Mass Attraction (Javorcek x ClearSight)


Sep 20, 2013
United States
Life aboard the Normandy was better than most ships, it was a highly advanced models with many amenities that allowed for a comfortable living experience for all those aboard. There was also the funding which gave the crew some of the finer things, and thus for the most part people were happy with their lot aboard the ship in space. However that was not true of some. The high stress lifestyle cause a great deal of tension between many of the crew members and with a mix of aliens and Cerberus operatives, two groups which ordinarily didn't mix, only more stress compiled. Miranda Lawson was one such crew member, someone who found her role quite stressful, though nobody would ever know it by looking at her, Miranda never looking anything more than calm and controlled. In fact Miranda was a control freak and expected everything to go the way she wanted it to, which was generally the right way, at least to most people, and she generally got her way. One reason was her personality, she was highly intelligent, confident, and quite cold in order to maintain the superior image she had worked so damn hard to achieve. So while she found her role aboard the shit high stress she created the same feeling for many of the other people aboard the ship.

One such person, and perhaps the person most disposed to blowing up in the presence of the Operative, was Jack, Jacqueline Nought. She was an individual that was more prone to blow up than anyone else, she hated Miranda, or at least seemed to, and with a decent mix of good reasons and nonsense. Jack by all accounts had a right to hate Cerberus, the organization had turned her from an innocent child into what she was today, Subject Zero, a name nobody dared call her but summed up what had been done to her quite well. Jack had been put through a countless number of unethical tests and trials to turn her into a killing machine, to advance her biotic ability and to twist and tear at every emotional pillar she stood upon. So when she exploded or got upset with Miranda there was little that could be done by anyone on the ship, especially with Miranda sticking to a firm policy that Cerberus was not at fault and that rogue scientists ruined her life, and nobody could really be sure what was true.

Their fights had caused much turmoil on the ship and there wasn't a moment where one of them wasn't ready to go for the other person's throat. Then again they had different approaches, Jack yelling and screaming and Miranda remaining calm even in the midst of their arguments, which only served to further infuriate Jack most of the time. One such example of this was earlier that day, when Jack busted into Miranda's office and demanded more than she had a right to, which by the end had turned in to a biotic standoff where Miranda did what she always did, denied and refused to put fault on Cerberus. In the end it was Shepard who ended it but it was the worst of all the fights between Jack and Miranda and had Miranda frustrated beyond belief.

For Miranda frustration wasn't to be shown in front of others, only in rare moments did she let any real emotion seep through and she had never truly relaxed with another person, ever. Sure there were moments where she would be more genuine than others but nothing else even close to having her guard down. So it wasn't until Jack had been done away with and Shepard left, that she locked her door and went over to collapse in her chair. Her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose and a small growl of frustration escaped her lips. Shepard had scolded her before she had left, given her a little 'Would it be so bad to admit Cerberus fucked up?' before leaving her to her own thoughts. Miranda couldn't rebuke, there was no much to say when she had answers nobody else did, but her loyalties were to Cerberus and Jack was not someone she gave a damn about. Then again the stress wasn't all Jack's fault, Miranda's job brought with it enough stress and responsibility to be manageable by only her alone, Miranda's superior genes and natural abilities making her solely capable of doing so much work for both Shepard and the crew as well as the work she was responsible for on command of The Illusive Man.

Besides Miranda herself caused much of her stress and friction all on her own. She hadn't been with another person since before arriving on the Normandy, she hadn't even pleasured herself since arriving, and while she had grown accustomed to having no special anyone it was a hindrance when combined with all the other stress in her life. That translated into cocky and sarcastic statements, antagonizing of her favorite punching bag Jack, and a general harshness that made her few to no friends aboard the ship. After a few moments Miranda arose from her chair, a huff escaping her lips as she straightened herself out, the short moment of unwinding being coiled back up as she made sure she looked presentable, which was more aptly defined as perfect, and went back towards the door. She still had things to do, she had to go see a few Cerberus crew members for updates and then she had the training Shepard had made mandatory, something she never really enjoyed, especially since she had yet to lose against any of the opponents Shepard had pit her against, in fact nobody had even come close. At least it gave her a chance to stroke her own ego and it would be a distraction from all of the compiled shit she had to deal with. Yes, she just had to finish a few more things and she could go get in some exercise before going back to her room for a bit.

Save your anger for the Collectors.

That sentence had become Jack’s mantra ever since her fight with the Illusive Man’s precious little lap dog. Fucking Miranda Lawson… Just the –thought- of the Operative made Jack clench her fists and tremble in poorly contained rage. All she wanted was an –apology- out of the bitch. Not even an apology really, just an admittance! For someone from Cerberus to accept responsibility, to actually –say- that what had happened to her and all those other kids had been horrifyingly wrong. And what does the Ceberus bitch do? Turn around and tell her ‘it wasn’t really Cerberus.’ Fuck that noise! Cerberus facility, Cerberus uniforms, Cerberus funding to start it up; don’t tell her it wasn’t fucking Cerberus!!

“HRAAAGGGGHHHH!!!” Jack roared as she launched a powerful biotically charged punch into the wall of the bulkhead.

Save your anger for the Collectors.

Shepard’s words helped her calm down…sorta… In reality it just made another sentence bounce around her head: ‘Don’t be late for PT, Jack!’ The Commander’s reminder from earlier this morning redirected her anger towards irritation. Yeah, she was late to everything, so what? Why be in a hurry to go die? Jack sighed, hopping up off her cot, her boots making a soft thud as she hit the grating. She stretched out her thin, wiry frame and took a deep breath. There…she felt a little better. Now maybe she wouldn’t kill anyone on her way down to the Hangar Bay for her scheduled sparring session. Hopefully she wouldn’t run into Miranda. It was so hard to resist punching the Operative in the face whenever she had to lay eyes on that woman’s insufferably cocky smirk.

Gyah…if she had to watch that genetically engineered ass alluringly sway back and forth one more damn time…

This was the problem with the Normandy: it’s like a prison. It’s a small space, crammed with a bunch of bodies belonging to other fucked up people that you don’t want to sleep with because they’re probably crazier than you are. But they’re badasses (and –everyone- wants to fuck the badass, no one wants to sleep with the nice guy), some of them are incredibly attractive (like Ms. Perfect Tits Lawson). So now Jack was caught up in this weird place where she didn’t know if she’d one day want to get Miranda screaming in agony or ecstasy.

As Jack walked through Engineering to get to the elevator, she couldn’t help but think that equating the Normandy to prison was especially true today. The energy in the halls felt different… It was like… right before the inmates start rioting. There’s a sort of strange buzzing of energy in the air but no one is saying anything. Everyone is exchanging sidelong glances, like they –know- something big was about to happen. But…she wasn’t that part of that -everyone, and she wasn’t a part of it…that meant that she was the guard. Ah…fuck… Something was going to happen and she didn’t know what it was. She pushed the button for the Hangar Bay again, cursing the elevator for how slow it moved. When it finally stopped on her floor, she began looking for Shepard. The Commander would know why the crewmembers aboard the ship were giving her funny looks and whispering after she passed them, like something big was about to happen.

Though…she didn’t find Shepard. At least, not before she found the schedule for today’s PT.

“FUCK!” Jack yelped as soon as she got down to the bottom of the page, skipping through all that exercise crap and finding the part that listed their sparring partners. [Jack vs Miranda]. What the fuck is this shit?! She couldn’t stand Miranda. She –hated- Miranda. And now she was going to have to spar with her?! ‘Sparring’ meant she wasn’t allowed to kill or maim! (Rules that were imposed by Shepard that neither her nor Grunt were happy about) How the hell was she supposed to not smear blood all over the walls with Miranda as her opponent?!

“I see you’ve figured out who your partner for the day is.” Shepard smiled, appearing out of nowhere behind a very frustrated looking Jack.

“This is bullshit.” Jack growled, rounding on the Commander. Shepard didn’t even bat an eye as Jack huffed and puffed in her fury. Kasumi, Tali, Garrus, even Shepard herself (as annoying as she was) didn’t incur Jack’s anger the way Miranda did.

“No, it’s not. You both have faced everyone else, it’s time to spar against each other. –And-, you both are strong biotics.” As Jack opened her mouth to protest, Shepard cut in again. “-AND- you need to learn control. You’re an amazing biotic Jack, there’s no doubt in my mind about that. You fight with your instincts and have raw power. But Miranda has tempered that power, she’s technically refined, her moves are precise, perfectly executed… you could really learn something from her. So yes, she is your sparring partner today. And no, this is not open for negotiation.” Shepard finished, her voice firm. Sometimes, she felt like she was talking to a teenager…though she supposed, between Jack’s lack of childhood and all the time the young convict had spent frozen in cryo, she pretty much was.

Jack growled as she glared at Shepard. Part of her wanted to keep arguing, but she could sense that she wasn’t going to get anywhere. So in an attempt to save face, she turned around and stormed off towards the make-shift sparring ring so that she could wait for her opponent. Well…at least that bitch won’t be able to brag about being undefeated anymore.
People tended not to stare at Miranda, she could see glances and some perverted looks but nobody ever made it obvious, which was simply because of who she was. Yet as she finished her rounds and headed towards the training area people did stare, they looked as if they knew something she didn't. For a moment she considered getting to the bottom of it but as much power as she had on the Normandy there was Shepard above her and Shepard had made it clear she wasn't to be late to the training, and had made it extra clear for this specific day. So Miranda held her curiosity and ignored the onlookers, going about her business and then heading to where they trained. Honestly Miranda enjoyed the training, she didn't always enjoy having to give up her time on those days where she didn't have any to spare but the exercise was welcomed and there was nothing quite like winning in combat that felt so freeing, at least not something that was readily available to Miranda, not on the Normandy. As nice as it was there were drawbacks to being cooped up on the ship and one of those was lack of diversity and real privacy, which just never changed besides the rare shore leave, though one was not too far away.

For the time the sparring was going to be her little release, and a much needed one after her day. Ever since Jack came to pitch a fit she had been in a slight mood, not that it was easy to tell but she was irritated. So she needed to relax, and fighting would do that, even if it wasn't Miranda's first choice, even if it was a bit barbaric. She would just have to make due, humor Shepard and make the best of it. Yet nothing was ever so easy and as she arrived at the board she simply sighed, that arrogant look of hers not faltering even as she found herself upset. Why did it have to be Jack? The one woman who would only increase her stress and frustration. Then again as she stood there she began to think, sure it was training but that just meant she could smack the woman around a bit and relieve some stress that way. Yes that would work nicely and she instantly perked up, though only internally, externally she was as calm and collected as always.

She then walked over to Shepard, now understanding why so many eyes were on her as she made her way through the ship, and looked at the woman, giving her a 'really?' look to which Shepard only smirked. Then she looked over to Jack and gave an arrogant little smirk of her own. "Well at least you showed up on time, I'd hate to miss the chance just because you didn't make it in time." Miranda obviously believed she had it in the bag, and like usual people would be watching their sparring match when it was time, to which Miranda had it in mind that she would be humiliating Jack. Then she shrugged as if she didn't give a damn and looked to Shepard, who just kind of shrugged as well and walked to where she usually stood, calling everyone over to get started on the beginning exercise. Really there wasn't much before the sparring, the fights were the big draw in for the PT and Miranda was of the same mindset, she didn't give a damn about anything else, she could stretch and train in her room and in her mind she was the strongest one in the room, except for Shepard of course, at least as far as straight combat went.

So when Jack went storming off towards the sparring ring she just smirked and looked to Shepard who sighed and nodded, it seemed they would be fighting first, which probably meant she could get back to her room earlier once she won, because why would anyone go through the bullshit after fighting? Miranda was definitely gorgeous, as she walked to the arena she had that confident sway that attracted the eyes to the body that was as perfect as everything else about her, that plump ass on her incredible hips, a toned but unmistakably feminine figure, amazing breasts, and a breathtaking face. Everything about Miranda was impeccable, from her hair to her toes and everything in between. Paired with her fighting abilities and intelligence she really was impressive and a good deal of people wanted her, in fact a majority of people. So nearly everyone was watching her, even before the fight started, watching her hips sway as she made her way over to the make-shift ring and stepped inside, going to her corner and stretching her limbs a bit.

After a moment she looked up, eyes confidently staring at Miranda and taking a few steps forward from the corner. She said nothing however, just gave the look that made it clear who she thought would win, and waited for Shepard to announce the fight. And that she did, she waited and soon enough Shepard was giving a little introduction, to add to the fun, their impressive stats, their specialties. Miranda prepared herself, focusing on Jack, eyes peering up and down the woman's impressive body and knowing it wouldn't be easy, though she was confident she had the win in the bag. And then it happened, Shepard called for the start of the match, it was on and Miranda chuckled, inciting Jack to bring it on, knowing she would be coming and not about to try and be the first to make an aggressive move against someone like Jack, though that wasn't necessarily the right choice, and Miranda didn't really think about how the skills between them would be a tad different without guns, the non-lethal nature not lending to firearms, which were one of Miranda's strongest points. All she had were her biotics and close quarters combat skill, it would be enough, she was sure, but she was quite ready for whatever came, watching Jack closely, knowing what kind of woman she was, and honestly ready to continue what they had started, ease some of her frustration.
Jack had zero interest in doing any physical training today, she just wanted to spar now that she knew that she'd be up against Miranda. Besides, Shepard knew that she trained on her own all the time anyways; it wasn't like it would be a punishment if she got assigned some extra exercise to complete later. After all, she liked constructive uses for her time, she could only stare at her ceiling for so long before she got bored. Jack didn't have any responsibilities on this ship, not unless the Commander took her out on a mission; and so a lot of her time was spent exercising in her small 'quarters' or here in the Hangar Bay. But she wasn't just a work-out meathead like Jacob that did 500 sit-ups a day and polished guns. She was a little more complex than that... Jack actually liked to -read- when she wasn't training or contemplating her escape from this ship. And she had researched Alliance biotic training techniques, as well as asari ones (which were boring and seemed to just rely on a lot of meditation). She had a good grasp of all the technical shit even if she didn't practice it herself. So if Miranda thought that she was going to win this just because she 'knew what she was doing', she had another thing coming.

Keep smiling bitch, we’ll see who’s grinning like an idiot when I bust up that pretty little face of yours. Jack’s lips curled into a maniacal grin as she envisioned Miranda with a fat lip and a black eye. The younger biotic was so wrapped up in her fantasy of beating the Operative into a bloody pulp that she was barely paying attention to Shepard as the Commander ran through their stats and specialties. Neither of them had been defeated, except by Shepard herself; and even then, those had been –very- close matches. But this fight was different, this wasn’t just a normal little training exercise for bragging rights. Jack was going to be fighting with –everything- she had because she wanted to knock Miranda down a couple of pegs and show her what humility and embarrassment felt like. Because the Operative was just –so- smug and cocky that Jack couldn’t help but hate her for being so unappreciative for all the things she had in the privileged life she had led. Thankless little bitch…

“Don’t worry Cheerleader, I promise not to make too much of a mess as I take your ‘Undefeated’ title away.” Jack smirked as her eyes traveled over her opponent’s body in an attempt to size her up. Miranda probably had a good 20lbs on her, just in ass and tits alone. But they were about the same height, which would mean they’d have about the same reach if it came to exchanging punches. Jack would be stupid to not acknowledge that her nemesis probably had some muscle lurking around; despite the genetically engineered good lucks, Miranda had been engineered to kick some ass.

