Reclaiming the Heart(The Avengers)-Lady/Moon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Loki laufeyson was one pissed off little Godling. He had suffered, more than any other person had ever suffered, and no one noticed, and no one cared. Loki had suffered under his brothers shadow, and when finally finding out just why everyone hated him, who could blame him for finally snapping? He knew, he had always known that Kingdom was in his blood, now he knew which Kingdom. The Rule of the Frost Giants had always been his, no matter his small stature, he had been Born with Rulers Blood in his veins. That was why Laufey, the previous King, had left Loki to die. Loki was 'too tiny' to rule. And Loki was tiny, but he was the most powerful creature ever born to the frost giants, who valued Magic over brute strength like the Asgaurdians. Loki was born to rule, Loki WOULD rule, as soon as the Asgaurdian Prince let him the fuck GO!

Thor had never understood. And never would, the HATRED that flowed through Loki's veins. Loki had always understood that the people of Asgaurd hated him, and once he knew WHY he understood why he had always hated his brother, and father, and everyone else. Loki had locked that part of him away though, the part that had once been gentle, and loving, and tender and sweet. The part of him that had been capable of anything other than hatred. Still, he stayed silent as he walked next to Thor, wishing that he could simply send word to the Frost Giants. As killer of the previous King, Laufey, Loki was the rightful King of Jotunheim, king of the Jotun... unfortunately, while they knew he was the rightful King, they did not know where he WAS. They where waiting for him to lead them to Glorious Purpose... but while Loki knew it was in his blood to Rule, his instincts to do so had driven him more than a little mad. Now he was paying for it, because in his attempts for revenge, he had decided to Rule the one place that would hurt his foul, traitorous brother the most. It had failed, badly. And now he was on Earth once again, with his wonderful, powerful Magic bound, helping 'clean up his mess'. No, Thor would never understand that this was how Frost Giants worked. Only the strongest was allowed to be King, and Loki was, without a doubt, the Strongest Frost Giant in recorded history... smallest too for that matter, but they would respect him, despite his size.

Now he was being dragged to some damn hospital, to look at some pathetic Midgaurdian in a Coma, who apparently hadn't aged in the thirty years that she'd been there. Loki didn't want to remember to thirty years ago. That was where everything had started to crumble. Thor wouldn't remember, he was too stupid, but Loki would never forget. “Come quickly Brother.” Thor ordered, giving Loki a small scowl, Loki sneering back at him. “i am NOT your brother.” Loki hissed before scanning the area intently, eyes narrowed as he was forced into he stinky, disgusting place of healing to meet with Jane Foster, who Loki desired to murder more than he had ever wanted anything in his life. It was not right that Thor would have the happiness of a Mate, when Thor had taken that away from Loki. Loki followed Jane into the Hospital, his eyes digging into the soft spots of Jane's neck.. a single strike, and she would be dead, but that would also mean that Loki would be put to the death. And that would lead to war, and Loki honestly didn't want to see the Frost Giants go up against the Adgaurdian's again. He could not do that to his people, knowing they would be slaughtered. So he glared at her, and plotted an 'accident' maybe... and then he saw the woman that she wanted him to see and he snapped, grabbing his brother and slamming him into the wall. “What SICK joke is this!?” he demanded, eyes blazing red and frost seeping out of his every pore. “How DARE you bring me to an Image of HER!” and Thor simply looked baffled by his brothers sudden fury and Loki realized that Thor honest to god did not REMEMBER the PAIN that he had caused. The pain of loosing his Life Mate, of losing his Hydra... the woman who had died protecting Thor from an assassination attempt and Thor did not REMEMBER.
“She’s not aged, thor, and when she was first admitted, her hands had been broken and meneded badly. 30 years ago the only option had been to break them and set them…only they healed as fast as they could break them. When I looked over the medical records, and looked at the blood work…it showed a lot like yours, thor. I thought maybe…”Jane sighed softly, shrugging a little as she looked up at thor, before startling, “What?What’s going on?Thor?”Jane said looking at loki, scared but not wanting to abandon them to whatever they would do.

