Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)


Promise Nothing, Deliver Less
Jun 8, 2012
Sitting in the club room of the Neighbor's Club, Kodaka Hasegawa relaxed on the couch as everyone else in the club did their thing. Sena was on the tv, playing her games. Yozora and Rika were reading their books, although Rika's book seemed to be a dirty one judging by that look on her face. Yukimura stood in the corner of the room, waiting for someone to call for her assistance. And Kabato and Marie were chasing each other around, acting like kids as they usually do. Everything was like a normal day in the Neighbor's Club.

Since the club started, everyone's lives have been pretty eventful. Yozora turned out to be Sora, Kodaka's long lost childhood friend. Yukimura turned out to really be a girl, after so many years of thinking that she was a boy. Rika opened his eyes to the fact that they were all friends all along. Kabato learned to get along with others, although she still seems to fear Sena. Marie is now acting like a normal girl, instead of her superiority complex she had when they first met her. And speaking of superiority complex, his time with Sena has drastically improved. He learned that she was also a childhood friend from his toddler days. She's also his fiance, arranged by their fathers. And she even confessed her love to him a few weeks ago. Since then, he's been having these strange feelings about Sena. He wanted to act on these feelings, but he wasn't sure how the others would take it, especially after getting a lot of hints that the others seem to have a thing for him, especially Yozora. Plus, what would Yozora do if she found out that he had feelings for Sena? She'd probably kill her.

After another uneventful day, Kodaka got up and got ready to leave. "I'm heading out. Let's go Kabato. See you guys tomorrow." Kodaka headed out the door with his little sister, holding her hand and walked home with her, strangely happy about the recent days in the club. Nothing has really changed, but since he was confronted by Rika, everyone seems to be more open with each other, and they are actually friends, although Yozora and Sena would never admit it.
The atmosphere of the club room was the same as usual; boring but at the same time relaxing. The silence was filled from time to time by Kobato's and Maria's excited howls as they chased each other around the club room. Sena was grumbling to herself as she played her games and she was almost certain she could hear slight heavy breathing from Rika, who was reading manga. Boys Love, no doubt.

Yozora Mikazuki flipped the page of her book and sighed, her fingers idly playing in her short hair. She twirled a lock around her finger and glanced up at Kodaka when he announced he was leaving. She said nothing but watched as he left. Rika and Yukimura told him goodbye in unison, Sena heard nothing, grossly involved in her game to hear the door open then close.

Yozora looked around at the others and after a moment's thought - of whether to follow Kodaka so she could walk with him some of the way home or not - she closed her book and picked up her bag. "I'm leaving," she announced, thinking that her voice sounded a bit awkward, as if giving away how eager she was to leave.

Rika looked at her with a look Yozora found a little scrutinizing and she raised a brow, frowning at the girl. "What?"

"Nothing," she said flippantly with a shrug of her shoulders then returned her focus to her book.

Yozora shrugged and walked out the room, closing the door behind her after muttering a goodbye to Yukimura. She walked at a leisurely pace down the hallways but when she turned the corner, she broke into a run; wondering if Kodaka was already well off school property. No matter though, if she didn't catch him today she would tomorrow.

She was still running, her head down instead of focusing on her path, as she neared the school gate and she bumped into someone's back. She bounced back and caught herself from a fall then looked up.
"Kodaka. Why don't you watch where you're going?" she glared at him, keeping a hand against her skirt to keep it from lifting when a gust of wind blew by them.
Kodaka was taken by surprise when Yozora bumped into him. Was she trying to catch up to him? "Oh, sorry Yozora, I wasn't paying attention." Although it was she who bumped into him, so she should be the one to apologize, but doing this just saved the headache.

He and Kabato were waiting for the bus right when Yozora rammed into him. He turned to his little sister and smiled. "Do you think you can make it home by yourself?" Kabato nodded and she got on the bus when it came by. Kodaka stayed behind to see what Yozora wanted.

