Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It had all happened so suddenly. No one had been expecting it, and how could they have? It was supposed to be over and done with, the bad guy was caught, in prison, and the good guys had won and most of Manhattan had survived and was recovering... and then Thor returned, looking deeply troubled and explained that Loki had been as much of a victim as Hawkeye and Dr. Selvig. He explained that Loki had come into contact with the Tesseract, and it had taken over his brain the way he'd taken over Hawkeye, and that it had left Loki very sick now that he was free of it's poison. He explained how the Asgardian's where refusing to help Loki, refusing to see sense, refusing to admit that Loki couldn't be held accountable for his actions. They refused to even treat him for the injuries he'd gotten from the Avengers, let alone the sickness that was sapping his strength, both physical and magical. To make things worse, apparently Loki's guards had tried to kill him through a severe beating. Which was where Thor returning to Earth came in.

he went straight to Tony Stark, and begged the man to let him bring Loki there so he could get some sort of medical treatment. After all, it wasn't really Loki's fault, all that had happened. Loki had even done everything he could to make sure he failed! After all, Loki had been very dramatic about the whole thing, giving the Avenger's all the clues they needed to win. Thor never really gave Tony a chance to say no, he just thanked the Man or Iron and left to go and get Loki, which was how Loki ended up sitting at Tony Stark's breakfast table after having spent the night in a midgaurdian hospital to take care of his various damages. And he really did look like he'd been through the grinder. Bruises where blossomed over his body, he was entirely too thin after being in incarceration for only a month, and he was as pale as the moon... and not in a healthy way. Loki looked exactly how Thor said he would look. He looked like he was sick and had received a hell of a beating... even after The Hulk had gotten done with him, Loki hadn't looked that bad!

“Loki, you promise to behave?” Thor demanded, Loki rolling his eyes. “Thor... my magic is being sucked away by some foreign disease that no one is willing to treat. What the hell kind of trouble can I get into!?” Loki demanded. “besides, I'd much rather be in hell here on midgard, than in hell up in Asgard.” Loki muttered. “i'm not about to ruin this chance. Now stop hovering, I'm not dying yet.” he complained, but the way he said it, indicated that he fully expected this strange affliction to take his life. “i'm sure Master Stark can find a use for me, just because I can't use magic without agonizing pain, doesn't mean I'm helpless Thor.” Loki complained as Thor looked unconvinced and worried about his little brother. “i liked you more when you hated me.” “you don't mean that.” Thor grumbled and Loki sighed and shook his head. “i don't mean that.” he agreed softly, sounding more like a hurt little boy, than an almighty god of mischief. “behave for Tony Loki.” Thor ordered. “i will do what I can in Asgard.” “why bother? They have always hated me... at least now I understand why. If they want me gone then so be it.” Loki stated with a sniff. “i'll make a life for myself on Midgard... selling Tacos. I enjoy tacos.” he muttered, looking rather stoned for a moment before he snapped to. “or I could sell cars. Lots of people sell cars.” Thor just rolled his eyes. This Loki was certainly not the same one that broke Manhattan.
tony stared at the two brothers not sure what to think of their arguing or loki'4 was obvious that this was not the same person who'd attacked manhattan and he was curious what the real loki would be like. Smirking a little as he ate he tilted his head a loki,"you could sell computers.if you're going to sell things, you can make me money."he teased snickering a little before sighing as he studied loki."but first,there is someone I think you should meet. While he's not treated a magical problem before. Lukas is a good doctor, and definitely capable of keeping you alive unless you piss him off then he might kill you."he mused glancing up as the door opened smiling at the tall blond man walking in. While the usual saying would be 'tall blond and beautiful,' the one that described lukas augustus was 'tall powerful and dangerous.' striking blue eyes surveyed the room for a long moment before the nearly 6'6" man crossed the room to toss himself next to thor in a chair with the careless grace of a man used to being graceful despite his size.

"when you said you had a case for me,you didnt say I would be treating a asgardian." "because i knew you wouldnt show up,now stop complaining,you prick." "no. I have enough problems chasing humans i dont want to start with loki." "...but its a unusual case lukas. You like the unusual." " sex partners yes,not so sick patients he looks ready to fall over."
