Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was just an average day for the people in Chicago, just another normal average day. The hospitals where even having a calm day, not a whole lot of people needed the emergency services, maybe that was why everyone noticed when the Ambulance came, with the half naked young man inside. Some of them might even recognize him from video feed after the massive battle in Manhattan. It had gone worldwide, the story of the Avengers and the massive battle to protect the earth from alien invaders. Loki Laufeyson, Prince of the Frost Giants, traitor of Asgard, trickster god and would be ruler of Midgaurd. He was in pitiful shape to say the least, though what he was doing back on Midgaurd was a mystery. Not even S.H.E.I.L.D or the Avengers knew he was there. No warning had been given that Loki had escaped, been released, or been banished. It was probably only luck that he wasn't in Manhattan, where the Avengers would lay down their own form of punishment.

It was hard to look at the young God, who was so pale he was white, and not feel sorry for him. He was filthy, covered in dirt and muck, his hair was in dirty tangles around his shoulders. He had clearly not bathed in well over a week, though he didn't stink, thank goodness. He was missing his shirt, showing large bruises across his shoulders and back and belly. As if he had been letting someone hit him where it would hurt the most. The most shocking thing though, was the fact that he had clearly slit his own wrists, and they where still bleeding, as was his neck, where he had tried, and failed to slit that too. He was staring with blank eyes of emerald green... which was wrong. The one honest picture everyone had of Loki, his eyes had been a pale icy blue hadn't they?

It took well over four hours to stabilize him. To get his heart beating properly. They'd had to resuscitate him three times, and every time he was conscious... he told them with a dead voice, to leave him alone so he could die in peace and finally pay for his crimes. It was clear to anyone who worked on him, that the rumors of Loki being bat-shit insane was true, and so when he was finally stable, he was moved into the high security mental ward, mostly because they weren't sure if he was a danger to others as well as himself. He woke slowly and sighed as he realized he wasn't in the depths of the endless abyss that he had expected to end up in when he died, and he wasn't in Hel either. Which meant he was not dead, and he had not paid for his crimes. “...where am I?” he was expecting someone to be nearby, because he was laying on a bed, and his very sore wrists, where chained very tightly to the bed-handles. His chest, hips, and legs where strapped down too, making sure he couldn't even so much as twitch.It was just an average day for the people in Chicago, just another normal average day. The hospitals where even having a calm day, not a whole lot of people needed the emergency services, maybe that was why everyone noticed when the Ambulance came, with the half naked young man inside. Some of them might even recognize him from video feed after the massive battle in Manhattan. It had gone worldwide, the story of the Avengers and the massive battle to protect the earth from alien invaders. Loki Laufeyson, Prince of the Frost Giants, traitor of Asgard, trickster god and would be ruler of Midgaurd. He was in pitiful shape to say the least, though what he was doing back on Midgaurd was a mystery. Not even S.H.E.I.L.D or the Avengers knew he was there. No warning had been given that Loki had escaped, been released, or been banished. It was probably only luck that he wasn't in Manhattan, where the Avengers would lay down their own form of punishment.

It was hard to look at the young God, who was so pale he was white, and not feel sorry for him. He was filthy, covered in dirt and muck, his hair was in dirty tangles around his shoulders. He had clearly not bathed in well over a week, though he didn't stink, thank goodness. He was missing his shirt, showing large bruises across his shoulders and back and belly. As if he had been letting someone hit him where it would hurt the most. The most shocking thing though, was the fact that he had clearly slit his own wrists, and they where still bleeding, as was his neck, where he had tried, and failed to slit that too. He was staring with blank eyes of emerald green... which was wrong. The one honest picture everyone had of Loki, his eyes had been a pale icy blue hadn't they?

It took well over four hours to stabilize him. To get his heart beating properly. They'd had to resuscitate him three times, and every time he was conscious... he told them with a dead voice, to leave him alone so he could die in peace and finally pay for his crimes. It was clear to anyone who worked on him, that the rumors of Loki being bat-shit insane was true, and so when he was finally stable, he was moved into the high security mental ward, mostly because they weren't sure if he was a danger to others as well as himself. He woke slowly and sighed as he realized he wasn't in the depths of the endless abyss that he had expected to end up in when he died, and he wasn't in Hel either. Which meant he was not dead, and he had not paid for his crimes. “...where am I?” he was expecting someone to be nearby, because he was laying on a bed, and his very sore wrists, where chained very tightly to the bed-handles. His chest, hips, and legs where strapped down too, making sure he couldn't even so much as twitch.
“Chicago-.”Elizabeth York whispered, her voice a whispery hint of power, as if she was more then human, but surely that wasn’t possible. She sounded like she should have been doing porn movies, or phone sex, with a voice of crushed velvet and power laden whispers. Sitting on the floor the psychiatrist looked to comfortable, sitting with her legs crossed on the floor, the woman looked like she was ready to just stay there as long as it took him to wake. And she was. While she had her own patients, Elizabeth York was one of the few that had been given leave to do whatever she wanted. "lo-local hospital."She said, her voice softening slightly, stopping herself from saying his name, driven by instinct she didn't know where it came from, and hidden his identity from everyone but herself.