"So what is it you need? You planning on torturing Sena again?" She probably wanted to walk with him. He knew that the girls had a thing for him. Some were more obvious than others. Sena outright confessed to him, Rika always flirts with him, Yukimura always goes bright red whenever he's nearby, Marie and Kabato seem to have an obsessive brother-complex, although Marie's is more understandable due to her older sister always picking on her. Even Marie admitted that she had a thing for him. Yozora on the other hand seemed to be the quiet about her feelings, he's overheard her mumble to herself about their relationship, caught her stare at him when he wakes up after falling asleep in the club room.

While he's had these strong feelings for Sena lately, he has always considered Yozora. With their past friendship and the way they get along so well, it could work out. If only she could be a bit more girly though, she'd be very cute. "Did you want to walk with me?" He asked when she didn't answer him right away.
Make fun of Sena? She'd already done that earlier in the club room, by making her read the dialogue from cut scenes of the galge she'd been playing. Too bad Kodaka hadn't been there to see her burst into tears and flee the room; that always gave Yozora an extra rush of victory - but she always hid that beneath the smug grin she'd give Sena's retreating figure.
But he hadn't seen it today, so it didn't give her half the sadistic fulfillment compared to when he could see.
He never seemed to like it when she did that to Sena though, but she really didn't care. As long as it didn't make him like her less...

"Did you want to walk with me?"
She looked at him and shrugged, idly tugging at her hair with her fingers; a small habit when she was a little nervous. "No. But since you asked me then okay, we can walk," she said and looked at him. Her tone lost most of its rough and condescending edge whenever she spoke to Kodaka alone, though sometimes it still chipped in whenever she went on the defensive with him - whenever it regarded her feelings towards him.

She fell into step beside him as they walked and fidgeted with her bag. Her face became slightly flushed from her nervousness, walking beside him. "Hey, Kodaka," her voice started out small, barely above an incoherent murmur before she increased the volume shakily, "are you doing anything when you get home? Like, you aren't gonna be busy tonight, right?"
The way Yozora picked on Sena was pretty harsh at times, but he didn't like her less because of it. Honestly, Sena sometimes sets herself up for these kinds of things, so it's difficult to feel bad for her at times. He would like for them to get along though, he hated to see them at each other's throats all the time. And with this romance blooming within the club, he felt like it was all just going to get worse eventually.

As he walked with Yozora, he noticed her start to blush and mumble a bit. It was difficult to hear her, but he understood most of it. She actually looked kind of cute when she did that, like a normal girl. "I don't really have anything planned. I was just going to make dinner for Kabato, that's probably about it. Rika will probably text me something perverted, and one of the other members will probably text me about something." Yukimura normally asked about what he would like for lunch, Sena would sometimes invite him over if it was their day off from school, Kate would sometimes ask if Marie came by, and Yozora herself would sometimes ask him to join her for something.

"So what's up Sora?" He asked, using her old nickname. It was fun to see her reaction at times whenever she heard it, sometimes she'd blush, other times she would get angry. "Did you want to join us? Or did you want to invite me somewhere?" He asked, playfully patting his childhood friend on the head. It would be nice to have a guest over that wasn't Marie, she came over almost once a week now, bringing Kate along as well sometimes.
At the mention of the others texting him things, Yozora felt her chest tighten with slight jealousy. She looked up at him through her lashes, almost looking coy, taking note of his expressions. He seemed nonchalant while he talked about them. Typical Kodaka. He made it hard to tell if he actually felt anything for any of them, because he dealt with them all with a general passive disposition. It was irritating for her because it made her doubt doing certain things; like asking him to come out with her...on a date or...over to her house. She'd have to do it because he'd never take the initiative.

But right now wasn't one of those moments where he left himself open but closed at the same time. She almost gave a bright smile when he called her by the nickname they used when they were kids. She'd missed hearing it, and whenever he did it now, there was something a little endearing about it that sometimes made her blush - when she wasn't quick enough to hide it.

She shrugged again, "I've got nothing to do at home. We should do our homework together too." She stopped and thought for a second. Thought of Sena, and a smile slowly lifted the corners of her lips. "Would it be okay if I stayed the night? I don't want to stay home."
She knew Sena liked Kodaka though recently, she'd taken to avoiding him to some extent. How would Sena react if she saw them coming to school together the next day?
Kodaka smiled. This would actually be the first time that Yozora came over. "Sure, I'd like that. I'll get dinner started once we get to my place. And I'm sure Kabato would love to have you over, she's happy to see anyone that isn't Sena." Kobato feared Sena, always hiding whenever she was present. While Sena did have good intentions for Kobato, she did go overboard sometimes.

