With the lightning fast reflexes of someone that played far too many videogames, Jack commanded Kasumi to use a Shadow Strike against Miranda. And right before the Operative could obliterate her, the blow landed and Miranda was distracted for but a moment. A moment was all Jack needed to launch a powerful Shockwave straight at Miranda, sending her flying. And while it was Kasumi that had scored the final blow that took the Operative’s health down to zero, Jack was still the one that felt a surge of pride rush through her body.

She had won! Fair and square, she had overpowered Miranda in a game of the Operative’s choosing. Jack didn’t have any delusions of that now she was going to be the next Commander Shepard or anything, but she was still pretty excited that she had beat Miranda at something. Though…part of her knew the entire reason she had won was because of the Operative’s hubris. Jack herself wasn’t cocky, not the way Miranda was. She was the best Vanguard class biotic because she –knew- she was the best. That being said, she knew she wasn’t the best biotic overall, or even the best hand-to-hand combat fighter or best shooter. Maybe that was the only difference between them. Jack was very aware of all her shortcomings and Miranda had been bred to be perfect and didn’t acknowledge any faults she had because hey, she was perfect.

As soon as the simulator powered down, Jack stepped outside and into the harsh artificial light of the Hangar Bay. Her brown eyes squinted a little bit as they adjusted to the light (she hated bright lights, they reminded her of the examination room on Pragia). She expected to see the Cheerleader out here already, maybe retreating so that she didn’t have to go through with her end of the deal. But Miranda wasn’t out here…which meant she must still be inside…

The look on Miranda’s face when she finally came out made Jack’s smile falter. It was so strange to see the look of complete and utter defeat on someone else. It was different…she had looked people in the eyes before she had killed them. But somehow, knowing your about to die and knowing that you’ve been defeated have their own separate looks… And if she was perfectly honest, she didn’t like it. Miranda looked like an abused and beaten pit-varren.

The young biotic resolved to make it better, to give Miranda something else to think about other than the pain of losing. But she didn’t want to make anything better in public, no way. Brown eyes flicked around and her ears strained to listen; there was no one in the Hangar Bay, no one would be here until PT, and according to her internal clock, which was hardly ever wrong, that meant they had about an hour before they had to worry about someone coming down here.

“Come on.” Jack grabbed Miranda firmly by the hand and tugged her back into the darkness of the simulator.

She didn’t usually do this…at least not with people she didn’t particularly like. But Miranda needed a little booster, something to rip her out of her loser funk and into something more conducive to what Jack wanted: a horny mess. So with a soft growl to assert her dominance and set the pace, the young biotic pushed Miranda’s back right up against the wall, molded her lean, muscle form against that supple form that had been haunting her thoughts for days, and connected their lips in a deep, hungry kiss. There was no tenderness to it; the way Jack kissed Miranda was primal, full of desire and fire. The younger woman gave a soft moan against her lips, her body heating up the moment that their lips had joined and now pure flowing through her veins like magma. Jack’s hands began to tug at the Operative’s clothing, growling her displeasure as she struggled to find the hidden zipper.

She wanted Miranda, needed to feel her bare flesh pressed against her own, right fucking now.

“You have ten seconds…to get out of that uniform before…I tear it to shreds and…make you walk up to your office naked when I’m done with you.” Jack was out of breath and panting softly. Her voice was low as she delivered her command, the space between them was so small that she didn’t need to bark out orders. A light nip was given to Miranda’s pouty bottom lip before she pulled away, just enough so that she could start to strip. Two soft thuds were heard as Jack kicked off her combat boots. The straps that covered her breasts were the next things to go, a shiver running down her spine as the leather brushed against her nipples, coaxing the skin on them to tighten and the little buds to harden. Her pants were next, they were so large that she didn’t even need to undo them. Just a little bit of swaying of her hips and a couple of tugs and the garment was off, leaving the entirety of Jack’s tattooed, muscled, and nude form free for Miranda’s eyes.

By now both their eyes had adjusted to the dim-lighting that the interior of the simulator cast. For that, the young biotic was glad. She didn’t want to fuck Miranda in the darkness. Jack wanted to make sure that she’d be able to –see- the vulnerability wash over Miranda when she finally came and surrendered to the pleasure that only Jack could provide.
Miranda was in a haze as she walked out of the simulator, it was pathetic but she wasn't in a place where that realization had hit her, hell it didn't even seem important at that point. The only thing that snapped her out of it, even in the least, was the feeling of Jack's hands on hers, to which she had to stop herself from flinching and pulling away. Hell she really wanted to yank her hand away, to yell and scream and figure her way out of it, but she couldn't, she barely had any pride remaining and she wanted to keep at least a bit of it. So she allowed Jack to drag her along, back into the dimly lit simulator and immediately Miranda found Jack the one in command yet again. It was an unusual situation, though it didn't as outlandish as the day before. The soft growl sent a shiver up her spine and as her back hit the wall she looked straight at Jack, her usually icy eyes more shaken and vulnerable, a window of weakness for Jack to slip through and take hold of the humanity that almost seemed to slink back beneath the surface if given the opportunity.