Loki smiled a little. "computers? those are those funny little boxes that people are always watching right?" he asked curiously. "the ones that are 'recordings' and not real, and that i shouldn't attack it if the person there looks me right in the eyes and calls me a 'mother fucker'..." Thor bit back more laughter. "that's a TV Loki." Thor corrected and Loki blinked. "ah, right... which one is the computer?" "the one with a hundred libraries, and human idiocy crammed into a screen." "ah, yes. with the dancing cats..." he muttered, sounding a bit baffled about why someone would want to watch a dancing fat cat 'play a piano'. "i would rather sell Tacos. Tacos make sense." Loki admitted with a smile. "so no different than a healer of Asgard." Loki agreed at the mention of Lukas's 'temperament'. he watched Lukas stride forward, his head cocked to the side as he examined the man from head to toe, looking quite delighted by what he saw... hey, he was a God, he was attracted to power. "i wouldn't mind a good tumble." Loki admitted with a smirk before he turned his head and coughed a few times. Thor took no notice, but then he was about as intelligent as his hammer. Tony would probobly notice though, and being the healer that he was, Lukas would definitely notice the wet sound to the cough, and the red splatters on Loki's hand, which was quickly wiped away before 'anyone noticed'. Loki clearly didn't want anyone fussing over him, he was all too happy to just lay back, relax for a while and let death take him. after all, if even the humans refused to treat him, what hope did he have?

"Please, Doctor Lukas. my brother is dying. and if Tony called you, then you are probobly the only man who has a chance of saving my brother." Thor pleaded with the human doctor. "he was infested by the tes..." "infected." Loki corrected, sounding rather bored as he laid his arms on the table, and laid his head within them. feeling so tired, he just wanted to lay down and take a nap. "infected by the tesseract. for over a year, his thinking was not his own. he could not stop himself from breaking Manhattan...." Loki flinched at the mention of it, but made no move to defend himself. he did break Manhattan after all. "now it continues to infect him... or at least... that's our best guess." Thor admitted. "we don't really know whats wrong with him, other than that he's dying." "we don't really know that either. i'm losing my magic and my strength, that doesn't necessarily mean death..." Loki smiled sheepishly under his brothers patronizing glare. "fine. i'm dying... but at least it doesn't hurt..." another glare and Loki sighed. "can't you let me have my lies?" "no. please Doctor. your the only hope i have of saving Loki. the Asgaurdian healers won't even look at him, they never have." Thor complained. "he had to go through the Mumplebumps as a child with only my mothers care, because no one else would treat him." "you would know it as the chicken pox." Loki stated sleepily. "different virus, but same effect." "must you keep talking Loki!?..." thor seamed to realize how tired Loki was because he gently knelt next to his brother. "i'm sorry. you must be exaughsted..." Thor muttered, gently feeling Loki's forehead. "at least you're fever has gone down."
"probably alot like the healers. Though if lukas refuses it'll be because enjoys being a difficult as a priest in a whorehouse, not because he hates loki." "...I'm only difficult ewith you stark cause you hauled me halfway around the world to look at a case of your girlfriend having was disgusting."lukas complained raising his eyebrows at loki's words.sorry, I dont fuck people who look like they'd break if I touched them.lhe said before listening to the others arguing and ignoring the look tony was giving him.

"you owe me,stark. More then you already do." "just add it to the sure you'll find something apporiately hideous to make me do."tony said because lukas didnt get paid in money, but he traded his skills for favors and secrets. Despite not being as visible as tony, Lukas was one of the few that was known to everyone, though he was more myth then fact, his existance among the people questionable. Frowning at the sound of loki's cough he flicked a annoyed look at both tony and thor for letting him out of bed.lfor fuck's sake,get him in"he growled.
Loki was listening with bright eyed amusement as he studied the two men, his head tilted. "Syphilis?" he finally asked with a grin. "isn't that one of those diseases that you get by fucking filthy women?" he asked curiously. "i expected Tony to have at least a bit better taste than that." he admitted simply. "then again, i suppose even rich men get bored with rich women." he teased simply before he snorted at Lukas. "i am a god. i am still thrice as powerful as you and can take twice the beating." he commented simply with a sniff. "i am nowhere near breaking point'. no matter how much my brother would argue otherwise." "Loki..." Thor warned, exasperated, and yet amused. "make him dress as a maid and serve you drinks." Loki suggested with a smirk. "for a week. he would make a lovely little boy toy." Thor choked a little at that. "Loki!" he complained, Loki snickering weakly, squalling protests as Thor picked him up and carried him to the guest bedroom that Tony had set up. complaining that he could still walk thank you very much and that he wasn't an invalid and that if Thor didn't put him down right this instant he was going to turn him into a rat!

