The Fourth Quarter Quell (Naomi David and Mercenary)

Shira spoke,"The more you know about your enemy, the more you can use that knowledge against them." She replied,"That's an electromagnetic force field, that is. Want to know why they have it up right now?"
"Didn't that Katniss girl shoot an arrow at then however long ago?" Thal said, tying to think of something else. "And if I remember right, didn't you do something last year?" He asked, thinking she had. He went to the climbing rope and grabbed onto it.
"Yes, Katniss shot an arrow at them, 74th Hunger Games, the Gamemakers were being very rude to her since they were paying more attention to their meal rather than her during her evaluation... And I did do something last year, during training, I stole the weapons of Districts 1 and 2 when they weren't paying attention. Did it for the laughs, and just to watch them accuse each other of stealing." Shira spoke. She spoke again,"I shot a booze bottle a few minutes ago, one of the Gamemakers was sleeping drunk probably, so I shot the bottle to wake him up. I think I may be getting that 12 this year." She didn't take the climbing rope to get up to the ceiling, she grabbed onto other objects to give her handholds to get up to the ceiling. Took her longer, but she was eventually smiling, having accomplished showing off and proving that anything could be used as hand and footholds.

She spoke,"Course, if you can't get to a high place, camouflage is always a great thing, just have to hope you have the right paints and what not, if not, always be in the right place to hide yourself."
Thal nodded to her, then started climbing. He watched her as he climbed himself. Thal noticed he was going faster than Shira. Probably because she was taking a way more difficult route. He had no doubt that of she went up a climbing rope, she would win. But Thal got up first, waiting for her. "Hey there, monkey girl." He joked, referring to the way she got up.
Shira smiled prettily at him, for once the teeth weren't a turn off. She spoke,"Always make use of your surroundings, what may seem useless to one person is perfect for another." She hung there for awhile, smiling crazily, she was waiting for the others to show up.
"I'll keep that in mind." Thal said, looking over at her. "So now that we're alone up here, are we just gonna watch the others like creeps?" He asked.
"Maybe. We'll do what we please, I know what the others do, the previous victors, but you new guys, I know nothing. I May watch from above, but I will be showing my newbies the ropes." Shira happily spoke. She liked teaching.
He nodded to what she said, then laid backwards. "Maybe this newbie could teach you the ropes on a few things. Ever made a knife out of tree bark?" Thal said to her.
"I know nothing on how to make a knife out of tree bark! I do want to learn though! Any form of gained knowledge is a good thing!" Shira spoke brightly. She spoke again,"Don't forget I'll show you guys some of the tricks District 4 has to offer!"
"Well, I could teach you, but I'd need a tree. And I've got a few other tricks up my sleeve that I'd like to show you some of them." Thal said. "But so we need anything for the your tricks?" he asked.
"The Training Center has everything I need to show you... Shame we don't have a tree in here, they usually have a few for practicing camouflage, and they usually have a few for practicing snares... Or they haven't set that sup yet." SHira spoke.
"Alright, I guess you'll teach me first, then?" Thal said, waiting for her response. He wondered what she had in mind, and if he could pull it off.
Shira smiled, and she replied,"Yes, I will!" She slowly got down from the ceiling, using the same hand and footholds as she had used to get up. She spoke,"Waiting!"
"Alright, coming!" Thal yelled down. He grabbed the roped and slid on it. He had rough hands from working and barely felt the rope burn. Thal landed in the bottom after jumping close to the end of the rope, landing by her. "Here." He said to her.
Shira smiled when Thal was quick with getting down from the ceiling, and she said,"Ready to try and throw some tridents?"
"Sort of, tridents are generally heavier than your average spear or javelin due to the obvious name of it, the trident having three points on it, and with it having more points on it, it makes it a very deadly weapon." Shira solemnly replied.
"Those extra points seem a little like deadweight to me. The ones all you need. Makes it easier to throw, too." Thal said, shrugging. "And if I got hold of a trident in the arena, I could just cut off the ends and have a spear." He told Shira.
"Ah, but the trident is for maximum damage. And it's an excellent fishing tool. The obvious thing about it is be careful on where it's pointed." Shira spoke, picking one up at one of the stations, and threw it at one of the practice dummies, and it stuck in it dead center, sand pouring out of its chest.
"I guess, but it just seems like over kill to me." Thal said, walking over to the weapons. He picked up a spear and threw it, aiming at the dummy beside her's. It struck with almost as much accuracy as Shira's trident, sticking in just left of dead center.
"Or I would put it as that it's District 4's trademark weapon." Shira spoke, smiling slightly. She spoke,"I'm good with pretty much any weapon, and good with improvising. But there is always something new to learn, a new style."
"Well, If it's the district 4 weapon, then I'll leave it to you. And if you're talking about improvising, that's one of the talents I'm good at." Thal told her. The tree for camouphlage practice was finally brought in, and looking at it, Thal instantly knew what he was going to do to impress the gamemakers when the time came.
"And the trident also ensures that if you want somebody dead or severely mutilated, the trident does the job." Shira spoke brightly, and she looked delighted when she saw the tree, and she spoke,"Shame that isn't a holly tree, I camouflage those the best." What she really camouflaged the best were beaches, sands, sea life... Though she was also very good with rocks, moss, and other plant life.
"Just saying, I don't think I'd use it if I had the option." Thal said, shrugging. He looked over at the tree with her. "Actually, I'm not interested in it for camouflage. I've got better plans for it." he told her.
"Well, if there's going to be a decent water source in the Arena, I'll catch us breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the trident and fish net if I'm lucky. There's always a pack that is seemingly meant for one tribute. Mine would probably have medical supplies, dried fruit, throwing knives, matches... All the good stuff."
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