Unlike loki and thor, hydra was beautiful and the colors of sunset, of flame. It made sense, the woman had been born to Muspelheim’s fire elves, but unlike loki, her mother was actually asgaurdian, and hydra had been raised among them, her mother was a handmaiden to queen frigga. But she was a woman who straddled two worlds, and both…while not hated her, disliked her, for she, like loki was a magician, a sorceress.

Looking at her loki had to know that this was no copy, though the hair the color of flame, the deepest reds and oranges, her bangs edged with the blue at the heart of flame, and blue eyes the color of amber, good golden amber. But what couldn’t be faked, what no one but loki had known about was the band of runes and knots, folding back onto themselves, brought to mind the images of fire and ice. A muspelheim’s mating tattoo, though the fact that only hydra, and not both her and loki wore one was telling. The woman had created it while they were laying in bed, but loki had been hesitant to commit that much….And a memory would tug at loki’s mind as he watched her.

’We are creatures of fire and ice, you and I. The bond knew this, even if you wont admit it. One without the other would be a abomination….I’ll just have to wait for you to be ready to wear one to.”Hydra muttered as she laid tangled up in the sheets of his royal bed, looking sleepy and amused as she watched loki as he read in the bed next to her.

But it had already been to late. The next day she had ‘died.’

And for the first time in 30 years, the woman on the bed responded slightly to what was going around her, the slight frown marring her brow as she heard loki’s voice.
Loki snarled at his brother, hissing horrible words to him and Thor didn't understand what had set his brother off. finally Loki let his brother go, a single tear rolling down the side of the Mad God's face, and wasn't that the biggest shock of all? Loki had shown no emotion but rage in over thirty years. "you would truly forget brother!?" Loki demanded, arms limp at the Tricksters side. "you would forget the woman who died to save you!? the woman, the only woman i have ever had emotion for? you would forget what her dying and you living did to me..." and Thor gasped, suddenly remembering the hair of fire in his face, the woman laying over him where the poisoned Arrow had struck, hitting her in the heart, where it should have hit Thor in the gut for a slow and painful death. "...she was to marry me.." Loki whispered, moving over to the woman and picked up her hand, stroking the Tattoo there. "she was a Fire Elf... we where to Marry but i was too frightened of my emotions..." he pressed his face into her hand, as of trying to comfort himself with the false of her touch. "...i never had the chance to let her mark me as her Mate..." he hissed, glaring at his brother.

"they had a FEAST that night! in your honor for KILLING the would be Assasin and you all just FORGOT that she had died to save you! because like me, no one liked her! no one wanted her there! you all partied, and reveled, and overjoiced while the only creature to ever have my heard was DEAD and i would have NO vengeance for that because YOU took it away from me! and now you sit there, with your own beloved, MOCKING me and MY pain!" there was madness in Loki's eyes again, pure madness and Thor immidiatly stepped in front of Jane, shielding her, because he knew Loki would kill her in his madness... but only if he saw her, only if he realized she was still there. "You laughed and partied and i buried my Mate... i buried her, all alone..." and the madness faded into despair. "there was no one there, not you, not Father, no one... and that was when i knew that no one would ever love me again..." and now Loki sounded broken, so broken that Thor swallowed thickly, blinking back his own tears... wary of his brother, because even with the magic inhibiting cuffs, Loki was powerful enough to do some true, long lasting damage. "You killed her, and now you summon her shade to MOCK me..." madness was back. "and i will kill you for that." Loki hissed, lifting his hands to try to throttle Thor, who was so stunned he couldn't move... and highly ashamed at himself for never realizing...
Jane’s heart broke at the sound of pain in loki’s voice, eyes widening as thor stepped in front of her, wanting nothing more then to comfort loki, though she knew better then to try.

But as loki raised his hands to throttle thor, hydra’s hands spasmed, clenching tight around loki’s wrist where he held her hand still, her skin warming under his hold, not showing flame, but flame was there, beating with each pound of her heart, proving that this was no shade, no phantasm brought out of neifliehiem, to torment loki. This was flesh and blood. Which was to question, he buried her, how in the world had she ended up in migard?