"You can stay in the guest bedroom tonight. As long as Marie didn't decide to run away from home again. She's used that excuse countless times, just so she can hang out with Kobato, and it leaves her sister worried sick sometimes." He laughed to himself, thinking about how those two use to hate each other as much as Sena and Yozora hate each other. Now the two seem like the best of friends, although they still seem to fight over attention from Kodaka, but it was innocent enough.

When the two made it to his house, Kobato was already in front of the tv, watching her show, quoting every single line. "I'm home Kabato. Yozora will be spending the evening with us." He headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner. "Make yourself at home Yozora."

Kobato smiled and waved at Yozora when she entered the room, the quickly paused her show. "Ku ku ku, welcome home, my servant. Your master has been starving since she's returned home. It is about time that you prepare an offering to your hungry master." She said to her brother, doing her signature pose.

"I'll get your dinner started, keep your dress on 'Oh queen of the night.'" He sacastically answered back to his little sister, pulling some meat and vegetables from the fridge and began cooking dinner.
Yozora sometimes found it strange how Kodaka was feared by most the school population that knew him because of his delinquent appearance and unapproachable default expression. But to them in the Neighbor's club, he didn't seem threatening and his default expression didn't look as aggressive as others made it seem. She actually found him adorable and she was glad he hadn't submitted himself to the pressure around him and dyed his hair black. She loved his blonde and black hair. The two-toned quality of it was different and made him stand out; it made him more attractive to her. And she had no problem with the 'delinquent' label he'd been branded with the day he transferred here. It gave him more appeal.

She toed of her shoes before entering their living hall, leaving hers beside Kobato's. She looked in and smiled, waving back at Kobato when she did. Yozora gave a half smile when Kobato did her Reisys imitation then followed Kodaka into the kitchen. She set her bag on the table and leaned back against the counter, watching him as he cooked.
"Do you need any help?" she asked as she shrugged off her school blaser and folding it in her hands then pressing it against her chest as she watched him.

She was no good at cooking on her own. She'd tried many times before because her parents were hardly ever home because of their job; so she thought it would be good to teach herself cooking. But nothing ever came out the way she wanted and all she ever did was get her fingers burned or hot oil in her eye; so she'd resigned herself to eating ramen most of the time or going out to get food.
"Don't worry about it. You're the guest, just relax a bit. I'll have the food ready in a little bit." Kodaka replied as he began cutting up the meats and vegetables. He began making a pasta with chicken in it. With different vegetables mixed into the pasts, the kitchen began to fill with a heavenly aroma. Once he was finished with the pasts, he used the rest of the vegetables to make individual salads. "Kobato, get ready for dinner." He called out to his little sister as he began setting the table.

"Coming." The young girl replied, always breaking character whenever she seemed excited or embarrassed. After washing her hands, she went to the table and did her impression again. Ku ku ku, that you for the wonderful sacrifice, my servant. I hope that our honored guest enjoys the offering as well." It was surprisingly kind of Kobato to be this welcoming to Yozora. Since she joined the club, she normally kept her distance from everyone, especially Sena. Over time, it seemed as if she has grown an attachment to everyone, although she still hates being around Sena.

Once the table was set, Kodaka got drinks. Tomato juice for Kobato and fruit punch for him and Yozora, since Yozora still wasn't good with drinking carbonated drinks. "Alright, dinner is ready. Enjoy everyone." He sat down with everyone and started to dig in, hoping that Yozora would also enjoy his cooking.
"Yeah, sure," she mumbled and pushed away from the kitchen counter. It didn't make much sense for her to lounge around the kitchen then. To her it'd just feel awkward to watch him cook if she wasn't helping with anything. Again, he showed his ineptitude to recognize when she tried to create some way for them to do things together. But it didn't matter, they'd do homework later; as boring as that was. It was still something to do with him either way. She took her bag and went out to join Kobato on the couch. She didn't watch the Necromancer show with her though, Yozora pulled her book from her bag instead and flipped to the pages where the bookmark stuck out.