She was renowned for being choosy, and while she worked for the hospital, the woman also had a private practice inside of it, only taking one case at a time, and choosing who she wanted to help. Extremely smart, she was probably one of the few people in Chicago who could give loki-at least the loki that had managed to outsmart most of the avengers- a run for his money on pure intellect. And she knew who he was, and had made sure that anyone who had recognized him, had been buried. Hidden him from both her own people and the avengers, driven by a instinct she hadn’t understood, only followed. She’d long ago stopped questioning her sanity when she had the hunches, but it still worried her some that she had protected this man of all people.

“The mental ward of the city hospital to be exact.”
Loki blinked a little, his ears catching the voice effortlessly. he was a god after all, his hearing was far superior to human kind, even with his powers striped by Odin. the old bastard... how could he have not noticed? how could he claim to love, and yet never attempt to understand in the slightest? he hadn't even tried to understand Loki, ever... and yet claimed to love. a lie if the trickster god had ever heard one. he turned to look at her, blinking when he realized that he could indeed move his head. he didn't much care for being restrained, but he was too tired, and to weak to fight the bonds. and even if he wasn't, he wouldn't be able to break them anyway. "...so they succeeded in keeping me alive then. such a pity." he muttered with a sigh. "i was hoping they would let me die when they realized who i was." he admitted, closing his eyes again. "stupid noble healers." he complained softly. "they are always about helping someone, even those of us who are completely beyond help." his eyes snapped open and he turned to stare at her when she informed him he was in the mental ward of all places. "...i see..." he snorted with an elegance that shouldn't have been possible. "i finally regain what little sanity i had, and you put me in the psycho ward for it." he rolled his eyes. "human stupidity is without bounds." he grumbled, offering her a sharp glance. "i would ask if you are even human yourself, but i'm sure you won't tell me." he couldn't tell himself, not anymore. without his magic, he couldn't feel if she was human, or from somewhere else.
“They didn’t realize who you were.”Elizabeth said slowly, hating to admit it, but needing him to know that they hadn’t had a choice, though they would have probably saved him anyways, only to inform the avengers. Only now, loki had a semblance of protection in Elizabeth’s finicky history and fierce protectiveness of her patients. “You are lucas to them.”She muttered knowing his ears would pick it up before frowning at his words. Her shock at being accused of not being human plain, staining the air between them, to his magical sight, the emotions swirling in the air between them, visible to who could see it.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Of course I’m human. Though words like that, are reasons you’re in the psych ward, along with trying to kill yourself.”She frowned slightly, nodding towards the bonds. “You’re only in those till you can heal, and I can figure out just how strong you still are. I’ll let you out, but I’m not going to risk my own health in getting attacked if you’re stronger then me. Sorry. I know who you are...lucas...I'm not that trusting."
Loki lifted an eyebrow at that. how had they not realized?... right, he was in Chicago, no ugly Stark building here... most of the people in Manhattan would have recognized him, but no one here had. "Lucas. very well then. does that come with a last name?" he asked simply, offering her a rather blank look. he might as well play along with her. he'd escape later once he had his strength back, he couldn't use magic to do it, but he had other skills. "...of course you don't, but then i wouldn't know..." he admitted simply. "your voice simply doesn't sound the same as other humans. you might have a drop of Gods blood in you, or not. i don't care. i thought perhaps you might have been sent by the Allfather to make sure i am being properly punished..." he smirked. "my but this is a suitable punishment isn't it?" he asked suddenly. "yes i quite like this, i will suffer plenty in here i think. i've heard some stories about humans in their mental wards." he admitted, sounding almost... cheerful about that. yep, completely off his rocker. "in any case, i doubt i could do much to you in my condition... though i would be tempted to rip out my stitches... they feel terrible., i highly dislike them." ten on each wrist, and twenty along his neck, anyone would dislike them. at least as a God, he would heal without a scar.
“Lancaster.Lucas Lancaster.”Elizabeth said watching him, looking to peaceful to be having this conversation, before tilting his head slightly. “Do you spend a lot of time listening to humans speak then?I’m sure I sound just the same as others.”She said though it wasn’t true. There was a whispery quality, that just said you wanted to listen to her talk for hours on end, or if she whispered sweet nothings that it would end in orgasmic bliss.

