I never wanted to go on this mission (Lounger x Jugger)


Nov 21, 2013
How had she gotten pulled into this mission? Sakura Haruno sighed in silence as she walked, keeping her vision straight ahead as she had for the last several days, almost refusing to look at her travelling companion, her partner for this mission. She had filled out rather nicely in the past couple of years. There were rumours that she had enhanced herself with techniques learnt from Tsunade, but they were nothing more than that, rumours. Her body was entirely natural no matter what people said.
Still, how could this have happened only days from her 17th birthday? Damnit, she should be back home, preparing to celebrate with her friends. Instead she was on her way to an enemy town, where supposedly rogue ninja and samurai had been gathering to plot against the Leaf village. That in itself wasn't so bad. Hell, being partnered up with her current team-mate wouldn't be so bad in itself, but what really got to her....what made her hate this mission more than anything else....

"Married. We have to march right into that town, and get married. All for a mission. I don't believe it....I honestly don't...." She shook her head, then finally looked at the boy beside her. "And why of all people is it you? Why couldn't I have come with someone I knew? Someone I trusted? No, somehow you get picked for this, and by the end of today, we are going to be husband and wife, all so we can not look suspicious. To make it worse, we even have to share the same honeymoon suite room afterwards too" Sakura's eyebrow twitched, glaring at him for a few more moments before looking back ahead. She could see the town on the horizon....damn....less than an hours walk away now....then likely an hour after that they'd be married...actually....literally...legally...married.
Nathan walked alongside the girl, head leaning into the palms of his hands as they formed a small wall behind him, elbows out as he walked alongside her as she ranted. He didn't see what the big deal was. Though true, he didn't want to be on this mission with HER of all people either but this gave him plenty of opportunities to amuse himself anyway with jokes and teases about their current situation. "Oh come on dear..." Nathan said with a grin as he walked beside her and laid a hand onto her bum, then slowly moved it so it was caressing her hip. He pulled her body into his lightly as they walked and his eyes stayed forward. "It won't be so bad married to me. I'd treat you right. Make you food...keep you warm at night...bathe you...take a kunai for you...Though what I'm most excited about is us consumating the marriage." He joked. "I'd love to see you naked with me going inside you, you calling my name in never ending lust. 'Nathan! Oh god! Cum inside me, impregnate me and lets really make this marriage official!'" He loved mocking her.
Sakura twitched when he called her dear, but didn't say anything. No, that would just be rising to the bait after all right? She was going to be the mature one here. But then his hand was down on her ass, though he moved it before she could shove it away, not far....only to her hip. But then he started talking again. She was willing to let it go....willing to let him have a hand on her hip to keep up the illusion of a couple eloping...it was for the mission after all....but then....oh he crossed the line with all that consummating the marriage crap...and then being so vulgar, so direct...so...so.... "Pervert!!" Sakura twitched, then suddenly smacked him hard across the back of the head. "Let's get one thing clear right here, right now. THAT[b/] is not ever going to happen. EVER. You got that?"
He laughed as he felt the pain to the back of his head. "A pervert? Naaaah. A realist...Its going to happen, Sakura dear." He poked her nose with the tip of his finger lightly as they entered the town, looking happy as he held her against him. "Now then, Sakura...Lets go find a church and get married." He grinned...and would actually lead her into an inn. "One honeymoon room please...with one bed please? We just got married...and would love to have our first night together to be special as we honeymoon here." He grinned and kissed Sakura's lips tenderly, and then whispered into her ear. "I got the rings in my pocket...be sure we slip them on when we get into the room..."
Sakura just glared at him, barely resisting the urge to hit him again...hell, to pound him into the ground until he shut up or stopped moving, whichever came first. But then she'd have to be the one who healed him....couldn't carry a half dead fiancé into town after all. With a huff she folded her arms and began to walk again, not pulling away as he held her against him on their arrival at the town. Despite it all, she managed to put in a brave, happy face as they entered...she had to look like a happy, excited, eloping girl after all.
She was a little surprised when they went to an inn...she thought the plan had been to get married immediately.....then again maybe he was just trying to skip to the wedding night sooner rather than later. She shivered when he kissed her, but tried to make it look like it was from excitement rather than disgust. "Just....let's get this wedding overwith..." She whispered back to him, just wanting to get it over and done with rather than let him keep teasing her about it. The sooner they were married the sooner she could insist on being out and about all the time where he'd have to behave himself whilst they kept an eye and ear open for signs of enemy plotting.
(Okay I'ma be back in about half an hour or so after this reply)

When they were showed to their room, he picked up Sakura in his arms and brought her inside, and closed the door with his foot. Then he'd set her back down on the ground and listened as the attendant's footsteps marked his departure from the room. "We don't necessarily have to get married...I've got a friend, a priest, who can vouch for us. Consider it a wedding gift: We don't have to go through the wedding ceremony. Now then, Sakura...Explain to me again what we're doing here? The only thing Tsunade told me was that I was to get married with you here and to follow your orders."