’who’s there…?” the whisper filtered through magic, struggling through the spell that held her prisoner, was all fire and flame, a whisper, a shadow of the woman. The woman was responding to loki's rage, his grief, even if she wasn't aware of WHO it was, she was answering the call.
Loki snarled as he felt the hand tightening and then paused as he felt the fire magic pulsing through his body and he stopped altogether and stared at the woman on the bed, wide eyed in stunned amazement and Thor relaxed just a little, swallowing thickly as he watched his brother stare at the woman who was, apparently, not dead. "...Hydra?" he asked softly, stunned. there was no faking the magic, the image of her could have been faked, the Tattoo taken from his memories, but nothing could fake the Thrumming magic that tangled with his perfectly. "Hydra?" Loki whispered, dropping to his knees next to her bed, the HOPE on Loki's face hurt deep inside of Thor, and the Thunder god could only PRAY to whatever forces he knew of that this truly was Loki's lost lover. "Hydra. it is i, the Doer of Good and the Doer of Evil..." Thor looked a bit startled by that, before remembering... it had been Hydra who had started that monicker. Hydra who had first called Loki that. he pressed his magic back, flooding her hand with the icy chill of his own magic, letting her know, without a doubt, who he was. because only Loki's magic would curl around her's like vines wrapping about each other.
Magic answered his own, so tangled together it was like standing on the edge of a ice storm, and a firestorm all at once, and jane didn’t know whether to shiver or strip to get it off. The magic was to opposing forces, tangled together even as a frown marred golden tan features, pale red eyebrows pulling together. The comatose woman was awaking, but whatever was awaiting them, jane had a feeling it wasn’t going to be what either brother wanted.

“…who…are…you?”Hydra’s thoughts reached for the other magican even as she woke, eyes fluttering a little as she blinked, frowning slightly before jerking her hand weakly away as she let go of the god of mischief’s wrist, whiskey colored eyes looking in confusion at the people around her, barely breathing, barely moving. Even if she was asgardian, 30 years- longer, centuries- in a coma had taken a toll on the sorceress who had once ben loki’s equal in everything.

Even as her magic twined and twisted through loki's, leaping in response to his touch like a eager dog to its master, the woman seemed to not know who they were, or where she was.
Loki licked his lips, leaning forward, his eyes wide, hopeful, DESPERATE for the woman to wake that Thor shuddered and bit back a tiny sob that he was sure Jane had heard, but that Loki didn't seam to have noticed in the least. loki didn't seam to be aware of anything at all actually, only Hydra had his full, focused, and complete attention. "Hydra? it's me, Loki... your lover... your Mate..." he whispered, his eyes clouding with tears as he stroked her hair. "do you not remember me? we used to play pranks on Thor, remember when we burned all his clothes off, and left him Naked in the middle of the feasting hall?" Thor choked back an outraged 'that was you!?', he didn't dare ruin this moment, not when Loki had been so unhinged recently. "and remember when we shaved him bald? every last hair, remember? we laughed for Days every time we saw him, as naked as a babe, not even hair on his chest, or arms or legs." another choked sound from Thor. "remember when we tied Lady Sif and the Warriors three together by their wrists? and they had to do whatever Lady Sif commanded, no matter the order?" he asked, his lip trembling. "do you not remember?"
Jane shifted, resting a hand against thor’s back, offering him comfort even as tears misted her own eyes at the desperate longing in loki’s voice, gently tugging on thor’s shirt as loki kept talking, carefuly to not draw loki’s attention as she opened the bathroom door, stepping inside and tugging thor in after her. Wanting to give loki and hydra privacy, but not wanting to leave the two totally alone in case either freaked out, because she had a feeling that hydra did indeed remember nothing, and that loki was going to go totally unhinged any moment.

Hydra’s eyes looked soft and confused, though her body wasn’t obeying her command to move away, to get away from the frost giant, the fire elf turned her head closer to him, even as she looked at him like he was insane, to weak to run away, and to weak to protest him touching her, even though she wanted to move away, even if her body refused to respond to the command to move.

“no…I do not.”She said simply, weakly. Staring up at him with tears misting her eyes, not even knowing why she was crying, but crying none the less. Staring at this man scaring her by being so close, she had no idea who she was. “Hydra….is that my name?”She said after a moment.