still, within moments of being laid down in the warm, soft, wonderful bed Loki was out like a light, sleeping peacefully, even if his breathing was a little raspy. "you think you can help him?" Thor asked hopefully. "Loki won't tell you when he's feeling bad..." Thor warned. "so you'll have to keep a close eye on him... he has a few symptoms. mostly it's a fever, and a constant drain on his energy and magic. he bruises easily now too, it's... frightening. i gripped him a little too hard trying to get him to safety and... well look." he gently lifted Loki's sleeve to reveal finger shaped bruises. "i didn't even know i hurt him." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he has a persistent cough, and i think he's been having chest pains, but he won't admit to it." Thor admitted, sounding rather angry that Loki was trying to downplay his condition. "and those Bastard guards!" Thor hissed in rage. "i caught them BEATING Loki just a week ago! literally beating him, with sticks!" Thor complained. "they gave no reason for it! they just said 'it's nothing less than he deserves!' they where put there to PROTECT him, not punish him!" Thor growled, scowling as he gently brushed Loki's hair out of his face. "please... i'll do anything for you to help my baby brother..." he finally muttered to Lukas, eyes shining with worry about his brother.
"hey,godling.quit giving him ideas.lukas is quite capable of punishing me on his own,thankyouverymuch.ltony scowled at the two laughing men before huffing as he was ignored. Lukas frowned as he followed thor out of the room looking slightly intrigued and worried as he walked. Looking don at loki as he fell asleep lukas rubbed a hand over his face.

"I might be able to. Maybe."lukas said sighing quietly biting his lip already mentally going over what he could try."well. I'll just have to give him a exam i can see what I'm dealing with when he gets up."he said watching thor, tilting his head."you have nothing I want asgardian, but I will do tjhis for a favor to be cashed in at a later date,no questions asked about what I want done."he said simply,even if he would have helped loki because something compelled him to try and heal, he wasnt above to selling his services,or pretending he wouldnt do it if it meant someone owed him something.
Loki smirked a little. "well, perhaps i want to see you in a maids outfit then? you would look quite dashing. not as glorious as myself of course, but you would be a cute little plaything." Loki teased, his eyes glittering in laughter at tony before he was carried out of the room. Thor sighed in relief as Lukas promised that he might be able to find out what was wrong with Loki. "i will agree, only so long as you do not ask me to harm someone, or take power from someone." he stated. as a God, as a King, he wasn't really allowed to hurt someone if they where innocent. if he wasn't careful, he could start wars, so he had to be cautious of the kinds of favors he would hand out. "i must return home." Thor admitted, looking worried. "someone has tried to kill Loki, and my father both and i fear the incidents might be connected." Thor admitted softly. "i need to be there to protect my father and mother." he admitted looking at Tony. "please, take good care of my brother." he pleaded softly before he took Lukas's hand. "thank you, thank you so much for helping my brother." he stated before he left to deal with the issues.

Loki woke two hours later, looking a little bit better, and much more 'peppy', a little bit more energy to him at least. he walked slowly back to the kitchen, not about to tax himself, and helped himself to a few glasses of water before he started to poke around at all the fancy objects in the house. Jarvis was watching him, this he knew, so he knew he wouldn't accidentally break anything. "Don't Touch That Sir." Jarvis commented suddenly and Loki withdrew his hand from a fancy looking panel, his head cocked to the side. "what is it?" "it is a control Panel Sir. punching the wrong button could lead to a series of self destructs, that would render the building completely destroyed." "...well then." Loki stated taking several steps away from the control panel. "not a toy." he agreed before blinking at the refrigerator. "and this contraption?" "a refrigerator Sir." "...and what does it do?" "it keeps food cold." Jarvis commented, as if not sure if Loki was insane, making fun, or just that stupid. "...really? how does that work?" Loki asked, pulling the fridge open and blinking as he realized it WAS cold inside! he was halfway to attempting to take it apart to see how it worked when Jarvis alerted Tony that Loki was attempting to disembowel the refrigerator.
lukas nodded a little looking at the god."i will keep that in mind when I make my request."he said smiling a little.