The aroma from the kitchen wafted out to the living hall and up her nostrils and without considering Yozora's sense of pride, her stomach grumbled miserably from the tease. Yozora wrapped her hands around her middle, as if that could silence her body's protests for some food. She hadn't really eaten anything except for a sweet bread during lunch at school; and she'd left home without eating breakfast. She went to the kitchen, Kobato leading the way after she'd washed her hands and she sat beside her and looked at everything Kodaka prepared. He was quite the cook, wasn't he?

She gave him a short smile and waited for both him and Kobato to finish sharing their own food before she took some. She picked up her chopsticks and stuck it in the pasta, twirling some around the chopsticks then bringing it to her mouth after cooling it some with her breath. She chewed slowly, as if testing the quality of his food. She found she liked it and had it not been for her pride, she'd have asked for seconds. She pushed her plate away and slapped her hands over her mouth quickly when a belch she couldn't stop - or even sensed coming - shot out her mouth. Her entire face turned a deep red and she got up from the table.
"Excuse me." She turned and ran from the kitchen to find the bathroom and slammed the door once she was inside.
Kodaka was happy to see that Yozora seemed to enjoy his cooking. He had to force Kobato to eat her onions again, she seems to still hate them. Overall, it was a pretty pleasant dinner. He did chuckle a bit when Yozora belched after she finished eating. It looked like he embarrassed her though, since she ran into the bathroom almost right away. Once they were finished with their dinner, he asked Kobato to clean up while he went to check up on Yozora.

"Yozora? Are you okay in there? I didn't mean to laugh at you." Kodaka asked after knocking on the bathroom door. He kind of felt bad, although it was something he didn't expect. It would be terrible if she was crying in there, although it was hard to imagine Yozora crying. "Come on out, I can get you some dessert while we do our homework." Also Kobato needed to take a bath, and she couldn't do that with Yozora locked up in there. "You can punish me if you'd like, if it'll get you to come out." If it'll get her out of there, he'll gladly take her punishment.
She sat on the bath stool beside the tub and glanced at the door, as if she could see through Kodaka through the solid object. At the moment, she was trying to soothe her pride. He'd laughed at her rather than scrunched his face up in disgust. That meant something right? That he was okay with it, that he didn't find it as vulgar as she - sort of - worried he would? She chewed on her lip thoughtfully at his mention of dessert. She could do well with something sweet right now.

Punish him? He had seen how terribly she could be with Sena whenever she punished her, and still offered himself up to be punished? But she wouldn't do that. At least not the way she would with Sena. She almost considered letting him do her homework as punishment but probably he'd get her a lower grade than what she actually wanted. She'd do that herself.

She got up and opened the door, looking up at him "I want your bedroom for the night then. And I want dessert too." She walked passed him and went back into the kitchen to finish the fruit juice she'd left behind.
Kodaka's face went bright red when she mentioned that she wanted to sleep in his room tonight. While he said he'd let her punish him, he didn't expect her to say something like that. He thought she'd maybe hit him like when he accidentally flirted with Rika, or as least make him buy her something. While he wanted to say no, he didn't want to hurt her feelings. "O-Okay. I'll sleep in the living room and you can have my bedroom." It felt odd to be kicked out of his own bedroom like that, but a deal is a deal. But why did she want to sleep in his room? Especially since they had a perfectly good guest room, or at least a perfectly good futon for her to sleep on.

When he followed her into the kitchen, Kobato had already washed the dishes and was already back to watching her show. "Don't forget to take a bath tonight Kobato. Go ahead and do that soon." He saw Kobato nod and she soon got up to go wash up.

"Let's move our stuff to my room, then I'll get you your dessert." He smiled, grabbing his bag and leading her to his room.
She made him blush! She'd kept that excitement hidden though, behind her placid gaze but Yozora did allow herself a little victory smirk as she finished her drink in the kitchen. She was slightly disappointed though that he mentioned sleeping out in the living room. Why couldn't he be a normal pervert and not say anything but have them sleep together in the same bed?

The prospect made her chest tighten. She'd entertained many fantasies - all of which took place in Kodaka's room - of him doing things to her. Sena and her stupid games. All of it influenced those thoughts.