Poor loki, to finally find his lover again, hidden away from him for all these long years, only for her to have no idea who she was, much less who he was.
Thor followed Jane, worried about his brother and the woman who was supposed to be dead. "i do not understand how i... could have not realized..." Thor whispered softly, voice filled with pain. "i remember the girl with the fire hair stopping the arrow, but no one told me she had DIED." he whispered, looking stricken, and furious, and mortified. "i never realized... i never tried to understand... how could i have done that to my own brother!?" he demanded, looking at Jane with torment in his eyes.

" do... not remember me..." Loki whispered, anguish in his voice as he swallowed thickly and fought to stop the tears that was rolling down his face and he tipped his head back and struggled not to let out the anguished cries that he so desperately wanted to let loose. "yes." Loki's voice sounded so dismayed, and broken. he had his woman, his mate, his Fiance, but he could not have her because she did now know him. "you are a Fire Elf, you where raised in Asgaurd, and you and i where very good freinds. later, we dated, and we where going to wed one another. you knew you where my Mate, and you branded yourself as such with this Tattoo, but i was afraid of the commitment, i was so used to being hated that i was afraid of the affection we had for one another, but you didn't mind... you didn't care, you promised you would wait for the fear to go away but... but you never had the chance because you... you..." and Loki couldn't say anymore. "please excuse me for a moment..." he whispered, standing up on shaking legs, moving into the Hallway where he collapsed and let out the high keening cry of someone whose heart could take no more pain.
Jane looked up at him, wrapping her arms around him, squeezing him, not wanting to give him a hard time for not bothering to find out how she was, or having not understood she had meant something to loki. Wrapping him in a hug she swallowed hard,”I don’t know thor, but you can help him now. She does not know him, and she’s asgardian…she is one of your people, and they both need you.”She whispered gently stroking his hair out of his face, wincing at the sound of the keening cry.

Hydra looked confused and hurt, swallowing hard as she tried to sort out all the things he was telling her. Looking scared as he left her, she is in a world she didn’t understand, scared because she knew nothing, no one. Even as loki left a trail of her magic curled around him, seeking to repair the bonds between them even if she did not know consciously who he was, her body remembered, needing her mate.

“Go take Loki home thor, I will see about getting the girl moved to your apartment. She does not need to be here, she needs to be around people who will understand her.”jane said pain in her eyes because she knew this was going to be hard, and knowing that they wouldn’t be able to hide her away from the world forever, but she hoped that the reporters wouldn’t find out to soon about the new asgardian among them, because she sensed, even if he was broken hearted over this, loki would defend her, take care of her until she either had her memory, or told him to go away. Glad that Tony Stark had seen to it that Thor had his own penthouse apartment to share with loki, and with stark footing the bill, it was guaranteed private.
Thor nodded. "i was so stupid... i have hurt my brother beyond repair..." he whispered, hating himself for that, hating himself for being so... so... self centered. and hating his Father too, because his Father must have known... but Odin had never had much pride in Loki, who was not much of an Asgaurdian, but then... Loki wasn't an Aeser... so how could he be a good one? Loki was a Jotun, no matter what anyone wanted, he would never be Aeser. he winced as he heard that heart broken, keening cry, a sound he had only heard once... when Loki had been five, and one of the other Gods had killed his Mortal Cat 'to toughen him up'. "i will take him home." Thor agreed. "he needs privacy... please tell Hydra that she will be moved, you do not want to frighten, or startle a Fire Elf." he warned. "she might set blaze to the building. be very slow, but show no fear. she's harmless mostly, just very frightened." he admitted as he moved out into the room, bowing low to Hydra before gathering his broken and weeping brother into his arms and took him back to New york, putting the Trickster to sleep when Loki struggled against his brother.

by the time Loki woke, Hydra had already been moved into the penthouse. Loki could feel her magic curling against his skin. he got up slowly and carefully shielded himself against the pain before he moved into her room after making sure he was presentable and didn't look like he'd been trampled and had a massive emotional breakdown. "good morning, Lady Hydra.. i wish to apologize about yesterday. it was a great shock to me to see you... well, alive... i had thought you dead for many years..." he admitted softly. "i'm sure i frightened you terribly..." he muttered, disgusted with himself. "is there anything that you need? anything at all?"
Jane hugged him tighter because she didn’t want to hurt him, knowing he was already having problems dealing with this. Swallowing hard because she knew someone had known hydra was alive, and left on earth, without any kind of protection. “I’ll make sure she’s taken care of Thor.”she muttered watching him for a moment before sighing as she set about getting hydra moved.