The lean form that was Miranda pressed up against Miranda's body, which had the perfect mix of sort and firm to entice any sense that wished to enjoy her beauty. Then it came, the part she had feared more than anything else, the physical motive behind everything. Yet as much as she had feared it that vulnerability that plagued her made resistance more elusive than ever, the feeling of soft lips pressed up against hers in a primal wanting manner brought a moan, a cute little confused moan as a blush tinted her cheeks, a difficult change to notice in such lighting but Jack could probably see it at such close distance. Miranda didn't kiss back however, at least not actively, she simply stood still, almost stiff, like a thief caught red handed and unsure of what to do. Part of her was saying run or escape, but the other part knew there was nowhere to run, she had been neutralized. It was only when Jack pulled those lips away that she reacted, her lips automatically following Jack's as they retreated and keeping the connection for as long as she possibly could, and she didn't have the ability to stop herself from doing so, even a small whimper sounding as she felt Jack's teeth nip her bottom lip as she pulled away, leaving Miranda to soak in the demand she had given.

It was so odd to her, Miranda didn't want it, she didn't want to be taken by Jack, to lose to her in any way, but she couldn't deny the attraction and with her third loss to the younger woman she no longer had a right to decline or fight. Though her mind began trying to bounce back, trying to tell her not to let her have any more power than she had to, to make her work for whatever she wanted and not give an inch unless Jack ordered it, as was their current power dynamic with Jack's wish being Miranda's command. And while it should have been reluctant it wasn't, not that Miranda was enthusiastic but her emotional state didn't allow for solidarity on either end of the spectrum. Then again her middle ground, the inability to select an emotional response to her current situation, it caused the removal of her uniform to be more like a sexy strip tease than anything else. She reached and grabbed the zipper, pulling it down slowly, her eyes averted from Jack's gaze and staring at anything else as her shoulder slid out of the material, that first hint of her silky white skin, the revealing of her collar and Jack's kiss marks.

The entire uniform was soon gone, the Cerberus logo no longer in sight as the uniform pooled around Miranda's feet and she stepped out, sliding it to the side with her foot before looking up at Jack. There was something about the woman in front of her, something more than her strength, something that seemed so make even the nervous and emotional Miranda realize that regardless of everything else, the how and why of it all, she found Jack alarmingly attractive. So when those hard nipples pressed up against her, when that muscular tattooed body was revealed to her, Miranda wanted it. She swallowed hard as she made the connections, eyes looking back into Jack's again, wavering slightly before becoming a bit more steady. "You just couldn't let me keep any of it could you Jack? You had to take every single ounce of pride and self-respect I had for myself and smash it into pieces..." Her voice wasn't on the verge of tears, her situation wasn't enough for that, but oddly it wasn't as mad as one would expect from the Ice Queen of Cerberus.

"Does it feel good to finally knock me off my pedestal? To reveal me for what I really am? A mere piece of ass..." And yet still no anger, it was as if she was genuinely curious about the answer and it was possibly less attractive than her usual self, not as much passion, no confidence and arrogance to give her that fire she usually oozed with. And then finally she did something that made that seem normal, she reached forward and brushed and hand over the skin of Jack's arm, fingers tracing down the powerful woman's bicep and forearm, tracing each bit of muscle down to her hand. Then she slowly lifted that hand and placed it on her breast, the perfect bosom unmatched in and with hardened nipple and all. "Go ahead Jack, claim your prize... You won fair and square after all... Heh..." Miranda's voice conveyed how unexpected it had been to her, that Jack would win their contest, that she would have Miranda as hers without the need for force or even blackmail. It had been a wager, one Miranda had willingly entered into, and Jack had won. No cheating, she hadn't even selected the damn conditions, it had been her total win, perhaps even deserved after the way Miranda had underestimated her. In that moment she was like a Queen defeated by a Barbarian, humbled by her own inability to perceive the situation, by underestimating one she thought below her, and yet still adhering to her word. Though it didn't mean she knew what the hell was going to happen, not with her mind in uneasy acceptance and her body already throbbing with a desire she wasn't sure she wanted to reveal, though she had a feeling eventually it was going to be impossible to contain, especially when Jack wasn't going to stop, when she had no reason to let Miranda run again.
Miranda’s soft, confused moan was enough to quell any doubts that Jack had about this encounter. She didn’t want to force herself onto the other woman; sex was no fun when it was being forcefully taken rather than willingly submitted to. Granted, Jack might have to work a little bit to get Miranda’s complete and utter submission, but it was a challenge that the young biotic would gladly accept, especially if it ensured a repeat performance. Her heart skipped a beat as Miranda began to strip. And while it may be hard to believe but for once, someone wasn’t staring at the Operative’s tits the moment they had been offered. Jacks eyes were actually focused at the other woman’s neck, picking up the marks that were still there, the branding that meant that Miranda was hers.

