A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)


Jul 14, 2011
Gohan floated into town on the nimbus, he was headed to school, high school it was odd to go, he was so smart he stood out, but he had to hide who he was truely. It was the most annoying thing for the half saiyan savior of the world. He was going to school for a short while, and he had been fighting crime as Saiyaman for most of that time. He had kept up the image of Gohan the normal nerd who was at school, who didn't stand out much as he went from class to class.

He had been even able keep himself out of sight, he had almost gone to West Orange High, but at the last moment he didn't go there. He went to North Star High School, which was just as far, but he figured in North City, he would be able to avoid meeting anyone who might know him. He brushed himself off as he looked around walking into school. His first class was homeroom followed by other classes. He walked in, wearing fake glasses as he walked down the halls of the school.

Gohan smiled as he took his seat, and relaxed. He knew that in his homeroom class where he would also study most of his classes, he would maybe fall asleep. He figured that he had studied and knew the stuff that was going to be told about and it wasn't worth his time paying that much attention except to be able to answer a question if asked.
Serena had been so excited when she first found out she'd gotten into high school. It had been thanks to all the study sessions with her friends to prepare for the entrance exams that she had done well enough on the exam. The silver-blond haired teen smiled in thought of her friends. After all they had gone through together, it was hard to see herself in a whole different school from them and even not to still have them fighting youma with her. But they were happy and that's what she'd wanted for them.

So here she was at North Star high school heading to her homeroom. Her score on the entrance exam combined with wanting to make her old friend Ami proud had been enough motivation to make her finally want to buckle down in school and study. She slipped into the last available seat left, that happened to be right by a guy wearing glasses and settled down.
Gohan looked over and saw the woman who had taken the seat next to himself. He gave her a small smile. He had to admit she was straight up beautiful, and that he had never seen anyone like her before. He also noticed something from her, when he sensed something odd, but he couldn't put a finger on it, he then wrote that off as a kind of gut feeling as he sat there and then turned his head to focus ahead on what was being taught. He leaned back as he smiled for a moment, he was right, he knew what was being taught, he figured that he knew it well enough to sleep though class even.

He took a piece of paper and wrote something down on it for Serena to read, "Hello, what is your name, my name is Gohan, it is a pleasure to meet you, and welcome to the school," he wrote on the note before passing it over carefully so that he wouldn't be seen by the teacher in the front of the room. He figured that it was a good introduction, and then leaned back putting his hands behind his head as he relaxed again, he looked at the clock and figured just how long he would have to be their till he could go to lunch and till he could go home and see his little brother too.
Serena spent the time taking notes on what was being taught. She glanced over at the guy next to her and saw him leaning back without taking notes. She figured he was likely like Ami, had already studied ahead and so didn't need to take notes. With an inward smile, she focused back on the teacher's lecture.

She couldn't help but let a small smile show on her face when she saw the note passed to her. If her instinct was right and he was the studious type, it was nice to know he was relaxed enough to pass notes in class. "Nice to meet you Gohan. I'm Serena. Thanks for the welcome." She carefully passed it back, having ensured it wouldn't be seen by the teacher. She did have years of practice on such a thing.
Gohan sat there and saw the note being passed back, he smiled, he at least knew the name of the woman who was to his side. He looked at it for a moment longer and sat up and wrote something down on the paper, he looked down at the teacher and blinked as he continued to go on about something. He said nothing for a good moment as he looked at the paper and write something down carefully, he didn't need attention at that moment.

Gohan looked over at Serena, she looked like a new student like himself, he smiled glad to know that someone who had such a interesting spiritual fingerprint was in his class. "Well, when we go to lunch would you like to join me?" he asked as he passed the note back over. He was careful again, he had pratice sneaking things past people, mostly his mother and his teacher but still.
Serena smiled as well. She went back to taking her notes and glanced at the clock. Having gotten that feeling the class was taking longer than it should have. She sighed when she saw that the class still had some time to go. She was getting curious about Gohan though. There was something about him that she just couldn't pinpoint.