Hydra was laying in the bed, blinking slowly, waking at the sound of his voice, giving him a small nervous smile, frightened because she didn’t know why she wanted to be with him, but wanting to trust him. Needing to, even if the fierce need to do so frightened her badly. Nodding slightly at his words she swallowed, “You did…but…Thor sat and talked to me for awhile…”She said sounding awkward because thor hadn’t been able to tell her a lot, since he had pretty much ignored her when she wasn’t in loki’s presence, and even then she had barely registered to the thunder god. “…I would like someone to talk to. I do not…know this world. Everything is so…loud…and strange.”She said looking up at him with wide frightened eyes, more then him, this world frightened her.

While her and loki had once ventured onto earth together, it had almost been 3 centuries before, and the world had changed a lot since then.
Loki offered her a timid smile. he couldn't have the woman he had loved... but that didn't mean he couldn't love the new her. besides, she was terrified, and helpless and hurt and he refused to leave her alone. "Thor is a buffoon." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "i doubt he was much help. he ignored us most of the time. he only spoke to me when he absolutely had to, he was... well liked, and i was an embarrassment." Loki admitted with a shrug. "he never had much time for either of us. though he has gotten better. still misguided, and a fool, but he doesn't ignore anyone anymore. he's... matured a little i suppose." Loki admitted with another roll if his shoulder. "this world is a very strange one." he agreed. "i can't stand it, but i'm not allowed to leave." he flashed her a sheepish smile. "i sort of tried to take over the planet and be the king of earth... it didn't end well and now i have to clean up the mess i made." he admitted with a long suffering sigh. "We came here once, about three hundred years ago. Midgard was a lot calmer then, quieter. people weren't so busy... or insane." Loki admitted with a grin. "and they certainly didn't have all this annoying technology." he admitted with a shrug as he watched her. "i admit, this place is... a bit beyond me." he admitted with a shrug. "i am sure that the Lady Jane can explain the finer points of Midgaurd culture to us." he admitted. "we should be able to adapt ourselves for the short time we have to stay here."
Hydra eyed the man as he moved into the room, offering him a equally timid smile before nodding. “he wasn’t. He did not…know anything…about how I ended up here.”she sighed softly looking at him, her eyes closing for a moment as magic tightened around her wrist, the bond reacting to the man’s presence at her side even if she did no understand what it was. Swallowing hard at his words she looked at him in amazement, looking timidly around her, even in a guest room, there was a lot of technology. It was a Stark building, of course it was over the top. “You wanted to rule this?”She said looking out of sorts before huffing out a sigh, shaking her head. “No. I don’t want to visit with her. She is…she is kind.”Hydra said slowly, her shoulders slouching a little. A memory, not a memory, but a bone deep knowledge that she was never worthy of kindness, or notice. As abused by the asguardian’s regard as loki had been, that even without a memory, the woman was acting cowed. Only for loki, a man who was king to her queen, had she been truly free, truly without restrictions or the shame of being ‘less’
Loki nodded. "i anticipated as much. he never was all that intelligent." Loki admitted simply. "to be honest, i'm not sure how you came to be here either. the last memory i have of you, is burying you." he admitted softly. "you had died, you where dead... i waited for three days to make sure you where not simply in healing Coma, in Odinsleep... but you didn't breath, your heart did not beat, you did not wake... so i made you a grave, as pretty as i was able... and killed the part of me that felt." he didn't bother trying to lie, she would know the second he lied to her. "Tony Stark, the man that owns this building, he is the King od Technology." Loki explained as he watched her gaze wander. "he creates some very impressive things, though much of it is... well, rather useless." he admitted with a small sigh. "still, the Human's couldn't live without their technology, so i guess he does some sort of good for this world." Loki mused. "she is kind." he grumbled, wrinkling his nose. he was just as cowed by her, only he reacted in rage and anger, while she reacted in fear and timidity. "she is the only one i could trust to come in though, the only one i know would not hurt you. well, the Avengers might not harm you, but i doubt most of them are intelligent enough." he mused. "and Tony Stark isn't coming anywhere NEAR you." he growled, casting a glance at the door, as if daring the egotistical womanizer to come in.
Hydra frowned at the man in front of her trying to figure out how in the world she had gotten her,gasping a little as she struggled to focus on the man in front of her, pressing the heel of her hand against her temple,trying to relieve the pressure that was blinding her as she tried to focus. Swallowing hard before shuddering distracted by his words.

