Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Nana's burn healed nicely, leaving a large scar about the size of a orange where Motonari's crest had once been. She checked her scar in the mirror, making a faint noise when she touched the marred skin, a faint smile tugging at her lips. Today she had to meet with Motochika to start the renovations on the lounge, which still needed plenty of work done on it to fix the not so small problem.
Nana knocked on Motochika's door, entering and closing the door behind her, her hunting harpoon and gun on her hip. "Ren just has to get his spears sharpened, then we'll be ready to leave."
"Aye." She agreed, standing in silence. "You can show me how grateful you are when you've recovered~" Motochika's voice echoed in her head, making her cheeks flush red as she spaced out. Lately she had been spacing out, lost in her thoughts.
"Aye!" Nana followed Motochika to find Ren, who had just finished sharpening all of his harpoons and was waiting down at the docks.
"Aye!" Ren got into the small fishing vessel big enough to hold twenty men and with just the three of them, it'd hold plenty of sharks. Nana got in the boat and started up the engine, getting everything ready.
"Aye!" They both cheered, Ren lifting the anchor and Nana steering the boat out to sea, stopping when they got out into deep open waters. Nana shut off the engine and Ren loading his harpoon. "Cap'n, we're out far enough, we should get ta work!"
Ren took aim and Nana grabbed her harpoon gun, doing the same, eyes scanning the water. When she saw the first fin she made a noise, waiting for it to come closer before firing, hitting the shark right through the top of it's head.
Ren grabbed the shark as soon as it was close to the boat, pulling it on board and working on removing both of the harpoons, Nana looking for the next one.
Ren crouched with his mouth open and eyes wide. Nana took a step back when the boat rocked. "It's huge.." She muttered.
Motochika loaded a heavier harpoon and aimed at the Great White, "Come on, ya son of a whore." He growled. When it came back up, he fired straight through its head; it thrashed before flopping into the water
Nana loaded a harpoon with a thick cable, firing it at the shark and hitting it in the side, helping Chosokabe pull it in as Ren worked on the dead shark, taking the fins and skinning it.

(:)< Poor sharks.))
((They're just sharks...he sells the skin and teeth for small cash and sells the meat to the fishermen that he protects!))

"One more should do it.." Motochika said, loading a new harpoon
((I know, but stirr~~))

Nana nodded and once the Great White was on board, Ren started to work on skinning and finning that one as well.
Motochika tossed out the rest of the chum and waited. A Scalloped Hammerhead popped up for a bite and Motochika took aim

((I'm only killing the dangerous ones~ but stirr, I'm a lil sayd~~))
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