It was strange, she had entirely expected the Operative to rub a little medi-gel on them, erase any and all trace of their encounter, just as she had tried to do by snapping all the OSDs earlier. But Miranda had chosen to –keep- them. And while she wasn’t wearing them proudly like a trophy, the fact that she was wearing them at all reaffirmed Jack’s suspicion that Miranda was secretly into being dominated. Movement and the creaking of leather drew Jack out of her own musings and her eyes roamed downward, just in time to enjoy the rest of the strip show that Miranda was giving her. “You can have all the self-respect you want Cheerleader, I can’t take that shit away from you. But yeah, your pride makes you a bitch and I like you better without it.” The young biotic smirked. It was the truth too, Miranda was so much more bearable when she wasn’t being a pain in the ass by thinking she was better than everyone else.

“You are more than a ‘mere piece of ass’.” Jack responded quickly to Miranda’s show of self-doubt. The words were said with such finality that it was very apparent that Jack meant every single word. Miranda was not just a piece of ass. It wasn’t like fluffing the Operative’s ego would be advantageous to her. Jack had already won Miranda, there was no pressure on her to be nice to the Operative. But still, she should know that she was more than just a piece of meat to Jack. If she wanted ass, she could go get some, it wasn’t like it was that hard to seduce some drunken slut at the bar, or the Cerberus whore that was Kelly Chambers. At worst, she was a conquest, a puzzle, a challenge. At best…she was something that Jack actually –needed-. (Though, she wouldn’t express such a sentiment to the Cheerleader.) In her uniform and while carrying out her daily jobs, Miranda represented everything that Jack hated; fucking her was like fucking Cerberus. And stripping the Operative out of her uniform and taking away her control was empowering.

“First off Cheerleader, you’re not giving anymore orders tonight.” Jack growled softly. Pffft… ‘Go on, take your prize’. While it may had been an innocent remarked, Jack saw it as a command. “I will take what I want, at my own leisure, and you’re not going to fucking rush me because I’ve got all day.” With that, she leaned forward, nipping Miranda’s neck lightly as she gave her nipple a pinch; just a little bit of pain to help the Operative remember who was in charge tonight.

“You didn’t erase my marks…” Jack’s voice dropped to a seductive purr as her lips traced over the bruised skin that she had marked as hers. “You could have easily picked up some medi-gel to get rid of them.... And yet you chose to keep them…” Silken lips were quickly replaced by teeth as the young biotic bit Miranda roughly, staking her claim on the Operative once more. “You like them, don’t you?” The younger biotic smirked as she pulled away to look at Miranda, as though studying for her a moment.

“You spend all day working and barking out orders to your Cerberus drones. I know you’ve gotta be tired of all that shit by now. Constantly managing and leading people that are too weak or two dumb to be able to do anything by themselves. You want this… You want to have someone take control for a little while…” Jack bent down, replacing the hand that had been fondling Miranda’s breast with her talented mouth. A well practiced tongue snaked out, flicking the hardened bud roughly before Jack switched to a softer tempo. One that was slow and gentle, picked to help Miranda relax and enjoy the pleasure for just a moment.

“I won’t be selfish, as long as you behave and follow my rules. If you want to cum, you have to ask.” Jack’s words were slightly muffled as she spoke. “And you have to ask –nicely-.” Teeth grazed over the sensitive nub of Miranda’s nipple, a preview of one of the many punishments Jack would gladly use on the Operative if she dared to cum without begging for it. “If you act up, your ass is mine,” Jack smirked, her brown eyes flicking upwards to meet Miranda’s. “But if I remember correctly, the last time I was dealing with your ass, I was spanking it, and that just seemed to make you get even wetter. So tell me, Cheerleader, how wet are you for me now? Or should I go check…”
Miranda's current mood had her in a mood that she could only remember having in her younger years, inadequacy and inferiority despite her enhanced genetic makeup. It wasn't entirely skill based either, just as a person, and she couldn't help but let her own mind get to her, as she put herself down and attacked herself over every little detail. The most prevalent of which was her moaning and submission, because while it wasn't something she wanted to advertise or for Jack to know, she wanted it. She wanted Jack's hands all over her, wanted to have that young girl take her with the same strength and attitude that Miranda found herself so enticed by. It was as if her losing, while not intentional or even wanted by the woman, was the perfect opportunity for the other half of the operative, the half that was tired of having to take care of every little thing for fear it would not get done, the part of her that hated trying to be perfect and just wanted to give in to her desires and indulge herself. Jack's victory over her was giving her a chance to do just that, and more than a chance it was giving her no other choice than to sit back and let what was coming happen.

Not that it was so easy. Miranda was a stubborn, proud, strong woman and as dug in to her personality as those traits were she couldn't just toss them aside, even if she wanted to and the situation called for such sacrifice. No, it was impossible and Jack speaking towards Miranda's vulnerability was not helping, especially as she berated the pride that had made Miranda who she was. It was a double standard, Miranda felt fine putting herself down, asking Jack why she did one thing or the other, but the second Jack said something it pissed her off, though she wasn't capable of doing much in her current position, not that she even wanted to, the pride that Jack hated so much, that made her a bitch, it was also why she was accepting her position after giving her word. Yet mood aside something happened when Jack was so quick to respond to her piece of ass remark, her eyes showing signs of life as she looked at Jack with a rather surprised expression. Miranda felt like she had to be reading in to the situation, the tone and meaning behind those words, but it seemed like Jack had said something not only rather nice but something completely different that Miranda would have expected.