But what Jack lacked for in breeding, she made up for in conditioning.

At first glance, the Convict looked like a major threat, if only because she had a shaved head and tattoos covering every available piece of skin that she had. But look at Jack a little longer and one might notice that she was –thin-; half starved from her stint in cryostasis, and still looking like nothing but skin and bones months afterwards. You could clearly see her ribs if she breathed in too deeply. There was barely enough fat on her for her body to give her proper breasts. So yeah, it sucked when she got hit; if for no other reason than she lacked cushioning to help dull blows.

But Jack –thrived- on pain. She had been conditioned to enjoy the soreness that came from a good fight, to feel high when she was the one dealing out blows. The smell of blood and sweat made her entire body tingle with warmth and anticipation, knowing that a killing blow was near… Unfortunately with Miranda, Jack have to stop right before the killing part; which was almost painful for her to deal with. It was like…having –really- amazing sex after a long dry spell but not getting an orgasm out of the deal. Her high from fighting would inevitably come crashing down, leaving her angry, horny, and incredibly dangerous later today.

But…that was only if she won…

Her fists hummed and crackled with blue biotic energy and the young biotic could already feel the need to fight gnawing at the base of her skull. Jack needed to burn off her pent up, primal energy somehow, and soon, before she became reckless during the fight. So she began to launch Shockwaves at Miranda, one after another, lighting up the entire floor of the ring with biotic impulses that traveled along the floor, making the reinforced grating tremble with energy as they sped towards the Operative. Jack’s movements were automatic, natural, instinctual. And it just felt…-fantastic-. Every time she used her powers, her body would start to feel warm, tingly. And so she inched closer, relentlessly firing off Shockwaves towards Miranda in an attempt to keep her on her toes. Jack desperately wanted to get closer so that blows could be exchanged. Hand to hand combat always gave her such a greater high than killing with her biotics or her shotgun.
Jack was just a hothead and as she stood there with that look on her face that conveyed her intentions Miranda just smirked. She was so easy to read, such a predictable person in some ways even if her actions were at times unpredictable, and while a lot of people found her intimidating that was not a problem Miranda was plagued with. In fact Miranda found her unstable and childish as opposed to intimidating, almost seeing her like a child which was one of the reasons she acted the way she did towards Jack. Then again the girl was young and from her life she wasn't as mature as she could have been under other circumstances. Regardless of that knowledge Miranda constantly pissed her off and pushed her sensitive buttons, played at Jack's emotional instability for whatever reason. Truly she had never thought about it, her and Jack simply didn't get along, perhaps it was Cerberus being such a tension point or just their personalities conflicting but there was constant sparks between the two just ready to blow into something like what had happened earlier in the day, which had honestly taken longer to happen than Miranda would have guessed seeing as they were both locked on a ship with each other.

However there was much to see even if Miranda didn't find her intimidating, Miranda's eyes wandering up and down Jack's body. She was definitely young, and there was a definite feminine figure to Jack even if she seemed to be doing every possible thing she could to cover it up. Miranda's eyes quirked up as she took in the tattoos and baggy clothing, both were uniquely Jack's and eye catching in an odd way, though more than anything else her incredibly skinny frame was highly noticeable. She seemed to have no fat on her, a decent deal of muscle and the possibility of curves but nothing as her bones poked through her skin. It was unhealthy really and the thoughts of her being a kid popped into Miranda's head again, if she wasn't she would be responsible she would eat and take care of herself. Regardless it all just made her look into Jack's eyes and gave her a little 'pfft' dismissively pushing away the little taunt Jack had sent her way as if it was an impossibility.

One of Miranda's many jobs on the ship was to know even detail about the crew, from the chef to Shepard and everyone in between. That included Jack and while she was impressive in her own way Miranda wasn't worried, Miranda was confident she would defeat the women. Hell Jack's strengths were far outweighed by her weaknesses. Sure she was perhaps the most spectacular aggressive biotic Miranda had ever met, her destructive potential was incredible, not that Miranda would ever fucking admit it, but she lacked refinement or precision. She was weak defensively, her ability with weapons was limited to a shotgun and close quarters combat, and while her hand to hand was well above average it didn't make up for some of what she was lacking. Then again she hadn't seen Jack go hand to hand too often, only against Shepard but from how well she kept up she had a feeling Jack was easily one of the strongest hand to hand fighter on the ship. That meant she recognized Jack's talents but she didn't fear them, especially when she was well aware of her own talents as well.

Miranda had been genetically modified to be perfect, from looks to intelligence and strength. She was meant to excel at absolutely everything and she had confidence she could outwit and outfight Jack, even if she had an instinctual almost animal like strength to her fighting style. So when Jack's fists began to hum and crackle with biotic energy Miranda smirked and bent her joints, just enough to be ready to move out of the way of whatever came first, because she was sure it would be some destructive biotic attack, of that there was no doubt. Shepard and all of the onlookers were just as interested in the first blow, everyone watching Jack as she stood there, wondering how she was going to go about fighting Miranda, who everyone knew was a talented combatant, most people simply expecting the same aggressive all out attack that she was so accustomed to. A brute approach to Miranda's elegant approach to combat.

When the first shockwave came Miranda nodded, she had expected it enough to agilely moving a perfect step to the side to avoid it, a perfect movement with no waste or extra energy. It was just like Miranda to dodge it perfectly. For a few more she did the same but she had noticed Miranda moving slowly closer and she was rather interested if Jack had an actual plan, if he string of shockwaves were to allow her to get in close where she no doubt believed Miranda would be useless. Unfortunately she was wrong, and Miranda's pride got in the way of her even considering she would have a tough time in close quarters. So she smirked again as her own hands began to glow blue, though her energy seemed so much more controlled, a compact strength that had an intimidating feel to it, especially as she stepped to the side of yet another shockwave and countered with a throw of her own, attempting to send Jack flying and at the same time moving quickly towards the woman, an idea of slamming her against the edge of the ring or to the ground and coming down with a biotic smash coming to mind.

Miranda wanted to humiliate Jack, to show her who was really superior among them, a fact Jack didn't seem to understand yet was that she wasn't as tough as she believed, at least that was what Miranda had deluded herself into thinking. She didn't think Jack would be able to do much against her when it came down to it and as her hand shimmered with blue, in preparation for another attack as she closed the gap or simply as a strengthener for a punch. Those watching, especially Shepard, seemed surprised that Miranda would be moving in, it wasn't exactly her style but when she had no weapon and no overwhelming biotic advantage, Jack's raw biotic power having enough power to have her believe trading biotic blows to be a waste of time, especially when she wanted to get the training over with and put Jack on her ass, perhaps Jack being one of those rare people who could get Miranda to indulge in emotional responses even if they were more subtle. "I'll show you why I'm respected and you're just considered an annoying kid." She mumbled, she was going right at Jack, her blow targeted at Jack's stomach, she was going to knock the wind out of her and end it.
Jack knew that Miranda was excellent when it came to evasive maneuvers, so she didn’t entirely expect any of her Shockwaves to hit her (maybe clip her, if Jack was lucky). But it was making the other biotic dance around enough so that Jack could slowly make her way closer and closer. The Convict was positive that she could beat Miranda if she could just get her hands on her. Because let’s face it: the older woman was a goddamn pussy. In firefights she’d always be in the back, safely shooting her shitty little pistol from cover or throwing nauseatingly precise warps at enemies. The fact that the Operative knew how to do biotic slams had surprised the hell out of Jack…but the younger woman wasn’t particularly worried about that. Miranda was still a pussy that probably couldn’t take a hit. Hell she probably hadn’t ever been smacked around, period. So if Miranda was a smart pussy, she’d stay the hell away from Jack’s fists.

But apparently…judging by how Miranda dared to move forward and close the distance between them, she was a fucking cocky idiot. Jack had spent over half of her young life fighting in a pit that was even smaller than the ring they were in now. And that brawler-style of fighting had followed her everywhere she went; through her late teenage years as she committed growingly more violent crimes, all the way to her early 20s spent in prison. She –knew- that she could beat Miranda this way, and now she was –positive- that she could do so, because Miranda didn’t even seem to entertain the idea that –maybe- she could lose.

Big mistake

If there was one thing that Jack knew how to do, it was how to take a hit. She saw Miranda wind up with a blow aimed for her stomach and instead of dodging it, she stiffened her abdominals, tightening her muscles so that they absorbed the brunt the blow. Fuck that’s going to leave a mark later…

“Nnngrf.” Jack grunted, faltering for a moment but quickly regaining herself. As much as it hurt to get socked so hard in the gut, all Jack cared about was the fact that Miranda hadn’t been able to crush her diaphram and knock the wind out of her. And now, most importantly, Miranda’s entire body was right infront of her, less than a foot away. She quickly grasped the Operative’s wrist in an iron-tight grip, yanking her closer so that they were chest to chest.

All fights eventually end up on the ground. It’s just a fact. Someone gets knocked out and lays there unconscious, one person gets thrown and has to fight from the floor, or both fighters end up struggling and rolling around all over the place. If Jack could control how they went to the ground, she knew that she could get Miranda. So she hooked her one leg around Miranda’s and then abruptly let her own body go limp, forcing an off-balance Miranda to bare Jack’s weight and put them both on the ground.

“No one…respects you.” Jack grunted as they struggled around on the floor. “They fear you, barely. They fear Ceberus more.” The younger biotic growled as she struggled to try to flip Miranda onto her stomach so that she could climb onto her back and have the upper hand. Jack was very spry and scrappy, and she was very well acquainted with her own body’s limits. For example: she wasn’t particularly strong, not as strong as a man anyways, but she knew how to move so that she wasn’t using her muscles but was instead using her entire body’s weight.

“You are nothing…without your stupid fuh-fucking Cerberus to hide behind.” Jack was panting now, her body covered in a thin sheen of sweat as she finally managed to get Miranda facedown onto the floor and quickly scrambled to lay down ontop of her and force her to bare her weight. The entire time they had been struggling, Jack had refused to let go of the delicate wrist that had belonged to the hand that punched her before. Now she yanked that wrist up, forcing Miranda’s arm behind her back and pulling it upwards so that it strained against her shoulder from the unnatural angle.

“Cry ‘mercy’.” Jack snarled into her ear. “Say it or I’ll break it, Princess.” To emphasize her point, she applied a touch more pressure to Miranda’s arm, enough to make the ligaments and tendons in her shoulder scream in protest.
Arrogance had always been a problem for Miranda but truth be told it had never hindered her. Throughout her life Miranda had always been better than other people, she was superior to all her peers when she was younger and as she grew up it never changed. Even at Cerberus, a place where only selected people were brought in she found herself a grain above the rest. It was simply who she was, she had no reason to think anyone could surpass her in any aspect, and the only person who she had come to terms with having that ability was Shepard. Sure Miranda still had some things over Shepard but as a whole Shepard was the more superior combatant and leader, the type of person Miranda was coming to respect, which was rare for her. Yet nobody else had Miranda convinced they could surpass her, even with the fact that Shepard had recruited these people for being above other people in their areas, similarly to Miranda. In fact Miranda hadn't even been selected like a good deal of the others, she had been sent to watch over everyone. Now that arrogance was going to trip her up, Miranda was about to learn there was a reason Jack had been chosen to be alongside her as one of the Normandy's crew.

It was odd really, Miranda knew Jack's skills, she had the files and data, she was there for a reason, and yet Miranda continued to think she was superior, and even that she was predictable. Then Jack changed all of that and she did so very quickly, she did something Miranda didn't understand, didn't even really agree with, but found herself impressed. Instead of dodging or countering the attack she took it directly and Miranda felt the strength of the muscle stopping the full effect of her attack. She swallowed hard as she knew what was about to happen as Jack looked relatively fine after the blow. It was one of those situations that having a plan didn't mean a whole hell of a lot because she had left herself a bit open by going on and thinking that landing the blow would end the fight, it had not. Instead her arrogance had led her into a situation she may not be able to come out on top of, a notion reinforced as her hand was grabbed by Jack's iron grip.

Miranda snarled as her hand went to the one hold her own to attempt to rip it off but before she could complete any real escape motion, Miranda relying on technique in close quarters combat over instinct or power, she was yanked closer and chest to chest with Jack, her breasts pressed against her opponents. Before she could do anything, or even growl in frustration she found herself knocked off-balance and taken to the ground by the young woman. "Fuck..." She muttered, unable to regain balance and stop herself from falling, Jack getting just what she had wanted. Then, to make it worse, Jack decided to rub salt in the wounds she was causing with each successful move she hit Miranda with. Respect was important to Miranda and while people did fear her she knew respect was there as well, especially with many people such as Shepard and many of the crew. However it pissed her off to be told nobody respected her, that it was all fear, all fear of Cerberus, especially when it was true at times. So she growled, sending an elbow into Jack's side as hard as she could, a greater strength than one would expect her to have, and spoke in a voice on Jack would hear. "You seem to be mistaken, people do have respect for me, it's you that they fear, you and your psychotic bullshit."

Miranda's bark was followed by another swift bite as she punished Jack as she attempted to get an upper hand, growling as Jack once again attacked her for being nothing without Cerberus, a statement that was a joke if someone thought about how talented she really was. However Miranda had been helped tremendously by The Illusive Man and Cerberus and it was a big part of her identity which allowed even something so ridiculous to piss her off. "Mercy? And why the fuck would I go and do that?" By that point Jack had Miranda in a position she wouldn't be getting out of but Miranda refused to give up, even as her arm was screaming out in pain for her to give up, even if she had to grit her teeth to stifle a cry of pain which would have still been audible to Jack as a muffled groan. She was still struggling as much as she could against the situation, Miranda was attempting to hit the younger woman, to buck her off, and to free her arm but it was only serving to further hurt her and Jack wasn't going to go down quick enough for it to end on good terms for Miranda.