Studying him for a long moment she laughed quietly. “You are insane. You’re my patient, and you’re only in here long enough to heal. Otherwise you will be staying in a house, normal things. Though I’m taking the knives away.”She teased him a little, just to see how he’d take it before smiling. “Not right now, no. But you’ll heal, and you are definitely bigger then me. I hardly come to your shoulder, and a good 100 pounds lighter. You could sit on me and kill me’.She said joking just because she wanted to know just how much it would take to irritate him, wanting to see how his emotional control was.

"And everyone dislikes stitches. that's why youre tied down so you don't rip them out."
he wrinkled his nose. "Lucas Lancaster?..." clearly, he didn't much like the name, in his opinion it made him sound like a bad character from a soap opera. "i do actually." he admitted simply. "as i child i was very much fascinated with human kind." he admitted with a smirk before it faded away leaving him blank again. he didn't want to think about his childhood. he didn't want to think of the many betrayals, and not all of them his. "i'm not nearly as insane as one would think..." he admitted softly. "i was, before. but i'm not now..." he admitted. "i will not live in a house, i will suffer on the streets as is proper." he stated with a snide, superior tone. "i was sent here to be punished and that is what i intend it to be." he turned and looked at her, a wicked little smile on his lips and a gleam of madness in his eyes. "and what, dear human, makes you think i did this..." here he shook his hands as much as he could. "with a knife?" and he hadn't. he'd used a rusted can of tuna. it had been rather hard to start the cuts, but after that it had been very easy. he hoped to get tetanus really. wasn't that what happened when you punctured yourself with rusty things? "....i have already killed far to many innocent people." he whispered, his voice shattered with emotion, and none of them where pride or glee the way one would expect. instead he sounded like her last patient, a child who had accidentally killed both his mother and father when trying to protect himself and his mother from his abusive father. "i wish to sleep now, i tire of you." he stated, snide and snooty once more as he closed his eyes, and pretended to sleep.
“….do you want me to go sign you in as yourself?Dont look displeased when it kept you from being signed over to your brother.”She scowled at him, annoyed at his displeasure before watching him, wondering what he was talking about. Surely he didn’t sound that insane. “You’re being awfully snide for a man who’s not allowed to be unstrapped without me saying its okay.”She said watching him, shuddering a little.

“That’s a disturbing thought .I don’t want to know how you did it then.”He said before standing moving over to the edge of the bed, looking down at him. Wide blue eyes trying to figure him out before nodding slightly.”I’ll be back with food in a few hours.”She said as she turned in left, thinking over the encounter, and hating the pain that twisted her heart at seeing him like this, not understanding the desire to take care of him.
he rolled his eyes. "honestly, who do you think sent me down here you idiot woman!?" he demanded. "Thor is the one who put me down in... Chicago, did you say? at least Thor looked slightly apologetic." he grumbled. "Good. then i shall continue to be as cruel and distasteful to you as i please." he spat at her. "the longer i'm here, the more i will be punished, as is right and as is proper!" he hissed at her before turning away from her. "i used a tin can." he grumbled. "it was difficult, it was painful, and i enjoyed it." he stated simply, feeling quite pleased with himself. maybe now she'd be sick, and she'd leave him the hell alone. "i do not deserve food and i won't eat it." he stated with a sniff, glad when she was finally gone and he could rest. the sooner he regained his strength, the sooner he could escape. it never occurred to him that he would have a humans recovery time. he wouldn't be well enough to manage an escape for at least a week, and a lot could happen in that time.
When Elizabeth returned the woman was looking a little ragged around the edges, pale and tired, as if something had changed in the time since she’d left him. And it had, her life had blown up in her face, destroyed the very foundation of everything she’d built her life on. But didn’t matter. All she could focus on was taking care of loki, because if she allowed herself to think of the husband that had cheated, had lied to her for months and slept with her best friend, she’d get sick. Having filed for divorce in the few hours she’d been gone, the doctor was shaken and scared, though she looked calm as she moved to the edge of the bed.