She wouldn't let him sleep in the living room. She wanted his bedroom so they could share it together. They were friends. Friends slept in the same beds. Just because he was a guy, that didn't remove him from the general rule of sharing beds. At least Yozora wanted to make an exception for him. She'd let him know though while they did homework; that he could stay in the room if he wanted.

Part of her was doing this just so she could rub Sena's face in it. The other side of her just wanted to be inside his room. She followed him to his room and looked at him. "Kodaka, would you mind lending me one of your shirts...I want to shower and I have no..." She trailed off, allowing him to finish the thought. That was something stupid she'd done; not going home to pack something for her overnight stay at his place.
She had just been too excited to think over what her basic necessities would be for this particular occasion.
Kodaka's face went even brighter when she mentioned borrowing his shirt. His mind kept trailing of into dirtier and dirtier thoughts as he began imagining Yozora wearing only his oversized t-shirt and nothing underneath. In most scenarios, that would usually imply sex, or they were about to have sex. It's those damn games that Sena keeps playing, all of those grown up situations are now messing with his head. "S-Sure. I'll pick one out for you when you go clean up." It was hard to not think of Yozora in such a dirty way, after imagining her wearing his shirt.

He needed to relax, get some fresh air. Once they were in his room, he left his stuff on the bed. "I'll be right back. I need to check on something, as well as get your dessert." And with that, he went back into the kitchen to try and relax.

Why was he thinking this way? Sure, he had feelings for Sora, but he also had some pretty strong feelings for Sena as well. And what about the other girls? He didn't want to decide which one he liked the most, he cherished each relationship with them. Going to the sink to splash some cold water on his face, he took a few deep breaths and tried to relax. Afterwards, he grabbed a slice of Kobato's cake, she wouldn't mind if one slice was gone.

Bringing the cake back to his room, he handed Yozora the cake. "Hope you enjoy it." He smiled as he went to reach for his books from his backpack. Maybe doing some work will calm him down.
She nodded when he offered giving her one once she finished showering. Yozora went to the bathroom and closed the door behind her then undressed before getting in the shower. She'd probably have to leave earliest than planned; to get new underwear from home before heading to school. Honestly, she couldn't imagine being at school without underwear.

She finished and stepped out the tub, wrapping herself in the towel she'd taken from the bathroom shelf. She picked her clothes up then went inside his room. He wasn't there but the shirt he'd picked out for her was. Yozora smiled and dropped the towel, picked the shirt up then put it on. The hem fell over her butt at the same time Kodaka came in.

Yozora turned to face him, her hands gripped the end of the shirt as she pulled at it self-consciously; trying to get it to go further than just close to mid-thigh. If she sat beside him while doing homework, everything would be exposed. Color flushed her cheeks but then she calmed herself with the fact that Kodaka was a good guy. He wouldn't look.

"Thanks," she replied and sat down on his bed after taking the cake. She took small bites and glanced at him as he reached for his book. She put the plate down and did so herself. Her bag was on the floor at her feet so she bent over to pick it up, pulling her book from inside.
"We can start now."
He was surprised that she managed to bathe so quickly. Was he sitting in the kitchen for that long? When he entered the room, he nearly dropped the cake when he saw her in just a t-shirt, knowing that she was most likely naked underneath.

Kodaka tried his best not to look over at Yozora, but it was definitely hard sometimes. She was such a cute girl, and he cherished the friendship they had together, even during their time apart. He didn't want to ruin that relationship by possibly making a move on her, but she did make it hard by being so close to him, wearing nothing more than a t-shirt.

The two sat together quietly, doing their homework together. Occasionally one of them would get help from the other if they didn't understand something, but it was pretty quiet for the most part. He didn't really know what to say. High school kids, a boy and a girl, alone in a bedroom, she plans to spend the night, and she's practically naked. It was like the perfect setup, like something out of a game Sena played.