Seeing this Shepard walked over, "It's over Jack, get off of Miranda." Her voice was calm but loud enough and she soon stepped into the ring and reached over, grabbing Jack and helping her to get off of Miranda, knowing that sometimes Jack's battle vision had her ignore everything else. Of the two combatants Jack was not only more skilled but she had a desire to hurt and win that was beyond Miranda's, she had an ability to take every fight seriously and have a ruthless mindset, and as much as Miranda could concentrate she saw training as training and not as severe, even if her pride demanded she win. Even when Jack was dragged off of her Miranda just laid there for a moment, she was humiliated, in pain, and completely destroyed by the loss, especially with Shepard making her surrender, basically saying she had completely lost. Yet laying on the floor didn't lessen her humiliation and soon he stood up and straightened herself out, looking over to Shepard and giving a small nod before leaving the room, having to do her best not to storm out looking obviously distraught.

She managed to make it out though, leave the room and all the amazed eyes at the sight of the proud, 'perfect' Miranda Lawson knocked on her ass by Jack. A few people were even laughing and muttering, saying how Miranda wasn't as great as she thought she was, and others were just amazed that Miranda had lost at all. Miranda herself was as close as she came to wanting to throw a fit, to break something or hurt someone to reclaim that power she had just been stripped of in front of the whole crew. So she went back up to her floor and made her way to her room, going inside and closing the door before letting out a very frustrated growl. She had just lost to Jack, of all people it had been the rash and reckless Jack, the young woman who she had always made sure to keep in her place had just reversed the roles. There wasn't much that could calm her down but the last thing Miranda was going to do was remain covered in sweat, she still had control over that and after releasing some of her frustration she grabbed a spare uniform and stormed off towards the shower, not able to look anyone in the eye so soon after her uncharacteristic failure.
She had to give it to Miranda: she was definitely stubborn as hell. A normal person would have probably thrown in the towel by now, but the older biotic was willing to put up a fight until the end. Jack could definitely respect that. That sort of perseverance…whether it was spurred on by pride or an urge to be the best was actually kind of sexy… Fuck, stop squirming! GYAAAHHHH stupid fucking Cerberus Pavlovian experimentation bullshit!!!! Jack was screaming inside of her own skull, becoming infuriated by how her body was betraying her as she tried to soak in this moment of victory. As Miranda wriggled and bucked underneath her, trying her best to throw Jack’s wiry form off of her, the Convict could feel her bloodlust turning into sexual lust.

Don’t moan. Don’t moan. Don’t motherfucking moan!

Miranda’s ass felt absolutely -incredible- as it rocked back into her pelvis, giving just the right amount of friction so that the tingling she felt all over her skin suddenly concentrated itself right between her legs. It was everything Jack could do to control herself; to bite back moans that threatened to come out unbidden, and to keep her body from bucking forward in an attempt to seek more of the delicious little bit of pleasure she was receiving. Her only saving grace was that Miranda kept throwing elbows which caused Jack to grunt and groan in pain as she struggled with the Cerberus operative, trying to get her to submit. Heh, this bitch is really so stubborn she’s going to make me break her arm.

Jack had an image to maintain. She couldn’t just –not- break Miranda’s arm, then she’d look like a softie. But all the confusing signals running though her mind and body were making her hesitate. She wanted to break her arm, she –needed- to break it, needed to hear the sound of ligaments tearing, of bones crunching…it would keep her high going. But now her damn vagina was distracting her; her entire lower half seemed to wish that things were different, that Jack was hooked up to a sensation-transmitting strap-on and fucking Miranda so roughly that the Operative would scream in pleasure rather than pain.

It was maddening to be caught somewhere between high and horny.

Thankfully Shepard broke up the fight before Jack did something stupid like try to get Miranda out of that damn catsuit so she could start marking that porcelain flesh with rough bites. GAAAHHHH!!!! The young biotic was running on instinct. Her pupils were dilated, all her senses were heightened, and all she wanted was to be ontop of Miranda again, though the part of her conscious mind that was still running knew that was a very, -very- bad idea.

Shepard held onto her as she struggled for a moment, needing to be restrained from pursuing anymore fighting, the sweetest drug that Jack could possibly get outside of some crazy alien shit that’ll blow your mind on Omega. Even as she came down from her high, her head was buzzing with that damn warm, tingly sensation. She tried to stay for more of PT even after Miranda left. But whoever said that exercise relieved sexual tension was a goddamn liar, because the more she worked out, the more wound up she got.

“I need to go....” Jack muttered to Shepard after the ache between her legs had grown so bad it had almost become painful. She needed to go take care of herself before she pounced ontop of someone. Probably Shepard, because everyone else she couldn’t fucking stand. Jack wasn’t into aliens, yeah she’d tried it, but she hadn’t liked it. And sleeping with a Cerberus drone? Forget about it. Even she wasn’t that desperate.

“Alright, go see Chakwas. That elbow to the ribs looked like it really hurt. Dismissed.” Even before Shepard had finished properly dismissing her, Jack was mobile. She was heading out of the Hangar Bay and towards the elevator so that she could stop by her floor to get a change of clothes and then hit the showers. You know the best part about being a tattooed ex-Convict? No one wants to share the communal showers with you eveerrrr. It was like the women aboard the Normandy just –knew- when Jack was in the shower and avoided the bathroom at all costs, as though they were afraid that some sort of crazy lesbian jail scene was going to happen. Pffft…stupid bitches. Yeah, she treated sex casually, but she wasn’t about to sleep with one of these Cerberus lap dogs. Even deranged psychopaths have standards.

Jack hurriedly grabbed a fresh change of clothes and then headed up one level so that she could get into the showers for a little ‘private time’. She groaned softly as she heard the sound of running water. Well…whatever…whoever it was would probably just split as soon as they saw Jack’s tattooed form in their peripheral vision. She wasn’t shy about her body, not one bit. So after setting her spare clothes off to the side, she quickly stripped down to nothing and tossed her old clothes down the hamper chute. And then she rounded the corner, only to be treated to the sight of Miranda Lawson’s perfect rear and slick body covered in water.

Son of a bitch… All she wanted, was a little alone time to deal with her needs, and now Miranda was here, ruining yet another thing that Jack wanted. Masturbating infront of someone else was a little crude, even for Jack. So she needed someway to get Miranda out of here… Shit… She knew that the Operative would be stubborn and stick around to show that she wasn’t afraid of Jack in the showers. She wouldn’t turn tail and run like all the other woman aboard the Normandy did. So maybe…maybe she could do something to make her uncomfortable and retreat to her office so that Jack could have the showers to herself?

The gears started to turn and the best plan Jack could come up with on such short notice was to infringe upon the Ice Queen’s personal space. As far as Jack knew through the grapevine, Miranda didn’t keep any lovers. So she was probably uptight, frigid, and would probably swallow her pride and retreat if Jack made a pass at her. And if Miranda freaked out and tattled to Shepard about it, then Jack would just get another scolding that included ‘this is a military vessel, not a prison playground’ yadda yadda yadda.

Feeling as though she had nothing to lose and everything to gain, Jack silently snuck up behind the Cerberus Operative. She grasped Miranda tightly by the hips and pressed forwards, fitting the front of her wiry body as snuggly against Miranda’s more curvy one as she could.

“Feel like going for round 2, Cheerleader?”
Miranda was absolutely furious and even as the hot water washed over her she was completely lost in her head. She had always had a complex, as much as she would never admit it she had a need for control due to how little she had in her life previously. The need to control everything led her to need to be the best, so that no matter the situation, no matter how hopeless or difficult a situation could get that she could overcome and keep it all under her realm of control. Every aspect of her life had that aspect to it, she took care of so many things simply because she couldn't stand to let others do it, unable to trust them completely. With Shepard it was a bit different, Shepard was skilled enough to trust, but even then she had a tendency to check over everything, to make sure it was all being handled well enough. This led Miranda to train harder than almost anyone else despite being so naturally gifted, she trained and studied, worked and did everything in her power to keep it all together. And yet it wasn't enough, it was never enough and on days where she was reminded of that fact she felt it pretty hard, those emotions she kept so bundled up seeped through and she found herself unable to control herself completely.

That was how it felt to be defeated by Jack, a person who by all means didn't really try. Perhaps it was the difference where, however twisted it was, Jack had a passion for combat, for fighting and beating others in combat, for killing. Whatever it was it had led to Miranda feeling that helpless feeling, being trapped beneath the young woman, humiliated in front of the entire crew, her reputation being smacked around and there was nothing she could do about it, she had been utterly crushed. An uncharacteristic rash decision had led to her losing, undefeated going out the window, Jack defeating her, Miranda had been writhing on the floor beneath her like a bug trapped in a glass. Just thinking about it had her gritting her teeth and she wanted nothing more than to find a way to put Jack back in her place, regain that control that had been ripped away from her, and not allow her arrogance to lead to something so ridiculous as moving in close when she knew her real strength was tactical and range, not brawling with someone who enjoyed the thrill of hand to hand combat like Jack.

She growled to herself in the shower, washing her hair with her usual delectable smelling shampoo, sweet but subtle enough to fit her character. She was about to wash the rest of herself when she heard footsteps behind her, another person coming to shower. Miranda was not shy around other people, she was elegant and refined but that didn't mean she was ashamed to allow others to see her body, she had no reason to be. So she ignored it, continuing on her own business, not giving a damn who else was in there, though she was slightly upset about losing the private time she had so desperately needed after the humiliation. She simply hoped they didn't strike up a conversation, Miranda wasn't really up to talk to anyone, more so than usual. Then again nobody ever really talked to her, Miranda was the Ice Queen and people had learned they wouldn't get much from her with casual conversation and were generally intimidated enough not to bother, though now after her defeat that could have changed.

What she hadn't been expected was Jack however, one of the few people aboard the ship who had no fucking problem speaking to her or getting close to her. Jack was the last person Miranda wanted to see, she didn't want to talk to the woman who had just made her look like a weak fool in front of the entire ship and she snarled, especially when Jack grasped her tightly by the hips and invaded her personal space. "Round two? Are you fucking joking?" Her voice was cold, angry, more emotional than Miranda ever got in front of another person, or at least it had been some time since she had sounded like that. She snarled again, reaching down and grabbing Jack's hand to remove it but not being able to be so civil, instead she gripped it tight and flung it off, doing the same to the other before turning around slowly and glaring at Jack, anger swelling up inside her.

"You probably feel so proud of yourself after winning but guess what, you shouldn't be. If we were using weapons, in an open space, with any form of strategy other than who has the manlier body you would have lost. I mean you have the tactical sense of a child and the marksmanship skills of an infant..." She looked Jack up and down and gave a small smirk but said nothing. In truth she actually found Jack quite attractive. On the rare day where she was in a good mood and not entirely stressed or immediately taunted by Jack she had found herself staring. Hell Miranda was pretty damn sexually frustrated though. Something about Jack was strangely sexy though, her small breasts were cute, hot, the tattoos gave her a bit of a dangerous feel and fit her quite nicely, the shaved head worked oddly enough, but really it was her natural beauty and youth that allowed it to all pull together in a feminine way despite her many efforts to make it appear otherwise. She was in no mood to flatter Jack, not that she ever would aloud but her mind quickly pushed it away as well, her hands going up and pushing Jack away from her.

"Now how about you show some common decency and not feel up another woman in the shower. Think you can accomplish that or is it beyond your abilities?" She didn't wait for an answer and instead just snarled and turned back to the water and walked beneath it, her body still needing to be cleaned. Miranda's pride and anger had her dismiss Jack when she should have been paying far more attention. Jack was not the type of person to simply give up, Miranda knew that and yet in her angered state, where she needed as much control as she could get, she found herself figuring her little display would whip Jack in shape. Then again she wasn't completely done, she did have one more thing to say, even if it was a dumb thing to do, she just couldn't help herself at the moment, Jack brought out the worst in her, and by that it was the side of her with less control, that let her emotions slip, Jack just had that effect on her, to piss her off. "Then again I guess you were never taught manners... Perhaps then you would have turned out better." Miranda didn't even really mean it, in fact she regretted saying it the moment she had, even for her it was horrible, but she didn't apologize or show remorse, she simply went about her business and continued on so she could get away from Jack as soon as possible, still irked about the loss.
Jack didn’t seem too distraught by Miranda roughly plucking her calloused hands off those curvy hips and flinging them away. The young biotic knew that she was sort of an ‘acquired taste’. Plus she’d never expect a girl like Miranda to actually go for her, never in a million years. But she –had- expected that the older biotic would turn tail and run once her personal space had been invaded. Leave it to Miranda to fuck up all of Jack’s plants for some quiet, much needed masturbatory time in the showers.

“Yeah, well, we –weren’t- using weapons and it –wasn’t- an open field with tons of cover for you to hide behind so that you don’t have to break a nail.” Jack smirked, trying her best to look confident, even though the way Miranda was running those cold blue eyes over her tattooed body was making her uncomfortable. That look she was getting from he older biotic was making her skin crawl…and she wasn’t exactly sure why. Maybe it was because Jack was totally naked and now every flaw of her body felt even more pronounced now that she was in the same space of someone that was the pinnacle of feminine perfection.

Maybe that was why she was always trying to hide her own femininity; she just couldn’t pull off that like Miranda could. Nah…

Jack aware that she was a female…but the whole female image just didn’t work with the one that she was trying to build for herself. She wanted to seem tough, rugged, and emotionally distant, the same way that men did. But without her baggy pants, it was impossible to hide the feminine flare of her hips and cute, toned bottom. And when she was this close to another person, she was aware that her doe-eyes made her look innocent and younger. Fuck…she hated her eyes and how weak and innocent they made her appear….that was why she always wore so much mascara to give them more of a smoky, sexy look. Or wore a scowl on her face so that she looked like a mean bastard, just like Zaeed.

Jack visibly stiffened at Miranda’s final comment. The Operative was right, she had never been taught manners. You know why? Because she had been kidnapped by Cerberus doctors at the age of 4! Jack growled, a deep, animalistic sound that made her chest rumble with the same fury that was causing her fists to shake.

Attacking an opponent from behind was beneath her. And so she roughly grabbed Miranda by the arm, forcing the Operative to turn around and face her.

“You are a real fucking piece of work Cheerleader.” The younger biotic hissed. If Miranda thought that she had seen Jack angry before, it was nothing compared to how he appeared now. “Even if the experiments on Pragia were really ‘a rogue group’, the fact is, you still fucking separated me from my family and kidnapped me when the program was just starting, when it was still Cerberus.” Jack seemed to flinch slightly at the word ‘family’, as though saying it had left a terrible acrid taste in her mouth. “So don’t you –dare- complain about how I’ve turned out when this is your precious Cerberus’ fault. Because I can show you how much worse I can be.”

Jack had danced along the line of humanity and monstrosity for most of her young life. But the thing that had always separated her mind from that of a serial killer’s was the fact that she had never killed for sport; there was a conscience in there, somewhere. Yeah, innocents had gotten caught in the crossfire and had perished sometimes…but each and every person that had died by her hand had been marked with a tattoo somewhere on her body. Every kill was there; she was a walking memorial wall.