Miranda even looked like she was about to say something when it all flipped around once again, as quick as the odd moment had come up it was yanked away. No more orders, she got the meaning and took a deep breath, averting her gave for a moment before looking back at Jack and thinking about what she was saying. She had all day, an entire day to do whatever she wanted, to have Miranda as her prize. It was rather frightening to think that she would be Jack's for such a long period of time, since she knew there would probably be no escape from the young woman for the entirety of the period, and also knowing that of all the things Jack had that few other people could compare on, stamina was one. Miranda was easily a top class combatant, she and most of those on the ship had incredible pools of stamina to pull from, Jack was even further up. It made Miranda a bit nervous, which was only increased as she cried out slightly from a nip at her neck and a painful pinch at her nipple. Her nipples were already quite hard, her arousal making them stand at attention as Jack seemed to be attempting to prove a point, one Miranda heard loud and clear.

"I didn't want anyone to know I had them... The medi-gel would raise questions I wouldn't want to answer..." A feeble attempt to explain away her lack of action to remove the marks plastered on her neck. An officer with as much power as Miranda wouldn't be questioned and even if so she was Miranda, nobody aboard that ship fucked with her, nobody except Jack. So getting medi-gel would have been no problem, she could have even gone in when everyone was asleep, and yet that was the best excuse she could come up with as she started to wonder just why in the hell she hadn't removed them, blushing slightly at how sexy Jack was being in that moment, unable to dislike the feeling of those lips doing whatever they deemed fit, and skillfully at that. Yelping as Jack took her hard sensitive nipple between those strong alluring lips. Then the tempo slowed, and while Miranda should have been thankful, should have taken time to get use to it, in the end she really only felt a longing for that rough treatment once more. As with Jack's insinuation that she wanted what was happening to her, the desire for rougher treatment was something she would never vocalize and the mere thought of allowing Jack that knowledge brought a small blush to her cheeks and caused her head to turn away in embarrassment and confusion as her body betrayed all built up self-control.

As low as her impulse control was with Jack pawing and suckling at her body she was still hesitant as she was told she would have to ask to cum, and in the moment she didn't think that was going to happen. Vocalizing that desire, vocalizing any desire that involved Jack taking her didn't strike her as something she would be doing, though she was already beginning to buckle under the pleasure and barely a thing had been done to her. It was partially due to prior teasing, the frustration and tension built up between them ever since they met, being defeated destroyed her mood but seemed to prod the flames of her lust, and every touch... Miranda swallowed hard as her nerves began to get to her. A whimper escaped her lips as teeth grazed her nipple and she looked away, refusing to answer the question on her lust, an expression of anger on her face as she tried her best to avoid looking at what Jack was doing, which only made it more exciting when it came down to it. However there was also something else that was obvious, Jack would surely notice.

It was a quivering, each touch of Jack's, whether it be tongue or finger brought a quivering to Miranda's sensitive skin. Goosebumps rose on her lovely white skin as her juices slowly slid down, wetting her thighs. She was obviously set aflame by her lust, another small whimper escaping her luscious lips and when she finally turned back to Jack her eyes shimmered in a manner that could be described as irresistible. She seemed more innocent than she ever would under normal circumstances, there was a frustration but she looked more like she was going to break down and cry than she was going to fight or start resisting, though there was no signs of her actually crying, it was just the look, a vulnerable and enticing look as she gazed at Jack, unable to fathom what would happen to her next and not knowing what to say or do other than wait for Jack's next move.
“Hey!” Jack barked after a long pause, glaring at Miranda and nipping a pert nub roughly to reprimand her for her silence. “I ask you a fucking question and you give me a fucking answer. An –honest- one. That’s how this shit is going to work.” Seriously, was it so hard to answer a question? Miranda was going to choose –now- to be shy? Jack didn’t even have to look down to know that the Operative was aroused, she could smell the other woman’s intoxicating scent in the poorly circulated air of the simulator. She rose to her full height, staring straight into Miranda’s eyes. “You are –mine- for the next 24 hours. I expect you to act that way, instead of being a stubborn bitch.” Honestly she couldn’t figure out why Miranda didn’t just submit. The Operative could just use the whole ‘aw I lost a bet and had to do it’ excuse, even though that Jack was pretty sure she’d love to do this if she just wasn’t so full of pride.

“I already warned you that if you act up, your ass is mine.” The young biotic smirked and leaned forward, nipping Miranda’s neck lightly and refreshing one of the bite marks on that porcelain flesh. She grasped the older woman by the shoulders and quickly flipped the Operative around, forcing her to press up fully against the cold metal wall of the simulator. “So I guess I’ll just have to collect… make sure these legs stay spread, Cheerleader. In fact, here, do something useful and help spread everything open for me so I can see what the fuck I’m doing.” Jack used her feet to nudge Miranda’s legs apart, similar how she had done in the showers and how guards do to their prisoners. Then she grabbed onto the Operative’s hands and moved them to where she wanted them. She positioned the digits so that she was spreading the fleshy mounds of her ass cheeks. Before drawing her own hands away, Jack gave the bottom curve of the left cheek one nice, sharp, SMACK!