Just when she was about to start pondering that, she saw he had passed the note back. She looked down at his question and was silently grateful that she'd managed to get breakfast in this morning. If she'd been asked that question in middle school, her stomach would have immediately growled in expectation of lunch. With a soft smile in Gohan's direction, she wrote her reply. "Yes. I'd love that." And sent it right back.
Gohan looked at the clock for the 16 year old young man the time couldn't go by faster. He waited for it to pass. He wanted lunch, he was a saiyan, which was part of the reason, but other then that he just wanted to have lunch with Serena as well. He smiled as he thought about getting to know the new girl all the better and eatting, he would have to do without, have a small lunch so he didn't embarrash himself, but he figured he coudl handle that. He smiled brightly as the bell finally rang after a bit. He quickly put his things up and put them away before standing.

"Well, I shall show you the way, Serena," he said with a smile on his face happy to take this woman down to lunch. He wondered what his mother would say about this, but he fretted nothing on that at all. He smiled, "Well Serena, it is a joy to have you here, um, are you new in town too?" he asked as he walked with her, "I actually live out in the country myself," he admitted telling a bit about himself in the process.
When the bell finally rang, Serena was all too happy. She put her things away and stood up as well, following after Gohan. She smiled back genuinely. "Kinda. I'm from Juuban actually." It was easy for her to keep up with him, her heels clicking softly as she walked. "Felt like a slight change of area for school. And be less likely to see my little brother and his friends right away." She giggled, telling a bit about herself

"So, the country huh? What made you decide to come here, if you don't mind my asking." She was definitely starting to like him. A year or so ago, she might've felt guilty even talking to him because of her at the time relationship with Darien. But their relationship had ended on a good terms as they realized they were only in love because their past lives and the future shown them dictated they should be.
He smiled as he was glad to know that about her, she seemed very interesting actually. He smiled as he walked with her down the hallway. He figured that there was something different about her still, yet, he couldn't place it. He blinked as he heard his stomach come to life reminding him of how he was hungry. Gohan soon rubbed the back of his own neck smiling sheepishly as he looked at Serena, "I guess I am more hungry then I thought I was," he said with a tone that matched his smile pretty much perfectly. He hoped she wasn't shocked at his large lunch this day.

"Yes, my mother demands that I make something for myself, and not be a um..good for nothing bum like my father was," he said referring to his late father as he walked. He missed his dad, and he knew that bum was a hard word to call the savior of the world. Yet, he never did have a job and he lived in his grandfather's home. He wanted to make something of himself, but he also wanted to protect people too. It was one of the reasons he was saiyaman. He wanted to help the people of the city, and stay hidden as he did so. He walked with Serena into the line getting a good deal of food, he figured sadly more then she normally saw a person eat and sat down at a table.
Serena giggled at hearing his stomach before blushing as her own decided to growl as well. She looked at him curiously at the mention of his parents. "Isn't that what parents normally want for their kids? To be better than them?" She frowned sadly though. "Things weren't too well between your parents?" She hoped she wasn't offending him by asking.