Though…right now…she wouldn’t mind killing Miranda just for the hell of it; the Operative wouldn’t even warrant a tattoo on Jack’s body, she’d just be a forgotten memory. So what if Shepard spaced her…it would be worth it.

“You want to know why I’m stronger than you? Because I have been kicked down to the absolute bottom and have survived.” Jack growled as she pushed Miranda backwards, hard enough to knock her into the cold tiling of the shower wall. “But you’re weak because everything is handed to you because daddy gave you the best genes. I’ve actually –earned- my place here, on my own.”
There was a hint that Jack had expected a different reaction from Miranda after her little come on, perhaps having foretold Miranda scurrying off like any other person aboard the ship would have. Unfortunately for her Miranda was neither in the mood to play along nor gave enough thought to Jack to go running off just because she had arrived and decided to infringe on her personal space. That would only go so far of course but a few pinpointed words were enough to satisfy her need for revenge of some sort after the unwanted contact. Then again after she turned around she found her mind lingering, the sight of Jack's hips and cute little ass from her mind. The tattoos didn't ruin or detract from it at all, even her small breasts were adorable and with Miranda unable to control herself after so long without any sexual relief, she just couldn't push the image out of her mind. Even those eyes and lips, innocent and incredibly appealing, even if every time those lips parted they managed to piss Miranda off. It was an interesting reminder that appearance and personality were often not in sync, for Jack that was especially true, her cute body outweighed by that offensive ill-mannered mouth of hers.

Then again, Miranda had a feeling Jack could pull of cute in her own special little way, she just wasn't and it was most likely for lack of trying whatsoever, in fact she obviously tried to be tough and unfriendly. Such an example was what happened next, enough to get Miranda scowling as she was forcibly turned to face Jack again. What Jack was saying was true though, Cerberus, even if a rogue group had been the ones conducting the tests, had taken her, but Miranda didn't really give a damn, she had become rather numb as far as empathy went, her own life and work with Cerberus causing her to be rather desensitized. The idea of people suffering didn't have any affect on her, she could shrug it off and allow it to happen if her own goals were met, she could watch innocents die to complete a mission, and while it wasn't something that came naturally she had become quite adept at pushing any emotion she had beneath the surface of her ice cold wall. Something had changed since being with Shepard and the Normandy but she was still far too cold and calculating some times, weighing the lives of people against the mission and finding the mission more important. She had practically been indoctrinated to operate in that way and as much as she still had her own emotions she was no longer impulsive when it came down to it, at least not usually.

Jack seemed to evoke that primal impulsive action from her, as if she knew just where to hit or spoke on the perfect frequency to totally ignore that self-control Miranda had built up, to shake the foundations of her cold and calculated manner. One such point was her father, any mention of him, especially from Jack, made Miranda seethe inside and while a lot of times she could keep her calm, as it wasn't the first time someone had brought up her past, with Jack she didn't seem to be able to. So when she was shoved hard against the wall, hard enough for it to hurt she was on the edge. "Stronger than me? Just because you have survived getting kicked around doesn't mean you are strong, it means you've been so weak and alone that you've had no choice but to endure and cling on for dear life. You're not strong, hah." She laughed and shook her head, looking deep into Jack's eyes, her eyes holding a fire that was usually instead a cold glare. "In fact you're probably the weakest person aboard this ship, the little girl, the one who bitches and moans about everything and just can't get over it. You've been living your whole life blaming others and being proud of your failure to succeed and let me tell you something, nobody gives a fuck."

Miranda didn't truly mean it but she wanted to hurt Jack right back, hit her where it hurt even if a part of her was constantly impressed by Jack's strength, her ability to adapt and survive, and her skills developed through pure willpower over a long course of time. Yet she went on, words spilling venomously from her mouth, "And sure I've been given these genes, made an experiment and exploited as a child, but do you hear me bitching about it? No, because I accepted what was done to me, got away from the piece of shit who used me, and became what I am today. And let me make something abundantly clear girl, I work harder than almost everyone on this ship despite my 'natural advantages'." She snarled as she took a few steps forward, though she didn't push or throw a punch, attempt to physically assault Jack in any way, she merely leaned in and whispered in Jack's ear, her hot breath spilling across the younger woman's skin. "I do have something you need to think about though. If you claim that the hardships you endured made you into who you are today. Made you strong. Then you can thank Cerberus, because if we are responsible for what happened to you we are also responsible for the 'badass' you've become as well. I suppose you're welcome... Subject Zero."

Miranda leaned back with a smirk on her face. If Jack wanted to claim Cerberus was responsible she should realize it also meant they were responsible for her strength, the part of her she was most proud of, the part of her she never would have achieved without being Subject Zero. However she had gone too far and if she hadn't been so mad she would probably have stopped herself before going so far, usually pushing the very edge between pissing Jack off and causing her to blow up. She gave a small "Hmph" before shaking her head, not turning around and instead just watching Jack, wondering if this would be enough for the woman to leave her alone, though part of her had a feeling Jack would have plenty more to say, Miranda was just trying to decide if staying was even worth the trouble, and it probably wasn't. In fact, as much as she wanted to stay and not give Jack the satisfaction she was already over the bullshit and took a deep breath. "Not worth my time." She muttered, beginning to walk past Jack, about to simply leave her to her thoughts.
Jack could have dealt with the majority of Miranda’s insults all day. After all, the Cerberus Cheerleader was just a bitch. It was a huge consolation to know that she herself was more complex than Miranda who was just a cold-hearted shrew. So the younger biotic took everything that the older woman said with a grain of salt; even found humor in some of it. How on earth could Miranda possibly compare their two situations? Yeah, poor Miranda; her rich daddy wanted a daughter and so created a magnificent specimen to throw money, schooling and all his time and energy at. That was –exactly- like being kidnapped from your mother, put in a solitary room, forced to kill other children, and then be tortured as horrific experiments were carried out on you. I was laughable that Miranda was comparing their situations in an attempt to belittle all of Jack’s struggles.

But what Jack couldn’t take at all was being referred to as an experiment in a lab.

Subject Zero

If there was ever a trigger for her, that name was it. It reminded her of her tiny cell on Pragia, of doctors that weren’t really doctors at all, but who were more like masters of torture. It was demeaning. It took away her -real- name, her identity… Truth be told, she didn’t even know what her given name was; whatever name her parents had given to her had been long forgotten. Jacqueline Nought was just a pseudonym she had given herself in an attempt to sever all ties with her former life. But Miranda had managed to dredge up all those old memories from her past and –really- piss Jack off.

“YOU’RE WELCOME?!?!?!” Jack roared in disbelief at Miranda’s outlandish statement. Her voice was high, contorted with every ounce of pain that she tried so hard to hide. Emotions get you killed. They make you reckless. They make you do stupid things and impair your judgment. And somewhere, in the back of her mind, she was very aware that this was a bad idea, that Shepard would space her; send her right out the airlock and let the vacuum of space crush her body. But she was so furious that she didn’t care…if she died, so what? Miranda was right, she probably should’ve died so many times over. But for whatever reason, her body and her will just wouldn’t give up…no matter how many times her mind craved the silence of death. So maybe this was it for her. Maybe she would just do something stupid and someone bigger and stronger like Shepard would take care of killing her as punishment for squeezing the life out of Miranda.

“You think I fucking enjoy this?!” The young biotic threw a massive Shockwave straight at Miranda, one that was so powerful and so strong that it even surprised her. “You think I want this?! You think I –like- killing?” Maybe there are some things that can’t be taken away, no matter how much people try to beat them out of you. Sometimes she wondered what it would be like if she had never been separated from her mother. Maybe she would have grown up to be just another peaceful farmer on Eden Prime. Maybe she would have gone to Grissom Academy and joined the Alliance just like all the other biotic kids. But instead she had been granted this ‘gift’ from Cerberus. This wonderful fucking present that came with years of horrible memories, sleepless nights, and an inexplicable urge to squeeze the life from stupid bitches that ran their mouths like Miranda.

“I would trade –everything- to be normal.” Jack snarled as she lurched forward to tackle Miranda to the ground, baring her teeth like a feral animal as she growled and pinned the older biotic to the floor. She meant it; she’d trade everything, all this biotic power, all these bad memories, all this bullshit…if it just meant that she could be four years old again, and just go home with her mom after the visit from the doctor’s instead of getting kidnapped, drugged, and forced to endure Cerberus experiments for over a decade.

And speaking of those fucking experiments… GYAAAAHHHHHH! Sometimes she –loved- that fuzzy feeling that stroked the base of her mind with the promise of an amazing high. She reveled in the sensation that was so incredible that it almost made the burden of the guilt that came with killing bearable. But right now…she didn’t want that. She didn’t want this feeling of warmth that washed over her and was mutated, morphed into something else as her naked body pressed so firmly into Miranda’s.
Miranda had been instantly aware of how angry she had made Jack, even before she roared in disbelief. It was why she had decided to leave the shower, she didn't feel like sitting there and listening to the girl rage on about it, and she honestly felt a bit bad after what she had said, how far she had taken it. In fact, while Miranda was far from scared she was aware of how mad that could make Jack, she had witnessed how big of a trigger -Subject Zero- could be and it was not something she used for that reason. It was one of those words that easily pushed Jack over that upset line and right into furious, made her choices become rash which made Miranda's life far more difficult that it should be. So she had decided to move out of the room, the area where Jack was sure to work out the anger she was currently feeling, the seething fury building up within her. That was not to be had however, Miranda's luck wasn't good enough to allow her to get from the room before it all spilled out, she had gone too far for Jack to let her leave and work out her anger on her own, which was what Miranda would have preferred.

So as a shockwave was launched her way Miranda quickly turned, launching her own little shockwave and thinking it would be just enough to block it but she was mistaken. Whatever Jack had done her shockwave was incredibly powerful and it knocked Miranda back into one of the walls, which she quickly popped off of, instantly in a combat mode, partly out of a surprise close to fear from the strength of the biotic attack. That was the kind of raw power Miranda simply couldn't muster, one of the things Jack had on her in certain situations, and as impressive as that power was it was not something Miranda was excited about being on the wrong side of. However as in combat mode as she was suddenly she was still listening, soaking in what Jack was saying. Miranda had always believed Jack had liked killing, perhaps one of the mistakes only knowing a person by her file would allow, because Miranda hadn't tried to really know Jack, she had simply read her file, watched her actions and attitude, and made her judgements on who the young woman was.

She seemed to be proven quite wrong as Jack made it clear she would give up everything to be normal, the point driven home and having her off balance as she was taken to the ground hard. She winced as her body hit the hard floor and was immediately pinned. She looked up, her eyes hardened but she didn't struggle as hard immediately, she just waited to see what Jack would do, ready to strike or take advantage to turn the tables but knowing a strength attempt wouldn't work in that moment. In fact she found herself shiver slightly as Jack's skin rubbed against hers, the feeling of a warm body atop her something she hadn't had in quite some time. It had been a remarkably long time since Miranda had been so close with another person, and she had always preferred women, especially the smaller cute ones and Jack fit her preferences in the oddest of ways. However her desire for contact didn't override what the situation was, Miranda didn't go soft or lose her head, she in wasn't about to let Jack beat her face in just because she happened to shiver as her nipples brushed against Jack's.

"Get the fuck off me." Her voice was cold but not quite as calm as usual, her arms struggling against Jack's, which were pinning her down, but not being able to get out using strength alone. It was similar to their fight in the ring, in front of the ship, Jack had already proven her close quarters superiority and that made Miranda a tad nervous. She wouldn't be giving up, that wasn't who Miranda was, but she had to try more than freeing her arms with raw power, one of the few things Jack was completely ahead of her in. Options were limited however, there was only so much one could do when in a position similar to Miranda's, pinned down to the ground by someone stronger and who knew how to fight. She had Jack's body weight on her, which severed as the most present reminder of their lack of clothing, that feeling of flesh rubbing up against her was causing a small reaction she had no control over. As much control as Miranda had over her body, while she didn't moan or squirm, while she didn't find herself looking for anything at all, she was a bit wet.

She couldn't help it, there was such a wide gap between her last time with someone and then, in fact she hadn't even taken care of herself in a lengthy period of time, she had ignored her body and the visual and physical stimuli were causing much stronger reactions than they should have been. Not that it mattered, Miranda wasn't going to act on any of it, maybe later if she had time after getting back to her room, but right now Jack's infuriated state had her more concerned and she didn't have any idea what to do about it, not when Jack seemed about ready to beat her senseless. So she did the only thing she could, and it wasn't a good option. Without warning Miranda started to squirm and flail, her arms pushing up and to the side, trying to rip themselves from Jack's firm grip. Her legs were trying to find anything to push off of or use a part of Jack's body to get some leverage on the younger woman but the older biotic had no luck, Jack's mount of her was so that she couldn't. Finally she was bucking and squirming, her body ultimately just rubbing Jack's as she did that but she was attempting to throw the girl off her in truth.

The older biotic had simply made a mistake, taunting Jack and insulting her to that extent had been a mistake, one even Miranda could admit, at least to herself, so she needed to escape the situation because Jack's unpredictable nature could be the nail in her coffin. In fact, she was getting so desperate, nothing else having worked, the older biotic was considering a short range biotic blast, her hand beginning to light up blue to show just how cornered Jack had her. Of course that desperation was nowhere to be seen in her eyes, there was more concentration and fire in those eyes and a smirk on her lips that attempted to throw Jack off her game by irritating the young woman. Then of course there was the rest of her, perfect features, hair clinging to her skin, a few strands in her face which looked intentional by how sexy that made her, her firm naked body making her age seem like a useless number, she was remarkable and at the moment she was squirming under Jack, fighting back with spirit and confidence, perhaps the only person who could engage Jack, aside from Shepard or a Krogan, and find themselves not terrified or in a spiral of hopelessness.
"No!" Jack snarled as her mind ran through ways to end this fight so that it was lights out for Miranda. Fuck no she wasn't going to get the fuck off of her!!! If Jack backed down now, Miranda would kick her ass if the younger biotic gave her any leverage. Jack was going to win this...once she figured out how. Here was the problem: Jack was -stuck- in this position. If she released Miranda's wrists in order to free her own hands for an attack, Miranda would blast her with her biotics. If she adjusted her body weight so that she could knee or kick her opponent, the Operative would have a good chance of knocking an unbalanced Jack over and turning the tides of this fight. Maybe she could headbutt her and break her face...?

"Stop fucking moving!" The younger woman hissed in irritation as Miranda began to flail around underneath her, drawing her out of her thoughts. Jack's emotions were so easy to change and whether or not Miranda knew it, she was morphing the Convict's rage into something else. Two seconds ago Jack had wanted nothing more than to end Miranda's life...and now for whatever reason, she couldn't even remember what the hell they were fighting about in the first place. Her mind was now being bombarded with the pleasant sensation of having Miranda's soft, smooth skin slipping and sliding against her own, of how badly she wanted to reach down and take one of those hardening nipples into her mouth to tease in retaliation for how they so wonderfully tormented her own with their light brushes. Miranda's soft, feminine pants and huffs of exertion were even more maddening; Jack had always enjoyed the company of the fairer sex...mostly because of how much more vocal women were in comparison to men. And now all she craved was getting Miranda to scream in ecstacy, not pain.