“Are you going to eat?”she said, for once her voice wane and tired, holding none of its whispery power or velvety promise, only the emotional weariness that was about to go nova, trembling on that edge of losing control. So much like loki in those final moments of battle, that it wasn’t really surprising that she wanted to help him.
he blinked when she returned, looking a little shocked at the drastic change he studied her intently. he couldn't' fathom what might have happened, but he couldn't bring himself to make it worse for her, so he studied the food he had brought her and finally looked away. "i can't eat that... it hurts to chew.." he explained simply. every movement of his jaw, aggravated his throat. honestly, he wasn't entirely sure why he'd decided to slit his throat too, usually cutting the wrists was enough... apparently he'd done neither right. stupid mortals and their stupid tin cans... "have you become ill in your absence?" he asked, unable to help himself. "you smell of despair... i... dislike it." he admitted with narrowed eyes. "you should tell me who has made you feel such things, so that i may ask my brother to kill them for you." why he made such an offer was beyond him, but he did offer, and he meant it. he hated the person who had made her feel so bad that she became sick. "my nose itches." he complained, simply for the sake of complaining. "it is a most annoying sensation... i've never had an itch before." he admitted with a frown. "how you humans can handle being so weak, is simply beyond me..."
Elizabeth looked down at the tray of food she was holding, flushing as she realized what she’d done. “Oh. Of course. I should have thought of that…”She muttered mostly to herself before moving to the phone at the door, calling ot get some soft foods and stepping outside to get it. taking the tray back before looking at him. “…you would get…him…to kill someone simply because I have fallen ill?”She said frowning a little as she considered it as she settled the tray of apple sauce and soft food on her legs as she sat on the edge of the bed, before frowning at him.