She was frankly happy that it seemed now with her having accepted being Cosmos that to an extent, she could make what she wanted of herself, even if she still would have to protect the world. She'd rather fight to protect than be forced to sit in a palace in another century...not that she was sure there was still a chance. She followed Gohan into the line, watching with a smile as he got a good deal of food before loading her own plate in a similar fashion, inwardly giggling at how shocked he was likely to be.
Gohan looked at the food on Serena's plate it matched the amount of food on his own plate. "Wow, never seen someone who can eat as much as me who wasn't a relative," he said with a smile on his face. He looked at her and thought about her question from before looked down for a moment, "well my parents love each other, it just my father took up a job where you don't make any money. He well also passed away um 7 years ago. He died a hero, though, he saved a whole bunch of people," he said smiling showing her it was okay that she had asked the question to him. "Still, I also have a 7 year old little brother too, his name is Goten," he said with a smile thinking of the little guy. "So, your from out of town, you like to eat anything else I should know about yout?"
Serena giggled, feeling at ease. "Well I stay quite active and so eating like this helps me keep the energy for it." Being the champion of justice and fighting youma was a very active lifestyle. But he didn't need the details. "I'm glad they loved each other at least. Sorry for your loss but he sounds like he had a very big heart." She smiled softly. "My little brother Sammy is about twelve and an absolute pain in the butt." She grinned. "Well I'm trying to learn to cook. Getting better. I play a lot of video games. There's an arcade near my house with plenty of games that have me as the top player."
Gohan nodded his head and smiled, "It does make a lot of sense, I don't find it as anything bad, I mean, I can't really talk here," he said with a smile as he ate his own large plate of food which happened to be in front of him. He knew all saiyans ate like that, but this woman was no saiyan. Still, it made him wonder just what was different about her. He smiled at her comment, and listened to her, "Well, I like playing games, they can be fun, but I never have gotten to play them much, um living in the country and all," he said with a smile on his face, "I would love to play at one with you sometime," he added feeling good about talking with her. "My father had the biggest heart I have ever seen, and my little brother looks a lot like him apparently when he was young," he said with a smile as he looked over at Serena, as he finished his meal up quickly.
Serena could only smile. "Honestly, I think more guys eat such portions than they let on when they're alone. Cutting down to impress girls." She took some bites from her own food grinning when he mentioned wanting to play at an arcade. "Maybe one day we'll go to the arcade by me together. The owner has known me for a few years so he knows my appetite well. He also makes the best triple chocolate shakes." She thought about what he said about his brother. "Sounds adorable. Honestly, if you saw my family, you'd think I was adopted but I swear I'm not." Not technically anyway, she wasn't. "But I have looked like some distant relatives." Distant if you mean the past and future. She finished her meal up quickly soon.
Gohan smiled as he looked at her, "yeah, that sounds fun, actually, I know something that might be fun for you, um the owners of the Capsule Corps happens to be a family friend of ours," he said with a kind look, "I am sure they can show you the new things they are working on for arcades, I am sure they have some crazy stuff, Bulma always does," he said with a smile as he looked at her. He was going to say something about one could tell just how alike he and his brother were, and that they were family, but as he looked at her, he felt his wrist watch go off, it told him that something was up and he was needed.

"I go to go, my mother um...needs me," he said as he made a quick exit from the school, he made sure to change into Saiyaman in a small area that was hidden. He moved out fast, as he figured it was some criminal who hadn't learned their lesson. He landed and looked at the scene from above on a building figuring out how to handle it. The young man looked at the trouble makers, they were not humans. Heck he had no clue what the heck they were. He paused as he watched, for a moment before attacking one of the green Youma, knocking him on his back as he then posed, declaring himself as Saiyaman.
Serena listened to him explain about Capsule Corps with interest. But then his wrist watch went off and she looked after him in confusion as he ran out after the explanation he gave her about his mother needing him. She wouldn't say anything about it when she next caught up with him, letting it slide.

But then she sensed some trouble outside not long after he left and inwardly groaned. Just great. She dashed out of the school and ducked into an alley to transform into Sailor Cosmos, having made sure no one followed her into the alley. She leaped onto the roof of a building and noted the strange guy who seemed to have started fighting off the youma. She rolled her eyes as he posed before seeing another Youma start to sneak up on the man.