Perhaps the worst part of all this was Miranda's bucking; how her curvy hips rocked and put such a delicious bit of friction against her own neglected sex. The way her mound managed to nudge the lips of Jack's core, forcing the sensitive nub of her clit to be pulled just the slightest bit from the upwards made Jack noticeably shiver as she fought for the remnants of control. And to not make a jackass of herself and moan in the middle of a brawl. Think...of something else... -Anything- else. This is Miranda. She's horrible, terrible. GAH! Why the fuck did it have to be Miranda?!?! I hate Miranda! But finally Jack felt it and was lost; the heat and warmth radiating from between Miranda's legs, as well as a slickness that wasn't quite the same as water from the was different, with the consistency of a light oil, and -warm-...almost like...

Fuck! Miranda was actually getting turned on by this!! Well...her body was anyways. Jack doubted that the Ice Queen's 'refined' mind could handle things like carnal desires. But Jack, raw, crazy, impulsive, Jack knew that Miranda was actually -enjoying- this. Which she supposed wasn't all that strange. They were two naked women writhing against one another on the floor of the showers, stuck on a ship with no one that matched them to sleep with. And Jack was dominating her...showing a spine rather than cowering to Miranda's whim the way her previous partners probably had. Most women found domination to be quite the turn on...did Miranda feel that way too? She was going to run with this...see how far she could push this whole debacle.

Jack's life was full of bad choices; -especially- when she stopped thinking and listened to shit like her heart...or even worse, her hormones.

This was going to be a -really- bad choice.

"You think you're so much better than me, huh?" Jack growled as she quickly adjusted herself so that her thigh was now firmly pressed between Miranda's legs. "And what's this, hmm? What would the crew think if they knew that Ms. Perfect gets off to struggling with the degenerate of the ship." Jack shifted her weight so that she put a little more pressure against Miranda's wrists to help reinforce the idea that she wasn't going anywhere. And then she began to work her thigh between Miranda's legs, letting the soft flesh of her leg rub against the Operative's slick heat. "Who would have thought you'd be such a depraved little slut behind closed doors." Jack was taunting, but also choosing her words very carefully. It was hard, soooooooooo hard to not be overtly rude and cruel to Miranda. But she was trying her hardest to embarrass and humiliate the older biotic in a gentler, more sensual way in order to try to get her to submit rather than piss her off. After all, Jack had been a victim, she wouldn't willingly force all that bullshit on anyone else. But if Miranda made the decision to submit...well...Jack would gladly take her control away and show her a world of pleasure, if only for a little while. They could go back to hating eachother afterwords. But for now, Jack had -a lot- of sexual frustration that needed venting, and she was pretty sure Miranda felt the same way.

But wouldn't hurt to be a little more positive.

"If you want me to stop Cheerleader, all you have to do is say 'Mercy'." Jack murmured softly as she leaned down, finally taking one of those coral pink nipples that beckoned to her into her warm, wet mouth. Her tongue expertly flicked against the tip as those great big doe eyes looked up at Miranda to check on her. The younger biotic knew that the safeword she had chosen was unfair, that Miranda would never cry for mercy even if she was threatened with bodily harm. But...maybe she'd do it here, now that it was only her and Jack; not like earlier where it had been her, Jack, and half the crew of the Normandy. "Say 'Mercy', and I leave you the fuck alone. I promise." her teeth grazed lightly against Miranda's hardened nipple as she spoke.

Jack had learned at a young age that there were few things that you have in this world at are yours no matter what anyone else does to you: your name, your honor, and your word. While most wouldn't expect much from a Convict, Jack's word was actually -binding-. If she promised something, she meant it. And as proof, her word was the -only- thing that kept her on this vessel...she had made a promise to Shepard to not kill anyone, to see all this crazy shit with the Collectors through to the end in exchange for some help on Pragia. The Commander had kept up her part of the deal, and now Jack was going to keep up hers.

And now she had made a promise to Miranda: if Miranda wanted her to stop, all she had to do was say 'Mercy.'... But Jack hoped to whatever deity is out there that she didn't. Jack needed this right now...and she had a feeling that Miranda did too.
Jack's strength wasn't anything to joke about, she had Miranda pinned down firmly enough that no matter how much she bucked or squirmed there was nothing she could do to get away. She just had to wait, wait long enough that Jack slipped up and when that happened she would be home free. Sure Jack was strong, she had skills in close-quarters-combat that put Miranda to shame, but Miranda was skilled enough that a single mistake by Jack, a single moment of weakness would end the advantage Jack had over her. Of course one other thing she could do was make a risky play, her biotic energy, it would be difficult to do anything refined in her current position but if she built up enough perhaps she could get Jack off of her, even if it hit her pretty hard as well. So she grit her teeth and smirked up at Jack as biotic energy began to build up inside of her, hands glowing blue as she challenge Jack to stay, dared her to call the bluff that was a point blank biotic attack that wouldn't be anything but a gamble. It was proof of how backed into a corner Jack had her, that she was so desperate that there was nothing she could do but play the odds and hope she came out ahead.

Yet before she could finish building up anything the most unexpected change happened, Jack's thigh got pressed in between her legs and brought out a surprised sharp breath. Her body shivered and she swallowed hard as a powerful realization was rubbed in her face by Jack, her arousal pointed out and in that moment she was more humiliated than she had been when Jack defeated her in front of the crew. Other didn't even have to know but Jack knowing she had caused arousal in Miranda, that was a humiliation that topped any other she could remember. It wasn't because Jack was a degenerate, not that she was unattractive because that wasn't true, but it was because Miranda was supposed to be able to control herself and despite struggling she was incredibly turned on. It wasn't just the time without a lover, it wasn't the frustration aboard the ship, she found herself more turned on than she ever was, there was a primal feel to it that Miranda never let out, Jack was one of the only people to ever be around her and stay strong, not to quiver and buckle beneath her personality and abilities, it was exhilarating and she couldn't help but feel like Jack could see it, see right through her and know how much she was feeling it.

Her mind refused to cooperate as easily however and as Jack called her a depraved slut, pushed at her pride she found herself snarling, looking up into Jack's eyes and barking at her in that emotional manner that while unusual was incredibly sexy. "You called me a depraved slut because my body reacts to stimulation? Hah, further proof of your lack of intelligence. Perhaps you should instead think about how desperate and sad you are for putting your disgusting desires for me over the anger at being insulted and pointed out as the piece of shit you are." As strong as Miranda was trying to come off she instead came off as the opposite, as weak and desperate as her insults and barking was just that, bark without bite or conviction, Jack would no doubt see through it, Miranda would have if she had been the one on the receiving end, she would be laughing and she knew it, which began to make her feel a bit helpless. Then the condition came, the condition for Jack stopping, and Miranda snarled louder than ever, still slowly building up a massive amount of biotic energy.

"Fuck you." Her voice was ice cold but then moments later she let a small muffled moan escape her lips, a feminine and almost whining moan as it came out despite her efforts to hold it in. "J-Just fuck off, I'll die before I beg you for anything. You think you'll break me with this? Just try you deranged whore." And just moments before she would have her attack ready it all stopped, her biotic energy dissipated and her back arched as her firm pink nipple was enveloped by a set of incredible lips, warmth causing ripples through her skin. She moaned rather audibly, the surprise of the action catching her off guard and a deep uncharacteristic blush touched her cheeks matched by a growl and a another attempt to struggle free now that her plans had completely fallen apart, which only served to make the teeth grazing her nipple provide another ripple of sensation and another little moan, this time stifled by Miranda.

At that Jack stopped moving, her looked up at Jack with a look she had never shown before to the best of her knowledge, it was cute in a way and expressed just how little control she felt she had in that moment. She almost looked smaller and she locked eyes with Jack. "Fuck you." Her voice wasn't as strong as usual and the fire in her eyes was still there but the cold hard stare packed with confidence was dwindling. In that moment she found herself unsure, not knowing how to get away and finding her body quivering in anticipation for what would be coming next, quivering at the hint of a touch before she even felt skin against skin. Her flesh was warm to the touch, the weight Jack provided atop her was almost pleasant, and she hated all of that. "So what are you going to do Jack?" She paused, not knowing what else to do but see how far Jack was willing to take this, she was too proud to say the word mercy but that didn't stop her from hoping it would stop before it went any further, before she had to make a decision between her pride and being used, and Miranda never let another person use her, dominate her, it was not who Miranda was or had always been. Yet there was a thrill to it and she knew her body would be fighting her, already was fighting her, and Jack had already picked that truth out.
Ohhhh yeah. So –that’s- why they had been fighting, Jack remembered now, it was because Miranda was a mega bitch incapable of keeping her mouth shut. But all her insults were nothing to Jack, at least not right now. She was watching very carefully to how the older biotic’s body was betraying her. From the slight cracks in her voice to the way the pooling biotic energy had dissipated from Miranda’s hands, she knew that she had her. Well…-almost- had her. There was still fight left in the Operative, Jack liked that, it would have been disappointing if there wasn’t. But they were beyond ‘no’s, ‘stop’s, and ‘don’t’s now. Jack had given Miranda a word to use if she really needed it, and now everything else was just going to serve as fuel for the part of Jack that loved to dominate a strong, confident woman in the bedroom.

Sex was something that Jack excelled at. She was a good fuck to the point where she prided herself in her inane ability to give pleasure. Miranda could call her a ‘deranged whore’ all she wanted, it was kind of true. She could try to tear down Jack’s self-esteem and attempt to make her feel like shit, but it wasn’t going to work. Jack knew, without a doubt, that she held most of the power right now; and Miranda couldn’t take that away from her. That look up into her cold blue eyes had been all the confirmation Jack had needed. She knew that Miranda was unsure, maybe even a little scared, but most of all she was –curious-, hopefully curious to see just what Jack was going to do with all of this power that she held.

Her entire life had been an out of control rollercoaster ever since she had been a kid. Maybe that was why this kind of sex was appealing to her…this whole dominant/submissive cliché; Jack reveled in it, it was one of the few times she was actually in control. And she had practiced BDSM so many times that she knew what she was doing. She also knew that it was a hell of a lot more than the whips, chains and rough sex that people see in shitty porno vids on the extranet. She had to somehow get Miranda to -trust- her, just enough so that she would share her desires…which was going to be no easy task, considering Miranda despised her.

So maybe she’d just have to use the old ‘carrot and stick’ method to get this stubborn mule of an Operative going. Miranda could be a good girl and go for the carrot, or she could be a bad girl and Jack would beat her with a stick, figuratively, of course.

Too bad all her sex toys had been on that space station that she had crashed into a moon…she could really use a riding crop and a vibrator right about now… Definitely a ballgag too to keep Miranda's mouth shut... Just gonna have to make do…

“What am I going to do?” Jack purred sweetly as her eyes narrowed upon Miranda’s. She released the nipple that she had been so tenderly lapping at with her tongue, leaving her saliva to cool over the pebbled flesh as she slid back up the Operative's luscious body. This is why domination works: because everything is amplified with the use of it’s opposite. Pleasure seems so much greater when pain is placed directly next to it as a reference. “I’m going to get you screaming, one way or another. But it’s going to be -your- choice whether you’re cursing in pain--“ Jack grinned, punctuating the word ‘pain’ by releasing Miranda’s pinned wrist and quickly lacing those fingers into the Operative’s brown mane. She gave Miranda’s hair a rough tug so that her head tilted back, baring her very vulnerable neck and cranking her head back until the muscles in her neck were straining with discomfort.

“--or crying out in pleasure.” And then Jack leaned forward, brushing lips that were surprisingly velvety soft against the sensitive flesh of Miranda’s neck. She moved upwards, never quite kissing Miranda, always just teasing her with feather-light touches of lips and tongue upon her throat, along her jawline, and over to her ear where Jack finally stopped moving so that she could whisper softly. “By the time I’m done with you. You’re going to be –begging- me to let you cum.” And with that, she lightly bit Miranda’s earlobe as she loosened her grip, letting her relax her neck into a more comfortable position.

Jack was fairly certain that she could get Miranda’s mind so pleasure addled that the Operative would forget all about her, ‘I’d rather die than beg you for anything’ bravado bullshit. So she stayed close to Miranda, drawing the Operative even deeper into the strange intimacy of their very odd situation: two women that absolutely loathed one another but both desperately seeking something. Jack needed control, order. And Miranda…well…if Jack had to guess, it had to be fairly tiring managing a Cerberus cluster fuck like Miranda did. The Operative could probably use someone to take the reigns, if only for a little while.

“Because...we both know that you like this, Cheerleader, I’m not forcing anything on you that you don’t already want.” And now she was –really- going to test whether Miranda had been feeding her bravado bullshit earlier or not. She let go of her other wrist and brought her left hand downwards. The calloused pads of her fingers skittered down Miranda’s body as she relieved the pressure of her thigh that had been both stimulating as well as pinning Miranda’s core. Jack slipped her hand between Miranda’s legs now that there was space, unable to keep the smug grin off of her pouty lips as her touch was immediately greeted with wetness.

Now that Miranda was more or less free, with Jack only having the leverage of her right hand that was still lightly fisting Miranda’s hair to create a pleasant bit of tension in her scalp, the younger biotic was -very- aware that she’d need to keep giving Miranda’s body pleasure so that she’d stay relatively docile and refrain from throwing biotically charged punches at Jack’s face. So she concentrated, until finally she had managed to get juuuussst enough biotic energy in her own hands that her fingertips lit up with blue light. She began to work the tiny little mass effect fields against Miranda’s slick outerlips, only venturing to caress and stroke her needyy clit once the Operative spread her legs apart and gave her a little more access.

“Still going to be on my ass about how my biotics aren’t ‘refined’?” Jack smirked. Of course the only fine-motor control and precision that Jack could manage with her biotics involved sex and not battlefield scenarios. And the effect of the biotic powers she used now were much different than when in a fight. The stimulation was rather pleasant as opposed to violent…almost like vibrating, but not quite. Warm, tingling, like electricity but without the pain…well…without the pain for as long as Jack kept up her concentration and Miranda behaved.
Jack brought out the worst in Miranda, she would go from calm and collected to bitchy and cruel very quickly, and it didn't make any sense. Sure there was a hatred between her and Jack and while Cerberus explained Jack's dislike of her, Miranda had no solid reason to hate Jack. Sure the woman could get on her nerves, in fact she was a fucking genius at doing so, but usually Miranda could brush those people off. Loyalty to Cerberus wasn't the reason, she was use to people disliking Cerberus and while she believed The Illusive Man and Cerberus was a worthy cause she didn't agree with everything, she didn't agree with what had been done with Jack. And yet she found herself constantly berating her, getting angry quick, trying to hurt the young girl whenever she was around. And of course it was staring her in the face the entire time, and as she held back another moan she began to deny it before it even formed in her head, the truth, that sexual tension was the only reasonable explanation. Miranda didn't want to be attracted to Jack, she liked control and order, always had, but there was ample proof otherwise, Miranda thinking back on all the passing glances, how she became after their little interactions, and immediately she growled up, her own thoughts pissing her off.