When tony walked into the room, studying the frost giant for a long moment."If this is punishment for something,it wasnt my fault." "everything is your fault."lukas corrected as he followed tony into the room?the two having been discussing business while loki rested
"but you loki leifeyson.are supposed to be resting."lukas said scowling a little at the sight of the man working to disembowle the fridge.
Loki blinked up at Tony, not understanding. who was being punished? "i am resting! see, i'm sitting down and everything! look! this is amazing! these little coils are hot, but it makes the entire box COLD! you humans are remarkably amazing!" Loki admitted, examining the electrical components of what made the fridge tick. "i can't figure out how you harness this 'electricity' just yet, but it does some rather incredible things! does electricity power everything in the world that glows?" he asked curiously. "what happens if it runs out? surely you don't get enough storms to make ALL this power?" he asked, looking rather amazed and awestruck, like a child who had just realized his teddy bear would giggle when he squeezed it. "and these little glass bulbs, they are everywhere!" he stated, examining the tiny little fridge light. how Loki had removed all that without a screwdriver would be one mystery that no human would ever solve... except maybe for the assumption that magic was used. "in any case i feel fine for the moment. i always feel better after a good sleep. you will have to let me keep that bed, it's the most comfortable i've ever slept on." Loki wrinkled his nose. "Aeser don't hold much stock in comfort the uncivilized brutes!" he grumbled as he examined the electrical cords, his head cocked. "what are these?" he wondered. before anyone could stop him, he touched a finger to an exposed copper wire, and shrieked as he was electrocuted. "Your cold metal beast ATTACKED me!" Loki squealed, scrambling back away from the fridge. "i didn't know it was ALIVE! i can't feel my hand! what has it done to me!?" now that was a you-tube moment.
tony sniled a little,glsd to see that the man was adjsuting to being here, despite knowing he had to get a new fridge.oit was good knowing thatt maybe having him here would be okay.lwell,some of us are more amazing then others."lukas she smiled as he rested his hop against the table and watched loki."yes all our world runs on electricty,not magic like asgard. And tony here's trting to figure out just wehsat we'3e going to do if we run out,we havent gotten it right just yet."lukas said wincing and already moving towards the man as he touched the socket crouching down and gingerly grabbing his hand making sure he didnt have a electrocial burn before gently massaging the apendage."its not alive.that was the electric power that shocked you. You'll get feeling back in a few minutes.shh dont be upset."he muttered then it as he spoke it was obvious why tony had wanted lukas. There was a thread of power to his word, a rarity among midgardians, but lukas' voice was enough to sooth just about anyone if he tried. And while he was trying to be serious and calm,there was amusement in his eyes at loki's reaction to being 'attacked.'
Loki hummed a little. "the entire world runs on electricity." Loki muttered, highly impressed. "but how do you harvest this electricity? the only way i can think of is to pull it from the sky, and i KNOW there isn't enough up there to power so many places and things." Loki complained before he examined Tony. "and i am certain that the glowing thing in your chest isn't electricity either." well, it was, just a different kind of electricity. Loki flinched away from the contact, as if expecting to be struck, and stared at Lukas with a look of almost shock as the man massaged his hand. he felt himself reacting to the soft order, relaxing before he puffed up like an angry cat and was on his feet, rage twisting his face as he backed away from Lukas. "you stay out of my mind!" he hissed. "i have already been controlled once! i won't let you do it again!" he snarled. an interesting reaction to such a subtle power, but considering the look of fury... and terror, in Loki's eyes it was easy to understand why he would react in such a way. the Tesseract had screwed with his head, and now Loki thought Lukas was doing the same.
“it comes from the ground, we burn minerals and such to create it.”Tony said smiling a little amused that the man was interested before wincing as lukas managed to freak him out. Lukas sat back on his heels looking at the godling towering over him, hands raising in a gesture of absolute surrender. “I’m not controlling you, not your mind. My voice can calm your body, keep your pulse down….I can tame your natural bodily reaction to being afraid, not your mind loki.”Lukas said watching the other, pain flickering through his eyes that he hadn’t considered how the man would react to hearing him speak, and feeling guilty for doing it. “You’re safe loki,I just didn’t want you to be hurt when I could help along the healing.”