Sakura squeaked as she was scooped up, carried over the threshold, keeping her protests to herself in order to keep up appearances until the door was shut and it seemed they were alone, taking a few steps away from him quickly. He spoke before she did...and what he said took quite a weight off her shoulders. "Is that so? Well.....good....though you could've told me that sooner" She glared angrily, had he mentioned that before then she wouldn't have let his teasing get to her so badly.
"You didn't get told why we were here? Geez...." Sakura shook her head, still, she could see it now....Tsunade laughing her ass off as she explained the whole wedding thing to the boy. Damnit...she'd probably thought this whole thing was hilarious. "Well, we're here because there are unconfirmed reports of rogue ninja and samurai gathering in this village, possibly to plot against the Leaf village. We need to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity, listen for any kind of intelligence. We're here for a month, before we head back with whatever we might learn"
"A whole month of being married? I might have you swooning over me by then." He replied. "And rogue ninja and some samurai? We should just take em out right here and now but orders are orders anyway..." He walked over to her, grinning deviously as he approached. "Come on now Sakura...Tsunade DID say we were to act like a married couple...and couples who marry usually have sex on the first night of the marriage..." He grinned and sat down on the bed, and patted it. "Why don't you strip down slowly and show me those breasts of yours?" He licked his lips to tease her even more. "I bet they're heavy and wanting to feel my hands grasp them..."
For a few brief moments, Sakura had thought that maybe she had been a little too quick to judge. That maybe, just maybe, deep down under all the perverted crap, there was a half-decent person inside Nathan....but then he started up again with that lewd talking, sitting on the bed and patting it. Fury flashed onto Sakura's face once again, her fists immediately clenching tightly. "You little-" She cut herself off before she yelled at him, that would only raise suspicions after all. "Not a chance in hell that any of that is ever going to happen. Now, I am going to take a shower since we've been walking for a few days straight, and then we're heading out into town to take a look around. If I so much as suspect you of trying peek at me, I will make sure your life is not worth living. Got it?" Sakura's tone left no room for doubt on whether she might be joking or not. The way she looked now...she was ready to kill something.
He stood up and walked over toward her, and grasped her by her arm and held a hand up to his face to make the motion of silence. He pulled her closer to him and he began to whisper to him. "This is the HONEYMOON suite...They expect people like us to do stuff like this...If they don't hear SOMETHING after a while, they're gonna get suspicious...and possibly get nosy. Even if we don't do it, we have to make it seem like we're doing something." He pointed toward the door. "Eyes and ears everywhere, Sakura..."
Sakura frowned when he grabbed onto her arm. Sure....what he was saying made some sense but....damn...there was no way in hell he was going to let him actually do anything to her. "....Fine..." She whispered. "I'll make the noises, but don't even think for a second you're going to get to actually touch me. So much as try it and I'll......'get too rough'....understand?" She glared at him, then gently tugged her arm away, walking over towards the bed, though not sitting on it. "Well...you get on there, move around to make it squeak or something. I'm not letting you watch me move around"
"Oh come on..." He murmured as he moved to lay on the bed and began to start flopping back and forth, causing the bed to creak back and forth. The sound really made it seem like they were having at it. "Go on then...do your end of the deal and just moan to make it convincing. Make sure you make the orgasm sound real...if you need help, I'm here waiting for you!" He would grin however, mentally. For he knew when she moaned, it would turn him on and only cause his cock to erect through his loose bottoms and cause his cock to wave back and forth as well.
God....Sakura could hardly believe she was going to do this....how could she be lowering herself to this...? Sure it was for the mission but....god...she was going to give Tsunade hell when they got back for making her go through this. Sakura sighed, then took a deep breath. What was it supposed to sound like? It wasn't like she was some kind of expert at this or anything. Well....she guessed she should just try and sound like she was feeling as much pleasure as she could. Another deep breath, then she started to moan loudly, attempting to make it sound like she was enjoying it. "Ooooh yeah, that's it" No way she was going to say much more than that...the moaning was bad enough without feeding into Nathan's fantasies further with lewd talk of her own.
Nathan frowned and stopped creaking the bed. He shook his head and sat up. "Jeez girl...You act like you've never pleasured yourself before...You gotta be more convincing than that, Sakura..." He rubbed the back of his head. "You sound like you're faking it...Of course you ARE but dammit you make it fucking obvious..." He laid back down on the bed and patted the side of it. "Come here. If you've never pleasured yourself before, let me show you what to do at least or no one is going to believe us whenever we have to fake sex."