However as pissed off as she was internally Jack hadn't given her much chance to say anything until she began speaking again and Miranda just stared up at her, the idea of figuring out what was coming keeping her quiet. The answer was not what Miranda was looking for but before she could bark anything up at Jack the woman's strong hand was laced into her hair and yanked her head back, her neck stretched and a small groan of pain escaping her lips. Miranda wasn't ashamed of expressing pain, she wouldn't show it under certain situations but she didn't see it as weakness, pain was normal and unavoidable, in the end it only mattered how much you could endure that determined what kind of person you were, not how little noise someone made. "Ugh, you bitch." She growled, though it was soon turned into just another little whimper as Jack brushed her lips over Miranda's sensitive neck. Miranda had always been sensitive, more than most people, and after not having her needs tended to in some time even that playful teasing of her neck had her squirming gently beneath Jack, and she looked disgusted in herself when she had a moment to try and regain composure.

Miranda was not supposed to be cute, she was not supposed to be weak or unable to keep her cool, she was the Ice Queen and while it wasn't a particularly flattering nickname it was one she liked to have. It implied control over herself and a strength she was proud of. Yet here she was whimpering and moaning to the touch of another person, completely outplayed and pinned down by a young girl, and one that didn't have an ounce of fear or even respect of her that could be seen. It made her feel helpless, but the worst part, it was that she didn't hate the feeling. She snarled with a quick "Bullshit" when Jack said she would be begging by the end of the night. Of all things Miranda was sure of, or had faith in, it was that she wouldn't be begging for a damn thing. Yet there was part of Miranda that knew Jack could see through her and it was making her nervous, more due to her not knowing what would happen, if she could keep herself under control or if this little assault on her better judgement was going to win out.

Whatever the case when she was freed she didn't take immediate advantage like she would have minutes before, she didn't throw Jack, kick her, use a biotic attack, in fact her eyes were closed. She was trying to get herself under control by not looking at what was being done to her, but it didn't work, in fact it only intensified each feeling she received from the curious fingers, and she had even relaxed enough that the hand in her hair felt almost pleasant, a reminded that she was not the one in control that she found herself appreciating. Miranda had never been in such a position, not a single time in her life had she been sexually dominated, nobody had been strong enough to and she had no interest in looking. It was new and it was threatening who she was, and yet as frightening as that was, to have Jack be the reason she did something she never would have before, she couldn't pull herself away. So she didn't escape, didn't try to get Jack off of her, hell she barely even realized she had that option. Instead she opened her eyes and looked down, a hard swallow as she noticed the biotics, her legs starting to spread on their own.

Yet panic set in as that happened and while she wasn't as forceful or combative as she could have been Miranda suddenly had the urge to stop what was happening, even if pulling away still wasn't the thought on her mind. Instead she felt the strong need to take back some of the control, not being able to give it all up so easily even if deep down she needed someone to take it, to take her and make her submit, to tame her and give her what she refused to seek out for herself. So her legs shut and as incredible as the initial hit of whatever Miranda had been doing with her fingers was it had been cut short. Instead she moved one leg into position and pushed Jack off her, at the same time moving a hand up and trying to remove Jack's hand from her hair before the woman could grip down. Her actions weren't brutal or efficient however, in that moment Miranda was more of a normal person nervous about what was happening to her than the confident badass she usually portrayed, and even if her speed and strength was the same as normal the intent behind it didn't have any of the kick it usually did, and her body was still eager for what he mind was currently having trouble accepting.

"No, this isn't going to happen." Her voice seemed as unsure as her actions implied Miranda was about saying no, and of course, even if she said no and refused the situation, she didn't say the one word she actually knew would set her free. She simply began to attempt to stop what Jack was doing to her out of fear, fear that if it continued she would not be the person she always way, and hell even that someone could walk in and see her being fucked by Jack. And yet it really wasn't her choice, she wasn't saying the word and so she was basically still resigned to her fate.
For a moment she thought she actually had Miranda. The way she spread her legs, offering up her sex for more attention, allowing Jack to play and tease with her clit as much as she pleased...she was sure that her little prisoner would submit to all the pleasures that the experienced Convict could offer. But Miranda ended up snapping her legs shut in protest, making Jack growl softly as she quickly realized that she was going to be fought with every step of the way. Her mind was already starting to switch gears as soon as the Operative began to act out, trying to gather herself and adjust her methods in order to get Miranda to submit some other way. As her mind scrambled to grasp onto a new plan, Miranda's knee connected with her stomach, forcing her off of the downed Operative. "Nnnggff..." Jack grunted at the burst of pain and she immediately went into fight mode. Calloused hands clenched into fists on instinct, ready to start throwing punches, though rather than let loose and pummel Miranda, it just ended up reinforcing the tight grip on the soaked strands of dark brown hair for the moment.

"Stubborn bitch." Jack growled as she rolled off of Miranda and onto her knees, into a less vulnerable position. Dark eyes quickly flicked around the room, trying to find -something-, anything she could use against the Operative. But there was nothing in this goddamn bathroom for her to use, everything was bolted down. Son of a bitch... Jack hissed in her brain as she turned away and as she moved, she caught her reflection in the mirror. That could work... Pouty lips curled into a grin as a makeshift idea quickly began to take shape in her head. "Come on, slut. On your feet." The Convict barked as she stood up, yanking Miranda up along with her by the hair. This was one of the reasons that the Convict kept her hair buzzed: you know how much it sucks to have someone dragging you around by your hair? -A lot.-

Jack strode towards the mirror, forcing a struggling Miranda to either follow her out of her own volition or else deal with shooting pains in her scalp. Once they were close enough, she flung Miranda's front against the cool glass of the mirror and quickly began to position her, much in the same way that guards position their prisoners when they're going to be frisked: hands up and on either side of the wall with legs slightly parted. She pressed her body firmly up against Miranda's, small breasts molding into the Operative's back as she fought for a position that was nice and close. This lack of distance between them would ensure that it would be much harder to throw elbows and fight. Jack's right hand snaked around front, grasping onto her Miranda's neck. She wasn't choking her, not yet anyways, just holding her with a firm grip...though the threat of a psychopath like Jack changing her mind and strangling someone as annoying as Miranda was always there. For now the Convict just moved Miranda's chin so that she would look up and straight ahead right into the mirror. Their reflection looked so very, very strange together. Jack with her thin, wiry form that was covered in grafitti and scars hiding behind Miranda's. She contrasted Miranda's perfect, unmarred flesh and supple curves so sharply that the image was a little jarring. Almost beautiful in it's own way...but definitely a shock to the system.

No one would believe this. Not in a million years. And for a moment Jack wished that she had a picture of this moment so that she could rub it in Miranda's face every time she got smug, so that she'd remember that if for only one moment, Jack had her naked, helpless, and at her mercy.

"Look." Jack barked as she kicked Miranda's legs apart, forcing her to spread them wider as the younger woman brought her free hand down between the Operative's legs. She spread apart the outer lips of her slit, her heart rate beginning to accelerate as she was treated to the view of Miranda's perfectly pink pussy glistening in her arousal. "I can see how fucking wet for me you are. You sure you don't want this to happen? Because your body is saying otherwise..." Jack smirked as she peered over Miranda's shoulder, her eyes pointedly flicking downwards so that Miranda knew just where she was looking. There was just something so alluring about this position. Jack could honestly say that she had never fucked someone infront of a mirror before...but now, after getting such an amazing view of Miranda's naked, vulnerable body, and every single reaction she had to everything Jack did to her, she was definitely going to consider doing this more often. Jack was a bit of an exhibitionist at heart. And even though Miranda might be freaking out that they were very close to the door, the younger biotic was absolutely loving the thrill that came with the fear of being caught.

"I know you want a nice, hard fuck; don't you, Cheerleader? You're so swollen and soaking about you just stop lying and tell the damn truth for once. I know you want it" And just to prove a point, Jack's hand dropped down just enough so that she could ram two rough fingers harshly into Miranda's slick channel. Jack groaned appreciatively as warmth and wetness coated her slender digits and she immediately began to thrust as roughly into Miranda as she could, hellbent on drawing out some pretty little moans from her unlikely sub. "A little vain bitch like you loves watching a psycho like me fuck you in the mirror, don't you." Jack let go of Miranda's neck and quickly brought that hand to the back of her head so that she could fist the Operative's wet hair once again. She forced Miranda's head down, causing her forehead to press against the cool glass of the mirror and angle her gaze downwards; making sure that Miranda was forced to either watch Jack's fingers violently claim her pussy or gaze upon the reflection of the same action in the mirror.
Miranda cried out in pain as the hand in her hair tightened, she hadn't been able to remove the hand and Jack had quickly got herself into an advantageous position, Miranda had obviously wasted her opportunity. That was perhaps the worst part, Miranda had managed to resist what her body wanted, been presented an opening, and Jack still retained all the power, her wet hair and the pain associated with it proof of that. As she was yanked off the floor she let out another whimper of pain, instinctively moving with Jack to avoid any more pain as her hair was yanked by those strong hands. Hair was a weakness in combat, Miranda had always known that but Miranda was proud, or in this instance perhaps simply vain and she would be damned if she could kick some ass and look fine as hell doing it. Situations such as this caused her to pay for that pride however, not simply the hair but the situation as a whole had come together mainly due to Miranda immense pride in herself and her abilities, and her belief that she was superior to Jack in every way. It seemed Jack had decided to tear that theory apart and prove to her that she wasn't as infallible as she had believed herself to be.

As she was flung against the cool glass of the mirror a sharp inhale could be heard, her hot and wet body up against the cold glass had a sensation running through her that woke her senses up. It felt odd but not unpleasant and as she was put into position by Jack she soon felt humiliation along with the chill against her sensitive skin. She was being treated like a prisoner, legs spread slightly and hands up against the wall, her body pressed up against the glass and kept there as Jack pressed up against her back. The feeling of those smaller breasts pressing into her had a much bigger effect than one would guess, Miranda liked small, cute little tits and Jack had exactly that. The hand around her neck drew all her attention however and she swallowed hard as realization came pouring down of how fucked she was, the utter loss of power as she was thrust into the role of prisoner by Jack, it had an undertone that made her wonder if Jack had planned for the position Miranda found herself in to bring about such an overwhelming feeling of helplessness or if it was simply a happy little accident. She didn't ask though, she didn't want to give away that feeling and instead snarled as her head was force to look into the mirror and observe the scene.

The image was one she should have hated, Jack had her completely humiliated, beaten in every conceivable way, and now she was forcing her to look at it. Yet she didn't hate it, in fact she began to heat up, a deep blush on her cheeks as her body became honest beyond the intentions of her mind, thighs becoming slick with juices as her nipples becoming as hard as rocks, even goosebumps appearing on her more sensitive skin, which was quite a bit of her. The constant leather uniform seemed to heighten her sensitivity, by wearing it she avoided the most basic feelings and thus everything felt more powerful to the touch for her.

There was no smug look to associate with her current situation but she still had some fight in her, snarling and barking at a taunting Jack. "My body may want this but it doesn't mean I do, because trust me, I wouldn't pick someone like you to fuck if I were looking, I wouldn't want some fucked up girl without an ounce of respect." And yet it was a complete lie, Miranda found the shame she felt to be translated into excitement and anticipation. The facts that Miranda was much younger, that she was dominant, even her aggressive and tormenting behavior, it all had Miranda quivering with desire, and her bodies reactions bypassed her denial to show just that, to show beyond a doubt how badly Miranda wanted everything Jack was doing to her, and perhaps a bit more, rougher and more dominating sex, the type of situation where she literally lost all sense of control and where she was treated in a way her body would be throbbing because of for days to come, a sensation she would remember. That was what her body was screaming out for and her mind was quickly catching up, not vocalizing it but realizing what she wanted, and being quite scared of those desires as well, not to mention of being revealed as not only a lesbian, which she hid, but also because it was Jack. Jack! It would ruin her reputation aboard the Normandy and yet she would still have to stay.

Yet pleasure always overrode caution and logic and as Jack began to roughly shove fingers up inside her she lost her ability to resist, the first real sexual act doing exactly what Jack had been trying to do all along. Miranda let out a loud moan which she quickly silenced by gritting her teeth, though it was too late to keep it from Jack. She struck out defensively at Jack, trying to cover the pants and moans slipping out as she was worked over by Jack behind curses and insults. "Fuck you bitch, I'll never want anything from an ugly depraved whore like you." Once again it wasn't convincing, Miranda was losing everything she used to keep herself on top and Jack would have no problems seeing through her lies, and they perhaps revealed more than they hid, Miranda's obvious lie about finding Jack ugly something that could bite her in the ass if Jack was paying enough attention. Further proof came when her head was forced down and she got a view of what was being done to her, those fingers being shoved up inside her, an image that had her biting her lip and blushing once more, her eyes trying to avert themselves but only catching a glimpse of it in the mirror if she did, there was no way she could stop it. So before moans stopped her from doing anything she threw an elbow, catching Jack hard but unfortunately at the same time she was hit with a rather substantial pleasure spike which almost caused her knees to buckle with how unexpected it had been. Off-balance from the elbow she faltered and her entire body was pressed up against the glass more than ever, weight leaning on the mirror for support as she got herself balanced again and leaving Miranda at Jack's mercy the moment after hitting her with a rather mean and powerful elbow. Her stomach sank in despair at that moment and as her body quivered in time with another sexy little moan she swallowed hard once more, knowing she was being foolish for her damn pride.
This entire situation was confusing as fuck, to say the least.

Miranda struck her as an ‘only sleeps with men’ kind of girl. Maybe it was because she always seemed so cold…the Ice Queen and some emotionally stunted man would probably get along fan-fuckin-tastically. Or maybe it was just because Miranda seemed so straight-laced and vanilla as far as her personal life went that Jack couldn’t imagine her sleeping with anything other than a human male. But now there was this whole crazy lesbian/prisoner shower scene unfolding between the two of them; this strange seed of doubt was beginning to take root in the back of Jack’s mind. No straight woman could possibly be so full of pride that they would –choose- to hold their tongue and get fucked in the showers…could they? Had she misread Miranda this whole time and the Operative was actually into women?