Loki was practically having a full blown panic attack at the moment, he was hyperventilating, sweating, as pale as a ghost and nearly as transparent and he was trembling so hard it almost looked more like a very small seizure. it took several minutes of Lukas promising Loki that he was safe before the sickly godling calmed down, and by that time he'd used up most of his strength trying to protect himself from a threat that wasn't there. he finally ended up half laying on the floor, using Lucas as a support so he wouldn't be laying on the floor completely, his eyes closed and still trembling, but taking comfort in the warm body of another. so lost in a world of terror that he didn't even realize he was cuddling up to the person who had started it. he ended up falling asleep against Lukas, and it was painfully obvious just then, how bad Loki really was. it wasn't just a physical disease, but having his will taken away had severely damaged his mind as well. even worse, the coughing was getting worse, and in the state he was in, Loki was in no condition to try and hide the blood that was leaking out of his mouth and down his chin as he coughed. once he was in bed, he complained about not being able to breath, and had to sleep in a half sitting position so that he didn't choke or suffocate while he was resting from his panic induced coughs and exhaustion.
Lukas was mentally cursing himself for having induced this panic attack, muttering quiet things as he tried to sooth the man’s body into calmness, hating that despite his usual talent for calming people, it seemed that he was going to fail utterly in helping loki. While his talent made him amazing in a surgery room, it seemed that he was going to have to work harder to help loki then he ever had to before. Settling into the bed with loki, he let the man lean against him, the godling’s head resting on his chest as he napped. In the morning lukas yawned a little looking down at loki as the man woke, “Can you sit up?”He muttered his arm numb and sounding worried about the man. Lukas was angry with himself because it was rare for him to fail, and he hated not being able to help.
Loki threw a fit anytime he was out of touching distance with Lukas or Tony. if he wasn't touching someone he threw a fit, so getting him into bed had been an interesting affair. still once he was there, he calmed down considerably and fell asleep, and in the morning he almost didn't remember what had happened. "yeah, i can sit up." Loki agreed as he slowly managed to stand up and the first thing he did was head straight for the bathroom. he had to pee! he nearly winced when he realized his urine was red, and wondered if he aught to tell someone before sighing and flushing the evidence. he was much too used to depending only on himself. still, there was a sign in Loki's blood of what was happening. Loki's body was attacking itself. his very magic, was trying to attack his blood and his body cells and it was winning. the Tesseract had turned his own magic against him. "Lukas!" Loki called suddenly, sitting down on the toilette to catch a breath before looking at the other. "i haven't bathed in several days, i would like to be clean, will you show me where the bathing facilities are?" in Asgard, the 'wasteroom' was in a separate area. they thought it unsanitary to relieve ones self in the same place that you bathed. particularly since they often ate snacks and drank ale when soaking away the days anxieties. after getting over the shock of bathing standing up while water dripped down on you, Loki seamed to enjoy the idea of a shower very much. especially when promised that they did still have hot water tubs. not as big as the Jotun was used to, but still there, so he could have a good long soak before bed if he wanted to. then again, an asgardian idea of a 'bathtub' was a ten by fifteen 'pool' of steaming hot water straight from a hot spring. so, certainly not something that Tony had on hand.
“You know, you might consider putting in trying to make tony put in a bathing pool instead of just the tub. He’s hedonistic enough to like the idea of being able to fit that many people in the tub with him.”Lukas snickered a little at the thought as he sat on the toilet, talking to the man as he showered, though he was careful to keep his eyes away from the other man. Staying because he didn’t want loki to fall, at least that’s what he told himself, and not that he wanted to stay and see the godling naked. Never that.”How are you feeling today?”He asked already going over his mental list of what he needed to do to see about helping loki live while thor tried to figure out how to help. While he was a genius with medicine, the magic of the tesseract, lukas was afraid it was beyond his abilities. But he was willing to pit him against the magic with a sheer stubborn will to see if he could bend the world to his will and save a man who seemed to not care if he lived or died….or at least not enough to trust them enough to help him.