After a couple of hours, Kobato came by to say goodnight, and Kodaka packed up his books, finishing up his homework. "I'm gonna go take a shower now. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable." He said shyly. He probably needed a shower by now, with how nervous he was, he was probably sweating like crazy. Grabbing some comfortable clothes to change into, he also took Yozora's plate with him, leaving it in the sink before going into the bathroom to bathe.
Yozora had thought up some ways to distract them from studying. Like mentioning being bored, or offering to do something different with him and take a break. But each time she stole a glance at Kodaka, he seemed focused and without an opening for her to say anything. And she found she couldn't bring herself to say anything to him either way except when helping him out with a question.

It was boring but she liked their closeness. Her hand would brush his whenever she leaned over to look in his book to see what he was doing and she'd touch his hand to lift it away from the page to see what he'd write for an answer. That's how it went for some of the time, but there was mostly silence between them. She thought to try again at getting her voice to comply with voicing her thoughts but Kobato came in.

They were done with homework and Yozora closed her book when Kodaka announced he was going to the bathroom. She nodded and put her book back in her bag then climbed up unto the bed. She wasn't exactly tired yet. She wanted to wait until he got out the bathroom to tell him he could stay in his room - that she wouldn't mind.
He took his time with his shower. Getting cleaned up, sitting under the running water. Standing under a cold shower helped him relax a bit, calming this insane lust he was getting for Yozora. Although he was now thinking about what she would possibly be doing on his bed tonight. The first thing he thought of was seeing her pleasure herself while sniffing his pillow. While it was a nice thought to have, he didn't like the idea of having perverted thoughts about his best friend.

Once he was done bathing, he dried off and dressed himself in a t-shirt and a pair of boxer short. Once out of the bathroom, he went to grab the futon, then stop by his room to say goodnight to Yozora.

"I'll probably be heading to bed soon. I'll be in the living room if you need me. Hope you sleep well." He smiled at Yozora when he popped his head into his room.
"You don't have to stay in the living room, Kodaka," she started, sitting up on the bed, her knees drawn up slightly. "You can...you can stay in here, with me." Her voice went back to a barely audible murmur and her cheeks flushed. She shook her head and looked at him. "When I said I wanted your room, I didn't mean you were to leave. We can sleep toge-...share your bed." She managed to put some volume back to her voice so that he wouldn't have to strain to hear what she was saying.

When she was younger, one of the things she had wanted to do was invite him to her house so they could have a sleep over. That had been the night she would have told him she was actually a girl. Her growing crush on him had wanted to stop letting him believe that she was actually a boy. But then he had left, without telling her and she had become too nervous to actually go to him that day to invite him over.

"So stay. And keep your hands to yourself too," she quipped. She wouldn't mind if he didn't but she said it because that was expected of her. She was supposed to warn him not to do anything, though she actually hoped he would. Or at least try to.
He was a bit surprised when she told him that she wanted him to sleep in the same room as her. He was even more surprised when she said that she wanted to share the same bed as well. "O-Okay, I can do that. Let me just put this away." Kodaka walked slowly to put back the futon. Dozens of thoughts were running through his head, most of them weren't very pure either. Why was she doing this? She told him to keep his hands to himself, but what if he accidentally touched her. Was she going to kick him off the bed if he touched her? Would she want him to touch her?

Kodaka walked slowly and took deep breaths as he made his way back to his room. Once he was back, he turned off the light and made his way to the bed. Once he crawled in with Yozora, he smiled nervously. "Goodnight. Sleep well."

This was uncomfortable. He felt like he didn't have much room to move. What if he tried to shift, would he touch her? He wanted to turn away from her, maybe it'll relax him a bit if he wasn't looking at her. Trying to shift and turn over, his hand moved and felt something, something soft. After a brief squeeze of this mysterious thing, he immediately knew what it was and jumped up. "I-I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch you there." He said to her, scared that she would hit him or kick him off the bed.
Yozora was having a hard time convincing herself that she was absolutely sure with this and confident about her decision to let him share the bed with her. There was a heavy feeling that sat right in her diaphragm, bringing with it that sick feeling of butterflies. It was probably her virgin pride; was there even such a thing as virgin pride? She was probably thinking too much into it. He agreed to share the bed, so that was good, she thought. It meant he didn't think she was weird for suggesting that.

She scooted over under the covers, but he had a twin-sized bed. It was hard forher to move really without some part of her bare flesh touching him. It was unnerving and each time a section of her body brushed his, it tingled and raised goosebumps all over her. The room was dark but she could make out that they were facing each other.
"Goodnight," she mumbled, an odd inflection in her voice; hinting at her anxiety.