Nah…that can’t be it. Miranda was probably just into strength and power, which the younger biotic had a ton of. Plus Jack didn’t look like your typical woman; with her short hair, small breasts, and clothing choices that were designed to give her a masculine appearance (hell, even her name was the rather manly diminutive of Jacqueline), she could easily be mistaken for a very young man. So maybe Miranda was just pretending that Jack was just some young stud that was dominating her, and that’s how the older biotic was getting off on all of this.

Or maybe…maybe Miranda really was into women…?

Jack laughed, legitimately –laughed- at Miranda’s choice of words as the helpless Operative began to fling insults. ‘An ugly depraved whore like you’? Depraved, yeah. A whore, yeah. But ugly? That word was interesting in that it held very little truth behind it. Jack was attractive, she knew it, Miranda knew it, everyone knew it. And the way that Miranda had said the word… ‘ugly’… it lacked venom. And as far as insults go, ‘ugly’ is a pretty pathetic one. ‘Repulsive’ would have stung, ‘vile’ would have been pretty good too, but ‘ugly’? That just made more questions burst into Jack’s overactive mind. The Operative appeared to be doing everything in her power to hide how she really felt and conceal her true desires. And Jack wanted to break her, to make her show her what she really wanted but was too afraid to ask for.

“Hah! Yeah right Cheerleader. I’ve seen you look at me for longer than necessary. You’ve been checking me out, I know you have.” Well, in truth, Jack didn’t know anything for certain. But she knew that she held most of the power right now, and whoever held the power got to make up the rules. People follow power and confidence, and even if Jack hadn’t had either of those things for most of her life, she had them right now. And that’s all that mattered.

“I bet you’re just upset that I don’t give you the privilege of turning you around so you can watch me fuck yo—NGH, FUCK!” Jack grunted, biting her lower lip to keep from crying out anymore as Miranda’s elbow connected with her ribcage. There was going to be a bruise there later, but she didn’t care. This was worth it. Getting to knock down the Illusive Man’s right hand a couple of pegs and make her into nothing but a shameless little slut easily made up for the pain that radiated out from where Miranda’s elbow had made contact with her protruding ribs.

As the Operative lost her balance and crashed forward into the mirror, Jack followed right after her. All of her weight was now supported by Miranda and in the slight struggle, Jack’s fingers had quickly slid out of her drenched slit as she reflexively grabbed onto Miranda’s hip to keep from toppling over. The adrenaline pumping through her veins and the tingly, phantom sensation of drugs in her system made it pretty easy to focus on what she wanted; that burst of pain had been nothing more than a little speed bump in the grand scheme of things. Right now she wanted Miranda screaming. To make the Operative cry out so loud that both their ears were ringing from the volume and pitch.

And Jack was going to get what she wanted.

“Knock it off!” Jack shouted, slightly irritated from Miranda’s constant struggling. And so she did what any good Domme would do: she punished her prisoner for her impertinence. The hand that was still slick with Miranda’s juices came back, winding up and then landing harshly onto Miranda’s left buttock with a loud SMACK! as rough skin connected with satiny flesh. “I’m tired.” SMACK! “Of you being.”SMACK! “A-pain-in-my-ass!”SMACK! So if Miranda was going to continue to be a pain in her ass, Jack was going to give some pain to the Operative’s in return.

“Come on slut, spread your legs out wider for me.” Smack! Smack! Smack! Jack’s hand had quickly dipped it’s way between Miranda’s legs from behind, fingers roughly slapped the puffy lips of Miranda’s sex in an attempt to get her to spread her legs so wide that they’d part on their own. When the Operative didn’t seem to react fast enough, Jack just grabbed her thigh and hoisted her one leg into the air so that it was perpendicular to the other one. She had given up the advantage of holding onto Miranda’s hair and traded it for new one that forced the Operative’s sex into a more splayed position, as well as an off-balanced stance where she was kept upright mostly by Jack baring the weight of her one leg for her and the friction caused by her body being sandwiched between the glass and Jack’s wiry frame.

“You know what’s better about sleeping with women, Cheerleader? I know where everything is.” Jack smirked and easily found Miranda’s swollen clit, giving the sensitive nub a harsh flick with her fingertip. "Now, are you going to behave?" Jack's voice softened, to an almost coo-like noise as she started to gently stroke and caress the bundle of nerves. "Because I can always walk away, leave you here like this. All worked up and needing attention... But I'm sure a little slut like you knows that everything feels better when someone takes care of this for you..." Jack's voice drifted off as she achingly slowly brought her fingers downwards just enough so that the tips of her fore and middle finger pressed against the Operative's entrance. "So let me hear you say it bitch, tell me you want me to fuck you or you can go back to your shitty little office and enjoy some pitiful little orgasm that won't be as good as anything I can give you."
Miranda's experience with being caught off guard was limited, in fact while it had happened in combat from time to time, a given in her line of work, it was seldom ever an issue in her personal life. Miranda was too slick and intelligent to let that happen, she valued her control much to highly to let it all slip away and into the hands of another. So she would manipulate, catch her enemies in a trap, and protect herself in every way possible, part of the reason she was cold and logical over the person she was underneath that. It was a flawless shell however, impossible to find who she was underneath, except for Jack it seemed. Further proof of that came when Jack made some interesting observations and suddenly Miranda found herself experiencing a sensation she had never felt before, a sinking feeling that made her body flood with panic. She had never recalled feeling that way, her face devoid of color and her limbs shaking for a moment, unable to hide how it felt for Jack to have noticed her glances, her occasional wandering eyes that had a tendency to experience the unique beauty that was Jack.

Beauty was the word that floated through Miranda's mind and Jack was correct in assuming the word ugly had been a bluff, and a poor one at that, an uncharacteristically horrid lie from the lips of a silver tongued devil. Yet as bad as her attempt at covering for herself was, as pale and obvious as her face had become, as caught off guard as Miranda had become, she didn't utter a single word to confirm a damn thing and that wasn't something she would give up when she had already lost so much of her precious control. Yet verbal confirmation didn't seem to matter, her position was knocked down once more as she lost her balance and found herself quite snugly stuck between the mirror and Jack, who had pressed every bit of her weight against Miranda. It wasn't exactly immense weight, Miranda wasn't in such a bad position that she couldn't have attempted to launch another attack of get some additional space between them but it was enough that she had no confidence that making such an action wouldn't put her in an even worse place and she couldn't afford that, she was already screwed enough.

"Fuck you!" Miranda spat venom as Jack told her to knock it off, wondering what in the hell was going on in Jack's head that she expected Miranda to just accept what was being forced upon her, and yet without some advantage or divine intervention she had no way to try anything else. Just as she lost the ability to fight back the worst of it came, a painful connection of Jack's rough strong hands on her firm silky ass. Her entire body was pressed against the mirror, cheek on the side of the glass as she let out a loud scream of pain, the lack of foresight making the sudden onset of pain get that vocal reaction Jack seemed to so desire. She grit her teeth after the first blow but as each subsequent hit connected with her delicate, and frankly sensitive, ass she screamed again, her hands balling up into fists, nails digging in to the palms of her hands.

The pain was intense, the stinging sensation burning her ass had her seething, the idea that she was going to be unable to sit without feeling it was infuriating. It would be a reminder of what Jack had decided to do to her, what she had failed to prevent and no doubt what would be coming next, and she was sure there would be more. That feeling, that she would have to remember what was done to her, what she was unable to stop or prevent, it had her want to rebel more than ever and so when Jack gave her yet another order, as if she were in charge, Miranda rebelled, keeping her legs where they were as enduring the smacks that came after. Even that did nothing for her and soon her leg was hoisted up and her body was once again manipulated by Jack, a very small whimper escaping her lips as her pussy dripped with desire. The separation between her logical and emotional side was growing larger by the moment, her logical side dwindling, barely holding any credence to her lust saturated brain, her body reacting to each slap and sensation, Jack's wiry body pressing up against her sending shivers up her spine. She did enjoy Jack's appearance, it turned her on, was feminine and strong, had a mix of features that attracted Miranda's attention.

As her swollen sensitive nub was targeted she cried out louder than ever, her body quivering and her legs would probably have given out if Jack and the mirror hadn't been supporting her. Her nails were still digging in to her palms as she bit her lower lip and there was no doubt it had been some time since Miranda's last pleasurable experience, her threshold for every sensation Jack sent her way gave it all away. And yet at the smallest break in Jack's actions she opened her hands, nail imprints long since embedded into her palm, and reached down to grab the hand toying with her, yanking it away to give herself more time to get her shit under control. "Shut your fucking mouth and stop touching me!" She snarled but it was more a pathetic plea than a demand and her hand was trembling as it tried to hold Jack's away from her dripping burning sex.

She wanted to plead, to try and convince Jack that she could still back off, try to mind game her, manipulate and get what she wanted but Jack wasn't susceptible. She was perhaps the only one not affected by Miranda's manipulative abilities, who didn't crumble and crack beneath those ice cold eyes and harsh confident words, no they only served to entertain and irritate Jack. When that feeling of helplessness sunk in Miranda managed to crane her neck and look into Jack's eyes and while everything inside of her screamed vulnerability and hopelessness her eyes gave Jack a strong look and she followed it up with the last bit of strength she had in her, her body already exhausted from resisting her inner urges, "Do your fucking worst." Then her head turned back and she took several deep breaths as she tried to ready herself for what Jack would decide to do, sticking to her conviction, not asking for mercy nor asking for what her body wanted, and if Miranda could stick to that she would make sure that when Jack was finally done she simply took the soonest chance to get the fuck out of there and give her absolutely no satisfaction, or as little as possible as she doubted Jack would give up before bringing forth a plethora of moans and orgasms, a confusing thought as she both desires that and was disgusted with the idea. Shit, Jack had her trapped.
Sometimes miscalculations happened; Jack wasn't a master strategist, but she was usually pretty adept at reading what people wanted and sensing what their desires were. Miranda's body obviously desired pleasure via an intimate and experienced touch. Jack knew it, she could feel the heat radiating off of her voluptuous form, feel the shivers that went through the Operative's body with every teasing touch, and could almost smell the heady aroma of the other woman's arousal in the air. But somehow…despite what her body seemed to want so desperately, Miranda still managed enough pride to act out against her. Even that was insanely sexy. The fact that Miranda was strong, a hell of a lot stronger than Jack had anticipated made her want to get the older woman screaming in ecstasy all the more.

All of these sensations would have been unbearable for the younger biotic earlier… but now that she was dominating, now that her mind was working so hard to win this little game, Jack's primal instincts had taken a back seat to her mind's fight for control and order. Unfortunately, that control was fucking up everything that she herself wanted. In an attempt to work Miranda into a little bit of a mind game, she had miscalculated the Operative's resolve and now she had to start dispensing some more consequences rather than start having some fun.

Jack had given Miranda a choice: verbalize what she wanted, or get nothing. And of course, prideful as she was, Miranda had decided to try to goad her on instead of begging to be fucked. So Jack had two options: she could either push onward, continue this dance with Miranda and pretend that she had never uttered such an ultimatum, or she could be true to her word and just leave the stubborn bitch here to soak in her own juices and figure out what to do with her arousal on her own. Part of her was kicking herself for not choosing her words more wisely. But the fact of the matter was: Jack didn't make idle threats.

Son. Of. A. Bitch.

"'Do my fucking worst?'" Jack smirked, trying her best to appear confident even though she felt a little rattled by her own poor planning. She'd never dominated a woman as powerful or as prideful as Miranda before, and it was turning out to be much more difficult than she had anticipated. Fun, but difficult nonetheless. She took a little solace in the fact that this would surely not be their only time together. And they had quite a bit of time left on this ship, stuck in close quarters, Jack could be patient, she could wait it out and slowly chip at Miranda's outer shell until the Operative finally showed her the vulnerable, sexually depraved woman that was hiding underneath.

"Was that an order? I don't think you're in any position to be giving commands." The younger biotic taunted as an idea formed in her mind. Just because she had to pull away before giving Miranda any relief, didn't mean that she couldn't wind up the older woman a little bit tighter until she was about ready to snap. "But you -do- look like you're in a position to be getting fucked." Jack's voice had dropped a touch lower as she leaned forward, nudging a few pieces of wet brown hair out of the way of Miranda's neck with her nose, giving off a surprisingly gentle and tender feeling nuzzling effect. But the tenderness didn't last all that long as Jack began to nibble and bite at the delicate porcelain flesh. Miranda was definitely going to have a couple of marks later, but it was nothing that some medigel and the collar of her uniform wouldn't be able to fix. Though…part of Jack hoped that Miranda wouldn't go off to the medbay to get the bites taken care of. She'd love for the Operative to have a nice little reminder of who she belonged to for the duration of this suicide mission.

While Jack's mouth was at work leaving contrasting feelings of painful bites and relaxing brushes of soft lips and tongue against Miranda's neck, her hand moved back int place over the Operative's drenched sex. No matter how many times the older biotic tried to fling her hand away, Jack would always just let her digits go back right between her legs. She swiped lightly at the Operative's clit, rubbing it lightly in a few slow circles before her fingers drifted downwards to her slick entrance. Jack eased two fingers into her and began to slowly pump the slender digits in and out of Miranda's quivering folds.

"What's the matter Cheerleader? Me fingering you isn't enough to get you off? I bet you'd cum right away if I had a strap on on…" Jack murmured as she continued to mark almost the entire left side of Miranda's neck with little love bites. Her mouth worked it's way upwards, along Miranda's jawline and over towards her ear. "I'd gladly bend you over that desk in your office and give you a nice hard fuck….make you cum so hard that you couldn't even stand. But you're just so stubborn…" Jack's voice drifted off and suddenly, the pumping of her fingers stopped and her hand withdrew from Miranda's clutching channel. "Enjoy masturbating in your room to thoughts of me." Jack whispered, nipping Miranda's earlobe before abruptly releasing the older biotic's leg and pushing off her body at the same time, leaving Miranda there to collect her off-balance self as Jack stood up on her own two feet again. She took a couple of steps back and then turned on her heel so that she could step around the corner and head back into the showers. Jack still hadn't bathed after all; and a quick shower would help clear her head and bask in the victory that came with leaving Miranda wet and wanting.
Miranda was a rare type of woman, the kind who towered above the rest in nearly everything she did, and with that came strength and a pride that was definitely large enough to be considered hubris. It was her downfall, it had gotten Miranda into trouble and while she could usually manage to wade through whatever shit storm it brought upon her there was a first time for everything. For Miranda, right in that moment, it was the first time that anyone had ever pushed her to very close to the tipping point, so close to breaking down and letting what she wanted overwhelm the vast wall of pride shielding her from showing weakness. It was this teetering on the edge that had her whimpering gently as Jack nuzzled the back of her neck and began to nibble at her porcelain flesh. It was this dominant woman behind her forcing her stubbornness aside and powering through, making her whimper again as she felt bites on her sensitive flesh and instantly realized what marks would be left behind and how easily someone would know she had been with another person if they laid eyes on those marks, and what that would mean considering they hadn't docked in quite some time.