Loki smirked a little as he nodded. "i think i should." he agreed with a small chuckle. "a shower is nice, but it's nothing compared tot eh hot spring waters of a true bathing hall." Loki admitted with a small chuckle. "swimming in hot water is equally as fun, and with a proper filling and draining system, the water is always hot, and always clean." he admitted as he examined the coconut body wash that pepper liked. he fumbled with it for a moment before managing to pop the top open and he sniffed at the scent, pondering it before pouring a thick amount into his hands and started to scrub himself down with just his hands. "i don't suppose you have any sand either do you?" Loki asked with a small sigh. "oh well, i'll pick some up for myself. it's the best exfoliate." he admitted with a grin. they didn't have washcloths or lufa's. they scrubbed with sand to be rid of dead skin cells. "Shampoo..." he muttered, looking puzzled. they didn't have separate soaps for hair and body in Asgard. he shrugged, popped it open and washed his hair, pleased with how nice he was going to smell. scented soap was GREAT! he finally rinsed off and wrapped a towel around himself and sighed as he studied his filthy clothes. "i don't suppose you have clothes i might borrow?"
“Yes, it would be interesting to see that.”Lukas said amused that the man was so pleased with having his soap smile like things before shaking his head.”No sand, but we can get some. There’s like a bath girly store nearby, surely they’d have something to help.”he mused before smirking a little as the man examined the soap.”its for your hair. Its made to make it soft and stuff.”he said smiling before nodding.”I do. Hold on.”he said disappearing into the bedroom and returning in a few minutes with a pair of jeans and a sweater. “The jeans might be a little long, sorry. I have really long legs.”he said smiling slightly at the shorter man, though loki wasn’t nearly as short as most of his other friends. Being asgardian just meant lukas didn’t have to look quite so far down to see the man.
Loki grinned a little. "he would have the place crawling with naked women, we'd better make two, one for me and one for his orgies." he mused with a nod. "i'll have to see about getting some money." Loki mused. "Thor didn't think about it, he is not used to having to pay for things. he is a 'King' after all, nothing in Asgard is denied him." he admitted with a shake of his head. "soft you say?" Loki asked before running his fingers through his hair, smiling as he stepped out of the shower. "i can fix them." he promised as he pulled them on, completely unconcerned about the lack of underwear. Asgardian's didn't have underwear. with a roll of blue sparks, the jeans suddenly shrank to fit perfectly, though Loki left the sweater baggy. "i can't do much magic, but i can still do the little things that make life a bt easier." Loki admitted as he looked around for a brush and stole Peppers. green magic dancing along the bristles as he ran it through his hair, which had grown out to past his shoulders now. with every stroke of the brush, the hair was dried perfectly, making it slightly curly, shiny, and as soft as silk. "oh i LIKE Shampoo." he purred, running his fingers through his hair. "i LIKE Earth." Loki breathed happily. "it is so much better than Asgard." and he didn't have to fear getting another beating. "i need to sit a moment." Loki admitted, settling onto the toilette once the other stood up. he was panting lightly, but he didn't look anywhere near as bad as he had the day before. he even had a bit of color to his cheeks this time. he took a moment to rest, and then accepted Lukas's help to get downstairs for some food.
“Urgh…I hadn’t considered that. Thanks loki, I never want to consider his sex life. Its bad enough I have to take care of the results of it.”Lukas whined before shrugging, “You don’t have to. Thor asked tony to help you, and narcissist that he may be, but he wouldn’t dream of turning you away. He has more money then god, he wont notice you spending some.”He said shrugging a little before snickering, looking amused. “Well, life would be a little easier with magic. Wish mine wasn’t limited to my voice.”He said sounding sulky at the thought before smirking a little as loki used pepper’s toothbrush, he was going to have to tell the woman. Later. Looking at the preening man, he rolled his eyes as loki brushed his hair.”You and tony, I don’t know which one is worse with playing with your hair.”he teased before looking at the man, trying to figure out how bad he was before nodding slightly, pleased with the conclusion he got before helping him downstairs. “what would you like to eat?”Lukas said after he got loki sitting in the chair and starting to look for food.