“There we go…much better… Don’t move. Remember, you’re supposed to be my good little plaything today.” Jack grinned as her eyes roved downwards to the puckered ring of muscle that was now left open and vulnerable. “How about we find out what sort of depraved desires you have, hmm?” Jack’s voice had lost its harsh hiss and had dropped into a smooth, seductive purr. Everyone has kinky things they like, most people are just too scared to admit them, afraid that their partners will think they’re gross or disgusting or whatever. But Jack had tried just about everything once. Some things she liked, some things she didn’t, so whatever weird shit Miranda liked, she was pretty sure she could get on board with it.

The young biotic knelt down behind Miranda, hands taking firm hold of Miranda’s hips. “Do. Not. Move.” The order came out with more authority than Jack’s voice had perhaps ever had in her entire life. For awhile she did nothing, merely settled down onto her knees and got comfortable, let Miranda soak for a little while in her embarrassment because those big doe eyes were now looking directly at her most taboo place. Finally Jack leaned forward, her warm breath ghosting over the neglected flesh. That was the only warning Miranda got before Jack’s tongue darted out, lapping firmly against her rear.

Even though she was technically on the bottom, with her face buried in Miranda’s ass like a subservient little pet, Jack certainly didn’t feel like a little slave. She drew power and confidence from her own experience, and was sure that she could draw some rather sinful noises from the uptight Operative’s mouth the more her tongue flicked and prodded against her rear hole.
Jack's reprimand made Miranda grit her teeth and glare at Jack, but as much as she hated the woman for pushing that button, for being so stringent, she knew Jack was right. For the next 24 hours she belonged to Jack, and her pride kept her from going back on her word. There was more than that stopping her from saying anything though and she simply stayed silent for a moment, which was enough for Jack to say more that only pissed her off. While obedience, or at the very least a calm attitude, would have been far better for Miranda, she found herself asking for punishment, and not sure why she was doing so aside from excuses in her head about pride, a pride that should have had her being just as Jack wanted her to be to avoid further humiliation than she would have to suffer already. Yet instead she lashed out, a little "Go to hell..." Squeaking past her lips and while she knew it had been the wrong call she could just look at Jack, arousal spilling from her as she tried to keep attention away from it, that first question Jack had asked her reverberating in her head.

Miranda hissed gently as Jack nipped her neck, hand flying up and she realized it was in the same place as a previous mark, Jack obviously renewing her claim on that porcelain flesh. Miranda wanted to tell her to cut the shit out but she already knew she was in enough trouble as it was and she stifled her thoughts just in time to be spun around and pressed up against cold metal. The simulator was always cold, it kept the machines running perfectly at all times, but in the current moment it was only serving to do two things, harden Miranda's nipples to almost uncomfortable levels, and to provide a greater contrast between the temperature and Jack's warm body touching hers. As Jack treated her like an inmate Miranda found herself snarling slightly, but she kept herself facing forward and made no attempts to stop it, fighting the urge to turn and fight as she had tried to the day before, though the bet and the small lack of confidence she was suffering made that choice disappear from her mind rather quickly.

In fact she felt so out of order that her hands spread her beautiful ass cheeks without question, those lovely digits digging in to her own flesh and revealing a tight ring of muscle buried inside that pliable ass. Miranda just stood there, attempting to ignore most of what Jack said to her, though she got enough to realize nothing had been said to her, until of course the most dominant commanding order Miranda could ever remember hearing from Jack escaped her lips. It caused Miranda to freeze for a moment, her every fiber bending to Jack's will and even after she regained some of her composure that tone spoke towards how serious of an order it was, that she not move, not attempt to stop what came next.

So when she felt firm hands on her hips and heat from breath against her backside she could only guess at what was to come. Jack just couldn't leave it alone, leave her ass and use her in any other way, she had to go for the one thing Miranda had recently figured out was incredibly sensitive for her. The tight ring quivered at the first lick and Miranda stiffened slightly, though she never moved and her hands kept her cheeks spread. An embarrassed hue of red made its way to her face as yet another lick slid its way up her tight puckering hole, soft wet tongue teasing, playfully suggesting her rear open up. Miranda had a hard time controlling herself, only several licks in and she was fighting at a moan, face pressing up against the cold wall as she tried to keep her balance while avoiding any signs of the pleasure she was receiving.