Worse than any of that, much more difficult to accept than the physical pleasures and violations Jack was pushing on to her, was the reasoning being thrown at her. Miranda was burning with desire and a need for release, she couldn't ever remember being as horny as she was in that moment and part of her wanted to spin around and lock lips with Jack as she felt kisses along her jaw. A part of her that wanted to refuse it all tried to act disgusted but even if she could fool Jack she couldn't fool herself, the strong desire to turn and let Jack have her was nearly too much to hold back, that aching between her legs, the fact that she was being stimulated but not enough to find any release. It was driving her crazy and Jack seemed to have a nice grasp on that fact, taunting her with obvious questions, and then she said something that made Miranda swallow and shiver, strap on. Miranda would have been done long ago if Jack had such a device, Miranda was proud but even she knew there were certain things that couldn't be resisted, not when used by someone who had already proven herself to be quiet skilled and someone Miranda just happened to drool over under certain circumstances.

Yet she still had enough strength left to verbally disagree, to spit and deny where her body was now openly agreeing, her hips rocking in the slightest with each maddening touch. "Fuck you Jack, I'll never let you have the satisfaction..." Her voice didn't carry much conviction however and while she would have said more everything crumbled the moment Jack withdrew, Miranda having to struggle not to slide to her knees on the floor and rise. Her legs were shaky, her arms were up against the wall as she tried to regain her balance, hot heavy breath spilling against the mirror in front of her, wet hair mattered to her delicate features. Miranda was a picture of lust in its most perfect form, like an instrument that had been warmed up perfectly and was ready for a performance that had been cancelled. Her eyes followed Jack as she turned the corner, watching her ass and sway of her hips, her own limbs starting to become more stable as she gave herself a moment, her eyes closing as she took a few slow deep breaths, not about to cry but completely worn down emotionally, mentally. She had barely lasted through that and then at the end, as if she had been hit by a fucking Krogan disappointment had shot through her.

Yes, when Jack had stopped Miranda hadn't been happy, she didn't sneer and become smug or call out and taunt Jack, she felt disappointed on every level and she couldn't hide that feeling from herself. It was crushing, why the fuck did she feel that way? It hurt that pride she had so much of and yet she couldn't do anything about it, nor did she think Jack was wrong about what she would be doing in her room that night. Her fists balled again, nails settling in to the indents made earlier and a small pathetic growl, a sad pathetic whimper, escaped her lush lips. Then, with one final deep breath she seemed to settle, every ounce of frustration and instability was instantly bottled and Miranda stood up, legs still a tad shaky but not enough to affect her as she reached up and pushed hair out of her face. She then headed over and grabbed a towel, not rushing as she wiped her body down, especially her inner thighs soaked with more than mere water. Finally she grabbed her uniform and slid it on, tossing the towel to the side and walking out of the shower in a hasty manner, passing through the halls and immediately to her room.

Miranda wasn't as fine as she appeared, there was still an internal struggle going on but she wouldn't let it show, she refused for others to know anything had happened to her, and as part of that she would be damned if she was going to the infirmary. The good doctor was always around and if not someone else would surely see her and be curious what she was doing in there, as Miranda tended to stay clear of that place, it upheld that image of perfection she always tried to keep. No, she simply had to remember to keep her neck covered to avoid anyone seeing just what the fuck was underneath her collar, those fucking marks, fucking Jack. Of course Miranda wasn't going to just stand around, she wanted to move past and forget, so she locked her door and went right over to her desk, beginning to try and do a little work as she continued to cool down and tried to distract herself.

It worked for the most part, focusing on work helped Miranda's mind drift away from what had happened, save the occasional flash and heating between her loins. However the moment she was finished, as exhaustion began to set in, her mind became less compartmentalized and she found her thoughts drifting right back to Jack, to what had been done to her, to what hadn't been. By the time she made her way to the bed, uniform on the floor and Miranda in clothing suitable for sleeping, her lust had flared up. "Fuck... Jack... You fucking bitch." Those words and many others passed through her lips for the next hour, Miranda pleasuring herself, soft moans and incredible pleasure running through her body in that time and yet nothing, she never climaxed, her body was expecting more and more was not something Miranda could give it. She had no practice on herself, she was always too self-absorbed to give it to another, and it was almost awkward trying to compete with what Jack had done to her. So after one frustrating fucking hour she growled, got made enough to obliterate a small pillow out of anger, and turned over to doze off, an entire night, that was going to be just as full of Jack as her day, ahead of her.
As Jack sauntered away, part of her was very aware of the feminine sway that her hips had; she absolutely abhorred it. She always had tended to move with a delicate, feline grace when her feet weren't being weighed down by heavy combat boots that always caused more of a stomping/marching gait. But she couldn't help her natural walk, at least not without the aid of clunky boots and baggy pants, and now that she was naked, Miranda had a chance to actually see some of the girlishness that Jack tried so desperately to hide. Her hips had quite the feminine flare to them; her whole body formed quite a nice hourglass shape in fact. And if she wasn't so incredibly skinny from prison and her stint in cry, she probably would have had some nice curves. But as it was, her breasts were tiny, and her small bottom was tight and muscular, not jiggling an inch as she walked towards the still running shower.

Her ears strained as she tried to pick up the sounds of Miranda moving about the bathroom behind her, but it was very difficult with the sound of running water echoing off the tiled walls. Finally though, she managed to hear the whoosh of the door opening and closing, signaling that she was now all on her own. Ugh…now all on her own and suddenly very not horny. With a soft groan of displeasure, she placed her head against the cool tile and reached down to lightly glide through the swollen lips of her sex. She was wet, dripping, her clit was straining and throbbing…and yet…for whatever reason, she didn't -want- to touch herself.

What the fuck was going on?! Jack had the sex drive of a teenage boy that had just eaten an entire bottle of Viagara! She should -want- to finger herself into oblivion, to take away this aching throb between her legs and find a little relief. But as she lightly stroked and caressed her aching button in an attempt to get a positive reaction out of her body, nothing came. All she had was the urge to go curl up into bed and take a nap. Maybe the sparring match from Miranda had taken a lot more from her than she had realized… That had to be it, no, that was it, she was too tired to masturbate, of course! It couldn't possibly be anything else. And so Jack just wrote off the weird way her body was acting and finished up in the shower, then headed down to her bunk to catch up on the extranet news and then catch a lil shut eye.


She wasn't fucking tired.

Jack had been staring up at the ceiling in the dimly lit hole that was the Engineering sub-deck for at least 4 hours now. She had no urge to move, she had no urge to do anything at all really; not even screw around on her Omnitool. It wasn't odd for her to not want to sleep. The young biotic was actually afraid of sleeping for too long…usually she just took a couple of naps whenever she could to get by. That was probably one of the reasons she was still so scrawny, even though she ate a ton of food during meal times; her body just burned through calories like newspaper in it's attempt to keep her awake and going due to her odd sleep schedule. It usually takes a person 90 minutes to reach the REM stage of sleep, and so Jack tried her hardest to not sleep for anything longer than that hour and a half. REM meant dreams, and dreams meant nightmares, at least for the young test subject. She'd already busted up 3 cots during her short stay on the Normandy when her biotics had flared during her sleep, causing her to send out concentrated bursts of power without meaning to.

The Engineers did their best to stay clear of her when she was in her 'room', especially when they thought that she was asleep. And on the off chance that she actually did sleep for more and an hour and a half and had night terrors, they would notify Shepard or Chakwas. Shepard had PTSD, just like her, though for different reasons, and would attempt to wake her up and talk her down from whatever state of confusion she was in so that her screams didn't freak out the Engineers and they could do their work. Chakwas on the other hand would just give her a heavy sedative so that she could catch up on all the REM sleep she had missed without worrying about the dreams. But Jack hated needles, and hated doctors… (though Chakwas was a nice old lady, so she could sort of deal with her), and wouldn't take the sedative unless Shepard held her down while the doctor stuck her with a needle.

So here she was, stuck, awake, unmotivated to do anything. And as she laid there, staring up into nothingness, her thoughts would begin to wander and of course, they'd settle onto the gorgeous and infuriatingly stubborn bitch that had been trapped in her arms moments ago. Not trapped…she -chose- to stay there… Jack kept replaying the events in the bathroom over and over again. Miranda had definitely had many opportunities to really inflict some damage on Jack and escape. Or she could have just cried 'mercy' and Jack would have let her go. The Operative had had the power to end the whole scenario on her own terms and yet…and yet she had either consciously or subconsciously given up her control to Jack and the scene had ended on Jack's terms (terms which she was still kicking herself over.) Why the fuck had she thought that Miranda would give in so easily?! AGH, FUCK!

Jack groaned, tossing and turning in her shitty cot in an attempt to wear herself out but to no avail. All she could do was think about what happened in the showers and wonder. Her vantage point had been too biased…she was unable to make the call on whether or not Miranda -truly- had wanted all that had been forced on her, or if she really was just such a stubborn, hard-headed bitch that she'd let herself get raped by a psychotic biotic rather than say 'mercy'.

"EDI. Do you keep footage of all areas of the ship, even the bathrooms?" Jack called out to the ship's computer. The fucking thing was creepy.

"Yes. I have cameras installed all over the Normandy for monitoring purposes. However, recordings gained from private areas such as crew quarters and restrooms may only be accessed by administrative personnel." The AI chirped happily in response.

Fuck… Jack wracked her brain. She didn't have administrative clearance….And then it hit her: Shepard had made Miranda give her clearance to see Cerberus top secret files! Originally it had just been intended for the use for her to snoop around the files revolving Pragia, but Jack was pretty sure that she could get EDI to give her other files, like the video feed of the bathroom when Jack had been in there with Miranda. "EDI. Shepard gave me clearance to see Cerberus files, right? So I wanna see the footage you have of the bathroom, when I was in it with Miranda."

There was a pause, as though the AI were actually -thinking- about Jack's request and whether or not she should obey it. "As you wish. Uploading the files to your Omnitool now. It is of note, because the files involve Operative Lawson, I will be notifying her of your request."

"Oh, please do." Jack grinned as her Omnitool lit up. It was a little unnerving how the AI could get into her private Omnitool so easily, but Jack wasn't going to worry about that now. Now she had some video to watch!
An entire night of sleep had always come rather easily to Miranda, she never slept long, around five hours a night which always seemed more than enough. It was another byproduct of her genetics and years and years of sleeping as little as possible so she could spend more time getting all the duties she needed done. However after a mere two hours of sleep she found herself awake and more alert and on edge than ever. Her dreams had been completely full of Jack and it what was worse than that was that she had been unable to control them. Miranda was a lucid dreamer and yet not with her previous dream and it had definitely been more honest than she had been in the bathroom, the dream having her screaming and at one point even kneel down in front of Jack uttering the word 'please'. It made her shiver and she wiped a rare bead of sweat from her head. "Fucking hell..." She took a moment, tossing and turning before finally sliding off the bed, a small growl as she blamed Jack for all the shit and snarling as she moved over and plopped down in her chair. Miranda was so frustrated that she didn't bother putting up her usual demeanor, everyone would be asleep and she was alone in her room with the door locked.

She was still sitting up straight, her posture as impressive as ever, but Miranda found herself spinning around in the chair a few times, trying to think about what to do with her free time. She was always so ahead when it came to work that she often checked over reports she had already typed up, kept her perfectionist habits up, though she never needed it anymore, she always did it right the first time. So with already having checked over things, and needing more than work to keep her mind off Jack, that damn dream. Yet as she sat there trying to figure out to do she realized something that her busy life and no doubt some denial had hidden away, she had no hobbies. Miranda trained and worked, that was about all she did, so with time alone and the lack of her usual motivation, Miranda found herself utterly devoid of anything to do but let reality and her dream mix and the truth of what she desired sinking in. That disappointment she had felt earlier made its way back to the surface and she whimpered frustratedly, unable to completely accept that feeling, she didn't want it.

There was no outlet for it and she had to sit in the chair frustrated as hell, a hand going up and pushing hair out of her face, a strand still stuck getting blown away by pursed lips in a rather adorable frustrated manner. Miranda was not all serious and cold, not all prideful and harsh, in fact there was a rather adorable and loving woman underneath it all, some rare insecurities and someone who people could really learn to like. However that person was hidden beneath layer after layer of difficult and stubborn, beneath pride and arrogance, deep beneath the Ice Queen exterior. Yet Jack had managed to pull that part of her to the surface, a part of her that didn't need to come out in everyday life for her because nothing as personal or frustrating as the day before ever happened to the ever on task Miranda. Finally she leaned back in her chair and gave a loud pissed off "Gah!" her arms crossing as she turned and stared at the door. She didn't know what the hell she wanted to do but leaving the room was not an option, not unless she got out of her sleeping attire which was completely for comfort so did nothing to cover the kiss marks she would rather die than reveal to the chance meeting of whoever was on duty.

"Operative Lawson, I found it necessary to inform you that Jack requested footage from the showers during the time you and her were together, she has been given the appropriate clearance so I gave her the files." At first Miranda was shocked, she had tried to disable EDI from directly tapping in to the room and had tried to make it where her terminal was the only way for her to be reached but it seemed that hadn't taken. Of course she wasn't surprised, such a sophisticated program had more than enough knowledge to override anything she could do even if she was as skilled with tech as she was anything else. However that ceased to matter as soon as she realized what the fuck EDI had done, an immediate shocked look crossing her face. "You did what? She should have been restricted to Cerberus archive files not everything!" Miranda cursed under her breath, EDI didn't make mistakes, if Jack had access to all the files it meant she hadn't been specific enough in her request, it had been her error. As if her day wasn't already going bad enough another hit to her confidence had Miranda panicking, looking around the room for her uniform and almost got up to put it on but instead stopped. Going to Jack now would be a mistake, too little privacy, too big a risk others would find out, and she knew Jack wouldn't give a damn.

Instead she grit her teeth and took a few deep breaths, EDI having said something, most likely a justification, but Miranda hadn't been listening. She did however slowly stand as she addressed EDI, "Please send Jack a message for me EDI. Tell her that at her earliest convenience to come to my quarters, and warn me when she is on her way..." It wasn't her best plan but once again pride clouded her judgement, the idea of that tape getting around or being seen by just one person had her furious and that meant privacy, her mind ignoring all the warning flags and even her dream was omitted. So she walked over and grabbed her uniform, changing clothes as not to be seen in anything inappropriate or misleading whenever Jack decided to come around, which Miranda didn't expect to be anytime soon. The she went back to her chair and took a seat, beginning to fiddle away on the computer, obviously trying to get something done before Jack arrived, her pillowy lips pursed together as she went at her task, no longer at a loss as to what to do, no, once again Jack was making Miranda's day a living hell.
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