"Avengers?and why shouldn't tony stark come here?"she said trying to think through the ppain,casting a simple illusion to ksep hin from seeing how hurt she was. While she instinctively knew he'd see through it,loki had always been one of the few to see through her illusions, she did it anyways,hiding the weakness.
he shook his head a little before he frowned when she gasped. "Hydra? are you alright? what's wrong?" he asked softly, gently touching her hand, lending his magic to hers without even realizing it, not sure what was happening, but wanting to help. "Stark would come here because he is a nosy thing, he can never keep his nose out of other peoples businesses." Loki grumbled. "the annoying whelp." Loki was also aware that every word he spoke was being recorded by J.A.R.V.I.S. the damn interfering machine that it was. "you are in pain.. Hydra what's wrong?" he asked, his beautiful green eyes wide with worry as he gently stroked her hair. "lay down, your not well yet... you've pushed yourself too hard..." he muttered softly, trying to comfort her. "i will have someone get you some medication." he offered. "painkillers, human medicine isn't much, but it might help."
Hydra swallowed hard as she focused on his face, blinking back tears. “My head hurts.”She muttered swallowing hard so distracted by pain that she didn’t even notice leaning her head into his hand as he stroked her hair, shifting to lay down. “No…as soon as I tried to stopped…”She said sighing softly as she looked up at him. “I’m okay.”She muttered.

Jane settled onto the balcony chair looking over at thor as the man joined her, holding out the folder she was holding. “Though she’s only been here in the states for 30 years, Hydra was a patient in a Germany hospital for even longer, they admitted her when she was found in a abandoned castle. They thought she had wandered in, injured herself and not been able to get back out…then she didn’t age. Thor, I think she’s been here the whole time…whatever happened….brought her to earth.”she said looking worried, glancing towards the hallway where she knew loki was with hydra. “How is he doing?”
Loki frowned as he stroked her hair. "how badly? do you want me to call a doctor? i'd heal you myself but... my Magic is bound, i can't use it." he admitted softly, stroking her wrist with his thumb. "the pain started when you tried to remember?" suspicion in Loki's voice now, not aimed at her, but at what had happened. that wasn't natural, a person did not experience pain just because they tried to remember. "...what do you remember? anything at all?" he asked softly, looking worried as he glanced around, wondering if he could get one of the funny talking robots to get Hydra a glass of water.

"Germany?" Thor asked, startled. "i am not sure how many years it's been sine she 'died'. all we know for sure is somewhere between fifty and thirty years... we don't keep track of time like humans do." Thor admitted, looking a little sheepish. "still... in Germany, i don't know if there's a suspicion on that or not. Loki would know but... he's suspicious of everything these days..." Thor admitted with a sigh as he closed his eyes. "he's doing better actually. this is the closest to sane i have seen Loki in a very long time. i think i might even get away with not being glared at for a few minutes." Thor admitted with a small smile. "he might not have the woman he remembers, but his magic still twines with hers." he admitted, glancing at Jane. "her being so close is doing much to heal his soul..."
“no, not to much. Its gone, now that I’m not forcing it.”She muttered swallowing hard, trembling a little in his hands. Not pulling away, but not comfortable either. Raising a hand to rub at her temples, relaxing before shaking her head. “N-no. It hurt to badly…it obliterated anything I could have remembered…”She muttered swallowing hard, glancing up at his face.”I can get something to drink?”She said after a moment.