"Whether I have done anything like that or not before is none of your business" Sakura spoke quietly so as to avoid drawing attention. "And I need absolutely no assistance of that kind from anyone, least of all you" She folded her arms, not coming any closer to the bed. "Besides...maybe I have to fake it because my new husband is completely useless in bed and I've never had ti fake it before until now" She smirked slightly. He wasn't the only one who could pick on someone.
"How do you know I'm useless in bed if you won't even join me?" He replied. "Can't judge something you haven't tried yet, dear Sakura..." He grinned, doing something rather bold and maybe even stupid on his part. He began to take off his pants and bottoms, revealing his bare lower half and his cock as well. It was half erect, slightly turned on from her obvious fake moans of pleasure. "I bet you've never even done something with one of these have you? Using this is a lot better than your fingers or some toy, 'wife'."
"Hmph, I can already tell that you'll be useless at-" Sakura cut off when he started to strip off the lower half of his clothes, having to use one hand to cover her mouth to avoid screaming at him, the other hand covering her eyes. But then, maybe it was morbid curiosity, she parted her fingers slightly to peek through them, spotting his half erect cock...damn...it was already pretty big too. "P-put that damn thing away!" She was hissing through gritted teeth, closing her fingers again to avoid looking.
"Oh come on...Look, I'll go back to creaking the bed to make it seem like we're fucking." He teased, and began to start rocking his body back and forth. The bed made loud creaking sounds but his half erect cock would just whip around in random directions and in a helicopter-like spin. Soon he would stop and hop off the bed, and stand before her, cock a little more erect to the point it was pointing toward Sakura. "Why are you so against this?"
Sakura glanced through her fingers once or twice as he rocked the bed, her cheeks flushing before she closed her fingers up again to block her view. She heard him moving, standing up again off the bed, then moving closer to her....and no sound of him putting his clothes back on. "Why are you even asking that? You're a self-centered, egotistical pervert. Why the hell would I want to do anything like -that- with -you-?" She was still keeping her voice down, hissing at him. Though deep down she was fighting off.....curiosity...and the urge to take another look at him.
"Because you're blushing for one. And I could see the tiny crevices you make within your finger wall to peek at my nude body." He began to take his shirt of, revealing his body in the full nude. He was sort of sweaty from the bed rocking but that was what he wanted anyway. "Now then...since you're not exactly going to really fuck me, I gotta go downstairs and make it seem like we're going to at least." He replied and headed out the door, ass naked and downstairs to ask for a condom or two to give the illusion that they'd really fuck.
Sakura kept her eyes covered until he had turned away, then gasped as she caught the sight of him just walking out of the room, completely buck naked. "Wh-what the hell are you doing?" She took a step after him, but he was already gone, walking down completely naked. "He....how can....he has no shame..." Sakura put her face in her hands and shook her head. "How does he even have the nerve to go doing something like that? He'll be lucky not to get arrested and hauled off to a cell..."
After several minutes, Nathan came back holding two condoms in his hands and closed the door behind him. "They weren't surprised...I bet its not the worst thing they've seen in this establishment." He said to Sakura as he opened a condom and began to put it on his cock, which he took the liberty of erecting with his hand on the way back to the room. "See? Look how shiny the condom makes it in the right light...I got the peppermint condom. Want to taste it, Cherry Blossom?"
"You really are disgusting....such a damned pervert...I bet you're the peeping tom people keep reporting at the hot springs..." Sakura growled, glancing through her fingers again as he put the condom on, blinking as she saw his cock in its fully erect glory. It was....huge. "I....n-no! Of course I don't want to taste it you pervert. No way in hell I am putting your...your.....that...in my mouth"
"My dick?" He teased as he moved to sit down on the bed closest to where she was standing. His legs were spread and his cock pointed up into the air. "Come on...Just a little taste? When was the last time you had a peppermint that was this big huh?" He joked, stood up, and reached for her hand, gently moving it from her face and looked her in the eyes as he held her hand. "Sakura...Trust me on this..." He lowered her hand gently down to wrap her fingers around his cock, though his eyes never left hers.
"H-hey, what do you think you're doing?!" Sakura yelped as Nathan took hold of her hand, pulling it away from her face and down towards that throbbing, twitching cock of his. Sakura wanted to pull her hand away....wanted to slap Nathan so hard it would knock him into the wall....she was more than strong enough to do it after all. But for some reason her arm wasn't listening to her mind....she was thinking of pulling it away....but nothing was happening. Instead, she felt the slick condom against her fingertips, then found her hand gently wrapping around the shaft, her slender fingers not quite able to reach all the way around Nathan's thickness.
Before she truly realised it, she was holding onto his cock with one hand, a hand that was trembling, causing it to move ever so slightly.
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