Resistance, as had seemed to be proven time and time again in the past few days, was futile, and soon Miranda could no longer hold back her voice. Deep moans escaped her usually closed lips, her fingers were shaking as she continued to hold her cheeks spread, her hole reacting pleasantly to the stimulation. There was no doubt anal was something the Cerberus Operative couldn't resist, that having someone play with her ass drove her wild, and as moans grew deeper, throaty and almost a growl, her body began to melt. Her stiffness loosened up, her fingers stopped shaking, and as much as she found herself despising Jack, despising the situation, she still found it annoyingly pleasurable. It was becoming so intense so quickly that Miranda's fingers were gripping into the flesh of her ass and if she wasn't in such incredible shape and trained to withstand anything she would have long since buckled under it all. "Jack... S-Stop..." Miranda growled, an attempt to look strong, futile from the start with Jack who cared not of Miranda's usual intimidation, turned into more of a plea as a moan hit her at the same time, tough it was clear she still wasn't acclimated to the whole, unquestioning submission thing, even if the pleasure and bet had her more subservient than any other person had ever had the gorgeous operative.
Jack hummed happily, quite content to stay on her knees and to be tonguing such an amazing ass like Miranda’s, especially if she could draw out more of those deep, throaty moans from the usually silent Operative. She was actually a little surprised at how responsive Miranda was to having her tongue buried between her cheeks. The Operative didn’t shy away or jump in surprise, and if she wasn’t so damn stubborn Jack would have guessed that she’d be a little more greedy and actually seek out more attention to her tight little rear. “So the uptight, anal-retentive Operative likes a little anal in the bedroom? Kinky.” Jack taunted with a soft chuckle before she flattened her tongue and drew the velvety muscle up from the start of Miranda’s taint all the way up to her quivering little rear muscle in one slow, smooth swipe.

Her ears perked at the sound of Miranda actually speaking rather than making animal grunts and moans. And of course, at being –told- to stop rather than –asked-, Jack kept going. Her tongue swirled expertly around the rim of that tight little muscle before she wriggled the tip barely a centimeter into Miranda’s taboo hole. She kept up this pattern, a swirl and then a more insistent probe, but still, she could not get in as much of her tongue as she would have liked, Miranda was just too tight. Jack would need to form a different plan of attack if she wanted to get the Operative screaming like a shameless little slut.

“Stop? Why? Because you’re afraid that you’re going to cum from me licking your ass?” Jack smirked as she pulled away from Miranda’s rear so that she could talk properly. She still stayed close, just so that when she spoke, her warm breath would gust over Miranda’s puckered hole to contrast her rapidly cooling saliva. “Keep those cheeks spread…” She reminded, before the Operative loosened her grip on those gorgeous cheeks or thought Jack was done. Her eyes dipped down from Miranda’s ass and landed square on the swollen, glistening wet lips of the Operative’s pussy. She was so excited that the outer lips had opened, giving Jack an unobstructed view of her pink folds. “So wet for me…depraved little slut aren’t you, Cheerleader.” Jack drawled as her fingers played through Miranda’s soaking, swollen folds. The heat and wetness that just about dripped from the Operative’s pussy was unmistakable: as much as Miranda tried to appear strong, to pretend that she was too upstanding a person as to enjoy anal play, there was no doubt that she was absolutely loving attention to her ass.

Up and down the length of her slit Jack’s fingers traveled, smearing juices wherever they went and never staying in one place for a long time. Once there was a coat of liquid arousal all over Miranda’s taint, Jack’s hand shot back upwards, ramming two fingers straight into the Operative’s tight channel. She only got out a couple of rough, claiming pumps into that clutching heat before her fingers were properly coated in the older biotic’s juices, which was all she wanted. Jack dragged her fingers away from Miranda’s sex. She rocked her body back a little bit, just so that she could see what she was doing as she brought her dripping hand towards the cleft of Miranda’s ass. The younger biotic grinned as she slowly slid the tip of a slender index finger into Miranda’s rear hole, effectively accomplishing what her tongue could not.

“Fuck, you have no idea how badly I wish I was equipped.” Jack murmured as she slid her finger in deeper. “But I guess it’s no big deal, means I can get you ready for next time.” Jack said the words as if Miranda already had the appointment ‘Let Jack Fuck My Ass’ marked down in her calendar. “You ready for another finger, slut?” Jack asked as she picked up a slow, torturous pace with her index finger. She had 24 hours to get Miranda to beg, but right now she wanted to see if she could get the Operative to do so in the first 15 minutes. “Come on, let me hear how you want another finger fucking your little ass. ---Oh wait, this is –my- ass isn’t it. Mine to do with as I please.” Jack smirked and with her free hand, she drew it back and let it roughly come crashing down on the side of Miranda’s ass. “But I guess if you’re a good girl and ask nicely, I’ll take your requests into consideration.”
While Miranda had stopped resisting, the knowledge that it would do her no good finally penetrating the thick layer of stubborn pride, she was still not tame. So when Jack decided to make a smart ass comment to do with her anal-retentive nature and her anal fetish, and how that was kinky, she snarled and looked at her with a hint of aggression behind the absolute desire. Jack still found no room to give a fuck about her looks or attitude, the lean young woman had a mind of her own and independence that exceeded even Miranda's, and she wasn't scared one bit of the older biotic. Respect, not the normal word she would use when referring to Jack, but she had a few ounces more than the lack of she had previously. Mainly it was from the strength she had denied Jack had for the longest time, always arrogantly believing she could crush her like a bug, that her recklessness would make her weak, and that belief had been forcibly changed over the previous few days and made her life aboard the Normandy shift dramatically. There was also the respect that she had begun earning from the moment they met but had just recently been proven without a doubt, that Jack didn't give a damn about her genetics or reputation, she didn't back down as most would in front of Miranda.