"Shine Aqua Illusion!" The water attack shot straight for the sneaky youma, knocking it sideways into a tree before she jumped from the roof, declaring herself as Sailor Cosmos.
Saiyaman looked over as he saw the woman show up, he was surprised, he had never seen her before in his whole life. He blinked as he had no clue who she was but she look familiar somehow. He just for some reason couldn't place the woman at all. He turned and focused on the foes at hand. They had to be low level underlings, or he hoped so, not that they were that tough. He attacked one of them with a fast attack, pressing his attack up against the Youma before it had the chance to defend, before launching a second attack at a second one. He figured that the woman was skilled and he left the other two Youma for her to handle, as the ki ball from his hand destroyed the second Youma all together. He turned to see the woman though his visor as he was curious to know more about this Sailor Cosmos as well as the foes he had just battled too.
Sailor Cosmos watched from the corner of her eye as Saiyaman destroyed the youma he was dealing with, all while defending from the two she was facing. "Flame Sniper!" She aimed the attack at one, which destroyed it instantly. She then turned to defend from the other before aiming a well placed "Deep Submerge!" attack at it, destroying that one as well. She was silently thankful that her buns took a heart shape when she was transformed as she felt like she was being watched. She turned to face him, dusting off her fuku that was more of a mini-dress in design, combining with her heels to make her already long legs look longer. "Thank you for your help with those youma.
Gohan smiled as he knew that she had some special skills, they seemed to be magic based from what he could tell. He had to deal with some of them before, but never as an ally, which was rather nice. He smiled as he saluted the woman, and looked at her, "Well, now, the Great Saiyaman is always on the side of justice, where ever injustice appears, I shall be there, ready to right the wrongs that have been done," he said in a nerdy goofy kind of way, but it was Gohan, and that was just who he was. He figured he had to leave the area, and took off flying away quickly, as he headed back in the direction of school hoping to catch at least the last bit of it.
Serena watched as Saiyaman flew off. That was definitely an interesting name for an interesting fighter. It was great to have an ally in fights again, because she just had an inkling that she hadn't seen the last of him. Which was probably for the best. Especially with them turning up in groups like that. With a sigh, she hurried from the area, making sure that she ducked into another alley to change back before continuing back to school, hoping for a chance to sneak back in for at least the last class.
Gohan sat down and looked for Serena, he was by the door one seat over as he had found the first open chair. He was worried that she might be late, or lost or something. He blinked as he thought about something. He was going to have to have a talk with the girl after this. He had a feeling now as he was able to put some connections together in his mind. He leaned back and watched before the quizzes were passed out, he said that Serena was there, just getting in a bit later, as she had to talk to someone. It was a lie, of the first order for sure, but he figured it would cover for her, and thus work to the good of the moment at least. He looked at the paper quickly doing both ones as he hoped she would be there fast to take credit for the right answers.
Serena ran into the class a bit out of breath. She went over to the teacher to apologize and give an explanation for her lateness. But was shrugged off with the teacher telling her that Gohan had already said something on her behalf and to sit down for the quiz. She went over to sit in the open seat near Gohan, sliding in quietly. She hadn't quite expected him to be back before her based off of his saying his mother needed his help with something, having figured originally that he had gone home. But for him to be back...at all let alone by the time she made it in had her confused.
Gohan looked at Serena as he smiled and then waited out the class after the quiz which was easy enough, he had no problems with such things. He smiled and tapped Serena on the shoulder, "lets talk you and I somewhere more quiet," he said softly, he had a feeling that he and she needed to talk. He felt her energy and he knew it was the same as the woman who helped him. Same hair color, same general look, same late arrival as him. It all fit together well, and Gohan wasn't a dummy either, he wanted to talk to her about it, of course he would admit who he was to her, as it would only be fair. He just wanted to do so somewhere more private then the middle of school was all. He waited for her to see if she would agree and knew the place to take her to.
Serena was grateful that he managed to cover for her. It was just lucky she got back in time for it to hold. Though she was still a bit suspicious about his disappearance and return happening to line up with her seeing Saiyaman in that area earlier against the youma. When he asked to speak to her somewhere more quiet, she figured that it had to be important to him to want somewhere more quiet. She wasn't even suspecting that he might have figured something out. "Alright then. Following your lead."
Gohan walked down the path and turned as he whistled and called the flying nimbus. He picked up Serena and held her as he got onto the cloud, he wasn't sure if she would be pure enough hearted to be able to ride it so he kept his hand on her the whole time to be on the save side and hold her up. "This is the Nimbus, it is something that belonged to my father long ago," he said as they flew up away from others on the cloud. "So, to cut to the case, you were the woman who was there earlier today, fighting those strange creatures weren't you," he asked as he looked at her, holding her just to be save, "um the thing with the nimbus, if you don't have a pure heart you will well fall off right away," he informed her not wanting to think he was trying something as he held her.
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