Loki chuckled a little. "he is very handsome." he pointed out. "if i wasn't worried about diseases, i'd crawl into bed with him." Loki admitted with a snicker. "i prefer my men to be... taller, though." he admitted, looking the other up and down, appraising Lukas with a sly, flirty little smile. "well, so long as he doesn't mind." Loki chirped happily. "i could try to teach you a few things i suppose. if you can infuse your voice with magic, it stands to reason that you'd be able to do other things as well... i am sorry for the way i reacted last night. i felt my body respond to your magic and i just... i panicked. when the Tesseract first took control, it felt almost similar. not exactly but close enough that i.. how does Tony call it? freaked out? do tell whoever owns that toothbrush that they will want a new one." he ordered calmly, looking highly amused that he had just stolen someone elses toothbrush. "oh i assure you, my vanity far outstrips anything that Tony Stark is capable of." Loki stated with a sniff before blinking at the other. "i desire to try the thing that is called a 'hot dog'. i have never eaten the meat of dog before, and i would like to try it."
“He’s currently clean, at least at his last medical exam.”Lukas said looking amused, running his fingers through icy blond hair flushing slightly as the godling looked him over before laughing quietly. “Hm.Maybe. I never tried, its weird…being the only one to be able to do it, I never considered I would be able to do more. Though since you and thor showed up on earth, it has occurred to me to think about it.”he said looking thoughtful before shrugging. “Its okay, I should have considered it, tony told me what happened. I was stupid for not considering you wouldn’t do well with it.”Lukas said before laughing.”You and him should have a vanity contest. It would be amusing.”He mused before raising his eyebrows.”for a godling, you eat odd things. Tacos. Hot dogs.”he teased a little even as he started making them hot dogs.
Loki shrugged. "i'm not about to trust mundane medicine." he commented simply before he grinned a little. "i can see why your skills would develop a singularity. all magic must be used." Loki explained simply. "to not use it, is impossible, because it will manifest itself, whether you want it or not, aware of it or not. it probobly pooled to your voice, because you had a gift for words. as you got older, say around seventeen to twenty, that is when your magic truly started to affect your voice, some exceptionally powerful sorcerers have been known to have purposeful bouts of magic, from the time they where old enough to string together complex sentences. about five, sometimes even four." Loki admitted. "there is no such thing as 'foresight' Master Lukas." Loki stated simply. "only hindsight, and in hindsight it might have been obvious, but at the time, what reason would there have been to suspect? you cannot know everything. and i had heard your voice power before, i was simply un-expecting of the reaction i would have to it. by your reasoning, i should have also known better." he pointed out. "and there is no need for a contest, i know i would win." he smirked a little. "i like the things you mundanes call 'food of the junk'. i also very much like fruit." he admitted with a shrug. anything that isn't roasted boar and mead is a welcome delight. Asgardians are not known for their diversity."
“Ah, well that makes sense. My mother told me I had a gift for words when I was a child. She could hardly ever stay mad at me because I kept spouting really long words randomly.”he mused before looking thoughtful, wondering if he would indeed be able to do more with it. Looking annoyed with the man for making it impossible for him to blame himself for not knowing better. “…you make it impossible to be angry with myself.”He sulked before laughing, “Oh yea, junk food is great.”he mused before sliding the hot dog over to the man before starting to eat himself, and sipping water. "Hm, yes your brother isn't very diverse in his food choices...though his obsession with poptarts is fairly amusing."
Loki smirked a little and nodded. "yes exactly." he agreed. "utilizing magic on purpose all the time, takes a great deal of training. you yourself have trained very hard to use your Voice, only when you want to. i can tell, you have a very good grip on it." he admitted simply before he looked highly smug. "god of mischief." he pointed out. "ah yes... pop-tarts... cardboard with a bit of frosting." he muttered with a roll of his eyes. "it's disgusting." he muttered with a shake of his head before he bit into the Hot Dog and chewed slowly, his eyes gleaming. "...i like the meat of dog." he muttered happily as he polished off the first hot dog before scarfing down a second one. he ended up eating six, and a half a bag of 'chips of the potato' which he seamed to utterly adore. he scoffed at the idea of 'frozen cream' though and didn't seam to care much for the cupcakes. Loki didn't seam to be much of a sweets eater. "so, where is the man of iron today?" he asked curiously. "has he slept at all? or has he been studying my unusual physiology all this time?" Loki smirked. "do you think he's realized that i have two hearts yet? or that my heart has insulation within it to keep it, my skin, and my organs from freezing? or that i have three to five more ribs on each side than a human? or that my lungs are twice as big and my hearts are located here?" he asked, pressing his fists on each side of his ribs... underneath his lungs. who knew Jotun physiology was so weird?
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