“Well, when you live centuries, time doesn’t have the same meaning as it does to humans.”Jane pointed out though a tinge of sadness in her look before nodding as she looked out over the city. “Germany. Its lands where former Vikings lived, but that means nothing beyond it would be land familiar to asgardians. And as much as you would like to deny it thor, someone at home knew she was…alive.”she sighed before laughing softly. “Well, just for a few moments. I’m sure he’ll remember to glare at you soon enough.”she teased before thinking about that, frowning. “Could have simply been away from loki be what caused her sleeping? If her magic recognized him enough to wake her, could he have accidently put her to 'sleep' without realizing it?"
he relaxed a little and offered her a smile as he let her hand go, looking ever so sad that she didn't seam to trust him, but not blaming her in the least. "it's alright, don't try to remember anything if it hurts so badly." he warned softly. "i don't want you to be hurt." he admitted softly. "of course. i'll be right back." he promised her, hesitating, looking worried. "it will only take a moment." he promised, worried about leaving her alone before heading out the door to get her something to drink. he went straight into the kitchen, poured a glass of the juice of oranges, and a cool glass of water and went back into the room, offering her both. "some of the Earth food here is really very delicious. there's this thing called Mangoes that is particularly wonderful. this here is the Juice of Oranges. it's a bt bitter, but still sweet." he admitted, chattering to fill n the awkward silence.

Thor nodded. "yes, the Vikings, we had many dealings with the Norse." he admitted with a grin. "they worshiped us you know, made up all sorts of silly stories that we find very amusing... not all of them are wrong though." he admitted with a small snicker before his face closed off as he glanced at her. "you think someone hid her away to deliberately hurt Loki?" he asked, his eyes glittering with rage. "i will find who did this, and i will make them pay." he growled softly before he paused. "i don't know... it is possible, perhaps..." Thor muttered. "only, i highly doubt Loki was the one to put her to sleep. even a hundred years ago, Loki was a powerful sorcerer. he s almost always in full command of his magic... however, his magic could easily override someone elses. if someone had placed a spell upon Hydra to make her sleep, Loki's magic could easily have broken that spell, even if he was unaware of it."
Hydra relaxed as he let her go, offering him a small timid smile before nodding.”I’ll try not to then.”She said shrugging a little, relaxing slowly. While she wanted to know, she also didn’t want to hurt, she was sure that she’d remember naturally, eventually. Looking at him she smiled at his words, amused a little that he seemed so worried about leaving her alone, though she to worried about being alone, sure that something of the earthlings things were going to attack her. Relaxing again when he came back in she eyed the cup before taking the orange juice, studying it for a moment before sipping it, making a face. “You are right, it is bitter, but nice.”She said making a face before loking up at him, studying the sorcerer in front of her.”…you’re being awkward.”

“Yes, I’ve heard some of these stories, and one about you getting married and dressed as a woman.”Jane said so seriously it would take a moment to realize she was teasing him before nodding as she sighed.”What else could it be? He buried her, thor. Accidental burying and making sure she was ‘dead’ was a decision that didn’t happen accidentally. Someone cold heartedly took her away.”He said smiling a little as she watched loki get something to drink then leave the kitchen again, thinking about it before nodding. “If someone spelled her to sleep, it is no wonder she didn’t wake for anything but loki walking into a room.Though why it didn’t work on the one holding her memories, I don’t know.”She sighed softly looking up at thor. "How long do you think it will take before steve and tony show up?"she said slightly amazed tony wasn't already here demanding answers.
he smiled at her and nodded. "it is nice.." he admitted, flushing slightly. "i'm sorry... it's.. i have not been well lately." he admitted with a sigh. "i have not spoken kindly to someone since you... died..." he admitted softly. "there was no reason to be nice..." he admitted with a roll of his shoulder, looking more than a little embarrassed about his past behavior. still, he had been betrayed by more than just his family, and the only reason he'd ever had to be happy had died, anyone else might have tried to kill themselves.

