Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Nana had already taken aim and fired, the harpoon going right through it's head. She lowered her harpoon when it stopped thrashing, ready to be pulled in.
"Aye..!" Nana moved back to the controls and turned the engine on, turning them around and heading for home, Ren taking care of skinning and gutting the sharks.
Nana got them back in no time, turning off the engine and dropping the anchor, helping them skin and gut the sharks before helping them carry them in, it taking two trips for everything. "I'll scrub down the ship this time, Nana-san." "You sure, Ren?" "Aye!" Nana smiled softly. "Arigatou." She said, looking at her bloody clothing. "I guess I should take a shower, ah, is there anything you'll be needin' Aniki?"
"Aye." She said, turning and heading to the bath house, Ren working on cleaning all the blood and chum off the ship.
"Aye..!" She agreed with a grin, entering the bath house, inhaling the warm steam. The bath house was always running, the water always warm, and the maids would always clean the water at least four times a day. It was expensive, but everyone worked for their money. She moved over to where the clothing would be stored as well as the towels, pulling her shirt off and undoing her belt buckle, not bothering to fold the bloody clothing as she stripped, grabbing a towel and wrapping herself in it before moving over to the bath and getting in, sighing softly and leaning back in the large tub of water, rubbing her neck and closing her eyes.
Motchika stripped, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it aside. His slightly tan skin rippled with his muscles, with long white scars along his back
Nana's eyes opened and she glanced over at him, a small smirk tugging at her lips. "Bedding with cougars again, Aniki~?" She teased.
Motochika smirked in amusement, tossing the rest of his clothes away and wrapping a towel around his waist. He moved over and got in next to her, "If you can call it that.."
Nana made a noise. "Well whatever you want to call it, those are some nasty marks." She said. "They almost put mine to shame..~" She teased.
She laughed softly, touching the scar that ran over her nose. "You've been playin' this game far longer than I have... I guess it's only natural to be curious about your scars." She muttered, running a hand through her hair to wet it a bit.
"Many of these are reminders of the men I lost when I was first starting this crew...battles that nearly took my life..." He said. He smirked softly, "If we're talking about scars during sex, they're all here~" He showed off his shoulders and arms, claw marks and bite marks decorating the skin
Nana ran her fingers over the dark purple scars on his side, trailing up his side to touch the ones on his stomach, then chest. "Is that how you lost your eye, creating this crew?"
Nana reached up and cupped his cheek, turning his head so he faced her. "If you lost it in battle it's just as honorable as any other battle scar." She said, looking him in the eye.
Nana slowly moved to press her chest against his, leaning up and pressing her lips against his, holding onto his muscular shoulders.
Nana's cheeks flushed and she tangled her fingers in his hair, moving to sit on his lap. She made a weak noise, deepening the kiss, her towel slipping down slightly.
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