No, instead she pushed past whatever Miranda threw at her and rebelled to take and keep control of the odd relationship that was forming between them. Even to something like Miranda's demand that she stop, not wanting the embarrassment of her anal enjoyment to continue, Jack would not relent. In fact she tormented Miranda further, using her tongue to torture the older biotic, embarrassment completely taking over as Miranda not only found herself in a submissive position to Jack, who was a younger woman, but hardly able to contain herself with how amazing it felt. She was given no time to think though, that tongue gave attention to her erogenous zones and her voice was spilling out whether she wished it to or not. "I'm not a fucking slut you bitch!" She finally cried out, it's location between moans not helping her case, nor was her lack of escape or resistance attempt. She was further shut up by the insertion of fingers inside her sex, Miranda crying out. She was incredibly tight, barely ever seeking the company of others and rarely allowing anyone to do anything more than lick pleasure her.

Jack was the first person to ever just take what she wanted from Miranda and she could only grit her teeth and bare it as her tight hot hole was invaded by those rough fingers. It was nothing to what came after anyways, soon the feeling of a finger against her agonizingly tight rear hole could be felt and she gasped as the stiffer intruder tried to invade where softer had failed. She growled, as an animal would when threatened, Miranda easily able to face armies or life and death situations but finding her body being violated more difficult to manage without some degree of nervousness or equivalent to fear. "Next time?" Miranda's voice had some venom but it was more of a nervous question as she thought about what equipped meant, thinking about some of the things she had seen over the years out of curiosity alone, and knowing Jack it would be something meant to dominate and only one thing came to mind. She gulped, looking at Jack with furrowed brow, "Like hell that's going to happen..." Not as much fire but despite everything else she sounded rather serious, not only because she was still having problems being dominated by anyone, much less the younger biotic, but because she was a tad fearful of being fucked by Jack, a finger was enough.

That one finger, it truly was enough to have her squirming, as well as moaning out in absolute pleasure with each slight movement and the sensations it brought with it. So when Jack asked her if she was ready for another she shook her head, "S-Stop it Jack!" She was not going to stop, it was her ass, that was part of the agreement, that she was Jack's, and while she could tell her to stop there was nothing she could do to actually stop her. Miranda cried out as a hand cracked down on her ass, a smack of hand against skin stinging horribly but there was something pleasurable about it. More than that though as Jack basically asked her to beg she found herself conflicted. She had just told her to stop and yet she found herself wanting it, another finger, more pleasure, hell anything to make Jack give her more of what she both desired and pushed away. It was a conflict between who she had always been and the desires nobody had been strong enough to probe previously. It infuriated her and she snarled, refusing to give in that easily, to believe that the dominant in control side of her that had always been on the front was a convenient cover for a submissive self. "How about you go fuck yourself Jack. I may have to be yours but there was nothing in the agreement that stated I had to beg for you to violate me." She just wasn't convincing.
“Not a slut huh? You certainly do moan like one.” Jack smirked, not the least bit rattled by Miranda’s outbursts. She could tell by how incredibly tight the Operative's taboo hole was that she wasn’t a slut at all; but even though it was a misnomer, Jack was loving the reaction that humiliating words got. “You know... if you weren’t being a stubborn bitch, you’d get a better nickname….” The young biotic leaned forward, nipping the swell of Miranda’s rear to give herself something to do as she thought over an appropriate new name for the Cerberus Operative. “Maybe ‘pet’…because you seem to like being taken from behind so much.” Jack taunted after a moment's thought, her lip's brushing over Miranda's sensitive skin as she spoke. Then her mouth suddenly opened wide, teeth clamping down on flesh to gave Miranda’s rear a harsh bite to mark it as hers. She was careful not to break the skin as her teeth sank into Miranda’s perfect ass; Jack only aimed to brand her, not to maim her. When she was confident that Miranda would have the imprint of her teeth on her ass for the next week, Jack let go. Dark eyes traveled over the ring of purple that was now staining Miranda’s ass, an ass that was a mixture of pale porcelain and bright red handprints. Oh yes, Jack -definitely- did own this ass now. Satisfied with her mark, she leaned forward and let her tongue dance lightly over the tiny dents in skin, trying her best to help soothe some of the pain as her finger picked up a slow thrusting pace in and out of Miranda’s tight little hole.

Miranda was being…difficult…to say the least. On the one hand, the Operative’s body was a squirming, dripping wet, begging-to-be-fucked mess. On the other hand, Miranda’s brain wasn’t totally in the role of willing sub, which was kind of a pain in the ass because Jack needed to get Miranda into subspace in order to carry out a good half of the fantasies that she was planning on acting on for the next 24 hours. The Convict was racking her brain, trying to figure out a plan of attack that would drag Miranda a little bit deeper into a submissive mindset. Spanking the stubbornness out of her was always an option…but Jack was fairly certain that Miranda’s high tolerance for pain would eventually tire her out if she had to paddle her for the next half hour. She could always try to lead her on with the carrot, rather than beat her with the stick; but after noticing how well Miranda responded to bites to her neck, pinches to her nipples, and smacks to her bottom…well…maybe the carrot would not be the best way to go.

Perhaps what would help is if Miranda felt a little less like a naked Cerberus Operative and more like a naked powerless slave?