Thor jerked and stared at her, wide eyed with horror. "i did no such thing!" he protested, horrified. "you have been hanging around Darcy far too much..." he complained with a sigh. "he did bury her. and while he buried her, i had feasts in my honor." he growled. "no one told me she died. i don't think Father even knows... i should go to Asgard... Father would be much more lenient on Loki once he knows the source of Loki's.. attitude." Thor admitted with a small sigh as he looked at her with wide, mortified eyes. "who could bring such harm? we Asgardian's are not so vile. not normally. not without reason. to make him think his Life Mate was dead... that is beyond cruelty. i am concerned that whoever did this may come back... and try to finish what was started. Loki would not survive should he lose her again." he admitted softly before he shrugged. "Tony is probobly watching every move that Loki makes. this is His house after all, the entire place is bugged with camera's and microphones. he's probobly listening to us as well, and if not him, then that funny man in his house is. Jarvis i think hs name is... which is strange, i can hear him, but i've never seen him... why does Tony keep him locked up? it seams most cruel."
Hydra flushed as she stared down at her glass, sitting up, leaning back against the headboard. Looking awkward at being with him, and not sure what to do. Biting her lip as she made a slight motion, and the illusion filtered his view, and it was hydra walking towards him not on the bed, the woman shoving at his shoulder,resting her head on his, “You need to tell me more. I wish to understand who I am.”She demanded before the illusion shattered, and hydra collapsed bonelessly back into the bed. While she had once been able to hold the illusion effortlessly through battle or dinner, even the momentary illusion exhausted her. Having tried just to touch him, without touching him. While he still made her extremely nervous and skittish, the act had been prompted from a touch of her own magic, the throb of her mating bond that needed his touch.

Jane giggled snickering. “uh-huh. And I’m sure you’re going to tell me loki’s never given birth, or had sex shape shifted.”She giggled before growing serious. “I’m kidding thor, I’m sure the Vikings made up a lot of it.”She muttered before sighing quietly, nodding. Sad that he was leaving, but knowing it needed done. “You’ll have to take them with you. Loki’s house arrest means he has to be with you, and I don’t think she’ll want to stay without either of you.”She pointed out before smiling at his words about stark. “It’s a computer thor, its not a real person. Just a intelligent machine.”she smiled before sighing quietly, wrapping her arms around him.”I don’t know who could do such harm knowingly, but you’ll find out.”She said pained because she had thought of a reason. Maybe the other asgardians had lashed out at the two people that despite their own childhoods among them, and in hydra’s case being half asgardian, weren’t deemed as true asgardians, and therefore open game to whatever tricks someone wanted to play. She worried about what thor would find, and worried what loki would do with the knowledge.
he fidgeted a little before he gasped as the image flooded his vision and he gaped at the illusion him. he had taught her how to do that, how to make copies of herself. he blinked as he was shoved and leaned into the touch on his head, desperate for proper contact, but not going to force it on her... "... did.." he coughed and cleared his throat as the illusion shattered. "dd you do that on purpose?" he asked, gently helping her sit up, pressing pillows behind her so she could stay sitting up without having to use her own strength. "may i hold your hand?" he asked, his tone slightly desperate. "we are Life Mates... the Bond between us is... i need to have contact with you because my soul hurts..." he admitted, flushing a little, more than willing to take the blame if t would make her feel better. "you want to know about yourself... lets see what i can offer... i don't know who your parents where, you never told me, but we lived within Asgard, home of the Aeser. we met in school, i was your Magick's tutor..." and on he went to tell her about her school days, the bits that he knew of anyway.

Thor blinked at her and then. "er... Jane? Loki has given birth, to many creatures..." he admitted softly. "and... uh... well he was very promiscuous in his youth... he... often enjoyed luring various creatures into his bed, not all of them human or Aeser..." Thor admitted, looking incredibly embarrassed. "Loki is not allowed n Asgard. i can leave him here as i please, his magic is bound, he cannot use it." Thor admitted simply. "should he break Midgaurdian Law then he will face Midgaurdian justice." Thor admitted. "i am only here to watch him, because i am worried about him." Thor admitted with a sigh as he wrapped his arm around her, closing his eyes. "i could always ask Doctor Banner to come and watch him, Loki fears the Doctor... and for good reason." Thor admitted, looking amused before his face fell. "whoever did this, they would have to be Magickal... a sorcerer like Hydra and Loki..." he bit his lip. "we shouldn't tell Loki, not yet. he will... not handle the news well, though he is already suspicious."
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