“Do you want me to itch your nose for you?”she said simply, the wealth of personality worn down, broken by her husband’s betrayal. It seemed loki wasn’t the only one who needed someone.
Loki huffed a little. "i bet you don't deal with a lot of neck injuries." he mused. "not a lot of people are stupid enough to try and slit their own throat. honestly i've no idea why i did it, i just didn't think the wrists where enough... imagine, a god too dumb to know how to kill himself properly. the All-father must loathe me by now, if he didn't already." he grumbled before he looked at her, eyes flickering with uncertain. "...yes." he admitted simply. "i cannot stand to see someone abused." he admitted. "if he is hitting you, or hurting you, poisoning you, anything." he muttered. "i do not like the thought of you being harmed and i am uncertain why." he admitted, his eyes closed again. all this talking was making him tired. "no i don't want you to itch it!" he growled. "it is there, it is annoying, it is misery, and i WANT it to STAY." still punishing himself then. stubborn bastard. he did eat the food she gave him though, except the banana, he refused to eat the banana. "i will call him if you want me to." Loki promised, closing his eyes. "i can, Thor managed to sneak me out with that much power at least."
“No, I usually get slit wrists and hanging.”he said sounding thought frowning at the man. Trying to figure him out before sighing softly as she looked away from him. “Not abused, or poisoned. Just…heartsick.”She said trying to figure out why they were both feeling drawn to each other, even if it made no sense. Laughing at his reaction, “Fine, punish yourself with a itchy nose.”She said rolling her eyes before smirking at him.”You should eat a banana, they’re good for you.”She said just to tease him, and see if he’d slide something vaguely penis shaped down his throat. “No, don’t bother him. There is no reason to."
he snorted a little and shrugged a single shoulder, as much as he could. "heartsick... he has betrayed you then." he muttered with a sigh. "foolish humans, can't even stay loyal in your short lives." he muttered with a roll of his eyes. "i do not understand why Thor loves your kind so. you're all rather disgusting." he admitted with narrowed eyes. "i will see him without an organ in which to betray you then." he decided, threatening castration was always fun. "they are disgusting." he stated with a sneer as he looked at the Banana. "they taste like vomit and make me desire to do the same." he stated with a sniff, looking away from the human woman who was annoying him again. "there is always reason to bother him, annoying him is ample reason enough." he paused. "how am i supposed to go to the bathroom?"
“Yes.”She said simply shrugging, tense at his words, before swallowing hard as she tried to think around the pain that threatened to drown her. “Well, he’s rather human like himself. Brash, adventurous, in love with a human…definite human traits.”She said shrugging before wincing at his words. “Well, if it makes you feel better thinking about it, it would be nice to see him hurt.”She said for a careless moment not caring what happened to her husband, and forgetting who she was talking to. "Annoying him simply to be annoying is not a good reason...lucas."Setting the banana aside she stood, udoing his binding slowly. “I’ll help you.”
he snorted a little. "perhaps that would explain why he annoys me so much, the infernal idiot." but there was a slight affection on Loki's tone as he spoke about Thor and he smirked a little as he made a motion with his finger, his eyes shining with power. he couldn't do much, his magic was mostly cut off. but laying a curse was something even a human could do if they had the training for it. with a flick of his fingers, her husband was cursed. and within the hour he would suffer a severe accident, and find himself missing his sex. when he came to the hospital, it would be claimed a freak accident, having a large piece of glass fall from three stories above just right to sever nothing but his cock and a single ball. "of course it is a good reason. am i not the god of mischief and trickery? it is my duty to annoy him into insanity." he stated loftily as he watched her taking care of the restraints, watching how it was done so he could do it himself later. he didn't fight though, he was still too tired, too weak to be able to try to escape just yet. he went to the bathroom and washed his hands, not even wincing when water splashed onto his wrist wounds, even though it had to burn like hell, and let her lay him back down in bed, panting as if he'd run a marathon. he felt so pathetic and weak.
“Well, no. you’re not like the god of insanity or something, just tricks and mischief. Nothing ot do with annoying thor.”she muttered as she helped him to the bathroom before looking him over as he laid down, tilting her head a little as she watched him, before carefully doing up the restraints again, “Do you need anything?Maybe getting you out of bed hadn’t been a good idea.”She said looking worried about her patient.
he snorted a little. "i am the god of pranks. pranks are meant to be annoying, and often humiliating, therefore, annoyances are my forte." he stated. "and stop arguing human, i am a god, i'm sure i'd know more about what i'm in charge of than you do." he growled with a shake of his head before he sagged into bed. "no, i don't need anything, i just need to sleep." he muttered, already starting to fall asleep. he woke an hour later to the sounds of a man screaming about his cock. he smirked, feeling highly pleased with himself, even if he knew that he was going to get in trouble for it. still, there was no proof, not even the Allfather would be able to find any proof that Loki did anything, if the god of gods even cared enough to check. the old bastard probobly didn't even know how close Loki came to death, though Hel, the goddess, would know. and she would be watching him intently, waiting for his next attempt.
“Jason, shut up please. I have patients to take care of, and things to deal with. I don’t care what happened.”She scowled at her husband, the pale blond woman looking tired and heartsick. Elizabeth wanted nothing more then to tell her husband to get out of her psych ward, but since she was still his wife at the moment, and the doctors and nurses knew better then to deal with her emotionally abusive husband, the woman was usually the one left to deal with Jason no matter his aliment, even if he had no business being in a psych ward. Having moved him into the room across from loki’s so she could easily keep a eye on them both.
Loki was smirking very happily as he listened to 'Jason' screaming about his cock. it couldn't be reattached. neither could the ball, and the second had to be amputated. the man was well and truly a eunuch. Loki wanted to giggle like a schoolchild really. "Drug him!" Loki yelled suddenly. "i'm trying to sleep dammit! drug the Mewling Quim before i break free of these bonds and finish what his accident started!" yes, you could hear the glee in Loki's voice, and even if Jason didn't have a clue, it was all the proof that Elizabeth needed to know that Loki had been involved, and the smug, gleaming smirk when she entered the room was just more proof. "so, tell me, how much did he lose?" Loki asked, sounding highly amused.
Elizabeth shook her head at the god’s demand, sighing quietly as she got the other some food before heading into loki’s room, giving the man a look. “The whole thing. Now did you have to do that?”She grumbled though she’d wanted to hurt her husband, she hadn’t considered actually doing it. and that he’d done it for her, she had no idea what to think about the pleasure she got from it, or how it made something hurt and pained in her chest relax
he smirked, looking as wickedly vicious as he had while attacking the city. "yes, oh yes i did have to do it, because despite what you said, i can still see the scars he left on your soul. he needed to be punished, and so i have punished, and isn't it ironic that he would be unfaithful, only to never be able to have sex again?" he asked with a smirk. "i think it is a fine prank against such a foul creature such as him." he admitted with a nod. "...Thor would be upset with me of course, using the little magic he was able to give me for such pettiness... but then, i am petty." he admitted with a smirk. "my brother should have expected such things. and you can not sit there and claim you do not enjoy that the man is now weak and pathetic and unable to ever harm another soul with such a betrayal."
Elizabeth sighed looking down at him, before shaking her head a little. “You still shouldn’t have done it.”She said smiling a little at his words, before nodding.”Very. Though I’d rather not deal with this ironic twist, it makes life hard.”She said shrugging a little before shaking her head a little. “I wont deny it, but he shouldn’t have been hurt just because I forgot who I was talking to and agreed he should be castrated.”She said sighing softly.
he smirked a little. "i desired to." he stated with a sniff. "and why should you deal with him at all? are you not leaving him for his betrayal? leave him to some other unfortunate soul." he ordered with a flick of his fingers, since he couldn't regally toss his hand as he wanted to. "have him transferred to another hospital, his stench bothers my nose." he complained with a sneer. "and i would have done it even without your permission, it would simply have been harder to do." he admitted with a smirk. "i would have turned him into a woman for real, but i lack the power for such transformations."
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