“Stay right there. Eyes forward. I don’t want you to fucking move a fucking centimeter.” Jack growled out the order, gave Miranda's thigh a little warning nip, and then slowly withdrew her finger from the Operative's tight little ass. She immediately missed the warmth and the way that Miranda's ass had trembled around her finger, but knew that it would only take a moment for her to get ready and then she could start fucking Miranda properly again. The soft sounds of rustling filled the quiet space of the combat simulator as Jack hopped up off of her knees and moved towards their pile of discarded clothes. The young biotic was tugging her pants back on, she didn’t fasten them, but she did pull them up to her hips for the sake of making Miranda feel more nude by being the only one of the pair that was completely and utterly exposed. There was the sound of fabric tearing, the soft whispering of leather, and the smell of eezo from biotics before finally Jack was finished and sauntering back towards Miranda. She had cut off one of the sleeves to Miranda’s uniform with her biotics and had retrieved the straps of the ‘top’ that she wore to cover her nipples as props for what she had in mind next.

“Is the thought of being mine so terrible?” Jack asked the question, but wasn’t expecting an answer. She looped the sleeve of Miranda’s uniform around the Operative’s head to cover her eyes as she continued to speak. “I think you lack the imagination to be able to think of what being my pet would entail. Maybe some blindfolding will help let some creativity get into that thick skull of yours.” Jack was being strangely tender…in her own way of course, taking the time to explain to Miranda what she was doing as she tied the makeshift blindfold in place, rather than just doing whatever the fuck she wanted and potentially scaring the crap out of her and causing more resistance. Taking away the Operative’s sight would force her to trust the younger biotic...or she could choose to not trust and be left completely helpless, whatever. Miranda's choices were her own, Jack knew that she could only do so much as a Domme to lead a sub to the conclusions that she wished for them to draw. Jack took hold of Miranda’s wrists next, drawing them behind her back and then latching them together with the leather straps of her outfit. Before she released the Operative’s hands, she checked the circulation in her fingertips, making sure the bindings weren’t too tight. Part of her was tempted to stuff something into the older biotic’s smart mouth to keep her from running it anymore, but Jack decided that the little pot shots that Miranda threw her way were worth it as long as she got to hear those sweet moans unobstructed.

“You may not think that you want it now…but I –know- by the end of today, you’re going to be at least very, very curious about what it would be like to be fucked by me. -Really- fucked, pet, not all this shit that I'm doing with my hands and tongue.” Jack’s voice had taken on a low, seductive purr as her eyes raked up and down Miranda's body. The Operative was exactly how she wanted her: hands behind her back and blindfolded, helpless, truly ready to be used now. Of course the bindings weren’t necessary, Miranda did have her end of the bet to uphold after all, but Jack liked the little bit of dramatic effect…especially when her master plan revolved around submerging Miranda into a fantasy.

“Sex with a woman can be…limiting, sometimes.” Jack murmured as she grasped onto Miranda’s hips and coaxed her to take a little step backwards so that her gorgeous ass was sticking out and her top half was forced to rest heavily upon the wall of the simulator. “I'm limited to my hands and mouth, and we're stuck taking turns. I mean think about it, this whole time, I’ve been giving –you- pleasure and taking very little for myself.” Jack’s hands ran up from Miranda’s hips and to the side swells of her breasts, then back down her sides once more. Over her stomach, up and down her back, even over the swell of her ass, Jack’s hands appeared to be everywhere, covering Miranda with firm strokes. She kept teasing the biotic this way, hands going everywhere –except- between Miranda’s legs, because she wanted the older biotic to realized that with her wrists bound, Jack would be entirely responsible for any pleasure she received.

“But next time…there's not going to be any limits. Next time, I promise to have a toy that you’re going to fucking love as much as I do.” Jack's voice was thick with desire as she thought about her old sensation transmitting strap-on, and using such a toy on Miranda. But for now, she'd have to settle for something a little more improvised. She brought her left hand between them, situating it against her own tattooed mound, the back of her hand was now resting against her sopping wet sex that was in desperate need of attention, but she pushed her own desires aside. There would be plenty of time to get off later. She wasn't sure that she could take constant stimulation for 24 hours, but she was sure as hell going to try. Right now she had to take the time to do this shit right so that later would be better. Jack curled two fingers forward, making them perpendicular body and forming something that would have to suffice as a ‘strap on’ today. The position was a little unnatural and was surely going to make her wrist burn once she got going, but she was confident that a little pain would be worth it if she could give a good fantasy for the submissive part of Miranda's mind to latch onto.

Jack pushed her hips forward, pressing two slender digits forward, forcing them past that agonizingly tight ring of muscle. " are tight..." She groaned softly, the back of her hand pressing against her needy clit as she moved forward, providing just a little bit of much needed stimulation as she drove her fingers deeper into Miranda’s ass. Jack stopped when she was pressed snuggly into Miranda’s backside, fingers knuckle-deep in Miranda's ass, the cloth of her pants and metal of her open zipper digging into the Operative’s hypersensitive, beet red flesh. “I'm going to buy a toy that is so fucking realistic that it'll let me feel how hot and tight you are. And one that'll let me fill this amazing ass of yours with my cum, to properly mark you as mine.”
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