A little scream issued from her when she felt his hand on her breast. Reflexivly she smacked him hard then snatched back her hand, blinking at him in surprise. "Look what you made me do!" she exclaimed, her face going red as she moved a hand across her chest. "I didn't mean to hit you." The breast he touched tingled.
"Of course you didn't mean to, pervert." She lapsed into a brief moment of silence then looked at him. "I don't really mind," she mumbled softly.

She wanted to say it a little louder just so he could hear her but she couldn't bring herself to do it. This was probably a bad idea. Her initial motive behind this was just to have something to make Sena jealous and torture her with. Now it paled in contrast to what she actually, really wanted. She turned over, giving him her back.
He wouldn't be interested anyway.
The smack did hurt, but he was amazed that she regretted hitting him. Sure he deserved it, but he didn't really expect her to apologize to him. "No, it's fine. I'm sorry for making you do that." He said, seeing her turn her back to him. Did he just hear her say that she was okay with him touching her there? He tried his best not to put too much thought into it.

Kodaka turned his back to her, and now their backs were against each other. It was hard to try and fall asleep, he could still feel the softness of her breast on his hand, and it made him a bit aroused. But wasn't he suppose to be in love with Sena? Aren't they suppose to get married because of their fathers? And she agreed to it too. So why was he having these feelings for Yozora? She's just his best friend, nothing else. And yet she's so beautiful, even after she cut her hair too.

After a few hours, he eventually fell asleep, but that was when he started unintentionally moving in his sleep. Kodaka started rolling around, and eventually, his arms wrapped around Yozora. Most likely dreaming of naughty with one of the girls, he grinned as his hands began traveling around Yozora's body, one hand grabbing her breast again while the other started reaching under the shirt.
She felt the mattress sink as Kodaka moved around on the bed. Taking a glance over her shoulder, she realized he had turned his back too. Probably it was just her but the atmosphere felt akward and made her uncomfortable. Now would be a good time to try and fall asleep at least. She closed her eyes tightly, as if forcing herself to fall asleep. Sleep came to her easier than she thought it would have.

At first she thought she was dreaming when she felt hands encompass her, pulling her back against a solid frame. A low and soft moan sounded from her as she sleepily opened her eyes, trying to find some focus through her hazy vision. She jumped slightly when she felt a hand grab her breast through the cotton of Kodaka's blouse. She started to convince herself that she'd wished it so bad that her imagination was making itself out to be a reality.

But this wasn't something that was happening in the private recesses of her dreams. Kodaka was actually touching her; his hand slowly traveling up beneath the shirt, touching her bare flesh. Heat settled in her stomach, spreading throughout her body and up to her face. She turned over to face him, almost ready to kick him from the bed when she realized his eyes were closed. He was smiling. But he wasn't conscious of what he was doing. Conscious in his dream, but not here.

She started to shake him, her hand on his shoulder as she tried to wake him but then she stopped, looking at his face then at his lips. She remembered thinking to herself how it would feel to kiss him. He was still sleeping. She could take advantage of that. Then he'd only think it all happened in a dream; only she'd know the difference. Her hand curved around his neck, her palm pressed to the back of his head, her fingers threaded through his hair as she pulled him close and tilted her head up. She made sure his eyes were still closed then kissed him.
Kodaka felt a kiss, but he thought he was still in a dream. When he kissed her, he started slipping her the tongue, sliding it into her mouth and rolling it with her's. He let out a faint moan before snapping back into reality. His eyes began to open, and he saw Yozora facing him, their lips actually locked.

Taken by surprise, he tried to pull himself back before anything else could happen, but he didn't notice that her hands around the back of his neck, and he accidentally pulled her off of the bed with him, landing her on top of him.

With her on top of him, they were face to face, his cheeks were bright red. He had the feeling that she wanted this to happen, and he kind of wants it too. "Yozora...... I...." He didn't really know what to say. His face slowly started to lean in closer to her's. "Is this okay?" He asked, but he didn't wait for an answer. He leaned in and kissed her, his hands on her back, pulling her into him.
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